Stabilizing Thermostatic Valve

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Stabilising the differential pressure

across thermostatic valves

In a modern heating plant, thermostatic valves are preset to obtain the required water
flow at design condition. The actual differential pressure across the thermostatic valves
must be checked against the values originally used to select the presettings.

When the plant is working at small or average loads, pressure drops in the piping
decrease. The differential pressure across the thermostatic valves may then increase
substantially. If the differential pressure exceeds 2030 kPa, there is a risk of noise. It
is therefore essential to stabilise the differential pressure across thermostatic valves.

This article presents solutions to these and some other common problems in radiator

How to determine the correct water flow in a radiator when design and nominal
power (catalogue value) do not refer to the same return water, supply water and
room temperatures.

How to make sure the actual differential pressure across the thermostatic valves is
the same as that originally used to select the presettings.

How to obtain a differential pressure that is stable at all loads.

Two solutions are discussed:
: With relief valves and balancing valves working together.
: With differential pressure controllers.

What to do with non-presettable thermostatic valves in existing plants.

1. How to determine the correct flow in other
than nominal conditions.

According to European norms EN442, the nominal power of a radiator is valid for a
supply water temperature of 75C, a return water temperature of 65C and a room
temperature of 20C. But, normally, a radiator does not work in these conditions.
This means the required design water flow in the radiator must be determined in each
particular case. It is obviously meaningless to try to adjust the water flow in a radiator
if this flow is not well determined.

Example: A radiator has a nominal power (catalogue value) of Pn = 900 W. What is

the water flow required to obtain a heat output of P =750 W in a room temperature
ti = 22C when the supply water temperature ts = 72C?

Figure 1 gives the answer (Pn/P =Sp = 900/750 = 1.2):

SP = Pn/P
1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8

95 9
Water flow in l/h per 1000 W output


80 11
60 15


45 20

40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Supply water temperature minus room temperature (ts - ti)

Fig 1. Water flow in l/h per 1000W based on European norms EN442 (75-65-20).

A vertical line drawn from the point ts-ti = 72-22 = 50 on the X axis meets the curve
SP = 1.2. From this point, a horizontal line determines a value of 70 l/h per 1000W on
the Y-axis and a T in the radiator of 12.6K. As the required power is 750 W, the
required flow is 70 x 750/1000 = 52.5 l/h.

This diagram can be used in several ways. For instance, to determine the required
nominal power of a radiator when the required heat output (ts-ti) and the required
T are known.

Water flow in each radiator is adjusted using a presetting function in the thermostatic
valve or adjustable return valve.

2. Constant flow in the distribution system

To save energy in new buildings, many countries insist on room temperature controllers
on each radiator. Thermostatic radiator valves are used in most cases which means the
water flow varies in each radiator. It is possible to obtain a constant flow in the distribu-
tion system, and thus maintain the differential pressure constant across the circuits, by
using a proportional relief valve together with balancing valves on each branch. (Fig 2).



Fig 2. The differential pressure is stabilised for each branch while the primary flow is practically constant.

When some of the thermostatic valves close, the differential pressure (p) AB across
the radiators tends to increase. This opens the relief valve BPV proportionally to the
increase in differential pressure. The decrease of water flow in the radiators is com-
pensated by a flow increase in the bypass AB. Both the primary flow and secondary
differential pressure remain practically constant.

Converting a variable flow to a constant flow to stabilise differential pressures, as

described above, reduces the risk of noise from thermostatic radiator valves. But this
solution does not minimise the return water temperature, which may be unacceptable
in district heating.

3. Variable flow in the distribution system
3.1 Presettable radiator valves

To make it simple for the installer, thermostatic valves are generally preset under the
assumption that the available differential pressure Ho = 10 kPa. This value is a com-
promise between two requirements:
Not too high to maintain a sufficiently large opening of the valve to avoid clogging
and noise.
Not too low so that the relative influence of pressure drops in the piping is low.



Fig 3. Each radiator valve is preset for a differential pressure of 10 kPa.

During the balancing procedure for the entire plant, the balancing valve for the branch
is set to obtain the correct total branch flow. This justifies the presetting of the thermo-
static valves, and the 10 kPa expected will be obtained at the centre of the branch when
balancing is completed.

In a variable flow distribution system, the differential pressure may increase consider-
ably when the plant is working at small loads. Thermostatic valves may become noisy
especially if the system is poorly vented. In this case, it is advisable to install STAP dif-
ferential pressure control valves as in figure 4.


Hp Hmax Ho=10 kPa Hmin



Fig 4. STAP stabilises the differential pressure for each branch or riser

The flow qs is measured in the STAD/M (STAD balancing valve or

STAM measuring valve).

Balancing procedure figure 4
1 Open all thermostatic valves fully, for instance by removing the thermostatic heads.
2 Preset the thermostatic valve for a differential pressure DH = 10 kPa minus the
pressure drop in the return valve. Use DH to determine the Kv to preset:
0.01 x q/
DH, with q in l/h and DH in kPa.
3 Adjust the set point of the STAP to maintain the design flow qs measured in the
STAD/M. The expected differential pressure of 10 kPa is then applied across the
middle of the circuit.

Note: In reality, the first radiator will be in overflow and the last in underflow. This is
acceptable if the pipe length between the STAP and the last radiator does not exceed
L = 2200/R (L in m), where R is the average pressure drop in the pipes (in Pa/m).
This formula is based on a maximum flow deviation of 10% from design value.
Example: if R = 150 Pa/m, L max = 15 metres.

Location of on-off zone valves and energy counter

In some countries, each apartment is provided with a differential pressure control

valve. The supply water temperature is adjusted with a central controller according to
outdoor conditions. A room thermostat is often placed in a reference room where the
radiator valves are not automatic. The room thermostat controls an on-off valve V as
shown in figure 5.


H Ho

Fig 5. One STAP controls the p for each apartment.

The on-off control valve and energy counter are preferably situated in the part of the
circuit where differential pressure is not controlled. This is to prevent their variable
pressure from affecting differential pressure across the radiators. However, if the on-off
valve also has to be protected against high differential pressures, it may be placed down-
stream of the STAP provided the required set point of the STAP does not exceed the
maximum value above which thermostatic valves may become noisy.

3.2 Non-presettable radiator valves

Many existing plants do not have presettable radiator valves. Differential pressure
controllers can limit the differential pressure for each circuit. But without flow restrictions
in the radiator valves, the flow can be several times higher in one or more circuits, and
far too low in others, despite differential pressure control.

The best way to solve this problem is, of course, to install presettable radiator valves
and balance according to figure 4 above.

Another solution is to use the balancing valve STAD as a measuring valve and connect
the signal pipe from the differential pressure control valve to the test point of the balanc-
ing valve upstream of the flow throttling, figure 6. The balancing valves pressure drop
is then included in the controlled circuit. Compare fig 4 and fig 6 to see how the signal
pipe is connected and how the balancing valve is mounted. The flow is measured in
the STAD.




Fig 6. The pressure drop in the balancing valve is included in the total p controlled by the STAP.

The set point of the STAP is normally 20 kPa. The balancing valve is adjusted to obtain
the total design flow, in the branch, when all thermostatic valves are fully open. The
design pressure drop obtained in the STAD is normally around 15 kPa.

During start up, all thermostatic valves are fully open. If the STAD is adjusted for this
situation, the flow is at design value.

When the thermostatic valves close, the available differential pressure is automatically
limited to the set point of the STAP (20 kPa in this example + the proportional band
of the STAP).

This combination limits total flow and keeps the p at acceptable values. With this
method, the correct distribution of flows between the radiators is achieved only if the
radiators are identical and situated close to each other. Even if this is not the case, the
performance of all plants with non-presettable radiator valves is significantly improved.

Ref Total Hydronic Balancing by TA 529 pages


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