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Stop Hunger: The Ultimate Saving

By: Kishan, Komal, Mark
Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Background 5

Proposal 7

Budget and Staff 12

Authorization & Pitch 14

Questions & Answers 15

Bibliography 16

1.1 Objectives
In the entry intended for the Business Gives Back competition, the Project Management

Team for Walmart has designed a plan to present a solution for the Dallas Chamber of

Commerce concerning hunger in Dallas. The proposal consists of a system that will be

implemented at each Walmart, which will potentially help fight hunger in the city of


1.2 Why in Dallas?

In the United States, 42 million people suffer from hunger, to put that number in

perspective about 1 out of every 5 children go hungry each and every night. Since

children are not able to obtain food this is holding back their academic potential and could

restrain them from their academic potential. Texas is the second highest in food insecure

households, which means that a family is not able to afford daily food. Dallas alone has

more than 470,000+ food insecure households, which means that in Dallas 1 out of every

4 kid goes hungry each and every night.

We have chosen Dallas because of two reasons; Dallas has the most food insecure

households in Texas and managing this type of project is much easier in Dallas because a

majority of the team is located in Dallas. Also, we will be teaming up with one of the

largest food banks in North Texas, North Texas Food Bank.


1.3 The Effects of the Proposal

With the undertaking of this project, Walmart will be able to boost their reputation and

have a tax incentive when doing this project. Walmart currently is known for

dumping/throwing away food items that are expiring in a couple of days. With our new

system, Walmart will donate food items that are going to expire in a couple of days, so that

the items are used and not thrown away. The food items will be delivered to the North

Texas Food Bank, to where they will distribute it to families in need.

In addition to donating food to the food bank, Walmart will be able to file a tax deduction

for donating an X amount of food. This incentive is huge when dealing with a multi-

billion-dollar company.

1.4 Summation of Proposal

The Project Management Team for Walmart has created a proposal which will help aid

with the issue of hunger. This proposal will have a system where Walmart will donate

food items that will expire in a couple of days. Those food items will be donated to the

North Texas Food Bank to where they will distribute the food to homeless

shelters/insecure households in Dallas. This plan will help Walmart in two ways, by

increasing their reputation in each of their respective community or by increasing

Walmarts reputation in the United States. The other way Walmart will benefit is by

receiving a tax break/deduction when filing their taxes, which is huge when talking about

a multi-billion-dollar company.

Currently in Dallas, there are about 850,000+ people that are food insecure. This total ranges

over 13 counties in the North Texas area. This total means that one in every 4 children in the

North Texas community lives in a food insecure household. Reports from the North Texas

Food Bank discovered that 2/3 households must choose between food or paying for medical

care. Additionally, a whopping 95% of households served by North Texas Food Bank has an

annual household income of $30,000 or less. From Business insiders a suggested annual

take-home income for a family of four to live comfortably is 100,000+, this is a huge income

gap between the two.

2.1 Hunger in North Texas

Hunger in the world is a big issue because we have enough resources on this earth in order

to stop hunger. The main reason why hunger occurs is because families are not able to

afford to spend money on food because they have to spend it on healthcare. In North

Texas, 1 out of every 6 food-insecure households is home to a veteran. Veterans are not

able to find jobs or are physically unable to work and so because of this they are food-

insecure. The majority of the population North Texas food Bank gives food too has an

income of $30,000 or less. When looking at the number of food-insecure people by

county, Dallas has the most with 473,680 people food-insecure. This is an astonishing

number because Dallass population is on the upwards of 1.258 million people.


2.2 Walmart
Walmart is the largest retailer in the world. It was found in 1962 by Sam Walton was also

known as Mr. Sam. There are currently over 11,000 stores in 28 countries employing

2.3 Walmart associates worldwide. Sam Waltons goals for Walmart were to have great

value and great customer service. He also believed in leadership through service. Mr. Sam

believed that 10 simple rules to running a successful business. Those 10 rules are

Commit to your business, Share your profits with all your associates, and treat them as

partners, Motivate your partners, Communicate everything you possibly can to your

partners, Appreciate everything your associates do for the business, Celebrate your

success, Listen to everyone in your company, Exceed your customers expectations,

Control your expenses better than your competition, and Swim upstream. Sam

Walton received the Presidential Medal of Freedom because of his strong commitment to

service and to the values that help individuals, businesses, and the country succeed.

Walmarts official company purpose is If we work together, we'll lower the cost of living

for everyone...we'll give the world an opportunity to see what it's like to save and have a

better life.

2.3 North Texas Food Bank

The North Texas Food Bank was founded in 1982 as a nonprofit hunger relief

organization. NTFB currently distributes donated, purchased and prepared foods through

a network that consists of more than 200 partner agencies. Along with 200 Partner

Agencies, NTFB has more than 1,000 feeding location. NTFBs mission is passionate to

pursue a hunger-free community. Along with their mission, they have five core values

which are to Do what needs to be done, Do what is right with urgency, Steward and

leverage resources with integrity in an authentic transparent way, Respect diversity of

individuals, thought and viewpoint, and Celebrate passion for our world and the people

who live in it. With their mission and five core values, NTFB was able to provide 70

million meals in 2016.


3.1 Plan and Objective

Our goal is simple. We want to end hunger. It will take time and we know that it is not an

easy process, so we are starting small by a two-step process:

Getting food off the shelves that will expire in 2 to 3 days, and loading them onto the


Taking that food to North Texas Food Bank, and unloading the food off the trucks to

the hungry people

We want to raise awareness about North Texas Food Bank, so other people can pitch in

and help, at any cost or any way. The food bank has done so much for the community

across North Texas and it is our job to help to make it continue for as long as possible. We

are starting small with one Walmart, and if this goes successfully, we plan to expand to

many other Walmarts across the nation.

3.2 Why North Texas Food Bank?

We researched many organizations across North Texas that we wanted to share our idea

too. After looking, we realized that the North Texas Food Bank was the most popular and

also the most visited by people who needed food in North Texas. We wanted to make sure

the food we were giving was utilized to its full purpose and that could be done with the

North Texas Food Bank because it is a top-ranked nonprofit relief organization,

providing access to more than 190,000 meals each day for hungry children, seniors and

families. They spend a lot of the money the receive on food, so we are trying to take that

burden away from them so they can focus their money on other ways they can help these


3.3 Schedule
Our plan is to start with one Walmart to see how successful our plan will go. If it does go

as planned, as I mentioned, we plan to expand all over Texas and slowly all over the

United States. We plan to do this for as long as possible, and hopefully, it will continue


Before we talk about the logistics of the plan, we would like to explain the plan in short.

So, first, we will gather all canned and nonperishable food items in the store that is going

to expire within the next 2 to 3 days. This will happen around 2 A.M. every Friday. 15 to

20 Walmart employees for one hour will work together to gather the items. Once

gathered, the food will be placed on palettes in order to be placed on Walmart trucks. The

trucks will then take the canned and nonperishable food items to the nearest North Texas

Food Bank. The volunteers of North Texas Food Bank will then take the food items down

from the truck inside to the hungry people waiting.

3.4 Logistics: Employees and Volunteers

The first step we have to take is to first explain the detailed plan to our employees at

Walmart and to the North Texas Food Bank volunteers. We will need to plan out who is

working Friday during the early mornings, and pick the employees responsible for

collecting the soon to be expired food. The best step to take is to explain the plan to all

employees, so when shifts get do get changed, every employee will be ready to take on the

new job assigned to them. This way no employee will ever be confused on what to do if

they are assigned an early morning Friday shift.

For North Texas Food Bank volunteers, we will need to let them know that food will be

coming in on a truck and that it is their responsibility to take the food out of the truck and

into the food bank. They will also need to know that the food must be used before the

expiry date, so it is healthy for the people that come in and eat it.

3.5 Logistics: Transportation

For the first Walmart, we will need one truck. This truck will be transporting food from

Walmart to the North Texas Food Bank. We will also need palettes, as we have

mentioned, to make sure the food stays in place and does not fall. This truck we will need

to have and keep at Walmart. It will be going and coming back on Fridays and will remain

at Walmart the rest of the days. There might be a limitation here because if anything does

happen to the truck, we cannot transport the food, but we will make sure to check the

truck the day before, so if there are any repairs we can get it fixed immediately.

We will continue the same process for all Walmarts if this plan does grow, starting in

Texas, moving slowly across the United States. Each Walmart will have a truck and an

organization they choose to donate to. Anything close by, or something near them

supporting a good cause will be aspects we are looking for when we choose one to

transport out food too. Each truck will cost a little extra, but overall it is a good cause that

we are trying to build, and hopefully, others will support us just as much as the support we

are receiving now.

3.6 Logistics: Sortation

When the 15 to 20 employees gather the food and put it on the trucks, the items will not

be sorted. Their job is to just find all the items that will expire within 2 to 3 days and put it

on the trucks. This will include many types of foods. After the items reach the destination,

the North Texas Food Bank volunteers will take it down from the trucks and sort them.

First, they will sort it out between the food or beverage. Then it will be between it being a

meal or a snack, as well as if it is healthy or not. This way whenever people are coming in

for food, they have a choice for what they want. The volunteers will also place the

difference types of foods in separate places. This way when people ask for a particular

type of snack, they will know exactly where to go, so it will not take too long for the

person to get their food. We, as Wal-Mart, will bring as much food as possible once a

week to serve the people who come in 3 meals a day. That is what we are striving for, but

if we do not have enough food, we will try to have at least 1 to 2 meals possible for them.

3.7 Effects: Financial Effects

Our main goal is to help stop hunger, but also help out the food bank in different ways,

and one of the main ways is financial. The amount of money North Texas Food Bank gets

through donations goes towards food. That is how they provide many families with 3

meals a day that is in need. Just in the past year, they have given out 70 million meals.

They gather money from donations and fundraisers mainly. Donations can also be food

from people around the area, not just money. Since we have decided to help the food bank

out once a week to the maximum amount as possible, it can be less of a burden on them

when trying to make everyone have 3 meals a day that cannot afford it. This way they can

save their money and use it as needed, and not ever have to worry about not having

enough money to buy food, or not being able to provide for the people that come in on

daily. They can focus more on giving hot meals on a daily, instead of just canned foods,

so people coming in will be more content with the food they are getting. They can also

focus more on trying to expand what they do for the people that come in. They can focus

on other areas than just food. They will not have to worry about food coming in as much

as possible because they have a reliable source, that will bring in as much food as

possible, once a week.


3.8 Effects: Social Effects

People that come inside the food bank are coming just to fill their stomach. This is a

feeling that many of us do not suffer with. We do not know the feeling of hunger, but

there are many people that come in just to fill up their stomach and will do anything to

relieve them from that feeling of hunger. Providing these people with as much food as

possible a day, without worrying if there is enough food, will help them get back on their

feet. The reason people work is to get food, so when these people come in, that do not

have enough money or shelter over their head, this gives them the motivation to work. It

also gives them the energy to get a job, and we are helping that cause. We are helping this

food bank in a way that when people come in, and they get the energy they need, they can

go out looking for a job. And, maybe one day they will not have to come back, and they

will have shelter over their head, and 3 meals a day to eat. Not only are we trying to help

the food bank financially, but we are also trying to help people get back on their feet. We

are trying to make people's lives that come in better, and we are starting off with hunger,

but slowly working our way up. This will make Dallas a better place because there will

not be people on the streets begging for money for food anymore. Those people will have

food in their stomach, and hopefully a job as well one day.

Budget and Staff

4.1 Walmart Employees

Between 15 to 20 Walmart employees will be chosen to help pull food from the shelf. The

employees will only pull food from the shelves that will expire in 2 to 3 days. Once all the

food has been pulled, the employees will put them onto pallets and load them into the

commercial truck.

4.2 Commercial Truck Drivers

One commercial truck driver will be needed to deliver the food to North Texas Food Bank

(NTFB). The delivery process should approximately take 4 hours in total. The 4 hours

consist of one hour delivering the food from Walmart to NTFB, one hour of unloading the

food, one hour coming back from NTFB, and one hour just in case of any traffic along the


4.3 Volunteers at NTFB

Once the delivery truck arrives, the volunteers at NTFB will unload the food pallets and

bring them into the building. The volunteers will separate the food into different

categories and stored in either the refrigerator or freezer.

Budget and Staff

4.4 One Year Budget for Project

4.5 Additional Five Year Budget for Project

Authorization& Pitch

We at Walmart truly believe that our Stop Hunger: The Ultimate Saving project is the best

project for the Dallas Chamber of Commerce Businesses Give Back competition. With

the Dallas Chamber of Commerces investment on $129,500 for the initial year, the North

Texas Food Bank, Walmart, and the Dallas Chamber of Commerce will be able to help

reduce the number of food insecure people in the Dallas area and stop the wasting of food

among all retail stores. With the initial investment of $129,500, we are also asking the

Dallas Chamber of Commerce to set aside $646,300 for another five years if our project is

deemed successful. If it not deemed successful, the Dallas Chamber of Commerce will able

to use that money for other projects that will improve the North Texas community. Please

join the North Texas Food Bank and Walmart in the process to end hunger!

With Texas being the second highest in food-insecure households, the Dallas Chamber of

Commerce should invest in our project, Stop Hunger: The Ultimate Saving, to end food

insecurity within these households.

Targeted Questions & Answers

1. Why does it cost so much per store?

a. After further research was done, we projected that majority of the cost will come from

buying a truck (18-wheeler). We project the cost will be around $100,000 dollars. The next

major cost will be labor, $12,500 dollars, which we will use Walmart employees (15-20

employees) for a minimum of 1 hour. The last cost will be the transportation cost, which is

estimated to be $5,000 dollars. This is calculated by multiplying the cost of the driver and a

number of hours he works. The last section would be miscellanies, just in case, there are any

issues with any of the other categories.

2. How does Walmart gain from this system?

a. Walmart gains in the aspect of increasing their reputation and by decreasing the amount of

taxes they pay to the government since they are technically donating items to an organization.

3. How will you pick which Walmart locations will participate?

a. We will want to pick Walmarts that are throwing away food items commonly and we will

want to start somewhere near Richardson since a majority of the team leaves near Richardson.

4. What kind of tax break does Walmart receive?

a. So, the tax break works in the way that it calculates the amount of value of food Walmart

donates and from there is a percentage that is taken off. This percentage is usually the tax

bracket Walmart is classified in and once calculated, the amount remaining is the tax break

Walmart will receive for the year.

5. How will this project be staffed?

a. This project will be staffed by Walmart employees and volunteers from North Texas Food

Bank. The other staffed section would be the transportation section, which is just one driver

every Friday.

About the North Texas Food Bank. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from About Us. (n.d.).

Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

Our History. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from


10 Rules for Building a Business. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2017, from Smith,

A. (2016, May 27).

What It Really Costs to Own a Commercial Truck. Retrieved April 17, 2017, from

North Texas Food Bank. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2017, from

S. (n.d.). Current Dallas, Texas Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017.

Retrieved April 18, 2017, from


About the Hunger Center. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2017, from

Elkins, K. (2015, August 12). Here's how much you need to earn to live comfortably in

15 major US cities while still saving money. Retrieved April 18, 2017, from

Hunger Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2017, from


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