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Ann. Occup. Hyg., 2016, Vol. 60, No.

7, 781794
Advance Access publication 28 May 2016

Occupational Exposure to Bioaerosols in

Norwegian Crab ProcessingPlants

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Marte R.Thomassen1,2*, Sandip D.Kamath3, Andreas L.Lopata3,
Anne MetteMadsen4, WijnandEduard5,
Berit E.Bang1,6 and LisbethAasmoe1,6
1.Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital North Norway, Sykehusvegen 38, 9019 Troms, Norway;
2.Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Community Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Troms, Norway;
3.Centre for Biodiscovery and Molecular Development of Therapeutics, James Cook University, Bldg 47 (Pharmacy and Medical Research),
James Cook Drive, Douglas, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia;
4.National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Lers Parkall 105, DK-2100 Kbenhavn , Copenhagen, Denmark;
5.Department of Chemical and Biological Work Environment, STAMI National Institute of Occupational Health,
Gydas vei 8, 0363 Oslo, Norway;
6.Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Biology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Troms, Norway
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +47-77-75-42-71; fax: +47 77-62-74-71; e-mail:
Submitted 22 December 2015; revised 3 May 2016; revised version accepted 3 May 2016.

Introduction: Aerosolization of components when processing king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)
and edible crab (Cancer pagurus) may cause occupational health problems when inhaled by workers.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in three king crab plants and one edible crab plant.
Personal exposure measurements were performed throughout work shifts. Air was collected for
measurement of tropomyosin, total protein, endotoxin, trypsin, and N-acetyl--d-glucosaminidase
(NAGase). T-tests and ANOVAs were used to compare the levels of exposure in the different plants
and areas in the plants.
Results: Total protein and tropomyosin levels were highest in the edible crab plant, endotoxin levels were
highest in king crab plants. King crab exposure levels were highest during raw processing. Tropomyosin
levels were highest during raw king crab processing with geometric mean (GM) 9.6 versus 2.5ng m3 dur-
ing cooked processing. Conversely, edible crab tropomyosin levels were highest during cooked processing
with GM 45.4 versus 8.7ng m3 during raw processing. Endotoxin levels were higher in king crab plants
than in the edible crab plant with GM=6285.5 endotoxin units (EU) m3 versus 72 EU m3. In the edible
crab plant, NAGase levels were highest during raw processing with GM=853 pmol4-methylumbellifer-
one (MU) m3 versus 422 pmol4-MU m3 during cooked processing. Trypsin activity was found in both
king crab and edible crab plants and levels were higher in raw than cooked processing. Differences in expo-
sure levels between plants and worker groups (raw and cooked processing) were identified.
Conclusions: Norwegian crab processing workers are exposed to airborne proteins, tropomyosin, endo-
toxins, trypsin, and NAGase in their breathing zone. Levels vary between worker groups and factories.

K E Y W O R D S : bioaerosol quantification; crab processing; endotoxins; NAGase; occupational health;

protein; tropomyosin; trypsin

The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Occupational Hygiene Society.

782 Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab

I N T RO D U CT I O N present in the shell of crustaceans (Chen etal., 2011).

Workers processing seafood are exposed to bio- Since NAGase is an enzyme known to digest chitin, it
aerosols in their breathing zone that may be inhaled is expected to be present in the bioaerosols during crab
(Weytjens et al., 1999; Bang et al., 2005; Shiryaeva processing. NAGase can stimulate exposed cells to
et al., 2014). Bioaerosols are particulate matter or secrete inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-8
liquid droplets suspended in air, containing agents (Allermann etal., 2006). Trypsin is a crucial and wide-
of biological origin such as endotoxins, microorgan- spread digestive enzyme, catalysing protein hydrolysis
isms, and proteins including high molecular weight in vertebrates as well as invertebrates. Trypsin expo-

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allergens and enzymes ( Jeebhay et al., 2005; Bang sure is linked to innate inflammatory responses in cell
etal., 2005) depending on the type of seafood being models and is also suspected to play a role in allergy,
processed ( Jeebhay et al., 2001, 2005). Several steps including seafood allergies (Baur, 2005; Larsen etal.,
involved in processing crab, e.g. butchering, degilling, 2008; Sun and Lopata, 2010). King crab trypsin has
cracking, boiling, and washing/scrubbing, are shown been shown to be a potent stimulator of protease-
to produce aerosols ( Jeebhay et al., 2001; Jeebhay activated receptors linked to inflammatory reactions
and Cartier, 2010; Jeebhay, 2011). Previous investi- in airway cell models (Larsen etal., 2011).
gations show that a considerable portion of airborne Previous studies on crab processing workers have
particulate mass produced during crab processing is mainly focused on health outcomes and lack data on
within respirable range ( Jeebhay etal., 2001). Adverse bioaerosol exposure levels and content. Variations
health effects from bioaerosol exposure ( Jeebhay between processing plants such as building parameters
etal., 2008; Gautrin etal., 2010; Eduard etal., 2012; and processing technology (plant effect), may con-
Shiryaeva etal., 2014; Watanabe etal., 2016) such as tribute to differences in exposure levels. Technologies
immunological sensitization, respiratory symptoms, used in the current plants ranged from mainly manual
bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and occupational work with simple tools to modern, highly automated
asthma have been found in exposed seafood work- processing lines which will affect bioaerosol produc-
ers. Sensitization is documented in workers process- tion and content (Moody et al., 1993; Stellman and
ing fish, mussels, prawns, and crabs. Workers in the Office, 1998). Important factors affecting the gen-
shellfish industry seem to have more severe symptoms eration and content of bioaerosols are placements of
and are more often sensitized than those in the fish ventilation systems and the proximity of workers to
industry ( Jeebhay et al., 2001; Thorn, 2001; Cartier machines. Other important factors such as shielding
etal., 2004; Jeebhay and Cartier, 2010; Shiryaeva etal., of work tasks, areas producing high levels of bioaero-
2010; Lopata and Jeebhay, 2013). sols, use of high pressured air, or water hoses (Gaddie
Total protein levels are often measured in exposure etal., 1980) along the process lines and during general
studies. Such data do not describe the individual pro- cleaning play a major role in workers exposure.
tein components, but give an indication of the total The aim of this study was to explore the levels of
load of proteins inhaled by the workers. Adverse health important agents released during the processing of
effects or a doseresponse relationship between levels king crab and edible crab in Norwegian crab process-
of different components of bioaerosols and respira- ing industries. The knowledge gained may form a
tory symptoms, allergy, and asthma are found in sea- necessary base for guidelines and advice to plant man-
food workers, including snow crab workers ( Jeebhay agement to improve workplace design, procedures,
etal., 2001; Gautrin etal., 2010; Jeebhay, 2011; Lopata and personal protective equipment. This can be used
and Jeebhay, 2013). Lopata and Jeebhay (2013) listing to reduce bioaerosol exposure and health problems
current seafood allergens, showing tropomyosin from among crab processing workers.
crab meat as one of the main allergens causing occu-
pational allergy. Endotoxin, a well-known proinflam- M AT E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
matory mediator, has been confirmed to be present in This study is a cross-sectional study with personal air
crab processing plants (Neis, 2004), but exposure lev- samples taken from workers breathing zone in three
els have not been measured previously. Chitin, a poly- king crab and one edible crab plant on the North
mer of -(14)-linked N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) is Norwegian coastline between November 2009 and
Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab 783

October 2011. Written informed consent was obtained speed and transportation belts keep workers station-
from all participants. The study was approved by the ary. Consequently, their exposure should be quite sta-
Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics in ble through theirshift.
Northern Norway, Troms. The king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) industry
expanded rapidly in the coastal areas of North-Eastern
Plants Norway when commercial fishing started in 2002. Many
A graphical illustration of the plant layouts are pre- changes in stock migration and regulated capture quotas
sented in Fig.1. The three king crab plants in Fig.1A have resulted in crab processing often being a side-line for

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C and the edible crab plant in Fig.1D. land-based fish processing plants. Since king crab plants
Edible crab (Cancer pagurus) in Norway is pro- are often small and not built for crab processing, the pro-
cessed in a few land-based plants. One well established cessing equipment is placed in the plant during crab sea-
plant built for edible crab processing was included in son and removed when the season is over. The processing
this study. The plant layout is optimized for crab pro- lines have a compact layout and are not optimally placed.
cessing with separate areas for raw and cooked crab. Workers often do different work tasks during their shifts.
The processing line is streamlined so workers stand Workers were subdivided according to whether
close together. Automated brushes rotating at high they were processing mainly raw or cooked crab, or

Figure1. Factory layouts of three different king crab factories (AC) and one edible crab factory (D). Walls and doors
separating areas are drawn as solid lines. Rippled lines indicate areas of production. Work tasks are as follows (not all
tasks were present in all plants); (1) cracking, (2) de-gilling and cleaning raw crab, (3) packing raw crab for cooking, (4)
cooking, (5) processing cooked crab (packing, sorting, mincing shell and muscle), (6) varying work tasks in all areas of
the factory (transport of crabs or vats on trucks, cleaning vats or plant, maintenance).
784 Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab

performing work tasks in both raw and cooked king break times, the pumps were stored away from the pro-
crab during the same shift such as truck driving or duction area to prevent overestimation of exposure,
cleaning. This subdivision reflects how the work was but kept running to represent the mean exposure dur-
organized in the crab factories. ing the shift, including time away from the production
area. Whether workers were processing raw or cooked
Study population crab during the shifts was registered. Within an hour
Workers were recruited in collaboration with the after sampling, the external surfaces of the SureSeal Air
plant management. At each plant, randomly selected Monitoring Cassettes were cleaned with 70% ethanol

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production workers voluntarily carried sampling to remove external contaminations before transport
equipment during their work shifts. In total, 45 peo- and extraction. Tropomyosin, total protein/trypsin
ple participated in the study; 33 king crab workers (8 and NAGase cassettes were stored at 20C in the
female) and 12 edible crab workers (3 female). field and at 70C in the lab. Endotoxin cassettes were
stored at +4C until extraction. Exposure results were
Exposure measurements calculated as time weighted averages. Field blanks and
Personal exposure measurements were performed analytical blanks were included in all analyses.
throughout the work shifts using SKC Sidekick (SKC During sampling, 78 samples of tropomyosin, 67
Ltd., Dorset, UK) sampling pumps. Air flow rates samples of total protein, 15 samples of endotoxin, 36
were set to 3.0L min1 for tropomyosin, total pro- samples of trypsin and 13 samples of NAGase were
tein/trypsin and NAGase to ensure enough bioaero- collected. The difference in sample numbers were due
sols were collected, and 2.0L min1 for endotoxin as to different technical problems.
it was recommended by the supplier of the sampling
head. Each worker randomly carried a backpack con- Total protein analysis
taining two or three pumps each connected to a filter The protein filters were extracted in 1.0ml PBS
cassette. One filter cassette was analysed for total pro- with 0.05% Tween20. Samples were transferred to
tein and trypsin, one for tropomyosin, and the third mini eppendorf tubes and stored at 70C. Manual
for either endotoxin or NAGase. The air samples were QuantiPro BCA Assay Kit (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,
collected when the shift ended or after 8h if the shift USA) was used to determine total proteins in filter
lasted longer. The flow rate for each pump was cali- extracts (g ml1) in the samples by colorimetric read-
brated before and after collection using Bios Defender ing of Cu1+BCA complex in a spectrophotometer
520 (SKC Ltd., Dorset, UK) and the sampling times at 560nm. Air levels (g m3) were calculated from
(minutes) were registered. If the flow deviated with these values by consideration of air flow through the
more than 10% from the start of shift, the samples filters and sampling time. Analyses were performed at
were discarded. The mean air volume collected was the Department of Medical Biology at UiT the Arctic
872.4L (range 401440L) for king crab and 1173L University of Norway.
(range 97.51578L) for edible crab. Filter cassettes
were placed in the workers personal breathing zone. Tropomyosin analysis
For tropomyosin, total protein/trypsin and NAGase, Exposure to the major crab allergen, tropomyosin was
SureSeal Air Monitoring Cassettes (37mm, 3-pc, quantified by a method described by Kamath et al.
styrene SKC Ltd., UK) were used. For endotoxin, using a capture ELISA method (Kamath etal., 2014).
PAS6 cassettes (Personal Air Sampler with 6mm The filters were extracted in 1.0ml PBS with 0.5%
inlet) manufactured at the STAMI National Institute Tween 20 and NaN3 for conservation, transferred
of Occupational Health in Oslo, Norway were used. to mini eppendorf tubes with bovine serum albumin
Protein/trypsin and tropomyosin samples were col- (BSA) and kept frozen until analysed. Purified recom-
lected on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE/Teflon) fil- binant tropomyosin was used as the allergen standard.
ters on polypropylene support (37mm, 1.0m, SKC A96 well high binding Costar microtitre plate (Sigma
Ltd., UK), endotoxin samples were collected on glass Aldrich, USA) was coated with anti-tropomyosin anti-
fibre filters (Whatman GF/A, Kent, Maidstone) and body in carbonate buffer, pH 9.6 and incubated over-
NAGase samples on PC (polycarbonate) filters. At night. After blocking the wells with Pierce Superblock
Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab 785

buffer (Thermo Fisher, Melbourne, Australia) the spectrophotometrically by the increase in absorb-
standards, blank and diluted or undiluted filter extracts ance at 405nm at room temperature for 10min.
were added to the wells and incubated at room tem- Protease activity was calculated by: Unit=dA/dt 1/
perature. After washing with phosphate buffered (*optical path length) * 106 * Vfinal, where dA/dt=rate
saline, pH 7.2 with 0.05% Tween-20, the wells were of absorbance change and =extinction coefficient. In
incubated with biotinylated detection antibodies and our system, was 8800M1 cm1, optical path length
streptavidin-horse radish peroxidase conjugate (Sigma 0.709cm and Vfinal 250 ul. Trypsin standards and ali-
Aldrich, USA). TMB substrate (BD, USA) was used quots of filter sample extracts were mixed with load-

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to visualize antibody binding, reaction was stopped ing buffer (Novex, ThermoFisher Scientific) and
using 1N hydrochloric acid, and measured at 450nm. subjected to electrophoresis at 20 mA gel1 for 2h.
Thereafter, the gel was washed with washing buffer
Endotoxin analysis followed by overnight incubation in developing buffer
The filters were analysed by a quantitative kinetic chro- at 37oC (Novex, ThermoFisher Scientific). The
mogenic Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate assay (Douwes gels were stained in 0.2% Coomassie Brilliant Blue
et al., 1995) and results are expressed in EU m3 R-250 Dye and the activity of gelatin degrading pro-
(EU=endotoxin units, 10 EU=1ng). Analyses were teases detected as clear zones against the undigested,
performed at the National Institute of Occupational stained background. The intensity of bands of porcine
Health in Norway. trypsin (23kDa) and corresponding size bands in fil-
ter extracts, were quantified using UVP Vision Works
NAGase analysis LS Image Acquisition and Analysis (UVP, LLC, USA)
Measurement of NAGase activity was performed on with I-max (point of maximal intensity) as quantifica-
bioaerosol samples from the edible crab industry. tion parameter. The gelatine-degrading activity was
NAGase activity was quantified by adding 4-methy- abolished by introduction of the serine protease inhib-
lumbelliferyl N-acetyl-B-D-glucosaminide (the itor aprotinin. Together with the band size and the
MUF-substrate, Sigma, USA) to Tris-maleate buffer confirmed trypsin activity in king crab (Rudenskaya
(pH 5.0) (Frankel etal., 2012). Aerosol samples were etal., 2000) and liquid samples from king crab indus-
suspended by vortex mixing followed by incubation. try (own unpublished data), this strongly suggests that
The enzymatic reaction was stopped and the superna- the protease activity in this region is due to trypsin.
tant was added to Tris buffer 2.5M. The solution was
added to a black microtiter plate and fluorescence was Statistical analyses
detected at 446nm and excitation at 377nm by a fluo- The exposure data showed a lognormal distribution so
rescence spectrometer. NAGase activity was calcu- the natural logarithms of the exposure measurements
lated by comparing sample fluorescence with that of a were used. Exposure data are presented as median,
standard curve containing 4-MU (0-7095 pmol ml1). geometric mean (GM) and range. Endotoxin samples
Analyses were performed at the National Research below detection limit (1 EU m3) were set to half the
Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark. value of the detection limit when incorporated in sta-
tistical analyses. Single variables were compared using
Trypsin analysis independent-samples t test, ANOVAs for more than
Protease activity in filter extract was analysed by two groups. Acorrelation matrix using Pearsons corre-
zymography. Five l sample extracts were applied lation coefficient was computed to measure any linear
on zymographic gels (Novex no.EC61752, relationship between bioaerosol components. Due to
ThermoFisher Scientific) containing a standard curve a low precision of the zymographic analysis of trypsin,
(0.0140.228 mU ml1) prepared by dilution of a the results are presented using a semi-quantitative
porcine trypsin stock solution with known enzyme scale based on the 25 and 75 percentile of positive
activity. Enzyme activity of the stock solution of results: Low 25 percentile; 25 percentile > medium
porcine trypsin was determined by a serine protease 75 percentile; high > 75 percentile. MannWhitney
assay where the hydrolysation of a chromogenic sub- U test was used for comparing the semi quantitative
strate (DL-BAPNA, Sigma-Aldrich) was measured results.
786 Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab

The statistical analyses were done using the IBM were below detection level. Plant Aalso had the lowest
SPSS software package, version 22. P<0.05 were con- exposure levels to tropomyosin and protein of the king
sidered statistically significant. crab processing plants.
Using Pearsons correlation, a significant correla-
R E S U LTS tion as found between protein and tropomyosin levels
In the edible crab industry, each worker was handling in both king crab (r=0.58, 43 pairs) and edible crab
either raw crab or cooked crab and the results are there- (r=0.42, 24 pairs) separately, as well as in all samples
fore divided into these two groups. In the king crab combined (r = 0.59, 67 pairs). A significant correla-

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plants however, the raw and cooked crab areas were tion was found between protein and endotoxin when
only partly separated, and some workers performed all samples were included (r=0.53, 15 pairs), but not
less stationary work during processing such as mainte- when king crab and edible crab were analysed sepa-
nance, cleaning and truck driving (Fig.1). Thus, some rately. No correlation was found between the other
workers were exposed to bioaerosols from both raw components.
and cooked king crab. The results are therefore divided
into; raw crab, cooked crab, or overlapping work tasks DISCUSSION
(both raw and cooked crab) during theshift. In this study, we measured total proteins, tropomyo-
The difference in exposure levels between the dif- sin, endotoxin, trypsin and NAGase in bioaerosols
ferent work areas in king crab plants was borderline collected in workers breathing zone during pro-
significant (P=0.06), with highest levels in raw pro- cessing of king crab and edible crab. Endotoxin and
cessing (Table 1). Exposure levels to protein were trypsin levels were highest in king crab processing,
not significantly different, but as with tropomyosin, while total protein and tropomyosin levels were high-
the exposure levels seemed to be highest in raw crab est when processing edible crab. Processing cooked
processing. crab generated higher concentrations of tropomyosin
For edible crab (Table2), the mean tropomyosin than processing raw crab (Fig. 2). However, enzyme
exposure level for workers processing raw crab was sig- activity was higher in bioaerosols collected in raw crab
nificantly lower than for those processing cooked crab. processing than in cooked (Table3). Exposure levels
Protein levels were not significantly different. Exposure varied within raw and cooked processing respectively,
to endotoxin and NAGase was highest when process- but also varied between the different king crab plants.
ing raw crab, but the differences in NAGase levels were Attempts to compare and evaluate bioaerosol expo-
not significant. However, endotoxin levels during pro- sure levels are hampered by the lack of occupational
cessing raw crab were significantly higher than levels exposure limits and standardized, reproducible meth-
found during processing cooked ediblecrab. ods for collecting and analysing the samples (Douwes
Trypsin activity was measured in 36 samples, etal., 1995; Eduard etal., 2012). The levels of expo-
whereof 23 were positive (Table3). In the present data sure to total protein and allergens such as tropomyosin
set, the 25th percentile was 0.16 mU m3 and the 75th have been measured to some extent in other studies
0.72 mU m3. In the edible crab industry, there was no in the seafood industry. Allergen exposure during crab
trypsin activity in the air samples collected from work- processing has been studied (Griffin, 1994; Malo etal.,
ers handling cooked crab. In the king crab industry, the 1997; Weytjens etal., 1999; Beaudet etal., 2002; Gill
levels of activity were significantly higher when pro- etal., 2009; Abdel Rahman etal., 2012) and showed
cessing raw crab compared to cookedcrab. that exposure levels vary within work areas and expo-
When comparing exposure levels for workers han- sure groups. Comparison of the total protein levels in
dling cooked king crab and edible crab, there were our study and those in previous reports from seafood
significantly higher levels of both protein and allergen industry shows that the range of exposure in our plants
in edible crab processing compared to king crab (Figs (0.397g m3) are wider than the range reported in
2A,B). fish processing plants such as the plants studied by
Table4 shows that levels of tropomyosin and total Jeebhay etal. (2005) in South Africa (Limit of detec-
protein significantly differ between king crab plants. tion: 11.50 g m3). Total protein exposure levels
Plant Awas the only plant where endotoxin samples ranging from 0.76 to 13g m3 has been found in the
Table1. Exposure levels (median, geometric mean (GM), range=min and max measurements) of bioaerosol components in king crab
workers breathing zone when processing either raw crab, cooked crab or performing work tasks overlapping both processing areas
Bioaerosol levels in king crab processing
Processing area Raw Cooked Overlapping work tasks P values
Bioaerosol component Samples Median GM Range Samples Median GM Range Samples Median GM Range
(n) (n) (n)

Tropomyosin (ng m3) 27 1.6 2.3 0.176.0 21 2.4 2.4 1.35.1 6 1.7 1.8 1.52.3 0.858
Protein (g m3) 21 3.9 5.1 1.148.0 18 2.1 2.3 0.326.6 4 3.0 4.1 2.116 0.136
Endotoxin (EU m ) 5 630 110 17024000 2 <1

P values of ANOVA of processing raw crab, cooked crab or performing work tasks overlapping both areas.

Table2. Exposure levels (median, geometric mean (GM), range=min and max measurements) of bioaerosol components in edible crab
workers breathing zone when processing raw or cooked crab
Bioaerosol levels in edible crab processing
Processing area Raw Cooked P values
Bioaerosol component Samples (n) Median GM Range Samples (n) Median GM Range

Tropomyosin (ng m3) 10 20.1 8.7 0.472.2 14 59.3 45.4 14.495.9 0.035
Protein (g m ) 10 11.6 11.9 3.447.2 14 11.2 12.9 2.497.5 0.830
Endotoxin (EU m ) 5 51 72 17340 3 8 10 720 0.040
NAGase (pmol 4-MU m3) 4 1107 853 1493234 9 491 422 692509 0.368

P values of t tests comparing levels when processing raw and cooked crab.
Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab 787

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Table3. Trypsin activity from king crab and edible crab plants: filter samples were collected from workers breathing zone
Trypsin activitya in personal samples (number of samples
within exposure category)
King crab Edible crab P values
king versus edible
Exposure level Zero Low Medium High Zero Low Medium High
crab industry

Production area
Raw 4 5 4 6 1 0 4 0 0.836
Cooked 5 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0.282
788 Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab

P value raw versus cooked 0.048 0.071

A 4 7 2 0 4 0 4 0 0.668
B 4 0 3 0
C 1 0 1 6

P value between plants 0.005

Trypsin activity is presented in a semi-quantitative scale based on the 25th percentile (0.16 mU m3) and 75th percentile (0.72 mU m3) of positive samples: Low 25th percentile; 25th percentile > medium 75th
percentile; high > 75th percentile.
The table presents P values for MannWhitney U tests comparing processing areas (raw versus cooked), crab type (king crab versus edible crab), and king crab plants (plant Aversus B and C).

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Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab 789

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Figure2. Levels of exposure (geometric mean) of bioaerosol components in processing raw king crab and edible crab
(A) and cooked king crab and edible crab (B). *Significant higher level (P<0.05) of bioaerosol component in edible crab
processing than in king crab processing.

Norwegian salmon industry (Shiryaeva et al., 2013) level of bioaerosols inhaled by the workers over time.
where an exposure-response relationship was found However, we found that workers were exposed to high
between protein exposure and self-reported respira- levels of possible sensitizers and proinflammatory
tory symptoms and lung function test outcomes. These agents such as tropomyosin, trypsin, and endotoxins
levels are also lower than the levels found in our study (Tables 13). In occupational settings, workers are
(0.397.5g m3). Several studies have found a high not exposed to a single component, and simultane-
prevalence and incidence of allergy and asthma attrib- ous exposure to several components could potentially
uted to bioaerosol exposure (Cartier etal., 2004; Neis, alter the effect on workers health. Combined effects of
2004; Howse etal., 2006; Gautrin etal., 2010; Jeebhay, bioaerosol components have been poorly investigated.
2011; Bnlkke et al., 2012). However, the levels of Bhagwat et al. (2015) showed a synergistic effect of
bioaerosols and the specific components they con- endotoxin and seafood proteases, augmenting inflam-
tain are important factors for risk assessment. Future matory cytokines in an in vitro respiratory cellmodel.
studies need to address the question of dose-response Inhalation exposure of allergens and subsequent
and threshold levels in work environments. Because atopic sensitization and reactivity leading to res-
of unpredictable work schedules in this industry, the piratory problems is a highly prevalent problem
average exposure over shifts and seasons are difficult in the seafood industry affecting a considerable
to predict. They did not have production every day, part of the workforce (Beaudet et al., 2002; Cartier
and shifts could vary between 2 and 12h in length etal., 2004; Howse etal., 2006; Gautrin etal., 2010;
(normal shift was 8h). This will affect the average Bnlkke et al., 2012). Tropomyosin is the major
790 Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab

cross-reactive, heat stable, and most abundant allergen

P values

< 0.000
among crustaceans although several other allergenic
Table4. Exposure levels (median, geometric mean (GM), Range=min and max measurements) of bioaerosol components in king crab proteins have been found (Gill et al., 2009; Abdel
Rahman etal., 2012) and was therefore used as a bio-

8.8 0.175.9
18.2 5.647.7
marker to assess inhalation allergen exposure.
The sensitive ELISA method used to measure tro-
pomyosin (Malo etal., 1997; Kamath etal., 2014) has
Samples Median GM no unspecific binding to other proteins and no loss
Plant C

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of binding due to protein modification procedures
that may have influenced the levels reported in other
studies (Griffin, 1994; Lopata etal., 2005; Lopata and
Jeebhay, 2013). Previous studies have also used the
highly sensitive mass spectrometric based strategies

to quantify tropomyosin and arginine kinase (Abdel
Rahman et al., 2010; Abdel Rahman et al., 2011;
Rosmilah etal., 2012; Abdel Rahman etal., 2012). The
immunoassay used in this study had a limit of quantifi-
Bioaerosol level in king crab plants

3.8 0.426.6
1.9 0.45.1
Samples Median GM Range

cation of 100 picograms m3 of sampled air. Since tro-

pomyosin is heat-stable, both raw and cooked crab are
possible sources for aerosolized tropomyosin ( Jeebhay
et al., 2001; Lopata and Jeebhay, 2013). Antibody
Plant B

reactivity of crustacean tropomyosin can also increase

workers breathing zone at the three different king crab plants (A, B, andC)

after heating, a possible result of protein denaturation

and exposure of new epitopes, aggregation and chemi-
cal modifications (Kamath etal., 2013; Abramovitch

etal., 2013). Astudy involving snow crab processing


found more aerosolized allergen when workers were

handling cooked crab than raw (Swanson etal., 2004)
which is in line with the results of the presentstudy.
1.8 0.63.8
2.0 0.34.4
Samples Median GM Range

Levels of tropomyosin were significantly higher in

the edible crab plant compared to the king crab plants,
which may be a result of the way the crabs are handled
during processing. Both use high speed rotating clean-
Plant A

ing brushes and have poor shielding of workers from


the bioaerosols produced. However, after the king

crab is cooked, the clusters are gently packed, glazed
P values of ANOVA comparing levels at the three plants.

(sprayed with water), and frozen with minimal man-


ual handling and no further processing. During edible


crab processing most of the handling happens after

cooking; sorting, mincing shell to extract all muscle,
and packing muscle back into the shell before packag-
Bioaerosol component

Tropomyosin (ng m3)

ingtasks that produce bioaerosols. The bioaerosol

exposure in king crab plants were not significantly
Protein (g m )

different between raw and cooked processing, apart


from trypsin activity, whereas the levels at the edible

crab plant were. A reason for this difference may be
that workers in the king crab industry were not at a
single workstation throughout the shift. Most of the
Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab 791

handling involved raw king crab, and raw crab was also is enough to inactivate the enzyme which would
the main source of bioaerosol production. In the edi- remove the proteolytic activity from enzymes being
ble crab industry, workers were stationary throughout inhaled by workers processing cooked crab (Zhang
the shift, which may result in greater bioaerosol accu- etal., 1999; Sun and Lopata, 2010; Larsen etal., 2011;
mulation as workers may be exposed to bioaerosols Bhagwat etal., 2014).
from their own workstation, as well as those produced Because chitin is a major component of crusta-
by nearby workers if the ventilation conditions or local cean shell (Espie and Roff, 1995) and NAGase is a
exhaust ventilation is not optimal. These differences in widely distributed enzyme that digests chitin (Chen

Downloaded from at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani on August 19, 2016
how the crabs are processed may partly explain the dif- etal., 2011) we would expect NAGase to be present
ferences in exposure levels between industries as well in the processing plants. Our samples were collected
as the differences found between handling raw and in autumn/winter and the levels were higher than lev-
cooked crab within each industry. els found in normal Danish homes at that time of year
Endotoxin levels in the edible crab plant were (Frankel etal., 2012) so we expect the crab processing
lower for workers handling cooked crab than raw to be a contributor to the NAGase levels. There is a
crab. Endotoxins are part of Gram negative bacterial growing body of literature (Muzzarelli, 2010) suggest-
cell walls. These may be abundant on the outer shell ing that NAGase may have a negative impact on health
of the crabs as part of their environment. Levels are by eliciting an immunological response (Allermann
therefore expected to be highest when the shell of the et al., 2006). Exposure to enzymes in occupational
crab is cleaned or removed which happens during raw settings has been linked to sensitization and asthma
processing. Endotoxin levels of 1350 EU m3 have (Green and Beezhold, 2011) as well as ODTS
been reported in herring industry (Bang etal., 2005). (Madsen etal., 2015).
Endotoxins are suggested to be a cause of occupational We wished to investigate if there was a correlation
respiratory symptoms in occupational settings includ- between the components to explore the possibility of
ing among seafood processing workers (Sherson etal., performing simple rounds of measurement where only
1989; Sigsgaard and Schlunssen, 2004; Madsen etal., one or a few components are measured. It would sim-
2015). Ano adverse health effect of 90 EU m3 has plify exposure measurements in epidemiological stud-
been suggested (The Nordic Expert Group for Criteria ies. However, correlations such as these were not found
Documentation of Health Risk from Chemicals, 144. to such a degree that we feel it is possible to replace meas-
Endotoxins 2011), a level exceeded in two of eight urements of components with other measurements.
endotoxin samples in the edible crab plant, and in four The work task performed by each individual is not
of seven samples in the king crab plants. necessarily the most important factor for evaluating
Enzyme activity was significantly lower when han- exposure levels. Jeebhay etal. (2005) compared similar
dling cooked king crab than raw, and there was no exposure groups in two fish plants and found that the
enzyme activity in samples taken during cooked edi- department where the subject worked explained most
ble crab processing. Aprevious study found that there of the variability in exposure levels. In our study, when
is trypsin and trypsin-like enzyme activity in extracted comparing the king crab plants (Table4), we also find
tissue samples from crustaceans (Sun and Lopata, large differences in the levels of exposure at differ-
2010), but there are no previous publications that ent plants. This suggests, as did studies on snow crab
have quantified the level of airborne trypsin activity workers in Canada (Neis, 2004; Abdel Rahman etal.,
during seafood processing. Trypsin is a common ser- 2012), that there may be important factors to look at
ine protease enzyme and inhaled by workers may have in addition to work tasks and whether the workers are
an immunological or non-immunological effect on the handling raw or cooked crab. It is necessary to look at
lungs (Baur, 2005; Sun and Lopata, 2010; Florsheim a complete plant effect, the sum effect of the layout
et al., 2015; Madsen et al., 2015). Optimal condi- of the processing line, ventilation, equipment produc-
tions for several crustacean trypsins are around 40C ing bioaerosols, and the technique of each individual
and pH6, which is close to the physiological condi- worker, in addition to other unmeasured covariates,
tions found in human lungs (Sun and Lopata, 2010). when evaluating the plant. Plant Ahad a higher level
However, studies have found that heating the enzyme of technical equipment compared to plants B and
792 Occupational exposure to bioaerosols in Norwegian crab

C.Plant Awas also the only king crab factory not alter- grant from the Norwegian Extra Foundation for Health
ing between crab and fish processing, thus the equip- and Rehabilitation through EXTRA funds. Author AL
ment in this plant was permanently placed unlike plant Lopata is holder of an ARC Future Fellowship. We
B and C.Plant Aalso differed by complete separation thank Eva Kramvik, Merethe Larsen, Marit N Hegseth
between raw and cooked processing areas by a solid from the University Hospital North Norway at the
wall (Fig.1A) that prevented cooking fumes dispers- Department of Occupational and Environmental
ing through the plant. Plant B had a separate enclosed Medicine and Lene Mads from STAMI National
room for the cooking vats (Fig. 1B). However, the Institute of Occupational Health for participation in

Downloaded from at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani on August 19, 2016
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out. Dispersion of cooking fumes was reduced by the
door, but not removed. The ventilation system in the
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