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esi of te Pines Department of the interior and Local Government LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACADEMY a) cee et fancnneoemorenace ne A {ina anal gorsh som zeencgnrmco "Waste horngn gen wine MEMORANDUM ay a a w f ada, ro x = fe TOR : ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS SUBJECT: GUIDELINES FOR THE TRANSITION TO FEDERALISM PROJECT DATE 2 SEPTEMBER 8, 2017 We are providing you with a copy of the following documents for the Transition to Federalism Project + Guidelines on the Implementation of Federalism-Related Information Campaign Activities * Accreditation of CSOs as Advocacy Partners for the Transition to Federalism Project Included in the documents are the requisite processes and criteria in selecting the appropriate advocacy partners and implementing campaign initiatives for the Transition to Federalism Project. There is also a Certificate of Accreditation to be given to accredited groups as well as a template Memorandum of Agreement to be used when entering into partnerships with the said groups Both guidelines were developed in order to harmonize federalism-related campaigns across the country and ensure they are implemented according to the department's standards and parameters. Please be guided accordingly and disseminate to all concerned. (comin dora ML a MARIVEL C. SACENDONCILLO, CESO II |[busresionxn Executile Director RECEIVED i SEP 19 2017 CIRCULAR AAENT OF py, x SOFFIGIA RELEASED? eps he Pins *) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1, (nL RIPOLE Cos FSA ra Mame Hs owe tee Aon we September 13, 2017 NO. 2017-21 SUBJECT: ACCREDITATION OF CSOs AS ADVOCACY PARTNERS FOR THE TRANSITION TO FEDERALISM PROJECT PREFATORY STATEMENT The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), in response to a presidential directive issued during the 2016 State of the Nation Address, is conducting nationwide information campaign on Federalism. Through the One Nation, One Government: Transition to Federalism Project, the Department aims to increase public awareness on and support for the proposed form of government, To broaden the reach of the initiative and to maximize stakeholder engagement, qualified and legitimate organizations shall be tapped to help camy out various information campaign activities on Federalism. The DILG shall ensure that information campaign activities on Federalism are implemented by legitimate and competent entities, and that these are conducted with the sole purpose of properly educating the LGUs and the citizens. This Circular is hereby issued to provide guidelines and procedures for the accreditation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as advocacy partners on Federalism ACCREDITATION SYSTEM FOR ADVOCACY PARTNERS a. Eligible Organizations/Groups. The following groups may apply for accreditation: Civil Society Organizations - non-state and non-profit associations that work to improve society and the human condition. These include the following: Non-Governmental Organizations People's Organizations Indigenous People’s Organizations Cooperatives Civic Organizations Professional Groups These CSOs must meet the following criteria: 1. Organization is registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), whose purpose or objective is the promotion of Federalism, as indicated in its Articles of Incorporation or Charter. 2. Organization is able to conduct information campaign activities without financial support from LGUs or government agencies 3. Organization has at least five (5) members who could serve as resource persons on Federalism in its information campaign activities, b. Powers and Responsibilities of Accredited Advocacy Partners i, Accredited advocacy partners shall conduct information campaign activities on Federalism within the region where the organization has been accredited. Specifically, they shall: 1, Conduct, in coordination with the DILG, education and information campaign activities which conform to and support the Department's Federalism Advocacy Campaign's objectives, strategies, and guidelines. These groups may access funds sub-allotted to the DILG Regional Offices (ROs), subject to the usual auditing rules and regulations, when conducting campaign activities for the DILG. 2. Disseminate and assist in the circulation of DILG Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials on Federalism 3. Coordinate with the DILG or LGA for the localization and enhancement of IEC materials, whenever deemed necessary and beneficial 4. Submit to the DILG or LGA, for approval, IEC materials developed for the Federalism Advocacy Campaign 5. Course all communications, concems, and requests to LGUs through the DILG 6. Submit to the DILG monthly accomplishment reports and other required data or information 7. Perform other functions as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties to ensure the success of the Federalism Advocacy Campaign ji, Advocacy partners accredited at the regional or provincial levels may conduct information campaign activities areas beyond their scope of operation provided that they secure accreditation from the DILG ROsiProvincial Offices (POs) where they intend to conduct their activities. The advocacy partner shall submit to the concerned DILG ROIPO copy of their Certificate of Accreditation, and the activity designs and/or IEC materials. Approval of request for additional accreditation may be granted if the following conditions are met: - Accreditation documents are authentic - Activity design and IEC materials are consistent with Parameters set by DILG = Proposed activities are not in conflict with those being ‘conductediset to be conducted by accredited advocacy pariners within the region/province, in terms of schedule and target LGUs/participants - No violation by applicant CSO of accreditation rules reported by LGA/other DILG ROs/POs ili, Advocacy partners accredited at the national level need not apply for regional/provincial level accreditation but shall coordinate with concerned DILG ROs their proposed information campaign activities for harmonization with planned information campaign activities within the region. iv. Accredited advocacy partners are recognized as DILG's partners in its Transition to Federalism Project. Such partnership may be indicated in DILG-approved information campaign activities and IEC materials, but accredited advocacy partners shall not represent the DILG. The use of the DILG logo in activity and IEC materials shall only be allowed if such are being funded in-part or in-full by the DILG. ll, REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCREDITATION Interested organizations shall submit the following documents or their equivalent to the DILG regional or field office in their primary area of operation: @. Letter of Application/Intent, noted by the Board or its equivalent b. Articles of Incorporation or equivalent document containing the purpose, vision mission, objectives, and scope of operations of the organization ©. Certification issued by the organization's Secretary/Managing Officer! Administrator attesting to the organization's financial capacity to undertake federalism advocacy campaigns without sourcing funds from participants 4d. Profile of five (5) to 10 organization members who are specialists or experts in the field of governance, political science, or the social sciences, and will be engaged to assist in the organization's Federalism-related initiatives IV. ACCREDITATION PROCESS @. Interested organizations shall submit all the requisite application documents to. the LGA, DILG Regional or Provincial Office, depending on their area of ‘operation. i, For CSOs that operate within a province/city/municipality, applications must be submitted to the DILG PO. ii, For CSOs that operate in highly urbanized cities (HUCs), multiple provinces/cities/municipaliies within a region, applications must be submitted to the DILG RO. For CSOs that operate in provinces/cities/municipalities in multiple regions, applications must be submitted to LGA. b. The LGA/ DILG RO/PO shall assess the applicant organizations based on the completeness and authenticity of the submitted documents, The LGA/ DILG RO/PO shall issue a written notification on the decision on the application within 15 working days after the submission of the application documents. ¢. The successful applicant, upon receipt of the notice of approval, shall proceed to the LGA/ DILG RO/PO for orientation, signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and issuance of Certificate of Accreditation. This shall be completed within five (5) working days after the receipt of the written notification of approval. d. The LGA/ DILG ROIPO, after issuing the Certificate of Accreditation and signing the MOA, shall upload the name of the organization in the database of accredited advocacy partners, which shall be reflected in the DILG and LGA websites. The same shall be disseminated to the LGUs through the DILG Field Offices. V. _ ISSUANCE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE a. The LGA/ DILG RO/PO shall issue the Certificate of Accreditation to organizations which: i, Have been deemed qualified to become advocacy partners on federalism li, Have been oriented on the Federalism Advocacy Campaign's objectives, strategies, and guidelines iii, Have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the LGA/DILG ROIPO where they intend to conduct federalism advocacy activities VI. DURATION AND REVOCATION OF ACCREDITATION a. The certificate of accreditation and MOA shall remain valid until December 31, 2017, subject for review and renewal in January 2018, and every six (6) months thereafter. i, The LGA/ DILG RO/PO shall review monitoring reports on accomplishments and compliance with DILG guidelines, parameters and requirements as basis for certification renewal ji, The LGA/ DILG RO/PO shall re-issue Certificates of Accreditation to qualified advocacy partners after each review period. b. The accreditation may be revoked by the LGA/ DILG RO/PO due to, but not limited to any of the following grounds: vu. vil, Failure to coordinate with the LGA/DILG RO/ DILG PO information ‘campaign activities Dissemination of IEC materials which have not been approved by the LGA/ DILG RO/ DILG PO Conduct of information campaign activities whose content are not aligned with the key messages and content parameters set by the DIG Conduct of information campaign activities with main speaker!s not certified by the DILG as members of the national pool of resource speakers on Federalism, Collection of fees from LGUs or participants for the conduct of information campaign activities Misrepresentation to LGUs and other stakeholders as DILG ANNEXES @. Brochure on the Accreditation of CSOs and LRis as Advocacy Partners on Federalism io b. Memorandum of Agreement between the DILG ‘Regional Office and the ‘Advocacy Partners on Federalism Su ©. Certificate of Accreditation to be issued by the DILG Regional Office to its Advocacy Partners on Federalism EFFECTIVITY This Circular shall take effect immediately. The Records Section, GSD, AS are hereby directed to ensure its widest dissemination for the information and guidance of all concerned employees and officials of this Department For strict compliance. CN Ydin08-e3] Ojewes} yours 10 ‘QTE 1820] 906T-YE9 40 696 BE9 (ZO) svaquinu auoydajay ie peIUOd osje AEW NO, “22 03 ano yeas Aew os ‘y2eqpaay pue suousenb Jos ODN 2UD S1OUJIDg Aon a0apy sv SQ) JO UOlJDyIpa1IDy V@ CTT ose ples Cove] /P STD) Asm s0s9 sou {Snowy onia au Aq paioy 2q 14 yes pue ‘enissalBoxd ‘ajqeunba alow e 1 vossn owes aun aseus ‘uBieduues s1ayp jo sr poedea aya 2h suunosas pue ‘sauiagoe ‘Buifessau jo an Ag Hopind oy Uy oad 2q eys suonezueBLo sauied sway Ut 9 a sevarew pue uogewioy ue asn oy 112qu02 pue soBessaus hay 5.9710 aK M8 pauBle suse 2 124s (swnisoduuts Oa) wsyesa vo sua pue ‘saueuonsuny ‘sjeoyo auauus, Je0o} Jo ssouaseme pue a8paymouy ayy Buoveyue ye pawie sonianse uBledwes wwovasa ve BuplINg 2 5} wsyosapag Dest tel Lew BLaleyvelyg Tepe psu CUE si DT Cee ees TCE: | Reeeereethl ‘Annex B. Memorandum of Agreement Template MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is made and entered into this day of by and between: ‘The DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, a national government agency mandated to promote peace and order, ensure public safety, and strengthen capability of local government units, with principal office address at
, and represented herein by its n>, , and hereinafter referred to as the "DILG"; and ‘The , , with office address
herein represented by , and hereinafter referred to as the ‘Organization’ ‘The DILG and ORGANIZATION shall be herein collectively referred to as the "Parties", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DILG, in response to a presidential directive, shall conduct a nationwide Federalism Advocacy Campaign to generate and sustain public awareness on and support for the transition to Federalism; WHEREAS, the DILG, as the head of the Cabinet Cluster on Participatory Governance, is committed to creating mechanisms for enhanced local governance stakeholder participation in all of its initiatives: WHEREAS, to broaden the reach of the DILG's federalism initiative, partnerships with various civil society organizations that share the same vision and for federalism shall be forged, and an accreditation system to identify qualified groups has been created and implemented; WHEREAS, the Organization has signified its intention to conduct activities in support of the DILG's Federalism Advocacy Campaign: WHEREAS, the DILG has deemed the Organization to have the capacity, proven track record, and other qualifications necessary to effectively perform the duties described herein; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Parties do hereby agree as follows: Section 1. Roles and Responsibilities of DILG ‘The DILG shall oversee the overall implementation of the information campaign and shall perform the following: 1. Develop the Federalism Advocacy Campaign's strategies, key messages, and Information, Education, and Communication (IC) materials: 2. Orient the Organization on the campaign's objectives, strategies, key messages, and IEC materials, and other requirements and mechanics; 3. Make available copies of IEC materials for the use and distribution of the Organization: Page 1 of3 Annex B. Memorandum of Agreement Template Review and approve the Organization's activity designs/proposals, whenever these require approaches that are beyond the scope of the campaign to ensure that these are in conformity with the established strategies, objectives, and set guidelines; Review and approve the IEC materials produced by the Organization in ‘support of the Federalism Advocacy Campaign to ensure that these are in conformity with the established strategies, objectives, and set guidelines: Facilitate the communication and coordination between the Organization and the local government unit where an activity shall be conducted: Monitor the Organization's conduct of federalism advocacy initiatives: Encourage local government units to take part in activities conducted by the ‘Organization in support of the Federalism Advocacy Campaign; Perform other functions as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties to ensure the success of the Federalism Advocacy Campaign Section 2. Roles and Responsibilities of the Organization ‘The Organization, as a body which shall support the DILG in the implementation of the Federalism Advocacy Campaign, shalt: fi 10. ‘Conduct, in partnership with the DILG, education and information activities within for the sole purpose of supporting the Federalism ‘Advocacy Campaign; Ensure the conformity of the education and information activities to the Federalism Advocacy Campaign's strategies and set guidelines of the DILG; Disseminate and assist in the circulation of DILG information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials on Federalism; Coordinate with the DILG for the localization and enhancement of IEC materials, whenever deemed necessary and beneficial by both parties; ‘Submit to the DILG, for approval, IEC materials developed for the Federalism Advocacy Campaign: Course all communications, concems, and requests to LGUs through the DILG. ‘Submit to the DILG monthly accomplishment reports and other required data or information; Collect no fees for the conduct of activities in support of the Federalism ‘Advocacy Campaign: ‘Comply with guidelines and policies for the implementation of the Federalism ‘Advocacy Campaign that may be issued hereinafter; Perform other functions as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties to ensure the success of the Federalism Advocacy Campaign. Section 3. General Agreements Both parties shall jointly endeavor to perform their respective responsibilities under this Agreement, Both parties, through their existing concerned units, shall closely coordinate with each other through regular meetings andlor discussions relative to this agreement and the performance of their respective responsibilities. All disagreements and/or disputes that may result from this agreement and in the course of their performance of individual responsibilities shall be settled amicably by the parties. ‘This agreement may be rescinded by either party for failure to meet any of the conditions stipulated in this document Page 201 3 Annex 8. Memorandum of Agreement Template Section 4. Effectivity This Memorandum of Agreement shail take effect immediately upon signing hereof and shall remain in full force and effect until December 31, 2017, unless rescinded by either party. ‘The agreement may be renewed for periods of six (6) months, subject to the evaluation and approval of the DILG. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have affixed their respective signatures below on the date and place first above-written Department of the Interior and Local Government WITNESSES: Department of the Interior and Local Government ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) ss BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in personally appeared: Name ID No. Place Issued Date Issued Both known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that same is their own free will and voluntary act and deed. The foregoing instrument consist of ___ pages, including this page, wherein this acknowledgment is written and signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page hereof. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this __ day of 2017 at Philippines. Doc. No. Page No. Book No, Series of, Page 3013 Annex C. Certificate of Accreditation Template DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGION / PROVINCE / CITY / MUNICIPALITY __ This is to certify that, having satisfactorily complied with the requirements for accreditation of organizations as advocacy partners of the Department of the Interior and Local Government Region / Province / City / Municipality ___ in the One Nation, One Government: Transition to Federalism Project, as promulgated in DILG Memorandum Circular No. . dated : (Name of Organization) ‘an organization duly-registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and established in accordance with law, is hereby awarded this CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION Valid from, until In witness whereof, | have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of DILG to be affixed herein this day of in the year of our Lord, at Philippines. (Signature over Printed Name) , Certificate No. XX-XX-XX GUIDE TO NUMBERING CERTIFICATES OF ACCREDITATION A. Certificates Issued by Regional Office Region Code — 00 ~ Continuous Number* Example: fegion XII, 1% Regionally-A¢ ) {an Juan City, 20” Accredited CSO B. Certificates Issued by Provincial Office Region Code ~ Province Code ~ Continuous Number* Example: “Region V, riga City, Albay, 1* Provincialy-Accredited | ~~ O5-AL-001 cso Region Vill, Biliran, 8° Provincially-Accredited CSO “Region IV-B, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, 13 48-ORM013 | Provincially-Accredited CSO “Continuous Number for every Region/Province starts at 001, _ REGION/PROVINCE CODES For Use in Numbering Certificates of Accreditation Region/Province Code Region/Province Code | Region/Province | Code NAR NCR | Region IV-B 4B | Region IX 09 CAR CAR | Marinduque MQ | Zamboanga Del Norte | ZDN Abra Occidental Mindoro | OCM | Zamboanga Del Sur | ZDS Apayao Oriental Mindoro, ORM | Zamboanga Sibugay | zs | Benguet BE | Palawan | Region X 40 [ifugao {iF | Romblon | Bukidnon BK | Kalinga | kK | Region v | Camiguin cM “Mountain Province | MP | Albay "| AL | tanao Det Norte LON “Region! Camarines Norte | Misamis Occidental | MOC | Hlocos Norte | Camarines Sur |S tal MOR | ocos Sur |__IS__| Catanduanes | ct | Reg aaa | La Union| |u| Masbate [MB | Davao Del Norte DDN | Pangasinan P| Sorsogon S__| Davao Del Sur jon! | 02 Regionvl_ | 06 ‘| Davao Oriental |Batanes AK | Cagayan E 7 AN | Davao Occidental Doc [Isabela iz “cP | Region xi | Nueva Viscaya North Cotabato Quirino Q ition Sarangani [Region | 03 Negros Occidental ‘South Cotabato Aurora - [Regionvil | 07 | Sultan Kudarat | Bataan | Bohol CARAGA | Bulacan [cebu | Agusan Del Norte | Nueva Ecija | Negros Oriental ‘Agusan Del Sur Pampanga [PA Surigao Del Norte =| SDN Tarlac [ee Surigao Del Sur | sps Zambales Zz BI Islands / oo ‘Region IV-A 44 Eastem Samar ARMM ARMM | Batangas oe Cee i BS | €vT_ | Northern Samar [LanaoDelSur | LDS A MG su

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