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Self Driving car

Dr : Hesham Arafat Ali

Team members :
0 Ali ashraf Dorgham
1 Mohamed Hatem
2 Hager Samir Saad ELtantawy
3 Hager ELsayed ELemam Ali
4 Nahla Mohamed EL hendawy
5 Nermeen Rmadan Hassan
6 Youstina Ahmed Ali Marwan

What's autonomouse Car?

An autonomous car is a vehicle that has the capability
of sensing its environment and navigating without
human input .It can detect roads and has the
capability to move between cars and get To the
desired destination.
it also has the capability of respecting the rules of
road .

it depends on :
1-Image processing
2-Machine learning
3-Embedded systems

First Image processing:

we will use Image processing to recognize the
roads by applying edge Detection algorithm that
will draw 2 parallel lines that can help the car to
recognize the allowed area to drive in , also it
will be used to recognize
the Traffic lights and marks as we will take some
pictures of every mark from different positions
and store it in the database and will store also
the action that will be made if it saw any mark of

Second Machine Learning:

we will use Machine learning
(supervised learning) after collecting some data
to train the robot on it by using joystick to drive
the robot and collect some photos while driving
the robot
The training mode will take the current view
That the camera (on car) will detect and
Store it with the action that will be taken by the
after collecting the data for training , we will use
Neural network to derive meaning from
complicated or imprecise data that will help the
car to take fast actions

It uses a variety of techniques to detect their

such as:
An Ultrasonic sensor is a device that can
measure the distance to an object by using
sound waves. It measures distance by sending
out a sound wave at a specific frequency and
listening for that sound wave to bounce back. By
recording the elapsed time between the sound
wave being generated and the sound wave
bouncing back, it is possible to calculate the
distance between the sonar sensor and the

it will give the car the distance between the car

and the obstacles in
2-Depth Cameras:
to get the current view that the car will face to be
processed by image processing , also it will help
to get the distance between the car and the
distance by using 2 traditional cameras like
human eyes or by using
One camera called Depth Camera

3-Lidar sensor:

The LiDAR instrument fires rapid pulses of laser light

at a surface, some at up to 150,000 pulses per
second. A sensor on the instrument measures the
amount of time it takes for each pulse to bounce back.
Light moves at a constant and known speed so the
LiDAR instrument can calculate the distance between
itself and the target with high accuracy. By repeating
this in quick succession the insturment builds up a
complex 'map' of the surface it is measuring. With
airborne LiDAR other data must be collected to
ensure accuracy. As the sensor is moving height,
location and orientation of the instrument must be
included to determine the position of the laser pulse at
the time of sending and the time of return. This extra
information is crucial to the data's integrity. With
ground based LiDAR a single GPS location can be
added for each location where the instrument is set
Distance = (Speed of Light x Time of Flight) / 2

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