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Points of Consideration on Hospital

By: Winner, M.D.

External-Driven Consideration
Feasibility Study
- The Necessity of hospital bed
WHO ratio 1 bed : 30.000 people.
- Assessment on local epidemiology (pattern of diseases)
- Assessment on local ATP and WTP

Hospital Master Plan

- Asset development strategy
- predicting future trend of diseases
- demographic study of surrounding population

Legal Aspect
Based on Undang-Undang Nomor 44 / 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit and Peraturan
Menteri Kesehatan No.56 / 2014 tentang Klasifikasi dan Perizinan Rumah Sakit.
- Hospital Building Permit (Izin Mendirikan RS), and later Temporary Operational
Permit (Izin Operasional Sementara) and Permanent Operational Permit (Izin
Operasional Tetap); which submitted through Provincial Government based on
the class of the planned hospital
- Required documents:
o Feasibility study
o Hospital Master Plan
o Ownership documentation
o Hospital Building Permit Recommendation
o Disturbance Permit (Izin Gangguan)
o Environmental-Preserving Plan such as Environmental Impact Analysis,
Hospital Waste Management Plan, Environmental Monitoring Effort (Upaya
Pengawasan Lingkungan / UPL) Documents, Environmental Management
Effort / UKL) Documents.
o Land Certificate
o Proposed Name of Hospital, must be in Bahasa Indonesia, not using living
persons name, not including words or phrases such as international ,
best , world-class , or other similars
o Building Construction Permit (IMB)
o Building Utilization Permit (Izin Penggunaan Bangunan)
o Trading Business Location Permit (Surat Izin Tempat Usaha)
o The land area should be minimum of 1.5 times the building area for multiple-
storied hospital or minimum of 2 times for single-storied hospital.

Internal-Driven Consideration (Hospitals Philosophy)

Profit- or Social responsibility- orientation
Positioning and Targeting
- All-round or non-BPJS exclusive?
- Disease- or Wellness-Oriented?
- System- or Superstar-Doctor approach?

- Prospective- or

Differentiation (Center of Excellence)

- Go with the flow or Go Blue Ocean?

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