Review: Autoimmune Encephalitis: A Case Series and Comprehensive Review of The Literature

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Q J Med 2011; 104:921931

doi:10.1093/qjmed/hcr111 Advance Access Publication 22 July 2011


Autoimmune encephalitis: a case series and

comprehensive review of the literature
From the 1The Monsall Unit, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine,
North Manchester General Hospital, Manchester, UK, 2Department of Neurology, Salford Royal
Hospital, Manchester, UK and 3Department of Neurology, North Manchester General Hospital,
Manchester, UK

Address correspondence to T. Wingfield, The Monsall Unit, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical
Medicine, North Manchester General Hospital, Manchester, UK. email:

Encephalitic syndromes are a common medical causes of an encephalitic syndrome. We describe
emergency. The importance of early diagnosis and four patients with autoimmune encephalitis
appropriate treatment is paramount. If initial inves- 3 auto-antibody positive, 1 auto-antibody nega-
tigations for infectious agents prove negative, other tivetreated during the last 18 months. A compre-
diagnoses must be considered promptly. Autoimmune hensive review of the literature in this expanding
encephalitides are being increasingly recognized as area will be of interest to the infectious diseases,
important (and potentially reversible) non-infectious general medical and neurology community.

Introduction described including anti-LGI1 encephalitis (pre-

viously termed anti-voltage-gated potassium chan-
Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain parenchyma) nel anti-VGKC antibody encephalitis) and anti-
is a common medical emergency. Failure to appro- N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (anti-NMDAR)
priately diagnose the correct aetiology of an enceph- encephalitis.3,4 It has been recognized that some
alitic syndrome can lead to significant morbidity and patients presenting with encephalitis show full re-
mortality. covery after treatment with steroids or immunomo-
Of infectious agents, viruses cause a significant dulatory therapy indicating an autoimmune cause
proportion of encephalitis. Herpes simplex enceph- even in the absence of confirmatory serology.5,6
alitis (HSE) is the most common viral encephalitis Despite a growing knowledge of autoimmune en-
with 2000 cases per year in the USA, the majority of cephalitis (AE), this area remains poorly understood.
cases being HSV-1 infection in the young and Diagnosis is often considered late or not at all, re-
elderly.1 sulting in poor outcomes. Moreover, recent clinical
However, non-infectious aetiologies and, more review articles giving an overview of viral enceph-
specifically, autoimmune phenomena are being in- alitis omit recognized autoimmune causes such as
creasingly recognized as causes of encephalitis.2 anti-NMDAR encephalitis in an otherwise compre-
A variety of autoimmune causes have now been hensive list of non-infective differential diagnoses.7

! The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Physicians.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

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922 T. Wingfield et al.

The intention of this article is to raise awareness of from physiological ovarian cysts. Further follow-up
AE, a potentially reversible cause of a common med- USS and MRI has shown resolution of the cysts with
ical emergency. We present four illustrative cases of no further abnormalities.
AE to compare and contrast the variability of pres- Over the next two weeks she showed a slow
entations, aetiology, management and outcome. improvement in alertness and orientation but con-
tinued to have disordered thoughts, occasionally ag-
gressive outbursts, echolalia, repetitive use of words
Case 1 or peoples names and marked written verbigera-
tion. She also reported auditory hallucinations
In June 2009, a 16-year-old student was admitted which she defined as voices of her family members
with change in personality after an episode of loss that were inside [her] head. Quetiapine was added
of consciousness (LOC). Three days prior to admis- to her medication and a second 5-day course of
sion she had had an episode of depersonalization IVIG given. Cognitive Assessment of Minnesota
and derealization with disorientation to place. It was (CAM) was carried out revealing poor memory and
followed the same evening by a tonicclonic seizure concentration.
at a graduation ball. She was seen in the emergency Five weeks into admission, anti-NMDA antibody
department and discharged later that night. Over the was reported as positive. She continued to improve
next 2 days, she exhibited bizarre behaviour with and phenytoin and prednisolone were weaned off.
inappropriate smiling, disinhibition, poor self-care, Fluoxetine was added to medications due to on-
altered sleep pattern and an episode of faecal incon- going mood lability. She began to be able to take
tinence. There was no other relevant recent medical weekend leave and was discharged nearly 2 months
history. Past medical history revealed anosmia since after admission.
birth of unknown origin. Family, medication, gynae- By December 2009, 6 months post-admission
cological and social history were unremarkable. A there had been complete resolution of her symptoms
full neurological examination was normal. MR brain and quetiapine and fluoxetine were also tapered off.
was normal. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination
showed 360 red cells/ml in a non-traumatic tap,
absent leucocytes, isolated oligoclonal bands with
normal protein and CSF:serum glucose ratio. She
Case 2
was commenced on IV acyclovir and phenytoin. A 26-year-old recruitment consultant was admitted
Two days into her in-patient stay, she became very in May 2009 with confusion and altered behaviour.
agitated. Her behaviour fluctuated and at times she His family described a single episode of LOC 3 weeks
was disorientated to place. An electroencephalo- prior to admission with no recollection of the event
gram (EEG) showed excess of beta and pronounced and a Computed Tomography (CT) head at this time
generalized delta waves compatible with a diffuse was normal. Since then, he had become more with-
encephalopathy. Lamotrigine was added to the anti- drawn and appeared paranoid. He complained of
epileptic medication and clarithromycin to cover transient inability to feel his legs and his family
possible mycoplasma encephalitis. Auto-antibodies, noted episodes of shaking of limbs without LOC or
tumour markers and toxicology screen were nega- other features of seizure activity. These symptoms
tive, as was CSF virology. Repeat MR brain was progressed with further emotional lability, change
normal. Samples were sent for anti-NMDA receptor in personality, hallucinations and one other episode
antibodies, paraneoplastic (Anti-Hu, Anti-Yo, Anti-Ri, of LOC.
Anti-Ma 1/2, Anti-CRMP-5 and Anti-Ampiphysin) On admission in May, he was disorientated, agi-
and VGKC antibodies. tated and confused. He had neither focal neurology
The patient went on to develop episodes of hyper- nor meningism at this time but a raised temperature
arousal over the next week with breath-holding of 388C. CT brain scan was normal. An LP revealed
attacks, oro-facial movements (manifesting as 2 polymorphs/ml, 48 lymphocytes/ml, protein 0.58 g/l
repetitive fish movements of the mouth) and pelvic with a normal serumCSF glucose ratio. Antibacterial
thrusting. She remained disorientated with intermit- and antiviral treatments were initiated and haloperi-
tent anxiety and poor memory. A repeat lumbar dol and diazepam were escalated to control agita-
puncture (LP) showed 20 white cells/ml of which tion. It was noted that the patient had a raised
80% were lymphocytes. She had a 5-day course of creatine kinase with mild renal impairment. A sub-
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) at 0.4 mg/kg/day sequent MR brain scan and EEG were normal. HIV
and methylprednisolone (MP) at 500 mg/day; fol- antibody test was negative. Five days after admission
lowed by 60 mg/day of oral prednisolone. A pelvic he was transferred to the Regional Infectious
USS and subsequent pelvic MRI were normal apart Diseases unit.

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Autoimmune encephalitis 923

Neurological review revealed catatonic posturing, 130 mmol/l. While in hospital she suffered a short
globally increased tone with ankle clonus, unilateral lived generalized tonicclonic seizure. She was not
tremulousness and shaking, cogwheel rigidity and orientated to time or place and her Glasgow Coma
no response to painful stimuli. A repeat LP yielded Scale (GCS) varied between 7 and 14. She had a CT
similar results to the first. He was continued on anti- head which was normal but an EEG showed slow
virals and clarithromycin was added to treat the wave activity indicative of an encephalopathic pro-
possibility of mycoplasma encephalitis. He was cess. She was started on sodium valproate, cloba-
commenced on MP and immunoglobulin intraven- zam and prednisolone.
ously. Anti-basal ganglia and anti-NMDA antibodies Over the next few days her GCS deteriorated to
were requested. An ultrasound of the testes was 34/15 and she was started on a phenytoin infusion
normal as were tumour markers. for suspected non-convulsive status epilepticus
He continued with orofacial dyskinesias, insom- (NCSE). Due to profound bradycardia and hypoten-
nia, bland facies, catatonia and worsening visual sion this was stopped. Levetiracetam was added to
and auditory hallucinations. All CSF virological her anti-epileptic regimen and the dose of sodium
tests returned negative including Mycobacterium tu- valproate increased. She was transferred to the neur-
berculosis PCR. However, after a month as an inpa- ology high dependency unit. While there she was
tient, the patient continued to be extremely unwell noted to be persistently hypothermic with tempera-
with severe ongoing symptomatology and lympho- tures down to 338C but endocrinological investiga-
cytosis in the CSF. Therefore, due to these concern- tions were normal. An MRI head showed high signal
ing features, he was commenced on empirical TB changes in the hippocampal areas consistent with
treatment, doxycycline and ceftriaxone for borrelio- the clinical diagnosis of limbic encephalitis (Figure
sis, and transferred to ITU for plasma exchange and 2). She was given 3 days of MP 1 g per day before
sedation. Two further LPs did not yield any new in- continuing on oral prednisolone at 50 mg per day. A
formation and were negative for M. tuberculosis further EEG showed NCSE and she was anaesthe-
PCR. The patient also received a further course of tized. IVIG was given for a total of 5 days and
IVIG and MP shortly after starting TB therapy. phenytoin was added to the anti-epileptic regimen.
Eleven days after commencing TB treatment, the One week into her admission, a repeat EEG showed
anti-NMDA antibodies result came back as strongly no epileptiform activity but diffuse slow waves inter-
positive and therefore TB treatment was stopped and mixed with small sharp waves seen over the left
therapy with cyclophosphamide and rituximab was frontotemporal region interrupted by periods of at-
started. He also started electroconvulsive therapy tenuation of activity for 2030 s. Over the next
(ECT) for catatonia. Over the next couple of week, her GCS remained 34, EEG continued to
weeks, he improved and had more lucid episodes. show encephalopathic features and she was trans-
Then, 7 weeks after admission, mycobacterial cul- ferred to the ward. By day 20, there were signs of
ture on the initial CSF sample returned positive for some improvement. She was given a second cycle
fully sensitive M. tuberculosis and anti-tuberculous of MP and IVIG. On day 26, anti-VGKC antibodies
treatment was reinstated with the addition of ster- were reported as strongly positive [herein to be
oids. On revisiting history, no travel, exposure or referred to as anti-LGI1(Leucine-rich glioma inacti-
preceding clinical history (no headache, meningism, vate 1) antibodies, see discussion]. GCS improved to
cough, weight loss, night sweats or fever) suggested 8 and prednisolone was continued orally. She re-
either pulmonary or extra-pulmonary TB infection. mained stable but was treated with antibiotics and
Over the next couple of months, his mental state physiotherapy for ventilator-associated pneumonia.
and catatonia improved and he was discharged on Prednisolone began to be tapered 7 weeks into ad-
anti-TB therapy after an inpatient stay of 18 weeks. mission. She remained in a state of low arousal, was
And 5 months after discharge he had returned fully transferred to a specialist nursing home but died
back to normal and was able to return to work. 10 months after her initial presentation.

Case 3 Case 4
In April 2010, a 76-year-old lady with a past history In October 2009, a previously fit and well 30-year-old
of diet-controlled type 2 diabetes was admitted to male, presented with a 3-week history of headaches,
her local hospital with a 2-week history of fluctuat- confusion, sleep disturbance, personality change
ing confusion. She was uniformly afebrile. Routine and a partial complex seizure. He had had a flu-like
haematological and biochemical parameters were illness 4 weeks earlier treated with oseltamivir
normal, aside from mild hyponatraemia at Na (Tamiflu ). Initial CT and MR brain scans

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924 T. Wingfield et al.

were normal but 2 LPs revealed CSF lymphocytosis hospitalized patients from 1989 to 1998, was ap-
(400/ml and 63/ml, respectively) with normal protein, proximately 1.5 per 100 000 overall.8 More recent
glucose, virological screen and negative culture. estimates (from the northwest of England) of admis-
Early therapeutic management included sedation sion rates with encephalitic syndrome were higher
with haloperidol, lorazepam and olanzapine; intra- at approximately 2.9 per 100 000.9 Incidence is
venous cefotaxime, aciclovir and clarithromycin; higher in specific patient groups such as the young
and sodium valproate. and elderly. It is of note that a large review of over
After 4 days, he was transferred to the Regional 1500 patients presenting with encephalitis to health-
Infectious Diseases unit. He remained confused and care facilities in California, USA, showed that only
agitated requiring high amounts of sedation. 16% had a confirmed aetiological agent (the major-
Medication was rationalized to diazepam and que- ity of these viral followed by bacterial); 13% had a
tiapine after a psychiatric review. He suffered a suspected aetiological agent; and 8% had a non-
tonicclonic seizure and temporarily dropped his infectious cause identified (autoimmune disease and
GCS score to 3/15. He was soon noted to be cata- vasculitis being the most common). Aetiology was
tonic. His GCS spontaneously improved to 13/15 not found in nearly two-thirds of cases referred to
and a neurology review revealed rigidity and the specialist units.10 This highlights the importance of
pillow sign consistent with catalepsy (the psycho- considering AE early in situations where no clear
logical pillow describes a postural state in which infectious aetiology has been identified.
the patient maintainssometimes for long periods Autoimmune conditions are not a common cause
a posture with head a few inches off the bed if the of encephalitis. However, with recognition of newer
pillow is removed). He continued on antimicrobial antibodies, diagnostic serology is becoming increas-
therapy and an auto-immune screen and paraneo- ingly available. The above cases, encountered
plastic (Anti-Hu, Anti-Yo, Anti-Ri, Anti-Ma 1/2, Anti- within an 18-month period, illustrate the spectrum
CRMP-5 and Anti-Ampiphysin) screen were of presentations of varying types of AE. Cases 1 and
requested. 2 describe two young patients with anti-NMDAR
A 3rd LP was performed which showed a encephalitis, Case 3 describes an elderly lady with
persistently raised but improving lymphocyte count anti-LGI1 encephalitis. Case 4 describes a patient
at 18/ml. EEG and MR brain were also normal. A with non-infectious, presumed AE that responded
bilateral ptosis was noted on day 8 and he was well to immunomodulatory therapies (the patient
started on MP (1 g per day for 3 days). He improved was left with only mild short-term memory loss) al-
dramatically over the next couple of days with though no autoimmune antibody was identified.
reduced catatonia and increased communication. It is important to note the relevant signs, symp-
His reaction time continued to be delayed and his toms and investigations that may guide the clinician
parkinsonian tremor remained. He was continued to a positive diagnosis of AE. These features are
on oral prednisolone at 60 mg per day. All blood highlighted in Table 1. In addition to augmenting
and CSF viral polymerase chain reaction (PCR) our understanding of the presentations of these ill-
tests were negative as were an HIV antibody test, nesses, these cases also highlight the need for ag-
Hepatitis B and C screen, atypical pneumonia ser- gressive, early and appropriate treatment of patients
ology, serum ACE, autoimmune screen, treponemal with AE to achieve good outcomes. It is a disease
and borrelia serology, anti-NMDA, anti-basal gang- process that if considered early, diagnosed promptly
lia, anti-LGI1 and paraneoplastic antibodies. and treated appropriately (including aggressive treat-
Over the next 2 weeks, he was weaned off seda- ment with therapies such as high-dose steroids,
tives and his sleep-cycle, agitation and communica- IVIG, plasma exchange, rituximab and cyclophos-
tion all improved. A neurological exam at this time phamide) can be reversed and the patient restored
showed a mild bilateral ptosis and intention tremor. to their premorbid state.
He was discharged after a months inpatient stay Initial investigation in an encephalitic patient
weaning off oral prednisolone. When seen in outpa- would commonly include CT of the brain with con-
tient clinic, he was well with complete resolution of trast, LP with cell count, protein, glucose (and serum
symptoms apart from mild short-term memory loss. glucose), viral screen, acid-alcohol fast bacilli
(AAFB) smear, bacterial and mycobacterial culture.
An MR brain is mandatory and an EEG may also be
performed depending on the clinical situation. Some
Discussion of the results from these investigations in both the
Patients presenting with an encephalitic syndrome case of infection and AE may overlap. However, it
represent a diagnostic challenge. Estimated inci- is imperative that a diagnosis of AE be considered by
dence of viral encephalitis in the UK, based on treating physicians when other more common

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Table 1 Characteristic features, associations and response to treatment of auto-immune encephalitides

Antigen or antibody associated with encephalitis

Anti-LGI1 Anti-NMDA CASPR2 GABA-B AMPA Paraneoplastic (Anti-Hu/


Association Low associated tumour If female, associated Morvans syndrome Small cell lung Ca Tumours in Testicular tumour
rate (11%)41 ovarian teratomas Neuromyotonia41,45 (47%)44 female patients29,41 (Anti-Ma2) Lung
(70% benign) tumour (Anti-Hu)
Clinical Limbic encephalitis: Prodromal syndrome Cognitive impairment Prominent seizures Memory disturbance Limbic encephalitis
features short-term memory (70%)45 Psychosis memory loss hallu- early in presenta- Amnesia psychiatric Signs of underlying
loss personality Memory and lan- cinations delusions tion Short-term symptoms and tumour (i.e. on clinical
change, seizures guage disturbance seizures, peripheral memory loss psychosis Seizures examination or ima-
(especially faciobra- Rapid progressive nerve hyperexcitabil- ging) Paraneoplastic

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chial tonic seizures), neurological disturb- ity Axonal sensori- skin disorder Variable
depression, anxiety, ance (seizures; motor neuropathy presentations
hallucinations. decreased conscious (symptoms can
REM sleep disorder level; dyskinesias mimic MND)
Autonomic instability esp orofacial; auto-
Autoimmune encephalitis

Hyponatraemia nomic instability)

(60%)41 Myotonia
Treatment Good response Good response 7 of 829 responded to Neurological Good response42 Treatment of underlying
(75% substantial immunotherapy improvement in carcinoma
recovery)45 Relapse 60%44
if associated tumour
not removed

Ca, carcinoma; MND, Motor neurone disease; REM, rapid eye movement.
926 T. Wingfield et al.

causes have been excluded or when there are cer- for NMDA receptor antibodies (NMDAR). NR1 is
tain diagnostic indicators for AE, as described below. down-regulated by selective and reversible decrease
Figure 1 shows a clinical algorithm for the diagnosis in NMDAR surface density and synaptic localization
of AE. that correlates with patients antibody titres.15 This
Anti-NMDAR encephalitis has only recently been causes reduction in GABA release from pre-synaptic
described, often occurring in female patients with neurons that subsequently results in increased
associated ovarian teratomas, however, men are af- glutamate release, dopamine dysregulation and
fected in 30% of cases.11,12 Of note, a significant excitotoxicity leading to classical anti-NMDAR
(40%) proportion of anti-NMDAR encephalitis is encephalitis features.16
found in children.4 A recent study from the US A prodromal syndrome involving headache, low
found the rates of anti-NMDAR antibodies in en- grade fever and non-specific viral illness (nausea,
cephalitic patients admitted to ITU to be 1%;13 in vomiting, upper respiratory tract symptoms) up to
the UK a prospective multicentre study showed 4% 2 weeks prior to presentationcommonly with psy-
of all encephalitic patients had anti-NMDAR en- chiatric symptomsis found in about 70%.2,12 Due
cephalitis.14 The NR1 subunit is the target antigen to the prominence of psychotic symptoms, patients

Figure 1. Clinical algorithm for diagonsis of AE.

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Autoimmune encephalitis 927

may initially be admitted under psychiatric care. presence of isolated oligoclonal bands in the CSF
Early features of anti-NMDAR encephalitis include of patients with AE (around 60%12) as found in
psychosis (frequently involving anxiety, paranoia, Case 1s initial sample. Most patients have intra-
sleep disturbance, grandiose delusions and mania), thecal production of anti-NMDAR antibody and in
speech and language problems on a varying spec- a recent article relating to over 400 patients with
trum of echolalia (see Patient 1) to mutism, and anti-NMDAR encephalitis, none were shown to
memory problems which are often under-estimated have anti-NMDAR antibodies in serum alone.20
amidst the psychiatric and language problems.2,12 Anti-NMDA antibodies can be detected in both
After this initial phase there is rapidly progressive the serum and CSF; levels may be monitored.17
neurological disturbance. This can include motor Patients who respond to treatment (discussed
or complex seizures, decreasing responsiveness, below) have lower levels of anti-NMDA antibodies
dyskinesias and autonomic instability. Among the post- than pre-treatment whereas those with poor or
varied dyskinesiae that can occur there is a promin- no response to treatment may have persistently high
ence of oro-lingual-facial movements (see fish- antibody levels.2,12,15
mouthing Patient 1). Other dyskinesias noted in With regards to brain MRI, this is unremarkable in
Dalmau et al.s2,12 cohort include limb and trunk 50%. In the remaining 50%, T2 or FLAIR signal
choreoathetosis, elaborate leg and arm motions, hyperintensity might be seen in the hippocampi,
dystonia, rigidity, opisthotonus and oculogyric cerebellar or cerebral cortex, frontobasal and insular
crises; these may be simultaneous or alter through regions, basal ganglia and brainstem.12 These signal
the illness. Autonomic instability may be prominent changes may only be transient however and were
causing haemodynamic and respiratory instability, not seen to significantly correlate with the patients
in rare cases causing bradycardia requiring clinical neurological features. Over three quarters of
temporary pacemaker insertion.17 In addition cen- patients had abnormal EEGs, predominantly with
trally-originated hypoventilation may require ITU generalized or frontotemporal slow or disorganized
admission as occurred in Case 3.2,4 Reports of (deltatheta) activity in the absence of epileptic dis-
rarer neurological presentations including opsoclo- charges.4 In Case 1, the patient had a normal MRI
nusmyoclonus syndrome at presentation are also brain but EEG showed an excess of beta and pro-
documented.18 nounced generalized delta waves compatible with a
Case 1 had no specific prodromal period but pre- diffuse encephalopathy and LP revealed a CSF lym-
sented with a variety of relevant neurological fea- phocytosis with elevated protein. Case 2 had similar
tures including seizures, disinhibition and psychosis. CSF abnormalities but a normal EEG and MR brain
Case 2, in contrast, had an episode of LOCpos- scan. Both patients had high levels of anti-NMDA
sibly a seizure1 month preceding presentation, antibodies. As described, the CSF of Case 2 did later
with personality changes and emotional lability in grow M. tuberculosis in the sample obtained prior to
the interim. Both patients had distinct signs compat- institution of any immunosuppressive intervention
ible with anti-NMDA encephalitis including sleep (including steroids). This suggests that coexistent
disturbance, seizures, behavioural disturbances TB infection may have been a trigger to autoimmune
and movement disorders. Our patients had promin- anti-NMDA encephalitis. The illness and clinical
ent movement disorders including orofacial dyskin- syndrome were predominantly due to anti-NMDA
esia in both cases and catatonia in Case 2; and encephalitis, which responded appropriately to ster-
visual and auditory hallucinations. Case 2 had initial oids, cyclophosphamide, rituximab and plasma ex-
hyperthermia during admission: a series of female change. The growth of M. tuberculosis in an
children with AE in Japan described hyperthermia encephalitic patient of course necessitated anti-TB
as a presenting feature in 90%;19 consequently, treatment. However, the clinical presentation and
hyperthermia does not exclude AE. A further differ- response to treatment in this case clearly highlights
ing feature between the presentation of adults and the need to analyse the clinical syndrome astutely
children is a lower frequency and severity of hypo- and not be wholly reliant on investigative results in
ventilation (as seen in Case 1 who also exhibited isolation.
breath-holding attacks) and more autonomic in- Recent papers have described the histopathology
stability in children.4 of brain and neuronal tissue in relation to auto-
A patient with anti-NMDAR encephalitis may immune encephalitides.20 The authors review
have abnormalities of both CSF and MRI. 80% of studies of the cellular and synaptic effects of these
patients with confirmed anti-NMDAR encephalitis antibodies in hippocampal neurons in vitro and pre-
have abnormal CSF with the majority of these ex- liminary work in rodent models. Moscato et al.20
hibiting a lymphocytic pleocytosis but over half also found that in the anti-NMDAR brain biopsies there
showing raised protein; there may also be the was a rarity of T cell infiltrates as opposed to that

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928 T. Wingfield et al.

found in paraneoplastic syndromes in which T cells Therefore, the results only specified VGKC antibo-
are predominant.21 What also remains to be under- dies and the sample was since discarded. The clin-
stood, is why the disease preferentially affects hip- ical profile of this patient, however, best fits
pocampal NR1 subunits, when these can be found anti-LGI1 encephalitis and will be discussed as
throughout the brain. Overall histological examin- such below.
ation of brain biopsy have not shown any changes The limbic system encompasses the amygdala,
specific to anti-NMDAR encephalitis with the ma- hippocampus and hypothalamus andamong
jority of the few samples taken in this setting show- other functionsis responsible for memory and
ing mainly perivascular lymphocytic cuffing. emotion. Limbic encephalitis was first described in
Around 70% of the teratomas found in females patients with severe short-term memory impairment
with anti-NMDA encephalitis may be benign. If or dementia in association with bronchial carcin-
such a tumour is found, immunotherapy and re- oma.31 There has been increasing clinical and
moval have been associated with a better outcome neuro-imaging recognition of this condition in the
than without removal or treatment.2224 It must be past decade. Cardinal symptoms of LEand there-
remembered however, that about 40% of patients in fore LGI1 encephalitisare severe short-term
other patients series reported had no associated memory impairment with psychiatric symptoms
tumour found.2,12 such as personality change, depression, anxiety, hal-
Immunotherapy with IVIG and high-dose ster- lucinations, confusion and complex partialoften
oidsintravenously initiallyhas been shown to temporal or classically in LGI1 encephalitis facio-
improve outcome but may be associated with re- brachial tonic seizures32and generalized seiz-
lapse especially without tumour removal.2,17 Case ures.33,34 Another prominent symptom, found in
1 was slow to respond to these treatments, thus a 40% of patients is myoclonusalso strongly ex-
second course was prescribed. Imaging did not hibited in mice lacking LGI1.25 Of note, symptoms
reveal an associated tumour. Both Cases 1 and 2 are similar for CASPR2 syndromes but additionally
needed repeated courses of MP and IVIG because may include peripheral nerve hyperexcitability and
of poor responses to the initial treatment cycle. Of axonal sensorimotor neuropathy.28 Our patient ex-
note, both responded well to the second course of hibited confusion, change in conscious level and
IVIG and MP but, in addition, Case 2 also received seizures. In addition, as has previously been
cyclophosphamide and rituximab with adjunctive described in patients with anti-LGI1 encephalitis,
ECT and plasma exchange. Both patients made a she had autonomic instability with labile tempera-
full recovery. ture and blood pressure.
Although previously termed anti-VGKC enceph- Neuroimaging by MRI shows unilateral or bilat-
alitis, recent evidence suggests that it is actually eral, asymmetrical, high-signal changes in mesial
another autoantigenLGI1that is associated temporal lobes (Figure 2) that enhance on T2-
with limbic encephalitis and this terminology will weighted scans (up to 84% of patients).5,25 High-
be used throughout.25 In addition, other studies sug- signal changes in the hippocampal area were seen
gest that another auto-antigen contactin-associated in our patient. CSF, as for anti-NMDA encephalitis,
protein-like 2 CASPR2 (expressed in hippocampal may show a pleocytosis with a lymphocytic pre-
neurons) is associated with illnesses previously dominance, raised protein and oligoclonal bands.35
attributed to anti-VGKC antibodies such as drug- Hyponatraemia, as in our patient, is common, oc-
refractory epilepsy, encephalitis, peripheral nerve curring in over half of patients both those with
dysfunction or a combination of both: Morvan syn- underlying carcinoma and those without; this is
drome or neuromyotonia.2629 LGI1 is a secreted thought to be mediated by LGI1 expression in
neuronal protein that functions as a ligand for two the hypothalamus and kidney and averaged Na
epilepsy-related proteins ADAM22 and ADAM23.30 128 mmol/l in Lais review.25,36 EEG is often abnor-
As opposed to the previous supposed anti-VGKC mal showing focal or generalized epileptic dis-
mechanism of action, anti-LGI1 does not encode charges oras in Case 3slow wave activity.37
structural components of ion channels. It is specu- In contrast to Anti-NMDAR encephalitis, asso-
lated that antibody-mediated disruption of LGI1 ciated underlying tumours are only found in 11%
function causes increased excitability, which may of patients in Anti-LGI1 encephalitis;25 in those
result in seizures or encephalopathy. Case 3 de- who do have a tumour, the encephalitis can precede
scribes an elderly female with anti-LGI1 limbic en- the identification of the neoplasm in up to three
cephalitis that responded poorly to immunotherapy quarters of patients.34,38,39
with IVIG and MP. It must be noted that at the time A thorough search, initially for an infectious aeti-
of investigation the LGI1 antibodies were not being ology and then for exclusion of underlying malig-
characterized in our reference laboratorys studies. nancy (tumour should be removed if found) should

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Autoimmune encephalitis 929

parkinsonism. No infectious, auto-immune or para-

neoplastic aetiology was identified on testing of
serum and CSF. There are further cases in the litera-
ture reporting patients presenting with features of LE,
negative anti-LGI1 and anti-NMDA antibodies but
full response to immunotherapy with IVIG and ster-
oids.40 These cases did note, however, EEG and MRI
changesEEG showed bitemporal slowing and par-
oxysmal slow wave bursts; MRI showed bilateral
swelling in the medial temporal lobes. Our patient
responded profoundly to immunotherapya re-
sponse which was maintainedindicating a likely
autoimmune cause for the encephalitis. It must be
noted that there are other conditions which can
cause AE in addition to anti-NMDAR, anti-LGI1or
CASPR2; our patient may have had one of these
but this was not identified. Such disorders included
Figure 2. MRI FLAIR sequence coronal view of Case 3 Anti-AMPA, Anti-GABA and the intracellular anti-
showing bilateral high-signal changes in mesial temporal gens anti-Hu and anti-Ma2.
lobes and insular cortices. AMPA receptor antibodies (Glutamate
ReceptorsGluR1/2) is one of the autoimmune
causes of limbic encephalitis. Glutamate is on of
the main excitatory neurotransmitters with GluR1/2
be undertaken. For anti-NMDA encephalitis, the being the predominant AMPA subtype in the hippo-
treatment is immunotherapy with high-dose steroids campus (GluR3 is associated with the distinct dis-
and IVIG with other agents such as cyclophospha- order, Rasmussens syndrome). Like Anti-NMDAR
mide, rituximab or plasma exchange being used as a encephalitis, Anti-AMPA receptor encephalitis is
second line2. When found in the CSF or serum, associated with tumours in females and good re-
anti-LGI1 antibodies are associated with a better re- sponse to immunotherapy.29,41,42
sponse to treatment than those treated for presumed Anti-GABA AE is caused by disruption of the
auto-immune encephalitis without presence of metabotropic Anti-GABA beta receptor. When dis-
auto-antibodies.3 After treatment, a quarter of pa- rupted, this receptor causes limbic encephalitis with
tients will have full recovery and one half will be prominent seizures and memory dysfunction.43 The
left with only mild disability.25 The neurological def- patients in Lancaster et al.s case series (average age
icits may be subtle and difficult to elicit, however, 62 and roughly equal sex distribution) all presented
and in some cases are sufficient to preclude a return with early and prominent seizures; EEG and MRI
to work. findings were consistent with predominant limbic
Our patient (Case 3) had poor response to two dysfunction. Around 47% of patients had small
courses of immunotherapy despite anti-LGI1 antibo- cell lung cancer. Neurological improvement
dies being present and no underlying tumour being occurred in 60% of the patients and was correlated
found. Her advanced age, prolonged stay on ITU with prompt immunotherapy and tumour control.44
and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), may Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitides (PLE) are
have negatively influenced her response to treat- predominantly related to Anti-Hu and anti-Ma2 anti-
ment. It may also be postulated that treatment was bodies. Diagnosis is either by neuropathological
not started until approximately 3 weeks after admis- examination or the presence of following 4 criteria:
sion and 5 weeks into her illness. Moreover, despite compatible clinical picture; interval of <4 years be-
the poor response to the above treatments, due to tween neuro- symptoms and tumour identification;
the patients poor general condition, plasma ex- exclusion of other neuro-oncological complications;
change or other immunotherapy could not be at least one of followingCSF with inflammatory
initiated. changes but negative cytology, MRI showing tem-
Case 4 describes a case in which the young male poral lobe abnormalities; EEG showing temporal
patient presented with features of AE with diffuse activity in the temporal lobes.29 Around 60% of pa-
brain involvement following a prodromal influenza- tients in a series34 had antineuronal antibodies.
like illness a few weeks previously. He had a CSF Only 57% had limbic changes on the MRI.
lymphocytic pleocytosis but his EEG and MRI head Patients with Anti-Ma 2 encephalitis were generally
were normal. He had profound catatonia and young men with testicular tumours (as opposed to

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930 T. Wingfield et al.

lung cancer as most common associated malig- Funding

nancy in anti-Hu), hypothalamic involvement and
poor neurological outcome. Tumour treatment has The Authors did not receive any relevant funding in
generally been shown to have a superior outcome order to produce this article.
than immunomodulatory therapy in these cases.29 Conflict of interest: None declared.
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like to thank Thea Johnstone for her support and 2010; 15 October (doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70222-X;
assistance throughout the writing of this article. Epub ahead of print).

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