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Fill the blanks with the words from the board. (Completa com as palavras do quadro).

are am me welcome sorry you

a) I am ________________.

b) Youre ______________.

c) How ________ you?

d) Excuse _________.

e) Thank _________.

f) I _______ fine.

Find the correct short forms from the given long forms. (Encontra as contraes
das formas verbais).

Ex: I am happy - Im happy

a) We are ________________ watching television.

b) Peter is ______________ a strong boy.

c) It is ______________ eight oclock now.

d) She is _____________ a taxi driver.

e) Cats and dogs are _____________ pet animals.

f) You are _______________ late again.

g) My brother is _____________ a waiter.

h) We are ____________ good children.

i) She is ____________ a nurse.

j) He is _____________ your boyfriend.

k) She is _____________ old.

l) He is ______________ an engineer.

m) They are ____________ pilots.

n) She is _______________ beautiful.

Complete the crosswords. (Completa as palavras cruzadas).

4. 3.

1. Quarta
2. Domingo
3. Sbado
4. Tera
5. Quinta
6. Segunda
7. Sexta

Read about Annas family. (L sobre a familia da Anna).

Hi, friends. My name is Anna. This is a

picture of my family and me. This is my
father. His name is Frederick. His
nickname is Fred. This is my mother. Her
name is Marjorie. Her nickname is Margie.
This is my brother. His name is Donald. His
nickname is Don. This is my brother. His
name is Philip. His nickname is Phil. Don and
Phil are twins. This is my sister. Her name
is Patricia. Her nickname is Patty. The dog
is part of the family, too. His name is
Mungo. His nickname is Mun. And this is
me. Oh, what is my nickname? My nickname
is Ann.

Complete about Annas family. (Completa sobre a famlia da Anna).

Name Nickname
Complete the dialogue between Claire and Albert using the sentences from the board.
(Completa o dilogo entre a Claire e o Albert usando as frases do quadro).

Albert: Good evening!

What is your phone
Claire: ___________________!
Good evening
Albert: I am Albert Oliveira.
How old are
Nice to meet you, Albert
Claire: My name is Claire Gonalves.
What is your name

Albert: Nice to meet you too!

Claire: ______________________?

Albert: I am fifteen years old. And you?

Claire: I am fourteen years old.

Albert: _________________?

Albert: My phone number is 33589748.

Claire: Good-bye!

Albert: Bye

Complete with the time prepositions in / on. (Completa com as preposies de tempo
in / on).

a) My birthday is ____ October.

b) My birthday is ____ Saturday

c) My birthday party is ____ April.

d) My birthday is ____ the 13th of May.

e) My birthday is ____ Monday.

f) My birthday is ____ July.

g) My birthday party is ____ Tuesday.

h) My birthday is ____ the 3rd of August.

Fill in the blanks with the propositions bellow. (Completa os espaos em branco com
as preposies).

True or False. (Verdadeiro ou


The football is next to the shoes.

The sock is in-between the shoes

and the t-shirt.

The chair is on the desk.

The pencil is under the bed.

The shorts are next to the


The paint is behind the window.

Write the sentences in the negative and interrogative form. (Escreve as frases nas
formas negativa e interrogativa).

a) We are watching television.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

b) Peter is a strong boy.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

c) It is eight oclock now.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

d) She is a taxi driver.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

e) Cats and dogs are pet animals.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

f) You are late again.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________
SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

g) My brother is a waiter.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

h) We are good children.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

i) She is a nurse.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

j) He is your boyfriend.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

k) She is old.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________
l) He is an engineer.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

m) They are pilots.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

n) She is beautiful.

Interrogative __________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

Negative ______________________________________________________________

SF __________________________________________________________________

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