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Dissolving Clouds with Your Mind FreeMind Power

in Mind Power, Psychic Evidence, Psychic Power Training, Psychic Videos 73 Comments

Cloudbusting Cloudbursting Brain Power


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dissolving clouds Clouds disappear or dissolve all the time quite naturally.
But have you ever tried dissolving cloudswith your mind?
Dissolving Clouds with Your Mind

I rst tried dissolving clouds, also known as cloud busting

or cloud bursting, years ago after reading an old Yoga Telekinetic Powers Freak Out
book by Jess Stearn. I think Richard Bach must have 3 COMMENTS

adapted the idea from him or maybe it was already out

there in the mass consciousness because he later wrote The Real Super Powers of Master
about dissolving clouds in one of his books either
Illusions or Jonathon Livingston Seagull. Probably
Illusions if memory serves.
Universal Mind Meditation
How do you dissolve clouds with your mind? You pick one
cloud formation out of a bunch of clouds and focus your Manifest Your Desires Video
energy on making that cloud break up, dissolve or disappear. 2 COMMENTS

The Third Man Factor

The theory is that making clouds disappear or dissolving clouds with your mind is a psychic or mind
power development technique. The more you do it the better your ability to focus your mind on other
tasks and abilities. Anyway, the rst time I did it, it seemed to really work. Is it possible that the cloud I
Miracle Mind Video
was concentrating on was going to dissipate anyway? Of course. But the interesting thing is the rst 3 COMMENTS
time I tried dissolving clouds there were many clouds around and only the one I was concentrating on
broke up. I was able to duplicate the phenomenon so know it wasnt a one time event. Are You Psychic Quiz Guess the
Right Number
Following my rst attempt at dissolving clouds I tried again several times over the years and met with
semi-success. Many times it seemed to work. Could it have been coincidence that the clouds I chose to
Free Mind Power Training
make disappear were the ones that dissolved while the others remained intact. I suppose, but I prefer to
think that I had something to do with it

Have You Ever Had a Psychic

Please watch the videos on this page to see actual cloud busters in action dissolving clouds using the Connection with Someone?
power of their mind. If you give cloud busting a try please let me and our readers know in the 39 COMMENTS

comments section below.

Mirror Gazing Meditation

Cloud Busting and the Effect of Intention

Wealth Hypnosis Meditation with
528 hz Solfeggio Frequency

Weird Psychic Powers


Indigo Children aka Crystal

Children or Psychic Children
Theyre Here
Awaken Your Black
Intuition Friday
Attract The Right Festival
Soulmates By Tapping Into
Your Hidden Mind Power.

Du 17
au 8
Tags: dissolve clouds with mind power, dissolving clouds, make clouds disappear, make clouds
disappear with your mind, mind power, mind power training, psychic power, psychic training Decembre,
73 Responses to Dissolving Clouds with Your Mind
Michael Murphy
October 6, 2017 at 5:58 am
I have done this countless times. It was a favored pastime when I was a long-haul trucker.
Then I got an idea. If I can make clouds disappear, how about making them appear? And it Jumia
worked. Not always, but often enough to discount coincidence. Just reverse the process. Pick
an empty area of sky and visualize a tiny cloud appearing. It takes practice, but eventually, Categories
you will see a tiny cloud just spring into view. A tremendous amount of fun!

Reply Abundance (9)

Astral Projection
jody leclaire
Brain Power (19)
October 3, 2017 at 8:53 pm

Chakras (4)
if you like cloud busting come check out my facebook site cheers
Dreams (5)
Famous Psychics

The observer Healing (11)

August 24, 2017 at 6:33 pm Meditation (19)

I rst thought when it happened a week ago that something was in the clouds, like seeing Mind Power (56)
ships and all but when I created a twin cloud and both maneged to stop them both I begun to
take it seriously. Psychic Evidence
After a while I begun to see , and now I think that I did it myself seeing this site.

That Im able to create ships with my fantasy in those clouds and also rainbows . Psychic Power
Training (56)
I still dont know for sure now. Did I actually do this or is my conscience making contact with
the universe that projects these things before me . Psychic Readings
I lmed several of this hes events really strange to gain psychic powers..

What is this that Im able to do this by thought. Psychic

Is isnt the ascention what people talk about? Relationships
Psychic Tests

Aaron Psychic Towns

August 18, 2017 at 8:27 pm
Psychic Videos
What if i can stop a cloud while others keep moving by it?
Remote Viewing

Michael Telepathy (10)

July 9, 2017 at 7:34 pm Time Travel (3)

I can also make clouds disappear with my mind. I can pick the one I want and it is gone!

Reply 2011 psychic power. All rights reserved.

dissolving clouds

Nico T
June 23, 2017 at 3:36 pm

It must have been around 1969 that I saw a little tv show around Halloween where they
talked to a Wiccan witch. Among the things she talked about was Cloud Busting. She
suggested beaming a red light out of your eyes, to melt the cloud, or something. Hey, it
was a long time ago; I dont remember her exact words! I tried to get a red light to come out
of my eyes, but I couldnt do it. But the cloud melted anyway! The attempt to emit a red light
caused the concentration needed.
Imagining a red light has worked the four or ve times Ive tried over the years. I only do it
to rearm that I can, because it seems utterly ridiculous to think that I can!


June 8, 2017 at 3:16 am

I did it too, it work each time. It was amazing. To be honest, i am not sure it is dissolve from
me or itself. But i do believe it could happen.


July 9, 2017 at 7:32 pm

I can also make clouds disappear with my mind. I can pick the one I want and
it is gone!


February 22, 2017 at 3:17 am

Yes, I dissolve clouds. Its a pleasant armation now and then, always feels good. Cheers


January 15, 2017 at 5:09 pm

All with this ability are here to do the same thing. Use this skill to erase the chem trails I have
begun doing it and it works. This sounds so crazy and so few will truly understand what we
are discussing without thinking we are all loons. We are here to help stop the powers that be
from killing everyone. Wake up to your true reasons for existing now and choosing to be
conscious now. This is our agenda.


March 11, 2017 at 10:48 am

DOES it work on chem trails?


January 7, 2017 at 1:55 pm

Dissolving clouds??? What about growing clouds. Changing the direction of the clouds.
Making all the dierent clouds go in all dierent directions. Once you begin to feel the clouds
more the more you can do with them. If you see clouds moving one direction try stopping
them and then feel them going in a dierent direction. May take a lot of concentration but
very cool. Also, try it with a river.


Pete Mendez
August 11, 2016 at 6:24 pm

I have been making clouds dissolve for a few years now, no matter how many times I do it, I
am still amazed, how can you aect something that is outside of you like that, I have done a
lot of research into this phenomenon, very interesting indeed, one question comes to mind
now when I make a cloud disappear, and it is, so what, I can make a cloud disappear, What
can I use the ability for? what can I do with it? I can make a cloud disappear with my mind,
but it is just that A CLOUD, can I help people with it? can I help myself with it? can I make an
income with it? that would be nice, make a cloud disappear to pay my bills, But really does
anyone have an idea what can be done with this ability? to be used fro some kind of good, if
not, big deal, I can make clouds disappear, Whoopee, thanks peace out.


October 23, 2016 at 9:13 pm

I was wondering the same if I can dissipate clouds what else can I do?


November 18, 2016 at 6:17 pm
I also have done it many times. I found out two things. One, You dont have to
concentrate on the cloud. All you have to do is look at it for long enough and it
will go away. And two you can also look at the cloud thru a mirror and it will
have the aect. On the cloud.


November 23, 2016 at 8:31 pm

Can your cloud dissolving ability create and maintain blue clear sky in a region
where the whole sky appears to be covered by a whole sheet of thick clouds? I
dont live in an area where a single cloud can be identied, singled out, and
dissolved, but I am really tired and fed up of a whole month of rain and a lack
of sun breaks due to the over abundance of clouds overhead continuously. I
would hire cloud dissolvers if my desired outcome of getting some sunshine
can be generated, but dont know if that is possible or a reasonable
expectation. To discuss price per cloud wouldnt work given the weather
pattern in my region, and the alternative of ying myself to Hawaii would be a
lot more expensive and not as practical as simply intending those clouds to
disappear (or be moved away to another region that could use some clouds). I
personally would be open to paying cloud dissolvers for achieving a patch of
clear sky for me, and open to bartering as well for cloud dissolving services.
Its funny how I found this site after thinking about making a posting in search
of cloud dissolvers within my network. I would want to only work with someone
I could trust.


January 27, 2017 at 12:08 am

Yes! I have done this many times. I live in an area that is often
gray for days at a time and, although I sometimes think it best to
let nature be naturesometimes.

I would never take money for doing this. Its an amazing gift just
to know that it is possible. I did not learn this from someone else;
I tried it spontaneously as a child and found I could do it easily
I think anyone can. Blessings.


lin galant
August 21, 2017 at 3:12 am

did you ever get anyone Christina too bad we all did not live
close we could have a cloud Busting Party.. for fun and serious
times let us know.. thank you


Michael Murphy
October 6, 2017 at 6:03 am

One thing I discoveredwhen I would dissolve several clouds in

a session, in a fairly short period of time, say an hour, the sky
would invariably become completely clear. It was a consistent
result of cloud busting. Not if I just did one or two clouds, but if I
did more than that, then the sky would clear. Residual energy?


Ty daws
December 20, 2016 at 8:03 am

Try it on lsd. Talk about changing an entire sky.


March 11, 2017 at 10:57 am

We had terrible storms here this week, and before the most recent got going, I
was waving them away. It workedstorm went north of us. I want to learn to
weaken deadly storms.


September 26, 2017 at 5:12 am

I am starting to think now that if every cloud buster in the world united maybe
taking down a hurricane could be attempted. chemtrail busting is my focus
right now at home and keeping myself amused with cloud disappearing acts. (
newbie here i am ) but thinking alot of developed powers need to unite and
counter strike all the weather manipulation going on this month. just a
thought. cant make any money from it but hey I LIKE CLEAN SKIES and
hurricanes suck !! and earth quakes..and not forget the volcanos are feeling left
out .
but heyif all i can do is chemtrail bust and cloud disappearance .. im happy to
include it with my daily routine . and on the side keep practicing other things to
see what ignites or not.


June 1, 2016 at 8:48 pm

A couple days ago I was sitting on the front porch with my girlfriend. I told her I could make
clouds disappear. She looked at me skeptically. I hadnt done this in 25 years, so I didnt
know if anything would happen or not. I picked out a small cloud and focused. As it was it
was getting small, a curve started to form on the left side of the cloud that looked like an S.
In a minute it was a cursive F. In about another minute it actually SPELLED OUT MY LAST
NAME in cursive writing!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunaltely my phone was in the house, and I knew by the
time i found it, the cloud writing would be gone. At least I have a witness. I dont know if it
was a sign from my dad who passed away 3 years ago or a sign of something else. Has
ANYONE had this experience????


July 20, 2016 at 12:24 am

Hi! That sounds amazing

When I rst heard about cloud dissolving from a friend, we went on a bridge
and looked at the clouds, and sort of same thing happened.
Clouds started forming all kinds of funny stu. First there was a horse who
galloped, and his legs started to disappear. Then, a dragon was eating
something, city was forming in the sky and so on. But, at the end, letters
started to form. We couldnt read what it was, but clearly it said something. We
both saw everything at the same time. And now that I think about it, it is
strange that we both didnt think about trying to record it or whatever. We just
enjoyed the scene.


December 10, 2016 at 4:36 pm

I had a similar experience last night. I tried what I am now lovingly calling
cloudbending for the rst time ever, and a cloud transformed into a question

I cant tell if this sort of intent-control aects the water, the air, or the air
currents, but this is denitely interesting and reproducible.


lin galant
August 21, 2017 at 3:18 am

yes I see big Spirit Faces in the clouds ((I call them that)) they take the form
of the cloud so I can see them anyone can if they know what to look for but
they are there and they are watching all- an THEY DO NOT LIKE THE
CHEMTRAILS.. that was a sign that they know you were busting the clouds
your name was spelled try it again and look for a face and you will discover
more- chemtrails have ruined our starry nite sky they have no right to do
that>>>> and yes the departed do contact us God is not cruel and it
would be for a good reason love does not stop at the grave keep in touch
and let us know what happens..


May 9, 2016 at 9:23 pm

I made a cloud disspaear yesterday while I was sitting enjoying the day in Central park. Then
I googled if this was possible and came across this site. It didnt take long at all to make the
cloud disappear and the person I was with though I was making it up all the other clouds
that were surrounding it were still there though. Interestingly, right afterward, I was bursting
to go to the bathroom. I wonder if the moisture of the cloud somehow transferred into my
bladder I had to run to nd a bathroom and use a restaurants and it was an exceedingly
full bladder indeed. MMmmmm! If I try this again Ill need to make sure I know where the
nearest toilet is :)~


August 10, 2017 at 11:58 pm

That is so funny, Jenny! When I tired it two evenings ago, the same exact thing
happened. It wasnt 30 seconds after the could was gone I had to GO big time!
I wonder if there is a relationship. What was that old saying about if it is one
person, it is nothing, and TWO people make it a coincidence! BUT THREE,
Yes THREE PEOPLE and you have full blown conspiracy!


Farasat Saeed
May 6, 2016 at 2:11 pm

I agree that this is possible. i have experienced dissolving clouds but this is new that if
phenomena can be captured on Camera.


L. Rijklof
February 10, 2016 at 6:19 pm

Chemtrail busted!
Hi, and happy greetings from the Colombian mountains to my colleague chem-busters!!!
In my last post I wondered at the wisdom of demonstrating our awakening powers, just
busting clouds at random. With that, I promised
> But Chemtrails!!! By George, when and if I see another one, I shall surely do my utmost
best to kill it! <
Well, this morning we sat, happily chatting bout this and that with our neighbor and her
baby, when I unthinkingly looked up at the sky, and there it was, a long trunk of white. It
diered in form from the other clouds, and it was obviously one of those wretched
chemtrails, poisoning our air, our soil and our crops and our minds.
I pointed it out to my wife, and she hardly paid attention, being in cheerful conversation with
the young neighbor mother, solving earthly problems and thangs.
Still chewing my breakfast, I started concentrating. There was not much change. This, one
has to do fully concentrated. But such an enormously long chemtrail? Would I be able to do
it? Quickly nished the remainder of my arepita, and stood apart of the ladies, asking my wife
to measure that cloud; it extended north-east to southwest, and it was very long. I wondered
I just did as I did before. I stood still, barefooted, and looked straight at that white trunk
thing. Just looked at one point. I ordered it to dissolve .. with just that thought: I want you
to dissolve, NOW! It lasted, but then I saw the dark blue stains appearing1 behind the area I
had chosen, as I had seen before. I kept looking, just at that point, and kept repeating the
same order. Nothing much changed, these things seem to be sturdy. I kept looking at that
point, without moving my gaze, and then, nally it started thinning out. I still did not want to
move my eyes until, indeed it had faded away such that I could see right through it. Wanting
to remove all of it, I kept staring at it. It was then that I looked at to where this thang had
extended, high up there to my right. And lo! The whole chemtrail was gone, the sky was
liberated of it, by just pinpointing my attention on one part of it! The clouds which had
surrounded it were still there, but thats ne. That whole lengthy nonentity which had been
there only seconds ago, had faded away in its entirety! When I called out my wife and her
friend looked up, to see no chemtrail either.
It was ten minutes of work, no more. And when only a while later I looked at the sky again,
there were no clouds where this monster had been. Now, we dont even see the high cirrus
clouds which were above it anymore. Just blue skies with white oating pieces of cotton-wool
drifting by. Amazing! Side eects of my uncanny fourth-dimensional powers?*
This was not one c t I have seen coming out of those ugly grey gringo planes, so the
probability can only be measured by our sighting of a long-drawn-out trunk, a tunnel in the
air if you wish. But real chemtrail or not, it could not stand clean mind-power. Ill sure be a
chemtrail hunter from now on!
So, my friends, I feel accomplished! For me no more busting of friendly white sheep in the air.
Just and only chemtrails, will be condemned by merely watching them. We did it again!
Greetings from the Colombian mountains,
L. Rijklof
*not ego boosting, just self-mockery
1 these blue stains are not there, they are a consequence of staring with a xed gaze at that
one point


L. Rijklof
February 7, 2016 at 9:19 pm

Can rainclouds be made by mind power?

Hello fellow Cloudbusters!
I considered the topic Dissolving clouds with your mind a bit, and I decided not to do it
anymore. As I mentioned before, I dont see the need to dissolve those beautiful clouds, even
though I know I can.
A new thought came up though, one I saw mentioned here by one or two members:
Would it be possible to create clouds, instead of dis-creating them? I am thinking of the need
of rain in areas like ours (in Colombia) where the draught is literally killing people now. There
are so many cloudy days where we live, yet there is no rain. And I wonder -aside of the day
which may soon come when I can initiate my chem-buster, and maybe cause the rain to fall
over our barren elds- if it would be possible to create rain from these clouds, or even
indeed, make rainclouds. Dissolving the manipulation of the biosphere we live in, instead of
dissolving clouds. If it is so easy to make a cloud disappear, then there may not be much
value in doing it anyway, unless we have to do with a dangerous storm overhead.
If anyone can give any hints in this direction, Id be much obliged, while my search goes on.
Friendly greetings from
L. Rijklof, Colombia


August 6, 2017 at 5:07 pm

Yes you can make rain.Natives have been doing it forever with their rain
dance.Just stomp around in a circle chanting something like Hoya. Hoya. Hope
it works for you.It has worked for me.


August 11, 2017 at 12:22 am

Wilhelm Rech discovered what he called Orgone Initially, he mistakenly

thought it was sexual energy created by humans. But his experiments led him
to believe it was a natural type of energy in the atmosphere, and in places
where humans treated other humans poorly (in some cases, for a variety of
reasons), the energy became stale and kept the clouds and rain away. So he
created a simple device to Suck the stale energy out of the air, and it was
little more than a group of 6 to 10 foot metal pipes about an inch and a half in
diameter, ans he connect the ends to smaller exible metal hoses (like that
exible electrical conduit) and placed the ends in water. Running water like a
stream was the very best since he gured it was helping to suck the stale
Orgone out of the air. And it not only worked, but it WORKED GREAT! He could
bring on rain any time, But he learned to be patient since he brought on a few
oods! I just found that Wikipedia has an article and strangely enough, he
called it Cloud Busting, Why he did makes no sense because you are CREATING
them. Not busting them! Here is a link:

I hope it helps you down there since you grow my favorite coee in Colombia!
it is awesome!! I even sent a Thank You letter to the Colombian Ambassador of
the US asking him to pass it on to the growers because I wanted them to know
that they made a WHOLE LOT of people very happy in the morning! Which is far
more than most counties do on this planet!


L. Rijklof
February 6, 2016 at 7:18 pm

Hello, friendly greetings to you all!

Well, I tried .. just for the fun of trying.
Being all interest for breaking the chem-trail menace, and in the midst of building my rst
chembuster, I feel totally involved in this stu, and all of its sub-stu.
A small cloud overhead, disappeared in minutes when I just gazed at it, and asked it, kind of,
to dissolve. Another one, a little larger, in no time. Third one, gone!
Then I called my wife, and asked her to observe. This time I chose a bigger cloud, and it
lasted some more. It played me a trick, as if an animated being: It united with a neighbor,
forming a larger cloud. I insisted, was interrupted by my wifes nger playing over my spine,
and then by my neighbor-boy, grabbing my hand. But after centering all of my attention on
dissolving this white cloud, the part that I initially worked on, disappeared as well.
My rst question is: Hmm .. could I do this with a dangerous thunderstorm approaching,
maybe forming a team of three to ve like minds? Ill sure give it a try!
Then, more importantly: Why should we do this? Is there any reason we should demonstrate
our awakening powers, which have lain dormant for so many eons of time? They will be
apparent soon enough!
Kind Regards,
L. Rijklof, Colombia


December 20, 2015 at 4:59 pm

It started on its own. First I started creating clouds and to be believed it rain when I expected
and tried.i told my friends and people but no one believed. Good to see here people like me.
It actually happens. You can create and dissolve clouds with your mind power. All you need is
concentration on some single topic over some period of time and relegation the same thing
every day to make your mind occupied with that single thing. Then when you think or
practice in open nature you will se cloud forming.


December 14, 2015 at 7:40 pm

Ive successfully dissipated clouds through the years;

just for a psychic exercise, not to be malicious;
I thought it was kind of a cool thing to do,
and Ive only told a couple of people,
until I saw this page and decided to comment.


Kathleen Nelson
September 13, 2015 at 10:41 pm

Yes, I can and have dissolved clouds. Concentrate on the cloud only, tearing it apart with
your thoughts. It takes close to seven min. to completely erase it. I do not like to do it
because we need all the clouds we can get here in Southern California. Maybe we should try
to form them instead of destroying them. I heard a women mention it on a radio show about
12 years and went out side and did it the rst time. That is when I realized our mind
commands a powerful energy. So much more to learn and seek !


July 24, 2015 at 8:19 pm

a fellow taught this to me when i was 10 or 11. just clear your mind and think only of the
cloud you are looking at. dont be foolish, pick a cloud that about as big as your thumb nail
with your arm fully extended.


July 24, 2015 at 8:35 pm

i nd it rains when in 3 days of doing this. i havent taken notice if direction has
anything to do with it.


July 7, 2015 at 7:42 pm

Ok people I am psychic and Id never even heard of clouds disappearing until June 2015. I
looked up in the sky and saw three clouds disappear very quickly. I didnt do that. Its nature
or spirits. I recorded two of them once I realized this phenomenon was occurring that day. So
the next day no clouds disappeared. So a week later I looked and looked and no more clouds
disappeared. I can say that I did it but I didnt. Im not claiming to have done this. I give
mother earth or spirits that credit. Some spirits may have been showing me magic that day
for some reason. And I dont believe anybody else has made any clouds disappear either.
Thats the spirits fooling you. And possibly an evil spirit fooling you. And it makes you sound


February 2, 2016 at 8:54 pm

You have no right ever calling yourself a physic with that closed of mind.
Incredibly embarrassing.


January 27, 2017 at 12:14 am

Focusing energy on a specic cloud or area of a cloud can blow a hole right
through it. So many people have done it there is nothing foolish about it. It
is a projection of energy. It is not a trick. If you havent done it before, do not
denigrate others, please. Ive been doing this for yeas and I am not a foolish
person by any means.


August 11, 2017 at 12:59 am

Hi Caroline,
I agree. There is real, veriable science behind this. Even though
many scientists still deny it, we live in a sea of very powerful
energy. In fact, it is what everything is made from. We live in a
complex and beautiful Quantum Holographic Matrix (nothing as
cheesy as the 1999 movie,The Matrix thankfully), and
everything is created from patterns of energy at various
frequencies. Some are low, and some are very high. For example,
each dierent type of cell in our bodies has a unique frequency
that its the signature of the DNA Anyway, is it this energy we
control and focus on the clouds to evaporate or disperse them.
We are truly Co-Creators in our universe. You must admit the
design is nothing short of awesome!!!


Pete Mendez
June 28, 2015 at 7:09 am

Ok so I can make clouds disappear, what do I do with it now, there has to be more to it than
just that, obviously I am able to send some energy out by thinking about it and aect a cloud
but what else can it do, I have a feeling that it is only the tip of an innite iceberg, if the mind
has innite capabilities, where do I take it from here, I want to use my mind energy to its full
potential, I believe the fact that a cloud disappears is only a demonstration of an energy that
is denitely there, it is absolutely amazing to me that this is even possible, all it tells me is
there is a whole lot more it can do.


March 22, 2017 at 8:51 pm

Hi Pete I dont know if youll see this post since its been a while. I put my
intention on it that you will. My curiosity over the nature of reality has let me
down the rabbit hole. We are so much more powerful than we know. Ive done
more than make clouds disappear and you can too. Mystics and physicists have
been trying to tell us that reality is an illusion. I believe that our ability to
make clouds disappear is proof so is energy healing. A fellow sailor showed
me how to prevent a distant water spout from touching down just by waving
your attened palm under it -as to cut it o. Start reading everything you can
about metaphysics. A good place to start is the book Matrix Energetics by
Richard Bartlet. Forget what you think you know about reality. Open your
mind to new possibilities. Good luck and have fun!


D boy
January 18, 2015 at 12:57 am

I thought I was crazy. I took LSD about 5 years ago (no need to take it again) and I found
that I could really dissolve clouds and create shapes in the sky. I later tried it when I was not
under the inuence and, although it was not as easy, I could still do it. I avoid using this mind
power for my own gains now or to feed my own ego. Instead, I just admire the beauty in the
sky and feel a great gratitude come over me. I never thought of trying to dissolve chemical
trails and fake clouds. I will work on it!


July 1, 2015 at 9:40 am

Cloud shaping- making clouds (all kind of shapes )with your mind in the sky is
pure demonic. The truth is that demons take the form of a cloud whatever
form or shape youre thinking- or insert in your eyes and make you believe that
you are doing it ( that you have powers within your mind). By staring clouds
-thinking you can change their shape- you are already obeying to demonic
thoughts and so demons ( whenever God allows them) take the right to
continue and deceive you more and more. And at the end you become so
possessed that even if someone like me tells you the truth your ego has
become so huge (cause youve given so much time doing these cloud-busting)
that you dont listen nobody and the only thing you do is just wanting to
believe that you have so-called psychic powers


November 13, 2015 at 8:14 pm

Are you kidding me? If I could do this, Id hit Las Vegas so hard theyd think
nuclear testing had resumed. Id give 90% of the money to charity & live
simply o the rest , using my time to volunteer for NGOs, etc


Dave mccawley
September 16, 2014 at 4:07 am

Set my mind on clouds tonight 3 dierent times with my grandson and wife. Freaked them
out all 3 times the clouds dissolved


September 9, 2014 at 9:35 am
By the way
The ability to aect the environment with intention and energetic output is very real. I agree
with the poster that says one should not dissolve NORMAL clouds. Learn discernment
between real and chemtrail created clouds, and Mother Earth will be happy and you will be
as well, since you will have done everybody a service!


L. Rijklof
February 6, 2016 at 10:52 pm

I do fully agree with you, C.T.Zak.

I was amazed that I could do it just one-two-three without any training. Now, I
am not going to make a circus about this ability which probably everybody has
to his/her disposition.
But Chemtrails!!! By George, when and if I see another one, I shall surely do my
utmost best to kill it! And when (not if) that happens, that is when I know that I
can use this cloud- dissipating thing for the good of all, without even having to
brag about it.
Thanks for commenting,
Greetings from the Colombian mountains,
L. Rijklof


September 9, 2014 at 9:21 am

We all need to pitch in and dissolve the chemtrail created false clouds! Dont bother with the
ones created by mother earth as a previous poster has stated. I do this constantly, and
have learned to easily discern between real ones and chemtrail created ones. We need to
help Mother Earth!

Also, good idea about the using intention to create shapes out of clouds. What does this say
about reality? Well, its only as real as you believe it to be.

I am going to create a big heart next time I see one.


September 9, 2014 at 9:14 am

I only burst chemtrails and the false clouds that they create. They are easy to spot. If I see a
chemtrail being made in real time, I immediately dissolve it. It is actually very easy to discern
between natural clouds and false chemclouds. Good idea about making shapes, btw!


L. Rijklof
February 6, 2016 at 10:54 pm

How long does it take you to bust a chemtrail, ChemTrailzSuk

L. Rijklof


Pink Light
June 4, 2014 at 4:59 pm

Please dont try to burst any more clouds. This isnt natural and is a negative destructive
ability which if encouraged can cause negative implications. Please believe me I have seen
this for myself in a so called hippy who became obsessed with it and he then turned very
nasty, destroying lives. Im fed up of hearing people brag that they burst a cloud, like their
ego is the only thing they are caring about. Clouds contain water and are formed by mother
nature as part of the delicate balance that keeps earth alive. Ever heard of the buttery
eect? What did the poor clouds ever do to you?

April 11, 2015 at 5:14 pm

Pink Light dissolving a cloud, only means that the moisture(water) inside it
is MOVED AROUND, spread out. It does NOT MEAN the water no longer exists.
The water is still there, in the sky. It will simple re-form again as another new
cloud, at a later time. The water in the cloud, WILL STILL FALL AS RAIN.
Dissolving the cloud has nothing to do with how much rain will fall at all.
Im sorry you watched your friend go crazy but going crazy is not a part of
Cloud busting. Going crazy has absolutely nothing to do with cloud control.
Period. This story youve shared doesnt really apply to this topic. And again,
nobody is hurting these clouds. Theyre clouds. Mother nature will just whip
together a few more if she needs to. Shes good at that. Please settle down
and stop trying to control other people. Controlling other people is not your


L. Rijklof
February 6, 2016 at 10:57 pm

So right, Pink Light,

but if one trains for using it for doing good next, so as f e to bust chemtrails,
then there is no harm done, on the contrary.
But I do agree with you as to that ego thing we are apt to be so happy about.
L. Rijklof, Colombia


January 27, 2017 at 12:15 am

I agree that its important not to abuse the knowledge of this.


March 7, 2014 at 9:22 am

Thanks for this post. I once just decided to see if I could make clouds disappear and it did, I
had never heard it from anyone before or even read about it! it came just a thought as I
relaxed outside and I just did it without any eort at all. I felt very powerful!. I came to this
site because I am interested in interpreting dierent types of cloud formations. Whenever I
see the white bubbly clouds I get a good feeling and immediately think of someone I love!!
Anyone out there who can assist me with more information on this? Thank you in advance.


February 24, 2014 at 12:56 am

Wow, I had no idea this was possible. Think I read once somewhere that someone was able
to reshape clouds the way they wanted but never really gave it much thought. Just got done
meditating and looked out at the sky as the sun sets and saw a small cloud. For whatever
reason, I wondered if I could make it disappear. I focused my attention on it with my
intention and energy in my third eye (if that makes sense, dont know how better to describe
it). After about a minute, I noticed that it was dissolving and another minute later, it was
gone. Immediately I felt very powerful but to make sure it wasnt a coincidence, decided to
try it on a couple of other smaller clouds. Same results. So I just now sought to see if there
was any info out there about it and my search led me here. Everything truly is connected.


L. Rijklof
February 6, 2016 at 11:15 pm

Third eye / pineal gland, respected Brian, browse cleansing the third eye and
you will feel good that you have found this path. You may also want to take a
look at this:
[ /
/11-ways-to-decalcify-the-pineal-gland/ plus sublinks ] , at your service,
L. Rijklof, Colombia


November 10, 2013 at 2:10 pm

9bI have made three clouds disappear. I have no doubt this was something i caused to occur
based on my desire and intention. I discovered this a few months ago and at 51 it is probably
one of the most profound self realizations to date. I am excited to discover more and help
others recognize their own power within.

October 28, 2013 at 2:42 am

I read about cloud bursting on a meditation site as a focus training method..It is awesome..I
did it the rst time and showed my friend ( a cherokee sp? native) she had never heard of this
as she was not raised on a reserve. We both found this amazing and fun to do..It really IS
easy..BELIEVE IT and do it..PS..> start with a small cloud, it will be easier and give you
condence. Best of luck Blessed be to all.


October 17, 2013 at 2:54 am

Thanks for this. I started to attempt to shape clouds with my mind, into whatever shape I
wanted, but the clouds were not shaping, instead, they were disappearing. So I decided to go
with it, and started attempting it more often. I nd it works pretty much all of the time, but I
always wondered, was this cloud going to break up anyway? I need to stop having negative
thoughts like that, and just believe it was me. I had not really heard of dissolving clouds with
ones mind before, so I decided to google it, to see if it was something that was out there, an
actual thing people could do. I learnt a lot from reading this, about psychic/mind power so it
is something I am going to try more often. I am too scared to share it though (I trust my
partner) but I fear as soon as I show him it wont work. I was also wondering what technique
was best. Do I just imagine it gone? Picture it breaking up? Imagine a big burst of wind
pulling it apart? Keep saying the cloud is not there? I thing that just focusing on it and
putting my energy into it seems to work best.


L. Rijklof
February 6, 2016 at 11:22 pm

was this cloud going to break up anyway? . It was not, dear Zanisea, not
without your (or our) interfering . Yet, wed better nd out what forces were
fooling around with . and, indeed, as I saw on this forum .. why should we make
clouds disappear? They have their function, like the ants, and the white dunes
at the sea side.
Another thing is busting chem-trails. I was as amazed as you express, to be
able to do this, but at once stopped, and watched my ego, even when I showed
the family this phenomenon.
BUT: whenever I see another chemtrail up there, I am sure to bust it and try to
send it to where it belongs.
Kind Regards,
L. Rijklof, Colombia


August 23, 2013 at 5:15 am

I rst noticed I was able to make clouds disappear a few years ago, at rst I thought I was
tripping,but I tried it again and again, everytime with 100% success. I was condent enough
to show my cousin, I even had him pick out a cloud for me to burst and like my previous
experoences it worked.. I wonder what this means about reality.


nicholas combest
April 5, 2013 at 1:34 am

Man i burst my rst cloud a few weeks ago after an evening of fungal was easy,
just pure intention! the only true form of magick comes from an unshakable faith! Give it a try
and dont underestimate yourself..we are one with the great dreamer


May 2, 2013 at 10:51 am

Fungal revelation I love it lol! Great job on the cloud busting and great words
of encouragement for others! And, for those looking to do their own cloud
busting, give it a shot of your own no fungal revelation required

Thanks for the great post!



July 23, 2014 at 8:18 am

Hello. My name is Jaclyn. I was looking at recurring dreams and dreams that
come to be. Something that I have been blessed with as far back as I was very,
very young. 6/7yrs.. It started witha rst person dream (I could see that I was
wearing a white lace dress and watched my little white shoes as I looked down.
I knew I was behind my Aunts house although it had taken on a few new
characteristics. As I walked toward it I looked to my right and saw a beautiful
gazebo. Being a city girl, I know there was no reason for me to know what it
was, as Im sure I had never seen one. As I got closer, I noticed that the walls
were glass and there were steps leding to French doors. None of this seemed
strange. I opened the doors and in this large room were chairs and
haggardlooking people wall to wall in black cloaks and rags. They all looked at
me and I woke up.a few yrs later my mom, little brother and I moved into this
house. It want until then that the dreams stopped. Other dreams of this house
included me in my school uniform standing on the other side of the fence
watching pilgrims walking in the front yard. Two seperate windows where the
bay window was. Changes that hadnt been made. My Aunt met a man and he
brought me and my brother and my mom to live there. He made life into a
dream itself, instead of the hell we were used to. The rst dream, which is as
vivid to me as if it actually happened ten minutes ago (not 30yrs) I gured out
at 14. See, one of the )1st things he did to the house was put a gazebo in the
yard. Right where i saw it. Then an addition. A huge kitchen with windows for
walls and wooden steps lading to french doors. He was burried on the very day
that they were supposed to marry in that gazebo. It was not a communion
dress as I had believed to have worn in my dreams. It was a wedding dress. I
was just too young to have realized. Not until he died did I put it together. He
was also having a wrap around porch put on. The bay window are way for2
seperate ones. Unfortunatel, he passed before getting to put up that porch. I
never saw one in my dreams. Ive had experiences. Voices, some use my name,
most dont. The last time I was spoken to, I was threatened that if I, yes, I were
alive she (whomever she was) called me Elise and assured me that she WOULD
kill me. Yet while playing a song on my aunts after school one day, I was
praisepd by a smooth and loving voice. That sounds beautiful, Jaclyn. I
believe it was my grandmother. She died in that house. The room that the piano
was in actually. When my aunt bought the old Victorian, the mentally Ill elderly
woman promised that every one my aunt loved would die there. Her mother.
Her ance. Less that 2yrs ago, her. There was garlic in every corner. A
cross/crucix either hung or dug in with some tool over every single door and
window. Sorry, Im rambling. What do u make of it? It would be nice to either
get validation or told that Im a wacko by someone whose a believer. I want to
work on developing my esp. There are so many more things I could tell u. How
are you going about it? Strengthening your gift..?


L. Rijklof
February 6, 2016 at 11:29 pm

This may lead you up to further investigation, Jackie . maybe you

can try Carl Gustav Jungs expalnations of your o w n dreams ..
nobody else can do it but you . the dream is vivid enough to try
and unravel, even more so because it is repetitive. Again: C G
Jung gives the best road to dream-explaining.
L. Rijklof, Colombia


August 31, 2012 at 5:50 pm

I tried cloudbursting at a bus stop over a year ago after seeing Men Who Stare At Goats,
completely spontaneous decision, just to kill some time. Random Tuesday morning or so.

And guess what. It happened. My jaw just dropped and I couldnt believe it. Of course I tried
again and again until I got really tired and had to go to work anyway. Every time it worked.
Took abt 2-5 min per pop and I only picked small uy clouds. But every time 100%

I never stopped. I learned a lot about how and when it works best. Tried dierent techniques.
Never told anybody because my friends would just think I went bonkers if it doesnt work on
display. I wont mention any of this until I get really strong and feel condent to cope with
stress of others watching. Its a bit cowardly but hey, I got all the time in the world dont I ?

I train myself dough I do it in public, just discretely to see if it works among crowds. And it
does, most of the time, however sometimes it feels really hard and takes longer especially
when Im tired. Or clouds move quite fast and I cant chase them long enough.
I sometimes do it at work to remind myself I can do it when I sit at my desk and people ask
me to get back to Earth thinking Im daydreaming. I just smile to myself. They dont know.

Guys, you just need to try and youll be shocked. Once it works, you know you wont stop
trying harder


Robert Walker
August 29, 2012 at 4:24 am

I rst dissolved clouds probably in 1973 or so, after reading about it in a book about yoga, as
I recall. After doing it several times, I became convinced that it was a real event. The
realization that I was actually doing it was somewhat overpowering. The method that I
employed was to pick a cloud that was surrounded by other similar clouds and then xing my
focus on that cloud. Gradually the cloud seems to appear as a dense core and thinner areas
around the edge. As the thinner areas disappear, the dense areas shrink. This continues until
the cloud is gone but the surround clouds remain unchanged. Ive been fairly careful about
who I have discussed this phenomena. Most jump to the obvious causes, the cloud went
away one its own or my eyes were eected by staring. One of my best friends was very
suspicious that this really happened when I told him how it worked. Several years later, he
excitedly told me that he had actually made clouds dissolve. He didnt understand how but he
was convinced that he had really dissolved several clouds. Its the kind of thing that one
cant really appreciate or believe until youve done it yourself, but once youve done it you
just know that it was a real event.


Mike Pearson
December 12, 2013 at 6:21 am

Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation by Jess Stearn may be where You read this.
I was reading it in 1976. Would anyone use such powers for not-so-good?
I wonder.


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