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1 st


My Family

01 Key Expressions
Who is this?
Who is she?
Shes my mom.

What does he do?

He is a computer programmer.

02 Conversation Examples
Practice the examples with your teacher.

A: Who are they?

B: They are my friends in school.

A: Is he your brother?
B: No, hes my cousin.

A: What does your mom do?

B: She is a writer.

A: What do you do?

B: I work at a hospital.

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

03 Lets Talk
Read the examples, and fill in the blanks.
, .

A: Who is this?
B: This is my dad . ( .)
A: What does he do?
B: He is a pilot . (.)
He works at an airline.

A: Who is this ? ( ?)
B: Shes my eldest sister, Diana.
( .)
And this is my youngest sister, Ann.
A: So the last one must be Joe.

A: Who is that in the picture?
B: Oh, she is my aunt . ( .)
A: What does she do?
B: She works at a hotel . ( .)
A: Is she a cook?
B: No, shes a room clerk.

1 st


My Family

04 Picture Description

1. Imagine that youre the girl on the sofa in the picture. Ask the
boy about his family and his parents jobs.

2. Look at the picture, and describe it.

, .

- What are they looking at?

- How many members are there in his family?

- Is the girl sitting on the sofa in his family?

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

05 Todays Mission
You have received a photo of your friends family. Ask him
about his family members and their jobs.

Introduce your classmate to your family by e-mail by filling in the

Dear __________,
These are my ________. My dad ____ a ________. He works
______ ______ _______. My _________ is a __________. And
this is my ________, __________. She/He is ____ years old.

2 nd


My Room

01 Key Expressions
Where is my watch?
Are my keys on the desk?

Its on the table.

They are in the backpack.

02 Conversation Examples
Practice the examples with your teacher.

A: Where are my socks?

B: Theyre in the drawer.

A: I cant find my cat!

B: Its in the box.

A: Where is my baseball? Is it on the table?

B: No, its under the sofa.

A: Where is the telephone?

B: Its next to the lamp.

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

03 Lets Talk
Read the examples, and fill in the blanks.
, .

A: Cutie, Cutie! Where are you?
B: What are you looking for?
A: I cant find my dog. Where is it?
B: Is it sleeping on the bed ?
( ?)
A: No, it isnt. Oh, its behind the sofa . (. , .)

A: Can I listen to this CD ? ( CD ?)
B: Sure, you can.
A: Where is a CD player?
B: Its next to the TV . (TV .)

A: Im looking for my backpack . ( .)
B: Hmm... Isnt it on your bed?
A: On my bed? No, it isnt . (, .)
B: Maybe its under the chair.
A: Oh, here it is . (, .)

2 nd


My Room

04 Picture Description

1. Imagine that youre the boy in the picture. Ask your mom
where the things are.
, .

2. Look at the picture, and describe it.

, .

- What can you see in the boys room?

- What is he doing now?

- Does his mom look worried? Why?

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

05 Todays Mission
Look at the picture, and ask your friend what he/she is
looking for.
, .

You forgot to take some things to school. Leave your mom a
memo about what you need by filling in the blanks.

Dear Mom,
Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat, my ruler,
my notebook, and My CDs. My hat is _______________. My
_______ is __________. My _________ is _______________,
and my ________ are ____________________. Thanks, Mom.

3 rd



01 Key Expressions
What time is it now?
Its eleven oclock.

Lets meet at 2 oclock.

Will you go to the movies?

02 Conversation Examples
Practice the examples with your teacher.

A: When does school start?

B: It starts at 8:30 a.m.

A: Do you have the time?

B: Its six oclock.

A: Where should we meet?

B: Lets meet at the subway station.

A: Lets go to the park.

B: Okay.

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

03 Lets Talk
Read the examples, and fill in the blanks.
, .

A: Can you go to the amusement park on Saturday?
( ?)
B: Yes, that sounds great.
A: What time should we meet?
B: Lets meet at 11 oclock . (11 .)
A: Okay. See you then.

A: What time is it now ? ( ?)
B: Its 4:10. Why?
A: I have to go to the dentist at 4:30 . (4 30 .)
B: Okay. Bye.

A: Do you want to meet me tomorrow?
B: Yes, thats fine with me.
A: Where shall we meet ?
( ?)
B: Lets meet in front of the school.

3 rd



04 Picture Description

1. Imagine that youre the boy in the cap in the picture. Make an
appointment with your friend.
, .

2. Look at the picture, and describe it.

, .

- What can you see in the town?

- What are the boys doing now?

- Is there a bakery in the town? If there is, where is it?

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

05 Todays Mission
Look at the pictures, and make an appointment with your
friend when and where you will meet.
, .

Post a memo on the board to make an appointment with your

To __________,
I want to go to ______________. __________ will go with me.
Lets meet ___________ at _________. See you then.

4 th


Birthday Party

01 Key Expressions
Happy birthday (to you)!

When is your birthday?

My birthday is January 23.
Its (the) 10th of November.

02 Conversation Examples
Practice the examples with your teacher.

A: Today is my birthday.
B: Oh, happy birthday, Cindy!

A: What month is your birthday?

B: Its in March.

A: Is grandmas birthday July 20?

B: No, its July 12.

A: When is his birthday?

B: Its on Christmas, December 25.

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

03 Lets Talk
Read the examples, and fill in the blanks.
, .

A: What day is it today ? ( ?)
B: Its Thursday. Why?
A: Oh, no.
Tomorrow is Lucys birthday ! ( .)
B: Lets buy some presents for her.
A: Okay. Lets go now.

A: When is your birthday, Mary?
B: Its June 18. . (6 18.)
A: Okay. How about you, Eric?
C: Me? (Its) April 2. . (? 4 2.)

A: Happy birthday. ( .)
Blow out your candles!
B: Okay, thank you.
When is your birthday ?
( ?)
A: Its October 21.

4 th


Birthday Party

04 Picture Description

1. Imagine that youre the girl in the picture. In this situation,

what would you say to the boy next to you? Also, ask the other
boy when his birthday is.
? .

2. Look at the picture, and describe it.

, .

- What are they doing now?

- What can you see at this birthday party?

- What is the man at the bottom doing?

Basic 1 2 3 4 5 1
Intermediate 1 2 3 4 5
Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 2

05 Todays Mission
Talk about your family members birthdays with your
friend. Then ask your friend about his/her family members

Write a birthday party invitation to your friend.

Dear ____________,
Please come to ______ ________ next _________. Im having
____ __________ __________ on _________ at ________ p.m.
Its my ______th birthday. ________ and _______ will come.
Call me at my home. My phone ________ is _________. I hope
to ______ ______ _________.
Your friend, ____________


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