Rockwell Collins DME-40 Pilot's Guide

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1ntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
DME-40 Channel Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Operating Instructions .. ....................... 4
Operation with IND-40( )/41( ) lndicator ...... 4
Operation with BDI-36 lndicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Preflight Check list ............................. 12



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Collins DE40
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ii The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed
The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed versio

This pilot's guide describes the operation of the DME-40 Distance

Measuring Equipment System with emphasis on the IND-40( )/41( )
and BD 1-36 indicators.

The DME-40 system cons ists of the DME-40 Receiver-Transmitter, the

IND-40( )/41( ) or BD 1-36 lndicator, a contro l unit, an antenna, and a

The DME-40 system measures the slant (line-of-sight) range 1 to/from a

VORTAC or DME ground station and calcu lates the aircraft ground
speed and time-to-station. The IND-40( )/41 ( ) indicator displays dis-
tance in nautical miles, range rate (ground speed) in knots, or time
to/from station in minutes as selected by front panel pushbutton
switches.2 ln addition, the IND-41( ) measures elapsed time. The BDI-
36 has two displays of distance on ly.

The system measures the time between transmission of a signal and

reception of the reply from the selected ground station. The measure-
ment of thi s time interval is converted to distance in nautical miles.
The IND-40( )/41 ( ) indicator computes the aircraft grou nd speed and
time to/from stati on from the range rate and range information.

A self-test switch ena bles the pi lot to check the DME-40 for proper dis-
tan ce ca libration.

2 The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed v
The DME-40 Distance Measuring Equipment System includes the fo l-
lowing features:

250-nautica l-mi le range capabi lity accurate to 0.1 nautica l mi le.

Operation on ali 252 channe ls.

Measures aircraft grou nd speed up to 999 knots (IND-40( )/41 ( )

on ly).

Measures time-to-station up to 99.9 minutes (IND-40( )/41 ( ) on ly).

Measures elapsed time up to 59:59 minutes: seconds (IND-41( )

on ly).

Acquisition time, from channe ling, 1 second (nominal).

Se lf-test distance ca libration.

Audio noise squelch of ident.

Frequency hold capabi lity.

8- to 12-second memory if the received signa l is lost or weak.

DME-40 Channel Selection

The contro l unit is used to tune t he DME-40 to the desired channe l

(grou nd faci lity) by selecting the desired YORTAC or ILS loca lizer f re-
quency for paired channe ls, or the vh f NAY f requency for unpaired
channe ls. The DME channe l that is associated with the YORTAC, ILS
loca lizer, or unpaired vhf NAY frequency is automatica lly selected.

3 printed
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Operating 1nstructions

The following procedures and display

NOTE indications are app li cab le under normal
operating conditions. If indicated results are not
obtained, refer to the footnote indicated.

Operation With IND-40( )/41( ) lndicator

freque ncy selection

Apply power to the DME-40 system. Set NAY select switch (if avai lable)
to 1, 2, or N.

On corresponding contro l unit, select assigned vhf frequency of YOR

or ILS locali zer ground station that is paired wit h the desired DME or
YORTAC beacon, or select the vhf NAY frequency assigned to un-
paired channels.

invalid data display

The indicator displays clashes when there is no va lid distance data to

display; for instance, w hen out of range of a ground station or during
warmup and search time (DME-40 requires approximately 60 seconds
to warmup; search time is 1 second nominal).

IND-41( ) lndicator (Typical)

This figure shows a typica l IND-40( )/41( ). Not

NOTE every indicator w ill contain these exact options.
The features of any particu lar indicator wi ll
determine th e app li cabi lity of supporting
description and operating procedures.

4 The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed v
DIM control

Adjust display lightin g to comfortab le brightness with DIM control.

normal operation

a. Depress NM pushbutton. Distance to the ground station is dis-


b. Depress MIN pushbutton. Time to/from station is displayed in

minutes and tenths of minutes if computed grou nd speed is greater
than 50 knots. Dashes are displayed any ti me the computed grou nd
speed is Jess than 50 knots.

c. Depress KTS pushbutton. Computed ground speed is displayed in

knots if computed ground speed is greater than 50 knots. Dashes
are displayed any time the computed ground speed is Jess than 50

Computed ground speed and time to/from sta-

NOTE tion are meaningful on ly when the aircraft track
is directly to or from a ground station. The MIN
and KTS indications rea ch 90 percent of the ir
final value within 90 seconds, and 99 percent of
final value within 3 minutes when the aircraft is
moving at a constant velocity.

d. Elapsed Timer (IND-41( ) On ly)

(1} The TIMER pushbutton selects the timer function and also cy-
cles the elapsed timer through each timer mode. Press the
TIMER pushbutton. The TIMER pushbutton does not remain
depressed. The co lon illuminates to annunciate that TIMER is
selected. Elapsed timer information is displayed in minutes: se-

After elapsed timer information has been selected for display,

each press of the Tl MER pushbutton causes the elapsed ti mer to
cycle to the next mode of operation.

5 printed
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(2) The elapsed ti mer is always in one of three modes of operati on:
zero, run, or stop.

(a) ln zero mode the timer is fixe<i at 00:00.

(b) ln run mode the timer begins at :00 and counts seconds to
59:59 minutes: seconds. If left in run mode, the timer wi ll
repeatedly count from :00 to 59:59, au tomatica lly roll over
to :00, and continue counting.

(c) ln stop mode the timer is stopped and the present cou nt on
the display is held until th e timer sequence is advanced to
the zero mode.

(3) Selecting oth er indicator fun ctions (NM, MIN, or KTS) and
reselecting the TIMER fun ction does not change th e mode of
operation of the elapsed timer.

Power interruptiOI'J may cause the elapsed timer

CAUTION to reset to zero and cease counting. If no
pushbutton is depressed at the time that power
is restored, the MIN mode is displayed, ground
speed computation is initialized, and dashes are
~:Hsplayed until the computed ground speed ex-
c~eds 50 knots. The desired mode shou ld be
selected by depressing a pushbutton.

Operation in NM, MIN, or KTS mode is annun-

ciated by a depressed pushbutton. Operation in
TIMER mode (IND-41( ) on ly) is annunciated by
illumination of the colon, and no pushbuttons
are depressed. ln the event that multiple
pushbuttons are depressed or no pushbutton is
depressed (except for TIMER mode), simply
depressing the pushbutton for the desired mode
removes the ambigu ity. Annunciation for night-
time flying is provided by illumination of the
legend for the selected mode.

6 The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed v
identification signal

The coded audio identification signa l from the DME ground beacon is
heard in the aircraft audio system every 30 seconds. This ident is syn-
chronized with the VOR station ident so that four VOR idents (6 se-
conds apart) can be heard at 1020Hz. The fifth ident (DME) can be dis-
tinguished by its higher tone (1350 Hz).


The self-test mode verifies distance accuracy by injecting a simu lated

target in place of the DME grou nd beacon rep ly. Lamp test is included
in the se lf-test sequence.

a. As a preflight check, set the contro l to an unused channe l. Press and

hold the indicator TEST pushbutton. The NM legend ill uminates
and 0.0 or 0.1 is displayed regard less of the positions of the other

b. Re lease TEST pushbutton. The legend and the decimal or co lon for
the previously selected mode ill uminates. The indicator displays
8888 for the memory period (8 to 12 seconds).

Due to the 8 to 12 second delay the test shou ld

CAUTION be made as a preflight check and not during
critical flight times.

c. After the me mory period, set the contro l back to the previous chan-
ne l. Norma l DME operation is resumed. (Dashes are displayed in
NM, M IN, or KTS mode unti l the DME-40 Receiver-Transmitter
reacquires the target. Elapsed timer operation is not affected by
se lf-test.)

A comp lete test of DME-40 system operation requires the capabi lity to
lock onto a DME ground beacon and hear the audio ident.

frequency hold (option)

DME frequency ho ld capabi lity enables the pi lot to change the station
being used as a VOR reference without changing the station being
used as a DME reference. If the system is turned off or a transient oc-
curs in the power lines, frequency hold wi ll be lost and the DME fre-
quency ho ld switch must be returned to the normal position to re load
the desired frequency into the DME-40.

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7 printed
a. Set NAV select switch to 1, 2, or N.

b. Select vhf frequency associated with desired DME or VORTAC sta-

tion and obtain lock-on.

c. Set NAV se lect switch to the H position.

d. Select different vhf frequency on same control unit to select new

VOR or ILS localizer station.

e. lndi cator continues displaying information from previously

selected DME grou nd beacon wh ile VOR or ILS information is from
new station.

f. Listen to the coded audio identification signal from the DME

ground beacon to ensure th e DME ident is that of the first station

lt is very important to listen to the DME audio

CAUTION (fifth ident distinguished by its higher tone). This
is the on ly means of identifying the DME beacon
being tracked while in the ti mode.

g. To cance l frequency hold, set NAV select switch to 1, 2, or N and

resume paired VOR/DME operation.

8 The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed v
Operation With BDI-36 lndicator
frequency selection

; Apply power to the DME-40 systems. Set NA V select switches (if

avai lable) to NORMAL.

On corresponding contro l units, select assigned vhf frequencies of

VOR or ILS loca lizer ground stations that are paired with the desired
DME 's or VORTAC beacons, or select the vhf NAV frequencies as-
signed to unpaired channe ls.

invalid data display

The indicator displays dashes when there is no va lid distance data to

display; for instance, when out of range of a ground station or during
warmup and search time (DME-40 requires approximately 60 seconds
to warm up; search time is 1 second nominal).

BDI-36 Bearing Distance lndicator


Adjust display lighting to comfortab le brightness with externa l dim

contro l.

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the printed
normal operation

Distance to two grou nd stations is displayed. 3 A trailing decimal point

is displayed when the distance is equa l to or greater than 100 miles.
The decimal pointis switched on between the second and third digits
to indicate to the nearest tenth of a mile when distance is Jess than 100

identification signal

The coded audio identification signa l from the DME ground beacon is
heard in the aircraft audio system every 30 seconds. This ident is syn-
chronized with the VOR station ident so that four VOR idents (6 se-
conds apart) can be heard at 1020Hz. The fifth ident (DME) can be dis-
tinguished by its higher tone (1350 Hz).


The self-test mode verifies distance accuracy by injecting a simu lated

target in place of the DME ground beacon reply. Lamp test is included
in the self-test sequence.

a. As a preflight check, set the contro l to an unused channel. Press and

hold the externa t test pushbutton. The indicator displays 0.0 or 0.1.

b. Re lease test pushbutton. The indicator displays 888. for the

memory period (8 to 12 seconds).

Due to the 8 to 12 second delay; the test should

CAUTION be made as a preflight check and not during
critica l flight times.

c. After the memory period, set the contro l back to the previous chan-
nel. Normal DME operation is resumed. (Dashes are displayed until
the DME-40 Receiver-Transmitter reacquires the target.)

A comp lete test of DME-40 system operation requires the capability to

Jock onto a DME ground beacon and hear the audio ident.

frequency hold (option)

DME frequency hold capabi lity enables the pi lot to change the station
being used as a VOR reference without changing the station being
used as a DME reference. If the system is turned off or a transient oc-
curs in the power fin es, frequency hold wi ll be tost and the DME fre-
quency hold switch must be returned to the normal position to reload
the desired frequency into the DME-40.

10 The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed v
a. Set NA V select switch to NORMAL.

b. Select vhf frequency associated with desired DME or VORTAC sta-

tion and obtain lock-on.

c. Set NAV se lect switch to the HOLD position. The HOLD annun-
ciator lights indicating DME hold.

d. Select different vhf frequency on same contro l unit to select new

VOR or ILS loca lizer station.
_) e. 1ndicator continues displaying information from previously
selected DME grou nd beacon wh ile VOR or ILS information is from
new station.

f. Listen to the coded audio identification signal from the DME

ground beacon to ensure the DME ident is that of the first station

lt is very important to listen to the DME audio,

CAUTION (fifth ident distinguished by its high tone). This is
the only means of identifying the DME beacon
being tracked while in the HOLD mode.

g. To cance l frequency hold, set NA V select switch to NORMAL and

resume VOR/DME operation.

~li 200
a:::::!: 150
~ g 100
g, ~ 50

6 8 10 15 20 25 30 35


DISTANCE (NMI) = 1.23 ...,r.A~IR~C=-=R~A=:FT::;.,;A~L~T:o:-::

Maximum Operating Range vs Aircrah Attitude

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Preflight Checklist
a. Apply power to the DME-40 system.

b. Depress NM pushbutton (IND-40( )/41( ) on ly); wait for 1 minute

time delay.

c. Perform self-test procedure.

The DME-40 system has been designed to ex-

CAUTION hibit a very high degree of functional integrity.
The user must recognize, however, that it is not
practica l to provide monitoring for ali system
failures and that it is possible that an erroneous
readout of distance, time to station, computed
ground speed, or elapsed time cou ld occur
without a fault indication. lt is the responsibi lity
of the pi lot to detect such an occurrence by
means of cross-checks with other redundant or
corre lated information avai lable in the cockpit.

12 The document reference is online, please check the correspondence between the online documentation and the printed v
1. The slant range is the straight line distance from the aircraft to the
ground station. Ground range from the station can be computed by
using altitude and slant range. The difference between slant range and
ground range is usually insignificant except when flying over the
selected ground station. For example: an aircraft that is 100 nautical
miles ground range from a station and flying at 35,000 feet altitude is
approximately 100.17 miles slant range from the ground station. When
flying directly over the ground station, th e DME distance information
is the aircraft altitude above the DME station.

Maximum range of the DME-40 is approximately 250 nautical miles.

The range capabi lity of a DME is limited by aircraft altitude, obstruc-
tions such as hills or mountains, or the curvature of the earth. The
graph shows the relation between altitude and typical maximum dis-
2. The KTS and MIN indications are accu rate on ly if the aircraft is tracking
directly toward or away from the ground station and the distance is
sufficient for the slant range and grou nd range to be nearly equa l. For
example, at an altitude of 12,000 feet above the VORTAC station and at
a slant range of 10 nautical miles from the station, the grou nd speed in-
dication is lower than actua l aircraft grou nd speed by approximately 2
percent. The MIN indication wi ll have a corresponding error.

3. If a distance indication is not displayed, one or more of the following

checks shou ld correct the problem.

a. Ensure th at NM pushbutton is depressed on IND-40( )/41 ( ).

b. Ensure that NAV select switch (if avai lable) is not in H (HOLD) posi-
tion following removal of primary power.

; c. Check frequency on contro l unit to ensure the proper frequency is


d. Listen for DME ident. Absence of ident may indicate station is off
the air or undergoing maintenance.

e. Ensure that the interrogation signal from aircraft antenna is not

/ blocked by another aircraft, hangar, or other obstruction. Ensure
that the ground station is not out of range of the DME-40.

f. Check DME-40 system to ensure it is operating properly.

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