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Greater Aspect Packages Superfly

Greater aspect is one of those abilities that are undeniably good in the Evolutions: Flight, Flight (Supernatural), Flight Speed x2
sense that one would have to wonder why you wouldnt make use of it.
How does a 70ft. perfect fly speed sound?
It comes very late game but, in my opinion, this is a better capstone than
twin eidolon for you? Why? Damage Sponge
Well consider it in terms of the fact that if youre a vanilla summoner Evolutions: Damage Reduction (4 points), Resistances (Fire, Cold)
you probably dont want to use Twin Eidolon. Mainly due to the fact
that the feats you chose for your eidolon works with the overall strategy. DR 10/alignment axis of choice and 15 fire and cold resistance lets you
The feats you chose for yourself are not necessarily those you chose for absorb quite a bit of damage from many sources.
the eidolon so switching out all your combat ability for his combat
ability is not really good. Armored

What greater aspect gives you is the ability to customize evolutions for Evolutions: Natural Armor x4, Unnatural Aura, Resistances (pick one)
yourself while maintaining the eidolons evolutions. Thats what makes
it your real capstone. Listed below are a number of packages you can +8 natural armor, normal animals dont approach you and 15 resistances
mix and match in order to create the greater aspect package that works in the element of your choice upon selection. +8 natural armor is higher
for you. than any amulet and continues to stack with barkskin. That spell by the
way topped out a while ago but together with this evolution will grant
Champion Rider you +13 natural armor. To put that into perspective youll have a +9
chain shirt by this point at least a 14 dexterity (+2), a ring of protection
Evolutions: Skilled (Ride), Skilled (Perception), Resistances (Cold, Fire, of at least +4, and your eidolons shield ally ability (+4 shield), giving
Electricity, Acid) 15 you a total AC of 42. We can of course get higher, possibly even up to
50 which are very respectable for level 18 for a character with no shield
This package emphasizes the ride and perception scores while giving proficiency and light armor.
you heavy resistances in nearly every available energy type. Alternative
choices would emphasize the sensory portion more with choices like Spiderman
blind sense or see in darkness.
Evolutions: Climb, Web, Tremor sense
Predator Package (Tengu/Tiefling/Catfolk)
A pretty handy package if youre trying a commander build who
Evolutions: Claws (feet), Claws (Arms) Limbs (Arms), Rend or Energy emphasizes utility. The climb speed, webs, and extra sensory
Attacks or Improved Damage + Natural Armor perceptions capabilities are pretty cool things to have in the higher
This package is the ultimate goal of predator builds that start with claw
attacks and easily the best one. The final two points depend entirely Undeaaddddd!
upon what you want. Rend has the highest damage potential particularly
when paired with Rending fury. Energy Attacks is the safe option in Evolutions: Undead Appearance (6 points)
terms of damage while Improved Damage + Natural Armor increases
your defenses while simultaneously improving your claw damage. Immunity to disease, exhaustion, fatigue, paralysis, poison, sleep effects
and stunning. Negative energy heals you and spells that specifically
Mr. Huge benefit undead benefit you.

Evolutions: Large, Natural Armor, Skilled (Perception) The trade off? Spells that directly harm undead hurt you and positive
energy hurts you. Thankfully Infernal Healing is on your spell list so at
A favorite package of mine for non-predators and non-mounted least healing wont be an issue. Still with so many immunities its hard
characters. +8 strength, +4 Con, +4 natural armor, reach, and a slight not to like this package.
penalty to dexterity made up for by the extra natural armor. The skilled
evolution is just there to use up the extra point while boosting a
necessary skill.
Undeaaaddd! 2: The Perceptioning

Evolutions: Undead Appearance, Lifesense Breath Weapon

Trade out your immunities for the ability to point out all living creatures Evolutions: Breath Weapon(6 points)
within 60ft. Nifty. Most useful if you end up dealing with a lot of
invisible or at least well hidden enemies. More for raw mook roasting than anything this ability is neat for making
you kind of dragon like. Acid is a favorite element of mine here.
The Poisoner
Pro Wrestling
Evolutions: Bite, Poison (4 points), Skilled (Craft: Alchemy)
Evolutions: Claws, Grab, Skilled (Escape Artist), Reach (Clawsx2)
If your gm allows it you can milk your own poison and use your poison
crafting skills to make sure your weapons can always be envenomed. If An odd package that essentially lets you grapple people towards you.
not I would switch out the skilled evolution for something else. Either Its meant for tengu predators that took the unarmed strike route more
way adding a con damaging bite to your normal repertoire of attacks can towards a grappling focus rather than a pouncing focus. Its entirely
be quite potent. doable and possibly quite fun.

The Four Armed Mage Kali, mistress of destruction

Evolutions: Limbs (Arms), Skilled (Use Magic Device), Flight (3 points) Evolutions: Arms x 3

Plenty of fly speed, extra limbs, and extra guarantees on making that I dont think its ever been made clear enough exactly how multi weapon
UMD check. A solid choice all around that lets you carry around extra fighting works but here you go. Maybe you just want to wield eight
weapons, hold a wand, potion or scroll, and not have to waste an action swords, two boot blades, a beard blade, and a boulder helmet for some
in combat to pull them out (just have them out before combat). reason. In any case this is the evolution set to get all the attacks.

Regenerator Mobility Master

Evolutions: Fast healing 2 (6 points) Evolutions: Flight, Swim, Burrow

Id rarely if ever make use of this myself. But if you want to avoid Dig through dirt, swim through water and soar through the sky. Theres
nonsense and just straight up heal your damage for free than this is a little you wont be able to do.
great option for you.
Lava Shark
Mr. Scary
Evolutions: Swim, Fire Immunity, Bite, Grab
Evolutions: Frightful Presence, Unnatural Aura, Skilled (Intimidate),
Climb Why? I ask; why not?

Be scary. Animals wont come near Just think; there are goblins on the other side of the
you, your intimidate is really high, and volcano. You jump in and swim to the other side
the peasants flee before you. Bonus erupt from the caldera with a terrifying screech and
points if your character does not look drag one of the little buggers down into the heart of
intimidating at all. the volcano.

Bite They will worship you like a terrible hungry god of

fire and make sacrifices in your name.
Evolutions: Bite, Reach x3, Trip
20ft. bite attack. Combat Reflexes.
Trip. You wont always make the CMB
checks but few defenses are more potent than a big reach on a nasty bite.

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