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Students cd rom. Unit 3

Correct the mistakes in the conversations

Patty: Hi, Ken. Oh. . . . Whats those?

Ken: Hi, Patty. Its my sunglasses. Its new.

Patty: Nice! And are those cellphone yours?

Bob: Yes, they are!

Jane: Hey, Tim. Is this watches yours?

Tim: Hi, Jane. Yes, its mine. Thanks.

Jane: And is this your keys?

Tim: No, theyre not.

Choose the best option:

1. Whose boots are these?

A. Its Kathys. C. Its Kathy.
B. Theyre Kathys. D. Theyre Kathy.

2. Is this Sues scarf?

A. Yes, its her. C. Theyre mine.
B. No, its not hers. Its mine. D. Theyre hers.

3. Are these Lisas gloves?

A. I think its yours. C. No, theyre not mine.
B. Yes, theyre hers. D. Yes, its his.

4. Whose hat is this?

A. Its mine. C. Theyre yours.
B. Theyre mine. D. Its my.
5. Are these Peters and Katys coats?
A. Yes, theyre theirs. C. No, its ours.
B. Yes, its theirs. D. Yes, theyre his.

Write the questions to these answers:

1. Its Marys. Whose cellphone is this?

2. Theyre Marys.
3. Yes, its hers. Is this Annas cellphone?
4. Yes, theyre hers.
5. Theyre mine.
6. It's mine.
7. I think its yours.
8. I think theyre yours.
9. Yes, theyre theirs.
10. Yes, its theirs.

Circle the correct word to complete each answer.

1. A: Is this your brothers key? 4. A: Are these your belts?

B: Yes, its her / his / hers. B: No, they arent theirs / my / ours.

2. A: Is this Janets comb? 5. A: Is this your scarf?

B: No, it isnt theirs / his / hers. B: Yes, its my / our / mine.

3. A: Are these Tom and Marys socks? 6. A: Are these our backpacks?

B: Yes, theyre their / theirs / ours. B: Yes, theyre mine / his / yours.

Asking what something is

Whats this in English?

Whats the for this in English?
How you this in English?

Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.

____ Its a keychain. ____ What are these called in English?

____ K-E-Y-C-H-A-I-N. ____ S-U-N-G-L-A-S-S-E-S.
____ How do you spell that? ____ They're sunglasses.
____ Whats the word for this in English? ____ How do you spell that?

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