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Mary Maureen Baldonado

The Enlightenment, Deism and Rizal
Raul J. Banoan, S.J.
1. What is the dilemma of the author about Rizal?
The problem of the author revolves around Rizals perspective and beliefs
especially towards the Catholic church. It was so evident in Rizals letters
to Pastells. The author also compared Rizals writings to the works of
Voltaire, Rosseau and other deists. Rizal was seen as a deist because he sees
the church contain a lot of inconsistencies.
2. How did he resolve his dilemma?
Raul Banoan found some evidences in Rizals writings. He tried to compare
them with other deists works like Voltaire, Rosseau and other deists. He
saw that it has a lot of parallel ideas but he also concluded that Rizal never
intended to target the Catholic Church.
3. Justify the observation of the author regarding Rizals belief.
Raul saw the true intensions of Rizal. That he only want to wake up the
Philippines spirit to learn how to fight for their own freedom. That he only
uses the other deists works as his inspirations.
4. What struck you the most?
How Rizal was influenced by the works of Voltaire, and other deists. Rizal,
a fbeliever towards what he thinks is right, suddenly gained wisdom after
reading those works. It was surprising how going abroad gave a new
knowledge to Rizal
5. What is the message or lesson?
We just need to believe in what we believe in. That we dont need others to
say what is right and wrong for us. We also need to be faithful but not be
blinded of the truth.

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