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What do I have to do?

Just install telegram (works on Windows PC, Linux, MAC, Android & iPhone users)
and open this bots collect daily bonus, hire people, collect stuff from people hired and
sell them in market (by selling stuff you earn points and redeem those points into real
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Do I have to give time daily on these bots and if that's the case then
how much time?
These bots work 24*7 so you can just set and forget it or you can visit daily each bot
collect daily bonus, collect stuff from people hired and sell them and if you have
remaining points you can hire more people (The more people you hire, the more they
work for you and the more you earn). It takes me less than 15 seconds on each bot daily
as i collect daily bonus, collect stuff and sell stuff. So 15*7 = 105 secs. 105/60 secs = 1.75
which means it takes less than 2 minutes to work on all of the 7 bots.

Will I be rich with this method?

No, you will not become rich but it's pretty good to earn some side income. If you
invest in these bots, you can really make good profits
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How long does it takes for me to reach withdrawal limit?
It depends on whether you are going to invest in this. It also depends on referrals. I did
not invest and it took me more than a month to get payment from one of these bots (I
also had few referrals which helped me to reach withdrawal limit).

Are all of these bots giving payments?

Few days back i have just found out the other 6 telegram bots. I have only received

payment proof from one of the bots. As soon as i get payment proofs from others i will
post them here but in their payments section which you will find below they have
given the information that they are paying (I have posted along with stats).

Can i invest in these telegram bots?

If you invest you will earn more faster. Also on investing you get 10% or 20% bonus on
your investment. (Invest on your own personal risks i recommend not to invest
but if you are looking for investment just invest in Bot#1 because that's the bot
from which i have received the payment 2 times).

I don't want to invest but want to earn faster how can I do that?
Referral program is the best way to earn you some quick money on these bots. Get as
many referrals as it can get you jump started. Another thing you can do is reinvest
which gives you some percentage bonus depending upon the bot. Yes, i did the
reinvest thing and i invested around $4 (not from my pocket from the earnings that i
have earned from the bot) and got a 20% bonus on my reinvestment.


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Cash Robots (<--click on to acces directly to the link) .

This is the bot that i trust received payment from this bot 2 times and i reinvested in
this bot. If you guys are looking to invest this is the bot you should go for.
It pays in bitcoin. Below are the current stats of bot.
Days online: 349
Total players: 1 968 123
New players in 24h: 6 817
Project reserve: 1293.808382 BTC ~ $10 566 002.6
Total payed out: 213.789374 BTC ~ $1 745 930.17
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At the beginning you will be given diamonds you have to hire robots which will produce
energy per hour and after you purchase robots you can collect energy from hangar and
sell the energy into shop. Daily bonus gives you 10 - 100 diamonds in your account
balance. If you are willing to invest currently it gives 100% purchase bonus valid upto 31-
08-2017 upon purchasing the robots. (Read this very carefully on how to avail 100%
purchase bonus). E.g. you need to purchase 5 units of Unit v1.00 to avail 100% purchase
bonus as of this time.

Invite Friends button will give you your referral link. When you sell energy 70% goes to
your account balance and 30% goes to your payout balance. Minimum amount of energy
to be sold is 300 and sell rate is 100 energy = 1 diamond. So if i sell 300 energy i get 3
diamonds of which 2 of them goes to available balance and 1 of them goes to payout

balance. To set your bitcoin wallet address go to the extra tab => settings tab where it

will prompt you Set wallets button. Click on that and enter your BTC address.
Minimum withdrawal is 1000 diamonds in your payout balance to get your payment go
to extra tab => Payments tab => Order Payment (This thing here is weird you need to
have at least 1 payment point to get the payment. Let me explain what i'm saying).
When i click on extra tab => Payments tab it displays the following.

Your Bitcoin wallet: Your BTC Address

Your account: 2.591 points
Your points are enough for payoff of 0.002591 BTC ~ $21.16
If i click on order payment i wont to be able to withdraw money even if my payout
balance has reached more than 1000 diamonds. I need to have at least 1 payment point
to order payment currently i have 0.556 payment points. So wait till payment points
reach to 1 and then order your payment (Currently there is no payment issue in this
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bot but this is the major caveat you need to be aware of to get your payment). You can
also play roulette it's risky so i recommend not to go for it.

(For those who didn't understand the working of Bot#1 just install Telegram install this
bot by clicking on Cash Robots and open the bot and read this tutorial once again
everything will be clear if you still have any doubts regarding this bot please feel free to
reach me).
Bot # 2 - CashFarmBot (<--click on to acces directly to the link)

Working is same as bot # 1 here you will have to hire animals go to zoo collect
diamonds and go to shop to sell those diamonds you will receive real money which will
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be divided between available balance(70%) and payout balance(30%). Animals are
costly so please use the daily bonus which gives 10-100 real cash bags to hire more
animals faster. Purchase bonus are 350%. Roulette is present. Click on invite friends to
get your referral link. Click on Extra below are stats.


Total players: 236748

Total payed out : 3.225296 BTC ~ 26318.42 $


To reinvest click on exchange and you can exchange your payout balance to available

balance and get 20% bonus and minimum payout balance should be 1000 real cash
bags. Also in extra you will find settings to change or set your wallet and language. In
extra you will find payment.

SOS is there for any help required within the bot.

Bot # 3 - Dino Park Bot (<--click on to acces directly to the link)

Working is same buy dinosaurs go to farm collect diamonds go to shop sell diamonds
on selling diamonds you get 65% to your available balance and 35% to your payout
balance. Purchase bonus is 375%. Roulette is there. Bonus is 50 to 200 real money bags.
So it's pretty great compared to Bot#2. Also the dinos are cheaper. By clicking on the
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Total players: 181,040

19.501110 BTC (~ $158 778.04) payed out

To reinvest exchange a minimum of 1000 real cash bags and get 20% bonus. Settings
allow you to set wallets and set language. Help provides help and Payments

You can also click on News and Competitions to join news channel and to see where
do you stand in the referral competition.
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Bot # 4 - Pirate Bay (<--click on to acces directly to the link)

Working same as other bots but in terms of authenticity this looks 2nd best authentic
bot after bot#1. Here you hire pirates, go to the black market click on Treasure stock to
collect treasures collected by pirates and sell treasures. Sell treasures for food to buy
pirates or for gold. You can exchange gold. For daily bonus go to Stash => Daily Bonus.
In stash you can also get food, withdraw in payeer eWallet, my team => invite to get

your referral link also my team => About team to get your team statistics. Then you
have a place called Fort which can take you to Tavern, Battle, Community, About and
Settings. Fort => Tavern will take you to dice where you can bet and Leaderboard

which gives top team stats in producing foods. Battles you can participate in
faction(teams) and compete against others. Community gives you links to join their
channel. About gives you game help and statistics

Statistics :

Number of participants: 300322

New players (last 24 hr.): 2905
Pirate Bay running: 271 days
Settings you can get notifications and to set your language
Sale! Getx2 if you purchase from bot you get x2 price rewards. Free gives to tasks to
earn food for buying pirates.

Bot # 5 - CashZooBot (click on to acces directly to the link)

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Working is same as others.

I hope that you appreciate the method !

If you have any question dont hesitate !

To do a donation : 1Fmb56hVvszMDF4jcs3QZTmTWRLgCQEpoX
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d . t

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