Astm F467

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Designation: F 467 - 97


1m e m Halbor Dr. Welt C+ntkkdn. PA 1M2n
f+- cow~ht
~ q r i n I-~ d ma innuel n& ot ASTM suurdad. ASTM

Standard Specification for

Nonferrous Nuts for General Use'

1. Scope E 76 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Copper

1.1 This specification covers the rcquirements for commer- Alloys"
cia1 wrought E 92 Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic ate-
- nonferrous nuts 0.250 to 1.500 in. inclusive in rials4
diameter in a number of alloys in common use and intended for
general service applications. E 101 Test Method for Spectrographic Analysis of Alumi-
.. .
1.2 Amlicable bolls.. cao screws. and studs for use with nuts
covered by this specification are covered by Specification
num and Aluminum Alloys by the Point-to-Plane Tech-
.F d m E 120 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Titanium and
e Titanium Alloysh
NOTE l-Acornplete metric cnmpsnion to Specification F 467 has been E 165 practice for id penetrant inspection ~ ~ ~ h o d x
drurloprd-F 467M; therefore no mclric cquivalenrr arc pmscnted in lhis
E 227 Test Method for Optical Emission Spectrometric
Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys ~. by the
2. Referenced Documents Point-to-Plane Technique7
2.1 ASTM S f a n d a r d r : E 3 5 4 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of High-
B 154 Tcst Method for Mercurous Nitrate Test for Copper Temperature. Electrical. Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron,
and Copper Alloys2 Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys6
D 3951 Practice for Commercial ~dckdging' . .. Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper
E478 L

E 18 Test Methods for Rockwell ~ a r d n e kand Rockwell Alloys'

Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials' E 1409 Test Method for Determination of Oxygen in lita-
nium and lilanium Alloys by the Inert Gas Fusion Tech-
- -
E 29 Practice for Ustne. Sianificant Diaits in Test Data to
Determine Conformance with ~ ~ e c i f i c k o n s ' nique'
E 34 Tcst Methods for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum and F468 Specification for Nonferrous Bolts, Hex Cap Screws.
Aluminum B a e Alloys" and Studs for General Usev
E 38 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium F 606 Test Methods lor Determining the Mechanical Prop-
and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys" erties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners.
E 53 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copperh Washers, and RivetsY
E 54 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Special F 1470 Guide for Fastener Sampling for Specified Mechani-
Brasses and Bronzes" cal Properties and Performance lnspectionY
E 55 Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and 2.2 A m e r i c a n Narional S r a n d a r d s :
Alloys for Determination of Chemical Compositionn B 1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread
E 6 2 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Form)"'
Copper Alloys (Photometric Methods)" B 18.2.2 Square and Hex Nutsiu
E 75 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Coppcr-Nickel 3. Ordering Information
and Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloysh
3.1 Orders for nuts under this specification shall include the
following information:
3.1.1 Quantity (number of pieces of each item and size),
'This sprficalrun is under @hejuridiclion of ASTM Commiltec F-I6 on
Rslcncn and is !he direct rcrpmsibllily of Sukommmcc F16.04 on Nonferrous
3.1.2 Name of item.
Filslcncrr. 3.1.3 Size (diameter and threads per inch).
Cummt editiw rppruud Nov. 10. 1997. Published lunc IWS. Originally
publirhd sr F467 - 7 6 T La., prevlour edilion F467 - 93
' Annud Bnek @ASTM Slandrmds. Vol 02.111 ' Annuul Brnrk o/ASl'M S~hmrlardr.Vul 01.U6.
'Annual B w k r,jA.TM Slundurdr. Vol I5.W. "Annuul Book nfASTM S t u n d a d . Val 03.03.
'Annun1 Bnvk r,lA5TM Slundordr. Vol 03Il1 'Annuof B w k ,,jASTM Stundordr. Vol 1 5 . 0 .
'An,zuul Baok r!fASTM Slaodonls. Vol 14.02. '" Avrilrblc from American National Standards I n s t t ~ l e .I1 W. 42nd St. 13th
'Annud Book o/ASTM S~mdmf.~ Vol
. 03.05. Fluar. Nev'York. N Y 10036.

Copyright by the American Society For Testing 8 Materials

Thu Oct 19 12:56:07 2000
3.1.4 Alloy number (Table I). may furnish a certificate of conformance certifying compliance
r 3.1.5 Stress relieving, i f required (4.2.3),
3.1.6 "Shipment lot" testing, as required (Section 9).
with the chemical composition specified i n Table I.
5.3 Product Analysis:
3.1.7 Source inspection. i f required (Section 14). 5.3.1 Product analyses may be made by the purchaser from
3.1.8 Certificate of compliance or test report, if required finished products representing each lot. The chemical compo-
(Section 16). sition thus determined shall conform to the requirements i n
3.1.9 Additional requirements, ifany, to bc specified on Table I.
the purchase order (4.2.1, 7.2, 8.2. , 12.1, and 13.1). 5.3.2 I n the event o f disagreement, a referee chemical
3.1.10 Supplementary requirements. i f any, and analysis of samples from each lot shall be made in accordance
3.1.11 ASTM designation (including year or published with 12.1 and 13.1.
6. Mechanical Properties
N m 2-A typical onlcring description i s as follows: 10 000 pieces.
6.1 The nuts shall be tested i n accordance with the mechani-
Hex Nut. O.ZS(yl -20. Alloy 270. Furnish Certificate uf Compliance,
Supplemenlnry Requirement S I. ASTM Spcificalion F467 dated cal testing requirements for the applicable type and shall meet
the mechanical requirements in Table 2 for the specified alloy.
4. Materials and Manufacture 6.2 Where both proof load and hardness tests are performed.
4.1 Materials: the proof load test results shall lake precedence for acceptance
4.1.1 The nuts shall be manufactured liom material having purposes.
a chemical composition conforming to the requirements in
7. Dimensions
Table 2 and capable of developing the required mechanical
f properties for the specified alloy in the finished fastener. 7.1 Nuts-Unless otherwise specified, the dimensions o f
4.1.2 The starting condition o f the raw material shall be at nuts shall be i n accordance with the requirements o f ANSI
the discretion o f the fastener manufacturer but shall be such BX.2.2.
that the finished products conform to all the specified require- 7.2 Threads-Unless otherwise specified, the nuts shall
ments. have Class 2B threads in accordance with ANSI B1.I.
4.2 Manufacture: 8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
4.2.1 Forming-Unless otherwise specified, the nuts shall
8.1 Workmanship-Nuts shall have a workmanlike finish
be hot pressed, cold formed. or machined from suitable
free of injurious burrs, seams, laps. irregular surfaces, and
material at the option o f the manufacturer.
other imperfections affecting serviceability.
4.2.2 Condition-Except as provided in 42.3, the nuts shall
8.2 Finish-Unless otherwise specified, the nuts shall be
be furnished i n the condition specified below:
furnished without any additive chemical or metallic finish.
AIby Cauliton
9. Sampling
Copper (all alloys) AS formed or $Ireor relieved a1 manufachrrer's
opnan 9.1 A lot, for the purposes of selecting test specimens, shall
Nidel alloys 4CQ and 405 As lomed or stress relieved at manulacturds consist o f not more than I 0 0 000 pieces offered for inspection
Nldsl alloy 5W S d ~ lannealed
i ~ and aged at one time having the following common characteristics:
Aluminum elloyo: 9.1 .I One type o f item.
2024.T4 Sauuon trssted and naturally a ~ e d 9.1.2 Same alloy and temper, and
6M(i.T8 Sdullon treated and aOiflnaliy a ~ e a
6282-Tg Sduflon treated. srtiliciallv aaed, end cold 9.1.3 One nominal diameter and thread series.
10. Number of Tests and Retests
4.2.3 Stress Relieving-When required, stress relieving 10.1 Normnl Testing-The requirements of this specifica-
shall be specified by the purchaser for all copper alloys and tion shall be met in continuous mass production for stock (see
nickel alloys 400 and 405. Table 3). The manufacturer shall make sample inspections as
specified below to ensure that the product conforms to the
5. Chemical Composition specified requirements. When tests o f individual shipments are
5.1 Chemical Composition-The nuts shall conform to the required. Supplementary Requirement S 2 shall be specified.
chemical composition specified in Table 1 for the specified Amplance Crlleda
alloy. Number d Pisces In NO.01 Mcepl- Rejection
Lot Teala ancs No. NO.
5.2 Manufacturer's Analysis:
50 and under 2 0 1
5.2.1 Except as provided i n 5.2.2, when test reports are 51 10 HXI 3 0 1
required on the inquiry or purchase order (3.1.8, the manufac- 501to35 000 5 0 1
turer shall make individual analyses o f randomly selected 35 W l t o 100 OW 8 0 1

finished nuts from the product to be shipped and report the 10.2 Retests:
results to the purchaser. Alternatively, ifheat and lot identities 10.2.1 When tested in accordance with the required sam-
have been'maintained, the analysis o f the raw material from pling plan:a lot shall be subject to rejection if any o f the test
which the nuts have k e n manufactured may be repurted specimens fails to meet the applicable test requirements.
instead o f product analysis. 10.2.2 I f the failure of a test specimen is due to improper
5.2.2 For aluminum nuts, instead o f 5.2.1, the manufacturer preparation of the specimen or to incorrect testing technique.

Copyright by the American Society ~ o r ~ e s t i 8

n gMaterials
Thu Oct 19 12:56:11 ZOO0
(9F 467
TABLE 1 Chemlcai Raquimmenta
CanwWm. a

M i d mntat
~ Id m dmma with w e d lirritr *dl bs 99.5 X.
ol s o p ~ aplus .
E A n ~ l o y ~ a r n l p h a s 2 . 6 % s i r m l s ~ p m v i d e d ~ u m o ( I D * ~ s ~ m ~ . s l l b o n , n d ~ ~ m t ~ ~ a . 3 0 ~ .
r ~ . h . U n O u l W L r ~ c r * ( a 1 h ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ . H , ~ a . ~ ~ d o W ~ s l . w s p s c t W o r h n a t a d h m a r n t s p r
~ ~ S p k m ~ l l m l U . ~ ~ y ~ ~ l b a m d . ) D d . ( c n n h e h a 1 ~ r e ~ ~ ~ ~ m l p u n t h a a ~ d h a ~ W t r .
a M u m z k c m m 0.20 X, m u .
* ~ u 0d4 4 . 7 a;Dgmum 0 . a . 7 I.

~ & u n .na ~ u i ; m , or Dbm, nuib &ad ;1 GI& 19 la e n h m mn@m mdst.nrr n nsp~tlaedbatwon and vndar. C h a r r . W y l r b
mc mquvsd vnlssr S p M c d y "egrmted.

Copyright by the American Society For Testing 8 Materials

Thu Oct 19 12:56:11 ZOO0
TABLE 2 Mechanical Propny Requinmnts 12.2.2 The hardness shall be determined on the top or
/"' bottom face of the nut.
AIby MBdanral Hardness, Pmof Shes,
Property Msrbng mid min, k d
13. Test Methods
CU 110 F 467A 65 HRF 30
F 4678 55 HRF BO 13.1 Chemical Analysis-When required. the chemical
F 467C 65 HRB 50 composition shall be determined by any recognized commer-
F 467D 55 HRB 50 cial test method. In the event of disagreement. the following
F 467E
- BO HRB ..
F 467F 70 HRB 80 test methods shall be used for referee purposes.
F 4670 70 HRB 75
F 467H 85 HRB IW
F 4675 75 HRB 75
F 467K 75 HRB 70
Tllanium E 12U. E 1409
CU 661 F 467M 75 HRB 70
Cu 675 F 467N 60 HRB 55 13.2 Mechanical:
Cu 710 F 467P 50 HRB 45
Cu 715
~~ ~ F 467R
- ~ m
... .- --
13.2.1 The proof load or proof smss tests shall be deter-
mined in accordance with the appropriate methods of Test
NI 335 F 487s 20 HRC I15
Ni 276 F 4671 20 HRC 110 Methods F 606. Loads to be determined using Table 2 and
Nl4W F 467U 75 HRB 60 Table 4.
Nl4C5 F 487V M) HRB 70 13.2.2 The hardness shall be determined in accordance with
NI 500 F 467W 24 HRC 130
Test Methods E I8 and E 92. For sizes 1% (0.250) to
Ai 2024.T4e F 467X 70 HRB 55
' A1 6061-16 F4 6 N 40 HRB 40 Xb(0.4375) in. one reading shall he taken. For sizes % (0.5M))
A1 6262-19 F 4672 60 HRB 52 in. and larger thc hardness shall be the average of four readings
TI 1 F 467AT 140 HV 40 located 90" to one another.
TI 2 F 46701 150 HV 55
71 4 F 467CT 2W HV 65 14. Inspection
T15 F 46701 30 HRC 135
T17 F 467ET 1bO HV 55 14.1 When specified on the inquiry or purchase order, the
TI-19 F 467FT 24 HRC 120 product shall be subject to inspection by the purchaser at the
m 23 F 467GT 25 HRC 125
place of manufacture prior to shipment. The inspector
"For aluminum and 1ltanlum alloys hardness values are lor information only
BAluminum alloy 202614 shall be supplied in nalurslly aped cmdlllon. This
representing the purchaser shall have controlled entry only to
malerial I8 no1 recmmsnded lor nuts in sizes greater than '/.
(0.250) in. those pans of the manufacturer's operations that concern the
manufacture of the ordered product and only when and where
TABLE 3 Machanlcal Twl Requirements lor N u b work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed. The
manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities
Pmducl Proof Slrea. Tesls Condumd U ~ l n pFull- to satisfy him that the product is being furnished in accordance
ksl size Pmdun with this specification. All inspections and tests shall be
Hardnes Prool Load conducted so as not to interfere unnecessarily with the
5 m . stoned, and ceatle nuts dl A ... operations of the manufacturer.
All other nulo up to 120 ... A

15. Rejection and Rehearing

15.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests
specified herein and made by the purchaser shall be reported to
the manufacturer as soon as practical after receipt of the
product by the purchaser.
the specimen shall be discarded and another specimen substi-
tuted. 16. Certification and Test Reports
16.1 Cenificate of Compliance-When specified in the
11. Significance of Numerical Limits contrnct or purchase order, the manufacturer shall furnish
11.1 For purposes of determining compliance with the certification that the product was manufactured and tested in
specified limits for requirements of the properties listed in this accordance with this specification and conforms to all specified
specification, an observed value or calculated value shall be requirements.
rounded in accordance with Practice E 29. 16.2 Test Reports-When "Shipment Lot Testing" in
accordance with Supplementnry Requirement S2 is specified in
12. T a t Specimens the contract or purchase order, the manufacturer shall furnish a
12.1 Chemical Tests-When required, samples for chemical test repon showing the results of the mechanical tests for each
analysis shall be taken in accordance with Practice E 55 by lot shipped.
drilling, sawing, milling, turning, clipping, or such other
methods capable of producing representative samples. 17. Product, Packaging and Package Marking
12.2 Mechanical Tests: 17.1 Individual Nuts-All products shall be marked with a
12.2.1 Nuts shall be tested in full section. symbol identifying the manufacturer. In addition, they shall be

Copyright by the ~ m i r i c a n~ o c i e t i ~ Testing

or 8 Materials
Thu Oct 19 12:56:11 2000
TABLE 4 Tenslle S t n u A m 8 and Threads per Inch
Nominal Lze. Coarse Threads-UNC Flns Thrsads.UNF 8 Thread Series-8UN
Threadslin. Slreoo AreaA. mread~n. Stress Area*, Threadslln. SlreasAres'.
:-2 :-2
,a 5

'A 20 0.0318 28 0.0364 ... ...

%I 18 0.0524 24 0.0580 ... ...
K 18 0.0775 24 0.0878 ... ...
,/IS 14 0.1063 20 0.1187 ... ...
'h 13 0.1419 20 0.1599 ... ...
Yin 12 0.1820 18 0.2030 ... ...
n ii 0.2260 18 0.2560 ... ...
% 10 0.3340 18 0.3730 ... ...
'h 9 0.4620 14 0.5080 ... ...
1 8 0.8060 12 0.6630 ... ...
1 'h 7 0.7630 12 0.8560 8 0.780
1% 7 0.9690 12 1.0730 8 1.W
1Y. 8 1.1550 12 1.3150 8 1.233
I 'h 8 1.4050 12 1 SBIO 8 119.2
*Tensile dress areas are cmpuled using the lollawing fanula:
A. = 0.7854[0 - _]


A, = tensile stress area, in.',

D = nominal size (basic major dimaer), in.. and
n = number of threads per inch.

marked with the alloylmechanical property marking specified 17.3.2 Alloy number,
in Table 1. The marking shall be raised or depressed at the 17.3.3 Alloylmechanical property marking.
option of the manufacturer. 17.3.4 Size.
17.2 Packuxing:
17.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, packaging shall be in 17.3.5 Name and brand or trademark of the manufacturer.
accordance with Practice D 3951 17.3.6 Number of pieces,
17.2.2 When special packaging requirements are required 17.3.7 Country of origin. and
by the purchaser, they shall be defined at the time of inquiry
. . 17.3.8 Purchase order number.
and order.
17.3 P a c k n ~ eMarking-Each shipping unit shall include 18. Keywords
or be olainlv marked with the followine:
17.j.l A ~ T Mdesignation.
- 18. l general use; nonfenous; nuts


One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall be applied only when specified by
the purchaser in the inquiry. contract, or order. Supplementa~yrequirements shall in no way negate any
requirement of the specification itself.

S1. Stress Corrosion Requirements, Copper Alloys the individual lots for shipment to ensure that the pmduct
SI.1 Copper alloy fasteners shall exhibit no evidence of conforms to the specified requirements.
cracking after immersion for 30 min in an aqueous solution of S2.2 The manufacturer shall make an analysis of a
mercurous nitrate when tested in accordance with Test Method randomly selected finished fastener from each lot of pmduct
B 154. shipped. If heat or lo1 control has been maintained, the analysis
S I. I .I Caution-Mercury is a definite health hazard and of the starting material from which the fasteners have been
equipment for the detection and removal of mercury vapor manufactured may be reported in place of the product analysis.
produced in volatilization is recommended. The use of rubber S2.3 The manufacturer shall perform mechanical property
gloves in testing is advisable. tests in accordance with Specification F 1470 on the individual
lots for shipment.
S2. Shipment Lot Testing S2.4 The manufacturer shall furnish a test report for each
S2.1 When Supplemenvary Requircrnent S2 is specified on lot in the shipment showing the actual results of the chemical
the order (3.1.6), the manufacturer shall make sample tests on analysis and mechanical property tests performed in

Copyright by the American Society For Testlng 8 Materials

Thu Oct 19 12:56:12 ZOO0
accordance wish Supplementary Requirement S2. the inquiry or order, the manufacturer shall control the product
f- by h i t analysis and identify the finished product in each
S3. Dye Penetrant Inspeetlon shipment by the actual heat number.
S3.1 When dye penetrant inspection is specified on the S4.2 When supplementary Requirement ~4 is spacified on
purchase order, lhe nuts in with the inquiry and order, Supplementary Requirement S2 shall bc
Practice E 165 or other mutually acceptable pmcedures and
considered automatically invoked with the ddition that the
shall conform to acceptance criteria as mutually agreed upon
heat analysis shall he repond to the purchaser on the test
hetween the purchaser and the manufacturer.
S4. Heat Contml (Alloys 400,405, and 500 Only)
S4.1 When Supplementary Requirement S4 is specified on

Copyright by the American Society For Testing 8 Materials

Thu Ocl I 9 12:56:12 ZOO0

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