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Oreto Doménech Masià,

born in L’Alcúdia on March the 10th in 1976.

Beneixama. País Valencià (Spain).


2009, Master in Literature in the Digital Age, University of Barcelona, Spain.

1999, Degree in Catalan Philology 1999, University of València, Spain.


Since 2002, High school teacher. Teaching Catalan language as a second language and Catalan literature
to high school students.

Since 2005, Career teaching officer.

2012-2019, University of Barcelona. Assistant Director (with Dr. Laura Borràs Castanyer) of the Master in
Literature in the Digital Age (University of Barcelona).

2011-2019, University of Barcelona. Teaching Digital literature and Reading and teaching literature and
ITC - Master in Literature at the Digital Age.

Since 2009 Research member of the International Research Group Hermeneia: estudis literaris i
tecnologies digitals.


(only experience related to Digital Culture and Digital Literature)

1. Since 2002, High-school teacher. Teaching Catalan language as a second language and
Catalan literature to high-school students.

With my students I have worked on classic literature with digital tools, for example literary gatherings on
Twitter or writing and using a blog as a tool for enriching literature in the classroom. My last project with
high school students (2015) consisted in the translation of Inanimate Alice (Kate Pullinger) from English
to Catalan (for my students was a very complex exercise in two foreign languages). As a teacher I have
always been involved in improving education and exchanging innovative proposals. I have tutored
internship teachers and participated in secondary school teacher projects in Europe (Comenius,

2. 2011-2019, Lecturer, University of Barcelona, Master in Literature in the Digital Age.

Digital literature and Reading and teaching literature and ITC courses.

As assistant director, I have developed the academic management tasks such as coordinating the teaching
staff, redesigning the master’s degree several times (teaching load, teaching plans, evaluation) in
accordance with the requests of the University of Barcelona and organizing seminars for students.

The Master created and designed by Dra. Laura Borràs (2006) was made up of two Postgraduate courses
that were taught in parallel each academic year and a final Master’s Thesis that could be taken after the
Postgraduate courses. Each Postgraduate course consisted of two Specialization courses: Comparative

literature, Digital tools for literary creation, Digital literature and Reading and teaching literature with
ICT. In my case, I was in charge of teaching the specialization courses of Digital Literature and Reading
and teaching literature and ITC. As a teacher, I accompanied the specialization courses throughout the
academic year, with theoretical discussions in the forums and intermediate tasks to be performed, as
well as evaluating and grading the final papers of each course (every two final papers of each course
corresponded to a Postgraduate work). In four master’s editions I evaluated and rated 62 Digital
Literature papers, 36 Reading and teaching literature with ICT papers and 22 Master’s Thesis, most of
them with excellent quality. The students came from all over American countries (Colombia, Chile,
Mexico, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador…) and from the various territories of Spain. Most
of them combined the Master with their laboral life, with no exclusive dedication to study. However, the
involvement they showed in the Master was extraordinary. I will only cite as an example of the topics
covered the titles of the 22 Master Thesis evaluated, publicly defended and qualified (2012-2019):

- Martha Gudnara Rojas: “Desde el mismo hospital”. Literary publication on Facebook and its
impact in the Arauca region (Colombia).
- Adrià Naranjo: Loneliness in bullying. Kafka and contemporary Central European intellectual
- Mónica Samarra: Virtual reality and literature. Proposals to work on literary immersion in the
- Ester Seguí: Comparative artistic journey on gypsy identity.
- Almudena Cantero: The narrative dimension of the Penelope myth in the arts and literature.
- Catalina Alou: Towards a definition of literature and the pedagogical act: digital tools to teach
- Carlos Eliel Almonte: Evaluative possibilities of Comparative literature and Digital literature (in
a standardized measurement).
- Carlos Enrique Cabrera: The educational blog as a tool to develop written competence in new
- Ester Fernàndez: The antiheroes: journey to modernity. A comparative analysis.
- Kardelen Kosaner: In the forest of forking trails. A Propp based analysis of hypertextuality in
intertextuality in fairy tales.
- Manuel Hernández: “Pere Qualsevol”. Creation of a hypermedia literary work on social networks.
- Ignacio Fernández: The narrative possibilities of the video game.
- Jaquelinne Contreras: Women voices: a comparative analysis of three female characters.
- Carme Callejon: The mystique of femininity in dystopian fiction.
- Edit Padilla: Reflections, voices, echoes and glances: Malinche.
- Ana Laura Silvani: Classic monsters in digital times.
- Aleix Herrero: What if we develop a website? Digital work with vulnerable students.
- Julio César Molina: Tresholds of digital literatura: notes for a new philosophizing.
- Núria Cárcamo: “Between page and screen”: reading the augmented space between the real
world and the digital one.
- Ligia Urroz: “The color purple”, “Persepolis” and “La vie d’Adèle”: comparative literature and
gender studies.
- Ana Pomares: “Proyecto Nocilla” of Agustín Fernández Mallo: intertextualidad postpoética.
- Silvia López: Reconfiguration of reading practices. Digital literature as a field of experimentation
in secondary education.

Besides working as the associate Director of the Master, teaching on it and assessing and grading courses
and Final Thesis I was working as a full time high-school teacher, that here in Spain represents 37 hours
per week. In 2015 I became pregnant and applied for a leave of absence from the high-school and I
rejoined later, in 2018. The Master’s has concluded in 2019 its last edition (for the moment, we have

designed a new edition).

3. 2018-present Teacher training adviser

In 2018, shortly after rejoining my job as a high-school teacher, the Valencian government asked me to
participate in a four-year project as a teacher training adviser for plurilingual education at the Elda
Teacher’s training center (Valencian government, Education department). For the Education department
it was important that I began training high-school teachers in Digital culture, focusing on literature and in
reading practices, a few years before. I designed and taught five online courses (from 2015 to 2018) and
a whole of 237 secondary school teachers have been trained in digital culture and digital literature
through them. Nowadays an ongoing course related with digital contents and languages (since 2019…)
contains a brief lesson about digital literature.



Doménech, O. (2015): Digital Poetry: Deena Larsen and Stephanie Strickland, Javier Coy Library of
American Studies (editor: Carme Manuel), University of València Press. ISBN 978-84-370-9840-1 (in
Catalan). Also in Spanish ISBN: 978-84-370-9841-8

First monograph study published in Spain on Digital Poetry.

Table of contents & Bibliography


Book chapters

Monar Van Vilet, M. (coord); Doménech, O., Boscà, M., Castellano, M., Lluch, G., Martí, A., Moral,
I., Sàez, T., De la Torre, A. (2014): How to succeed with ICT in reading promotion, Andana
Editorial, Carcaixent (València). ISBN 978-84-942671-8-5

Doménech, O. (2019): “Reading digital poetry: analysis of five e-poems”, into Experimental
poetry: poetics, criticism and reception, Marc Audí and Glòria Bordons (dir.) Éditions
Hispaniques, Université Paris-Sorbonne, institut des Études Ibériques et Laito-Américaines.
ISBN: 978-2-85355-103-8

Doménech, O. (2015): “Literature in the Digital Age: an analysis of two hypertextual fiction
works”, 16th Colloquium on Catalan language and literature, Abadia de Montserrat Press,
Salamanca, 2012. ISBN: 978-84-9883-687-5

Doménech, O. (2014): “Digital Poetry: What do we look at when we read poetry on the screen?”,
into On-screen literature: texts, readers and teaching practices, Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-942706-4-2 <>

Doménech, O. (2012): “Deena Larsen: comparing two works of digital poetry”, into
Cyberliterature and comparativism, Universitat d’Alacant, Alacant. ISBN: 978-84-608-1237-1

Doménech, O.; Hurtado, S.; Rubio, B. (2012): “‘I’m Simply Saying’. Looking for a translation of
digital poetry”, into Cyberliterature and comparativis, Universitat d’Alacant, Alacant. ISBN:

Doménech, O.; Hurtado, S. (2011): “Readers or shipwrecked? Immerse yourself in the digital

work”, into Literature and the Internet. New texts, new readers, Universidad de Málaga,
Málaga. ISBN: 978-84-93783-0-9

Journal articles

Di Rosario, G. i Doménech, O. (2018) “Literature moves: from the printed page to the screen and
vice versa” into Transliterary spaces: hybridity, digitality, migration (Susana Justo Barreira,
Laura Pereira Domínguez, Eds.) Jean Monnet Papers, Universidade Santiago de Compostela, v.
1, p. 245-266. ISBN 978-84-16954-94-0

Doménech, O. (2016) Christine Wilks’ Women, Politics and Poetics: Di Rosario (eds.) International
Journal of Transmedia Literacy, n. 2. LED Edizioni Universitarie.

Doménech, O. (2015) “Body, reading and woman in Separation/Séparation by Annie Abrahams,

Underbelly by Christine Wilks and Vniverse by Stephanie Strickland”. Texto Digital,
Florianópolis, v. 11, n. 2, p. 128-147, dez. 2015. ISSN 1807-9288.


Doménech, O. (2013): “‘Lliures volen’: the blog as a linguistic space. A transversal sociolinguistic
work with last year high school students” into Ítaca. Revista de filologia, núm. 4. Universitat
d’Alacant. Alacant. ISSN 2172-5500 <>


Deena Larsen’s works I’m Simply Saying (, Tree Woman,

Stained Word Window into Catalan and Spanish.



- Seminar (with Dr. Giovanna Di Rosario) Digital literature: history, data… and readings
(IL3-University of Barcelona) March, 2018.
- Seminar At the forefront of literary studies: 10 years of Master in Literature in the digital age
(IL3-University of Barcelona) April, 2017.
- Seminar Comparative literature (IL3-University of Barcelona and Institution of Catalan literature)
March, 2015.
- Seminar Master in Literature in the Digital Age. Promotion 2011-2013. December, 2013.
University of Barcelona.
- Workshop 1entretants Sex and Affective Education 2.0: Caresses by Rosa Sanchis. June, 2013.
October Center for Contemporary Culture. València.
- Training day: Literature in the digital age. Opportunities for the future, June, 2013. Universitat
de Barcelona.
- Training day: ICT and Plurilingual education. February, 2013. Universitat d’Alacant.
- Training day: 3D environments for learning: Espurnik, with Ramon Barlam, October Center for
Contemporary Culture. València. June 2012.
- Conference: Mapping elit, International Conference. Hermeneia Universitat de Barcelona.
November 24, 25, 2011. Barcelona. Dialogue in two voices: Ton Ferret
- Training day: Sharing ICT, December, 2010. Joanot Martorell high school, València.

- Training day: Digital tools for the classroom, December, 2010. Gavina School. Picanya (València).
- As a student, staff in the organisation of E-poetry (Barcelona, 2009). Hermeneia (University of

Courses and workshops taught

- Workshop: “Digital literature in multilingual contexts: didactics and creativity”, 1-2 October,
2021, SERCLE (teaching and Researching Catalan as a foreing language Association).
- Workshop (Women Day): “Women, literature and screens: in the conquest of cyberspace”, 26
February 2020, Public Library of Pinós (Alacant).
- Workshop: "New reading formats: digital literature in the classroom" in the Course Resources for
animation in reading and writing, February 6, 2018. Teacher’s training center. Valencia. (code:
- Online course: "New ways of reading: reading, literature and ICT" , April 2018, March 2016,
October 2015, March 2015. (codes: 18XA76ES024, 17XA76ES010, 16XA76IN001, 15XA76IN022)
- Online course: “Digital resources for the development of reading promotion and language
learning” April 2019, (code: 18PL51IN019, ongoing 2020, 2021, 2022…)
- Online course: "Educational repositories in language learning" (with Alícia Martí), July, 2015, July
2014. (code: 14XA76IN2016).
- Workshop: Digital literary maps: February, 2013. Universitat d’Alacant.
- Course: “We learn, we share, we take advantage of the network. Communicative competence and
digital environment” (code: 11CEPLE007). XXVIII Summer Courses: Online resources for learning
Catalan. July 2011.
- Course: “Succesful educational practices with ICT: blogs and professional social networks” (code:
10CEPLE006). XXVII Summer Courses: Online resources for learning Catalan. July 2010.

Social network and literature

I was the curator of a literary gathering via Twitter on Digital Literature @llegimipiulem (March 2011) and
I presented it at the 42nd Valencia Book Fair (April 2011) with a digital public reading (#poèticaidigital).
The eliterature literary gathering was also presented at the Arts Santa Mònica in Barcelona (June 2011) in
an event organized by Hermeneia, with the participation of Laura Borràs and Llegim i piulem (Laura
Santacruz, Neus Pinart and Judith Vives) and myself with the article “Poetics and digital or the adventure
of the journey”.



- Panel, with Ángela Celis and Perla Sasson-Henry: “E-Lit and its Myriad of Platforms: A Critical
Approach to Language,Culture and Digital Literacy”, ELO 2021, Aarhus University, University of
- Paper, with Anton Ferret: “The Fugue * book: when platforms don’t let us escape literature”,
Preservation & Forensics 1: ELO 2021, Aarhus University,
University of Bergen.
- Workshop: (with Dr. Ángela Celis and Dr. Giovanna di Rosario) “Views on transformation: the
reading of digital literature” at the International Conference Humanities in transition. October,
2018. Milà i Fontanals-CSIC Intitution, Barcelona.
- Talk: “Didactic experiences about digital environment and language empowerment in Elda and
Petrer” at the Symposium“ The Catalan language in schools” on March 9 and 10, 2018, University
of the Balearic Islands, Palma.
- Communication: “Woman and poetic narration in the work of Christine Wilks” at the Electronic
Literature Organization Conference from July 18 to 22, 2017, Universidade Fernando Pessoa,

- Communication: “Translating the translations: a close and yet constructed reading” with Deena
Larsen at the Electronic Literature Organization Conference from July 18 to 22, 2017,
Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto.
- Lecture: “Emotions and learning in an online classroom” at the Seminar At the forefront of
literary studies: 10 years of Master in Literature in the digital age, IL3, University of Barcelona,
April 21, 2017, Barcelona.
- Communication: “Memory and body, reading and creation in Fitting the pattern and Underbelly by
Christine Wilks” at the I International Conference on Communication and Biopolitics, from
November 30 to December 2, 2016 in Valencia, University of Valencia.+
- Communication: "Decision, creation and gender identity in 'Underbelly' of Christine Wliks: form,
meaning and reading process" at the VI International Seminar on Transversal Studies Women and
identity, realities and imaginaries, June, 2015. Universitat d’Alacant.
- Communication: “Body, reading and woman: comparative reding of digital poems” at the III
International Symposium Body and Textuality “The authorial kaleidoscope: textualizations of the
body-corpus” organized by the research group Body and Textuality Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona, December 2014. Barcelona.
- Communication: “What do we see when we read ooetry on the screen? at the 1st International
Symposium “Screen Literature: Texts and Teaching Practices” organized by GRETEL research group
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, October 2014. Barcelona.
- Lecture: “Lectures de poesia digital” in the Barcelona Poetry Week 2014 organized by the City
Council. May 17, 2014 Mobile World Centre, Barcelona.
- Communication: “#poeticaidigital: a hypertextual virtual gathering” with Laura Santacruz and
“Stained Word Window: a stained glass window of poetic and hypertextual words at the At the II
International Symposium on Research Perspectives and Didactic Innovation "Reading Hypertexts",
Universitat de Barcelona, September 2013.
- Lecture: “ICT reality: challenges for the future” in the Course "ICT Experiences in Catalan
classrooms," Universitat d’ Alacant, July 2013.
- Lecture: “Teaching and learning 2.0: the web as a space for language immersion”, with Laura
Santacruz, Universitat d’Alacant, November, 2012.
- Talk: “The Hermeneutics of Digital Poetryl” in the International Conference on Experimental
Poetry: poetry, critical reception Research group POCIÓ, Universitat de Barcelona, October, 2012.
- Lecture: at First International Conference on Electronic Literature and Virtual Art “V:Vniverse:
poetry, intertextuality and gender” Franklin Institute and Universidad de Alcalá de Henares,
October, 2012.
- Seminar: "We read e-lit: reading practices", Hermeneia, Universitat de Barcelona, July, 2012.
- Lecture: “Literature in the digital age: reading two works of hypertextual narration” at the XVI
International Symposium on Catalan Language and Literature (AILLC), Ramon Llull Institute,
Generalitat de Catalunya and AVL, July, 2012.
- Lecture: “Digital poetic spaces: analysis of five e-poems” and Workshop: “The use of digital media
to work on language awareness”, in Lit&ICT2, Hermeneia, Universitat de Barcelona, March, 2012.
- Workshop: “Networks, education and Catalan. Linguistic normalization and learning of the Catalan
language and literature”, with Laura Santacruz in the III Conference of catalan language teaching
literature and ICT (Universitat d’Alacant), December, 2011.
- Communication: International Conference Mapping e-lit: Reading and Analysis of Digital
Literature “Forms of irony in Ton Ferret’s ‘The Fugue Book’”, Hermeneia, Universitat de
Barcelona, November, 2011.
- Communication: Seminar Lit&ICT Connected to learning “‘Lliures volen’: the educational blog as
a space for language use”, Hermeneia, Universitat de Barcelona, July, 2011.
- Talk: III Conference Espurna Creativity in the classroom: for inclusive schools network with the

workshop “We learn, network and share with Ning”, Training day, ‘Espurna’ teacher’s network,
April, 2011.
- Communication: XVIII International SELGY Symposium “Deena Larsen: comparing two works of
digital literature”, Universitat d’Alacant, September in 2010.
- Communication: XVIII International SELGY Symposium “‘Simply Saying by Deena Larsen: looking
for a translation” (with Sandra Hurtado and Berta Rubio), Universitat d’Alacant, September in
- Talk: “Readers or shipwrecked? Immerse yourself in the digital work”, (with Sandra Hurtado) in
the XX Conference on Contemporary Spanish Literature, Universidad de Málaga, November, 2010.
- Lecture: “A reading of Ton Ferret’s ‘Retorn a la Comallega’ and ‘The Fugue*book’ from the
pragmatic analysis of discourse”, in the Reading Universities project, Universitat d’Alacant,
November, 2010.
- Communication: “From teacher to student, on the way back” at XXI Writers Meeting “Digital
Literature” (Laura Borràs coord.), ACPV-OctubreCCC, October, 2009.
- Talk: "A blended learning experience: a blog on the catalan subject"at V Carles Salvador Teachers
Meeting “Blogging as a didactic tool”, ACPV-OctubreCCC, February, 2009.


I consider my membership in these organizations and associations a commitment with education

improvement in a broad sense.
Member and founder of Collaborative ITC and teaching network Un entre tants (2009-2016) which works
on how to use ITC in school and high school with the aim to teach and learn about catalan literary
heritage through technologies.
Member of ELO (Electronic literature organization)
Member of SELGYC (Spanish society of comparative and literary studies)
Member of AILLC (International Association of Catalan Language and its Literature).
Member of Amics de la Bressola (preserving Catalan in France “Catalunya Nord”)


Catalan and Spanish: native speaker.

English: Intermediate/Advanced. B2 level, preparing C1 level.

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