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Synthesis of Butyl AcrylateStyrene Block Copolymers

in Emulsion by Reversible Addition-Fragmentation

Chain Transfer: Effect of Surfactant Migration upon
Film Formation

Department of Polymer Chemistry and Coatings Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513,
5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Ytkemiska InstitutetInstitute for Surface Chemistry, 45 Drottning Kristinas Vag, P.O. Box 5607,
114 86 Stockholm, Sweden

Received 5 May 2000; accepted 31 August 2000

ABSTRACT: The synthesis of block copolymers in an environmentally friendly medium

was carried out in emulsion polymerizations through the reversible addition-fragmen-
tation chain transfer process, using a transfer active xanthate (MADIX) agent, under
batch and starved-feed conditions. First, ab initio experiments were carried out to
prepare a seed of PBA dormant chains (i.e., poly(butyl acrylate) (PBA) polymer attached
with a transfer active xanthate). The M and polydispersity were predicted accurately
with numerical simulations and equations derived by Muller from the method of
moments. Those seeds were then used in a second-stage polymerization under starved-
feed and batch conditions to prepare composite polymer colloids of block PBA-co-
poly(styrene). Under starved feed conditions, approximately 90% of total polymer
consisted of blocks, whereas under batch conditions only 70% consisted of blocks, which
is proposed to be due a higher entry efficiency and thus greater termination rate. The
films of these latexes were examined by atomic force microscopy. Surfactant migration
to the surface increased with an increase in the amount of MADIX, resulting from a
combination of a smaller particle size and a lower average molecular weight. 2000 John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Polym Sci A: Polym Chem 38: 4206 4217, 2000
Keywords: block copolymers; RAFT; living; emulsion polymerization; MADIX

INTRODUCTION celles aggregates. Surfactant plays a dual role; it

not only provides the locus of polymerization but
Emulsion free-radical polymerization has proven also stabilizes the polymer particles. This results
to be an environmentally friendly method for the in stabilized latex particles dispersed in an aque-
production of a wide range of polymers. The meth- ous medium. The main advantages of emulsion
od1,2 uses water as the continuous medium in over conventional bulk or solution polymeriza-
which monomer is polymerized in surfactant mi- tions are that polymerizations reach very high
conversions and thus contain low amounts of re-
sidual monomer, the heat produced by the highly
Correspondence to: M. Monteiro (E-mail: m.j.monteiro@ exothermic reactions is dissipated by the water,
Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Vol. 38, 4206 4217 (2000)
and the processing of the high polymer solids
2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. content latex is easy owing to its low viscosity.

The practical problem is that the virtues of emul- ties is achievable. More importantly, controlled
sion polymerization to produce high solids con- polymer architectures such as block, triblock,
tent, high molar mass, and hard polymer prod- branched, and even star can now be made.10 13
ucts can be detrimental to film properties.2 In This extends the making of latex composites and
addition, the presence of additives in the recipe thus polymer properties to a range of possibilities
such as surfactant, initiator, buffer, and other far greater than previously envisaged.
components can create inhomogeneous films. For The reversible addition-fragmentation chain
example, surfactant can migrate to the surface transfer (RAFT)10,14 16 offers a promising method
and concentrate into pockets during film forma- to produce polymer architectures through emul-
tion.3 This can affect the gloss of the coating and sion polymerization. The technique relies on a
hardness of the film, reduce adhesion, and in- sequence of addition-fragmentation events, as
crease water sensitivity.4,5 shown in Scheme 1. The first step involves the
In recent years there has been a great deal of chain transfer of active species, P i , to the RAFT
industrial interest in composite latex particles, agent (1), which then undergoes fragmentation to
which uses the virtues of emulsion polymeriza- reinitiate polymerization. The active moiety from
tion to tailor-make film properties for specific end the RAFT agent is now attached to the polymeric
uses. This process has created a new class of chain end, making it a dormant species (2). Once
materials and allows one to design a large num- the RAFT agent is consumed, equilibrium is es-
ber of structures from a wide variety of mono- tablished between active (P i ) and dormant spe-
mers. Composite particles are usually prepared cies (2), and continues until all monomer is con-
by a series of consecutive emulsion polymeriza- sumed, resulting in a living growth of chains. The
tion steps. In general, ab initio emulsion polymer- technique can be used for a wide range of mono-
izations are first carried out to form a latex or mers and reaction conditions, and offers a versa-
seed latex consisting of the chosen polymer. These tile controlled free-radical route. MADIX agents
seeds are then swollen with the second monomer (e.g., Scheme 1) are a small category of RAFT-
and polymerized either under batch or semibatch type compounds, and have been reported to have
conditions. Semibatch processes are usually car- chain transfer constants, C tr , close to 1.
ried out under starved-feed conditions, such that This work presents the preparation of block
the feed rate is equal to or less than the intrinsic copolymers of butyl acrylate and styrene in emul-
polymerization rate. These two processes can pro- sion using the MADIX agent, [1-(O-ethylxanthyl)-
duce a myriad of latex morphologies depending ethyl]benzene.17 The methodology was first to po-
upon the experimental conditions,6,7 for example, lymerize BA with MADIX by conventional ab in-
core-shell, raspberry, sandwich-like, and occluded itio emulsion polymerization, and then through a
domains. The morphologies are controlled by both second-stage polymerize styrene to prepare block
thermodynamic and kinetic factors, and in some copolymers either under batch or starved-feed
cases kinetics of polymerization can lock an unfa- conditions. The polymer was characterized by
vorable thermodynamic morphology into place. double detection [i.e., ultraviolet (UV) and differ-
The composite of soft and hard polymer [e.g., ential refractive index detector (DRI)] size exclu-
polybutyl acrylate (PBS) and poly(styrene) sion chromatography. Atomic force microscopy
(PSTY)] represents one environmentally friendly (AFM) was then used to study the migration of
strategy for the production of latex coatings that surfactant after film formation of these latexes.
compete with solvent-based systems.8 In effect,
the soft polymer forms the continuous phase en-
gulfing the hard particles, allowing good film for- EXPERIMENTAL
mation. The hard phase therefore provides the
mechanical strength and block resistance, result- Ab Initio BA Emulsion Polymerizations
ing in film properties close to those produced by
solvent-based systems. The appearance of the Water (700 g), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS; 4.3 g)
film depends on the size of the hard domains, and and NaHCO3 (0.095 g) were added in a glass-
can be made transparent if the hard domains are reactor vessel and stirred (100 rpm) at 70 C
sufficiently small. while argon was bubbled through the mixture.
With the advent of controlled radical polymer- After 1 h, BA (300 g) and MADIX agent (0.5 or
ization,9 synthesizing polymers with tailor-made 1.5 g) were added and the stirring rate increased
molecular weight distributions and polydispersi- to 250 rpm. When the temperature reached 70 C

Scheme 1. Mechanism for RAFT.

again, sodium persulfate (SPS; 0.248 g in water) taken every 5 min, and after that every half hour.
was added. In the first hour samples were taken The reaction was stopped after 5 h and the final
every 5 min, and after that every half hour. The solids content was 30%.
reaction was stopped after 5 h and the final solids
content was 30%.
Starved Feed
STY Emulsion Polymerizations Using PBA Seeds Water (353 g), PBA seed latexes (500 g at 15%
solids) prepared above, and SDS (0.21 g) were
added in a glass reactor vessel and stirred at 100
Water (353 g), SDS (0.21 g), and PBA seed latexes rpm. Then, 85 g of styrene was added such that
(500 g at 15% solids) prepared above were added the majority of monomer was swollen into the
in a glass reactor vessel and stirred (100 rpm). particles of the seed latex. The mixture was
Styrene (150 g) was added dropwise and the mix- stirred overnight. The temperature was then in-
ture was stirred overnight to swell. The temper- creased to 70 C, argon was bubbled through the
ature was then increased to 70 C, argon was mixture and the stirring rate was increased to
bubbled through the mixture and the stirring rate 250 rpm. After 1 h SPS (0.22 g in water) was
was increased to 250 rpm. After 1 h SPS (0.22 g in added. The remaining styrene was then added
water) was added. In the first hour samples were with a dosimate at a rate of 0.2 mL/min. In the

first hour samples were taken every 5 min, and

after that every half hour. The reaction was
stopped after 5 h and final solids were 30%.

AFM Methods
Atomic force microscopy is a powerful technique
for determining the morphology and topography
of polymer films. The latex samples were applied
on thin sheets of mica with an applicator 60 m
thick. AFM was thereafter performed on these
latex films under three different conditions: (1)
Figure 1. Conversion-time plots of ab initio emulsion
after drying at room temperature under ambient
polymerizations of BA at 70 C with (a) no MADIX ();
conditions for 24 h; (2) after treatment of (1), (b) 2 mM of MADIX (F); and (c) 6 mM of MADIX ().
heating at 60 C in 50% relative humidity for The concentrations of MADIX are with respect to total
19 h; and (3) after treatment of (2), washing with reaction volume.
water, and drying to remove the remaining water.
The AFM instrument used was Nanoscope IIIa
Multimode from Digital Instruments, and both benzene, and has a water saturation concentra-
topographic imaging (tapping mode) and phase tion of 0.4 mmol dm3, which is an order of mag-
imaging were used for all samples. nitude less than styrene. The effect of increased
MADIX concentration led to a decrease in the rate
of polymerization (Fig. 1), with an inhibition time
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) Analysis for all reactions between 2 and 5 min. Bulk and
We carried out GPC analysis using a Waters Cor- solution experiments did not show retardation.
poration Model 510 pump, Waters Model WISP Therefore, it is believed that exit, through trans-
712 autoinjector, Model 410 refractive index de- fer to the MADIX agent and fragmentation to
tector, and Model 486 UV detector (at 254 nm). produce R (Scheme 1), resulted in retardation
The columns used were a PLgel guard 5-m 50 through termination of R either with radicals in
7.5-mm precolumn, followed by two PLgel the aqueous phase or reentry into a particle al-
mixed-C 10-m 300 7.5-mm columns (40 C) in ready containing a growing chain. C tr for this
series. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) was used as eluent MADIX agent is close to 1.5 for BA,18 which
(flow rate 1.0 mL/min) and calibration was done means that MADIX agent will be consumed at a
using polystyrene standards (M 580 to 7.1 slightly faster rate than monomer. The implica-
106). Data acquisition was performed using tion of this is that exit due to transfer to MADIX
Waters Millennium 32 (v. 3.05) software. will retard polymerization over most of the con-
version range. Further support for this argument
is from the decrease in average particle size with
Light Scattering increasing MADIX concentration (Table I). The
Dynamic light-scattering measurements of PBA decrease corresponds to a greater number of mi-
latex particle sizes were carried out using a celles being nucleated in interval I owing to exit
Malvern 4700 multiangle light scatterer with and reentry into another micelle.
PCS for Windows. The molecular weight distribution (MWD) is
important when considering the amount of con-
trol or living behavior a system obeys. Figure 2
shows the number-average molecular weight
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ) and polydispersity (PD) of PBA prepared at
(M n
two concentrations of MADIX agent. The M de-
Ab Initio Emulsion Polymerization of BA
creased from 1.6 105 to 5 104 when the
with MADIX
MADIX agent concentration was tripled. The PD
Ab initio experiments of BA and MADIX were at low conversions started at approximately 2 and
carried out at 70 C in the presence of SPS initi- decreased to 1.9 and 1.6 for MADIX concentra-
ator, SDS as surfactant, and deionized water. The tions of 2 and 6 mM, respectively. Growth of dor-
MADIX agent used was [1-(O-ethylxanthyl)ethyl]- mant chains (that is, living behavior) was seen by

Table I. Average Particle Size and Nc for Ab Initio

BA Polymerizations at 70 C in the Presence of

[MADIX]a Particle Sizeb

(mol dm3) (nm) Ncc

0 98 1.5 1017
2 103 58 7.3 1017
6 103 38 2.6 1018
MADIX concentration is calculated from the total reac-
tion volume.
Particle size are based on number average as determined
by dynamic light scattering.
Nc number of particles per unit volume of water, here Figure 3. Conversion-time plots of second-stage po-
calculated for the second-stage recipes with styrene at 15% lymerization of STY at 70 C using as the PBA seed
solids using the particle sizes above. latexes. (a) PBA prepared with no MADIX (); (b) PBA-
MADIX (2 mM) (F); (c) PBA-MADIX (6 mM) ().

the linear increase in M over the whole conver-

sion range, where the rate of increase was greater PD also remained constant at the starting values
for the higher MADIX concentration. These re- of eqs 1 and 2. The fractional conversion for the
sults are consistent with predictions using the changeover from interval II to III was approxi-
experimentally found C tr ( 1.5).18 The equations mately 0.3, after which eqs 1 and 2 became valid.
used to predict the M and PD were derived from
the method of moments. Equations 1 and 2 take x
into account the effect of residual MADIX agent n
M M (1)
1 1 1 x 0
due to its low C tr 19 and were only valid during

interval III, in which droplets were no longer
present. During interval II the ratio of monomer
1 1 1
PD 2 2 x
to MADIX being transported was equal to the x x
initial ratio, , which is in accord with the two- 2 1
films theory.23 Therefore, was constant in the 1 1 x 1/ (2)
2 2x 2
particles until all MADIX agent had been con-
sumed in the droplets. During this time, M and
where [M] 0 /[RAFT]0 , M 0 is molar mass of
monomer, x is fractional conversion, [P n ]/
[RAFT], and C tr .

Second-Stage Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene

in BA/MADIX Seed
The latexes produced from the previous experi-
ments were used as the seeds, in which styrene
was further batch or starved-fed in a second-stage
polymerization to give a final polymer ratio of BA
to STY 1. The PBA seed prepared with MADIX
at the 2-mM and 6-mM concentrations (denoted
here as PBA-MAD and PBA-MAD3, respectively)
consisted of poly(butyl acrylate)-(thiocarbonyl)
sulfanyl compounds. These dormant chains can
Figure 2. Ab initio emulsions of BA polymerized at
70 C in the presence of MADIX. (a) M at MADIX undergo further RAFT reactions with polystyryl
concentrations of 2 mM (}) and 6 mM (); and (b) PD at radicals to produce block copolymers. Figure 3
MADIX concentrations of 2 mM () and 6 mM (F). shows that the rate of polymerization (beyond
Lines are theoretical prediction using eq 1 for M experimental error) for styrene in PBA-MAD and
eq 2 for PD. PBA-MAD3 under batch conditions was not

verted to blocks, the UV will be identical to and

overlap the DRI signal (that is, f PBA-co-PSTY 1).
Under batch conditions [Fig. 4(a)], the DRI and
UV signals do not overlap. The f PBA-co-PSTY used
to obtain the DRI chromatogram was 0.7, which
means that approximately 70% of PBA-MAD was
converted to blocks. Under starved-feed condi-
tions the overlap between the two signals was
much better, where f PBA-co-PSTY used was 0.9. A
small percentage (10%) of dead PBA will be
formed through termination when making the
PBA-MAD seed.
Similar results were also found when PBA-
MAD3 was used as the seed. Figure 5(a) shows
the GPC chromatograms for batch conditions, and
Figure 5(b) for starved-feed conditions. Again,
starved-feed conditions produced the best results
to obtain block copolymers ( f PBA-co-PSTY used was
0.9) compared with f PBA-co-PSTY of 0.7 for batch
The difference in the amount of blocks between
batch and starved feed could be due to secondary

Figure 4. GPC w (Log M w )] curves with UV and DRI

detection of second-stage emulsion polymerization of
STY using PBA-MADIX (2 mM): (a) under batch con-
ditions; (b) under starved-feed conditions. The DRI
chromatograms were normalized with respect to the
UV chromatogram, with a fitting parameter for the
fraction of block formation ( f PBA-co-PSTY).

greatly affected by the concentration of the poly-

meric RAFT agent in the seed. It should be noted
that considerable polymerization occurred before
the addition of the initiator when heating (over 30
min) from room temperature to the reaction tem-
perature of 70 C, a consequence presumably due
to the presence of residual initiator unreacted in
the preparation of the seed.
The GPC traces of STY polymerized in a second
stage using PBA-MAD as the seed under batch
and starved-feed conditions are shown in Figure
4(a,b), respectively. A double-detection GPC was
used to determine the amounts of blocks formed.
The differential refractive index (DRI) detector
showed the combined MWD of all polymers,
Figure 5. GPC w(Log M w )] curves with UV and DRI
whereas the UV detector (at 254 nm) showed only
detection of second-stage emulsion polymerization of
chains containing PSTY, either as homo- or block STY using PBA-MADIX (6 mM): (a) under batch con-
copolymers. All DRI chromatograms were nor- ditions; (b) under starved-feed conditions. The DRI
malized with respect to the UV chromatogram, chromatograms were normalized with respect to the
with a fitting parameter for the fraction of block UV chromatogram, with a fitting parameter for the
formation ( f PBA-co-PSTY). 20 If all PBA-MAD is con- fraction of block formation ( f PBA-co-PSTY).

Figure 6. AFM images of PBA dried at room temperature under ambient conditions
for 24 h: (a) topographic image, size 15 15 m; (b) phase image, size 15 15 m.

particle formation and/or excess radicals, produc- After heating the sample at 60 C (Fig. 7), we
ing homopolymer of polystyrene. Secondary par- observed that the amount of the light second
ticle formation is highly unlikely in our systems phase at the surface increased. This indicated
because the number of particles per unit volume that there was more and faster migration of the
was far greater (Table I) than the catastrophic second phase at elevated temperatures, owing to
region of 1 1014 found for seeded STY poly- increased mobility of the polymer chains in the
merizations.21 The most probable difference be- PBA phase at higher temperatures. After the
tween batch and starved feed is the lower entry sample was washed with water (Fig. 8) the second
efficiency of radicals into the particles22 for white phase was removed almost completely from
starved-feed conditions, which lowers the amount the surface and there were holes left in the film.
of termination and consequently the amount of This behavior was previously found for other
STY homopolymer. types of latex films,3,4 and it has been explained
as migration of the surfactant used in the emul-
sion polymerization process to the surface. It is
AFM of Films probable that also in this case we had migration
of the surfactant (SDS) to the surface of the film,
Polybutyl Acrylate Latexes as this was the only low-molecular-weight sub-
stance present in the formulation in relatively
The topographic image and phase image of PBA
large amounts (ca. 1.4 wt % of the monomer con-
(prepared without MADIX) after drying for 1 day
tent). However, it is possible that short oligomers
at room temperature are shown in Figure 6. From
of the polymers also can migrate to the surface.
the phase image we acquired information about
regions of different viscoelastic properties at the
PBA-PSTY Latexes
surface: dark contrast regions correspond to soft
domains, whereas regions with light contrast cor- The topographic images of the PBA-PSTY latexes
respond to hard domains. In Figure 6(b) we de- displayed high surface roughness of the films and
tected flakes of a phase with light contrast on top no additional information about the morphology
of a darker phase. The darker phase probably of the films could be obtained from these images;
consisted of the soft PBA polymer, and the light therefore, only phase images of these latexes will
phase was probably a second phase that migrated be shown here. PBA-PSTY composite latexes
to the surface during drying. were studied with AFM. All samples gave two

Figure 7. AFM images of PBA heated at 60 C in 50% relative humidity for 19 h:

(a) topographic image, size 15 15 m; (b) phase image, size 15 15 m.

glass-transition temperatures (T g s), of 51.4 C The AFM images of the latexes with and with-
and 96.9 C, which correspond to the T g s of PBA out MADIX differed in some respects; however,
and PSTY, respectively. The latexes were synthe- this will be explained in detail later, and we will
sized under both starved-feed and batch condi- start with the general AFM appearance of the
tions. However, there were no large differences in PBA-PSTY latexes under different conditions.
the AFM images comparing the starved and the As an example, we have chosen to show the
batch types of latexes. AFM images of PBA-PSTY (batch) without

Figure 8. AFM images of PBA heated at 60 C in 50% relative humidity for 19 h and
thereafter washed with water and dried: (a) topographic image, size 15 15 m;
(b) phase image, size 15 15 m.

Figure 9. AFM images of PBA-PSTY (batch) dried at room temperature under am-
bient conditions for 24 h: (a) phase image, size 2 2 m; (b) phase image, size 15
15 m.

MADIX. Phase images of this sample after drying domains probably consisted of the hard PSTY
at room temperature for 24 h are displayed in phase and the dark continuous phase was proba-
Figure 9. In the 2 2-m image more or less bly the soft PBA phase. The diameter of the PSTY
spherical domains of light contrast embedded in a domains was approximately 100 nm; however, it
darker phase can be observed. These spherical

Figure 11. AFM phase image of PBA-PSTY (batch)

Figure 10. AFM phase image of PBA-PSTY (batch) heated at 60 C in 50% relative humidity for 19 h and
heated at 60 C in 50% relative humidity for 19 h, size thereafter washed with water and dried, size 15
15 15 m. 15 m.

Figure 12. AFM phase images of PBA-PSTY (batch) and PBA-PSTY-MADIX (batch),
size 2 2 m: (a) PBA-PSTY (batch) dried at room temperature under ambient
conditions for 24 h; (b) PBA-PSTY-MADIX (batch) dried at room temperature under
ambient conditions for 24 h; (c) PBA-PSTY (batch) heated at 60 C in 50% relative
humidity for 19 h and thereafter washed with water and dried; (d) PBA-PSTY-MADIX
(batch) heated at 60 C in 50% relative humidity for 19 h and thereafter washed with
water and dried.

is not possible to say whether the whole PSTY When the sample was heated to 60 C, the
domain was visible at the surface or whether only white second phase covered more than 50% of the
the top of the domains was visible. Furthermore, surface; however, in the areas of the surface that
while islands 0.51 m in size were observed in were not covered with the second phase the STY
the 15 15-m phase image of the same sample domains were still visible (Fig. 10). Finally, when
[Fig. 9(b)]. These islands were consequently much the surface was washed with water after heating,
larger than the PSTY domains and probably con- the second phase was removed completely and the
sisted of a second phase. STY domains were again exposed over the whole

surface (Fig. 11). As for the PBA samples, we CONCLUSION

believe that the second white phase observed on
top of the film was surfactant that migrated to the Block copolymers were prepared in emulsion
surface. This is plausible because the surfactant through the RAFT process using the MADIX
was the only low-molecular-weight component agent under batch and starved-feed conditions.
that was soluble in water and present in the for- First, ab initio experiments were carried out to
mulation in relatively large amounts. prepare a seed of PBA dormant chains (i.e., PBA
When comparing the samples with and without polymer attached with a transfer-active xan-
MADIX, differences in both the size of the PSTY thate). Those seeds were then used in a second-
domains and the amount of surfactant that mi- stage polymerization under starved-feed and
grated at 60 C were detected. As mentioned pre- batch conditions to prepare composite polymer
viously, the size of the PSTY domains was 100 nm colloids of block PBA-co-PSTY. Under starved-
for PBA-PSTY without MADIX after drying in feed conditions approximately 90% of total poly-
room temperature [Fig. 12(a)]. The corresponding mer consisted of blocks, whereas under batch con-
ditions only 70% consisted of blocks, which is
samples with MADIX had PSTY domains with a
proposed to be due a higher entry efficiency and
size only half this value (40 50 nm) [Fig. 12(b)].
thus greater termination rate. The films of those
However, when these samples were heated and
latexes were examined by AFM. Surfactant mi-
washed, we observed that the PSTY domains of
gration to the surface increased with an increased
the latex with MADIX became larger, more mono- amount of MADIX, resulting from a combination
disperse, and more close-packed at the surface of smaller particle size and lower molecular
[Fig. 12(d)], whereas the size and shape of the weight.
PSTY domains in the sample without MADIX
were almost unchanged [Fig. 12(c)]. It is not prob- The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the
able that the PSTY domains grew in size upon European Community within the Brite-EuRam pro-
heating; it is more likely that the PSTY domains gram (Contract no. BRPR-CT-0510).
rose to the surface and therefore became more
visible in the AFM images when the sample was
heated. This could be because the soft PBA phase REFERENCES AND NOTES
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