Boundary Value Problems: Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani

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Boundary Value Problems Dr.

Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 1

Chapter 7

Boundary Value Problems

Note: This module is prepared from Chapter 7 of the text book (G.F. Simmons, Differential
Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, TMH, 2nd ed., 1991) just to help the students.
The study material is expected to be useful but not exhaustive. For detailed study, the students
are advised to attend the lecture/tutorial classes regularly, and consult the text book.

Appeal: Please do not print this e-module unless it is really necessary.

Dr. Suresh Kumar, Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


0.1 One dimensional wave equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

0.2 One dimensional heat equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
0.3 The Laplace equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
0.4 Strum Liouville Boundary Value Problem (SLBVP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
0.4.1 Orthogonality of eigen functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Boundary Value Problems

In this chapter, we shall discuss the solution of some boundary value problems.

0.1 One dimensional wave equation

Consider an elastic string of negligible mass and length tied at the two ends along x-axis at the
points (0, 0) and (, 0). Suppose the string is pulled in the shape y = f (x) in the xy-plane and
released. Then it can be shown that the vibrations of the string in the xy-plane are governed by
the one dimensional wave equation
2y 1 2y
= , (1)
x2 a2 t2
where a is some positive constant, and y(x, t) is the displacement/vibration of the string along
y-axis direction. The wave equation is subjected to the following four conditions.
The first condition is

y(0, t) = 0, (2)

since the left end of the string is tied at (0, 0) for all the time, and hence it can not have displacement
along the y-axis.
The second condition is

y(, t) = 0 (3)

since the right end of the string is tied at (, t) for all the time, and hence it can not have
displacement along the y-axis.
The third condition is
= 0, at t = 0, (4)
since the string is in rest at t = 0.
The fourth condition is

y(x, 0) = f (x), (5)

since the string is in the shape y = f (x) at t = 0.

Once the string is released from the initial shape y(x, 0) = f (x), we are interested to find the
distance or displacement of the string from the x-axis at any time t. It is equivalent to saying that
we are interested to solve (1) for y(x, t) subject to the four conditions (2)-(5).

Boundary Value Problems Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 4

Assume that (1) possesses a solution of the form

y(x, t) = u(x)v(t), (6)

where u(x) and v(t) are to be determined. Plugging (6) into (1), we get
u00 (x) 1 v 00 (t)
= 2 = , (7)
u(x) a v(t)
where is some constant. This yields following two equations

u00 (x) u(x) = 0, (8)

v 00 (t) a2 v(t) = 0. (9)

Now, let us first solve (8). Later, we shall look for the solution of (9). Considering (6), the condi-
tion y(0, t) = 0 in (2) gives u(0)v(t) = 0 or u(0) = 0. Similarly, y(, t) = 0 in (3) gives u() = 0.
Further, we see that the nature of solution of (8) depends on the values of .

(i) When > 0, the solution reads as u(x) = c1 e x + c2 e x . Using the conditions u(0) = 0
and u() = 0, we get c1 = 0 = c2 , and hence u(x) = 0. This leads to the trivial solution
y(x, t) = u(x)v(t) = 0, which is not of our interest.

(ii) When = 0, the solution reads as u(x) = c1 x + c2 . Again, using the conditions u(0) = 0
and u() = 0, we get c1 = 0 = c2 , which leads to the trivial solution y(x, t) = u(x)v(t) = 0.

(iii) When < 0, say, = n2 , the solution reads as u(x) = c1 sin nx + c2 cos nx. Applying
the condition u(0) = 0, we get c2 = 0. The condition u() = 0 then implies that c1 sin n = 0.
Obviously, for a non-trivial solution we must have c1 6= 0. Then the condition c1 sin n = 0 forces
n to be a positive integer. Thus,

un (x) = sin nx, (10)

is non-trivial solution of (8) for each positive integer n.

Now, the solution of (9) with = n2 reads as v(t) = c1 sin nat + c2 cos nat. The condition in
(4) leads to u(x)v 0 (0) = 0 or v 0 (0) = 0, which in turn gives c1 = 0. So

vn (t) = cos nat, (11)

is non-trivial solution of (8).

In view of (6), (10) and (11), we can say that

yn (x, t) = un (x)vn (t) = sin nx cos nat, (12)

is a solution of (1) for each positive integer n. It follows that

y(x, t) = bn yn (x, t) = bn sin nx cos nat, (13)
n=1 n=1
Boundary Value Problems Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 5

is also a solution of (1). To determine bn , we use the fourth condition y(x, 0) = f (x) given in (5).
Then (13) gives

f (x) = bn sin nx. (14)

Notice that the series on right hand side in (14) is the Fourier sine series of f (x) in the interval
[0, ]. So we have

bn = f (x) sin nxdx. (15)

y(x, t) = bn sin nx cos nat, (16)

with bn from (15) is the solution of (1) subject to the four conditions (2)-(5).

0.2 One dimensional heat equation

Consider a uniform rod of length aligned along x-axis from (0, 0) to (, 0). Suppose that the two
ends of the rod are kept at zero temperature all the time, and f (x) represents the temperature
function at time t = 0. Then it can be shown that the temperature w(x, t) of the road is governed
by the one dimensional heat equation

2w 1 w
= 2 , (17)
x a t
where a is some positive constant. The heat equation is subjected to the following three conditions.
The first condition is

w(0, t) = 0, (18)

since the left end of the rod is kept at zero temperature for all t.
The second condition is

w(, t) = 0 (19)

since the right end of the rod is kept at zero temperature for all t.
The third condition is

w(x, 0) = f (x), (20)

since the temperature of the rod is given by f (x) at t = 0.

Having known the temperature of the rod at t = 0, we are interested to find the temperature
of the rod at any time t. It is equivalent to saying that we are interested to solve (17) for w(x, t)
subject to the three conditions (18)-(20).
Boundary Value Problems Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 6

Assume that (17) possesses a solution of the form

w(x, t) = u(x)v(t), (21)
where u(x) and v(t) are to be determined. Plugging (21) into (17), we get
u00 (x) 1 v 0 (t)
= 2 = , (22)
u(x) a v(t)
where is some constant. This yields following two equations
u00 (x) u(x) = 0, (23)

v 0 (t) a2 v(t) = 0, (24)

Following the strategy discussed in the previous section, the non-trivial solution of (23) subject to
the conditions (18) and (19), reads as
un (x) = sin nx, (25)
where n a positive integer with = n2 .
2 a2 t
Now, the solution of (24) with = n2 reads as v(t) = c1 en . So
n2 a2 t
vn (t) = e , (26)
is non-trivial solution of (24).

In view of (21), (25) and (26),

2 a2 t
wn (x, t) = un (x)vn (t) = sin nxen , (27)
is a solution of (17) for each positive integer n. It follows that

2 a2 t
w(x, t) = bn wn (x, t) = bn sin nxen , (28)
n=1 n=1

is also a solution of (17). To determine bn , we use the third condition w(x, 0) = f (x) given in (20).
Then (28) gives

f (x) = bn sin nx. (29)

Notice that the series on right hand side in (29) is the Fourier sine series of f (x) in the interval
[0, ]. So we have
bn = f (x) sin nxdx. (30)

2 a2 t
w(x, t) = bn sin nxen , (31)

with bn from (30) is the solution of (17) subject to the three conditions (18)-(20).
Boundary Value Problems Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 7

0.3 The Laplace equation

The steady state temperature w(x, y) (independent of time) in the two dimensional xy-plane is
governed by
2w 2w
+ = 0, (32)
x2 y 2
known as the Laplace equation. With the transformations x = r cos and y = r sin , the polar
form of (32) reads as
2 w 1 w 1 2w
+ + = 0. (33)
r2 r r r2 2
w w x w y w w
= + = cos + sin .
r x r y r x y
2w 2
2 w 2w 2
2 w 2w
= cos + cos sin + sin + sin cos
r2 x2 xy y 2 xy
w w x w y w w
= + = r sin + r cos .
x y x y
2w 2
2 w 2 2w w 2 2
2 w 2 2w w
= r sin 2
r sin cos r cos +r cos 2
r cos sin r sin .
x xy x y xy y
2 2
Substituting the values of rw2 , w
and w2 into (33), we get (32).
Suppose the steady state temperature is given on the boundary of a unit circle r = 1, say
w(1, ) = f (). Then the problem of finding the temperature at any point (r, ) inside the circle
is a Dirichlets problem for a circle. Now we shall solve (33) subject to the condition

w(1, ) = f (). (34)

Assume that (33) possesses a solution of the form

w(r, ) = u(r)v(), (35)

where u(r) and v() are to be determined. Plugging (35) into (33), we get
r2 u00 (r) + ru0 (r) v 00 ()
= = , (36)
u(r) v()
where is some constant. This yields following two equations

v 00 () + v() = 0, (37)

r2 u00 (r) + ru0 (r) u(r) = 0. (38)

The non-trivial solution of (37) reads as

vn () = an cos n + bn sin n, (39)

Boundary Value Problems Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 8

where = n2 ; an , bn are constants such that both the terms on right hand side of (41) do not
vanish together for n = 1, 2, 3, ......
Notice that (40) is a Cauchy-Euler DE with = n2 . So it transforms to

d2 u
n2 u = 0, (40)
where r = es . Solution of this equation is

u(z) = c1 ens + c2 ens for n = 1, 2, 3, .....

where c1 and c2 are constants. In terms of r, the solution read as

u(r) = c1 rn + c2 rn for n = 1, 2, 3, .....

Since we are interested in solutions which are well defined inside the circle r = 1, we discard the
second term rn as it is not finite at r = 0. Thus, the solution of our interest is

un (r) = rn , n = 1, 2, 3, ..... (41)

In view of (35), (40) and (41),

wn (r, ) = un (r)vn () = rn (an cos n + bn sin n), (42)

is a solution of (33) for n = 1, 2, ....... It follows that

wn (x, t) = rn (an cos n + bn sin n), (43)
n=0 n=1

is also a solution of (33). Since 2
is also a solution of (33), so

a0 X n
w(r, ) = + r (an cos n + bn sin n), (44)
2 n=1

is also a solution of (33).

To determine a0 , an and bn , we use the third condition w(1, ) = f () given in (34). Then (44)

a0 X
f () = + (an cos n + bn sin n), (45)
2 n=1

Notice that the series on right hand side in (45) is the Fourier series of f () in the interval [, ].
So we have
an = f () cos nd, (n = 0, 1, 2, ....) (46)

bn = f () sin nd, (n = 1, 2, 3, ......). (47)

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Thus, (44) with an from (46) and bn from (47) is the solution of (33) subject to the condition
(34). Thus, the Dirichlet problem for the unit circle is solved.
Now substituting an from (46) and bn from (47) into (44), we get
1 X n
w(r, ) = f () + r cos n( ) d. (48)
2 n=1

Let z = rei() = r[cos( ) + i sin( )] so that z n = rn [cos n( ) + i sin n( )]. Then

we have

1 X n 1 X n
+ r cos n( ) = Re + z
2 n=1 2 n=1
1 z
= Re +
2 1z
= Re
2(1 z)
(1 + z)(1 z)
= Re
2(1 z)(1 z)
(1 + z z |z|2 )
= Re
2(1 z z + |z|2 )
1 r2
2[1 2r cos( ) + r2 ]
So (48) becomes

1 r2
w(r, ) = f ()d, (49)
2 1 2r cos( ) + r2

known as the Poission integral. It expresses the value of the harmonic function w(r, ) at all points
inside the circle r = 1 in terms of its values on the circumference of the circle. In particular, at
r = 0, we have
w(0, ) = f ()d, (50)
which shows that the value of the harmonic function w at the center of the circle is the average of
its values on the circumference.

0.4 Strum Liouville Boundary Value Problem (SLBVP)

Let p(x) 6= 0, p0 (x), q(x) and r(x) be continuous functions on [a, b]. Then the DE
[p(x)y 0 ] + [q(x) + r(x)]y = 0, (51)
with the boundary conditions

c1 y(a) + c2 y 0 (a) = 0, (52)

Boundary Value Problems Dr. Suresh Kumar, BITS Pilani 10


d1 y(b) + d2 y 0 (b) = 0, (53)

where neither both c1 and c2 nor both d1 and d2 are zero, is called a SLBVP. We see that y = 0 is
trivial solution of (51). The values of for which (51) has non-trivial solutions, are known as its
eigen values while the corresponding non-trivial solutions are known as eigen functions.

Ex. 0.4.1. Find eigen values and eigen functions of the SLBVP

y 00 + y = 0, y(0) = 0, y() = 0.

Sol. 0.4.1. Eigen values are = n2 , where n is a positive integer.

Eigen functions are yn = sin nx.

0.4.1 Orthogonality of eigen functions

Consider the SLBVP given by (51), (52) and (52). If ym and yn are any two distinct eigen functions
corresponding to the eigen values m and n , then
Z b
q(x)ym (x)yn (x)dx = 0.

In other words, any two distinct eigen functions ym and yn of the SLBVP are orthogonal with
respect to the weight function q(x). Let us prove this result.
Since ym and yn are eigen functions corresponding to the eigen values m and n , we have
0 0
(pym ) + (m q + r)ym = 0 (54)


(pyn0 )0 + (n q + r)yn = 0. (55)

Multiplying (54) by yn and (55) by ym , and subtracting we get

0 0
yn (pym ) ym (pyn0 )0 + (m n )qym yn = 0 (56)

Moving the first two terms on right hand side, and then integrating from a to b, we have
Z b Z b Z b
0 0 0 0
(m n ) qym yn dx = ym (pyn ) dx yn (pym ) dx
a a a
Z b Z b
0 b 0 0 0
= [ym (pyn )]a b
ym (pyn )dx [yn (pym )]a + yn0 (pym
a a
= p(b)[ym (b)yn0 (b) yn (b)ym
(b)] p(a)[ym (a)yn0 (a) yn (a)ym
= p(b)W (b) p(a)W (a)

where W (x) = ym (x)yn0 (x) yn (x)ym

(x) is Wronskian of ym and yn .
Z b
(m n ) qym yn dx = p(b)W (b) p(a)W (a). (57)
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Notice that the eigen functions ym and yn are particular solutions of the SLBVP given by (51),
(52) and (52). So we have
c1 ym (a) + c2 ym (a) = 0, (58)

c1 yn (a) + c2 yn0 (a) = 0, (59)

d1 ym (b) + d2 ym (b) = 0, (60)

d1 yn (b) + d2 yn0 (b) = 0. (61)

Now by the given, c1 and c2 are not zero together. So the homogeneous system given by (58) and
(59) has a non-trivial solution. It follows that ym (a)yn0 (a) yn (a)ym0
(a) = W (a) must be zero.
0 0
Likewise, (60) and (61) lead to ym (b)yn (b) yn (b)ym (b) = W (b) = 0. So (57) becomes
Z b
(m n ) qym yn dx = 0. (62)

Also, m 6= n . So we get
Z b
qym yn dx = 0, (63)

the desired result.

Remark 0.4.1. The orthogonality property of eigen functions can be used to write a given function
as the series expansion of eigen functions.

Remark 0.4.2. A DE in the form

[p(x)y 0 ] + [q(x) + r(x)]y = 0
is called in self adjoint form.

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