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Presented by:

Name : Tara Asti Stephanie

Student ID : 20140122013
Class : 22 / EXE / CC
Lecturer : Mr. Bambang Sumaryanto



The name of CSR Nestle do is CSV (Create Sharing Values) or which means
benefits common in 2008 - 2009 of the increasing the handling of health and
welfare in the field of nutrition, water and rural development.

Nestle focus CSV activities in the fields of nutrients, water and community
development. CSR done Nestle is expected to create benefit not only for the
shareholders but also employee, business partners and the community.

3 the important nestle do for a nation that healthy and strong and overcome
issues nutrients through education nutrients.

In the field of nutrients, Nestle Indonesia did a program of education to help

customers make a very clever move and appropriate a fund pattern selection eat
lifestyle and raise awareness of the importance of food healthy and physical
activity. There is also the program caravan nutrition nestle dancow, socialization
10 sign of the son of nutritious good , training nutriont quotinent for employees
nestle for knowledge nutrition and implementation in the life everyday.

In the field of water , Nestle cooperate with PMI help 1.600 villagers telagaluhur
in serang banten to gain access to clean water and healthy. To produce irrigation
systems environmentally friendly using waste water management has done to
clean water.

In building development sector , Nestle cooperate with farmers milk in east java
through the direct procurement in income milk so that it milk produced become
more quality and quantity. Namely by means of buy 600.000 pint of milk every
day of the local farmers Nestle.

Nestle also has partnered with farmers coffee in lampung since 1994 to provide

counseling increase the quantity and quality of harvest and improve welfare of
farmers .In building development sector nestle will cooperate with research
institute coffee and cocoa in jember in the identification of the coffee beans good
by mapping genetics , support done nestle by means of technology has granted
somatic emyrogenesis that allows farmers plant kind of best coffee in large
quantities and in a very short time


Sari husada set three the basis of the strategy the implementation of the CSR the
core business the company is as providers nutritious products, government
development and the potential cooperation with diverse group of stakeholders.
Third pillars it can be Categorized into three pillars main namely nutrition and
health, education and economic empowerment women. In addition three pillars
resulted in 5 clusters of programs that is nutrition and healthy, education
maternal and child, community economic empowerment, environment
preservation and concern of disasters and the condition of a thrall.

Types of CSR Programs in implementing Sari Husada vary from of activities

around the plant and development the general public. Directed program focus on
improving the nutritional status of mothers and children in accordance with the
mission company. CSR been implemented secondments from NGO, the
government or the community. In addition cooperate with danone ecosysteme
fund to conduct a range of social initiative , funds ecosysteme fund is funds that
strengthens ecosystem danone and grades create a social and economic in
partnership inclusive consisting of 5 scope sourcing program , territory , micro-
distribution , caring service and people.

Sari Husada programs who collaborated with danone ecosysteme fund that is
caring sevice: program healthy stall children (the program providing nutritious
food, education nutrition and entrepreneurship training for the mothers). In
addition, there is also the program Srikandi academy, a program to increase the
competency students graduates the midwifery to be midwives plunge blind off

the communities. In the field of sourcing there is also the program merapi
project, program revitalization affected communities in disaster eruption merapi
through the provision of modern conveniences animal husbandry and agriculture
integrated as well as facilities learn for farmers.


1. Why they choose the CSR Program ?

Paul. A. Argenty in his book corporate communications mention corporate

responsibility or known as as corporate social responsibility form of honor a
organisation for public interest, indicated by taking a sense of belonging from the
effects of key activity konsituten including consumers, employees, shareholders,
the community and the environment, in all parts of their operations.
Accountability often extended beyond the basic rules to include businesses
voluntary and proactive in improve the quality of life employees and their

families as well as for local communities society . (Argenti, 2010 : 123)

According to Argenti theory, Nestle and Sari Husada conduct an CSR activity useful
for the community and to consumers, employees, shareholders, the community
and the environment. Activity carried out by Nestle and Sari Husada of course to
reach an order to public welfare and communities and profitable the company.

CSR activity done by Nestle and Sari Husada almost the same because seek on the
needs nutrition and national development in indonesian society. CSR by Nestle is
expected to help created benefit not only to shareholders, but also employees,
business partners and the community. The important expected nestle is to a
nation that healthy and strong and overcome issues nutrients through education
nutrients, and rural development of sustainable. CSR also done to open
opportunities for business for grown and developed in order to overcome
problems social so as in line in unite business, the government and community
institution to advance social and economic progress.

Csr done sari husada are expected to help reached 3 the basis of in the
implementation of the csr the core business the company is as providers
nutritious products, government development and potential for cooperation with
various interest group. Three pillars is in Categorized in nutrition and health,
education and economic empowerment women and produce 5 clusters of
programs that is nutrition and health , education maternal and child , community
economic empowerment, environment preservation and concern of disasters
and the condition of a thrall.

CSR done by Sari Husada more complete more than done by Nestle. CSR done by
Sari Husada more directed to many areas of children so the mother be fit use this
program. With the implementation of the complete done by sari husada expected
the mother can also have knowledge or education nutrition in add nutrients
children and teaching berwirausaha and implementation in the life everyday. And
children are make things just nutrients supposed to be in need by them and
implementation of healthy for children snack.

2.How they build corporate image ?

In news of perhumas ( 2004 ) mentioned that for a company, assets reputation is the
most important and priceless to efforts, resources and the cost of used to it. There
are several aspects which is elements forming reputation company, the financial
condition, quality products and services, focus on customers, excellence and
sensitivity resources, reliability, innovation, the responsibility of the environment,
social responsibility, and enforcement of GCG.

Understanding reputation itself abstract or intangible, but it look like can be felt of
good judgment by their respect and respect of the public around of the company .It
is seen as of a business concern credible, professional, and reliable in giving good
service. Thus it can be said that build a reputation positive it requires big fund but if
that imagery has been developed so the results would double (Muslimin, 2004).

Of the theory above can in concluded that nestle and sari husada can improve their
reputation. Csr sari husada very integrated with vision and mission from Sari Husada.
CSR it is also accordance with the target the target CSR namely maternal and child,
not only give education but also to raise deftness in entrepreneurial, with this
besides mother and child get understanding nutrition in addition can win succeed by
the program that were organized by Sari Husada. This activity of course can increase
reputation very strong for Sari Husada because Sari Husada not serves only
advantage financial, but also support the mothers in order to understand about
education and community welfare.

Nestle also conducted csr very well, nestle and sari husada same concentrate to
nutrition and they also do traditional and new media channel when promote this
CSR, nestle and sari husada same uses the type new media channel in addition,
there are annual CSR reports, official company website, press release, television
commercial and the us of a billboards advertisement. In traditional the
community who follow csr is also do traditional communication the use of a
word of mouth in discussing this activity.

3. Which company do you think has a better communication?

In my opinion, CSR from Sari Husada had more better communication. Because CSR
Sari Husada is in various aspects of the social activities, education, that aspect, and
helping to natural disasters. As the Srikandi, Srikandi award, project merapi
explosion. The Srikandi for example had on target and creating a positive impression
on the community, and hence image Sari Husada increased. As well as other CSR
activities, all CSR activities is getting a good and positive response in the community.

Of the total activities, CSR activities this is one of the main program in the process
of the company image of it in the citizens. Sari husada is the company in the field
of milk giving the best service to public and providing products affordable and
nourishing to the community that can be directly close to the community . CSR
Sari Husada went in tandem with business activity Sari Husada and in

accordance with vision and mission company. for example CSR Sari Husada in
Srikandi some elements in that program that educate and healthy.

In terms of communication, CSR already done by Sari Husada using 2

communication media, that is : traditional and the all new media channel of
course combine word of mouth and use social media and media modern to put in
or communicating program. Many media who wrote about Sari Husada CSR and
award received by Sari Husada CSR is also sign of success of Sari Husada CSR.

5. Conclusion and recommendation for best practice of CSR & Communication

In conclusion, CSR done by Sari Husada and Nestle are already good and needs to
be improvised and good in the program and communication. Good company
owner and management always maintain the company performance in doing CSR
in order to keep consumers and stakeholder satisfaction. In addition, it is hoped
that give priority to the community in every aspect and field of. The use of CSR
activities need to be consideration for organization or company in an effort to
improve the image.

Sari Husada should more maximize CSR and can more added CSR Activities in
order to apply their function in provide the best services for consumers and also
the public.

Improving the performance of social media in promoting CSR conducted by

which the community could become more attention to social activities so they
are can interest to participate in social activities / CSR like this. Updates in social
media on CSR Activity which is done so that it can be occurring interaction
between people in the city with the village community.

Make the better program and new CSR program so potential improvised from csr
who was already did and new program will keep going with a new idea and
implementation of be better from all terms.

Nestle must also more programmed pertaining to disaster relief and humanity.
CSR nestle is good enough, but still less make the program in a humanitarian
mission. Hopefully for the future, nestle more sensitive in making CSR relating to
humanitarian aid for example for disaster victims.

This is very important because it could indicate that an enterprise not concerned
only with poor people but also quickly and respond to provide humanitarian aid
to disaster victims. And because of that public can see that the company care and
its important for the company because can the company can had a good image
too because helping the disaster victims.


Books :

Argenti, Paul A., 2010, Komunikasi Korporat, Jakarta, Salemba Humanika.

Muslimin, 2004, Hubungan Masyarakat dan Konsep Kepribadian. UMM Press. Malang

Website :
in-society-summary-report-2014-en.pdf _csv
%202013%20(eng).pdf _csv_2013_id.pdf

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