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MMW: Sherri

MMW: Sherri Papini

Papini is
is lying about her
lying about her ab...

[ -] Sam5377 10 points 4 months ago

Folks, join us for some open-minded chats and let the evidence help tell your theory over at

Hurry Before We Make a Citizens Arrest

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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 4 months ago

Psssst! We are over at /r/sherri_papini

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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

How do i get in on that?

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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 4 months ago

Just hop in! Comment in a thread, or you can start your own thread with a link or text!
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[-] veritas2967 3 points 4 months ago

:) cool ! Kinda too new at this to start a

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[-] BlancheFromage 11 points 4 months ago

Let's see the pictures of the injured kidnapping victim.

Photos or it didn't happen 0_0

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[-] MendocinoPurple 3 points 4 months ago

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[-] EvaM_313 9 points 4 months ago

If she works quickly, she could get "kidnapped," take more money from good hearted strangers,
write statements for her husband, and be "rescued" on Christmas day.
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[-] hardprovidence 3 points 4 months ago

What if this case is like the boy who cried wolf? He lied so many times but in the end there really
were wolves. She could've lied all those times to people but maybe karma bit her in the ass and
it really happened.
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[-] ultimacocacola 1 point 4 months ago*

First time poster to Reddit...just wanted to add: the new info about one of Sherri's high school
classmates, Tera Smith, disappearing while out for a jog raises some red flags.
You can read more here:
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7 points 4 months ago

18 years ago? The article makes it hard for me to make a connection unless it's the same
two ladies, or maybe younger members of a kidnapping family? I found this curious from the
story: "Papini has what he calls an "A Team" composed of friends who have formed what
they call a "war room" and run a shadow operation to find Sherri Papini's alleged abductors."
What in the hell kind of scenarios do you envision them scouring over? "Yeah, there was a
trucker who said he had lunch two weeks ago at Cracker Barrel about 20 miles south of
town, and he says there were a couple of ladies there not speaking English,,,,"
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[-] BlancheFromage 11 points 4 months ago

Her husband talks like he's a character in some cheesy bodice-ripper romance novel.
Nobody talks like that in real life. He's just trying to ramp up the interest so that they'll
get more money when they sell their "story" to the highest-bidding tabloid. I smell a
book deal...
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5 points 4 months ago

and a Lifetime movie!

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[-] randomchikie 18 points 4 months ago

Not sure if this has been posted yet or not. But I'm just catching up on O1TNB lastest season.
And Piper, which kind of resembles Sherri, starts hanging out with the skinheads, and they are
feuding with the Latinos. Then, the latino girls KIDNAP Piper, bound and gag her, be she is
hanging with the skinheads and then...get this...they BRAND her!!! Sound a bit familiar or
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 2 points 4 months ago

LOL, oh yeah, I remember! Good call. And yes, very interesting!

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[-] lezebellah 4 points 4 months ago

No f'ing way! I wonder if SP is a fan?

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[-] PomPlace 10 points 4 months ago

I believe she was kidnapped based on all the internet searches I've done from multiple sources. I
also believe her husband is somehow involved. I think he isn't interested in apprehending her
captives because it's going to link back to him somehow or something he has done. I believe he
is intentionally "muddying the water" to botch the investigation , to cover his a$$. My main
reasons I believe he is knee deep in this is 1) He never called her phone-he knew she wouldn't
answer. 2) The way he took a pic of the phone. That was beyond odd. I speculate he was not
entirely taken by surprise by her disappearance- maybe he had already received threats 3) He's
a blabber mouth to anyone who is in hearing distance but never told kids momma was missing.
Why worry the children. He knew she was going to be found alive (He actually said that
repeatedly to the couple he sought for help) 4) He intentionally leaked very important
information that investigators were going to strategically use to solve the case. Degrading
evidence 5) I believe his fear & reason for leaving town isn't just for his wife. Its also to get away
from someone he crossed/maybe owes $ aka "the branded message". I believe he threw his wife
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under the bus by giving those incredibly stupid interviews to get the money to run. (Plus he
loved the attention he was drawing imo) I think the GFM page & victim fund was mostly all for
the same reason. He knows they're on to his a$$. In the family photos she looks genuinely
happy to me & so do her kids. Him on the other hand, there's a dark side to him. I see
something very sinister in his eyes in the family photos. I can't imagine what it must be like to
be married to someone like him. He clearly shows signs of a narcissistic person. She is beautiful
and has beautiful healthy/happy looking children too. She does have beautiful hair. I don't
believe for a second she would leave her children for 3 weeks or that she would cut her own hair
like that or harm herself like that; Unless she has a multiple personality disorder or maybe is
schizophrenic....which is my other theory if she is actually involved.
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[-] BlancheFromage 8 points 4 months ago

If they wanted someone to recognize her, why were they posting what were essentially
glamour shots?? Why not put just normal pictures out there that would look closest to what
she would look like having just gone for a run, supposedly?
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[-] bluewonder27 12 points 4 months ago

I always thought that she looked a little bit unhinged in the photos.
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[-] PomPlace 2 points 4 months ago*

She does looks a bit odd in a couple photos but there are several pics of them online.
She doesn't look like that in all of them. I wonder if she was overweight & unattractive if
this story would have generated this much opposition to her. Either way, I'm going to
error on the side of caution. Either she really is a victim who is being victimized again or
she really is sick emotionally in some way. In either situation she would need help. The
truth is going to come out. It always does on these high profile case. This case reminds
me of the Haleigh Cummings case. That case had the same type of response and took a
bit of time and lots of investigation but was eventually solved. I believe this one will be
too. Assuming the abduction was really not a hoax, I believe her captors never meant to
kill her. *Edit The Haleigh Cummings case was not solved Ron Cummings and Misty
Croslin were both put in jail for drug charges. The truth on that issue still has not been
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] snidece 9 points 4 months ago

AND,,,,for the way Sherri Papini and Keith Papini describe the sicko perverted perpetrators, they
are very sloppy in the way they commit their crime, but they leave no track? Credit card
charges? Strange appearance of pair of new Hispanic ladies in areas with very few Hispanics?
Somehow they fed her something for 3 weeks? Fast food restaurant windows have cameras and
could help.
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[-] Thinkles 8 points 4 months ago*

It is the case of the invisible abductors I suppose.

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MMW: Sherri Papini is
is lying about her
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her ab...

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[-] snidece 8 points 4 months ago

Why am I interested in this at all? Here is why. When someone from NYC goes " missing "
for a few days, the most common reason is they have amnesia, or a mental disorder, or
Alzheimer's Disease and they are in danger. When they are found, there is a celebration, and the
community and family realizes he or she needs more monitoring,
In THIS CASE, these folks made money from donations, she was found, and the sicko,
disgusting possibly illegal alien perpetrators are out there, and there is no hunt for the criminals.
From what the mayor posts on Twitter, and from what the local LE posts, one would potentially
think Sherrri Papini is mentally troubled and goes missing, and comes back with fantastic
stories,,,,but no, she says she was kidnapped, beaten, branded and LE has no leads? i don't
know if this is a hoax, but is this a mentally disturbed person who "gets lost" and then spins a
tale for why they were missing? This is not being treated as a criminal case and its a dereliction
of duty in my opinion to not treat it as such. Who is ti say I don't have business in Redding
next week, and I am uncomfortable going there because of the violent crimes against Sherri
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[-] kaycranberry 2 points 4 months ago

Y'all seen this?

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[-] mrssailorwife 10 points 4 months ago

I'm late to the party (and brand new to the sub), but was intrigued by a lot of the comments. I
was searching on Google for a different kidnapping case and found this post. I rarely watch TV,
but actually watched the story and interview with her husband after she was found. For one
thing, I found it odd that the husband would do an exclusive interview so soon after her
"return". And he seemed so secretive it bothered me, as did other parts of the story. Now, I
read her account from 2006 about "The Latinos" (she repeats that way too much for my liking)
and it's all clicking. I wonder how much money they made due to her "kidnapping"? I'm sure they
charged for each interview, and THAT would definitely seal my opinion. I need some
money...maybe I should "disappear" for a while. Pathetic!
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

Hi! Some of us have been on here for a few days and here is what I have learned about the
fiscal gain of this caper: 20/20 doesn't pay for interviews but it is a terrific way to get a book
deal. They may or may not have applied for and received 30K in Victim's Assistance They did
recieve 49K before closing GoFundMe account.
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4 points 4 months ago

Even when news programs don't not pay for interviews they still can pay for exclusive
pictures, use of facilities for filming etc. it's a way of paying without actually paying for
the interview.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

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Yes, you are right. The pics are compensated.

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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

Is it possible Keith didn't know he wasn't going to get paid for that Interview? He
was the one who contacted them first..If he knew then its obvious he did it for
fame and had hope for more exposure to appear on other TV shows in the
future. Either way he made a huge mistake by still going on TV after making his
first statement. It made Papinis' family look worse than their silence.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Sure, that is possible. Either way, 20/20 is a great way to launch a future
book deal AND solicit more donations for SP's recovery.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

Oh for sure..Imagine how much money they could get for an interview with
Sherri herself..everyone wants to know how she was able to find a key to
survive 101
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[-] mrssailorwife 5 points 4 months ago

Thank you for the information you provided! I am a Redditor, but found this post purely
by accident while Googling a different case. I'm still reading all the comments and learning
a lot! I have a feeling the interviews will go way beyond 20/20, and I'm sure there will be
a book deal and maybe even a movie. No doubt miss "think she's perfect" will want
someone who actually IS beautiful to play her part (gag). I was not aware of the $30k in
Victim's Assistance. Wow! I'm sure that's for REAL victims to use for therapy, etc. but
Sherri will no doubt use it for material possessions. This whole scenario makes me sick,
and especially so after seeing the list of other Missing Persons that disappeared around
the same time, but I've never heard mentioned anywhere! Grrrr.... Again, thank you for
being so kind to answer!
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[-] EvaM_313 13 points 4 months ago

When I first heard this story, before I became skeptical, I thought she was kidnapped by men
and likely raped. These types of crimes are committed by men the majority of the time. By
saying the kidnappers were women allowed her to avoid all questions about rape, which would
be easily proven by a medical examination. We're supposed to believe two women kidnapped her
for no reason other than beating her for three weeks, then setting her free. It makes no sense.
A mother of two was kidnapped from a small CA community, with low crime. Why? The story is
so unbelievable, it makes me wonder how they expected anyone to buy it. Apparently there are
two evil Hispanic women on the loose who kidnap white women for no apparent reason. When a
story is BS, the perpetrator usually belongs to a race the victim doesn't like. Remember Susan
Smith accusing a black man of car jacking, when it was her the whole time? I hope the truth
comes out and Sherri is exposed as the liar she is.
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[-] BlancheFromage 2 points 4 months ago

Maybe she really REALLY wanted a free face lift and that "kidnapping" story would enable her
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to explain all the facial bruises left from that. "Broken nose"?? More like "recent nose job."
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[-] Hatebean41 2 points 4 months ago

Redding isn't exactly a low crime area anymore.

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---- 2 points 4 months ago

5th most dangerous place for women to live as it is !

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[-] bikebum 1 point 4 months ago

According to who? Sherri didn't live in Redding anyway.

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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

Yes she is from Redding I could be to the location of her kidnapping in 10 minutes,-122.3737253,11z and then on
the most dangerous thing
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[-] bikebum 1 point 4 months ago

The crime stats are most certainly from within Redding city limits, and Sherri
lived outside of those limits, over 10 miles away.
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

tomatoe tomato and I'm pretty sure the stats were county wide ( working
on verfying) because the Sex Offender/Drug/Criminal population goes
from Cottonwood up to Mountain Gate just like anyone else why do you
seem to want to "defend" Mountain Gate? I assure you there are many
many dangerous people out there just like the rest of the county I live in.
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[-] bikebum 1 point 4 months ago

I don't thinks it's that dangerous despite the stats. There's a weird
culture in Redding of people always focusing on the negative, and I like
to take the other side.
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

Do you live here?

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[-] bikebum 1 point 4 months ago

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continue this thread

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[ - ] ObsoleteFoxglove 11 points 4 months ago

Because latinas are super jealous of her, and she is such a milf! Haha. This whole thing is so
beyond ridiculous.
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[-] sharonsmiles 8 points 4 months ago

And latinas are also super muy jealous of her signature blond hair. Apparently their only
motive for the kidnapping was to cut her beautiful blond supermom hair because they
had straight black and curly black hair. Oh brother.
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13 points 4 months ago

They are finally waking up to Cameron Gamble
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[-] chort1313 3 points 4 months ago

I love Sara Perkins! Great article. Love the comments. Especially Gamble's wife? Stand by yo
man, sista!
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[-] geckogoose89 6 points 4 months ago

This is a good article. I recommend everyone reading it.

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[-] Jezebellah 5 points 4 months ago

Ouch! And I love Jen the Superwife jumping in down in the comments, yet again at the ready
to protect the honor of the "man" that she was able to 100% retire!
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

I'm looking forward to the "website" she says is upcoming..

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[-] sharonsmiles 9 points 4 months ago

I am sure the "website" will have a donate here button as well.

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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

yes!! very interesting that she jumped right on under her actual name on FB to
comment. people are nuts. i thought about messaging one of the many papinis and
graeffs on FB just to see what they would say but then i thought better of it. too
personal. anyone on here that wants to let us know if you do :)
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[-] lezebellah 19 points 4 months ago

I personally think it's always been about the money for these two. Come on, we all see
GoFundMe accounts being set up and actually funded for every damn thing these days; surely
SP and KP have seen the same.
What pulls at your heartstrings more than a poor little blond haired, blue eyed "supermom"
snatched away from her loving husband and two beautiful children? Yeah, that's something that

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we can all sympathize with.

The problem is that these two dipshit narcissists aren't bright enough to get it quite right. Oh,
they got the "bones" of the story down, but just couldn't quite manage the details.
Girlfriend is too obsessed with her life being perfect and the fact is that it probably wasn't
measuring up to her idea of perfection. She's got a husband who works at Best Buy for God's
sake...not exactly bringing in the big bucks. They live in his childhood home off the largesse of
his mother - and even that isn't very grand. 1900 square feet on 2.5 acres and only assessed at
126k. Is it a trailer home? Maybe a double wide? If not, with an assessment like that it can't be
much better. Not exactly what I would refer to as perfection - and remember, these are two
narcissists we're talking about here. They need better. They deserve better. Dammit, they are
ENTITLED to better!
Yep, I think money was the primary motive this whole time. Maybe GoFundMe. Maybe Victim's
Services compensation. Maybe that tight ass Rod would get off some of his bucks and kick in.
Who knows. Fame? They'll take that while they're at it; like an extra added bonus!
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[-] sharonsmiles 4 points 4 months ago

You know supermom thinks she deserves better and poor Keith will do anything to make his
perfect MILF happy so she can bake perfect pies and such.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] EvaM_313 10 points 4 months ago

Something isn't right about this story. The person who discovered her said she didn't look hurt,
just scared. Her husband describes her as being in a terrible condition, saying imagine the
worst, and she's worse than that. The whole branding thing is odd too. I've heard of people
kidnapped for sex trafficking sometimes get branded with a symbol, or word to show
"ownership" by their captors. I can't think of a scenario where "MILF" would be used. Sounds
more like a mark one would get if a teenager wrote a bad movie. It's reported she was only at
the hospital a short time. Described as emaciated, badly beaten and bruised, with a broken
nose, and doesn't even stay for observation. I've had longer stays for an ulcer. This
"Supermom" sent her kids to daycare. I don't know one stay at home mom who puts her kids in
daycare. I think there's a good chance Sherri is a spoiled, attention seeking drama queen. The
way her husband described her and things he said were so "rehearsed" sounding. They fleeced
the public out of 50K and skipped town. Neighbors don't expect them to ever return, and the
allusive Sherri has yet to show her face publicly. All this speculation and doubt could cease if
she'd only show her face. The fact she hasn't makes me think there's nothing to show.
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[-] BlancheFromage 3 points 4 months ago

Sex trafficking deals in helpless, powerless children and teens. NOBODY would take a middle-
class woman - as soon as she got near a phone, she could call someone. The "brandings"
are reserved for legitimate "property" that can't get away. Nobody's going for a grown-ass
woman on the downhill side of the looks ride.
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[-] slatevero 10 points 4 months ago

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Keith says that it's more logical that a woman would approach two women in a SUV than 2 men.
Well, is that what happened? Did Sherri approach the SUV? He would know. And if so, why was
her phone found over in the grass, neatly placed?
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[-] jessica_bunny 8 points 4 months ago

And she said she never saw their faces as they wore masks.... so we are to believe she
approached two women in did she know they were women then if she couldnt
see their faces? Did they talk to her first or did she just walk up to be helpful?
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] lezebellah 13 points 4 months ago*

A couple of questions: I recall reading at some point that she was being held in a basement
(when not being constantly driven around in the mysterious dark SUV, that is) and that
basements are not common in that area. Is that true that basements are uncommon in her part
of the country? If so, it would seem to me that that should narrow down what/where they
should be looking (assuming such place even exists).
I was watching a show this morning featuring the husband of a woman who really was missing
and later recovered. The difference in EVERYTHING, from body language, state of mind,
descriptions, the focus of his wrath, was completely different and really drove home (as if it was
necessary) just how totally inappropriate in every way KP was/is.
Is local LE just dropping this? Granted, I don't live in the area and I didn't contribute to her GFM
account, but it seems to me that an awful lot of resources went into the search and rescue
efforts for this non-existent missing woman. Resources that most certainly cost money and
could have been better used elsewhere (Stacey Smart, for example). I am so sick of this shit
and I strongly feel that at an example needs to be made of these two. We have enough
problems in our country without these grifters trying to further stir the pot and causing all this
trouble; not to mention that it's just plain wrong and I worry for children being raised by these
two whack-jobs. This cannot just be allowed to fall by the wayside.
Edit: One more thing. If the reports of him seeking compensation/reparations from Victim's
Assistance are, in fact true, how can that possibly be let go? There are millions of real victims in
the state/country who are genuinely struggling financially and for whom 30k would mean a world
of difference. How can the fact that KP essentially defrauded this system be dropped? God, the
more I think about these imbeciles the more infuriated I get. Do they really think just leaving
home and going up to "cold country" with "wealthy relatives" is going to make the problem go
away? Ugh!!!
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[-] jollynix 2 points 4 months ago

Was it really 30k? Wowww...

What the hell is that money for? Was he expected to pay for the search himself, or were
they letting him pay bills so he could "grieve"? I had no idea there was such a program!
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 4 months ago

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I had no idea there existed such a program either. Is Victim's Assistance the official
name? Is it a state or federal program?
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[-] alpine13208 6 points 4 months ago

Jezebellah, you just wrote everything I'm thinking.

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[-] Haperzi 8 points 4 months ago

if their relatives and parents were so wealthy where was the ransom from them? why was
there a GFM acct set up immediately? i wonder if they were recently cut off or something
before she went missing. super odd they'd need to continue to seek funds and do press if
everyone is so well off financially as that rod guy stated.
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 5 pointst 4 months ago

We need a petition to arrest Sherri.

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[-] whinecube 18 points 4 months ago

That is not how arrests work. Are you a child?

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[-] DishyDoodle 15 points 4 months ago

Based on.... what? "We" have no access to the information collected in the investigation. As
weird as this whole Sherri Papini abduction claim seems, "we" are still just outsiders trying to
look in.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Thinkles 5 points 4 months ago

Based on her response it appears she worked six days a week until 9-10 months ago.
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1-1 [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] [deleted] 13 points 4 months ago

Russell Hunt is the name that originally commented on article... his comment stated that SP
staged her own abduction in 2006. THEN, in response, name Rod Rodriguez called RH a stalker.
Real life RUssell Hunt ran for mayor of Redding, then was accused and convicted of stalking. REal
life Rod Rodriguez is big developer in Redding and is business partners with Keith papinis mom-
also married to her or in long time relationship. They are millionaires. RR has relatives in Italy,
involved in selling racehorses, and has a recent bankruptcy for ONE of his businesses, Shasta
Enterprises. Another company of his, Rodco, holds the aviation company in neighboring Tehama
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[ - ] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

Russel Hunt was a complete wingnut!!!!

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[-] [deleted] 6 points 4 months ago

Really? Can you tell us what you know about him? Why do you think he would be
commenting on obscure articles about SP and also, why do you think her FIL would
bother firing back?
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[-] veritas2967 6 points 4 months ago

He came into a store I was working at once in like 09 and talked to the owner and
was just creepy and odd the owner remarked something about my instincts being
good , next thing I heard he was running for a variety of offices that I heard he had
little experience for, then stalking a lady and "unstable", then charged, I hadn't seen
anything of him since.I don't know why he would comment or FIL would back at
him..curious now though!!
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[-] AnnAhmerican 4 points 4 months ago

Link to the article?

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[-] [deleted] 4 points 4 months ago*

I can't remember. It was originally posted on websleuths, I saw it, then the post was
removed. It was one of those "offbrand" media... from UK I think and the comments
were made a day or two after she was found
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Starbucks4Trump -5 points 4 months ago

So glad this reddit thread is showing up on my Google search here at work. Proved we are
making a difference. Everyone should question everything. If you are listening America, Wake
Up!! Sharri Papini is a distraction. Real human traffic organizations are stealing your kids left and
right, and no one is doing anything. Stop the Clinton Foundation which is connected to human
trafficking cartels all over the world.
If you are reading this Papini family, the police may never know the truth, but everyone else
knows the truth. You are the new O.J. The Papini's are new Ramsey family.
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[-] Haperzi 7 points 4 months ago

you really trailed off there at the end didn't you bud
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[-] MacMumbles 11 points 4 months ago

Seek help.
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[deleted] 4 months ago


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[-] Jezebellah 14 points 4 months ago

Why don't you go hang with Pudding_Volcano?

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] NanaDi64 18 points 4 months ago

We need Joe Kenda on the case.

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[-] mrssailorwife 1 point 4 months ago

He could definitely solve it, and wouldn't take any BS doing it!
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[-] loveagreatmystery 9 points 4 months ago

I agree! Hopefully he can bring the guy who plays him in the reinactments. Mmmmm.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

I have a trench coat, i'll be columbro

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Any quick name ideas for the sub?

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[-] AnnAhmerican 6 points 4 months ago

Combine efforts and join us

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago


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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] NectarCollecting 9 points 4 months ago

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Thanks Nectar 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1

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[-] AnnAhmerican 1 point 4 months ago

Join in folks! NC has done a great job organizing and adding.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Organization room, main room... kinda thing place to chat set up the ideas for what else is

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is lying about her
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[-] NectarCollecting 12 points 4 months ago

We now have /r/sherri_papini.

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[-] Starbucks4Trump 7 points 4 months ago

If you knew everyone thought your kidnapping was a hoax, wouldn't you want to come out and
tell your story? Wouldn't you want people make sure we catch who ever did this? Would you
really care if you look awful because of all the bruises and the brutal hair cut? No. She is lying.
The fact that she went into hiding proves it most of all I think.
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[-] bikebum 3 points 4 months ago

You don't understand how proof works. The things you mention are strange but they prove
I get a weird vibe from this case too, but man some people on this forum are just dumb.
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[-] sbammons 2 points 4 months ago

there is ZERO proof of the existence of kidnappers.

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[-] bikebum 1 point 4 months ago

That's true, but not relevant to my comment.

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[-] Starbucks4Trump 10 points 4 months ago

Her pinterest page proves she's a racist, and a gun nut. The fact that she deleted much of her
social media after she returned is very damning.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

im a gun nut. i have them, i carry one and i love shooting (its actually fun). but im not a
racist and would never do the shit she has done.
lets not start with the broad range insults. not sure what guns have to do with any of
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[-] LeftHeadOfZaphod 5 points 4 months ago

I don't think it was deleted, I am fairly certain the name was changed. There are only two
boards missing, one being "Cultural Differences".
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[-] Jezebellah 5 points 4 months ago

Name was changed to Tcash (fixation on cash??) but it's still there,
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[-] Sbplaint 7 points 4 months ago

Oh FFS! Hahahahahahaha

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] anxshush 13 points 4 months ago

I pinned cool exercises, sweet exercise gear and healthy recipes but I'm still fat.
Guess that's not how it works. /s
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[-] K21markel 2 points 4 months ago

That's funny!!!
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Oh snap, lolz
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 3 points 4 months ago

See. She's a psycho bitch and we all know it.

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[-] 3ezebellah 3 points 4 months ago

Ewwww! Is that her backside in the shorts? If so, that's one trashy tattoo. More branding?
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

Omg that's hilarious!

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[-] XRayUS 2 points 4 months ago

I'm not getting the joke. Is it a fake Pinterest page?

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[-] Tori68 1 point 4 months ago

No, it's one of her boards on Pinterest called One Tough Mama.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] AquamarineCheetah 8 points 4 months ago

Two more tidbits that struck me as a bit odd, and haven't been mentioned much. 1) In the
20/20 interview, KP claims: "is she hot, is she cold, are they feeding her." Why did he assume,
first of all that she was being held captive, and secondly why "They" Why wouldn't he think it
was a single person? 2) If she was screaming so hard that she was coughing up blood, she
certainly would have lost her voice, yet he recognizes her screams over the phone?
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[-] drift_punch 8 points 4 months ago

"is she hot, is she cold, are they feeding her." When I heard him say that, I thought to
myself, "Where did I just read or hear something like that before?" Then I remembered it
was while reading one of Peter Hyatt's behavioral analyses of the Deorr Kunz Jr. case. He

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pointed out that it was odd that neither of Deorr's parents had asked those three
questions, so they likely didn't believe their son had really been abducted.
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[-] Silentspring007 3 points 4 months ago

I thought about that too, but 'they' can be a gender neutral/unknown singular or plural. I'm
still not satisfied that he can justify calling 911 and telling them (btw and for example, 'them'
in this sentence could be he or she and singular or plural), THIS IS REAL!!!
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

I would love to know if the first responders noticed any hoarseness or blood being coughed

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5 points 4 months ago

If she was coughing up blood, it makes it even more bizarre that she didn't stay longer
at the hospital.
Add that to her so called "heart condition" that was mentioned by her friend from
Plus all the other ailments that she would have:
-dramatic weight loss and emaciated body -dehydration, malnutrition -broken nose -1st,
2nd, and 3rd degree burns from branding -bruises all over her body -rising scabs
"described by KP" -possible concussion with memory loss -feminine infections from lack
of showers -mental and emotional distress and anxiety -red rashes from her metal chain
restraints -possible skin infections -hypothermia from near freezing temps on Nov 24th -
severe cold or pneumonia from cold temps -etc
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[-] sbammons 1 point 4 months ago

it was dark so how does she know she was coughing up blood? I've been sick and did
that and i didnt know until I SAW the blood with my eyes.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Good point I forgot about the heart condition. Agree with you regarding her physical
condition. Different facilities have different levels of resources, and some are quicker
to send you home than others, but I am having a very difficult time reconciling Keith's
descriptions with how quickly she was released. Someone else said she may have
been begging to go home and medical staff relented out of kindness. That is a
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[-] jollynix 8 points 4 months ago

I really don't understand why his first thought wasn't "She's probably dead". I understand
holding out hope, but it seems like he knew from the get-go that she had been "abducted".
Even telling their son that she would be back, that was a risky move.
In most similar cases, she WOULD have been killed.
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her ab...

[ -] ocjmakaveli 1 point 4 months ago

I think shes lying but even then if your family was missing i would try to be positive and
like to think she's alive. I wouldnt tell my kids their mother's dead if i dont know for sure
she was. You more than likely don't have kids so you dont grasp how horribly difficult
that would be to tell your kids such a thing. Most people if their family was missing for
over 24hrs you wouldn't start telling everyone you know their dead without a body?
There are cases where people are missing for years and the families still think their alive.
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[-] Sam5377 14 points 4 months ago

Those subtle language fuckups are always the undoing.

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[-] AquamarineCheetah 19 points 4 months ago

Seriously, why "They". That and the "collapsing to the floor for snuggle times" after
serious injuries? Jesus Christ, what a fucking made for tv movie.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] NanaDi64 12 points 4 months ago

KP definitely said MILF at the 12 second mark, and then quickly caught himself!
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. 2 points 4 months ago*

He said "metal....I'm sorry a chain around her waist."

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[-] Pinkicon49 6 points 4 months ago

That is what I heard. I was wearing my Bose bluetooth headphones. I listened over and over
what I heard was "MILF" or "MEILF" possibly. He then says I'm sorry. That leads me to
believe that he almost let the cat out of the bag.
It is at 0:12 seconds into video.
I guess we will never know unless that is what the branding says
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 2 points 4 months ago

Here's the thing, if we want to get literal here - if the "branding" does indeed say MILF,
then why didn't they F her? She was in "their" clutches, so why brand someone as "liking
to fuck" when they had her right there and COULD do it (whether with an object or by
calling in an unknown boyfriend or spouse)?
So we are to believe (only based on what we think the branding is) that these two
"Latinas" that SP says held her "captive" branded a sexually suggestive acronym on her
body, but then, didn't sexually molest her? To what end? If they'd "like" to - well, there
she is, right in front of them, so "do" it!
Or should we assume that the so-called, as SP called them, "Latinas" were simply being
ironic? Yeah, sure! That's what all kidnappers quest to be - ironic with a captive and
then let her loose to show the world how ironic they are! Be on the look out for two big

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bad ironic Latinas!

God, I have no hopes that the Sheriff gives a crap any more about this case, because if
that is indeed what was "branded" on SP, and they bought it, they have no ability to do
any critical thinking whatsoever.
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[-] bikebum 8 points 4 months ago

Whatever the word is, why do people think it is about the brand? He doesn't mention the
brand until later.
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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 4 months ago

Body language, it looked to me like he was picturing her, what he saw. I'm no expert,
not even a novice! I think MILF took off because I am sure to some men, she is.
Other men could be repulsed by her waif like appearance. ( or afraid her bones would
snap and break in half if anyone tried to have sex with here) lol
I was 87# once, and I'm 5'8" I've heard it all! Believe me. 35 years later and I am
almost TWICE the woman I used to be- ie, plump.
The brand was a "message" or was it maybe an acronym?
Dang I wanna know.
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[-] zedzedzedz 1 point 4 months ago

Body Language? Really? It is blatantly and singularly impossible to know what

someone is thinking based on body language. There is no basis for that claim, it
is factually not possible.
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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 4 months ago

It is a proven FACT that body language weighs heavily when communicating,

more than the spoken word.
"Studies show that your words account for only 7% of the message you
convey. The remaining 93% is non-verbal. 55% of communication is based on
what people see and the other 38% is transmitted through tone of voice. So
think about it"
"Unless you are a master of disguise, you are constantly sending messages
about your true thoughts and feelings whether you are using words or not."
"You may not be aware of what you are saying with your body, but others will
get the message. Make sure it's the one you want to send."
http ://www. rowth/body-lang uage.htm
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[-] zedzedzedz 1 point 4 months ago

However the received message is SUBJECTIVE. It is based on an

abstraction of your own bias. Hence why it is not admissible as evidence.
There is no clear map between "Expression A" and "Emotion or Thought
B". Without that map there is no way to have a reasonable conversation
about it since we are basing all views on biased subjective information. The

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her ab...

kind of expression/thought map you are using or supporting is pure

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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 4 months ago

While I respect what you are saying, I don't agree. As a pediatric

nurse, I have heard stories time and time again, excuses offered by
abusers as to why and how the events took place
Luckily for the voiceless, medical science was able to disprove the
abusers story ( even when the abused agreed about the chain of
His wife was severely beaten, starved and tortured. Yet there is no
expressed anger on his part, only relief.
I do believe SP has been victimized and she was taught a lesson for
something that she did, that deserved punishment. I never saw any
quote by her husband stating that she didn't deserve it. Did you?
"Pure fiction" - yes. That is my opinion of the story as KP , the media,
and LE have reported it. The alleged abduction is true in my ooinion,
but the 2 alleged women who committed the vile acts don't exist In
Sadly the abuse was real, so who did it? Is Sherri is protecting her
abuser out of fear that she will be abused again or worse, killed the
next time? Is KP protecting the people that did this to his wife as well?
I hope her abuser/s is/are arrested before she and/or her children are
discovered deceased.
There is a strange "Josh Powell" vibe here n that I can't shake.
I pray for them! That poor family and what they have gone through,
Every one of them, because what I "feel " may be way off the mark. I
am willing to admit that I could be wrong. My heart disagrees with my
brain and my gut and over two decades of dealing with victims of
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[-] zedzedzedz 2 points 4 months ago

Fair points, I am a rationalist and a materialist philosophically. I

take this to extreme when it comes to anything legal, as our
system asks us to make judgements beyond a reasonable doubt. I
honestly don't know yet what I think the particulars are, and wont
for some time, there is a lot of data yet to collect. I have no doubt
that people who are more empathic in nature can gather more
information, even in a concrete way, but there is no way to apply
that in a reasoned or rational way (until it is studied in depth).
All of that aside, I think there are a lot of possibilities in play, but
my only strident stance is that he clearly says metal. It may seem
like a strange thing to care about, but in a case this rife with lies
and misinformation we need to hold a tight rational line on the data

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we allow in. Rationally, he says metal. There is no rational way he

says anything else. If he is totally insane (another way of saying
irrational) then it is possible he said something else. But the
existing data does not support that conclusion. If that changed I
would change my supposition.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

It was a message
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[-] bikebum 3 points 4 months ago*

I wanna know too. I remember the Sherrif said it is a message, and that it is not
a symbol.
Guess I just think it's unlikely for him to be talking about chains but thinking
about the brand. My brain does not work that way. If I were to slip it would be
about the topic I was speaking of.
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[-] zedzedzedz 2 points 4 months ago

Everyone's brain works that way. Its called context. Milf has no context.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Okay Pinkicon you got the good cans give this one ago if you haven't already.
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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 4 months ago

Freudian slip 100% - since you asked me. He was picturing the "brand" something he
wasn't allowed to talk about and caught himself a milisecond too late. Thanks for that
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[-] zedzedzedz 1 point 4 months ago

The thing is, how is MILF even relevant. Like, where has it come up AT ALL in this
entire thing except as this pareidolia? What is more likely, that he said this thing
that has never come up anywhere else or he said metal, which is clearly part of
the existing narrative and is said over and over.
Edit Clarity
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[-] bikebum 3 points 4 months ago

Why do you think he was thinking about the brand? Right before it he said she
was bound, and right after he talked about chains. He's describing her at the time
she was let go. He doesn't talk about the brand until he's describing seeing her in
the hospital.
I think this case is weird too, but I don't understand your thought process here.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

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He was trying to be careful what he was going to say..remember, he had to

think of not only what the sheriff told him not to say, but also what Sherri
wanted people to know what she went well as what he saw, but
had to remember what not to say..sorry I hope Im not confusing you even
more lol
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[-] bikebum 4 points 4 months ago

I think it's more likely he said metal because he was thinking about metal
If this was a slip-up about the brand, it seems very out of place to me. No
one was talking about the brand at the time, why would he be thinking
about it while talking about something else? Doesn't make sense to me.
It's possible but I don't see any reason to believe it.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

Maybe because a lot of people watched some of those short video clips
from his interview with those details days before they aired his full
interview. Then the articles came out..when he sat down for an
interview, all eyes and ears were on him lol
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[-] zedzedzedz 9 points 4 months ago

But in the context MILF makes no sense. It is not a logical progression of thought. "She
had a MILF" is not how people speak. Also, how on earth would it be relevant. It is clearly
a stumble over a specific word and audio pareidolia.
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[-] sbammons 1 point 4 months ago

no...the majority of chains are metal so it would be redundant to say "metal

chains" appears he was thinking about the "message" branded on her and slipped
up by almost saying milf....dont see how people are "reaching"...he said milf and
caught himself
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[-] zedzedzedz 2 points 4 months ago

I swear there is no milf. You are looking for something that is not there, also not
a part of any narrative. Redundant or not people say "metal chains" all the time.
There are lots of different types of chain, plastic, metal, heck paper. Chain is an
object metal is a descriptor. No where else does MILF come up. Its not in any
report so why are you so convinced you hear that. Apply Occam "Among
competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected."
Milf has no contextual history, metal chains do. That is why it is reaching.
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[-] bikebum 7 points 4 months ago

Yeah it seems people are really fishing here.

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[-] bikebum 19 points 4 months ago

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This is what I hear in the video:

She was, uh, bound. She had a metal, uh sorry, a chain around her waist, that is correct.
Seems pretty obvious he's talking about metal chains.
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[-] MacMumbles 7 points 4 months ago

Metal. Agreed. I honestly heard nothing resembling KP slipping up on the word milf.
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Yep, most people who hear it say metal, but it does seem to be on context, in a private
chat, making no mention of what it was about, the isolated sound was a unanimous milf.
Not sure why you enjoy this 1 issue so much. In context, most agree, metal makes
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[-] bikebum 6 points 4 months ago

Not enjoying it, just don't like people making shit up. It's not helpful.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

No one made it up..we listened to it because you can hear he is trying to come up
with the "right" word in his interview
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[-] bikebum 3 points 4 months ago

See my other reply.

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Hearing is not fabrication...? Pm lost

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[-] bikebum 3 points 4 months ago

From OP:
1) Keith says Milf (Or possibly he tried to say the word Metal) was branded
I onto her he says it here at the 10-15 sec mark.
That's what this milf vs. metal talk is about. Keith later says she was branded
and nothing else about it. There is no reason to think that he said the word
milf or metal was branded on her.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

ya like a slurred word 'metal'

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[-] zedzedzedz 5 points 4 months ago

Honestly, I think milf is unlikely I think he was going to say metal frame or something else
starting with f- but realized that was not in the existing narrative and cut himself off. Not to
say he is believable in any sense, but it just seems unlikely based on the context.

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[-] Starbucks4Trump 4 points 4 months ago

I agree. He's obsessed that everyone wants to sleep with his wife.
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[-] Molls33 13 points 4 months ago

Keith P is down right creepy along with Cameron the con man.
Anyone at all think it's mighty suspicious that this Cameron guy seems to have this obsession
with bondage?
Keith was overly chatty and using misdirection during the entire 20/20 interview. Keith also
slipped up on several details that Sherri already told police.
By all the pictures it appears they lived well beyond there means.
I hope and pray for that community the chief isn't as dim as he appears.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

Just wondering..what did you think of his first interview he gave after she went missing?
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[-] jollynix 2 points 4 months ago

I have no idea how they could maintain their lifestyle on the salary of someone who works at
Best Buy. Unless they pay pretty well? But I don't even think he was a manager.
I don't think they have a mortgage, but still. With two kids, and they paid for daycare?
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[-] thebigbvng 3 points 4 months ago

It sounds like they get a lot of help from wealthy relatives, there is no way they could
maintain their lifestyle on a best buy salary.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

They live in the house where Keith grew up

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[-] thebigbvng 2 points 4 months ago

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[-1Bitter Britches 21 points 4 months ago*

Just wanted to throw this idea out there. Would anyone be interested in a temporary sub for
this? It might help keep things a bit more organized.
Or maybe just a new thread?
EDIT: sounds like a new sub it is! I've never created one before and have no clue what I'm doing
so give me an hour or so to figure it all out. I'll link ASAP!
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[-] HoleyDonuts 1 point 4 months ago

Me too, please!
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

What about specific threads for specific theories or maybe just a 2nd for links, something
that wouldn't be chatty?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Links definitely need a home. Maybe a new daily discussion sticky and then dedicated
threads for each specific topic (Theories, maps and pics, each player, CG's list of
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 0 points 4 months ago

Can I get an invite pls

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Sure thing. I want to keep it spicy.

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[-] 3ezebellah 2 points 4 months ago

Most definitely!
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[-] AnnieEnnui 2 points 4 months ago

I'm in - great idea!

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[-] Pcm1726 2 points 4 months ago

Yes, please
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[-] zedzedzedz 2 points 4 months ago

New thread or sub would possibly help at this point.

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[-] MacMumbles 2 points 4 months ago

Yes please.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

Let's do this!
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[-] ObsoleteFoxglove 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] a1g45160 2 points 4 months ago

good idea
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 4 months ago

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MMW Sherri Papini is lying #2?

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[-] muwtski 6 points 4 months ago

Just let me in if you move this thing! Please and thanks.

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Of course!
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[-] AnnAhmerican 1 point 4 months ago

I'm not exactly familiar with how this works but I do know this one has gotten more and
more confusing for various reasons. Private may be a good idea!
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

It's not the most user friendly site at first. We'll help you out!
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

I'm in for that if you would direct me over to it when it's up.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

Sweet! We'll see what the consensus is.

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Starbucks4Trump 0 points 4 months ago

Does anyone know more about this Rachel Moon, who was murdered about 10 years ago in the
same town as Sherri? I wish I could share links. Rachel was killed by her boyfriend over drugs
and found in a closet. Her boyfriend killed himself afterwards. When they were found, their dog
had been eating them. Both Rachel and her boyfriend were heavily involved in a local white
supremacist gang. They mostly focused their hate on African Americans and Jews. Sherri Papini
was good friends with Rachel Moon through high school, but apparently didn't stay friends
afterwards. Is this another link to Sherri's racist past?
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] RudineHoward 3 points 4 months ago

there is nothing about her on google, no obituary, death certificate, nothing on newsapers...
doesn't sound legit
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[-] AnnAhmerican 2 points 4 months ago

How do you know they were good friends?

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[-] Starbucks4Trump 1 point 4 months ago

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It was a facebook post from a Daniel Ehrs

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[-] fastereddy 7 points 4 months ago

Just thought I'd throw this in as a simple frame of reference re: Cameron Gamble. On Sunday,
his Facebook page had 881 likes. As of today, 901. A quite modest increase based on his media
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 4 months ago

Did you check before or after Bethel's most attended service? I would bet money he made a
special appearance asking for prayers and support...
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

Oh no doubt. Most of his likes have to be from that church. I just checked and it's at
902 now.
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[-] NanaDi64 19 points 4 months ago

I stumbled upon this thread and have spent hours reading about this woman. Finally a place to
get better info than that from the MSM. After reading the first article about these ppl I seriously
had my doubts. There's just way too many inconsistencies with their stories. I believe that
sooner than later they'll be arrested. I've learned so much about them today. If you believe MSM
you'd think these ppl are well off. I don't know how anyone with a family of 4 could get by on
working at Best Buy! If she's such a Super Mom why are her kids in daycare, while she's
unemployed and out jogging? That's just Asinine not to mention ridiculous. They must be
getting financial assistance from somewhere. Best Buy's not exactly a career type of job, unless
you're an executive making the big bucks. I doubt if KP makes more than $12-15/hr. That's
definitely not enough money to support a family of 4 on. I have a beautiful 28 yr old daughter
with 2 small kids, and she's separated and she's currently living with me. She's employed full-
time, but with all her expenses providing for 2 kids solely, makes it impossible for her to find
affordable housing. She doesn't receive child support or any government assistance. I babysit
my grandkids while she's working. The COL in California isn't exactly cheap compared to some
other States. We live in the Southern Central Valley of California so I've got a good just how
expensive things can be. I have a friend that pays $1500/month for daycare of her 2 children.
As a recently medically retired nurse, I have a hard time believing that SP was severely tortured,
actually branded, and had multiple fractures and the hospital didn't want to keep her overnight
for observation. The fact of her husband claims regarding her condition, only a doctor who's
looking forward to a lawsuit would send her home within a few hours. Especially if she was
coughing up blood as he stated, so I'm calling BS pretty much on his entire story. It makes NO
SENSE at all! I seriously hope that the Sheriff Dept is checking out all these claims thoroughly. If
this was a Hoax, which is what I believe, they belong in prison. It's also a HUGE Slap in the face
to all Mexicans. Either way I honestly hope this is resolved soon.
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2 points 4 months ago

The house they live in is owned by his family and I've read his stepdad make them sound
affluent but we know he filed for bankruptcy and then the photos of them on a private plane
and the ones or her surrounded. BY Tiffany jewelry boxes and wearing a diamond tiara and

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then another photo holding hundreds as if bragging and the daycare all make me think they
have money from family or something sketchy
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[-] SkylarBlue5 4 points 4 months ago

She just keeps on walking

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[-] slatevero 1 point 4 months ago

Talking to someone who used to work at Best Buy in home theatre, they guestimated that
home theatre installers might make $40k a year.
Rod claims Keith is (or was?) a "regional" home theatre specialist. The person I talked to
wasn't exactly sure what that position was, but suspected such a person could be making
100k a year. FYI, FWIW.
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 5 points 4 months ago

I agree. The hispanic community doesn't deserve this. They are getting targeted unfairly.
Law enforcement are forced to tell people to look for two Hispanic women. Cartel and illegal
immigrants may mostly be hispanic in California, but the issue of human trafficking has no
skin color.
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[-] Starkville 1 point 4 months ago

In all fairness, LE hasn't told the public to look for two Hispanic women, and hasn't said
they would, either.
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

Really /u/Starbucks4Trump a 2 hour old account made to be a blatant troll, come on, people
just downvote and ignore this person.
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 2 points 4 months ago

I am new to reddit. I found this looking into Sherri's hoax. I thought this would be a safe
place to express my suspicions. I want answers is all. How am I trolling? I like this thread.
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

you thought wrong, go away

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[-] Starbucks4Trump 4 points 4 months ago

I don't know what I did wrong.

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[-] zedzedzedz 2 points 4 months ago

Beyond the fact that your comment offered nothing of value or substance, it was
politically charged and meaningless.
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[-] a1g45160 8 points 4 months ago

quit bringing politics into this for a start.

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[-] Starbucks4Trump -4 points 4 months ago

Virtually no other missing person cases are getting attention right now. The whole country is
watching the Sherri Papini case. It is well established that the Clinton's have ties to human
trafficking organizations through their corrupt foundation. I can only imagine what these cartels
and the Clinton foundation are getting away with right now. Sherri will continue to be an
effective distraction from the real truth, so long as the public keeps believing her lies. I think the
sooner we get to the truth, the sooner we can start looking for the real victims out there. I'm
surprised people haven't considered Cameron Gamble's anonymous source could be George
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[-] lottiehelen 9 points 4 months ago

This thread has turned into a circle of rehashing the same info and questions. That, mixed with
terrible judgment calls recommending people contact the Papinis (not to mention the stalker who
said he drove from AZ to "help"), means it's time for me to set this thread aside.
Here's to hoping someone finally comes clean about the trail of misinformation. Peace, all.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] NectarCollecting 9 points 4 months ago

Come over to /r/unresolvedmysteries for other cases

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[-] zedzedzedz 3 points 4 months ago

+1 as /r/unresolvedmysteries is amaze.
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[-] Starbucks4Trump -1 points 4 months ago

Ugh.. u sound like Pudding Volcano. TROLL!!

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[-] Torialowman 13 points 4 months ago

Hi, long time lurker here - I've been following this case for about a week now, ever since I saw an
article in the newspaper about her release. Something about it seemed immediately fishy and,
when her husband suddenly released his statement, my gut told me that there was more to this
Anyway, I mainly wanted to comment because I have a couple of queries:
1. Why has SP gone into hiding? Surely the family are well aware that many people are very
suspicious of the circumstances. I know that perhaps the police are stopping them from
releasing photos of SP's injuries, but it would surprise me if they outright banned her from
being seen in public. I have not seen any pics of her since she arrived back - not pap shots
or anything else. Personally, I think I would want to be seen, at least a couple of times, out
in public, showing evidence of recovery and even with the shorter hair. I'm not talking
interviews or anything, either - I can understand that they would want some privacy after
something traumatic... but nothing? That is bizarre.
2. I agree with many others that it seems very strange neither the family nor LE seem hell

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bent on finding out who did this. Very scant detail and almost all of the interview with KP
was about him, how he feels and how they just want to move on. Again, personally, I feel
like I'd be desperately trying to catch the people who'd done this - not only because I'd
want justice but also because I'd be concerned that other women may be at serious risk.
3. The whole ransom/CG/private detective stuff is off. Maybe they didn't feel like LE were
doing a good enough job? But why the mysterious donor and, correct me if I'm wrong,
they withdrew the monetary reward only a few days before she was found? How
convenient. CG gives off a very strange vibe (not that that in itself should be evidence!). I
believe that he must be tied to this somehow, i just can't quite figure out how.
4. Finally, I've done quite a bit of reading about the incidence of this kind of thing in the area
that they live. It seems rare for any kind of abduction to take place, and practically unheard
of almost anywhere in the states that a middle-class white woman with family and
community presence would be abducted. It looks like the only times this really happens is
when it's personal - not for sex trafficking. In fact, especially with abduction for sexual
exploit, it seems that most woman that are targeted are young, vulnerable and without
family (i.e. they're not going to be missed). If this is in fact an abduction, I would put
money on the fact that it was someone who knew SP and who had something against her
or the family.
Anyway, that's just my two cents - I really hope there is some resolution with this case! It's
great that here on this feed there's lots of interesting ideas going around and it's not being
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 4 months ago*

Hi! Welcome to reddit! If you like this thread you will like /r/unresolvedmysteries too
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[-] anxshush 2 points 4 months ago

Regarding point #4, a local expert agrees with you. I'm looking for the source link...
edit: link
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Jezebellah 8 points 4 months ago

I saw reference earlier to Keith referring to Violet as "her daughter". WTF is up with that? After
seeing that, I did realize that in almost all references to the children from KP, he's referring to
the son. I suppose I assumed it was because he was a bit older and easier to interact with. Now
Her daughter? Ding, ding, ding! Something's seriously up with this if, in fact, he's really referring
to her in that manner. Anyone have info?
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 4 months ago

Idk, while anything is possible, i know that i very rarely refer to the kids as "ours". They are,
but I usually just refer to the child as mine or their name.
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[-] Pinkicon49 6 points 4 months ago

No info, just more qiuestions! Was she trying to get out of an abusive relationship? Trying
to break free from him and LE handed her right back to the person she was trying to escape
from? Did she tell Bosenko the same story KP told is? Was the 20/20 interview set up to
watch his body language? * remember that there was NO HOTLINES # GIVEN TO CALL WITH
TIPS at anytime during the show!
Is KP a- Male chauvinist? Mysoginist? Narcissist? Does SP have Munchausen's? *self harm,
factituous disorders for attention. (Which is not the same as Munchausen's by proxy *
harming her children for attention ) Are Sherri or Keith a Sociopath? Psychopath? BPD?
Antisocial personality disorder?
Did the 23 & me results arrive and he's NOT the baby daddy? 1=I*hypothesis not a fact.
Is KP fleeing from the area because he is a victim or because he is guilty of something?
Time will tell!
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[-] chrissycakes8726 4 points 4 months ago

That is kinda odd. How has he referred to the son? Our son, her son, my son? Weird to
speak that way about your own child in a situation like this. If i were in her shoes and my
husband was referring to our daughter like that, it would tear me down even more. My
husband refers to our kids as your daughter or your son when hes upset with them, and
frankly it really hurts my feelings and im sure theirs too.
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[-] Jezebellah 2 points 4 months ago

When he was talking about the morning of the day she was "taken", he said something
about how he met her at the door to Violet's room at 6:50 am, as she was checking on
"her daughter". Just seems really off to me.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

I do know he referred to them as his kids when he said he's glad she's been found
because he won't have to worry about raising his kids alone. I paraphrased but was
surprised to hear him say that.
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[-] Purplenylons 4 points 4 months ago
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[-] SweetBabyAngle 5 points 4 months ago

I actually just watched 20/20 again, and he said our daughter.

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[-] chrissycakes8726 12 points 4 months ago

This may be a stretch but couldnt LE look into the caltrans highway cameras from the day of her
abduction and the day she was thrown from the SUV and get down license plates numbers for
all dark colored suvs that went through the area or hell, maybe have even caught the act on the
traffic cams? I mean im sure it would be a hell of a lot of work to go check out every dark
colored SUV that drove through the camera frame on that day, but hell, its a long shot but
could possibly provide answers. The caltrans website shows CCTVs all along the 5 and 299 near
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where the papinis lived. Not sure about Yolo county where she was dropped, didnt look in that
area. Maybe i watch too much Law & Order but i would think in a case like this they would do this
sort of thing, maybe they have or are doing this as we speak...
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[-] Starkville 2 points 4 months ago

That would only work if she actually had been abducted by evil strangers. And since she's
the only one who can identify them (and they don't exist) it would be a waste of time and
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

If its an issue of work make em public, we'll get through them. Those cars are on the public
domain anyways shouldn't be any legal issues.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] geckogoose89 6 points 4 months ago

I remember hearing early on that they did have Sherri look at video of the area to try to id a
car. No luck, of course. I guess it just disappeared!
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[-] chrissycakes8726 5 points 4 months ago

Yeah and i guess when it first approached her she just happened to go temporarily blind
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[-] slatevero 3 points 4 months ago

I've explained this case to numerous people so far, friends and family, and each time I explain it
I find myself recounting what I think are the most important discoveries so far. For me, some of
these include:
The phone and headphones being neatly placed
The racist rant and pinterest board
Keith's over the top descriptive language, including some things which almost certainly
aren't true (coughing up blood).
What are the key points of this case to you, that you would share with someone else when
getting them up to speed?
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[-] _scalywag 1 point 4 months ago

what's up with the pinterest board? I haven't heard of this.

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Are you the news peeps letting us write your Pulitzer winning article? ;-)
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


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[ - ] chrissycakes8726 13 points 4 months ago

Why didnt Keith CALL his wifes phone when he suspected something bad? Why did he
immediately pull up the locate my phone app?? That to me sounds like a very suspicious
insecure husband who may already be suspecting his wife of doing something sinister. Like,
he wanted to try to catch her in the act of what she was doing. I cant speak for all married
couples but when my husband is trying to find me and im not at home the first thing he
does is call me and if no answer, he blows up my phone with calls/texts. Has it even been
mentioned if they checked her phone records?
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[-] Sbplaint 7 points 4 months ago

This was the biggest red flag about the whole case to me!
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

God this, I forget soo much, the day she went missing, I said that is a weird thing to do,
sounds pretty controlling or rehearsed, I confess I thought he did it on day 2.
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[-] Pcm1726 11 points 4 months ago

Inability to reconcile description of severity of injuries with the exceptionally short duration of
her hospital stay.
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 4 points 4 months ago

PCM, that is the best way to describe that particular concern. Would the police really
stand by and let KP tell the world it was worse than it really was? Would they just sit
back and let him lie without saying anything? Would that imply the hoax could be bigger
than we think? People say Gamble made this elaborate hoax as a publicity stunt for his
business. Human trafficking is huge in California. Could this go all the way to the
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[-] 3ourno964 11 points 4 months ago*

There are no sketches of the suspects.

The 2 Hispanic women apparently wore masks/face coverings of some kind and she
could describe their eyebrows but not their eyes. How is that possible?
No one has seen Sherri or pictures of her.
LE has not released many details, including how or from where she was taken.
Her family (mother, sister, stepfather) was outspoken during her disappearance but
has said nothing since.
They left shortly after her return and left behind their dogs.
There was a $50k GoFundMe account and the money has not been returned.
A "kidnap-and-ransom" expert with ties to the local megachurch offered a "reverse
ransom" for Sherri's release, using first $50k and then $100k from an anonymous
donor and promising not to cooperate with LE. This was done publicly as they didn't
know who actually had her. The money was never retrieved and the donor said it would
expire the night before Thanksgiving because he had to travel for the holiday. For
context, K&R is one of the most notoriously discreet industries on the planet.
Shasta county has a high number of sex offenders and Forbes ranked Redding the #5

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most dangerous place for women in the U.S. because of this.

Crime, including violent crime, has risen dramatically in Shasta county in recent years.
The county next door, Humboldt, has the highest number of missing people per capita
of any county in California. The 2 counties are connected by a vast forest. There is also
human/sex trafficking and other illegal activities related to the illegal marijuana growers
in Humboldt. (Please Google the Reveal/Center for Investigative Reporting story from
Sept. 2016.)
There is a distinct lack of public information in this case that is driving the wide-ranging
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[-] NanaDi64 2 points 4 months ago

They were given the money from the GoFundMe account already. Ironically the account
was setup 2 days after her disappearance. SMDH
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

The internetz detectives in here have produced the only known composite
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[-] Journo964 2 points 4 months ago

My favorite was the Dora the Explorer sketch, with her Nana.
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 4 months ago

Link it!!
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[-] Journo964 1 point 4 months ago

Checked -- WS pulled it down.

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Is that real? Plz link if so

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[-] Journo964 1 point 4 months ago

It was on another thread, I think Websleuths before they locked it down. Will
try to look. It was hilarious, Dora running with her grandma.
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[-] geckogoose89 1 point 4 months ago

Does it also mean that Sherri was released from the hospital before the LE could get
photographs of her injuries? "Let me just describe them to you on the phone."
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[-] chrissycakes8726 2 points 4 months ago

Have the police who actually found her been questioned on record? I dont think ive
heard about any of that.
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[-] Pinkicon49 5 points 4 months ago

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The fact that the public has seen hide nor hair of her. Not a statement directly from her, or
even her voice! Why isn't she being allowed to speak for herself? It's almost like she is still
being held hostage.
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[-] a1g45160 3 points 4 months ago

*the lack of a useful description provided by SP

*SP not being kept in the hospital for very long
*SP texting KP to see if he'd be home for lunch on the day she went missing
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

That hospital thing is very telling.

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[-] Jezebellah 2 points 4 months ago

The hospital thing is the MOST telling, IMO. That and the fact that there haven't even
been any off the record type descriptions from ancillary personnel who would have
seen her. How often does that happen? Um, never. Hell, we even got off the record
commentary from LE about whether the hoax issue had been ruled out.
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[-] NanaDi64 2 points 4 months ago

As a nurse I agree. If she was that injured and malnourished they would've kept
her for observation. Releasing her so quickly is a malpractice suit waiting to
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

You're correct. To me, so much of this case seems over the top.
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

The lack of concern of catching the abductors, Gamble and his fraudulent resume and skills
(lack thereof), changing stories, and really the overall lack of anger and outrage that
something like this could happen in that community.
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[-] a1g45160 2 points 4 months ago

omg yes, GAMBLE. He is the biggest WTF "coincidence" of this whole case.
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

No doubt. He's not even good enough to be called a con man.

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[deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Personally, her descriptions, transparent lies, of people and vehicles, for whatever reason I
do not know.

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

Her previous faked abduction in 2006.

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[-] Purplenylons 2 points 4 months ago

I can't find anything about her abduction or otherwise in 2006 cam someone link me
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Hi! It's in the original post up top. I believe it's the Heavy article.
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[-] Jezebellah 6 points 4 months ago

What's the deal with the 2006 faked abduction? I've seen multiple references to it,
however I've seen nothing actually detailing what happened. Seems to me that would be
quite pertinent to this, as it establishes a pattern. Can you post a link?
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[-] slatevero 7 points 4 months ago

This whole thing started with this article:

http :// m/news/2016/11/s herd- papini- kid napped -abd ucted- hoax- mexicans-
truth- lie-fake- p u blicity- redd ing-califo rn ia-faceboo k- p hotos - po lice- reward -gofu nd me/
Which stated:
"An anonymous source told Heavy that they were advised that Papini's "extended
family" claimed she had staged her own abduction in 2006." is not exactly the New York Times though, and it doesn't sound like this
claim was independently verified by, so take it for what it's worth.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

we can produce cheesy news sites that lookish real, but ultimately what we 'know' is
its an unconfirmed rumor.
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[-] geckogoose89 2 points 4 months ago

Just hearsay from an extended family member.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Alleged extended family member, we know nothing really.

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[-] a1g45160 8 points 4 months ago*

I didn't pay a ton of attention to this case when it first hit the news beyond thinking "that's sad,
but DAMN those people seem annoying with all their talk of 'supermom' and whatnot."
At some point in the time SP was missing I heard KP talk and thought "It's still sad that she's
missing and probably dead, but ugh, I'd hate these people if I knew them. And this dude is
delusional, his wife is dead and he needs to come to terms with that."

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When she was found I initially thought "wow that's awesome!" But then I heard a few details
and thought "No way. There's something fishy here." The more I read, the more I became
convinced that things could absolutely not have happened as we are being told.
I don't live anywhere near Redding, CA. I have no personal stake in this case. I can't imagine
why people in the area aren't picketing in the streets to find out some answers. This case
gripped their town and has made people live in fear of being kidnapped. Those people deserve to
have their fears put to rest and to be able to trust their sheriff's department and their
neighbors. They shouldn't have to just deal with having their time and money wasted. Maybe
the rest of us are just nosey, but in a world where the internet brings global events into our
homes, everyone deserves some honesty and accountability also.
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 14 points 4 months ago*

I wish I could find it, but a few days ago I read a post on Facebook from someone who took
their daughter to the same daycare the Papini's used. The woman said Sherri was a little high
maintenance for the daycare provider. Sherri showed up late to the daycare a lot when dropping
the kids off or picking them up. She also mentioned a confederate flag key chain their eldest
child brought from home one day. She sounds like a piece of work. 'Keith always creeped me
out, because he always seemed to be checking out us other moms'. Creepy.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

SP, KP, CG, MLM slinging JG and Uncle Rico the turd all seem insufferable. I'm sort of
surprised we haven't heard even more horror stories about dealing with them.
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[-] Niburon 7 points 4 months ago

Hi my name is Sherri. I'm a proud Skinhead girl who hates Latinos & once broke a Latina girls
nose in a fight and I also happen to have an eating disorder so it was a real coincidence when I
got kidnapped by two Latinas & they starved me and beat me for 22 days and broke my nose.
Heres what went down: I was out for a jog one day & my long blonde ponytail started coming
loose so I stopped to fix it cuz I always try to look my best. I set my iphone & earbuds on the
ground & then these two Latina women with masks & a gun came out of nowhere & forced me
into their suv. They kept me chained up with a bag over my head & I don't remember much else
cuz I have, like, amnesia. It was horrible to go without a mirror or a camera for 22 whole days so
it was like, a miracle when they pushed me out of their moving car on Thanksgiving morning in
the dark in the middle of nowhere. I walked to a church to get help but nobody was there. There
were a couple of houses near the church but I didn't knock cuz they had lowriders in the
driveways with dice hanging from the rearview mirrors so I was afraid they were Latinos. So I
walked back to the highway and screamed & screamed so loud I was like, coughing up blood till
help finally arrived & they called Keith & silly him he didn't answer at first cuz he didn't recognize
the number. Thanks yall for the Gofundme cash. I'm getting a tummy tuck!
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[-] Jezebellah 3 points 4 months ago

You forgot to sign off with "girls shouldn't fight", Sherri. Gotta stay consistent, girl
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 1 point 4 months ago

You must be Pudding Volcano under a different name. Troll!!!

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[-] fastereddy 5 points 4 months ago

I think it's disgusting to pretend to be someone else, or even to use someone else's name
to promote yourself, or your services. People need to learn to stand and fall on their own
two feet. Please don't be offended. This is just a personal matter to me.
Elvis Costello
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] lourno964 3 points 4 months ago

If it was a hoax, what would be the (legal) consequence -- criminal or civil? Would there be any?
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[-] NanaDi64 2 points 4 months ago

It would be criminal charges and a hefty fine & restitution for Fraud and the expense of the
manhunt & searches. Lying about getting kidnapped for financial gain would definitely get a
person prison time. Her husband's already trying to get Victims of Violent Crimes
Compensation, plus the $50k from GoFundMe, and the reverse ransom of $100k. That's
between $150-200k.
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[-] xLeatherMocha_x 2 points 4 months ago

A fine, probation and community service after all is said and done. The reputational damage
is the real consequence.
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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 4 months ago

I would expect that there would be. Janet Posey- The woman that started a fake go fund me
account to try on profit from the Jessica Chambers murder case was just sentenced to 10
years in prison, with three of those years suspended, leaving seven years to serve.
http :// man-going-to- prison-fo r-attempting -to- profit-off-murder-
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[-] jessica_bunny 3 points 4 months ago

Inappropriate use of Law Enforcement resources. I believe people can be charged for abusing
911, calling in non-emergencies, etc. I am sure they can find something. There is a guy in
New York right now facing charges of a "fake kidnapping". He apparently ran out of money
so created a kidnapping story asking for ransom.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Can Latina's file a class action lawsuit for slander?

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


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[ - ] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

If the story about KP requesting and accepting state (or federal?) victim reparations is true,
I'd think that could be an even bigger deal.
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[-] Jezebellah 3 points 4 months ago

Excellent point. I read that he applied for 30k in Victim's Assistance funds for both he
and SP. Taking that kind of money from the State has got to be a felony level crime. That
may well turn out to be their big mistake here!
I'll see if I can find the link to the article I read about him applying after she had been
"missing" for about one week.
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[-] Pinkicon49 3 points 4 months ago

I am calling it a publicity/media "stunt" . I also wonder if it was done to cover up injuries from
past DV that were never reported. It sounds like KP and SP are "on the run". KP borrowed a
friend's truck to hide from who exactly? A GPS device law enforcement put on his vehicles
perhaps??? I am very suspicious at this point and I am afraid for their children! I believe that
an arrest/s are coming in the very near future ! That's my personal opinion at this point and
subject to change.
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 4 months ago

Filing a false police report, for starters.

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[-] geckogoose89 1 point 4 months ago

But how can it be proved as a hoax other than confession? At this point, I'm not so sure
they would confess.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

First, in order for it to be proven, LE needs to get off their highly questionable asses
and actually WORK THIS CASE w/out any bias.
So far, they have pushed it aside and do not seem to give a shit.
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[-] tchief14 6 points 4 months ago

Think about it...."Sherriff can you tell us if Mrs.Papini was really abducted?" - "I have no reason
to believe she was not abducted"
Put this in perspective...."Sherriff, can you tell us if the person rolled out in the body bag is
deceased?...- "Inhave no reason to believe that he's not deceased."
Again, LE has been pretty consistent throughout. They've covered their basis without being
accusatory or definitive. But at this point, someone coming out and saying, "Sherri was
abducted by these 2 Latinos FOR REAL YALL," isn't going to happen.
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1-1 [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

So she has this super rich FIL with small private charter planes. Maybe he's run into some cartel
guys. Say he's extorted for money- via her- and they don't want to use LE because they want

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her back alive. So they pay the $ and keep it hush. She won't give details because that was the
deal. They don't care because they paid for her life and the deal is no LE
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

OR...more than likely... They are all fame and money whores and sought out a brilliant
scheme to bring in money and some fame....
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[-] Jezebellah 3 points 4 months ago

But if it were something like that, some inside family issue, wouldn't they have just kept it
out of the national spotlight to begin with? I mean, did he really HAVE to do 20/20? I think
What can they be charged with should the SO find themselves able to make a case that this
was all a hoax? Filing a false police report? That doesn't sound serious enough to me when
you consider the magnitude of what this has become.
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[-] Starkville 3 points 4 months ago

They also used their connection to Mike Mangas to get the "Missing Supermom" story on
ABC stations nationally.
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[deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Maybe he did 20 20 because he was defending his family from all of the criticism without
pointing fingers at actual kidnappers. And because he's an attention whore. I'm not sold
on this theory that it isn't a hoax but it possible.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

true, don't think perceptions of justice can be served if this turns out to be a hoax, but
fraud, some jail time and hopefully the Son of Sam law applies, it's better than the
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[-] Pudding Volcano 2 points 4 months ago

So long. I do have most of the controversial posts in this thread, so I'm satisfied that I
generated a fair amount of conversation over the last several days. I appreciate a lot of effort
that went into the thread. Glad to have seen all that people had tk share. Call me crazy or rude
it's fine. You guys are willing to call Sherri a liar and a hoaxer, and she's hasn't even spoke
publicly yet.
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[deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Id get off the internet if I were you...until you toughen up. To take offense to what screen
names type out, is a sign of your own issues.
I am passionate about this case and I will say what I think to whomever, especially when they
are acting trollish. You really seem to be part of the papini camp...especially with the
constant need for attention and reassurance.

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PS. Seriously, go over to Websleuths. I am certain you would like it there. They are totally on
the same page with you!
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

You sound lonely as I expect most trolls to be, you generated problems to demand attention
in here, claiming we had one sided views, yet you were never dismissed for having opposing
views, please stop pointing to the multi page rambling manifesto, its crap, rubbish.
What you have talked about is feeling alienated in your family, described coming out of the
closet, discussed bad family dinners, exhibited hatred for republicans multiple times where it
made no sense, performing puppy abortions and more, there are general chat rooms for
you, I will chat with you, but not in here under some phoney 'holier than thou' pretext you
have completely fabricated.
What you have not discussed is the case, for the most part, your statemenst are delusional
to the truth sir, good day.
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[-] Starbucks4Trump 7 points 4 months ago

I read this person's earlier posts. I got what they were saying about someone trying to
make the kidnapping look like it had something to do with human trafficking. I also get the
idea that Sherri could still be a victim, even if her husband is behind it all. Sounds like they
just didn't have anythjng more to contribute so turned into a troll. Too bad. Some of
Pudding's posts were insightful. Wonder why the change in tone.
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 4 months ago

Dont let the upvote/down vote stuff get to you. Stick around or visit other subreddits.
There are some downvote stalkers here. Just ignore them. Ive been here for around 9 years
under various usernames., if you wanr help finding another good subreddit let me know.
/r/unresolvedmysteries has a good crowd and a nice community moderator.
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[-] AnnieEnnui 8 points 4 months ago

The dramatic exit - love it! <waits for Pudding's next post in an hour>
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[-] Jezebellah 3 points 4 months ago

Using a new nomme de guerre, of course.

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[-] jessitbird 7 points 4 months ago

goodbye cruel world!!!

People are going to have different ideas or theories. You've got to stop taking it personally
when someone disagrees with you.
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[-] tchief14 13 points 4 months ago

The "We're not accepting any tips/leads from the public," is a very big deal. Crime Stoppers,
Closed Circuit Videos, etc were ALL set up to instill the public's help with serious crimes that are

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No LE agency would chance, even if remote, of risking someone else in the area being abducted
by perps who meet this description. There's only one explanation and we all know what it is.
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[deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Piraeus44 1 point 4 months ago

Where are you seeing that they aren't accepting tips?

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago
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[-] Piraeus44 2 points 4 months ago

Thanks. I just called the tip line. It goes to voice mail and there was no indication
given that "they aren't taking information from the public".
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] AnnAhmerican 3 points 4 months ago

Could be why the P's felt the need to leave so quickly that they left their dogs behind. Lot's
of back story here, can't wait for it to hit the fan. Maybe CG is doing a reverse kidnapping,
he's helped them get out the country, he's so connected.
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

Nice how they don't consider the relationship between the kids and the dogs. Man that
family is so superficial.
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L 1 point 4 months ago

The dogs weren't cute enough.

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

That was exactly what I posted when it went down, this was the move of not very
forward thinking people, thinking distance is gonna stop the freight train.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano -2 points 4 months ago*

Good look inside your bubble guys. We should do the same thing with the jury is this case ever
goes to trial. Only peple who think Sherri is lying should be on the jury.
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[ - ] tchiefl4 3 points 4 months ago

Peace out, need some sleep and professional help (and not necessarily in that
order) after posting those manifestos to our thread nonstop.
It's been real.
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[-] Pcm1726 7 points 4 months ago

Speaking for myself - I don't doubt that something happened to her, what I doubt is the
extent to which those around her were somehow involved. There is very clearly a lot that
hasn't been made known, and to the extent she was just a pawn in someone else's scheme
is very sad.
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[-] [deleted] 5 points 4 months ago

Toughen up snowflake. It is the Internet. And AGAIN, if you want to discuss the case where
your theory is that SP is innocent - try WEBSLEUTHS. You will fit in great and wont get any
negative feedback...! This thread is how SP et al. are lying POS.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 3 points 4 months ago

I did post my theory of her innocence about 9hrs ago. I'd repost it but this snowflake is
about to go land on his boyfriend's tongue. I think there is a lot of reason to suspect KP
of lying... but not all that much to suspect Sherri.
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[-] Jezebellah 5 points 4 months ago

You're absolutely right on that one. SP hasn't said a damn thing, so we can't accuse
her of lying. It would be nice to hear something from her; if she's a "smooth
operator", as has been mentioned by people who know her perhaps she's shrewd
enough to get others to lie for her.
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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

Okay...look you can offer an analysis using the facts we have to show that this points to an
actual abduction. I would really love to read it (and I mean that completely sincerely). I think
that most people here believe something is hinky because the facts point in that direction.
People do not like posts that are whiny in nature. That is what does not belong here.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 5 points 4 months ago

I posted early about 9hrs ago if u are interested. I do sound whiny lol. But i have lost my
interest on this thread. Everytime I check, thw same old theories are reapun rah there
than looking at other poasibilities.. like Sherri's innocnence. I'm not convinced she's
telling the truth, but I'm not all the convinced she's lying either. If I find anything useful,
perhaps I will post a link for you guys. But if this thread is only for accusing Sherri of
lying, my objectivity is clearly not welcome or of any use.
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[-] MacMumbles 2 points 4 months ago

Contribute analysis or another proposed angle on a statement or fact in the case,

whether it agrees or disagrees with the majority of this thread, otherwise save the

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boo-hooey soapboxing. I'm always open to reading a contribution or an angle. Valid

input and debate for or against my own personal opinion. But I have no interest in
bleeding hearts. Especially when 1) a community was left to fear for their safety or 2)
there could be other potential victims at risk.
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[-] whinecube 8 points 4 months ago

If you lose interest in a thread, then either make it more interesting or leave. No one
here is under any obligation to support your theory or keep you entertained.
I read your previous posts but I did not think they were particularly profound. Also,
the way you write makes in positively headache-inducing to decipher what you are
trying to say. I cannot emphasize enough how much more receptive we would be to a
new way of looking at things if you would put forth just a smidgen of effort when it
comes to putting your thoughts into words. Your writing also makes you look
unintelligent, and lowers your credibility.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

You ok, pudding?

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[-] a1g45160 6 points 4 months ago

I don't think he/she is ok. I'm sad because Pudding_Volcano used to be one of my
favorite posters on this thread.
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[-] Sam5377 11 points 4 months ago

That rambling unibomberish manifesto, you are out of touch, your jury parallel is so utterly
absurd I suspect you are a very young man and are only going to see things through your
lens, no clue what else to say to you.
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[-] Dcafly13 2 points 4 months ago

Maybe the P's will ask Obama for a Pardon before he leaves office for "any crimes they
may or may not have committed," but I'm sure BO would be like " NOPE."
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I. -, [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Or someone in the Papini camp trying to distract pro-hoax theory. Obviously, someone
with a clear bias and agenda.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

ikr, accusing everyone of doing exactly what he is doing 95% of post in here have
been open and totes civil even when peeps disagreed
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 2 points 4 months ago*

K. Well I'm bored that's for sure. I'm 32, and I'm pretty sure age doesn't change the
lens people look through.. personal experience does. Egh.. good luck solving the crime
by only letting people accuse Sheri of lying. I don't have to be right, but clearly everyone
posting on this thread feels like THEY have to be. There was some useful information
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here I thought, but I realize now.. you guys think your right whether it's the truth or
not.. because you don't know the truth. U can guess there are 100 beans in the jar, but
unless you put them in their yourself, you are still going to need to count them to know
for sure.
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 5 points 4 months ago

Good luck solving the crime? I don't really think that's the goal. This is just a bunch
of people pontificating on the facts that we do and do not know. There is really very
little information coming out of this story, and most has come from Keith Papini. LE
hasn't really even substantiated much of what he has said, at least in a detailed
Police aren't going to talk much about an open investigation. And if they are looking
at the Papini's with growing skepticism, they'll probably keep it to themselves for the
sake of cooperation.
People are just talking here to talk because it's interesting. Most don't believe the
story the Papini's are selling, but I haven't seen anyone condemning the Papini's with
an alternate story represented as fact. I just see a bunch of people with observations
that they've made who want to bounce the ideas off other people. . . .for
entertainment because it's interesting.
You can read the comments on the Websleuths page if you want the opposite tone. I
don't see one as being any worse than the other, however I personally find the
critical and questioning side to more fully be supported by higher level thinking skills.
For example, somebody just posed the question of if Sherri's nails grew out. We
don't know the answer, and either answer to that question might not prove
anything. They could be multiple reasons for either answer, but they are all a piece of
the puzzle. And until the police come back and let the public in on their investigation,
what's wrong with discussion? We're not the jury. We likely aren't influencing them.
And even if a jury member read the questions here, they'll still be provided with both
sides of whatever story.
P.S. Jury for what? Who would go on trial right now anyway?
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[-] 3ezebellah 3 points 4 months ago

Feel free to depart if we bore you so, Puddin'. The feeling is mutual.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Funny science has proven that large collaborative groups can actually be incredibly
precise in guessing the beans in the jar, it's called the Wisdom of the Crowd, read it
while you take a break and come back not trolling.
And you don't think age effects our views... omfg are you legally allowed to have
opinion? Totes
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 2 points 4 months ago

Age affects your views.. based on your life experience in those years. People grow
up old and racists so you don't just get smarter with age. And yes I know the

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Wisdom of the Crowd.. but what if the crowd was only allowed to guess up to the
number 99, but there was actually a 100. No one would ever guess right due to
the arbitrary rules.
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[-] NanaDi64 2 points 4 months ago

Where are your FACTS that as people grow up old and racists? I'm white with
Hispanic children and 6 biracial grandkids. Your notion is absurd to say the
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5 points 4 months ago

at 32 you are proof of outliers that don't mature as they age, still here, still
trolling, still not talking CONCISE points on the case.
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[-] fastereddy 9 points 4 months ago

I will speak for myself here. To me, Sherri is weirdly, not part of the equation in my
judgement. Reason being is none of us have heard from her. I have my suspicions
based mainly on her husband and Gamble. Those two remind me of guys trying to
hail a cab in Midtown Manhattan. They are OBVIOUS.
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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

Then tell us the truth.

And I do not mean this is a rude way, but it is really irritating to read your posts
because they are written using poor grammar and sentence structure.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Damn...I never thought I'd laugh at something related to the unabomber....that made
me truly LOL.
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[-] Sam5377 26 points 4 months ago*

I know most of us understand this, yet I wanted to share an example of narrative building, it
differs so much from a person relating the horrific events of a crime and reflects what they
prefer you to believe. It is much harder to do in an interview, as they would prefer to gauge your
https ://youtu .be/qyB29g6n bDo?t =36m
Start at the 36 minute mark, it takes a mere few seconds to get the jist.
https ://
at the 8:40 mark he discusses an embedded confession, which is what most of this room
thought when KP said "that this was not some sort of hoax, plan to gain money, or some
fabricated race war"
I wish I were an expert, but amateurishly it sounds exactly like an embedded confession to me.
He is telling us exactly why they did this.
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[ - ] mrssailorwife 3 points 4 months ago

Exactly!! And he doesn't even realize he's confessed. I bet he'll kick himself when someone
(LE hopefully) points this out to the amateur actor. Maybe by the time Sherri has her next
ordeal to get attention, ole Keith will be a better liar. Doubtful! But...Now you have me so
interested I'm going to have to watch THIS entire series on YouTube after I'm done here.
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

They watched making a murderer and were like hey let's have Sherri kidnapped secretly
and beaten etc and brought back kn thanksgiving and make the case as Bizzare as
possible and get the media into it so we can have our own Netflix series. Making a
supermom or making a sociopath cause that's what he reminds me of when he's not
even crying any tears
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[-] mrssailorwife 1 point 4 months ago

I guarantee they'll try to get a show out of that garbage. I wish someone would make
one out of the HOAX version first, though. That would be hilarious!
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

You definitely get something out of it, its like a 3 hour mini course. He also did the jon
benet ramsey ransom letter, fascinating.
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[-] mrssailorwife 2 points 4 months ago

You've sealed my fate not to sleep tonight. ;) Thank you so much for the
information! I love true crime and since I'm disabled and have a chronic illness, I
spend my days watching true crime shows on YouTube. Now you've given me
another avenue to follow. Who needs sleep anyway?! Haha
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Then go through old love letters and analyze them well i didn't have any so I
just looked at old notes my teachers sent home
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[-] mrssailorwife 1 point 4 months ago

I still have all the love letters/cards from my first husband (children's father).
Not sure why...and not sure I should have admitted it here. Haha! But if I got
those out, I'd be laughing too hard at spelling and grammatical errors from
someone that was a journalist in college.
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[-] anxshush 3 points 4 months ago

Great post. Gives a really good insight as to why this retired police lieutenant is all for letting
Keith run his mouth.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Yes and i for one think the Police are doing the best they can, they have to be cautious.
I know we have all said it, but lets science for a bit, go in the garage, no wind, engine on
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or off, well I guess open the garage door if it's on <3, anyways try and open the door
without anyone knowing, no way, that shit is loud and distinct, times ten in a Dark
colored SUV.
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 2 points 4 months ago

This is the kind of person I would really enjoy watching give commentary about interviews
and comments made by the family.
It's fascinating.
Thank you!
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[-] fastereddy 7 points 4 months ago

Hey Sam, thanks for posting that. I for one, appreciated it.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I chub up over analytical geek speak, make sure to check out the update.
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Wow. That man really knows his stuff. He explains things and gives actual examples.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

i follow his blog religiously,

when he die ima roll around on his grave and soak him up num num num
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Just don't go near a cliff

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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

I'll check it right now.

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[-] Willy_Fisterbutt 4 points 4 months ago

Sounds like she pulled a Bunny Lebowski to me.
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[-] Purplenylons 1 point 4 months ago

Fawn Knudssen
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[-] SweetBabyAngle 2 points 4 months ago

That p00000r woman!!

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[-] whinecube 15 points 4 months ago

Why are the Papinis not ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS right now that the police have not found the
people who did this? Why are they not just livid that there has been no progress, or no real
pleas to the public to get these bastards? It has been nearly two weeks!

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[-] NanaDi64 1 point 4 months ago

Exactly my thoughts. Instead he's busy talking shit about folks who believe this was a Hoax
but nothing bad about those alleged kidnappers!
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1-11427ahallah 2 points 4 months ago

Because they are the bastards!

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[-] [deleted] 9 points 4 months ago

....simple....because its a hoax.

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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

To me it is either a hoax, or there is something that the family is trying to hide.

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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

Right now I want to sink my teeth into Gamble. He's the danger lurking. That phony
can get innocent people killed.
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[-] cbtraveling 10 points 4 months ago

Also, why wouldn't the Papini's share "exactly" how she was abducted in order to alert the
people of Redding so this won't happen to anyone else?
According to the Papini's there are some really demented and sick gun weilding Latinas that
are well equipped with chains, masks, an underground cell bunker and the will to beat, brand,
starve and humiliate a person to just inches away from death!
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[-] whinecube 8 points 4 months ago

Yeah, shouldn't they be on a mission to warn the public right now? The cops have not
caught the people who did this, which means they could be searching for their next
victim as we speak.
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6 points 4 months ago

Especially if the family is convinced this is a sex trafficking crime. No offense to Sherri,
but if they wanted her for sex, there will be a lot of young women/girls who are
potential targets.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

Probably because they are still overjoyed with her return and once in a lifetime Thanksgiving
experience, plus they're "healing"
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[-] chrissycakes8726 3 points 4 months ago

Right??? Makes me think that maybe if this isnt a hoax and really was kidnapped, they know
already who did it and why and they are not completely innocent in all this. Also why they
would get a new car and then skip town.

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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

Keith borrowed that car from his friend

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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

Why would he need to borrow a car?

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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 4 months ago

We dont know, He was trying to keep under the radar or something and this
friend lent it to him. It's been mentioned in various articles.
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[-] whinecube 3 points 4 months ago

It just seems like a strange thing to do. Why not just use their own cars?
I will say that at least around here, having a big huge new truck is a status
symbol that a lot of guys strive for.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

I don't know..maybe he didn't want to be recognized after they left town

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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

Would anyone in a different town really know what kinds of cars these two
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2 points 4 months ago*

The media were probably stationed around or close to their home

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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah but they are not in there home. They are in some undisclosed
location now. So why would it matter?
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

You'd really not want the media to follow you if you staged all this
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[-] Pcm1726 5 points 4 months ago

That's what I think. That someone associated was/is involved in something illegal, and
this was done to send a message to them.
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[-] fastereddy 5 points 4 months ago

Or (if the abduction is legit) they are a self absorbed family that only cares about the
betterment of themselves and "perhaps" those close to them. KPs demeanor towards
the abductors is mind boggling to say the least.
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[ -] geckogoose89 12 points 4 months ago

Any chance of Sherri doing an AMA?

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[-] Sam5377 15 points 4 months ago

I would fake my own abduction to witness it

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[-] SkylarBlue5 4 points 4 months ago

We could set up and take care of your gofundme account!

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

You are a cheeky monkey, aren't you, okay but you have to negotiate my release
personally, hit up red-box for an old copy of Ransom on VHS, oh and buy a separate
re-winder, you;ll thank me.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

Sounds good! We're gonna have to bring you some food..i refuse to punch you
in the face though :(
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[-] ]ezebellah 2 points 4 months ago

Not too much food, though. After all, gotta lose 15% of your body weight in
three weeks. Who the hell takes the time to figure out the percentage of body
weight loss at a time like that?
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

Sherri lol
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

I'll pay for the negotiator's hair grease!

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[-] lilymax 7 points 4 months ago

I'd call in to work

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[-] Pcm1726 21 points 4 months ago

Honestly, despite all of the other information we have, the single most telling piece of evidence
to me that something is off is the fact that she was discharged hours after being admitted to
the hospital. I am extremely healthy, work out a lot, etc. and when I had food poisoning (not
even that severe of a case), the resultant dehydration required the doctors to keep me over
night for IV fluids. Given her combined history (alleged) of eating disorders, and her low body
mass, in addition to the claim that she was beaten and starved - there is NO WAY she would be

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discharged from the hospital after a few hours if that were true. If she left, it would be against
medical advice. There is no way she wasn't provided at least some food or water during her
"abduction" or else she would have been kept overnight for observation and fluids. No
competent doctor would sign off on a discharge otherwise.
That, to me, is the sole piece of evidence that something deeper is definitively going on.
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r 1
-- 1 point 4 months ago

Plus they could worry she self harms or is being beat by her husband if her injuries are that
bad and had new and old bruising as he says. She would be there at least a day and
probably released into protective custody in a way to keep her safe
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[-] mrssailorwife 1 point 4 months ago

That is definitely high on my list of reasons why I think the abduction didn't happen. I sure
would like to hear what the nurses that treated her have to say about her "injuries! Maybe
they started trying to clean her face, and Sherri freaked out because her special fx make-up
was coming off so she left the hospital?? Plausible!
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[-] Journo964 3 points 4 months ago

Not to mention that in an extremely high profile case, you'd think the hospital would be keen
to cover itself wrt liability (leaving no opening for malpractice.) She may have discharged
herself against the advice of medical staff.
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[-] geckogoose89 2 points 4 months ago

Yes, like, "I want to go home and be surrounded by my family so I can start healing."
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[-] RudineHoward 6 points 4 months ago

There were cases of people subjected to prolonged fasting after being kidnapped who end
up dying of refeeding syndrome after being free and start to eat normally. I believe that if
Sherri was truly kidnapped starved and dehydrated for that long she would never be
discharged from the hospital after a few hours. I think Keith is overexageratting what really
happened or simply lying
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[-] jeanHa 2 points 4 months ago

you would think even if she was 100% ok physically, the hospital might decide to observe
her for emotional trauma
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[-] Jezebellah 2 points 4 months ago

I think it's more just plain out lying.

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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Any idea how long it takes to rule out brain damage and a concussion(s) from the daily

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[-] Pcm1726 5 points 4 months ago

Over 8 hours. I had to have a brain scan after falling during a night out (college days...)
and between the pregnancy test they have to run before a CT, and then possible MRI, it
would take all day, if not overnight in the event they didn't have a neurologist on staff or
had to consult with another, larger hospital.
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[-] geckogoose89 1 point 4 months ago

What about setting a broken nose? Isn't that surgery? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Thanks for sharing an insightful personal account, very helpful to the inquisitive.
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[-] Pcm1726 4 points 4 months ago

Anytime! I think that's one of the reasons this case gets to me, because
practically speaking, the medical aspect doesn't make sense
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

We need to divy this up to specialize, you take medical, assemble a team, I'll
work in a group on physical descriptions, locations, vehicles and perps... you
got the hard job ;-)
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[-] Pcm1726 2 points 4 months ago

Haha, I knew falling off of a table and getting a concussion during college
would come in handy down the road!
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Glad to see you almost made a full recovery ;-)

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] a1g45160 3 points 4 months ago

hmm. You bring up a good point (about having a neurologist on staff). It appears
that there are only 2 hospitals in Yolo county.
Sutter Davis is very small, with only 48 beds and a "basic" emergency room.
Woodland Memorial is also pretty small, with 108 beds and a "basic" emergency
Neither of these hospitals is a trauma center, which I'd imagine SP would have needed
if her injuries were severe. I can think of a bunch of consults she could need for her
injuries: surgeon/plastic surgeon, trauma, neurology, psych, infectious disease, etc.
Add in that it was early morning on Thanksgiving, and the chance of having anyone
but ER doctors and hospitalists in-house is virtually zero. If her injuries were really as

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stated (I'm sure they weren't) and the hospital discharged her in what, 12 hours (?),
then they could easily have been looking at a malpractice suit if SP had gone home
and dropped dead or developed a nasty infection.
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[-] Kangaroo1974 2 points 4 months ago

I'm kind of surprised that they didn't take her to UC Davis Med Center in
Sacramento (approximately 1/2 hour from Woodland.) It has a trauma center,
huge E.R., lots of specialists in every conceivable field on call, etc. Unless she
didn't need a trauma center...
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[-] a1g45160 3 points 4 months ago

I'm actually surprised they weren't screaming for a plastic surgeon to look at
the supposed broken nose. I've seen people do that for extremely superficial
injuries because they don't want any monor scars or disfigurement.
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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] Pcm1726 3 points 4 months ago

Definitely. It took 8 hours for a scan to be done, find a neuro, read, etc, and I
was in a major metropolitan hospital (think NYC, Chicago, etc.)
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[-] a1g45160 1 point 4 months ago

to play devil's advocate...if she was one of only a few patients in the ER
maybe things were done more quickly than in a busy one. Being a well-known
kidnap victim would probably get her STAT service too.
BUT it's easy to get in and out of an ER quickly if you only have a boo-boo on
your knee too. ;)
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

Also, the hospital would run blood work to see if she's deprived of any essentials (calcium,
glucose, vitamin deficiencies, etc). It's easier to tell if someone has been dieting (whether
properly or not) as opposed to starving.
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[-] Pcm1726 4 points 4 months ago

Absolutely, and even at major hospitals where lab work can be done expeditiously, it still
takes a significant amount of time (read: hours) to process, find doctor to analyze
results, etc. there is no doubt in my mind that the injuries were not as severe as
The reason for "disappearing" and not making public appearances may be in order to say
she had to "take enough time for the injuries to heal," so there would be no way to
refute via photos etc that the injuries sustained were not as severe as KP described
them to be.
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[ -] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

I'm with you. Also based on my professional experience (geez, I hope I don't sound
like Cameron Gamble) there would very likely be cuts and scratches and even open
hygiene wounds. None of that has been mentioned. How were her teeth? Were they
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[-] a1945160 2 points 4 months ago

any nurse worth a dime would be able to tell you that (I mean, not that they
could due to HIPAA laws). A lot of things have already been mentioned that a
good nurse would have recorded: bruise coloring and location, every single wound
and it's appearance, hygeine, nail condition, body hair (ok, maybe that wouldn't
be charted, but it sure as hell was mentally noted and could be testified about).
Hopefully, said nurse documented his/her ass off and if/when the records are
subpeonaed for court, they will be useful.
And, hopefully her clothes were saved by the cops. They would be a treasure
trove of evidence.
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[-] geckogoose89 3 points 4 months ago

I wonder if HIPAA laws deny a medical worker from saying she DOESN'T have
a broken nose.
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[-] a1g45160 1 point 4 months ago

It's pretty tricky. If asked directly about taking care of a specific patient,
the worker would have to deny any knowledge, to my understanding.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

That's good to know.

Where I am coming from (based on my experience) is not as much medical
(I'm not in the medical field), rather the physical confrontation aspect. Papini
gave grandiose descriptions of injuries. I look for subtle abnormalities as well.
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[-] Pcm1726 1 point 4 months ago

I meant forensics, not crime scene...whatever that division of the PD is called.

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

I got your drift.

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[-] Pcm1726 3 points 4 months ago

They would be fighting with crime scene techs to take swabs for possible DNA,
etc. No way this was done in a matter of a few hours.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

True. Also what nags me is the lack of follow-up medical care. It's as if she
literally had nothing more than superficial wounds, if any at all. Did they even
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treat her with Absorbine Jr?

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[-] Pcm1726 2 points 4 months ago

No clue. AND given their low income, if they failed to follow medical advice,
or left the hospital against medical advice (AMA), insurance would refuse
to cover any associated claims. That alone would run tens of thousands.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Here's my take. Dig deep...very deep...into the Gamble's. Follow the

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[-] snidece 7 points 4 months ago

A few hours would not be enough time? Could the injuries or bruises have been make-up, if
this is a hoax? If this was a family member of mine, I would be angry with the hospital for
this. The lady has been chained, and held against her still, beat up and potentially worse!
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[-] fastereddy 8 points 4 months ago

Without a doubt. KP is the king of hyperbole at this point. According to KP, she isn't even
receiving counseling at this stage.
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[-] Pcm1726 5 points 4 months ago

Failure to receive counseling is mind blowing, as it is usually required (doctors will have
someone held for observation following a traumatic event, and line up a psychologist for
them to meet with who is on rounds at the hospital) as someone in her situation will
undoubtedly develop PTSD, if they went through what has been claimed in the instant
Reason for my above argument/conclusion: I had a close friend who was attacked and
held against her will for a brief amount of time, comparatively, and the ER doctors
required she meet with a psychiatrist/counselor before being discharged. That process
alone took FOUR hours.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

I'm sorry about what happened to your friend.

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[-] Pcm1726 1 point 4 months ago

Thanks, as am I, but she's bounced back and is stronger than ever now.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

That's great!
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

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[ -] whinecube 11 points 4 months ago

This guy's hyperbolic language is a big red flag to me. Remember how Scott Peterson
described his marriage to Laci?
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

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3 points 4 months ago

How long does it take for computer forensics and to get DNA results back? Should be time for
some updates
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r I -"I- 6 points 4 months ago

Good point - Jerry Springer could get back DNA results in 24 hours! "You are NOT the
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[-] chrissycakes8726 6 points 4 months ago

Also, can anyone else think of a way that you can cover your face to where only your ears and
eyebrows would show but not your eyes? Plus, why go to all the trouble of covering up but not
concealing your hair?? It seems she got a good look at the hair. Also, what kind of earrings was
the woman wearing? diamond studs, hoops, dangles? Why are we getting such precise details
from her husband about her injuries but very vague details about the women and her actual
abduction and what was done to her for 3 weeks?? He says she had scabs, WHAT THE HELL
FROM THOUGH? Cuts, scratches, punctures, stabs, burns? Or is he just talking about from the
chains she had on? What was used to cut her hair off? Even blinded you can tell if your hair is
being cut with scissors or a knife. Did she use a bucket or a toilet to go to the bathroom all that
time? Where are the clothes she was abducted in? Was she wearing them when found, or did
they change her? There are so many unanswered questions with this case and the more time
that goes by im starting to think they will never be answered. I mean, come on Keith, lie to me
at least! Im sure im not the only one dying to get some answers.
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[-] jeanHa 1 point 4 months ago

a burka might cover everything but the eyes and ears, wrong cultural villains though
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 2 points 4 months ago

Did you read this article previously posted by Joynoel?

http://patbrownprofiling . papini-and- passing - polyg raph . html?
m=1 It's the first time I've heard that her abductors wore bandanas. If that's true it would
explain why she could give a description of eyebrows, hair, and earrings.
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 4 months ago

Maybe SP let them borrow the blue ones her husband and son wore in the family
Halloween photo that was taken 2 days before she went missing!
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[ -] 7ourno964 2 points 4 months ago

But why not the eyes?

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[-] moondance472 3 points 4 months ago

All of that is coming out in the Lifetime movie!

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[-] chrissycakes8726 1 point 4 months ago

Ugh. That IS usually what ends up happening in cases like this that go unsolved and
then just fade away with time, just when you lose interest and stop following the case,
Barn! Lifetime Original Movie!!
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[-] whinecube 7 points 4 months ago

I picture the sheriff's department just picking their asses and wolfing donuts right now.
How could nearly two weeks have gone by with no progress?
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[-] a1g45160 2 points 4 months ago

There should be 2 different departments investigating, right?

Shasta County where the apparent abduction took place, and Yolo county where she was
Surely one of them is decent (?)
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[-] Prahasaurus 4 points 4 months ago

Chief Wiggum is working day and night to close this case.

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] cbtraveling 13 points 4 months ago

In the 20/20 interview KP says:

"IF 2 women pull up, and let's say they ask you for help... that makes more sense to me"
why is KP "speculating?" wouldn't he already know exactly how she was abducted now that SP is
back home?
wouldn't this be one of the most clear parts of SP's memory given the fact that she would have
been in her peak state of mind (not yet beaten, not yet starved, not yet chained or blindfolded)?
if their faces were always covered, why in the world would SP approach the SUV?
How would SP know they were women if she couldn't see their faces initially?
(can you really picture someone in a skirt, dress, high heels wearing a ski mask?)
according to KP, "there were guns involved" would SP not have seen a gun or gun GESTURES
such as their hand tucked in their waste band or aggressively holding one arm behind their
backs to conceal a gun?
KP implies that the 2 women "asked for help" can anyone picture how that would look?
(Asking for directions to Wal-Mart or if SP had seen a missing dog, all while speaking through a

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ski mask?)
Why is SP not able to give more details about the SUV? If it were a newer SUV wouldn't that
require the alleged abducter to have a decent paying job to pay the car payments, insurance,
maintenance, etc?
wouldn't it be a red flag to coworkers of the hispanic woman if all of the sudden their hispanic
female fellow employee stopped showing up to work in Northern California all of the sudden right
around the time of the abduction?
I believe the truth will come out by simply having LE focus on the actual inital abduction.
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[-] peppermint-pie 2 points 4 months ago

why is KP "speculating?" wouldn't he already know exactly how she was abducted now
I that SP is back home?
This is such a good point.
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[-] MacMumbles 1 point 4 months ago

So many questions. If I remember correctly, she was shown footage of SUV's in the area at
the time of her alleged abduction and she couldn't identify the one the women were
apparently driving. It just doesn't make sense. If they approached and asked for help, there
had to be a brief period where their faces were not covered and she was looking at and/or
walking directly toward the vehicle in question...
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2 points 4 months ago

I found that curious as well. He should already know EXACTLY how she was taken as well as
how her cell phone ended up neatly set in the grass. He acts as though these things are still
a mystery to him as well.
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[-] whinecube 5 points 4 months ago

I wonder if Keith himself does not believe his wife, which is why he has to put this in
hypothetical terms.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

My thought is testing a theory, sensing what is believable.

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[-] MacMumbles 5 points 4 months ago

I'd just like to draw attention to CG's ransom strategies being molded to play out oddly similar
to this scene from the 1996 movie "Ransom" with Mel Gibson. The approach itself was
unconventional and counterproductive to begin with. My personal gut reaction while watching
CG's second video "shocker" was that this guy had watched this movie one too many times.
Just my opinion.
If this has been referenced before, please call it out. I searched comments but found no
mention. Feel free to cite original and I will edit/update accordingly.

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[-] SweetBabyAngle 2 points 4 months ago

Haha I called him out about that on his project taken fb page! 'I highly doubt they ever saw
your Mel Gibson in Ransom reenactment dude!'
His answer for why he was taking credit for negotiating her release based on YouTube
For the record they were the ONLY media translated into Spanish.
Ummm.. what!? It's like you knew who they were.
So much fucking eye rolling going on over here. He got his training on Netflix guys!
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[-] MacMumbles 1 point 4 months ago

In Gibson's defense... It was a pretty good movie... Hahaha

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Except now he is major backpedaling, saying it was all KP's idea

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[-] LadyManifesto 1 point 4 months ago

Do you have anything to share regarding this?

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago
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[-] LadyManifesto 2 points 4 months ago

Thanks for the link. It's made me more skeptical than I was before.
Big philanthropist donating that 1$ to St. Jude's.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Probs cost $1.10 to process, I can just see him hand delivering it expecting a
plaque on the wall. Barf
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[-] LadyManifesto 1 point 4 months ago

A plaque he orders for himself.

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I'll make him one, apologies if I posted already
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[-] bikebum 5 points 4 months ago

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1) Keith says Milf (Or possibly he tried to say the word Metal) was branded onto her he says
it here at the 10-15 sec mark. When we find out what was branded on her we will update this
to correct it.
This is what he says around 10 sec:
I She was, uh, bound. She had a metal, uh sorry, a chain around her waist, that is correct.
He was talking about the chain. He says she was branded later and doesn't give any details. So I
don't understand why you think he said she had "milf" or "metal" branded on her.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] minebluel0 6 points 4 months ago

Pm guessing this information has already been posted by people who know Papini. But I just
saw this article:
abduction-ex-classmate/ Tera Smith, as ex-classmate of Sherri's, was abducted while running in
1998 and was never seen again.
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 4 months ago

PS the new People hits stands tomorrow, surely they're going to have some sort of exclusive
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[-] loveagreatmystery 9 points 4 months ago

Yes, an excerpt is online. They are still shilling the "beautiful" angle.
"Why did they beat her and break her nose and brand her and burn her?" Papini's friend and
former co-worker Joyce Travis tells PEOPLE in this week's issue, on newsstands Friday... Of
the branding, Travis says it was "almost like they didn't want her to be beautiful anymore."
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[-] fastereddy 8 points 4 months ago

And what really gets me is they didn't make her "unbeautiful". They cut her hair and
branded her not on her face. These captors could have physically messed her face up
permanently. I don't need to write out what they could have done. If this is really on the
up and up, she dodged a bullet, no pun intended.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 8 points 4 months ago

Oh jeeze. My eyes might roll right out of my head.

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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

Three weeks of holding her captive because they do not want her to be beautiful
anymore? They could have accomplished that in two seconds. This sounds more and
more like that Skinheadz post where the evil Latinas hated her for her whiteness and
German descent. Now they are stealing her beauty, too! Her gorgeous white beauty!
And not to mention they messed up her signature blonde hair.
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[ -] chrissycakes8726 12 points 4 months ago

To be honest, she isnt and never was THAT beautiful. I mean, yeah shes got that
"signature" blonde hair, and blue eyes, thin body and big fake boobs, but so do millions
of other women, who are actually more attractive than her. I dont know why her family
and friends are trying to spin this whole " they wanted to make her ugly" story. I cant
imagine strangers looking at her and being jealous enough to go to all that trouble.
Maybe someone who knew her and was jealous of her or didnt like her, but not
strangers. And to be completely honest here, i have always found hispanic women to be
wayyy more attractive than white blonde women. Now im a white woman but with dark
hair and eyes but most hispanic girls ive known were 10x prettier to me than basic
blonde chicks. But thats just me.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

I agree. I do not like to rag on people's looks but on the other hand I do not see her
as a head turning beauty who would be persecuted for her looks by random people.
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[-] cmc8290 1 point 4 months ago

She's very Stepford Wives looking... and her gaze in all of those professional photos
gives me the creeps.
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[-] IllustriousTutu 1 point 4 months ago

She's a petite blonde woman with veneers, breast implants and likely hair extensions.
She's as average as they come.
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[-] a1945160 2 points 4 months ago

"I cant imagine strangers looking at her and being jealous enough to go to all that
THIS. If it does turn out to be remotely real, it will have been done by someone with
a personal reason
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

This basic blonde agrees

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[-] ObsoleteFoxglove 3 points 4 months ago

Yes! I have no issues with admitting when other women are beautiful, but this girl is
not one of them! She is not hideous, obviously, but walk down any street or go to
any store and you will see much prettier! Her "beauty" is not in play here.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 10 points 4 months ago

Gag. People is the asshole of journalism.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


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[ -] chrissycakes8726 8 points 4 months ago

So, im reading up more and more on this. So Keith says that she was screaming so much she
started to cough up blood. Aum, what??? Is that even possible? I remember going to concerts
in my teenage years and talking/yelling/screaming my face off for hours and the worse that i
ever suffered was an extremely dry throat/mouth and a hoarse voice, sometimes completely
losing my voice. But NEVER coughing up blood. And he also says she had scabs forming, which
tells me she was either cut or scratched by something, but what are the details of that? Im also
very curious to know what she may have ate/drank while held, i mean theres no way she would
still be alive if she had been completely starved and dehydrated for 3 whole weeks. Im also
curious about this Bethel church, ive looked a little into them and WOW! Talk about oddballs!
Could it be possible that they have more to do with this whole thing than we think? And since
Redding is so small maybe some LE in town are part of the church too and dont want to throw
them under the bus.
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[-] reginafalangy111 2 points 4 months ago*

Was that the awkward part where he started to laugh and tried to redirect his laugh by
saying "she's just wonderful like that" ? Or was it during another point of the interview? Edit:
I meant to say when he was talking about this on 20/20
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[-] chrissycakes8726 2 points 4 months ago

I think your referring to when he was describing why shes referred to as a "supermom". I
could be wrong though, ill have to watch the interview again, sorry. But his whole thing
was awkward and laughable. I mean, did you hear his "family snuggles" comment? Gawd,
gag me! What yuppies!!!
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[-] r_barchetta 8 points 4 months ago

This lie is very telling. Coughing up blood is serious (Pulmonary embolisim, puctured lung,
Pneumonia, cancer, acute bronchitis, TB, etc.) no way in hell a hospital would send her home
if she was coughing up blood.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 10 points 4 months ago*

It is not possible to scream until your throat bleeds enough to cough up blood. Coughing up
blood is a very, very rare phenomenon you would only see in sickness or injury. If it were
possible, the sidewalk in front of my local Toys R Us would be covered in blood trails from
kids leaving the store empty handed.
Remember, every account we're reading about Sherri's horrible appearance, voice, scars,
bruises - they're all from KP. No pictures, no interviews, no video. They're all secondhand
accounts. All KP has to do is keep SP away from the press and cameras, and he's completely
free to dominate and control the narrative with whatever he wants to keep rags like People
and E! interested in the story. This also helps him to continue covering his ass by
perpetuating the kidnapping / torture hoax.
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[-] Pcm1726 2 points 4 months ago

If she had a history of bulemia or an eating disorder, blood could be coughed up, but it
wouldn't be pure blood (like when you cut yourself). That's the only slightly valid

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conclusion I can come to. However, the blood usually appears after you've thrown up.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

You're right on the money.

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

And anyone who innocently says 'something does make sense' is a heartless Ahole...
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Of course! That's what professional victims need.

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] DoesNotDisappoint 6 points 4 months ago

Others have brought this up, and don't believe it's possible.
I completely lost my voice once from screaming at a football game in high school. All of a
sudden, I just had no voice in my higher register. No blood. No coughing. There was some
tightness and eventual coughing the next day, but that was after the damage I did set in -
no different from working out too hard and being stiff a day or two later.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

The scabs were from the brand and that was interesting to me as well, he never says he saw
the scabs, he said he felt them forming, how bad is this brand gonna be?
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[-] SkeptiCynical 6 points 4 months ago

I'm gonna say those scars are going to be REAL shallow, IF they exist at all.
Think about this. If these were gang markings or burns intended to be permanent, they
would be deep as hell. And if they weren't still bleeding or oozing, they would probably be
infected. And therefore covered in bandages and ointment (SP did go to a hospital for
treatment, right??). And so these "scabs" wouldn't exactly exposed for KP to inspect
and "run his fingers across".
On the other hand, if they were inflicted to make it look like she was branded they would
be shallow and mostly healed by now.
Source: have had many, many cuts and burns.
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[-] chrissycakes8726 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah thats true. And imagine if she were held in a dirty grungy place with open cuts
and sores, imagine all the infections. Again, another reason for a lengthy hospital
stay, which did not happen.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

You my skeptic friend are a genius, I doth my cap to you.

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You took 1 sentence and dissected it beautifully.

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] [deleted] 5 points 4 months ago

Could it be possible that they have more to do with this whole thing than we think?
IMO, this is the ultimate conspiracy. A group of fame and money whores seeking out....fame
and money.
I also have thrown around the theory that local LE have ties to the cult thus their
reluctance to truly investigate this case. I believe they hope it just disappears and people
forget about it.
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[-] geckogoose89 3 points 4 months ago

In that case, lets bring in the FBI.

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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

I did not realize I even owned a tin foil hat until this story came along, but I am right
there with you: how much does Bethel control Redding and are they "in" with the LE, the
way Scientology runs Clearwater?
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Sbplaint 3 points 4 months ago

Has the fact that U's name is associated with the reported sighting at the eyebrow threading
shop already been discussed?
2016.pdf?sfvrsn=2 (page 3)
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] r_barchetta 9 points 4 months ago

So Sad This proves that CG's part in this hoax worked the way he wanted it to. I feel so
sorry for the Smart family.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Will he get an anonymous donor for them too, or do they have to scrape together the
ransom themselves?
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 6 points 4 months ago

I'm concerned that if he tries the reverse ransom tactic on this one too that it could actually
trigger kidnappings for people wanting money.
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[-] whinecube 3 points 4 months ago

A lot of things this grifter does concerns me. He holds himself out to be an expert when,
as far as I can tell, his bio is completely fabricated. It is really scary that someone's life
could be in this douchebag's hands.
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 4 months ago

My opinion is that we save more lives by not paying ransom than we will by paying them
as a society, I completely understand this perspective is irrelevant to families, which is
why we need laws stopping this dangerous asshat from paying criminals off
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[-] RudineHoward 7 points 4 months ago

I think Stacey wasn't kidnapped, she is dead already (suicide or killed by her bf). I hope
her family don't spend a dime on this guy, his 'expertise' won't be useful in this case
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[-] Meliemel16 7 points 4 months ago

You mean real kidnappers?

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Lo lz
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 4 months ago

I caught this in the news this morning too! Thanks for posting it!
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 9 points 4 months ago

Keith's interview continues to bother me, and I keep trying to put it in perspective. If all of this
is true, he's going through emotions for events that are very unusual. There's probably an
element of shock that's masking/warping his "normal" emotions. Also, I kind of get the
impression Keith is kind of awkward to begin with. I'm not sure he's very intelligent emotionally
or cognitively. So, some of the details I find confusing and unnecessary (or even suspect) may
just be his lack of social skills and common sense.
One of the points from the 20/20 interview that has bothered me is him saying that when she
was dumped, she ran to a house but it didn't look very inviting.
He doesn't say that it was empty or nobody answered - just that Sherri said it was uninviting.
20/20 shows a house in the footage during this part of the interview. Then they show the
building that she ran to next that was locked.
Maybe this has already been done, but I set out to find the building she went to.
It looks like Kingdom Hall of Jehova's Witnesses in Yolo at 15 and CR17.
I haven't spent enough time driving around on the Google map to find the house they pictured,
but there is a block of houses right by the church. They aren't the best houses, but to me it
doesn't look dangerous, just rural. I'm not sure I'd worry about "uninviting" after just going
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through her ordeal. I'd probably knock on any one of those doors and/or scream out in the
I set out to see what the "uninviting" house looked like and how far it was from the other
building. I haven't yet succeeded, but it's still interesting to me and maybe to others.
So many weird things in Keith's retelling of events. In the same area of the interview Keith says
he thinks he was shaving when the phone rang to tell him she'd been found. Thinks? I feel like
this should be burned in memory. And what time was he called? Is it strange he was shaving so
early on Thanksgiving morning? Ergh, maybe not. I wouldn't be sleeping at all if I were him . . .
It's all so weird.
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[-] reginafalangy111 2 points 4 months ago

You know, this makes me call bs even more! When Amanda Berry was able to get an once of
freedom after all those years..she tried to open the front door and realized she couldn't do it
on her own....she pleaded for help from whoever would hear her. Didn't care she wasn't in
the best neighborhood! The man who called 911 and helped open that front door is a hero!
With that being said, if you were just set free after not knowing if you were going to live or
die or was severely beat up for 22 days wouldn't you be so desperate that you would still
try to see if you can get help from any house, building or person?
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

I do not know anything about these two except the headline claims, if they are frauds or
something I apologize
Body Language Analysis
Retired FBI Profiler
Let me know if the links don't work
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[-] sodasez 2 points 4 months ago

I think the body language blog raises an excellent point about the kids' involvement in all
of this. KP is so hyper focused on SP's disappearance (which mostly translates into his
own feelings and emotions regarding the ordeal anyway), but initially there were 3
missing people including his two babies and their mother - his entire precious family! I
know the kids were found safe and sound early on, but he doesn't once address his
relief, or any emotions whatsoever having to do with the kids being safe. They almost
seem like the side story in this whole thing.
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 2 points 4 months ago

I think both Pat Brown and Lillian Glass like the media too much, but I don't think they
are outright frauds. I think they are kind of armchair quarterbacks of the psychology
community. (Probably a bad analogy, but the best my brain can do right now.) In other
opinions I've read by either, they like attention a little too much and tend to border on
diagnosing (or implying definitive proof) than they should based on the info they have
access too.
That said, still really interesting and relevant. Going in to read both articles. I just gave a
quick skim at lunch.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

I superficially agree (my limited knowledge being the superficial portion) and kinda
suspected it with a blog, yet the brown one seemed a bit more legit and qualified,
while the glass one seemed informed, yet exploitative at its core.
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 2 points 4 months ago

I think your insight into both is what their professional peer community would say
also. Both are interesting. Glass does seem very exploitative and some of it
probably falls under junk science, but her blog post was very thorough and
interesting. She really did hit upon nearly all of the big points of "weirdness" in his
I'm fascinated by body language and word choices as indicators of deception or
even just personality. There was a guy on facebook and with a blog that claimed
to be making a movie about court corruption. He was completely unqualified to
make a movie, yet he had tens of thousands of people following him on facebook
and was able to get 1000 or so people to fawn over him and film footage for his
movie. I followed his facebook page for years because he was just an interesting
case study to me, but I feel bad for all the people that put faith in him. After 4
years, he's never finished the movie and basically admitted failure. During the
course of it he sued a whole bunch of people. I have no doubt in my head the guy
is a total narcissist. It's fascinating to watch the way their brains work, and the
way they story tell and lie about even the dumbest things yet they don't realize
how transparent they are to people who see past the charming facade. I would
have loved to have had an expert pick apart his word choices, mannerisms, and
even distinctive handwriting. His stupid movie would have been the most boring
thing on the planet, but a documentary filming him film a documentary would
have been amazing. Meltdowns from being called out would be priceless.
I wish somebody could push KP into a meltdown where he lashed out and showed
his true self.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

How the eff did I miss this? She made a rag baby?
"15. Makeshift Violet. And speaking of Violet, way too much information was being
revealed when Keith relayed that Sherri rolled up a rag or some cloth when she was
allegedly in captivity and cradled it and called it Violet. To me that sounds indicative of a
psychotic breakdown or perhaps is it something he or she made up? Who knows what
really happened?"
Please hold while I find an appropriate gif
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I await on pins and needles.

Better get another gif ready
She also mimicked tucking in her kids each night too, yet she was spirited and

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unbroken, negotiating her own release as /u/antsinmykeyboard put it, all while on the
outside CG negotiated her release, so many effing Hero's
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Oddly enough I wasn't able to find a gif of a whack job rocking a rag baby. I'll
have to go with this:
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 2 points 4 months ago

Did you ever see the soap opera Passions? (circa 2000ish) I feel like they are
writing their own episodes.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

I had no clue what to expect, it was hilarious, perfect marriage of gif to topic.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

Sweet find! I hadn't seen the body language blog before.

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[-] chrissycakes8726 10 points 4 months ago

How convenient that she didnt go up to someones house. Going to a door would have
allowed someone to get a really good look at her and her injuries and everything else. In a
fake kidnapping, being spotted by someone on a highway who passed you at 50+ miles is
the perfect ending, most motorists on the highway at 4 in the morning are not going to be
able to get a good hard look at someone on the side of the road, like say, someone who
opened their door to you and are face to face with you with good lighting. And would be able
to get a much better description of you. And whos to say that the woman who spotted her
and called 911 isnt in on this whole thing too? I mean, i find it a bit odd that so few people
actually saw her after she was found. The lady who spotted her on the road just called 911,
but didnt drive back to get a better look or try to help her out?? How convenient, people
could always say well, she was a woman driving alone at 4 in the morning, she was scared to
go back. And im sure hospital staff and others in the hospital didnt get a good look at her
seeing as how she was rushed in and rushed right out, even after the ordeal she went
through. Then her and family conveniently start driving around a different car then skip town
altogether. And i could be wrong on this, but with most other kidnapping cases, even high
profile ones they usually share pics and what not with the public within the first couple weeks
of the victim returning. Like, look at Elizabeth Smart they showed pics of her leaving the
police station with her family a few hours after being found. Why not any pics of Sherri
Papini? I mean its not like her "kidnappers" dont know shes back with her family, the shits
been all over the news/internet.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

IMO the woman who called 911 did the right thing. She was travelling on a dark freeway
and could not stop safely in time, and had her daughter in the car. So she continued to a
lighted place where she could safely pull over and called 911. That is exactly what

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highway patrol would have wanted her to do.

The house in question must have been really "uninviting" to make her prefer stumbling
around in the freezing dark. Did it have a "Hail Satan" sign on the door?
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[-] chrissycakes8726 1 point 4 months ago

Yes, but who is the woman who called? Im sure others are just as curious as i am to
know a little more about her. Why hasnt she been interviewed? The news almost
always gets an interview from the person who found the missing person. Why isnt
there one from her? More reason for people to come up with conspiracy theories and
think that all involved here were somehow involved in the whole hoax.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago*

Her name was released and she spoke with a reporter. I don't have the link handy
right now but can look later.
ETA: Her name is Alison Sutton and she spoke with PEOPLE Magazine
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 1 point 4 months ago

I think this is what I saw:
it's a few very limited comments from the woman who called
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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 1 point 4 months ago

I thought I saw a little news bit including the woman who called. Did I make that
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

She is probably scared, and rightfully so, that they gonna come after her if she
shows her face, these Mexican, cult, cartel, random sex trafficking, chica's
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[-] Sam5377 10 points 4 months ago

One of the points from the 20/20 interview that has bothered me is him saying that when
she was dumped, she ran to a house but it didn't look very inviting.
This really stuck out at me too, isn't the victim terrified that the abductors will come back?
so like literally anything, the closest thing, is all there is, no asking if the are handing out
Halloween candy, just fucking screaming and pounding on doors. And chain tucking in the
dark gtfo, such poor story telling.
Maybe they had a loud dog, urn so what, the victim was just severely tortured for weeks, on
death's door weight wise (There are limits to how much can be lost in a week assuming living
levels of hydration were maintained, their narrative has her at that limit, outside of busting
rocks on a chain gang). So on death;s door is not an necessarily an exaggeration if we
believe their facts.

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A 100Lb woman in a basement probs doesn't burn more than 1,500 calories a day even with
the stress boost, so probs 3 a pound loss each week with zero food, add in survivable
dehydration that does not require a day in the hospital if you want and maybe some
crackers, and all of this is only if you believe their starting weight, which is not quite as
relevant unless they are using the same scale, in terms of measuring change, not precise
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[-] [deleted] 14 points 4 months ago

The reason his interview bothers you and many others is because it is all an ACT. It is not
normal reaction because its not a true reaction because it is all an ACT.
People should see this and stop trying to 'figure out' why KP said/behaved this way or that
He is acting and trying to cover up the hoax he is a part of.
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.. _ [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

ETA....didnt mean to sound snarky...need emojis here ;)

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[-] DoesNotDisappoint 5 points 4 months ago

Ha, no, I get what you are saying, and I agree. There are so many things about his
interview that point to it being a fabrication. So many. And I'm very skeptical. This
one point is just that it's beyond stupid that anybody would be held captive for 3
weeks to be released right near homes and decide they basically looked too sketchy
to approach for help. It just doesn't add up. So I wanted to see the area myself.
I've read a few pages of comments on Web Sleuths and the idiots buying into the
story over there are complete morons. However, our opposing opinions aren't 100%
informed about true details that people investigating would know.
I'm in a totally unrelated profession, but I do hold a psychology major. And, I worked
during college in an experimental lab where we studied people's expressions in
relation to witness recall, lying, and self monitoring. Even though that work is dated, I
still feel I have a good grasp on it, and I trust my instincts. There are red flags all
over the place. Sadly no reputable person in the field will probably weigh in on Keith's
interview. If they do, it'd be without their name and background because it's not
exactly science when it's just based on an edited interview.
Personally, I think the fact checking and pointing out of strange things within the
interview is interesting. Again, we don't know all the details, and I'd hope that the
professionals investigating see all the red flags. I'd think they do. If I were they, I
would publicly say that I thought the Papini's were telling the truth too. It's the best
way to get cooperation and catch them in lies.
I feel the same way about Keith's interviews and actions during her time missing as I
do about the Ramsey's behavior 20 years ago. Very very odd. Although I really think
that Keith is probably very odd and has no social skills. People have thrown around
narcissistic, and I don't know if that's true. But, narcissists do have ways of telling
stories in very grandiose manners that sound very normal to them but very strange
to an audience. I just feel like if I talked to him about anything in the world, I wouldn't

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like him and would think he was a tool.

Wow, I talk too much.
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"va 6 points 4 months ago

I like this board:

Snippets of everything in one place.
Please delete if repost... not sure I saw it in the 50,000 threads. :)
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 4 months ago

Interesting site! Im going to have to check it out! It looks like a reddit/pinterest hybrid!
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] mxrxqueen 13 points 4 months ago

Don't know if this was posted yet, this thread is huge! I just thought this whole write up was
interesting. https ://malkecrirnenotes .wo rd p ress .co m/2016/12/07/s herri- papin i- kid nap-was-a-
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[-] mrssailorwife 2 points 4 months ago

Great find! Extremely interesting and goes along with videos another commenter posted on
Embedded Confessions. I'm going to have to do more research on this topic. Thanks for
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[-] RudineHoward 4 points 4 months ago

I don't believe in child abuse but I wonder if maybe he calls Violet "her daughter" instead of
"my daughter/our daughter" because Sherri cheated on him and he is not the father?
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[-] mxrxqueen 2 points 4 months ago

I was thinking about that too! That seems more likely .

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[-] moondance472 12 points 4 months ago

"Keith Papini: It rung, I think, I was shaving at the time so I cannot look at and didn't
recognise the number."
This part just does not make sense to me. His wife had been kidnapped and his phone rings,
yet he does not pick it up because he was shaving?
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5 points 4 months ago

Especially at that hour. I would feel like anyone calling in the middle of the night would be
calling with something urgent
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

That is such a b.s. part to his story. His wife is missing and yet he does not answer the

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phone, either because his hands are busy shaving or he did not recognize the number. I
have been in situations where we were urgently awaiting news of a loved one. Not a
kidnapping, but still. We had the phones charged and glued to us at all times, and even
answered unknown numbers just in case. Even when taking a shower I had the phone
right outside the shower so if it rang I could reach out and grab it.
He had three weeks to get a story together and this is what he comes up with???
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[-] cmc8290 11 points 4 months ago

so he couldn't look at the phone or he didn't recognize the number? Which one is it,
Keithy boy?
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[-] anxshush 1 point 4 months ago

If I remember correctly, he justified it by saying that he got to his phone right at the
last ring- not in time to answer it but time to see the number on the screen.
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[-] cmc8290 1 point 4 months ago

That makes sense I guess... except if my wife was missing I'd probably walk
around with my phone glued to my damn hand lol
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[-] anxshush 1 point 4 months ago

I agree! Matt Gutman set him up for that cop-out by prefacing it with saying
something like his phone had been ringing non-stop the entire time she was
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[-] Tori68 9 points 4 months ago

That's very shady.

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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

You would think you would glue your phone onto you at that point.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

I am not discussing abuse of the kids with anyone, not judging, just acknowledging that I do
not have the training the author might have.
Again I am not knocking you for posting it, you made the right choice if my opinion matters
I will say, when KP said he was shaving, it brought to mind a point Peter Hyatt with
statement analysis' makes, that bathroom behaviors, in the context they are introduced in a
narrative, represent abuse.
The bathroom is a safe place, we can go in, maybe lock the door, we all do it, yet we do not
commonly introduce it into conversations. I understand we can look at these statements
from different angles and none are proof of anything, yet they are pieces of a profile and do
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deserve being analyzed.

Sadly Hyatt has not done a write up on the SP case, it must take a lot of time to do and as
tragic as every crime can potentially be, he cannot be expected to be analyzing each one, but
I can dream.
The subject cannot be covered in a single post and is worth studying, especially in how it
applies to this case.
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[-] mxrxqueen 3 points 4 months ago

I don't necessarily agree with the article but I found it interesting because it's an angle I,
myself, haven't really seen brought up in this yet. I like how the author dissected certain
statements. As much as I feel things don't add up in this kidnapping I never thought
those children were in harms way. If so, that is completely horrific and disgusting. The
thing I find odd is referring to the daughter as "her" daughter. Not saying it has anything
to do with abuse, I just find it odd.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago
At the 15:20 mark he discusses why people might talk about bathroom habits,
somewhere in these 3 interviews he discusses doors too.
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[-] mxrxqueen 2 points 4 months ago

I stopped watching for a second to come back here and say what a great find!!! I
would give you a star if I could :) The whole hygiene aspect is super interesting to
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

It's like crack to me.

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[-] mxrxqueen 2 points 4 months ago

Totally get that! I'm that way with serial killers and unsolved mysteries. I
want to know all facts and as much info as I can possibly get my hands on
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Okay now I feel less creepy or obsessed, lol, what makes a human
being do this stuff, fascinates me, maybe it's cause I am just a boring
olo guy myself.
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[-] mxrxqueen 1 point 4 months ago

Yes!!! The fact that certain people take great pleasure in

committing acts "normal" people would never bring themselves to
do. The psychology behind it is extremely fascinating! Ted Bundy is
my absolute favorite to study. He is definitely a unique and
different breed. With Sherri, if this is all a hoax and she actually
harmed herself like a lot of people are thinking, that's a whole
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different notch of crazy that needs to be brought to light. But like

you said, it's probably cause I'm just a normal boring girl myself :)
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

We all disect speech everyday, it's a legit skill, just imagine what the level of
understanding and accuracy one gets with guided training and person who studied
amateurly I can not refute any of the claims, which again are not like gavel pounding
evidence, but more like profile building amassing evidence if you will, that shit with
doors opening and closing, is the text book example for sex abuse.
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[-] _knoxed 4 points 4 months ago*

Interesting read. I'll have to do some research on the language of sexual abusers/abused
(re: doors).
Edit: cannot find anything that seems to resemble the author's claim about the language of
abusers. No option to comment anonymously on the site, although the author lists an email.
Might reach out when not on mobile.
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[-] jessica_bunny 3 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I was trying to do some goole-fu on this aspect and I cant find anything that says
that. However the terms I am using keep bringing up articles, and research around
"abuse behind closed doors" and I am unable to distinguish "doors" as a speech pattern
vs "closed doors" as in nobody knows it happening.
Let me know if you find anything. The author refers to it a lot but I have never heard
that before.
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[-] _knoxed 2 points 4 months ago

No luck. And I searched EVERYTHING. Haha, I'm probably on some watch lists now.
There's an email address on the site and I might reach out via email to ask for
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[-] mxrxqueen 2 points 4 months ago

Yes! I kept coming up with the same results. I tried searching all kinds of different
ways to make a connection with the doors and abuse. Most results were exactly what
you found. No exact distinct connection between it. Mostly things just saying children
are talked to about it behind closed doors.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] Meliemel16 8 points 4 months ago

Wedding pics, not sure if you all saw these. The website was new for me.
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3 points 4 months ago

Does she have her nose pierced? I never noticed that before.
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 4 months ago

her photobucket (if I'm remembering the name correctly) account is even more revealing...
seemingly intimate/cozy photos with a handful of men other than KP, so guessing many of
the photos were 'between marriages' (although, elsewhere, another Poster shared that SP
and KP registered a business together while she was still married to her first husband). lots
and lots of photos publicly abound with SP, SP, SP, SP, SP and SP/KP. (and most Iveryposed
and appear to be professional shots).. but relatively far fewer with or of their children, which
is also interesting. most parents have the camera far more focused upon their kids...
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[-] snidece 6 points 4 months ago

That's helluva collection of photos. Anyone seen the show "Scream Queens?" The poses
made me think this is how a Chanel and Chad Radwell wedding would have been portrayed.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

so true, a parody
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[-] Thinkles 5 points 4 months ago

It's been posted before, but I'm sure there are people who didn't yet see them who will
appreciate the link.
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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

Great find! Would love to find/hear from those bridesmaids and whatever the guys are
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

haahahha that's right thanks. see that's why i love most of you. :)
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[-] chort1313 5 points 4 months ago

When that link was first posted I had the same thoughts. I could track down a couple of
the bridesmaids... but none of the guys. I'm sure one is KP's bro. The bridesmaids I
tracked down are related to Sherri and are all "It's not a hoax!" Now, I could probably do
more sleuthing if I had more time...
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


5 points 4 months ago

Huh, if you sort the thread by "controversial," you can more easily see which posts are gathering

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all the down-votes (i.e., likely "getting to them," as /u/HoneyBeeBzz says).

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[-] NectarCollecting 6 points 4 months ago

Noticing a few new accounts complaining now too. Which is silly. If they dont like this old
thread, they can go somewhere else?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

I questioned some odd downvotes yesterday. I hope it did not come off as complaining
about this thread. I just did not understand why some comments were being downvoted
when they were not snide or disruptive in any way.
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-1 welovehel.? 6 points 4 months ago

Might we suggest WS? ii II II

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r-] NectarCollectinf 1 pointt 4 months ago*

I love WS and have been there since at least Laci/Scott Peterson days. Depending on
what Im obsessing over, i might just pop in and view some threads, or I may
obsessively compusively refresh.... I know some people disagree with certain things,
but over all I think she maintains a well run site, and I enjoy the community. I know
people come and go and they have occassional drama, but it's been around for a long
time, and I think that is because the owner is active and the volunteers love the
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

You obviously have not read the history of Tricia. Its out there. She is a mentally
ill woman who operates her site like a nazi camp.
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[-] weloveheidi 5 points 4 months ago*

I agree - I've been there since the Rebecca Zahau case.

WS is a useful place to information gather (within strict parameters) and be
supportive. It's more of a support group, which is definitely where many
folks want to be. It is not the place to bring up possible secondary gain
(fame/fortune) or to question people's intent or motives.
Reddit is more like an interpersonal group, where people are expected to call
each other out, to challenge one another, and to question ideas and
motives - there's more risk and vulnerability, and it's not as safe b/c it's not
strictly victim-support-oriented. But this is good too, though definitely not
the place for people only seeking a safe space devoid of questioning or
challenges. There's a deeper reward to be had here, but it's work.
I will say that posters there seem to fear the mods and upsetting one
another a lot more than over here. It does keep a lot of negativity in check,
but there's an understandable bit of eggshell-walking.
(I don't have to add JMO, IMHO, MOO or risk being yelled at, here on reddit)
But again, there are uses for both strictly supportive groups vs. more
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interpersonal dynamic groups, and there are people who are more
comfortable in one vs. the other. There are people who would rather be in a
strictly safe and supportive environment without questioning of all possible
people involved - this is a valid thing to want - and that is to be found over
at WS.
(support-seeking = WS; unvarnished truth-seeking = reddit)

. edited for formatting

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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 4 months ago*

Not only that, but reddit is endless communities, and after you accumulate
enough karma you can make your own, about whatever you want. There are
some really gross ones, some very very nsfw ones, and ones that are very
serious / discussion based. It can take a very long time before you find a
handful of neighborhoods you like here. You can just change the url up top to
/r/---typesonethinghere and it probably exists. /r/makeupaddiction is fun
/r/beards is fun./r/rbi can be interesting sometimes, but it mostly seems to br
pranks and people needing help figuring out a license plate.
...and I just realized you aren't new here lol. Sorry, my bad! I've been here for
around 9 years but I always delete my accounts.
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[-] weloveheidi 2 points 4 months ago

lois, no offense taken. I generally lurk, hoping to find someone else has
already posted what I wanted to say, but got impatient about this case
and came out of hiding. you're right, of course, about the endless
communities. (i do like /r/makeupaddiction! didn't know about /r/rbi - will
have to investigate)
I think I'm rather enamored with the overall/underlying dynamics of this
particular thread, as it drew me out of lurkdom.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 0 pointst 4 months ago*

I wasn't there when Sherri was kidnapped, so I will fully admit I know very little other than what I
think I know. But because I am concerned Sherri could be lying and Bosenko doesn't have the
balls to call Sherri out in the public spotlight without being 1000% certain, all I think I know
about the case could be lies. Perhaps tomorrow based on some work gossip about Sherri's
dating app profiles i will be convinced she ran off with her ex-lover who was released from prison
only weeks before her disappearance. Maybe she sold her panties online to get rid of any
evidence of her cheating.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] curious_geeorg 12 points 4 months ago

Don't think LE reticence is about "having balls". It comes down to responsibility to be certain
-- which includes slander and libel. While it's horrible for any community - especially one that

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threw itself into searching and praying for SP - to remain 'in the dark', without answers or
swift resolution... often LE has to just hang back, allowing enough rope to slip, however
slowly, until the 'hanging' is self-inflicted. Rarely does the Truth not surface in something like
this... and while a month may seem like eternity to the folks of Redding, it's really only a
matter of time before the pieces will fall together and the Truth will reveal itself. Be patient.,
Pudding.. and in the interim, vigilant with your eyes, ears and sixth sense.
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[-] sbammons 4 points 4 months ago

an intelligent and charismatic investigator could trick her, catch her in a lie. focus on the
discription of the places she was taken to, what they did, what she saw, what she heard,
what she smelled. ....keep pecking at her and YOU WILL expose her lies just like with the
other hoaxers in history.
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

there is a significant difference between 'intelligent' and 'cunning'. certainly CG is far

more the latter than former... and if he found a 'partner in crime', so to speak, in
SP... then there's just no way that, over time, the Truth won't out itself. and if she
did this for the attention as much as a shot at financial gain -- she won't be able to
stop milking it... and again, as shamans suggests, she'll trip herself up and the Truth
will come out. just can't get past the fact that she bragged about being so strong
and such a cat-fighter that "it took 3 grown men to pull her off" a Latina she brutally
assaulted... but somehow she didn't put up even enough of a fight against two
Latinas to render better identifiers, or leave signs of a struggle or DNA at the point of
capture? just can't find ANY credibility right there.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Let me play devils advocate, chirp chirp

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[-] Pudding Volcano 1 point 4 months ago

Post-truth: relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in
shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief",
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[-] Sam5377 17 points 4 months ago

Objective facts LMFAO!!!!

Sherri goes missing
Sherri is Found
Thick/Thin Eybrows
Black curly hair/straight greyish hair
Dark colored SUV, too vague to describe, yet Sherri can guarantee it was none of the
dark colored SUV's the Sheriff Showed her
Please add any objective facts I missed.
I understand this is tough on you, you have seemed to mostly be against the hoax theory, I
get it, I do not "wish" it were a Hoax, nor do you "wish" she were abducted, both you and I

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are viewing the case through our own perspective lenses.

Yet this is your town, and you met them and thought Keith was cute and Sherri was nice.
You may be trying to be objective and/or you are possibly influenced by your dealings with
them and the perceptions that you formed as a result, who knows. Perhaps you just are a
nice human being that likes to see the best in people until after the gavel falls, yet I choose a
different path.
Maybe the gavel falls and I still think BS, or maybe the trial hasn't started and I try to make
sense of the evidence, including why the public does not get the facts on a threat in their
community. Did you read Tera Smith's parents when they said they regretted not being
more proactive, instead setting back trusting the authorities (I wish we could do that, we are
taught to do that), and if they could do it over again it would be different.
In my opinion individuals must apply critical thinking to the news they read and call bull shit
when they are being spoon fed it. Every night you post anti-hoax stuff, mostly just
condemning people who think the evidence doesn't add up. Meh, shrug, go for it, I'll think
what i want about that too. You seem smart and kind and I have legit enjoyed chatting with
you, but this soap box preaching you do is certainly not based on any objective facts, but
on your emotions.
(edited in the word could)
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[-] [deleted] 8 points 4 months ago

We are not yet at "post truth", the facts have been presented in a way that generates
doubt and conjecture. It would offend only those who have something to lose in
believing some facts are more relevant than others (confirmation bias). I have yet to read
anything that is asking me to overlook the facts while speculating it is a hoax. You are
asking the skeptical to remain objective about something that is being (and should be)
investigated. I think it is stunt and I think that anyone who thinks differently is wrong
which is why I am on this thread...
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 4 points 4 months ago

Well there is a lot to read in this thread. Feel free to double-check if you don't mind
me passing the burden of proof, cause I'm about to Netflix and chill.
I am aware that thinking it's a stunt is what all brought us to this specific reddit
thread, but it has extrapolated into a variety of discussions and debates, this being
one of them. You think something; therefore, you think anyone who thinks
something different is wrong. I follow the logic, but it leaves zero room for actual
Honest to gawd, my aunt told me on Thanksgiving, 'People who don't celebrate
Christmas should leave the country'. When I strongly challenged her logic, she
rebuttled that she was entitled to her opinion. When I asked why she was entitled to
her opinion about xmas but people who disnt celebrate xmas werent, she replied,
'because this is America, we celebrate xmas'.
This is the 'Sherri's is lying' reddit thread. If you don't think she's lying, you should
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[deleted] 9 points 4 months ago

If you don't think she is lying, you should offer us some valid reasons why
because, well, yes, we are the naysayers who have given the OP reddit gold.
You gained some points with me for your stance on Christmas but I can't give
them out here for the sake of pertinence.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 2 points 4 months ago

I posted my theory.
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[-] [deleted] 8 points 4 months ago

No, you didn't. You elaborated on your stance. Again. You are not
opening eyes or changing minds here, you are offering a variety of MSM's
version to the least receptive audience in the whole world.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

No he isn't and he is wishy washy, like in his heart wants to believe,

but his brain is not fully cooperating. It's been like that from the start,
I feel for him, but am tired of all the off topic comments.
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

Once again you pass moral judgement on the room, under the guise of having a
different opinion, I cannot ever remember you discussing your theory, or entering
into the debate you intimate most people here are avoiding.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 1 point 4 months ago*

I haven't passed any more moral judgment on anyone participating in this

thread anymore than anyone participating in this thread has passed moral
judgement on people they dont know involved in a case we still dont know a
lot about. I realize I have exprapolated this conversation into a debate about
post-truths, which was not my intention.
You are correct that I haven't elaborated on my personal theory. I don't mean
to dissent others theories based on any morality or what my personal
thoughts are. For the most part, I've wanted to give my insight about
Redding's history, what the community is like and, what it's like for this case
to be in my home town.
Tbh the working theories in my head seem so farfetch'd, I imagine the truth
just has to be different somehow. I will offer up my theory in a post here
shortly if it helps.
I feel like I don't address every point people make on my replies, but I hope it
comes across that I do take what folks have into consideration. I realize I can
be sarcastic or a little like a soap-box.. but I mean little to no offense lol.
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[-] Sam5377 9 points 4 months ago

Stop hijacking the thread and get some sleep.

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[-] Pudding Volcano 3 points 4 months ago

0 I believe plenty of folks are using objective facts and concluding that Sherri is lying. I'm
fine with that. But I think plenty of people are NOT being objective and the thread loses
plenty of credible allowing that to go unchecked. It also loses credibility denying any
speculation or theory based on the same facts you just listed if the conclusion is Sherri is
I can't deny there being an emotional response when I relate the Papini case to life in
Redding or my experience with the Williams brothers. If soap-box preaching is the result
of my attempt to throw in some rebuttles and alternative reasoning with the general
trend of this thread.. then I must confess I wasn't confident my posts would be well
received nor would I say they were well executed lol.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] lottiehelen 7 points 4 months ago

Actually, only two of those are objective facts: 1. SP went missing 2. SP was found
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Perhaps not even those depending on the cause, and the people involved...
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[-] AnonSolo 6 points 4 months ago

Here's someone that heard SP's story and empathized because she actually was abducted,
beaten, and nearly raped and killed while running alone one morning on the fairly busy
Honoapiilani highway on Maui, south of Kaanapali. There's a number of differences between the
two situations, which in and of themselves don't discredit the SP case, but certainly are worth
bringing up.
For example, consider the way the crime was carried out on Maui. It was early morning, slightly
dark and completely random. The attacker made no hesitation and wasted no time getting to the
beat down to subdue her. Arguably, his motives and persona are probably completely different
(probably a race-based incident by a homeless individual) from the SP case, but he began the
abduction with a near-deadly attempt to subdue.
If SP had resisted the original abduction in any way, it seems likely the same thing would've
happened to her. Yet, I thought that KP describes SP's wounds like they were same-day fresh,
which didn't seem right to me. It's pretty rare to beat someone up as you're releasing them and
the 'fresh' wounds don't match being thrown from a vehicle. I don't know--we haven't seen any
pictures like the one this other Sheri shared--but it seems like the timing of any beatings is off
in this case.
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[-] sbammons 4 points 4 months ago

neither one understand basic bodily function. brown & yellow bruises ARE OLD. thats all it
means. it doesn't mean she was beaten repeatedly. it just means her injuries are old. and
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people don't "scream so much" they cough up blood. just two examples of them simply
making ugp stuff that sounded good at the time
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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 4 months ago

key word in your thoughtful post: "his". a very significant difference from SP's case.
believe KP described both 'old' and 'fresh' wounds.. bruises of 'rainbow' colours, ranging
from yellow (old) to purple (fresh). regardless, the entire scenario, as told by KP, is just way
beyond any 'norm'.
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[-] [deleted] 9 points 4 months ago

Sherri's FIL rod rodriguez the third used to own a car dealership in Redding but sold it. Probably
connection for KPs new truck. RR turned developer and owns restaurant that practically gives
away the food and also short sold a huge building bought by developer to turn it into Hilton
turtle bay, Redding. RRs company, rodco, also owns an aviation company in neighboring red
bluff- probably the private plane connection.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 3 points 4 months ago

I'm going to hop on the accused "crazy train" of Mr. Barker for just a moment here, as some
things caught my attention.
November 18th - going to the mail and seeing (potentially) KP looking through the mail and
seeming "deeply frustrated there was nothing in the mail of significance" - could this be around
the time he might be expecting that check for restitution pay out to arrive? His reaction sorting
through the mail, if true, is interesting at the time of missing spouse.
Additionally - per the links related to Mr. Barker - his dream did specify a blue vehicle, possibly a
pick up...which could also suggest possibly a SUV. One wonders, if this is something which
Sherri may have read before returning home and assigning the vehicle of her abduction? By not
specifying the car color exactly but only noting it was dark in color, it adds a hint of over
compensation to not be entirely specific. Yes, it would be odd if this entry on the internet played
a role in her picking the accused vehicle, but it may be something that was in her mind so she
opted to stick with it - and to not be entirely obvious, doesn't specify blue...only "dark".
Just some things which caught my eye reading through those posts.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 5 points 4 months ago*

Here in Redding, everyone seems to have a slightly different opinion than everyone else about
the Papini case, but they have an opinion about it none the less. Everyone here on Reddit, the
same. We live in a post-truth world, and I've noticed the consequences of that as the Papini
story unfolds right here in my hometown.
There is a great deal of information about almost all parties involved with Sherri's alleged
kidnapping, torture and return. Sherri, her husband, friends and family of the Papini family, the
negotiator, the private investigator, Sherrif Bosenko.. There's tons of info about all of them in
or linked throughout this whole Reddit thread. There's tons of theories based on speculation
and what we think are facts, but even what the police say is true is up for debate on this thread.
If the best criminal minds in the world were working the case, what information would they find
useful from this thread? What amount of that info would be admissable in court?

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Also as days pass, and we all grasp for the next clue or installment in the Papini story, would
anything new actually change the majority of people's minds? I have plenty of my own
suspicions, but how objective can a witch hunt actually be? It's difficult to find the truth if we
think the outcome is what we want it to be or want the outcome to be what we think it will.
The ideas that people are idiots for not assuming Sherri's guilt or that people are hateful for not
assuming Sherri's innocence are really emotional responses to the situation I think. If people's
fate was to be decided based on reddit threads and social media we'd all be in jail, and if people's
intelligence and moral compasses depended on what links they like and share.. we'd all have
elected Donald Trump as.. 0 shit.
I can see every reason why people are calling BS on this whole story. It stinks to high heaven.
The lack of information shouldn't imply lies and fabrication though, and it would be folly to come
to absolute conclusions based only parts of the equation. Not every line can be drawn. Not every
dot can be connected just because it's a dot.
Like the fact that the Papini's left town. You can respond to that sympathetically or accusatory,
but you don't need facts to come to a your emotional conclusion. Poor Sherri needs time to
heal, and get away from all the prying eyes of the media and internet trolls... or the Papini's are
trying to run from their guilt and shame Their taking the gofundme money and leaving their poor
dogs behind. First they force their kids to live without their mother for 3 weeks, thinking she's
gone forever and now they are breaking their kids hearts all over again by leaving their poor
dogs behind. I've heard people say both, it all sounds like post-truth nonsense.
I think what little we know about the case and what little the police have actually confirmed,
people who believe absolutely that it's all a hoax on Sherri's part have definitely lost all
objectivity. I think people who aren't demonizing every little thing the woman ever did, but still
not sure whether to believe she's telling the truth or not should hold onto their healthy
skepticism and critical thinking... but also remember the police have said they have no reason to
believe Sherri is lying or wasn't abducted. The level of torture she endured and the condition she
was released in has yet to fully been determined or at least released to the public by law
Whether you believe KP is guilty or innocent, it still stands to reason he would want to defend
his wife from millions of people accusing her of faking something that perhaps could have been
truly traumatic and totally real for Sherri whether we believe it or not. Yeah it all looks
suspicious, but people who have came to their own conclusions at this point, are thinking
emotionally in a post- truth world.
Cameron Gamble is a sleazeball. I've came to that conclusion for sure.
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[-] Starkville 11 points 4 months ago

What would it take for me to believe this was a real crime?

Physical evidence. DNA evidence from a location where she was held. Surveillance video.
Detailed confession from the abductors.
Maybe law enforcement has a bunch of information they can't tell us about. But what we've
been given by the police and the Papinis is alarmingly... nothing.
And when people try to sway my skepticism with emotional manipulation and not fact, it just
means there's deception.
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[-] antsinmykeyboard 1 point 4 months ago*

great post puddin'!

i was lurking and waiting for someone to post some more than pointing fingers at the Papini
family and others for concocting the abduction.
with that said...
after looking over all the evidence that has been revealed by the SO and LE i have been able
to make a few observances and lets start from the very beginning of the case/abduction:
SP's iPhone was on the side of the road 'neatly' placed almost looking staged.
has anyone ever thought that maybe, just maybe that SP was flagged down by her
abductors? and if so, she might have had her ear buds in her ears listening to music. and as
we all know, when someone calls our attention when we have earbuds in, our first reaction is
to pull them out.
for example (and i am using the 'what would i do' scenario in these situations): if i was
jogging down a road and someone pulled up and got my attention, my first reaction would
be to remove my earbuds. and if i was at a distance away from them and they were trying to
ask me a question, i would wrap the cord around the phone as i was walking up to the
vehicle. that is just me.
some have called out that SP was not able to ID the perps who abducted her.
has anyone ever thought that maybe, just maybe that if SP was summoned that the perps
had on big dark sun glasses? you know those big stylish ones that are in fashion these
days? and SP was not able to make out the faces and before she knew it she was forced to
get in the vehicle at gun point? forced to place a bag on her head and driven to the place she
was held?
past story about the white power website blog post and past behaviors.
has anyone here noticed that the blog posting was debunked by SP's previous husband as
being posted by someone else. also, since when do past behaviors of someone predict the
future of ones behaviors? people get older and mature, especially after having kids. at least
mine did, my whole priorities in life changed. i would not judge SP on her past behaviors
when she was a young adult.
everyone trying to poke holes in SP's discovery by motorist.
when you are driving at 65mph down the freeway, and you see someone on the side of the
road, it is just a flash and your brain can only process so much. this fact has been proven
many times in many circumstances. if you just get a glimpse of someone for a split second
you wont remember much. just some things that stand out.
moving from original home.
fuck that, if my wife was abducted a few miles from our house and was recovered a few
weeks later (no matter her condition). that is the first thing i would do, move the fuck away!
why? if you have to ask yourself that question, you are not human. i would move my family
to a different state, change our names and obtain an arsenal to protect my family. if anyone
here can say that they would not move as far away as possible from the area their loved
one(s) was abducted from, they are a bold faced liar in my honest opinion. especially in a
high profile case as this one. if i was unable or felt like not moving from the original home, i
would sure as hell make sure that i invested in heavy surveillance equipment and maybe have
other family move in to provide extra protection over each other. also, this would provide
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extra emotional support.

okay so now about the abuse SP took during the captivity.
all have been questioning this. why this? why what? i guess nobody remembers Kala Brown,
she was recovered after 60 days. although the recovery circumstances are different but still.
if this case was leaning towards sex trafficking, yeah i could understand the beatings,
branding and hair cutting. this would break SP down to subdue to anything the abductors
asked for. however, in my opinion, i believe that the abductors realized that they could not
break SP and that there was way too much publicity on SP's disappearance. therefore,
releasing her. be gone with this situation, and this also shows that the abductors at least
had some conscience not to kill SP. i am assuming that SP kept letting them know that she
has two young children and a family that loves her. maybe she bargained with them and let
them know that if they let her (SP) go that she would never ID them. think about that.
i know that what i have posted will get PLENTY of down votes and PLENTY of wtf are you
put yourself in this situation first, then start to come to conclusions. alos, who he hell are
WE to judge others?
let the rants come in i am waiting.
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[-] cbtraveling 3 points 4 months ago

Big Dark Sunglasses? no this theory does not work at all. Redding is more than 90%
white, if 2 "latinas"... pull up in a dark SUV on a rural path and they "both" have on big
dark sunglasses, this would for sure be alarming to a petite solo female jogger.
Plus this is a rural town and not a big city. SP would jog on this same path regularly and
would for sure see the same neighbors, same cars in the area all the time. it would totally
be alarming to see a different car than normal pulling up on this rural path and even
more alarming to see 2 women of hispanic background that she had never seen before.
And according to whats being said in the news SP was "very aware" and "very alert to her
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[-] Sam5377 11 points 4 months ago

has anyone ever thought that maybe, just maybe that if SP was summoned that the
perps had on big dark sun glasses?
Fine, then tell the public that...
the blog posting was debunked by SP's previous husband
1 persons claim is not debunking (how could he know), imo, media posing as
journalism in order to pay for a sweet interview does not get me all tingly either,
they didn't even explain how they, "vetted" the letter
when you are driving at 65mph down the freeway, and you see someone on the side
of the road, it is just a flash
fuck that, if my wife was abducted a few miles from our house and was recovered a
few weeks later (no matter her condition). that is the first thing i would do, move the
fuck away! why? if you have to ask yourself that question, you are not human. i

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would move my family to a different state, change our names and obtain an arsenal to
protect my family. if anyone here can say that they would not move as far away as
possible from the area their loved one(s) was abducted from, they are a bold faced
liar in my honest opinion.
Fair, albiet, severly emotional point. What did KP do 1st? He gave an interview in
their house, they used exterior pics of their house, sold pictures of his kids to the
media, all while he knows these crazy Latina chicks are still out there. Based on
your statement, I think KP's behavior would have you questioning him on this also.

okay so now about the abuse SP took during the captivity.
The absolute, horrific condition which her husband describes and no one else has
validated, would have many people insisting on a longer hospital stay, there have
been many eloquant posts on this, I am not going into it again.
all have been questioning this. why this? why what? i guess nobody remembers Kala
Brown, she was recovered after 60 days.
Is this the part where we just swap old camp fire stories? You cite real abductions,
I cite legit faked abductions. We accomplish what?
if this case was leaning towards sex trafficking, yeah i could understand the beatings,
branding and hair cutting.
Chop her hair? what kind of sex shop of horrors are you imagining. Beating your
sex slave in the face, every day for 22 days, breaking her nose, risking a lethal
infection with fire branding is not a great way to market your product, I assume
their used car dealership went bankrupt. Were they getting her ready by giving her
addictive drugs? Then we address the profile, a middle aged mom and wife.
Contrary to the scary story some people imagine (WS anyone) most in the sex
trade, in the US, are not abducted, and most are not someone who will be reported
missing, most are under 18 and they are tricked, lured and/or coerced, usually all 3.
These young people have no where to flee, at least that is how they feel. This is the
least likely of all scenarios imo.

They could not break SP
Physically? I refer to her nose. Emotionally? I agree, i read her skinheadz post, but
seriously, can you elaborate on the strength of her spirit as you imagine it...
The abductors at least had some conscience not to kill SP.
The Mexican sex trafficking cartel that forcibly abducted her and beat her in the face
for 22 days had a conscience? Are you Borat, Ashton Kutcher? Ever walk by a
homeless person screaming weird shit at you, like "I know you stole God!" Can you
imagine how insane I would look trying to make a reasonable arguement back? No,
they did not get a conscience and they were not afraid of the publicity, a dead body
may never be found and it certainly isn't picking my bushy grey eyebrows out of an
eyebrow lineup.
I am assuming that SP kept letting them know that she has two young children and a
family that loves her. maybe she bargained with them and let them know that if they
let her (SP) go that she would never ID them. think about that.
Pretty sure they knew she had kids from the 1 or 2 media stories, or from her
rocking a towel to sleep every night to stay sane, but I do agree about the whole

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promise not to talk thing, it can happen.

put yourself in this situation first, then start to come to conclusions.
You have done this part to well, you scared yourself, again, if its me (you asked me
to do this) my interviews will focus on catching the sub-human humans that did
this to my wife everyday for 22 days, the sub-human humans that are still roaming
free in every dark colored SUV I see, and not focus on the sub-reddit reddits that
refuse to be subservient to ignorance.
alos, who he hell are WE to judge others?
I haven't judged, I have done my best to analyze the limited evidence we have, I
think your use of 'judge' is a pre-rebuttal, so before I can type the response you
clearly want, I am already some cheap judgy mofo. The brilliant irony is that you are
judging people as judgy #Hypocrisy
i know that what i have posted will get PLENTY of down votes and PLENTY of wtf are
I you thinking
With this statement you have already predetermined how you will percieve
responses, so now I ask you, which of us has the closed mind.
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 4 months ago

This. Very well stated. Thank you!
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Adding my edit as to keep my original posting pristine, or until I drink a bottle of wine
and change it to tell y'all the story of the one time I scored the winning point in
dodge ball back in middle school.
The absolute, horrific condition which her husband describes and no one else has
validated (edit to add, in terms of severity), would have many people insisting on
a longer hospital stay, there have been many eloquant posts on this, I am not
going into it again.
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 4 months ago

This post is everything. El El El

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[-] fastereddy 12 points 4 months ago

The racist post she "made" has not been debunked by her ex husband or anyone else.
All the ex husband said was that it wasn't her, it was someone from her high school and
they don't know who. That is not debunking something. If anything, it's more of a
As far as the abuse, there is no confirmation of the severity of her injuries. What has
been confirmed however, is that Sherri spent a suspiciously short time in the ER, was
released, and is now relocated.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

If they don't know who wrote that Skindheadz entry, then how do they know it was

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someone from her high school?

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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

They don't. It's all deflection.

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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

Someone else here (this is a LONG thread so please forgive me for not going
back to find the post) was talking about Narcissism and said Keith sounds like
someone who is caught in the trap of trying to spin the narcissist's lies for
them to avoid the narcissist's wrath and hellfire. It made me wonder about
this "high school enemy" thing. That sounds like a lame excuse someone
would make to get them self off the hook when some nasty online activity is
uncovered. I wonder if this ex is also just caught in the enabler's trap of
repeating Sherri's lies?
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_ 2 points 4 months ago

Well that's a good point. We'll most likely never know. But there's enough
self evidence out there. I have based all of my perceptions on what is
100% verifiable evidence. Sherri's pictures, her husbands media
appearances, Gambles, etc. No matter the outcome, these are people I
wouldn't want in my life. That is something they and only they did to
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

I am postive I read an article that said the ex said 'he doubted she wrote it, it was
probably written by a high school enemy'.
Have you seen the sheriff's statement on this? I know how journalistic articles steal
from each other and the truth gets distorted. If I can I will try and track down the
one of the versions I read.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

I have not (to my recollection) seen the Sheriff make a definitive statement about
the blog post, one way or the other.
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[-] antsinmykeyboard -2 points 4 months ago

okay i understand your reply and respect your perspective.

however, if someone made similar claims against you, how would your or your family
and as far as the severity of her injuries. if the wounds were superficial, you know like
bruising and a few burns, what would deem a stay overnight in the hospital. oh i
know you are going to rebuttal with her being malnourished, well guess what; an IV
for a few hours and a regiment of liquids to re-hydrate the body is not unheard of.
and yes, i have had my nose broken, it was a simple trip to the ER and i was released
in a few hours.

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relocated, i am going to assume that you have never had anyone in your family
abducted. with that said, would YOU keep you family in the same house a few miles
away from the abduction point? if you would, i am assuming that you are heavily
armed and ready for business.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

Her husband said the burns were "severe" and that she was coughing up blood.
Not superficial bruising and burns. She also couldn't remember enough details of
what had just happened to her to answer LE's questions. Those three items,
along with emaciation and dehydration, are reasons to keep someone for
observation. Sorry to hear about your broken nose, but it is apples and oranges
to this situation.
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[-] antsinmykeyboard 1 point 4 months ago

i understand what SPs husband said in the interview.

"severe burns" - well he did not specify the severity of the burns. they are
categorized as either 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree. and we have no information as
to what they were categorized as by the medical staff.
coughing up blood - there are several severe causes that can cause one to
cough up blood. the most common is Bronchitis.
couldn't remember enough details - SPs trauma and mental state could
have led to the emotional responses given to LE during the initial Q&A.
emaciation and dehydration - surely the paramedics popped in an IV as
soon as they could while in transport. and once SP was at the hospital the
medical staff was able to assess the situation and deem SP fit to be released
or not.
the bottom line is that once the medical staff was done with the assessment
and deemed SP fit to go home then so be it. however, if the medical staff
advised that they would like to keep SP overnight for observation and SP
signed herself out on her own free will, one can do that as well, of course
against medical staff wishes.
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6 points 4 months ago

Stop telling everyone their response, its beyond fuckin ridiculous, all you can do is
superimpose your life experiences over mine and you are pretending do so in the
incredible small margin of overlap, I can fully speak for myself.
I would be deeply concerned about a concussion, and as an outsider, I would
deeply suspect her loved ones who are not.
Edited spelling
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Keith made it clear that her injuries were severe. That does not appear to be the
case. He claimed she was emaciated. That does not appear to be the case. Keith
is prone to hyperbole.
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As for similar claims against me? People have told lies about me, just like anyone
else. But they have all been countered by evidence and character testimony. With
Sherri, she has not had that. As a matter of fact, plenty of acquaintances of hers
have come to light and paint a rather poor picture of her.
The Papini family is tremendously aware and concerned with the public bashing.
So much so, that Keith showed more anger towards the online community than
he did to her abductors. So if Sherri is so wonderful and perfect like the picture
he is trying to paint, there would have been a huge outpouring of support. That
was not the case. They had a rally for her Saturday. 200 people showed up, many
from Bethel Church. That does not sound like a huge outpouring in a town of
approx. 90,000 people. Sorry, but I'm tired of them trying to create a narrative.
None of us here knows what really happened. But one thing I do know, that was
not a perfect marriage, Sherri is not a supermom, and she will never win a
popularity contest. None of that however, warrants a kidnapping. I hope things
work out.
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[-] antsinmykeyboard -1 points 4 months ago

i do understand what you are reading, as i have read and seen the same thing
in print and video.
however, wouldn't you think that KP would have mentioned that SP signed
herself out of the hospital against doctor's wishes? maybe this will come out
in the future if this was the case. but to be it just sounds like a good beating
and a few bruises along with a superficial burn that did not deem overnight
also, SP being emaciated, well this could be a few factors, her lack of calcium
for the few weeks that she was abducted and the lack of other vital fluids.
once on an IV for a few hours and observed as well could deem her okay to
go home by any ER doctor as long as SP was to abide by the strict dietary
regiment that was set forth to get SP back to her 'normal' weight.
and as far as similar claims against you? please, if you were to go ask ANY of
my high school chums, they would say that they would have thought that i
would be in the penitentiary by now by the way i acted in high school. yes, i
was considered a 'skinhead' in high school that was just the times and the
clicks in my high school. you have to do what you have to do to get through
it. however, i am a very productive member of society have a family and make
close to six figures a year in salary. so no, i don't believe that theory unless i
am proven wrong.
as with any family, they are concerned with the way they are bashed in public.
in these times, with more Twitter and FB etc, yes we all have to be aware of
online bullying, just like here on Reddit.
if you died, how many people would show up at you funeral? 20-30? maybe
more? 200 people to release balloons for a memorial is a lot to me. no
narrative there.

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no marriage is perfect if you think this, then you are living on the moon. if
others perceive someone as a 'supermom' that is their sole opinion. it may
not be reality but it is still an opinion. i have friends that say i am 'superdad'
but i am sure there are a few that beg to differ. it is what it is.
there are no popularity contest to win on this case, just a hope that this is
what it is and that the families are back together and dealing with this ordeal
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

You completely lack any ability to analyze data, you are excellent at
dramatics though.
No 200 people would not come to my funeral, I am unsure about Eddy,
but i was not national news for 3 weeks prior and freed on Thanksgiving
day, your caomparisonis completely assanine. As are many of your other
points, stop being histronic and state clear points.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 3 points 4 months ago

Yeah, and fuck the balloon release. In fact, fuck ALL balloon releases.
Where do you think those goddam things go once they're up in the
air? Venus? Balloon releases are not only harmful to the environment,
they are a superficial and pathetic attempt to make the "releasers" feel
like they are doing something "good." It is a inane exercise that needs
to be outlawed.
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[-] fastereddy 6 points 4 months ago

Well if all of my ex girlfriends showed up....nah, that wouldn't be at my

funeral. That would be at my lynch mobbing.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] Thinkles 8 points 4 months ago*

This guy/girl lives in bizarro world. Takes this nonsense back to WebSleuths...home of
the ruthless abductor(s) with a heart of gold and a conscience who simply let victims go
free after roughing them up a little. Some variation of the above ridiculousness has
already been posted 10,000 times over there.
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[-] antsinmykeyboard -2 points 4 months ago*

Thinkles, i like you, in fact, i LOVE you!

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people like you are looking for the worst in a situation.

i sincerely cannot wait for your ideas to be completely debunked.
and BTW, i am not from WS, just a curious soul reading and absorbing this case as
we all are. except i an doing it with an open mind and not pointing fingers at anyone.
three of my family members and a few of my neighbors are law enforcement. so i do
have a grip on reality. my brother in law works with Homeland Security and mainly
deals with the sex trade and child offences, so please don't doubt my mind. as i will
not doubt yours. we are all here to voice an opinion and not to burn someone at the
stake because of our own beliefs.
i can respect your beliefs, but you cannot obviously respect mine.
grow up.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Open mind only if you recently suffered a skull fracture

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] Meliemel16 5 points 4 months ago

Did you mean to post more? I don't understand your point. If she were flagged down,
how does this = her phone and earbuds looking placed? I can't think of a scenario where
the phone ends up that way unless placed there by someone.
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[-] antsinmykeyboard 1 point 4 months ago

read my final post, was checking for editing when i posted partially.
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Maybe they were jogging while typing that :p

Or waiting for a 2nd detail to be published in this case, I know I am.
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[-] muwtski 13 points 4 months ago

I've actually gone back and forth a bunch, I'm trying to be objective. I still have a sense
there is something dishonest somewhere in this story, it just has too many weird characters
and just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
But yeah there is a lot of noise in this thread, a lot of people saying things that really aren't
logical or don't really matter. Personally I've never commented on the 'supermom' thing
because it's not important. A neighbor or someone said "she would never leave her kids..
she's like a supermom" big deal, the media blew it up to make it sound more interesting, it's
completely not relevant to me I'm not sure why it bothers so many people.
I really don't know if she was really abducted, I don't know if her husband was in on it, but
there are a lot of coincidences with her past stories and attention-seeking behaviors,
assuming these stories are true. From the first time I heard about this story and saw this
Gamble character I felt like something didn't add up. I don't know if he's involved either but

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he is most definitely a phony, and kind of a degenerate.

I think if you filter out all the emotional lunatics in this thread you'll find there are also people
that just want to bounce ideas around and discuss the weirdness around this case, and are
just really eager to see how it ends. We all feel like something is not right but can't quite put
a solid theory together. Who knows, maybe that's how the police are feeling too.
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[-] anxshush 9 points 4 months ago

I'm one of those that "supermom" bothered. To me, it feels forced. Her sister said
Sherri's supermom because she dresses her kids and makes gorgeous pies. C'mon,
really? It gives me the feeling that they are trying to say she's too perfect to pull off a
stunt like this/walk out on her family/be involved in a larger picture. (whichever of those
we believe most) It's as if they're defending her actions before the truth gets out.
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[-] muwtski 1 point 4 months ago

I get it. Like I said it didn't bother me that much, I saw it more like a neighbor said
she would never leave her kids, she's a good mom. like a super mom. and then the
media ran with it and then later asked the sister 'so why is she a super mom?' and
she couldn't say 'well she's not really that super..' haha.. anyway I get why it would
bother some people, it just doesn't really bother me.
I still feel like this Gamble character is not being completely honest about his role
here. The guy is completely incompetent and unqualified for pretty much anything.
His story seems to be evolving, but he's too much of a little attention-needing weasel
to shut his mouth.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

The supermom bugs me as I think it represents a narcissistic view, sub-human,

human, super-human (KP was called superman) which cast them as better than
human. That kind of thinking is dangerous and should not be highlighted,
especially in cases like this, as th super part, is probs what led us here....
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[-] muwtski 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah I get it. I mostly blame the media for that one, but it just adds to the
crap pile of this whole thing.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Yeahz MSM ran with it, but it was the sisters saying supermom, superman
and Kieth saying sub-human, so it is their narrative under a magnifying
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[-] SkylarBlue5 4 points 4 months ago

So if this had something to do with Keith's lifestyle..etc it would explain why Keith
got Gamble involved the same day the FBI was going to join..he needed more time,
so he came up with the idea of offering a ransom hoping FBI will wait to see what
happens when it goes viral..It bothered me from the beginning that there was a

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deadline, even more so when Gamble said "the offer expires at 5 pm, if you contact
me at 5:01 the deal is off and the reward goes to someone who can help bring Sherri
back to us" Maybe Sherri herself negotiated with her kidnappers and asked them to
give her husband Keith some time to collect the money because she knew people will
start donating. No wonder why he was asking for money restitution while she was
still missing..he must have known by then and was desperate to get money fast.
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

To add about the deadline, what would give Gamble the notion that her captors
would even see the video of his offer? None. No one was in direct contact with the
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

Exactly! What if they were somewhere with no TV or internet? If you were

offering money like they did, you would be desperately waiting for a call or any
kind of contact.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Bingo! His whole interjection into this event is extremely suspicious to me.
He's pretty much coming apart at the seams with all the negative
responses he's receiving as well.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

At the beginning Gamble said he was the one who got in touch with Keith first
and came up with an idea to offer ransom money from the anonymous donor.
That's why he was trying to act as if his "technique and creativity" worked. Now
he changed his story and he revealed it was Keith's idea...
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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 4 months ago

There are at least a couple interviews where KP clearly states that CG

approached him. Where are you seeing/hearing CG contradict this? Can you
please share a link? Thanks...
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

Grab a bucket 1st.

Total change, states his alibi, lol, and KP's idea, oh and he's a hero (end of
clif note)
http ://
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[-] Meliemel16 3 points 4 months ago

It's so odd how the first thing he says is he was "out of town during
most of the abduction ". She asked how he got involved, could have
just skipped to the contacted by part.
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[ -] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

I think he did that because the alleged anonymous donor claimed

to be in town. Gamble wants everyone to think he was out of town
so they cannot be the same person.
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Ikr, he wasn't answering questions, he was building a public

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3 points 4 months ago

KP is Crystal Clear in interviews that CG APPROACHED KP, not the

other way around. and it took CG five minutes to immediately and
publicly launch into Chest-Thumping self-credit and self-promotion for
The Thanksgiving Day Miracle -- which is riotously ironic and wryly
amusing, given that whenever he appeals/begs to the religious groups
he's infiltrated to manipulate money and support from, his pretense is
all about 'Christian humility', Christian service, blah, blah, blah GAG.
thanks for sharing this, Sam.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

I was just going to look for it. Thanks for posting the link Sam5377!
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[-] anxshush 11 points 4 months ago*

You're trusted source must have given you some juicy info because early on, you were right
here with the rest of us armchair detectives. Like you said, the police probably don't care
about any of the discussion going on here and can't use any of our sources so there's no
harm in speculation on our parts. They are able to do their job without us interfering. None
of us here have actually talked to the police about what is being discussed, except for you
per your own admission, because I think most of us know we are grabbing at straws. Hell, I
even cited an astrologyst as a source!
Most of us in this thread seem on the fence about who is "guilty". I feel none of us hope that
Sherri was tortured but the fact is, accusing her is not going to change a thing. And sitting
here saying nothing at all will also have no effect on the case.
I can't even be bothered to down vote your post because even though it's an unpopular
opinion here, you're still contributing to this thread by stimulating more conversation.
edit: missing words
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[-] Pudding Volcano 6 points 4 months ago*

Naw. I've just noticed not much on this thread tries to assume anything other than her
guilt. It's not objective which makes me feel like I'm on a witch hunt rather than trying to
find the truth. I'm not saying she's innocent or that she didn't do this to herself.. I'm
saying if the only assumption this thread has to offer is that she's guilty.. than im done.
I can argue in circles with myself just fine.
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[ -] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

The issue at least for me, is not anything Sherri has done. She's been completely out
of the loop in essence. It's her husband and Gamble that make things look suspicious
with their presentations during their public appearances. Stories have changed,
things can't be confirmed, the continual marketing spin of the picture perfect family,
etc. If I never heard or seen the husband and Gamble, I very well may have not been
thinking "hoax" or what have you. I have no idea who actually did this, but the
aftermath is loaded with opportunism and narcissism.
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[-] lottiehelen 8 points 4 months ago

I appreciate your perspective, and you're right--there's a looming assumption of

dishonesty re: SP. But it's obviously for good reason. I think we have zero evidence
to the contrary and nice pile of (albeit circumstantial) info that pokes holes in the
narrative we've been given.
LE would have released additional details on the "perpetrators" had SP provided
them. Instead, we're sitting with an unsubstantiated report that two Latina women
are to blame. Frankly, allowing everyone to be on the lookout for a vague racial
stereotype without any additional info is negligent and potentially harmful for any
Latina woman in the Redding area.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 9 points 4 months ago

It's important to note the title of the thread. While I hope it is not a hoax, so much
points to it being one...and that's how I found my way here. There are some
interesting theories and points made.
That being said, upon reading from Tera's family that KP inquired about the police
work on her case, their answer may have swayed him to be more vocal in the news
on his own may be his undoing though nothing more than that.
Also, I've been slightly swayed to the non hoax due to hearing the police calls when
they found her and they noted that she had been injured in a more severe way than
the original 911 caller has suggested.
I think people are keeping an open mind, but this thread is kind of (intentionally
maybe even) the antithesis of the Webseluths where you are completely unable to
speculate. And that's not wholly a bad thing.
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[-] Meliemel16 5 points 4 months ago

I still don't understand how she was released from the hospital, not even an
overnight stay? You'd think she would at least stay for observation. Are there
any reports I've missed that she left against dr orders? I think I do remember a
post somewhere (don't remember who, Rodriguez maybe) saying SP had a dr
appt the next day just something else to make me go hmmmm????
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 8 points 4 months ago

So I asked a friend of mine - medical professional - if she would have seen

anything like this in her world, if they'd have let a victim of this kind of physical
experience leave same day. While she is not connected to the case, she is
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familiar with as much as the rest of us minions are - and she emphatically
suggested that it's practically unheard of. She suggested, and possibly just
joked, that the tests they'd run alone wouldn't be done. Meaning either a.)
her physical state was not as bad as either originally assumed by police (from
the radio calls) or b.) she left against medical advice or c.) some medical
professional had a moment of "soft spot" and gave his permission for her to
leave, based on the lack of overwhelming damage and perhaps her mental
need to return home when she was so close to getting there and begin to
move on.
I don't know. Just some things.
Doctor's appt next day? From the day she went missing or the day after she
returned home? If the latter - It could have been a follow up to see if what
they started (tests and what not) were in anyway telling.
I don't think that the comparison of "how long it takes me to be seen at an
ER" with how long she spent at the hospital is a good one. Usually, as I
understand it, if you are brought in by the police as a possible kidnap victim
to be seen, you do bypass the walk ins. I think there is an element of
collecting evidence which becomes important. I don't imagine that takes very
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[-] curious_geeorg 9 points 4 months ago

Great post and insight, thanks. Yes, have been stuck on this throughout.
KP insisted she had both new and old facial bruising and broken nose --
indicating she'd been repeatedly hit in the face. Which would cause
concern for a head injury, especially as she also indicated serious
disorientation and confusion when found. So just the tests to explore
head injury alone would have taken hours, if not all day -- and extended
observation would have been part of that. And that's not even considering
possible infection for burns/branding; extended IV for dehydration
considering she'd lost so much weight; standard blood workups for
anyone in captivity, psych interview, if not eval, etc.... Even if she insisted
she just wanted to get home to her children (which would be entirely
understandable) -- staff and KP should have insisted she remain for
testing and observation. And don't forget -- it was Thanksgiving Day. Key
staff for testing and eval would have been short and less available --
meaning that wait times for testing and evals should have been far longer
than ordinary. On top of all that should have been a huge personal alarm
regarding her safety, and planning to ensure she was protected - after all,
even the hospital was on "lock down" on her behalf. You are right that her
extremely brief hospital visit is very odd given her injuries and the fact
that the 'suspects' were not just still at large, but according to SP,
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

So just the tests to explore head injury alone would have taken
hours, if not all day -- and extended observation would have been
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I part of that.
Imaging. If she was coughing up blood and showing confusion and
memory loss, they would want to do imaging imo. As well as a lot of
labs. I do not know which hospital she went to, some have more
resources than others. As you mentioned a psych eval would be in
order. Social workers and victim advocates might be called in.
Keith's version of events simply does not fit with her quick release
from hospital.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 1 point 4 months ago

You really hit the nail on the head with the psych eval. I'm not familiar
with how all this works - but I'd suspect there would be some serious
need for a "cool down".
And I didn't even think about the skeleton crew due to Thanksgiving
holiday! Maybe not with doctors and nurses, but almost certainly lab
I'm a bit surprised that with her home being so close to the abduction
site, there wasn't police visibility. Unless there was and I'm just
unaware...which wouldn't be far fetched.
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[-] Meliemel16 1 point 4 months ago

I want to say I read next day. Honestly I've read so many things now I'm
confusing myself lol...I do agree that for sure she would have been seen
immediately, I would think a whole lot of tests, forensic collecting
etc...personally if it were my family member I would insist on keeping her
overnight just for the heck of it! You've been gone nearly a month, were
just supposedly thrown from a car and God knows what else.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano -1 points 4 months ago

I do totally agree that there's not much to work with to defend her story. I also
am aware of the title of the thread. Perhaps the words NO OBJECTIVITY should
be in the title to deter anyone from naysaying any of the comments here.
I've tried to contribute in a variety of ways. I have always reserved the right to
change my mind, especially when new information is provided. I did say I think
there's a lot of great info in this thread. I am curious how much of it could really
be helpful in the end. I wasn't dissenting the thread, just the trend that there's
no way anything anyone actually involved with the case says is true if what they
say implies Sherri's innocence.
The only thing I know for sure... I'm watching out for two Hispanic women,
particularly any with straight or curly hair. Be safe.
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[-] [deleted] 6 points 4 months ago

The only thing I know for sure... I'm watching out for two Hispanic women,
particularly any with straight or curly hair. Be safe.<

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Wow. Did I just read that right? The wall won't be built fast enough for you I
am guessing?
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[-] Pudding Volcano 2 points 4 months ago

I was being completely sarcastic when I said that. I felt that that was
obvious. Like looking out for two Hispanic women is any different than
looking out for two white women.
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[-] lottiehelen 3 points 4 months ago

I similarly cringed, but I took it as (hopefully) sarcasm.

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1-1 [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Oh, ok. I now think you are right. I am getting touchy and punchy!
Good night, fellow skeptics.
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[-] lottiehelen 4 points 4 months ago

The fact that most people seem completely fine with using Hispanic
women as a collective scapegoat with presumably NO evidence can
easily lead one to interpret such a comment as, in fact, serious.
See my comment above.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 4 points 4 months ago

I will agree there is nothing to be gained by refusing information which swings

to it being a true abduction. It is important to accept all information and use it
to be informed.
What I find interesting is how much out there is about CG. The amount
against him seems almost like he did it all on his own and not with cooperation
from KP and or SP. I think more than anything he is just an opportunistic man
with a self inflated ego and purpose.
One thing I think most people can agree with is that the lack of information
provided allows for the imagination to run a bit wild. But - double edged
sword - because when KP does try to provide information, he only becomes
more suspicious. This says to me - the police should make a strong
Hoax or not - I hope it was an isolated incident in your community, and that
everyone is safe.
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[-] anxshush 7 points 4 months ago

Ok, I understand what you're saying now and I respect that.

That being said, I don't think you'll be happy here any longer because remember, the
name of this subreddit: Mark My Words. This particular post title is specific: Mark My
Words Sherri Papini is lying about her abduction just like she did in 2006
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 1 point 4 months ago

The title of the thread has generated much debate and conversation. I suppose
what I'm getting at is.. there is more 'calling out' and down voting of any post
that doesn't conclude Sherri's guilt than posts that are clearly speculation or not
fact based but still conclude that Sherri Is guilty. Regardless of title, I would
imagine bjectivity and critical thinking would be welcomed in most discussions.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 1 point 4 months ago

Sorry for the poor editing of my post.

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[-] joynoel 12 points 4 months ago

Hadn't seen this referenced here analysis of KPs behavior by criminal profiler Pat Brown.
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[-] pnwwanderlust 3 points 4 months ago

If she was truly taken, I'd lean towards theory number two.
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[-] tchief14 19 points 4 months ago*

So apparently our black ops/ninja CG is also a Tornado Safety Expert. This article is like de ja
vu. Wherever there is tragedy, the Gambles are self-proclaimed experts in fields that would
require engineering and criminal justice degrees. Since 2007 he's been a student, in the military,
an excavating expert, tornado shelter expert, international hostage negotiator, missionary, life
coach, and real estate developer.
What's the over/under that CG applies for a tornado proof kidnapping container cuz that's
how upside this is getting.
If any reputable news source give one more minute to this jick Jack, they do so at their own
peril...just WOW!!!
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[-] r_barchetta 12 points 4 months ago*

I Love the quote in this article.

"You could hear twigs breaking," Jennifer Gamble said. "It was like from the movie Twister';
it was so scary."
Their whole damn life is from a movie. Their shitty Hostage negotiation business is from
Ransom (Give me back my son!) Their Lame excavating business is probably based on
Armageddon. As a student he was The Graduate, Criminal Justice...The Verdict, Military
....Black Hawk Down, Church stuff...The Exorcist. Amazing.
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[-] 7ohnFoe123 4 points 4 months ago

Self-proclaimed experts wherever it seems the limelight shines and there's money to be
made - not sure which is driving what anymore.
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6 points 4 months ago

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What's an excavating expert? Isn't that just digging?

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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

Gumball calling himself and excavation expert because he can operate a piece of digging
equipment is like a brick layer calling himself an architect because he helped put the
building together. It's nonsense. Someone who is a civil or structural engineer who
consults on excavations might be an expert.
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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 4 months ago

OMG please tell me /u/excavatingexpert 9hasn't already been #projectTAKEN because

I'm 100% sure it was the reddit name I was born to have!
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

you almost have to do it

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[-] muwtski 8 points 4 months ago

"Out of all the places in the world we could have moved," she said, "I feel like we are here to
help these people."
Good grief.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 8 points 4 months ago

I have to quote 'David after Dentist' here and say: "Is this real life?"
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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 4 months ago

"Why is this happening to Me717171" OG Backseat Prophet of 2016, that one!!!

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[-] fastereddy 7 points 4 months ago

Look at all the phony and exposed televangelists that never seem to go away. Unless
Gamble gets arrested, I'm afraid he's here to stay and will grow like fungus.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 17 points 4 months ago

BRB adding tornado puncher to my list of accomplishments. I figured natural disasters were
off limits but apparently not.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Tornado punching is outmoded and outdated. Get yourself certified as a Tornado

Whisperer. That's where it's at.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

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That is Dust Devil Diving. Totally different certificate.

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[-] anxshush 10 points 4 months ago

tornado puncher
Certified Tornado Puncher
Specializing in Fl- F5
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[-] thekinginblack 6 points 4 months ago

You're the best, Bitter!

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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] Pudding_Volcano 8 points 4 months ago

I have alerted the RPD of John Barker and his post about following Keith Papini around town. I
personally found it disturbing. Regardless of how I feel about the Papini case, that is some
creepy stalker shit in my opinion. The person I spoke with at the police department agreed.
There are some lines people should not be crossing.
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[-] Dcafly13 7 points 4 months ago

How do we even know the Baker guy is telling the truth and not just making up his insane
story? Pretty sure it's a work of fiction and you are super gulliable. You also probably think
she was really "kidnapped."
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 8 points 4 months ago

It very easily could have been fixtion, but since I live here in Redding.. I at least know he
was describing the area and locations with perfect accuracy. I drive the same streets he
was mentioning all the time. I also know where the Papini's live because it's not far from
my house. So it made me uncomfortable. I don't care if it was a waste of my time. This is
a reddit thread.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 4 points 4 months ago

I'm not new to this thread. I have no idea if he was telling the truth. I have no idea the
police will actually care, but I did what I thought was best.
As for believing she was really kidnapped or not.. we still don't know the whole story yet.
So it's all speculation. I think we don't know. My best guess is that it absolutely wasn't
human trafficking. I also suspect the husband at least knows mores than he is letting on.
Barkers behavior was definitely crossing a line. I have KP'S personal email and their
phone number. I wouldnt do anything with that info ever, because that would be
crossing a line regardless of how I feel about the Papini's case.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


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[-] Dcafly13 5 points 4 months ago

So you know them? Pro-tip: people say a lot of crazy things on Reddit and the
internet using fake names so don't believe everything you read. Erm, if you have his
number why don't you call him and ask him if he had any interaction with this guy?
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 2 points 4 months ago

I have met the Papini's but it was brief and I barely remebember them. They were
an attractive couple which is why they stick out in my memory I think. Not much
else to say about it.
I do know a handful of people who have known Sherri or Keith at one point or
another. None of them really know much. The one person who considers Keith a
friend of some sort, says he has no interest in calling. He says if they don't end
up talking or meeting up for regular reasons, he's not going to pry.
I knew the Williams brothers for years. They ended up killing a gay couple here
locally and burning down some synagogues and an abortion clinic. Most people
thought they were wierd. I thought they were strange but super harmless. So I
will say... just cause you think you know someone.. doesn't mean you do.
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[-] Prahasaurus 7 points 4 months ago

I knew the Williams brothers for years. They ended up killing a gay couple
here locally and burning down some synagogues and an abortion clinic.
Most people thought they were wierd.
Uh, yeah, that does seem weird...
I thought they were strange but super harmless.
Perfectly harmless, unless you're gay, Jewish, or pregnant.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 6 points 4 months ago*

I am gay. I had just came out to my mom, when they were radicalized by
the Army of God. It actually had a huge impact on me. The Williams
brothers went to the same church my parents dragged me to every
sunday. One of them was a frequent substitute teacher at the private
school I went to. The whole time I knew them, they never once spoke
hatefully of anyone in front of me or anyone I recall. A few months before
they murdered that gay couple, people did notice some changes... some
people even tried to reach out to them.. but no one expected them to so
what they did
One thing that did hurt a lot about that situation, was our church did
openly condemn the Williams Brothers on the news and claimed we
weren't that kind of church. It wasn't exactly a tolerant church but I went
to that church since the day it was built and never once heard a sermon
about homosexuality or jews. However, when my mother told the pastor's
wife I was gay, she advised my mother to throw me out and never let my
my little brothers talk to me again. I was 16. My parents decided to leave
the church.

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The williams brothers were wierd in small ways.. younger brother wore a
bow tie to church. They only ate food they grew in their garden, which in
the 90's, that made you an alien. I get what you were saying about being
harmless unless you're gay etc.. but the Williams brothers seemed kind
and no one expected them to end up being hateful murderous
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[-] Prahasaurus 3 points 4 months ago

My entire post was sarcasm. If what you wrote about them is true,
those people are not just a danger to gays, Jews, and pregnant
women, they are a menace to society.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 8 points 4 months ago*

I do not know the Papini's. I have some of their personal information for
legitimate reasons though. It would be wildly inappropriate of me to call, email or
share that info. I guess my point was.. just because this guy COULD follow KP,
doesn't mean he should.
Yeah plenty can be fake on here, but I swear my name really is Pudding Volcano.
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[-] lilymax 6 points 4 months ago

I may have missed something but do we know if LE did any forensic testing when they saw her?
Fingerprints on her "chains" or fibers on her body?
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[-] thekinginblack 3 points 4 months ago

I read here that they were doing tests.

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[-] Meliemel16 11 points 4 months ago

So I think something is wrong with me....everything I read that KP did seems strange to me.
Why would he go see this girls parents days after Sherri is gone? He didn't know them. 3992128/They- high-school-pals-pretty-blondes-jog-
went- missing- mom-Sherri- Papini-alive-friend-vanished-without-trace- parents-tell-think-
happened .html
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[-] thebigbvng 10 points 4 months ago

Man, I feel bad for that poor girl's parents.

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[-] Starkville 3 points 4 months ago

I think he may have known them. Sherri and Tera and Keef all went to the same school.
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[-] Meliemel16 1 point 4 months ago

It says in the article they didn't know Keith, only knew who Sherri was from the girls
going to school together.
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3 points 4 months ago

The parents state in the article that they did not know Keith.
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[-] curiouscompulsion 5 points 4 months ago

Interesting and probably just coinkydink, but the parent's of the other missing girl
own a golf/go-cart park. We know that Keith's parents also own a kind of golf-game
(for homes and/or commercial parks, not sure). Probably unrelated, I know that life is
full of meaningless coincidences.
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[-] Hatebean41 1 point 4 months ago

They don't own a game, AFAIK. It's called Off-Road Golf, and a few of the
homeowners in the Mountain Gate area have "courses".
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[-] Dcafly13 6 points 4 months ago

Is it possible for some LE agency to get a warrant to see how long the phone was sitting there
on the side of the road? It was clearly functioning as Keith was able to locate it via the find my
iPhone. Do phones communicate pings of some sorts with cell towers from a specific location or
would such a ping only indentify from a general area? Her phone I'm sure holds lots of clues,
assuming there's data that can be found to determine what she last did on it.
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[-] Bluehorizoni 18 points 4 months ago*

Late to the party but well before reading here I was calling this a hoax.
1. Have someone grab you violently and drop/toss your phone and see how the headphone
cord falls.
2. I have seen many victims who have been rescued on the news and in interviews and KP
was as phony as they come. The language he used was to convince you and not relay a
sto /11.
3. CG has unverifiable credentials and most likely knew KP and family.
A few hours in the station for both CG and KP would have them singing against each other in a
few hours possibly minutes.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 13 points 4 months ago

Welcome to our raging dumpster fire!

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[-] rfBBBB 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] jessitbird 3 points 4 months ago

I don't know what's in that thing, but it's got some really toxic awful smoke.
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[-] SyntheticBlend 25 points 4 months ago

I'm in the same boat as you guys. Something just doesn't smell right to me. It just all seems
very OFF, and not what you would expect.

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So, my first thought it, building off of some other posters who have described SP as being
desperate for attention, her sister, Sheila Koester, was 6 months pregnant when SP
disappeared. We know that when anyone in the family is pregnant, they rightfully get all of the
attention - baby showers, gifts, "when's the baby due?", "have you picked a name?", "when was
the last OG/GYN visit?" and so on and so on. IF you were a person who was starved for
attention, your sister being in the spotlight would not go over very well.
The second piece of news, and what made me make this post, is that apparently when SP was in
high school, a girl who went to high school with her disappeared never to be seen again on the
very same running trail that SP was kidnapped off off. 3992128/They- high-school-pals-pretty-blondes-jog-
went- missing- mom-Sherri- Papini-alive-friend-vanished-without-trace- parents-tell-think-
happened .html
This must have been HUGE news in the high school and the town. Everyone must have noticed
how much attention the missing girl got. If you were desperate for attention, this would
definitely not go unnoticed and unremembered...
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1 point 4 months ago

Ms Papini's ex-husband David Dreyfus has told the Daily Mail that the skinhead post was a
malicious prank by someone who hated her in high school.
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

I saw one comment somewhere that aside from he suspect changing his name and moving
he apparently still lives there and owns his own coin shop but I read that Keith actually dated
the girl before she went missing which makes sense when you think about him asking her
dad for advice
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[-] daisyhead01 2 points 4 months ago

I know this is WAY out in left field but my first thought was that the sister and her husband
were having an affair, it's his baby and Goldilocks pulled this stunt to punish them. Yes I
watch way too much tv.
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

I thought that also because of how the sister said Keith and her got eachother through
it or something really fishy sounding
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[-] daisyhead01 1 point 4 months ago

Yes! She seemed so thrilled by him taking care of her.

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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 3 points 4 months ago

I would gamble on Gamble and Sherri having the affair, who better to fake a kidnapping
than a kidnap and ransom expert?
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

Then they get the money and run off together

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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 2 points 4 months ago

...aaand there is your Lifetime Movie plot, all based on a true story.
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[-] [deleted] 11 points 4 months ago

I think you are right on the money. Some might think you are piling on or even stretching
some but I have a close family member who is the same breed of crazy/mean who also faked
a kidnapping (along with suicide attempts, a few fatal illnesses, and worse I can't reveal
here), her timing was ALWAYS at major life events for other people and or as a cover for her
literal felonies. I was never conned per se (which made me a constant target), I would fall in
line for a variety of both "good" or self-serving reasons and was often dirtied in the process.
No one wins with these people.
I was, however, conned by SP and KP's story... I even cried during the 20/20 airing. That is,
until the very, very end when KP said something that was simply too much to believe. I felt
guilty for doubting (and they depend on that)! But after I watched the part where he gave
the details of SP's release (he does a checklist to make sure he on point with the story and it
cannot be viewed in any other way than getting a story straight on TV) I then opted to see
just what the "sub-humans" were up to here on reddit. After reading this and that about SP,
I recognized my relative's exact same propensities... she, too was a beauty so when she hit
her 30's and feared aging out of all the attention, she went off the rails with her efforts to
secure it (but not enough to be locked up unfortunately). Those who doubted her were seen
as unkind (at best) and those who either believed or had too much to lose by expressing
doubt were pulled into her insanity. The day I read about Munchausen was the day my life
was restored to sanity. SP is classic Munchausen. What possible good could now come out
of this? Victims of BPD's and narcissists will be educated a little more, KP and SP's kids will
be grateful later on the world did not abandon them to this familial narrative and the media
will be shamed for its tunnel vision on the blue eyed, blonde haired, supermom. We can
contribute by bringing attention to the real victims out there right now. EDIT: for grammar
and structure
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[deleted] 4 points 4 months ago

Below is a transcript of the part of the interview with KP on 20/20. The ellipses are for
the part he says "That is correct" as if checking off the list on his fingers. Interesting, I
think, because of how it was edited print but in the video it was the moment I felt my
hair stand up. He is straight up getting the story straight and outright lying.
mysterious-disappearance-return-2455992 "She was bound ... she had a metal chain
around her waist. She had a bag over her head ... she was chained anytime she was in a
vehicle. They opened the door, she doesn't know because she had a bag over her head,
they cut something to free her restraint that was holding her into the vehicle and then,
kind of, pushed her out of the vehicle."
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[-] weloveheidi 3 points 4 months ago

Wow, so
"she doesn't know" is present-tense, making it up as you go along, and implies

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story-telling (if it were truth, then it would be past-tense, simply "she didn't
"kind of" softens the pushing her out to the point that where he may think that
ordering her out = "kind of" pushing her. If they pushed her out, there's no
"kind of" about it.
Every time he spoke, there were inconsistencies, per statement analysis.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 3 points 4 months ago

Randomly - is he saying she doesn't know that they had opened the door at this
point, or to what she was tied? Obviously not the case for everyone - but bag on my
head or not, I believe I could hear the door open, and/or maybe even feel a change in
temperature or air flow. It's weird to mention - or at least the wording is confusing,
but that could just be me. I did not hear him deliver this line, so maybe it's just the
way it reads.
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[-] FormerSouthsider 8 points 4 months ago

I also have a close family member exactly as you describe, down to the suicide
attempts, fake illnesses (I can even one up you there, she's talked her way into 2
hospice care facilities), multiple felonies. Textbook narcissist.
My take is a little different on KP and his interviews. I don't think he knew the
kidnapping was a hoax in the beginning. I think there's even a slight possibility he
didn't know until she turned up. Although he always knew in the back of his mind.
His interviews read and feel like a checklist. What he says doesn't add up. But I think
it's because he's saying whatever he believes his wife wants him to say. He's afraid of
her and knows what she's capable of, even more so now.
Over and over, she's such a victim. But that's always countered by how unbelievably
wonderful she is in his next sentence. He's going along with it because he thinks (and
has learned from past experience) if he crosses her, she'll literally destroy him. For
example, if he told the truth, she would accuse him of something awful like being a
pedophile. Once she eventually gets cornered, because she will, she'll immediately
start another lie to make herself another victim. Along the lines of he beat and raped
me and I was scared of him.
Think about it. Her needing attention when her sister is pregnant is the first thing I
thought too. And I have seen a spouse just give up. There's no arguing with
someone like that. And if you try to cross them, they'll immediately play the victim.
They don't care who they hurt, so long as the attention and sympathy is focused on
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[-] Tori68 3 points 4 months ago

I agree with you. He's only trying to relay the garbled, nonsensical stories he's
heard from his wife. I watched a couple of interviews he gave before Sherri was
found and he seemed genuinely distraught and exhausted. The flowery
descriptions like "signature long blonde hair" and "her spine felt like a large clock
with gears sticking out" didn't happen until she was back.

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[deleted] 6 points 4 months ago

Spot on. I see KP behaving like a cornered person who has to spout insane and
inane things so as to avoid the wrath at home.
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[-] Meliemel16 2 points 4 months ago

I didn't even see you posted the article, I just did too. I thought it strange KP even talks to
these people so soon. He doesn't know them and they only knew Sherri through their
daughters. Great point too, it's right about that time where all the baby showers etc are
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[-] chort1313 6 points 4 months ago

At least this is getting Tera's story out there. Now we see where SP got the idea from. And
yes, seems like she's an attention seeker... Needed to do something to get the attention
back to her rather than her pregnant sister. Maybe KP thought all of it was real at first? If he
visited Tera's parents? Then he found out it was "staged" and had to act in all his interviews.
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[-] AnnieEnnui 9 points 4 months ago

Synthetic, I have been thinking that as well ever since Sheila gave the press conference after
Sherri was "found." My first thought was that Sherri was jealous her pregnant sister was
getting all the attention and had to do something drastic to put the spotlight back on her. I
absolutely feel that has a lot to do with it.
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[-] thekinginblack 1 point 4 months ago

This is exactly what I thought when I read the article!

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[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

That would make a lot of sense, as someone much earlier mentioned the cycles between
outbursts for attention, this one could very well have been set off by the reasons you
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[-] AnnAhmerican 12 points 4 months ago

Good grief, Webslueth's is jumping all over this new "verified user"'s a love fest and
absolutely nothing new. WS is trying to save face and be relevant.
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[-] matou1 3 points 4 months ago

this person has not given any new information at all. Everything is already in the media.
What a joke.
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[-] IllustriousTutu 12 points 4 months ago

id say Lake is either KP, SP or some planted friend/associate of theirs. The formality of the
non-replies is telling.
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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

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Agree' 1111 Very short and to the point with many questions not answered.
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[-] [deleted] 10 points 4 months ago

WS has a TV show on A&E....if the case is solved as a hoax, they will not be able to do an
episode on this case....
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[-] thebigbvng 5 points 4 months ago

I've never been to webslueths- how does a poster get "verified"?

Edited to add: It seems like the "verified insider" has very little actual info anyway? He could
be anyone, and is contributing nothing to the conversation.
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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

That is what all verified insiders over there are like. It is a big old circle jerk.
So some websleuths admin gets in contact with the person and verifies who they are but
they are still anonymous to the other users.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

What? What good is verifying the person as an "insider" if no one knows who they
are or what relation they are to the story?
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

The mod knows. The mods over there, for example, could verify that I am a
lawyer and I could have that under my username. Some mod would know my real
name, etc. The other users would still just know my username. Websleuths has
some sort of process they follow for verifying these things.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

Okay. But how does that help the discussion? "I am an insider. Do not ask
who I am, but believe all I say" sounds like the Wizard of Oz. Bizarre but
maybe I do not understand their site's culture.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Well it is so that people cannot just say they are an insider. Let's say my
cousin, Jane Doe, goes missing. I go to WS and say that I am Mary Doe,
her cousin and I have special insider info. But how does anyone know
that? By verifying me as an insider, a moderator will make me send over
proof that what I am claiming is true. Thus, I will need to show them my
driver's license along with family photos of me and Jane.
Now let's also say that I do not want the world to know that I am a
cousin, but only that I have insider information. Well, then the WS mods
can confirm that I am a cousin and that I am an insider without completely
destroying my anonymity.
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[ -] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

I would be on board with someone being verified as a blood relative,

childhood friend, coworker, etc. without wanting to identify themselves
beyond that. It describes the relationship and gives some idea of the
scope of their knowledge. But I personally do not see the point of
being a completely anonymous insider on a discussion board. It is
better to not be on the board at all in that case, or just post as a
regular member. But I am not a Websleuther so who cares what I
think. lol
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

It is just the way they do things over there. At BEST a verified

insider might clear something up, but generally they don't add
much to the discussion.
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[-] IllustriousTutu 3 points 4 months ago

A circle jerk. I might just love you.

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Is Lake Mike Mingus?

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[-] admira1545 3 points 4 months ago

Mike Mangas, from KRCR News Channel 7 of Redding?

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[-] r_barchetta 3 points 4 months ago

Admiral, thanks for the clarifiction....I had been referring to him as "Mike Dingus"
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Sam572 r 3 points 4 months ago

Yes, and I am glad to see he changed his name to the correct spelling.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] thekinginblack 16 points 4 months ago

This might be harsh, but I feel like everyone at WS falling all overthemselves to talk to this
"insider" is disgusting. It's exactly what everyone related to the Papinis and Gambles want:
more attention.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 6 points 4 months ago

Yes - and the "insider" answers no questions and those which s/he can't just say they
have no direct knowledge about - says they will check what was already released about
it...which literally anyone else with the internet can already do. What's the point of having
this insider?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 10 points 4 months ago

It's obnoxious but likely a good thing. The more attention on them the better, especially
since no one seems to have suggested they retain an atty.
KP can't help himself from basting his balls in all this juicy butter. He'll spill something he
shouldn't soon enough.
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[-] fastereddy 7 points 4 months ago

And they make sure the Papini family can do no wrong. Perfect spouses and parents. No
one is perfect. It's just more of the BS and makes the situation seem even less authentic
than it already does.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

O000h! Can you link me to the thread please?

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[-] fastereddy 5 points 4 months ago

Here's the last page:
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[-] Bitter_Britches 8 points 4 months ago

Thank you! Those WS gals are a real riot.

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[-] jollynbc 9 points 4 months ago

It's hilarious how so many of them start out a post with "I hope it's okay if I say
this", or "Mods, please delete if this is out of line".
And then end it with the requisite and overused "IMO JMO MOO".
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

It seems their core must be old white people, their belief that urban adult
mothers are being kidnapped, en masse, tied to beds, and drugged until
addicted so they will never try to go home is insane.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

Don't forget Sherri being kidnapped to breed pretty white babies for the
swarthy Hispanics. JFC.
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[-] fastereddy 6 points 4 months ago

No worries. I just heard about that site and this one 3 days ago. I would never
think about joining that site however.
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[-] fastereddy 10 points 4 months ago

That verified user is actually making matters worse in my opinion.

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[-] jollynix 10 points 4 months ago

Good thing he believes in the abduction theory, or else Tricia would have banned him
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 4 months ago

Lol True
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[-] fastereddy 6 points 4 months ago

That site is ridiculous.

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[-] Hippopotapie 4 points 4 months ago

Anybody think it's a coincidence that cameron gamble's family is from arcata and sp occasionally
went to humboldt county to do work?
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[-] co1e88888888 36 points 4 months ago*

Comment from Ericka's blog (more $ possibly for Tiny Keith?):

"In the Shasta County call logs it was stated that Keith Papini requested law enforcement to
come by and sign a paper stating that Sherri was abducted so that he could apply for restitution
through crime victims reparations. This was within two weeks of her abduction. The payout
varies from state to state, and is only available to victims of violent crime. I received $25,000 20
years ago, and it is my understanding that the Papinis could or did request $30,000.. Shasta
County call logs are many pages long daily so sorry I'm not linking as this was weeks ago and I
don't want to go reread all of them to find it, but you can go research it if you want to lol. I am
also not 100% on the dollar amount but he requested it for relocation..."
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

So if he got that and the money from the donor and the go fund me and somehow gets he
cops money they offered ause be magically catches the bad guys how much would he be
getting? Close to 200,000?
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[-] thebigbvng 12 points 4 months ago

If he was indeed requesting a payout before Sherri was even found... Then I think KP was
definitely in on it.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 10 points 4 months ago

So, while she was still missing, he was applying for the restitution money? Wow
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[-] jollynix 6 points 4 months ago

Is that what Keith used to buy the new truck he was seen driving around in?
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

Someone said it was his friend's truck

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Truck is claimed to be from a friend, but a new truck, probs on loan from a dealership
imo his step pa used to own one, maybe still connected
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[-] AnnAhmerican 6 points 4 months ago

Do you have a date he requested this?

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Nothinghereworthmuch 5 points 4 months ago

Hey jackmagistone, can you explain why you capitalize words in the middle of sentences such as
He, Her, Man, Women, Certain, Distraught, Tired...etc.? Why capitalize "he" and "her" (et al)
throughout your posts? Legitimate question because I'm interested to know if you are trying to
emphasize those words every time you type them or if you are trying to push another narrative.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] sharonsmiles 10 points 4 months ago

The more I think about this case, the more I lean toward Lil Gamble as being the mastermind. It
is like the firefighters who start house fires. Not only did Lil Gamble want the advertisement for
future business and money but he wanted to be known as the hero of the tragedy.
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[-] muwtski 7 points 4 months ago

And his comments on the Project Taken facebook page kind of support that "Self
preservation is a horrible quality in a human being. Be willing to risk your reputation for the
greater good. The day your reputation becomes more important than doing what is right is
the single most selfish day of your life."
The lir fella might have thought all this was for the greater good.
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[-] sodasez 13 points 4 months ago
He can thank his wife for "coaching" him in order to "find his story." Those two seem to
really like that Eleanor Roosevelt quote.
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[-] MeatTacoslady 1 point 4 months ago

They look a lot alike to me.

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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 4 months ago

Hahahahahahahaha! This made my night!!!!

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Shasta County's power couple right there.

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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

And naturally a far out Pentecostal church welcomes them with open arms.
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[-] muwtski 5 points 4 months ago

hahahahaha these two are such hacks.

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[-] sharonsmiles 2 points 4 months ago

Mrs Gamble needs to come forward and tell what she knows.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

She won't if she plans to write a book about it

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[-] sharonsmiles 5 points 4 months ago*

I know I am reaching...She might possibly make more money with a book

if she becomes an informant. And if she is having marital problems with Lil
Gamble (as suspected from her blog post) it might be good time to cut
the cord.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

That's JUST the twist this show needs! YUUUUUSSSSSSSS!!!!

Er, I mean, Mrs Gamble should do the right thing and step forward
with any information she might have. But, In the off chance Jen
Gamble is reading this, DO IT! Girl! You could get a lifetime movie out
of this!
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[deleted] 4 months ago


[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] elledriver5 17 points 4 months ago

I think the biggest tip for not only me, but to the general public that this is a hoax, should be
the fact that the police have had access to a description of the abductors (via SP) since
Thanksgiving and have yet to realease anything of substance (thick/thin eyebrows....are you
god damn KIDDING MEI 1177711 !).
What the hell are the police doing? They could have pumped her for information as soon as she
was 'released' but they know, as much as we all do, that this story is complete bullshit.
Hence, why there are no sketches being released to the public (they don't want the TWO people
that believe this shit going vigilante on random Hispanic women).

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In my community if there were two gun-wielding-crazy-f***ing-eyebrowed-women running

around my town abducting random women on rural roads, beating, giving make-overs to,
OBTAIN AND RELEASE!!!! CLEARLY the police don't believe this 'super mom'.
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[-] anxshush 7 points 4 months ago*

Ok, this first part is gonna be a bit of a stretch but I feel there is a good payoff in the second
video I linked.
Today, I feel I'm just spinning my wheels, can't think of or find any new Papini info to add here
but refresh the thread a few times today. After that, I go down the youtube rabbit hole, trying
to find other opinions or info and I come across a recommendation dealing with the case. It's a
woman that creates star charts or birth charts (commence eye roll) to help find missing people.
I'm a little skeptical but continue to watch. She posted this video on Nov. 18 so, Sherri was still
missing. Please watch her describe who she thinks the abductor is. (Spoiler alert, she thinks it's
2 people) If you don't feel like watching the entire thing, SP segment starts at 7:11. She
mentions a farm and business equipment and that Sherri is located where her abductor lives,
makes money/has a business.
Now, the "farm and business" equipment part only made sense to me because I read in this
thread somewhere that Gamble had an excavation business. The shipping containers for his
training could also be considered business equipment.
Now for my little payoff- I didn't know the Gambles live(d) on a farm. (Maybe some of you did
know) I learned that when a youtube sleuth made a comment and linked the following video in
the comment section. Watch Jen describe how the Gambles were "homeless", living in an RV,
less than 2 years ago. CG could not have such an excellent resume that his 5 children would be
forced to live in an RV. I would imagine his specific set of skills would get him compensated well
and be in relatively high demand.
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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

pretty good!
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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

Seriously, how could this guy be leading high-level training sessions and consulting with the
secret service and still be in poverty?
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[-] Journo964 3 points 4 months ago

Yes, because the field pays so poorly. A kidnap-and-ransom negotiator made $2,000 a
day, excluding expenses. In 1998.
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[-] fastereddy 8 points 4 months ago

He's a pathological liar.

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[-] Prahasaurus 1 point 4 months ago

Occam's razor.

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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

I am surprised anyone is STILL questioning his resume. There is no question - its all
lies and he is a mentally disturbed individual who is dangerous. There is nothing to
figure in regards to his resume vs. age vs. this or that.
Its all lies. Period. The end.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] muwtski 5 points 4 months ago

Of course Jen Gamble is an MLMer. The Gambles have all the worst characteristics. The only
place people like this can thrive is in a weird church culture.
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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

She is a TERRIBLE motivational speaker. Does she really think that she should have a
business inspiring other people? She is low energy and clearly has trouble speaking
What the eff is wrong with everyone these days? Why does a clearly below-average
person like Jen Gamble think she was meant for more?
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

I've known several evangelicals that act the same way as her.
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1-1 [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

I grew up in the church - pastor's kid - yeah, the stories....

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

I meant no offence just for the record.

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


14 points 4 months ago

I may have missed this, but didn't happen to see it posted yet, per this NY Daily News article,
Sutton (the woman who called 911 when she saw SP, said,

"She didn't look like she was hurt, but she did look scared. It was just the feeling
that I got."

It seems odd that someone with such extensive (per husband's description) injuries, that she
would appear unhurt... Yes, it was dark, and it was brief, but still. Just another factoid that
seems inconsistent.

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[-] Meliemel16 3 points 4 months ago Jen Gamble you tube, no way I'm going through all her Team
Ignite videos, maybe someone wants to.
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[-] AnnAhmerican 11 points 4 months ago

My take away from this is Keith is trying desperately to justify what happened and he doubts
the story himself. He's trying to "sell it" to us and to make it believable because he can't accept
that it's not. I'm tossed about how involved Sherri is...did a lover do this to her and she's
covering up for that? Did a jealous spouse do it to her because she's been fooling around and
Sherri is covering the affair up? I think they know who did it and they just want it to go away.
This has gotten so out of hand they really don't know what to do. I think LE knows how deep
this goes too, they are getting their ducks in a row - there will be negotiations with the P's to
come clean at some point. I am curious, did Keith ever intimate that he had consulted with an
Just my two cents.
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[deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

He is part of the hoax. He isnt trying to justify anything. He is trying to cover up the hoax.
They - ARE ALL INVOLVED. All 'evidence' points to this. There should be zero question or
doubt or riding the fence at this anyone who is truly following this case.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

The money and fame could be blinding him.

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[-] whinecube 9 points 4 months ago

I agree. If this is not a hoax, then their behavior and the circumstances surrounding this
story lead me to believe that something embarrassing is at the heart of this.
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[-] MacMumbles 3 points 4 months ago

In scenario 1, where Keith is innocent and in a state of total mind melt (blehh) and trying
to balance supporting his wife and recognizing his own suspicions... I believe there would
come a time I'd say enough's enough. And just confront my gut suspicion to Sherri in as
constructive a way as possible. Your wife is providing nothing to go on nor does she
seem to be at all interested in catching her abductors by giving every little detail or
ironing out her inconsistencies. If he harbours that suspicion, it will eat away at their
marriage in the long run anyway. Might as well get it done. And get that closure for you
and your children. (Again this is only assuming he is totally innocent of any involvement
and just being ridiculously supportive to a naive extent).
In scenario 2, they are omitting the obvious embarrassing truths/facts and speaking as
little on them as possible to avoid slipping up. But I find it offensive they believe they can
just pull some story out of their hat, force it down our throats, and expect their
community to be fine with zero arrests, no developments and the person/people involved
expecting their community to accept no one being brought to justice. In my opinion, if

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your story instills fear in the public, and the event is discovered to be a hoax. There
should be just as much investigation into charging those involved with the planning and
execution. I commend the majority of this thread for remaining logical, keeping cool and
maintaining wits through it all. That's all I got.
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[-] thebigbvng 4 points 4 months ago

Yes it is clear that they are trying to cover up something. Whether the secret is that they
planned this whole thing for fame/money, or something else, I'm not sure.
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[-] whinecube 3 points 4 months ago

I am not sure either. There is just nothing from the family about getting the people
who did this, which leads me to believe that they have no interest in getting the
people who did this.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 5 points 4 months ago

What in the world could possibly be more embarrassing?

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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

Infidelity, drugs, criminal activity, sexual activity, scams, etc.

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[-] AnnAhmerican 3 points 4 months ago

Eating disorder? Is this why Keith made sure to mention how thin she was, how
much weight she had lost and the description of her backbone? Trying to cover
for that.
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[-] AnnAhmerican 12 points 4 months ago

I don't think it's as much embarrassing as it is the truth. I think Sherri lives a life of
fantasy, beautiful children, husband, "barbie" image...something she was doing is
going to come out and it's going to be shocking. This is just opinion but whatever it
is the P's don't want it to happen. This is all my opinion based on their actions.
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[-] MacMumbles 2 points 4 months ago

Reading through the MyWedding entries was almost other-worldly... At least for
me. Just seemed like it was missing an eerie violin soundtrack. Everything about
them down to the way they describe things in everyday life or interaction... Just
feels completely unnatural.
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"--"-c------ 20 points 4 months ago

I am in the same boat as the rest of you. This reeks of HOAX. I think the big questions for me
and ones that I bet a lot of you have theories to are the following:
1. Where was she all this time?
2. Who inflicted the 'beatings'?
3. What is her motive?
4. What is the brand and where is it?
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I have seen a lot of different answers to these questions peppered here and there throughout
this awesome thread but am looking for your overarching theory....
First post here so please be kind!!!! Love you all and have been lurking this thread since it
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[-] FormerSouthsider 9 points 4 months ago*

I have never posted either. But there's one thing I don't think many people truly understand
and appreciate unless they've dealt with it. A true narcissist. You hear the term thrown
around lightly. Someone with genuine narcissistic personality disorder is actually, by
definition, a sociopath.
If the attention isn't on them, they panic and they lie. They genuinely can't believe that every
living soul knows they're lying. They're too smart, they're too wonderful. And their
immediate family does one of two things. They pacify or they cut off contact. The spouse is
normally in deep, deep denial and will do pretty much anything to keep the peace. The
spouse knows if they leave, the narcissist is such a good liar, they'll be accused of something
horrible and probably will never see their children again. So they pacify.
I have an immediate family member like this. It never gets better. But she fools everyone on
the outside. I can't tell you how many times I've had someone wonder why I don't speak to
her. Such a sweet old lady doesn't deserve to be treated that way.
I'm 99% sure that's what's going on here. The husband probably wasn't in on this at the
beginning. He may not have even known until she showed up (although that's unlikely, it's
possible). And he's so afraid of her outbursts and so afraid she'd immediately accuse him of
something like being a pedophile to punish him by withholding his children, he just went
along with it.
I don't get the impression he's the sharpest tool in the shed. I do get the impression she is
a vain, unpredictable narcissist. Look at the photos they've released. What parent focuses
attention on themselves and not their children in a family photo? What wife treats her
husband like a prop in their wedding photos?
Edit: I should add here. Her social media photos are mostly of her, not her children. What
parent does that? It's not normal. Parents with small children take photos of their children,
not themselves.
I've dealt with a woman just like this. They'll hold onto the lie as long as they can. Then,
they'll somehow turn themselves into another type of victim when they realize they can't get
away with the first lie. I'd bet money when she's called out and finally gives up the
kidnapping was a hoax, her first step will be to say something along the lines of her husband
was beating and raping her so she had to do it. Always a victim.
Any interview the husband has given, and he's given a lot, he's very focused on making her
first a victim, then a hero. That's the pattern. Poor poor victim, but she's so perfect and
wonderful. And the true narcissists fool almost everyone. Until their lies go too far.
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 4 months ago

Welcome to reddit!! You will like /r/unresolvedmysteries too!

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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

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I couldn't have said it better myself

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

I think you're likely right. I've always found this disorder so fascinating.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 9 points 4 months ago

I apologize for repeating myself, I have yet to see or imagine a scenario where SP is purely a
victim, obviously this is only based on information that has been currently released.
And keep in mind I am a creative mofo, my fake resume is ten times better then CG's fake
I saved a crate a kittens from Chernobyl which gave me cancer, cured it, those kittens are
now Lions Rawr
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Um, 'scuse me. You must not have seen my resume.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

/u/Bitter_Britches created creativity, invented inventing, innovated innovations,

fabricated fabrications, a lifetimes work...? Nah, just another Tuesday afternoon
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[-] lilymax 3 points 4 months ago*

Of the questions you posted, I think number 1 bothers me the most. Surely she would be
able to tell if she were in a home, basement, storage shed, etc. Was she warm or cold? Did
she notice any smells? What did she eat when they did feed her?
Edit: I believe the hoax theory, these are just hypothetical
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

And did they change her tampons for her? I think she'd have her period in that time and
if she takes any meds and they never left her system they could see she left in her own
and was still taking her meds
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

I thought she said it was a basement?

Your question about food (and water too) is a good one. Were they sustaining her or
starving her?
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[-] FormerSouthsider 2 points 4 months ago

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California doesn't have basements. I moved there for a while, and I looked for a
house with a basement, until my husband pointed out that no house has them
because of earthquakes. They're too expensive.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

We owned a house in California with a finished basement, so they do exist. But I

agree they are not common, most people have a crawl space. Someone else on
this thread said the older homes in Sacramento have basements and I know older
places in San Francisco area do too. I wonder if storm cellars are common in rural
California? If someone has a bag over her head it would be hard to tell a
basement from a storm cellar.
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[-] reginafalangyill 5 points 4 months ago

I wondered the exact thing last night. I googled because I wasn't 100% sure. (If I'm
wrong please correct me) You can live up to 3 weeks without food but can't live
without water for more than three days. So we know she was sustained somehow for
22 days. Keith or authorities never mentioned she was dehydrated or famished. After
seeing her picture on photobucket of her spine and ribs.... I don't believe Keith's
description when he first saw her. She was already skeletor.
Further questions I wondered.... what was she wearing when she was found? Was it
the outfit she was last seen in or something new? Was she clean? Did she appear
she'd been without sleep for a long period of time?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 7 points 4 months ago

Yes, I think it is a general rule of thumb that you can go without food for a couple
of weeks but not more than a few days without water. She could not have been
terribly dehydrated or they would have kept her longer at the hospital imo.
Good point on the sleep and cleanliness. And it would be interesting to know if
her signature blonde hair appeared to have been washed at all in those three
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[-] lilymax 4 points 4 months ago

Or if her legs were shaven

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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

Or armpits especially and hair washed and straightened and makeup done
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[-] lilymax 5 points 4 months ago*

My mind always goes to some kind of cold porridge in these situations. But maybe
they fed her Burger King or Taco Casa. If they did, it could be a clue as to her
wherabouts. If my abductor fed me Taco Casa I would know we were far away from
home because they closed the one by me. *tears
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

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Good thought! Also, if she got fast food that tells us she was near a developed
location or at least a highway interchange, whereas spam and Wonder Bread
could mean anywhere.
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

A brilliant observation, birthed from your loss, a noble share

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] shastarl 5 points 4 months ago*

new member here. I have been following the comments on here because this case is fascinating.
Her mom has a Facebook page she posted a picture of them in a christmas scene (found it on
umbrella of suspicion)
Is that recent do you all think? The children look the same age and it is christmas scene so its
either this christmas or last christmas....
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

Someone got DearFoams, those are legit.

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[-] rfBBBB 3 points 4 months ago

i would say last year. the kids are apparently 2 and 4 now. those kids in pic look 1 and 3 imo
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[-] elledriver5 1 point 4 months ago

Girlfriend needs to paint those walls I hope the ones surrounding her during her
'kidnapping' weren't as bland!
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, 8 points 4 months ago

Last year.
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[-] rfBBBB 1 point 4 months ago

lol did not see your post. wouldn't have posted mine ha
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] thekinginblack 6 points 4 months ago

Preface: thanks to everyone here who is keeping this discussion alive!

I may have missed it, but I'm wondering if there's been any sleuthing on SP's relationship with
David Dreyfus, her first husband.

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I read in a People Magazine article that he was a platoon sergeant with the army, and that they
were married in Shasta County in 2006, then divorced in 2008. However, I can't seem to find
much more on their relationship. Certainly my sleuthing skills aren't as good as all of yours, but I
found it odd that she was so obsessed with projecting her wedding to Keith blogging about
the process, taking tons of professional photos of the two of them and of their wedding and
yet I can't find a single announcement or anything else online regarding her first wedding.
I've heard but in no way know first hand that enlisted soldiers make significantly more
(through dependent benefits) if they are married; I know of a couple men who married a friend
and split the monetary benefits. Does anyone know if this is true, or just misinformation?
Regardless, the belief that married soldiers make more is a prevalent one, and so I wonder if SP
married Dreyfus for just such a reason. That would explain why she says in her wedding blog
that she never lived with a man. It would also, however, be particularly shady in light of public
views on her current situation, and that it was all staged for financial gain.
Further, despite Websleuth's adamant declaration that the Skinheadz letter is fake, I personally
don't believe it is.... and Dreyfus is the only one not in the family who's said she didn't write it.
Initially I was inclined to believe Dreyfus since I figured, what does he have to gain? but now
I'm wondering if he has ever had any meaningful relationship with her at all.
TL;DR: Does anyone know any details about SP's first marriage?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

How is it a stretch to believe Sherri wrote that racist fanfic herself when she has an ENTIRE
Pinterest board dedicated to white pride and other racist jackassery?
Come on, Websluethers, you're embarrassing yourselves.
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

In the article I read, DD (1st husband) said he did not 'believe' she wrote it, that it was
'probably' a malicious prank, later articles declare that he said 'she did not write it, it was a
prank on her' (a bit of paraphrasing the gist of it is entact) so I would like to see what the
police say DD said. I believe she wrote it too.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Im sure her "cultural differences" Pinterest board was also a malicious prank. And it's a
total coinky-dink that only thing (seriously, the only thing) she recalls from her
"kidnapping" happens to be the perps race.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Yet another, simple concise observation.

Also, I do not want to hear that ABC or whoever vetted the letter again, unless they
are going to disclose their methods and findings.
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[-] Meliemel16 5 points 4 months ago

I've been trying to find anything at all about him and have nothing. I'm sure curious though!
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2 points 4 months ago*

Does anyone know what connects someone named James Keith Wilder to this whole thing? He
has a history of domestic violence, and prior police logs tie him to Old Oregon Rd area. He's 34
too, so is there any chance he's the old boyfriend? He's listed in the entries for 16-40875, and it
says "unknown" where it normally states family member/suspect, missing person, etc.
Added link: (see
page 1)
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' [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Can you link me to what you're looking at??

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1 point 4 months ago

Just added the link above!

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[-] xanmuller 7 points 4 months ago

Wow this is an amazing introduction to sleuthing and Reddit. Thank you all so much for using
apostrophes correctly too.
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[-] whinecube 7 points 4 months ago

The apostrophes thing is a joke, right? I have never seen such terrible use of apostrophes.
People, it is Papinis, just plain ole Papinis. It is not Papini's.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Bitter_Britches 11 points 4 months ago

P'apanini's's' would be the plural form though, right?

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[-] muwtski 11 points 4 months ago

No the plural is Papinii

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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

Yes but only in Hawaii.

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[-] alpine13208 16 points 4 months ago

This has to be a hoax. Unfortunately one I think they will get away with. Are any of the locals
here going to that town hall meeting tonight? I would go but I'm not a local. Are people in
Redding still talking about this? And why can't they be tracked to the house of the "wealthy
relative" ? You can't just disappear esp. with 2 little kids.
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[ -] AnnAhmerican 8 points 4 months ago

Was this the inspiration?

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[-] fastereddy 5 points 4 months ago

I can't help but see similarities in the writing style of the note from the "Anonymous Donor" and
Jen/Cameron Gamble. Anyone care to check it out as well?
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[-] lilymax 4 points 4 months ago

In the ransom letter I read, they misspelled "sheriff" twice. If this was the original, I'd be
curious to see if there are other writing samples written by either Cameron or Jen with the
same misspellings.
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[-] whinecube 3 points 4 months ago

Wouldn't you make sure that your public letter to the abductors was immaculate? Surely
you would want them to think you are an on-the-ball professional. If I were the
abductor, I would worry that a man who cannot proofread a letter will inevitably fuck up
the location of the drop site.
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[-] Starkville 5 points 4 months ago

People do not care.

And spell check doesn't catch loose/lose or they're/their/there errors.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

People don't, but professionals should.

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

I'm getting a vibe here.

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vhinecube 10 points 4 months ago

Yeah and I just love how this guy is oh so dramatically just visiting, and once he leaves the
offer will expire.
It is like something out of a really, really dumb movie. You know, the kind of movie where
you are always left thinking, "wait, why would him leaving town have anything to do with
rescinding the ransom offer?"
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[-] lilymax 3 points 4 months ago

"A note to scammers who will try to pretend you have Sherri. This phone does not have
call waiting. If you call and pretend you have Sherri you may be preventing the real
person from reaching us."

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Oh, wait. You don't have call waiting? Nevermind

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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

Why would he even put that in there? You know, I am no high-level hostage
negotiator, but this seems excessively verbose as a starting point. Surely you would
start small: "You have 100 hours to call us to negotiate ransom drop off and hostage
pick up."
Why would you give out information about the "anonymous" donor like that? Why
give out his travel plans? Surely any bit of info just makes him less and less
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

A real donor would be less concerned with creating a narrative as you suggest
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[-] whinecube 3 points 4 months ago

I mean, would a real hostage negotiator even voluntarily discuss where they
got the money? Wouldn't you just say that you had a 100K and then let the
abductor ask you where you got it from?
Again, no expert here, but why would you lay out so many of your cards on
the table in a situation like this?
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Your observations/analysis are so transparently accurate all I can do is

agree, being correct gets boring, let me be the whack-a-do asshat for a
Alter ego, "I'm sick of logical critical thinkers, god told me to do it via a
bowl of spaghetti oh's :drops toy mic"
I picture him as Tom Cruise on Family Guy now
He never thought about LE getting warrants on him (ie,
and the consequences of his 'creative' resume under such scrutiny, him
and his wife are panicking I bet, wonder if he has rich relatives to stay with
out of town....
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6 points 4 months ago

Oh I do not think this guy thinks much through at all. I bet he is used
to people never calling him out on his bullshit, and now he has
thousands of local "Christians" who back him up.
You know what I was just thinking about? I was thinking about the
Abigail Hernandez/Nathaniel Kibby case. In that case, actual law
enforcement used a strategy to get Abby back that consisted of
NEVER acknowledging the abductor and of going along with Kibby's
trick of getting Abby to say she ran away. It worked. Kibby let her go.
LE never once addressed him or offered a ransom. They just kept up
the pressure that they wanted Abby back - as a runaway.
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This is why lying pieces of shit like Cameron Gamble need to stay the
fuck out of cases like this.
He has no clue what he is doing. The reason Kibby let Abby go is
because he felt secure that LE were duped by him. He was certain that
she would be considered a runaway. Gamble, with zero experience and
zero notion of how to handle a missing person's case would have
gotten someone like Abby killed with his methods.
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[-] sharonsmiles 3 points 4 months ago

I was thinking the same thing. He is so used to being around the

believers who believe any bullshit, that Lil Gamble thought
everyone else would believe his crap too.
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Isn't this stuff just too far fetched to believe?

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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

It sure is!
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[-] fastereddy 5 points 4 months ago

lol. Yes. And don't forget to add that the donor puts a good word in for Gamble and
takes at a shot at the LEO agencies.
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[-] surelyyoucantBcereus 37 points 4 months ago

Oh, and I forgot to mention: who the hell does the husband think he's kidding when he said she
tried to hide the chain under her clothes so people don't think she broke out of prison?! Like,
what is this "0, Brother Where Art Thou7 I 171 " She didn't escape from a chain gang, dude.
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r n ..
1 point 4 months ago

Maybe it was a Halloween chain that's made of foam haha and do the people who spotted
her get the reward money that the cops offered? Cause who knows if the person who first
did was related to them by friends or work and was someone planted to get them more
money so they'd get the cops reward the go fund me which they shouldn't get and it needs
to either go back to the people donating or to other missing people cases and then now
they're getting some undisclosed amount from the donor who has put the money back in his
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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 3 points 4 months ago

Oh yeah, at 4AM I would never stop for a chained-up blonde on the side of the
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[-] surelyyoucantBcereus 4 points 4 months ago

Yes, but the burning question is would you still stop if she didn't have her signature long
blonde hair?
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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 3 points 4 months ago

Yes officer....I was thinking 'hot or not' when I passed the chained up blonde on the
side of the road....and that's when I noticed the stopped semi-truck in front of my
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[-] pacmandones 7 points 4 months ago

So odd he's like "This is how wonderful my wife it, she tucked the chain in so they don't
think I broke out of prison" lol. To me the chain is just another fake prop to push the
narrative that she was "kidnapped". I mean if someone's gonna let you go why keep the
chains on you? It makes zero sense.
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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 2 points 4 months ago

If somebody is chained up on the side of the road, I cannot imagine people would ignore
that. Especially if there was a $100,000 reward for her return....
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[-] loveagreatmystery 12 points 4 months ago

I am standing in the dark on the side of a freeway at 4:30 am, freezing, beaten all to hell and
frantically waving a bag. But let me hide this chain in case it looks bad...
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[-] surelyyoucantBcereus 8 points 4 months ago

Because priorities
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[-] rfBBBB 8 points 4 months ago

This. The cops are just doing their job. If someone 'goes missing' and they do not feel it is
totally true it is not their business at that time to discredit it. They felt putting voluntary missing
was enough to show this person is probably mentally ill and although "missing" right now they
have no reason to alarm people when this is really HER problem. They just have to follow the
Nuts. Then they changed it from voluntary missing to suspicious circumstances which is even
more telling imo.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 4 months ago

This should be the be at the top of the Best post. Thank you, thank you. Now it makes total
sense. The law and courts have such a weird way of dealing with Crazy behavior. They really
don't know what to do with it.
Never heard of this classification, can't wait to learn more.
Thank you!!
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[-] rfBBBB 1 point 4 months ago

awww you are welcome!!! i too am waiting to hear more!

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[-] RudineHoward 7 points 4 months ago

I read this on mydeathspace, not sure it's real:

"I just heard in a FB group from someone who apparently knows someone connected to the
case that LE knows Sherri had a tinder account. And that she left voluntarily because of
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 4 months ago

Left where voluntarily? Why would a tinder account make you fake your abduction? Just
curious...I could be reading this the wrong way.
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[-] RudineHoward 1 point 4 months ago*

left home to be with a guy she been talking to on Tinder. But after a few weeks she
changed her mind, missed her kids and wanted to be back with her husband then she
came up with the idea of being abducted and tortured so she could be a victim not a
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[-] seaharechasr 1 point 4 months ago

It's on this page but like a few other stories related to this case it's still Facebook
rumour at this point
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[-] surelyyoucantBcereus 6 points 4 months ago

CLEARLY what I'm going to say is in no way revolutionary, but whatever.

1) I cannot get over the verbiage the husband and others are using. Seriously, when has ANY
victim of a violent crime gone on to raise a self-absorbed media shitstorm such as this one and
NOT been eventually proven/generally accepted to have been full of bullshit?? I genuinely cannot
think of a single example.
2) If there's one thing I've learned about perpetuators of violent crimes, the vast majority of
them end up getting caught because they can't help themselves from talking about the crime
that they were "victims" of or just "happened" to witness. They keep talking about it to the
point where it literally gets them noticed because they're so obsessed with what they've done
and want people to know it, i.e. These people.
3) The whole thing is so unbelievable, I think even a soap opera would reject this plot.
4) I have 100% faith that law enforcement does NOT buy this for a second. Before the
miraculous re-appearance (that didn't even require a hospital stay) and "kidnapping recovery
specialist" (not even gonna go there... I can't even), I'm sure they did to some degree. But it
sounds like they're just waiting on having enough evidence to press criminal charges... let's
hope so anyway.
5) I think this Sherri woman has seen Gone Girl a few too many times. It's like her whole
persona and vague description of events perfectly matches up with Amy's at the end of the
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[-] chrissycakes8726 4 points 4 months ago

Now, ive only been through Redding a couple times to go to Oregon, but from what ive heard
and seen the town is pretty damn white, if you know what i mean. Would 2 hispanic women out
in town together kind of stand out to some people there? Or is is really not as white as im
making it seem out to be? Plus im really not too sure of the size of this town either, so..but im
curious to know, if there are any Redding people here, what they think of that, is there a large
hispanic community in the town of Redding or what, cause it seems to me there really isnt.. but
like i said ive only stopped through a couple times in the past so i dont really know too much
besides what im getting off the internet.
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[deleted] 4 months ago


5 points 4 months ago

OK, there is absolutely no doubt that this is a hoax now. WTF!?! Scalped has now become "cut
above the shoulders". No way. They better face some serious consequences over this.
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[-] schatzylibra 2 points 4 months ago

Where is the reference to her hair being "cut above the shoulders"? Just curious, thanks.
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[-] SweetBabyAngle 8 points 4 months ago

I thought the short haircut info was well known. Someone had found a bunch of short
hairstyle pins saved to her Pinterest a couple months before she went missing.
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[-] r_barchetta 19 points 4 months ago

Next we will hear: "The big brow/little brow abductors humiliated Sherri by styling her hair in
a shoulder-grazing, traditional long bob (lob) Framing her hair from the chin down and then
cut square. No layers were evident and a daring hint of platinum highlights could be seen if
one looked closely." I can't take this story anymore! unbelievable.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 5 points 4 months ago

The forcibly spray tanner her and gave her lash extensions before whitening her teeth.
These criminals are like super duper dangerous
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[-] sharonsmiles 12 points 4 months ago

This new cut will be be known as Sherri's "branded" signature style.

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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

B0000! Hiss!
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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

Where is the cut above the shoulders source?

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[-] rfBBBB 1 point 4 months ago

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this is where they are getting it. sorry if someone already answered. CL is popping with
papini posts now. it's worth refreshing a bunch. they come down quick from keith himself
CL: redding/ personals / rants and raves
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[deleted] 5 points 4 months ago

There is no doubt... However, some here (and of course the entire lot over at WS) are still
leaning towards poor lir SP being a victim.
Amazes me....
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

I tried reading a Papini thread over there (one of about 20 or 30?) and
holypoopalachacha that is crazy town! Why is everyone afraid of the mods?
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 3 points 4 months ago

I'll agree it's weird if the hair was only cut to just above her shoulders. If this is a hoax, it's
entirely likely that she had cut her hair short to prevent anyone from recognizing her before
her planned release date, but not making it horrendous for a growing one's hair back
experience. What drives this possibility home for me is that KP referred to her hair as
"signature" - to bring attention to it being something we'd notice.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 4 points 4 months ago

Project Taken on FB can still be seen in "cache" mode on the internet. You simply type the name
into google, and next to the website name, you choose the "cache" option.
Here is his last post on Dec. 4th "Self preservation is a horrible quality in a human being. Be
willing to risk your reputation for the greater good. The day your reputation becomes more
important than doing what is right is the single most selfish day of your life."
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] muwtski 6 points 4 months ago

He's a martyr now. Real professional to put that on your business page by the way.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 4 months ago

By the way, I for one don't think Gamble was involved with the hoax. I think he was brought
in later, but I don't think Sherri and Keith would have taken the risk of involving someone
they barely knew.
He certainly seems like an odd character and ridiculous IMO, but pretty harmless.

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Just my 2 cents.
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[-] lottiehelen 5 points 4 months ago

They likely knew Gamble well before this all went down. Gamble's wife (edit: appears to
have) liked one of SP's Google+ posts months prior to SP's disappearance.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I would love a theory that exonerates Sherri, but I have not seen one yet, at least one
that the released information supports.
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[-] seaharechasr 1 point 4 months ago

I don't think this is very likely but being an old school punk I've had plenty of
(unpleasant) experiences with skinheads in my younger years, & I have to admit that
when I saw the rumours of a skinhead ex- boyfriend who was recently released from
prison, I immediately thought of her "chopped hair"/"shaved head" & wondered if this
alleged ex-boyfriend decided to bring her back into the fold. There are plenty of
skinhead girls who wear boot girl haircuts ie
That could explain the chopped & shaved descriptions AND the witness who thought
she saw long blonde hair.
IF that's how it went down maybe she was too terrified to name her real abductor/s.
& maybe spending all that time being exposed to racist views made her
subconsciously blame her old targets when she wanted to deflect attention from the
real perpetrator/s
Again, I wouldn't put this on the "credible theories list" though because of all the
weirdness from KP & CG. If those two weren't so bizarre, & IF the ex-boyfriend story
is confirmed beyond doubt, I might give it a little more weight.
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

I have been wondering the same thing..

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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Maybe just opportunistic?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 4 points 4 months ago

Yes, definitely opportunistic, and... delusional. I think he has a very precarious grasp
of reality.
And is it just me, or does the logo for project taken look like the old Transformers
logo back in the 80s? I have a feeling that growing up Gamble watched A LOT of tv
and movies and borrowed bits and pieces to make this larger than life persona.
A bit of Indiana Jones, a bit of Mel Gibson from Ransom, maybe some GI Joe? He's
like a big kid playing dress up.

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 4 months ago

I forgot James Bond! Have you seen his profile pic?

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

He's a grade A turd.

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[-] muwtski 7 points 4 months ago

There are literally thousands of men at bars and churches telling these tall tales at
any given moment. Of course like Gamble most of them are broke and dead
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

Exactly. And with the military angle they always claim some top secret
clearance ruse as to why they can never verify anything. It's an excellent ruse
for them.
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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

Oh yeah, this guy probably joined the military thinking he was going to be one
bad ass mofo but instead he was stuck changing oil on supply trucks.
He really sees himself as something he is not. He thinks he is an action hero.
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[-] LexiLansing 2 points 4 months ago

I used to live near a military post with a large population of special operations,
and I had several friends in that field. Some of them started out in really
disparate areas of the military. One of them was in the army band when he
first enlisted, of all things, while others had office jobs to begin with.
I don't say this to say I think Gamble is telling the truth (he's definitely
completely full of shit), but to point out how sad it is that this guy decided to
pursue this fantasy life of total BS rather than actually buckling down and
doing the things he pretends to do for real. Real people, from everyday
backgrounds, become SF operators. It's not magic- there's an application
process and everything. They just have to work hard and deal with a lot of
stress and discomfort for a very long time.
Obviously this dude was not up for that, he just dropped out and pretended
he did what he clearly couldn't hack in real life.
It's really kind of pitiful.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Thanks. I saw a resume on Linkedln by a guy who does do this stuff for a
living and he has been devoted to his military career since 1982.
Like most careers and specialties, a person has to devote time and energy
to actually doing stuff, not just making up websites and incorporating silly

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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

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[-] sharonsmiles 19 points 4 months ago

Project Faken - The Sherri Papini Story. 48 hours mystery.

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[-] whinecube 8 points 4 months ago*

This page says that Gamble has been training the Special Ops Community since shortly after
September 11, 2001. Really? See, according to a people look-up site, Gamble is 36.
Was he really TRAINING people at age 21? So with his 2 years of experience he was suddenly an
expert in the field?
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[deleted] 4 points 4 months ago

and apparently didnt enter the military until 2002. LULZ

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

Was that before or after working with secret service? And where does his excavation
business come in to play?
Any one interested in helping me come up with a timeline/resume of his claims?
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

Here's more:

"Cameron also has helped with on the ground training to help rescue girls from human
trafficking, and globally led clandestine teams against drug cartel and mafia ran
organizations to help thwart the multi-billion dollar sex-trafficking industry."

Bethel Church needs to stop worshiping their god and start worshiping Gamble.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 10 points 4 months ago

Is this a thing? Can we just make stuff up now?

"Nobel Peace Prize nominee and two time Olympic gold medalist for disc golf,
/u/bitter_britches is in the running for Ms Antartica 2016. Her humanitarian work with
Kony2012 and experience marching for civil rights along side MLKjr make her the
perfect candidate. She will be performing her original hit song "Who Let The Dogs
Out" with a special appearance from Nirvana (a musical group she founded in 1884). "
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Yeah, but can you cook???

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

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She invented cooking, saving humanity from starvation, still not a super mom
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

I was so busy taking out Bin Laden with my bare hands I only finished half of
my culinary schooling in France.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

Oh...uhnn....sorry I have plans for Friday night.

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Maybe there be other 'threads' reddits' i don't know the correct terminology, for specific
topics so that it is easier to keep track of and one "table of contents" thread that
organizes the links.
one for each specific theory, ie solo staged hoax, crime by husband, forced
abduction from home
one for mr gamble's self reported claims to which he, or a spokesperson, for his
company encouraged us to vet, maybe he could do a reddit AMA to clear things up.
Edited for spelling and grammar, act surprised
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

From his Facebook page:

"Shortly after September 11th, 2001, Cameron answered the call to serve his country and
enlisted in the United States Air Force as an Enlisted Aircrew Member.
He graduated with honors, first in his class during his flight school. He went on to graduate
the Air Force Combat Survival School on September 11th, 2002."
So to answer your question, no he has not been training Spec-Ops since shortly after
September 11, 2001.
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[-] AlexandrianVagabond 2 points 4 months ago

According to the Daily Beast article about him, his military records show he joined in
2002 and left in 2005. And bankruptcy proceedings show he was getting disability from
the military.
I guess 2002 is "shortly after"? Funny how he also somehow managed to graduate from
SERE on 9/11 the next year. Must be 'cause he's such a super-patriot (autocorrect
changed that to "super-parrot"...seems legit).
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

LOL...this guy just cannot tell the truth!

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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

Wowzer and WTF, fake special ops training with a supernatural twist
P.S. love the donation link on the page
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[-] sharonsmiles 8 points 4 months ago

Their donation page says "We believe giving is a form of worship"..I bet you do, you
greedy bastards.
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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

It makes sense that a super shady church would attract a shady couple like this.
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[-] Tori68 3 points 4 months ago

He reminds me of a young John Kerry for some reason.

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[-] loveagreatmystery 9 points 4 months ago

He reminds me of Lee Harvey Oswald. Not kidding.

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[-] alpine13208 3 points 4 months ago

Yeah! He does!
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[-] Tori68 6 points 4 months ago

Oh wow, you're right! As if he wasn't already creepy enough.

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[-] Meliemel16 6 points 4 months ago

Some of the comments on the posts about SP are pretty much on target in thinking this is a
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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

From Ericka Courtney's blog: "Gamble said his course had "recently been accredited by the
Department of Criminal Justice Services," but no such federal agency exists."
I think this guy's ENTIRE resume is bullshit.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

Did he claim it was federal or state? There are state Department of Criminal Justice Services.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Good question, though I am not seeing anything from CA either.

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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Virginia has it and I have seen photos of him with Roanoke PD.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

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The one of him standing with 3 other men in front of a building? I keep seeing the
same few pics. Since he likes to toot his own horn, you'd think he'd post pics of
him with all of these important people. Or maybe actually teaching a class
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah that one. I agree with you. He hasn't released an "in action" shot or
video of any actual real world training.
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[-] bergie321 1 point 4 months ago

That was classified after he single-handedly took down Osama Bin Laden.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

lol. Funny thing is, he's scared to death to deal with the folks that are
calling him out, yet he thinks he can handle the bad
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[-] Sam5377 9 points 4 months ago

Did CG help to find Roanoke after it was reported missing?
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] loveagreatmystery 4 points 4 months ago

LOL doesn't begin to describe the hysterics I'm in. Gold, Jerry.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] fastereddy 7 points 4 months ago

Can anyone please confirm that the project TAKEN Reviews Facebook page is down? I'm getting
an error page. It was up earlier today and NOT getting good reviews. TIA
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Can't see the reviews but on his FB page he is obviously deleting comments. On one post, in
place of any comments, he put the testimonials video which appears to be a church group
imo. Their mindset is pretty revealing - this training is good for anyone going overseas
(scary foreigners! not the good old USA!) and "even men". Their apologetic tone when
saying that "even men" need training skeeves me out. Safety: It's Not Just For Submissive
Wimmenfolk Anymore. barf
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[ -] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

So his focus is on women? Did you read his wife's literary work posted here?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

I think his focus is on anyone who will pay him, but church folks have to soft-pedal
the gender crap so as not to sound blasphemous, and they were displaying their
xenophobia IMO.
He is playing to a pretty impressionable crowd.
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[-] sharonsmiles 5 points 4 months ago

Gamble is really questioning his decisions at this point. I hope.

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[-] bishcray 6 points 4 months ago*

I can see them and one reply from JG starts with, "Honestly, SHUT UP!" lolz
Edit: so weird, when I clicked on it again it gave me the error message. Hmm...
Edit again: So yeah, they disabled reviews. Yet folks can still make comments on their posts.
I'm sure they'll disable that soon, too.
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

I really enjoyed the 3rd person type responses when his credentials were questioned,
must be the tiny secretary in his tiny, po box, office.
Also, when he said 'project faken has no record of you attending a course' must be
pretty easy to check those 8 records, plus they all attend Bethel Cult Church
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[-] lilymax 4 points 4 months ago

I love how he responds to all of them with "We have no record of you attending a
seminar or training class." Jackass.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Are you still able to see the reviews?

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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

I got an error page.

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1-1 Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Not sure how helpful, but I think /u/youngharrisonford had some screenshots
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[-] lilymax 1 point 4 months ago

No :/
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[-] Bitter_Britches 5 points 4 months ago*

Brings up an error page for me.

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For someone with such specialized training and so many high up contacts you'd think he'd
be able to hold a real job rather than, you know, making YouTube videos. I mean, look at
this impressive resume:
Here's a C&P of the above post.
"After Cameron's honorable time in service, Cameron to serve his country as a contractor.
He worked as an interrogator for the Army Combat Survival School as he trained helicopter
pilots, Rangers and Special Forces to resist enemy exploitation if captured behind enemy
Cameron went on to consult with the U.S. Secret Service team in charge of the asset
protection for Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell.
In late 2009, Cameron became the Lead Captivity and Survival Instructor for the Marine
Special Operations Command. He then went on in 2010 to create an advanced battlefield
intelligence collection program for the U.S. Navy SEALS's and their global anti-terrorism
missions. He was the Lead Instructor for this program.
Cameron also founded Catalyst Advanced Training Group in 2010. He created and taught a
program he created 'Criminal Intelligence Collection Course' and his expertise has been
utilized by Law Enforcement investigation divisions from New York to Florida. "
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[-] r_barchetta 4 points 4 months ago

he went on to train MacGyver on how to diffuse a thermonuclear warhead using a

grapefruit, a ball of string, and the zipper from a pair of Levis what a load of crap.
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4 points 4 months ago

Don't forget how he bravely threw himself in front of Harambe.

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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

Why the hell does a guy with that kind of career live in REDDING? Why is he posting
poorly-produced videos on YouTube?
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Bitter_Britches 4 points 4 months ago

All his claims should be verifiable if true. So far all anyone seems to have found is
basic training and 3 years enlistment in the Air Force before being discharged.
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[-] fastereddy 6 points 4 months ago

Agreed. And from what I read on his FB page yesterday, his supporters were
getting angry when anyone questioned his credentials. It should be simple to
supply names of respected and verifiable clients.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Apparently nothing is more frightening than the truth,

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not even two crazy latina's abducting mom's at random and torturing them
for weeks on end
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

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4 points 4 months ago

This video testimonial of his, seen by over 60 people worldwide, has the officer giving
the testimony never once mention him, or his program by name. Crafty!
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

60 whole people?! Damn.
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[-] 86Violet 2 points 4 months ago

You have got to be kidding me with that resume. Sounds ridiculous and totally made up.
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

Here he claims to be the former owner of an excavating company.

"The Web site described needs like trash bags and cardboard boxes and requested
money to rent a mini-excavator, which is like a small backhoe. Cameron Gamble is well
experienced in operating one -- he previously owned Gamble Excavating in Redding."
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

I googled "mini-excavator" and got this:
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

hahaha....that's rich!
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[-] a1g45160 3 points 4 months ago

how old is CG? Because he seems to have packed a lot of jobs into his 35ish
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I want to see the revenue associated with each job, that would be very telling
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3 points 4 months ago

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He must have his wife write up his stuff. The grammar is atrocious.
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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

Wow, that is really poorly written.

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[-] fastereddy 11 points 4 months ago

And everything with him is so vague. Consult with the Secret Service team? Does that
mean he told them where the good Karaoke bars were?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 4 points 4 months ago

Reminds me of that sweet sweet copy pasta:

*"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you
know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in
numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am
trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You
are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision
the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think
again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the
USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm,
maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're
fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven
hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained
in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States
Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face
of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution
your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would
have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying
the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You're fucking dead, kiddo." *

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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 4 months ago

Sweet sweet copy pasta! Lol!

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3 points 4 months ago

LOL...where did you get that from?

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[-] AnnAhmerican 6 points 4 months ago

The facebook page is available but the reviews aren't there anymore or they have been
hidden. Damage control?
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

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[-] caligirl4snoopy 2 points 4 months ago

I'm getting an error.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] rfBBBB 3 points 4 months ago

another interesting craigslist post. go check it out before it's taken down like all of them...
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[-] rfBBBB 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] rfBBBB 4 points 4 months ago

Another even more interesting.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 4 points 4 months ago

LOL @ "Camoron Gumball"
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[-] rfBBBB 1 point 4 months ago

Hahaa I couldn't tell if the person writing wasn't very smart or was trying to joke 101.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

I assumed it was a clever way of evading search engines while taking a little swipe at
our International Man of Mystery.
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[-] rfBBBB 3 points 4 months ago

Nice! The CL stuff is getting good. The whole Redding rants/raves page is papini
related now
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 5 points 4 months ago

Spit take!

Does anyone know if they left voluntarily or were all four of them
abducted this time?
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 6 points 4 months ago

Thanks for this! I'm over there now going through the posts - hilarious! I love
the one where the woman says she almost donated to the gofundme (or as
she calls it the Papini Welfare Fund!) but her shopping addiction overtook her

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and she bought a pair of Louboutins instead! I am guffawing!

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[-] rfBBBB 1 point 4 months ago

that is a fave of mine too! haha this is really unreal. CL is poppin. didn't
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[-] alpine13208 2 points 4 months ago

The CL is great. I'm going back there now. I need a few laughs.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 11 points 4 months ago

Well, one thing we can look forward to if they do indeed close this case is a public information
request by media for everything they have on it, including photos of her after she was "found"
by the highway.
In the mean time, LE can be choosy as to what they wish to release during an on-going
investigation. But if Redding S.O. wanted to calm the Internet talk of it being a "hoax," they
could release the photos of her alleged beat up face and the "branding" right now, along with
everything else they have that allows them to think the kidnapping was real.
They could hold back some other vital info (like they do in murder cases, withhold info that only
the perps would know) in case the suspected "kidnappers" are ever caught. But by releasing
pretty much nothing, LE is continuing to fuel the Internet flames.
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[-] whinecube 17 points 4 months ago

Either LE or the Papinis could release some info to actually find the abductors. This is
starting to piss me off. LE needs to keep the public safe, and there is a question as to
whether or not the women of Redding are safe right now. The radio silence from LE on this
matter is COMPLETELY UNPROFESSIONAL. They are public servants and right now they are
giving a big middle finger to the public who PAYS THEM to keep them safe.
Are they actively looking for these suspects they told the public about? If they aren't, why
not? Should the women of Redding be worried right now? HOW was Sherri kidnapped? She
would know that. She would know how it happened. Well fucking ask her then. Ask her and
tell the public to be wary of situations like that. Release the info even if it messes up your
little "investigation" because until these people are caught, this cannot happen to another
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[-] Bitter_Britches 8 points 4 months ago

Locals and Media, don't forget there is a city council meeting this evening. Mayor Missy is
on the agenda, might be a good opportunity to (kindly) ask a few questions regarding
the safety of the community.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 8 points 4 months ago

For sure. I brought up similar statements earlier on in this sub a few days ago; I'm sure

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others feel the same way. It's like the JonBenet case where the DA said the people of
Boulder were not at risk, while the parents kept saying "there is a killer out there." Which
is it? In this case, either there are wild kidnappers out there preying upon the women of
Redding and/or Northern California - or there aren't. It appears that LE has not done
much to allay the fears of Redding citizens by saying they "believe" SP was kidnapped.
And yet, where's even the semblance that they are actively seeking the alleged
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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

That is the thing - if they believe her, then there would be a massive manhunt going
on for these two Latinas. Instead we get total silence. The sheriff even said that he
was not going to say anything until there was a further development in the case. So
in a week there have not been any developments?
Look, these guys need to prove to the public that they are not standing around,
eating donuts and picking their asses.
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[-] chort1313 5 points 4 months ago

But how could their be a massive manhunt with so little information given? You'd
have to profile every Latina.
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

Per whinecube's post above

HOW was Sherri kidnapped? She would know that. She would know how it
happened. We// fucking ask her then. Ask her and tell the public to be wary
of situations like that.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I can't decide if this should be read as Jack Nicholson ala A Few Good Men,
or Will Ferrell in Anchorman, and that says how fucked up this case is.
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[-] whinecube 3 points 4 months ago

They are acting like they have a lot of info that they are not releasing.
But...I suspect they are bullshitting on that one.
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

You know, I think I agree with you on that.

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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

Eloquant and concise, this should be front page news, just a pic of your statement.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 4 points 4 months ago

Or posted on the local PD FB page?

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[ -] lilymax 1 point 4 months ago

Does anyone know how much money media outlets generally offer for interviews? Pictures?
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Considering the media is all about investigating and transparency, one would think all
oayments should be disclosed each episode. Maybe, we can get journalist to investigate,
then they can pay abc to disclose how much abc pays per interview.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Typically, legitimate news outlets do not pay for interviews. Tabloids do. So while CNN would
just get permission to show a family photo, the Daily Mail will buy it as an "exclusive".
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[-] lilymax 1 point 4 months ago

Gotcha. That makes sense

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[-] anxshush 5 points 4 months ago

Has anyone here scoured through Jen Gamble's website for anything interesting? I skimmed
through a couple of pages after I read somewhere that she claims to be a writer. (I didn't see
much but honestly didn't look hard.) That piqued my curiosity since Keith's statements seem to
be written like novels and must be getting cues from somebody.
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[-] moodswingproductions 3 points 4 months ago

She says she snuggles with her kids. Just like the Papinis do. She comes off as narcissistic
and I imagine she's also histrionic.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 6 points 4 months ago

Blog post from 10/20/16

Sounds like something big has been happening in their family.
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[-] geckogoose89 1 point 4 months ago

She really is a terrible writer.

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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

Does this woman seriously get her inspiration from People Magazine and HGTV fixer-
upper shows?
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] sharonsmiles 4 points 4 months ago

Another way to make money is by being a life coach. These people are full of schemes.
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[ - ] loveagreatmystery 6 points 4 months ago

O000hhh yes she is flowery and dramatic. This is from her most recent blog entry, dated
These past two years have been both incredible as we pursued and caught our biggest
dream, but also the absolute hardest of our lives. A part of our story I can't share right
now. If you can imagine that part in a movie where everything finally comes together for
the lead. All their hard work and tears and sacrifice...all worth it. It's the part when you
want to stand and cheer, right? But then something happens that totally takes you by
surprise. You weren't expecting it and the movie plot twists. That is where we are. Where
we've been for the past 10 months and it has been beyond hard. Painful. Devastating even.
And it is all finally catching up to me now that I am able to breathe some. Starting to pick
up some of the fractured dreams, parts of my heart.
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[-] IllustriousTutu 10 points 4 months ago

That sounds like something a woman would write as she deals with the aftermath of her
husband having an affair. Putting the pieces of the broken dream back together and all
that. One wonders...
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[-] bergie321 1 point 4 months ago

I was thinking miscarriage.

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[-] Sbplaint 4 points 4 months ago

Or it could have to do with the civil suit against them about something called the Role
Company Inc(?) I saw it on linked on ericka Courtney's blog yesterday...
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

That is what I thought, too.

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Let me ask you this. Do you think there's a possibility that she had an affair?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

I do not know these people so theoretically yes, she could have had an affair.
Affairs happen all the time and it does not matter whether you go to church
or are a "super mom". But would this abduction have been to cover up
something to do with her affair, or as payback?
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Where I am going with this is I just read a post of hers where she
basically said her goal was to live debt free and now she is able to 100%
retire her husband. Kinda makes me wonder if she wasn't happy in her
marriage, blamed him for being a bust out, strayed (or EA, what have
you) and things played out. Meanwhile, his fragile superhero ego needed a
boost. Enter the Papini family.

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I hope I don't sound as nutty as he does...1o1

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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

Sorry, I lost the plot and thought you meant Sherri. But sure she
could have had an affair although in that case why would her heart be
shattered? Maybe he had an affair and this is his way of winning her
back. Hail the conquering hero.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Well I do have a direct example, but I'd rather not write it as it

might offend some people. Either way, those two (Jen/Cam) aren't
cut from the same mold as most people I know.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

This "writer" cannot even form complete sentences.

Jesus Christ are people delusional these days.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 12 points 4 months ago

I think she writes. In chopped up phrases. For dramatic effect. Like the shards. Of
her fractured dreams.
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[-] Tori68 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] jessitbird 6 points 4 months ago

My brain has William Shatner's voice reading that.

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[-] Kangaroo1974 2 points 4 months ago

I just snorted up some coffee reading this.

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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah it is the writing equivalent of his shitty acting.

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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

I see this shit on facebook sometimes. Hey look, there is no literary style that will
give any sort of gravitas to your banal little life.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

LOL. Well said!

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[-] Sam537' 3 points 4 months ago

I did not get to the bucket in time

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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

I would love to know what devastating plot twist caused her dreams and heart to
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

I would too
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[-] Sam5377 11 points 4 months ago

Dear lord, she is a writer, now we have to read every script this wacko ever wrote, sigh, I
need coffee and my glasses
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[-] SkylarBlue5 6 points 4 months ago

We have all been 'taken'!

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Now that's clever and your timing, perfection

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[-] a1g45160 2 points 4 months ago

Don't forget a barf bucket. It looks like you'll need it.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

So the brand, either a message to the papini's for something they are involved in or some BS
race thing and the sheriff wants it underwraps to keep tensions down?
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 4 months ago

Could the brand be cross or some kind of Bethel-related thing? Lordy, this thing is getting
darker by the day!
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[-] loveagreatmystery 8 points 4 months ago

Or it's just a burn mark from being burned with something metal. Torturing her with a burn
was "sending a message". Not literally a message written on her.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

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6 points 4 months ago

Meaningless trivia here but, from this 2013 article, it sounds like Keith's dad designed a game
called Off Road Golf. I wonder if he's the "wealthy relative" they're staying with, he's got a lot of
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[-] curiouscompulsion 2 points 4 months ago

Almost hate to say it (cause I want to unfairly loathe the whole family), but that game
sounds like a really fun (low-key, with beer) kind of thing to do.
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[-] RudineHoward 3 points 4 months ago*

I've read comments in different sites saying that Sherri's father in law pays for everything for
the couple and he was the "anonymous" contributor of the 50k ransom. Apparently he is
super rich and owns lots of property, the bankruptcy is from some restaurant that he spent
millions or something. Maybe the couple is now in one of his properties, who knows
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] Starkville 3 points 4 months ago

He might have let Keith and Sherri live in his old house for cost (paying property taxes,
maintaining it), but I'm sure he's not paying all their expenses. Otherwise Sherri would
not be selling ragged old clothing on used clothing sites.
He may be the "wealthy" relative who's letting them hide out in Michigan (where did I read
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 4 months ago

The mother owns the house.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Keith's bio father or Mother's boyfriend?

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[-] RudineHoward 1 point 4 months ago

Rod Rodriguez
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Momls boyfriend, copy that, his bio dad made the off road golf game
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[-] Tori68 2 points 4 months ago

Yes, the bio dad, Ken, looks like he might have money from what I can find
out about him online.
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[-] bishcray 12 points 4 months ago

Hey locals, are any of y'all going to that town meeting? I'm dying to know what's said about this
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[-] loveagreatmystery 5 points 4 months ago

I hope someone gives us live updates! And a full recap. :)

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[-] RudineHoward 3 points 4 months ago

crazy question: Can they leave the state or the country? maybe that's the reason they didn't
take the dogs with them, it's a lot of hassle to travel international by plane with pets, need
passport, shots, quarantine etc. Hey they have the gofundme money, tv shows and magazine
interviews, sold their kids photos and probably got a book deal and now are living in Canada or
something. Lol, just wondered if this could be possible...
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

No way they're coming to Canada! We don't want them here lol

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[-] sharonsmiles 1 point 4 months ago

They can run but they can't hide. Oh never mind they live in Redding CA.
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[-] reginafalangy111 9 points 4 months ago

Although I questioned the same thing, I follow up with another this still an
open investigation? Cause if so, you would assume they couldn't leave the state.
Edit: I find it alarming that their reasoning for,leaving their home and dogs was because of
media. I would understand better had they said they left because they are afraid of the
people who abducted her finding her again.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

I hope the neighbor fed their dogs today and took them outside..
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[-] RudineHoward 1 point 4 months ago

good question (I have no idea if is still an open investigation).

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[-] loveagreatmystery 5 points 4 months ago

Yeah, the media they courted relentlessly. GMAB.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

The media makes me feel safer with these two insane Latina's running around, what if
they came back, they are clearly loca
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[-] Tori68 9 points 4 months ago

Add to that, how smart of it was Keith to go on 20/20 and allow them to film standing
right in front of their home...then over a week later he's suddenly fearful for their safety?
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 4 months ago

It wasn't their home...I'm telling you it's an Airbnb house rented by ABC.
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[-] IllustriousTutu 3 points 4 months ago

Exactly. It doesn't add up. If you want to protect your wife and children from further
harm you go on lockdown and a resounding "no comment" is given until the alleged
perps are caught.
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[-] lilymax 13 points 4 months ago*

And why would you sell pics of your kids' faces to the media with your crazed captors
still on the loose??
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[-] Tori68 1 point 4 months ago

Oh no, did they really sell them? I did wonder why the kids faces weren't blurred
out anymore. That makes me sad for them:(
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[-] sharonsmiles 3 points 4 months ago

The only explanation is they are wanting to cash in any way they can and that
there are no captors to fear. If she were really kidnapped, the post traumatic
stress would cause paranoia.
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5 points 4 months ago

Gone Girl all the way11111 And now she and her family have disappeared. What the hell. Now that
they have the go-fund me money, right before Christmas, give me a break1111111 Did no one in
the neighborhood see or hear them move in the middle of the night? Why leave the dogs? I
can't wait to hear how this all ends and say told you so.
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[-] seubankl9 7 points 4 months ago

Cameron gamble's Linkedln states that he created Naval Special Warfare Command.
But when looking up the actual website;
I see nothing at all linked to this character? Also, the official website states this program gamble
claims to have created, was in fact created April 16, 1987. Anyone else seen this?
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

I think it has been pretty well established and anyone with a thinking mind can come to the
conclusion that his resume and anything he says about himself is a complete LIE.
It is almost laughable if this was not such a serious situation.
The dude reminds of Tom Cruise and I bet would fit in with Scientology well. Mental disorders
for days...
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] rfBBBB 6 points 4 months ago

what is this about stacy smart now missing? and apparently the family just contacted cameron
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gamble for help! holy shit. i just got the craziest feeling. of course. he's on his way to "save" the
next "victim"


sorry my links suck but they work lol

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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

I like that the included this bit in the article

"In addition, a Daily Beast article on Monday questioned Gamble's credentials, calling him "an
obscure self-defense coach" who got involved in the Papini case for financial reasons."
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[-] Kangaroo1974 3 points 4 months ago

She was reported missing the same day, but because she's not a blond "supermom" she
didn't get much attention. Now they want CG to do the same thing for her that he did for
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[-] RudineHoward 2 points 4 months ago*

I think her bf murdered her... Don't believe Gamble would be able to find her body...
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

I have a sinking feeling about all of this.

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[-] snidece 5 points 4 months ago

Sure is a good thing they never crossed state lines or else it would be a federal crime with the
feds coming in to investigate.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

Maybe they did, how would we know they didn't ;)

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2 points 4 months ago

Well if SP was driven around for 2.5 hours, then it is within the realm of possibility that they
crossed state lines.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

Or "they" were just driving in circles to make her think it was far
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

Driving around in circles with an abducted woman in the car? The longer they did
that, the better chance of being stopped.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

I know but either way lets not forget Bosenko confirmed only 1 woman dropped

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her off..I know it was dark, but still

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[-] snidece 1 point 4 months ago

Yeah, I see what you mean. No way to determine if they crossed over into Nevada for
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Or Oregon. She was gone for 22 days. She could have been anywhere in the US.
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[-] sharonsmiles 10 points 4 months ago

The whole supermom is what caught my attention during the kidnapping phase and then I found
out she was a stay at home mother. Are you kidding me? She dropped her kids off at daycare
to go running and have her signature hair bleached. She made a perfect pie. If that is a super
mom then most other women I know are extra super moms. They hold down jobs to pay
mortgages, cook, clean, work out with their kids in jogging strollers and live frugally to save a
few bucks.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

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[-] rfBBBB 4 points 4 months ago

if you go to @thetrialwatcher on twitter they posted an interesting photo of a police report type
from the 11th. this may get you to it but i suck at links here (?!)
imo i took it as a possible friend that sherri called and kind of explained the situation jokingly
and that friend called LE even though sherri said not to, and that she did not want to be
involved. i think the friend figured even knowing she was "safe" she didn't feel right about it. idk.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 5 points 4 months ago

I read it differently: someone who did not want involvement with the police had knowledge
that a woman was being held agaisnt her will in a storage shed, and he or she told someone
else, who called the police on their behalf.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago*

Here's a direct link to the tweet I think you're talking about. I can't make the pic of the
report bigger. Anyone else?
EDIT: adding this link to the sheriff dept's online daily logs. According to the person who
posted it on Twitter they only go back 10 days.
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2 points 4 months ago

You can change the date in the address bar, this is what I did and found the original
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Hot damn! Good find

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


7 points 4 months ago

I posted that...appears to have been taken from my Imgur.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

Oh jeeze, you're right. This is nothing new, apologies My brain is still sludge
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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

yes that's it. thanks! anyone know how to get more reports from around the same time?
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[-] anxshush 3 points 4 months ago

You can find some here

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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] chrissycakes8726 7 points 4 months ago

A male is holding a female in a storagd container/shed??? Arent people saying that

Cameron Gamble guy had storage containers that he owned??? Hmm..
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[-] sharonsmiles 3 points 4 months ago*

Does anyone know where those storage containers are located? I want to google
earth them. And why so many? Was he expecting mass abductions?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 8 points 4 months ago

Worst. Bible Camp. Ever.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Funniest comment of the year, please get this on Tosh.O or The Daily Show
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

And yes CG had a bunch, a 'bunch' of storage shipping containers used for fake
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 4 months ago

Also, both her parents operate a storage facility

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3 points 4 months ago

I notice the report states that SP was wearing a pink jogging outfit, yet I've also read
that she was wearing a gray outfit.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

I'll have to search for it but I do recall seeing another report saying she was wearing
a pink jogging suit and black under armor shoes.
I've seen nothing that states what she was found wearing.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

Great. I'm trying to remember where I read about the gray outfit. That report
could be wrong.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

I think it was one of her neighbors who described seeing Sherri out in a pink jogging
top the day Sherri disappeared. No idea about the gray.
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

Thanks. I have not heard mentioned anything relating to her clothing on the day
she was found.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

Oh! I have not heard what she was wearing that day, either. Supposedly the
"white shirt" she was waving at cars was actually the bag that had been placed
over her head.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Thank you.
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7 points 4 months ago

I question the morning she was found. If she was so heavily battered as Keith said she was,
wouldn't someone, a very many of people stop and help her? She's a little blonde white woman,
she doesn't look threatening. I understand it was dark and I'm not sure if she was under any
lamp posts but she was seen enough for someone to call 911 as they went on. Besides the
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chains, what was she wearing when she was found? I don't buy Keith's version of HER story,
whether it be true or not. Also "screaming so,much she coughed up blood". He dramatized a
story when he wasn't even there, supposably.
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[-] reginafalangy111 2 points 4 months ago

I get it....I think where I'm getting at in my own thoughts is that I don't trust Keith or
anything he has said. Cause let's keep in mind, we have not heard or seen her. He has been
running this shit show from the beginning...not excusing sp for anything she may of done or
not, but to,put her on the back burner for a moment and examine Keith. I don't care he
passed a lie detector test. Those are invalid and can't even be used in a court of law.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

I've heard the lie detector thing for quite some time. Can anyone reliably state who
confirmed he passed it? Just like I'm waiting for confirmation other than KP that she
weighed 87 lbs. and had a broken nose.
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[-] reginafalangy111 1 point 4 months ago

I thought it was one of authorities that stated he was cleared as a suspect. But that
was waaaay in the beginning. I also thought I read he was voluntarily eager to take
the lie detector test. I just don't know how I feel about this.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Yes I read the cleared as a suspect thing. I never heard conclusively that he
passed a lie detector test. My curiosity is for other reasons.
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[-] reginafalangy111 2 points 4 months ago

"Shasta County sheriff's officials say the husband of a missing Mountain Gate
woman doesn't appear to be involved in her disappearance, based on both a
passed lie-detector test and other evidence.
Lt. Anthony Bertain said Keith Papini "continues to be cooperative in the
investigation" and passed a polygraph test Monday.
"The results of the polygraph examination indicate he has no involvement with
the disappearance of his wife," Bertain said. "Sheriff's Office Detectives have
confirmed his whereabouts on the day in question and there is no physical
evidence at this time suggesting he had any involvement."
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Thank you.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

For all we know the 1st person who saw her called 911.It's easy to see cars at night with
headlights, difficult to see a person standing off the road, especially driving at highway
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[-] whinecube 8 points 4 months ago

She was on the side of the interstate. By the time a person sees her, it is too late to stop.
One woman exited the first chance she got and called 911. I assume that LE came just a few
minutes later. It was also 4:30 in the morning and there may not have been a lot of traffic.
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[-] lilymax 11 points 4 months ago

Has law enforcement mentioned any details about her abduction as far as how she was
captured? Was she approached for directions? Was she lured to their SUV? Did they literally
grab her as she was jogging? Surely these are questions that SP could/should have answered.
Seems like this would be useful information for other women, especially joggers in the area.
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1_1 [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

The local LE suck ass. It appears they just want it all to go away....fade into the air
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[-] lilymax 1 point 4 months ago

I'm starting to wonder

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[-] sharonsmiles 1 point 4 months ago

Was an APB sent out to other PD's?

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Nope, and why not, warn other mother and daughters and were they wearing mask at the
time of the abduction?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 5 points 4 months ago

Nope. No details on how she was abducted. On the one hand, police say they believe the
story is true. On the other hand, they aren't giving the public info any that could help
prevent others from falling victim to these two armed and dangerous Latinas. WTF
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2 points 4 months ago

"What the f!!! are you talking about? That poor woman... that poor SL?T kidnapped herself.
Come on dude, you said so yourself."
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[-] Silentspring007 1 point 4 months ago

It is reasonable to expect that that information should be released by LE as they are saying
that this is a legitimate kidnapping. It is their responsibility to do so and the fact that they
aren't, implies that there's something very rotten with this case.
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[-] Hippopotapie 5 points 4 months ago

I want to see who all is local. I'm local, I live in redding. Who else is local?
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[ - ] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Pudding Volcano, HoneyBeeBzz, sbpaint, Veritas?

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 1 point 4 months ago

I'm in CA but not in Redding. I'm a few hours south.

I don't know why I always had this idea that Redding was such an ideal place to live. I
remember when a friend moved there recently, I had the faint feeling of envy. But now,
after reading so many posts from locals, it feels like the most backwards place in
I've always had it in my mind of settling down somewhere quaint and "homey", but
sometimes those places have a dark side to them that you don't discover till you live
Now I know!
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

It sounds like 10 to 20 years ago maybe, but isolation and pot farms breed a distaste
for Leo and promote crimes
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[-] Hippopotapie 7 points 4 months ago

Wow, I'm off here for almost a day and this thread turned into pure argument chaos. What
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

last night it was filled with a bunch of 'naysayers' and 'on the fence' idiots giving SP and
KP benefit of doubt, etc etc....
i have my own theory on that ;)
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[-] Hippopotapie 1 point 4 months ago

So we were over taken by sluethers?

This means war.
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[-] fastereddy 23 points 4 months ago

Based on the MSNBC interview Gamble gave yesterday, he feels that he is a suspect. He was
fairly emphatic in stating that he wasn't in town during most of her "captivity." Also, and I feel
this is key, he stated that the " ransom" angle was actually Keith Papini's idea and not his. So if
that's the case, it would be like a pizza delivery man taking credit for cooking up a tasty pizza.
All along, Gamble took the credit for his role in this ordeal. And he is still attempting to spin
himself as the true hero here in a sense. His own wife calls him a hero on her Facebook page.
But he went public and attempted to distance himself in several key ways.
Another telling point was his mention of being paid $1.00 for his role. Subsequent to that, he let
the world know that he promptly donated that money to St. Jude's Hospital. That is of
significance in more than one aspect. And frankly, the most telling aspect is that he made his
donation to a well established charity as opposed to a fringe religious type charity that I am sure

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he would be well acquainted with. St. Jude's Hospital despite its name, is not a religious
organization. I'm sure he's feeling the blow back from his strongly religious inspired feats of
heroism he posted online.
As for his training as a hostage negotiator, he has shown no evidence of any. His only training
of substance presented is the 3 week SERE course, and that in no way prepares anyone for a
career as a hostage negotiator. I do not want to go into his fabrications of his past at this point.
It should be obvious to all.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 1 point 4 months ago

So he says he thinks he's a "suspect," eh? That could mean that he's been grilled pretty
heavily by LE. And that's a good thing. :)
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

He didn't say he was a suspect. My apologies. He's behaving like a suspect. He's feeling
pressure from somewhere/someone.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 1 point 4 months ago

Oh, that's a bit different then. Yes, he does act and has acted suspiciously from the
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

KP's idea? Who contacted who?

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[-] geckogoose89 3 points 4 months ago

Reportedly Lisa Jeter, a friend of Sherri's, contacted Cameron Gamble. Not sure how she
knows Gamble.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

She would babysit for the Papini's maybe she did the for the Gamble's 4 or 5 kids
too? Church?
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

It's getting harder to follow.

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[-] sharonsmiles 5 points 4 months ago

Without being asked, the first thing he said was that he was out of town during most of the
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

Wouldn't stating that he was out of town for her captivity make him MORE of a suspect
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since she was found 150 miles away?

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[-] brianjlg 2 points 4 months ago

Exactly. In this case, saying he was in Redding the whole time (with proof) would have
been an alibi, not the opposite! It's worse for him to be out of the town at the same time
the victim was also "out of town".
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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

I think this Cameron Gamble guy is just not that smart. Also, if he was the expert
hostage negotiator, why on earth would he leave town?
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

She would have planned it but she doesn't seem as smart so it has to be
someone else planning and them as puppets cause he's too dumb to know we
can find that he does t have proof of any of his background he says he has
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[-] brianjlg 2 points 4 months ago

How else was he going to feed the woman tied up in his sick ass rape room
(storage container)? LOL
Very good point, though.
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

It is mentioned by him to establish a concrete alibi for his whereabouts.

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[-] Maysma 6 points 4 months ago

Have they established where she was during her captivity? I find it kind of interesting that he
insists he wasn't even in town, makes me think he knows where she was (somewhere local,
his storage?) and is trying to distance himself.
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[-] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

To my knowledge, her whereabouts have not been publicly revealed. What LE may know
may be more in depth.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 11 points 4 months ago

He wants credit for donating one dollar to St Jude's? LOL

The FBI was involved which means there were already trained and qualified hostage
negotiators available if needed. This guy is delusional.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Did he hand deliver the dollar?

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[-] loveagreatmystery 6 points 4 months ago

Yes. All in pennies.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] sharonsmiles 2 points 4 months ago

He wants to distance himself by saying he did not profit from this incident.
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[-] brianjlg 1 point 4 months ago

Yes, and it's nonsensical. He goes to the trouble of charging someone a dollar (when
he could have just done it for free) and then supposedy donated that paltry dollar to
St. Jude's? Come on!
What do you want to bet no donations of $1 were received by St. Jude in all of
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[-] fastereddy 5 points 4 months ago

I'd like to know the extent of the F.B.I.'s involvement. I'm curious.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Me too. But I am sure that if negotiators were needed or appropriate they could have
provided them.
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[-] fastereddy 8 points 4 months ago

I agree. I'm more concerned that the Feds got involved, investigated, then
decided to pull out. That would speak volumes and I believe needs to be
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 4 months ago

The FBI may have offered support with going through their
computers/phones, but that is pretty much the extent of their involvement.
They only have jurisdiction if she was taken across state lines.
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[-] fastereddy 4 points 4 months ago

I'd really wish we could get a concrete answer. There may have been
reports of her across state lines a well. Just not enough information has
been released at this time.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Ijust want some info, ANY info!

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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

I was under the assumption they pulled out once she was found (no longer a
kidnapping, did not cross state lines). Did they pull out earlier?
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[ - ] fastereddy 3 points 4 months ago

I have no idea. I'm trying to get as many details on their involvement that
I can.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] MeatTacoslady 17 points 4 months ago

I think that this couple met Gamble at their church and somehow came up with this whole story
(if what I'm reading is true). He needs people to know about his Project Taken and they love
attention. I would bet she was at his storage with the kidnapping simulator and he is probably
the one that caused the injuries and took her to where she was found. Again I could be totally
wrong but that is what my gut says. They all get to be the center of attention at some point in
this. She is the one that this horrible thing happened to and the whole world cares about her.
Keith gets to go on tv and show off his acting skills and tell the story of their great love. and
Gamble gets to be the tough guy hero and get attention for his Project Taken. A little added
bonus is they get to throw Latin women under the bus right after the Trump election and she is
home by Thanksgiving and her balloon release. Too convenient for me. Plus, what happened to
the money?
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[deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Spot on! Absolutely agree.

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[-] loveagreatmystery 4 points 4 months ago

I don't know if they met at church but I agree with your theory. Gamble gets famous as a
hostage expert and the Papinis get book deals, media engagements and the reward money
plus whatever they raise in donations. Some people would be okay with getting "abducted"
and beaten for that kind of payoff.
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[-] MeatTacoslady 1 point 4 months ago

Yes I agree. People do a lot of crazy things for all kinds of reasons.
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2 points 4 months ago

Except that the Papinis are apparently Catholic and Gamble is not.
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[-] MeatTacoslady 1 point 4 months ago

I thought I read somewhere that they went to the same church. I could be wrong
though, I was reading a lot of different things about this case.
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[deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Who knows what they really believe. I know catholics that would attend other
But I get your point
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[-] Pinkicon49 9 points 4 months ago

Look at this baby!

She is with a RICH relative and didn't take her Yorkie or the other dog with her?
Afraid for her life but not worried about the dogs that love her unconditionally? Yeah, ok.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 1 point 4 months ago

Also, the dogs would provide barkage in case anyone approached where they are now hiding
out. Because, you know...the kidnappers are still out there, right? Why aren't they afraid
that the wild Latinas will seek them out to "silence" them? How did they know that the
weren't being watched once she got released and went back home? I mean, she must be still
vulnerable and needs protection even more so - why don't they have a LE detail with them at
all times until those kidnappers are caught? Awww, I think we know the answers, LOL.... :/
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

This single insight shatters their BS narrative.

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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

The article I read made it sound like the dogs had been left alone in the house and someone
was just dropping by to walk them. WTF??? I hope someone is staying there with them. I
mean if you do not want to take your dogs to a hideout then at least board them with
relatives or hire a pet sitter. Seems very callous.
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[-] Tori68 1 point 4 months ago

That's what I read also, the media was asking the person questions about where the
family was and he said "I'm just here to walk the dog".
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[-] Starkville 4 points 4 months ago

Right? Animal companions are emotional support for the people who love them. Speaking
only for myself, if I had been through any sort of ordeal -- or even have a bad day -- the
unconditional love of a dog is comforting. You don't have to explain yourself to them; they
just love you no matter what. I really wonder why you'd want to be separated again from
your pet. Just my opinion.
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[-] lottiehelen 2 points 4 months ago

What happened to SP's Facebook account? I've seen no mention of one, yet based on her
photos and online presence elsewhere, it's likely she had one.
If she had one, the account was deleted (not deactivated) at some point. So, assuming she had
an account, either 1) she deleted it prior to disappearing, or 2) Keith deleted once she went
missing. Either scenario is suspicious. She either planned it, or Keith did (or combo of the two).
Think of other scenarios. If your loved one dies or they are sick and you're unsure if they'll make
it, you'd cling to their Facebook account. At least, you'd want to preserve it. It's an archive of
memories. Unless it's only evidence. So where did it go and when?
In either case, SP would have had Facebook friends from whose contact lists she disappeared.
Why aren't these people speaking up here or elsewhere? If my Facebook friend came up missing,

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you bet I'd check for their page for info/clues. And if I saw they suddenly (or since last I knew)
no longer had a profile, I'd be a bit alarmed.
Have these questions come up elsewhere?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

I wonder if reverse image searching some of the photos they've released would bring any
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[-] lottiehelen 1 point 4 months ago

Great thought. Hmm.

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[-] snidece 2 points 4 months ago

This is a very interesting point. Take everything at face value, there is no need to delete a
facebook account, and years of memories, pictures, etc as a result of this tragedy. Is there?
What's the psychological trauma effect that would make you delete social media? To go into
seclusion? FB can be just limited to your friends right? Is there a "wayback machine" for old
FB accounts? What happened to it during the 22 days in captivity? Silence?
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[-] lottiehelen 1 point 4 months ago

From what I've read, once you delete an account, it's gone from Facebook's database.
But, it could take up to 30 days after deletion for Facebook info to stop coming up in
web searches. So, either KP deleted it, or SP deleted some time prior to disappearing.
Regardless, assuming she had an account, where are her Facebook friends? SP appears
to be the type who would have posted often. But then it stopped at some point. These
people would have additional insight.
I bet she and Jen Gamble were Facebook friends.
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[-] snidece 2 points 4 months ago

It would have been relevant during the time she was missing. You know for clues, so
many kidnappings are by acquaintances or others connected socially or in some circle
with the victim. So it would have been credible information - who was trying to
contact her, messages on the boards in the days leading up,,,who knows now?
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[-] lottiehelen 1 point 4 months ago

Exactly. So much strange.

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[-] thebigbvng 9 points 4 months ago

Keith has said that they were a very private family, and that they didn't use social
media/facebook. Obviously this is untrue on some level, since they have accounts on many
social media platforms, but I'm not sure if anyone has found their specific facebook
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[-] sharonsmiles 2 points 4 months ago

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There is no way Sherri (crackpot) did not have a facebook account.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] lottiehelen 7 points 4 months ago

Yeah, they obviously aren't private--at least she wasn't. Their wedding album was on her
dad's business website, even. Photobucket, Google+, Poshmark, her wedding blog--KP
may be private, but SP seems to have a history of putting herself on display. I doubt he
had a Facebook account, but I'd put money on the fact that she probably did.
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[-] fastereddy 10 points 4 months ago

Good point. They are not as private as he would like to lead people to believe.
He appears prone to episodes of hyperbole and grandiosity. His mention of when he
hugged her after the ordeal, "When I hugged her," he began, "that was the other thing,
her spine was just sticking out like a large clock with gears sticking out of it; it was very
protruding," is clearly an example of this. Here is a picture from Sherri's Photobucket:
She is very skinny in that photo, hence his "shock" would be unwarranted.
I have my suspicions about several factors/actors in this drama, but I'll keep it to myself
for now.
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[-] anxshush 34 points 4 months ago*

I just realized something very interesting about the possible Sherri sighting at the Hilltop Medical
Clinic on the afternoon she disappeared. The medical clinic is in the same shopping center as
Project TAKEN's office. (Per Gamble's provided address on fb) They literally share the same
parking lot. Did she visit Gamble that day instead of the clinic? Did he take her over there since
her vehicle was still at home?
Here is a Maps image of the shopping center. I forgot to add a description so, the red arrow is
the building Project TAKEN is in and the green arrow is the clinic she was possibly seen at.
It should also be noted that Best Buy is just across the street from both of these businesses. It
wouldn't be hard for Keith to join them- his phone could have pinged there at work since it's so
close or he could have left it and his GPS equipped work vehicle at Best Buy during his break and
walked over to meet Sherri and Gamble at Project TAKEN.
edit: grammar
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

Is that place where she also made a donation in her maiden name that seems abortion like?
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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 1 point 4 months ago

Hate to mention that the FB the Project Taken address is a UPS office, so am fairly sure
#245 is a PO Box.
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[ - ] mrssailorwife 2 points 4 months ago

GREAT CATCH!! I don't think this is just a coincidence!

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[-] muwtski 5 points 4 months ago

That 'office' is a UPS store.

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[-] sharonsmiles 1 point 4 months ago

Looks like there might be some suites in the same building as the UPS store. Is suite 295
the UPS store?
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[-] muwtski 3 points 4 months ago

295 is the box number within the UPS store.

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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

To be fair he is quite small, maybe it is his office

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[-] muwtski 2 points 4 months ago

hahah it's true he appears to be a very tiny man.

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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

So Gamble uses a mail drop?

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[-] muwtski 8 points 4 months ago

Well yeah. He's a bankrupt fraud with invalid business licenses, of course he does.
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[-] fastereddy 5 points 4 months ago

I understand all of his shady to totally fabricated background. I would have

thought he'd at least use the location of his "training center" to send/receive mail.
There's simply no shred of validity to that guy in the least!
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[-] muwtski 5 points 4 months ago

I can guarantee you there is no training center. I don't know where those
containers are that he took 20/20 through, maybe they are in the old 'jeters
playground' or in a building behind his culty mega church but I can guarantee
this guy does not pay a lease on a training center.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

He's treading on thin ice. He'll get slapped with an Obstruction charge the
way he operates.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 6 points 4 months ago

I was at hilltop medical today. Plenty of short skinny blondes around this town. Plenty of
surveillance in that area as well. Almost all of hilltop dr has cameras on it due to traffic lights,
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businesses and private security. Also if the police believe Sherri, it sounds like they do not
believe the possible Sherri sighting.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

omg thats close!

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[-] Pudding Volcano 3 points 4 months ago
Have I been missing this statement the whole time, or are they new?
When asked if Bosenko had any reason Sherri's kidnapping could be a hoax, he said ' Absolutely
none. So far, we are still investigating this as a kidnapping abduction, and everything that she is
providing us thus far is indicating that.'
There's a video in the link. You've probably seen most of it, but there were a few moments with
Bosenko, I hadnt.
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[-] bigfirmlawmom 3 points 4 months ago

Has anyone considered that her long hair is extensions, and rather than being chopped off,
her extensions were out? I have seen very short hair underneath long extensions. If she
doesn't remember her captivity, and her husband is responsible for the narrative, it could be
hair not chopped off but extensions removed. Have RPD confirmed hair chopped off or cut?
If not, and extensions removed are possibility, then could affect personal nature of
motivation for abduction?
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[-] sharonsmiles 1 point 4 months ago

I hadn't thought of that. Also, her signature hair could easily be replaced with
extensions, so it wouldn't be that big of a sacrifice to lose her hair even if it were natural.
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[-] chort1313 1 point 4 months ago

But they'd spend half that 50k on her "signature blonde hair". Extensions that long
are expensive!
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[-] fastereddy 7 points 4 months ago

The police made many public statements in regards to the Lt. Joe Gliniewicz case as well.
They backed up the theory of him being gunned downed. Those in the know knew relatively
quickly that that was not the case. One key public indicator was the terribly short
involvement of the F.B.I. in that case. Eventually, the police department did an about face
and the truth came out.
What was the involvement of the F.B.I. in the SP case? I believe they were acknowledged
somewhere along the way. This is always a first line indicator of where things are headed.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 13 points 4 months ago

I think we were all hoping the Sheriff had some sort of strategy by letting Keith and Sherri

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play their game with the media.

But not it's confirmed - the Sheriff is a complete and total moron.
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[-] thebigbvng 2 points 4 months ago

I haven't been following the case as closely as most of you guys on this thread, but I did not
see that quote from Bosenko until just now. I find the change in tone pretty surprising. This
is the first statement I've read from LE that is definitively "anti-hoax".
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

Seems like that comment was earlier..

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[-] thebigbvng 1 point 4 months ago

Yeah I must have missed it!

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[-] Pudding Volcano 3 points 4 months ago*

I don't think we have seen any incredibly compelling evidence that Sherri herself is lying.
She's been missing this whole time.. allegedly. Perhaps she did only interact with two
Hispanic Spanish speaking women, but it's still possible and probably likely there are
more people involved and more to the story. There seem to be serious holes in her
story, but not necessarily contradictions. We have to remebember, Keith has done on
the talking for her. We haven't seen her on T.V. reasoning for us to believe why it makes
sense she would be so easily abducted by two women rather than two men.
Unless everyone involved is corrupt, she definitely had a bruised face, a broken nose, cut
hair and a brand. It was all likely documented, and the severity of her torture will perhaps
come to light. I'm not convinced she's telling the truth just because Bosenko does. He
did say.. 'for now we are investigsting it as an abduction...
Bosenko has still not made any statements tieing the crime to a cartle or human
trafficking like Papini' PI or Laura Ingraham. Experts say it's not likely.
I am curious if Sherri could have been intimidated or coerced into saying it was two
Hispanic women. She could still be in fear of her life.
Tbh though, I am really curious how she could be released from the hospital so quickly in
the condition they describe her to be in. 'A spine like gears in a clock', her husband
thinks hes a poet. But maybe there is more to the night of her release than we know,
including her presented injuries and treatment.
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[-] chort1313 1 point 4 months ago

'A spine like gears in a clock', her husband thinks hes a poet.< No,
Sherri speaks like a poet. I'm sure she has been feeding him everything to say.
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[-] Starkville 2 points 4 months ago

I'm curious about the extent of her "injuries" but all we have to go on is what Keith
says. The hospital can't elaborate either way, due to HIPAA rules.
It's possible that Sherri left the hospital AMA, but other redditors have said that

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insurance won't pay if someone checks out AMA. Then again, they could have been
on assistance/Medicaid and don't care about the hospital bill. Especially if they were
planning on leaving the state anyway.
Based on my experience with ER care, even with priority status and being put to the
front of the line, you're not getting out of there in an hour or two. The extent of her
claimed injuries would require imaging and consultations with several doctors.
Hospitals always cover their asses and order more tests than likely necessary
because they're liable if they missed something. Even when you're stabilized and
ready to go, the discharge paperwork can take a while!
Oh well, it's a moot point. We will never know for sure.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

I don't think we have seen any incredibly compelling evidence that Sherri herself is
lying I am curious if Sherri could have been intimidated or coerced into saying it
was two Hispanic women
Why are you curious if she is being deceptive, if, as you said, we have no reason to
think she is? I don't see how the limited details we have add up at this point, so I do
think there is deception in this case, as they release more and more official
statements hopefully the case becomes more transparent.
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[-] Hippopotapie 5 points 4 months ago

What if sherri wasn't in on it? Weird spin on things, but given her background,
what if she was kept in the dark? What if the fact that keith is doing all of the
talking, is a control power play? A lot of controlling men come off as picture
perfect husbands. What if he had to be her hero in order to prevent her from
possibly jumping ship, because this wasn't the lifestyle she wanted?
What if this was a way to "teach" her a lesson, and convince her that the only
place she's safe is with him?
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

I keep considering that as well, the sticking point is SP's comments, either
they have been misrepresented to the public or they don't make sense imho.
Her description of the abductors is in no way an attempt to describe what she
'Dark colored SUV' again vague, vague, vague, yet she could definitivly say it
was none of the SUV's the sheriff showed her.... Can she explain why she is
so sure, given her unsuredness? Is the shape different? Color wrong?
I think she saw the car in the tape, otherwise, the correct answer is "I don't
know Sheriff"
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[-] Hippopotapie 1 point 4 months ago

Here's my thing, the unwrapped present. What if the abductors came to

her house, had masks on, and immediately hooded her? Her neighbors
wouldn't have a clear view of that, she would have never actally seen the
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suv until she was booted out of it at 4 am. Note the undefined dark color.
Maybe she was going based on size of the suv. Maybe the tail lights were
As for the speaking in spanish, I highly doubt in that situation she'd be
able to discern the difference between authentic and taught Spanish. A lot
of bethel missionaries end up in Spanish speaking areas. Thus they'd have
to know how to speak the language.
And there was the lady that claimed she hooked up gamble with kp. It's
never been noted about skin color. So jennifer gamble has fairly thick
eyebrows, what about this woman that put them together? Her eyebrows
thin?is she older?
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Your theory fixes some problems very well. Interesting take on

spanish speaking vs mexican. One question, what about KP's story
about how women 'could have' approached easier?
And CG's wife probs help teach the course, she is fit enough to take
down an already emaciated SP, put a mask on CG he could be
mistaken gor female in a fast paced stressful environment.
Your theory needs to be stickied, we need a wiki of each theory and
the details.
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[-] Hippopotapie 1 point 4 months ago

That's Just Embellishment To Justify Their Story. Sorry I don't

know why my phone capitalized all of those words. Too lazy to
Maybe it was a woman's voice that drew her towards the door? I
don't suppose there'd be many people knocking on doors in that
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[-] Hippopotapie 1 point 4 months ago

And beyond that, the phone being placed the way it was, that was a
woman. No matter what, that is something a woman would do. Too
much of a sign of care. I don't mean to sound sexist, but a man would
have thrown that phone as hard as he could. But it was placed in a
specific spot where it could be found.
And I don't see sherri, who covets luxury, being the type of person to
risk an Iphone getting stolen by an unsupecting passeryby.
Which brings me to my next point. What if they were hoping someone
else found it? Not keith, that'd explain using that ap in such a
suspicious manner. He was seeing if someone had grabbed it, but they
didnt. So he had to think fast and it was sloppy as hell.
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[-] zedzedzedz 2 points 4 months ago

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And beyond that, the phone being placed the way it was, that
was a woman. No matter what, that is something a woman
would do. Too much of a sign of care. I don't mean to sound
sexist, but a man would have thrown that phone as hard as he
could. But it was placed in a specific spot where it could be
Not to be pedantic, but ascribing anything to one sex and not the
other is, by definition, sexist. It may not be sex-superiorist but it
is a generalization without support. There is no scientific or rational
reason to see this as evidentiary with regards to perceived sex.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 4 months ago

Well call me sexist and slap me silly.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Great observation on a woman placing the phone, not sexist. So

moving the phone throws off the abduction scene, yet it also put
her phone
1. In a visible area in front of mailboxes
2. It put her phone in cell reception, if this is true, it implies
intimate knowledge, not strangers
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[-] zedzedzedz 1 point 4 months ago

It is sexist. Anyone who values the phone would/could place it.

Honestly classist explanations seem more likely than sexist.
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[-] chort1313 1 point 4 months ago

So, let's say I'm the kidnapper. How would I Know what areas
got cell reception and what didn't unless I'm familiar with the
Keith might have used "Find my Iphone" app a lot to track
wife's whereabouts if he was remotely suspicious of him
cheating on her. He probably didn't see her and immediately
(sp) thought she was off cattin' around and used the "Find my
Iphone". Or, if she's like me... I lose EVERYTHING. It was on
my phone when I had an Iphone and my husband would help
me find it.
And why lay the headphones nicely on top? I always run with
my phone in case of an emergency and the first thing I do is
wrap the headphone around and around the phone. I wear
corded ear buds. So yes, planted. And rightfully planted for cell
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[-] lottiehelen 1 point 4 months ago

Except I get the sense SP might be the controlling one, with KP wrapped
around her finger.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 4 months ago

Here's my problem with that though, if it is in fact her plan, she'd be the
one wanting to soak in that media glory. She'd be showing off those
injuries, as it would not only garner belief but sympathy. Do you know
how much more they'd be getting paid for interviews if SHE were the one
giving them?
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[-] lottiehelen 1 point 4 months ago

But the problem is, the injuries likely aren't to the extent KP described.
So putting herself out there would damage credibility at this point (if
she knew about things). If she was a part of the plan and it's attention
she sought, she'd know she would get it in due time.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 4 months ago

I understand that. However, on the contrary, if she weren't part of

the plan, that still puts him in control of the output to media.
Which is exactly what I'm saying, we're hearing everything from
"her" through him.
I know that if I were to get beaten after being abducted, I wouldn't
really be focusing on watching the news, even if my husband were
on it, because I wouldn't want to relive that every day.
That's assuming that he's lying about the extent of her injuries,
but we have no definitive proof that he is. The sheriff is wishy
washy with his statements regarding them.
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[-] lottiehelen 1 point 4 months ago

I hear you--what a mess, regardless of how it started. It's

terribly unnerving to think a Reddit thread may have more info
and better questions to ask than law enforcement. I sincerely
hope that's not the case, but we have no evidence to the
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

What if the injuries don't look severe enough

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[-] Hippopotapie 1 point 4 months ago

It wouldn't matter to sympathizers, she's still "been through a

terrible ordeal".. the fact alone that there was some sort of
branding would be enough to fool masses of people. You see it all

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over threads on this specific case. Sypathizers countering with

"nobody would brand themselves"
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Sigh, you are so right, :sighs again

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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

KP has exhibited Beta characteristics.

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[-] zedzedzedz 2 points 4 months ago

There is no such thing as Beta. Its not a thing.

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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 4 months ago

He might have beta characteristics, but a lot of abusers have the art of
manipulation down. In fact a lot of serial killers fly low by exhibiting
beta characteristics, while maintaining alpha status behind closed
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

That is certainly true. My ascertainment is more related to KP being

in a wolf pack and not in relation to his marriage.
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[-] fastereddy 2 points 4 months ago

I like your take on this except for one aspect, Cameron Gamble has placed
himself as the hero in this.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I understand that, except the ideology of a heto is subjective. There

can be more than one hero, especially in this case, depending in the goal
of the subjects. Cameron's goal would be the publicity, acknowledgement
of his "flawless expertise". He has a more broad spectrum he feel the need
to prove himself to.
Whereas keith has a smaller spectrum to work on. Family. Specifically his
wife. The princess. And what do most fairytales Involve? A damsel in
distress and a knight in shining armor.
So you have two A Personalities, both of which have something to prove.
Put them together and barn. One with the previous training that can be
used in its opposite intention, and one with the need to prove himself.
Dangerous combination. They both respectively come out as heroes.
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[-] fastereddy 1 point 4 months ago

Very well expressed.

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7 points 4 months ago*

KP is either outright lying about the extent of her injuries, or at the very least
severely embellishing them. I seriously doubt a hospital would release a woman in
such a state as he described after only a few hours. Honestly, his statements to the
press are some of the biggest question marks for me...
edited to add: Would you mind linking me to anywhere it says that she definitely had
a bruised face, broken nose, and cut hair? So far the only source I can find for that
info is from KP. The sheriff did confirm she was branded, but when pressed to
confirm other details of her injuries he did not comment. Other articles I find state
she appeared more scared than hurt at the time of her rescue, and relate her injuries
to a sprained ankle.
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[-] chort1313 1 point 4 months ago*

I fully believe he said "Milf" in his 20/20 cameo.. oops I mean interview. I watched
it over and over and you can decipher his mouth between double and single
syllables. He was like "Miii... oh, damn, Sherri told me not to say that... And why
the hell haven't we seen a picture of her and her "cut-off" or "shaved" head?
As far as Bosenko, look at all of us. One thing pops up after another. It's like a
jigsaw puzzle. So I'm sure he's got officers on this full time and most likely has
asked for help from outside. They're not going to tell us what they know.
Wouldn't want to compromise the case anymore than Keith already has! (What a
dumbass!!) There's probably an officer assigned to social media --- reading this
site and every time a "friend" of Sherri's pops up with a telling story; they'll have
to verify it. Unless, they have all the evidence they need and are just waiting to
get search warrants in place. I read on Yahoo News,
they might have headed North. "Meanwhile, a neighbor reportedly said many in
the area think the Papinis will never return. Another neighbor told the Post
they're way up north, in cold country" with "wealthy relatives."
It's all going to crash on them very soon. And if not, Karma's a bitch.
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[-] sharonsmiles 1 point 4 months ago

For all we know this brand could be a tiny little burns on the skin that were a little
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1-1 SamSa77 5 points 4 months ago

Agreed, and we are not unreasonable people for stating this case has some
obvious problems.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 6 points 4 months ago

Actually I'm not sure I've heard anyone else but KP say she has bruised face and
broken nose. I'll have to look.
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2 points 4 months ago

Totally. The way he described shit was so awkward. Hard not to suspect him from
day one and more and more ever since.
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[-] UnicornIvy1988 15 points 4 months ago

i find it odd that the husband is mad that people are questioning the legitimacy of the story
rather than focusing on finding these two hispanic women who kidnapped his wife. I also find it
weird that she spent only a few hours in the hospital, based on the really abused description her
husband gave i would have expected the hospital to recommend she stay at the hospital for at
least a week. This case is so fishy.. i don't know if its the wife who's lying or her husband.. i just
hope that if this ends up being a hoax this family is ready for the consequences of their actions.
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[-] curious_geeorg 11 points 4 months ago

while it would be 'normal' to be defensive of your loved one... agreed that it is completely
abnormal not to now be 1. hyper vigilant about her safety with perps still at large and 2.
hyper focused on finding and bringing the to justice so all can have peace of mind. in my
experience, victims and their families can't rest or even exhale - no matter how much time
passes - unless and until they feel 'safe' from the perps, which only BEGINS with identifying,
locating, bringing them to justice/jail. also agree about the hospital, in great detail, in earlier
posts. he claims bruising on her face was both old and fresh -- indicating possible head
wounds, along with burns & branding (poss. infection), extreme weight loss and trauma. any
poss. the basics of: head injury requires solid examination and testing (CT, perhaps even
MRI); IV of fluids, antibiotics for rehydration and to prevent infection; psych eval - or even
brief check - all would have taken the better part of a day in a hospital KP claimed was on
"lock down" on her behalf (meaning staff would have been hypervigilant, and acting with
extreme care and caution. she seems to have spent less time in hospital than man have
spent WAITNG to be seen in an emergency room. even if she was anxious to leave, reunite
with her kids - those in authority and KP would/should have insisted she remain for
treatment and observation that likely would have required at least the full day. the hosp.
"lockdown" would have also indicated that her security was of extreme importance to staff
and LE -- but she rushed out of that safe, secure place with her perps still at large? "odd"
indeed, to say the least.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 12 points 4 months ago

I agree. It's slightly mind boggling how little we are hearing about the search for these two
kidnappers. You'd think an attack as brutal and tortuous as claimed would have the city in a
panic. Branding, chained up, broken nose, starvation, repeated beatings, weapons... That's
terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.
Yet it's crickets.
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[-] thebigbvng 6 points 4 months ago

I honestly wonder if the police are even really looking for them. Sherri was unable to
provide any significant ID, so they've pretty much hit a dead end. There is no way they
can find these women based on her info.
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[ -] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Excellent point.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

So true, hopefully they got some leads off the chains and stuff, maybe dna to see if
it was a woman or a man.
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[-] Tori68 2 points 4 months ago

Your comment got me to thinking, it was mentioned her hands were bound with
"hose clamps". I wonder why the "alleged" kidnappers would use those and not
just invest in some handcuffs?
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Hose clamps are far more complicated to use, way more difficult than
handcuffs, and I would expect to see a severe infection after 3 weeks of hose
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[-] NextBestKev 6 points 4 months ago

You can buy hose clamps pretty inconspicuously at any Home Depot. You
don't need a key to apply or remove them. If you pull them off your clothes
dryer or plumbing, then the Home Depot trip wouldn't even be needed.
Part of the evidence against Steven Avery was that he'd recently purchased
handcuffs which he claimed were for personal use. That could be true, but he
still had to explain the purchase of handcuffs.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

If they buy them with cash no explanation, even on credit, we have no

suspects. A pair of kids cuffs, the metal ones with the oversized key would
hold SP imo
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

How are hose clamps fastened? Don't you need a screwdriver?

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Yeah, tons of hastle, and for sure an infection after 3 weeks

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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

Zip ties or duct tape would be easier. They are also cheap and can
be bought without suspicion. I cannot imagine choosing
"handcuffs" that require a screwdriver to fasten.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Agreed, hose clamps were used to say 'I couldn't do this alone'

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[-] Tori68 1 point 4 months ago

Okay, that makes sense. Thank you for that info:)

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[-] Pudding Volcano 12 points 4 months ago

I deleted a previous posts. I certainly wouldn't want to oust any friends or people I care about
just to share a little info. I've been told by a source that the police don't believe Sherri did this
to herself. Just thought is share.
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[-] thebigbvng 6 points 4 months ago

Thanks for sharing.

I still think something is very strange about her story, but if the police truly believe she was
abducted/beaten I'm willing to consider it. Usually the police have much more info than
released to the public... Perhaps she really was taken, and all this weirdness by the
family/friends is covering for something else? I can't shake the feeling that the family is
trying to hide something, their story makes no sense.
If she really was taken, I feel awful for her.
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[-] LongDuckDongs 1 point 4 months ago

Most of the local LEO is dumber than a bag of hammers, much like the rest of the locals.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 5 points 4 months ago

I really didn't get on board with any hoax conspiracies until Sherri returned so bizarrely.
The person who shared this info with me did bring up his distaste for people who
thought it was a hoax or wanted to make her look bad. I rebuttled that much of the
situation seemed quite strange, and he let me fully elaborate. He agreed much of it did
sound shady and didn't believe it was human trafficking either.
Hopefully the investigation follows all leads and ask all questions, but most people
weren't throwing four letter words at Sherri's story. People are asking good questions. It
can't be a witch hunt though.
I think honest consideration should definitely be made that Sherri is a victim of
abduction, torture and who knows what else, and she probably was. Most woman
wouldn't put their children and family and friends and community through all this, and
certainly not for 50,000$, a brand, a broken nose and a new hair cut.
Probably my biggest worry is that someone who knows Sherri, wanted to hurt her. And
they did. Perhaps the rest of the community is safe.. at least from her kidnappers. The
LE still ceases to impress me with this case, but if they have at least taken people's
concerns for a hoax seriosuly, perhaps even their own concerns of a hoax as well.. and
came up with nothing.. perhaps taking her seriously will come up with... something.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 1 point 4 months ago

I keep wondering if it was a case of mistaken identity, and the two women intended
to abduct someone else entirely.

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Alternatively, people are crazy...(and don't lynch me for the following suggestion) but
it could be some sort of initiation ritual to some organization.
Perhaps it was just two very twisted women who went out looking to cause physical
and psychological damage to someone.
There are any number of possibilities - but absolutely, the story warrants more
information, without which a public resolution/conclusion is unreachable, though may
not matter to the family, and that makes sense.
What cannot be denied is the awkwardness in which KP (and the rest of the family)
handled the situation. That being said, I have no idea how I'd handle a similar
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[-] thebigbvng 6 points 4 months ago

If it was a case of mistaken identity why do you think they kept her for 3 weeks?
They could have just let her go once they realized their mistake. The longer they
held her the higher the chances that they could get caught.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 1 point 4 months ago

I know it's very far fetched, but I'll offer an explanation as to the why. If these
women existed and were "henchmen" - it's possible that they hadn't yet been
informed or realized their mistake. Another possibility is that they were unsure
how to handle the situation. I find it unlikely that they would be criminal
masterminds or even well prepared for a boo boo like that.
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

thanks, Pudding. it contradicts a rather recent (and odd) post, so glad you've brought this
to all.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Like minds Curious, like minds.

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[-] curious_geeorg -1 points 4 months ago

and yet, Sam -- somehow strangely got my shit jumped, and my "tone" bizarrely
'schooled' by others for genuinely thanking Pudding for the above update? the thread
is certainly full of personalities... some more heavy on the 'personal' than others, it
seems? oh well... have come to rather like your mind as well. have a great evening.
keep hoping with every sunrise that somehow this hoax will finally be out on the line
getting some sun, so everyone - especially Redding - can breathe again. the locals
more than deserve concrete info, answers and real resolution.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 15 points 4 months ago

Curious, I'm going to be honest, you annoy me to no end. I have read many of
your posts and kept quiet, but your tone is often condescending and
disrespectful and I for one REALLY do not appreciate it. Everyone was getting
along fine here until you showed up and started walking all over everybody.

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And please don't insult my intelligence and PRETEND that you were sweet and
nice to everyone, when they can quickly look up your past posts and see that you
routinely opperate in douche mode.
Either be respectful and contribute something to the discussion or zip it up.
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[-] curious_geeorg 1 point 4 months ago*

cannot in any way, shape or form imagine how i have posed a threat to you,
"insulted your intelligence", "walked on" anyone" etc, etc... you clearly feel
something personal that has absolutely nothing to do with anything i wrote or
intended... and certainly none of which could possibly be as "douche" as your
aggressive attack on me. i've more than "contributed to the discussion" --
and have no idea what entitles you to tell ANYONE to "zip it up". good luck
with that, but it certainly won't be me.
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[-] AlexandrianVagabond 2 points 4 months ago

I just realized the lot of you just came here from WS, didn't you?
That explains everything.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 1 point 4 months ago

Some of us did. Curious is a newbie. I migrated over when the mods put
the smack down on everyone and wouldn't allow any hoax analysis on the
Papini case.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 10 points 4 months ago

I considered what people were saying about the post I deleted. I wanted to make
my 'source' sound as credible as I believe them to be, but I didn't want to be a
bad friend or take for granted anyone's trust. Thanks for pointing it out. I feel like
I can say it's really not a big deal at all, but if my source didn't feel that way, I
didn't want to decide for them. Glad to move on though.
The whole town is gossiping. I'll bet the RPD is tired of hearing it.
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[-] veritas2967 5 points 4 months ago

I just want a linear story..from point A to gorey smutty details ,but do I
need to worry even more so about my often rebellious semi wayward 5'2
gorgeous daughter any more than I already do given the nature of Redding
than I already do? and what of these other missing girls I see on RPD
missing? My very very first thought was that SP looked very much like the
girls missing in the Humboldt area
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

As a father, although not one from Redding, I truly feel for you.
As a Parent there you have every right to expect and demand all
information on how and who abducted SP (i understand what you mean
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about the gorey details). It is entirely reasonable to demand to know what

tactic they used, as these types of criminals typically have the same MO,
yet without knowledge you are left worrying about your child, a child
growing up, naturally desiring a bit of time on her own or with friends.
Instead you, the parent, are left trying to protect her from boogeymen
who could be anywhere, be anyone and try anything to feel powerful by
stealing your loved ones.
You should not feel bad for desiring to know how best to protect your
family and shame on anyone who uses such cheap tactics.
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

Thank You , there are so many even among my (extended) circle of

friends that are just blindly unquestioning..when we heard that she
was found it was like "great!! now who are the bad guys?" and then
the ludicrous "2 hispanic females, dark suv" ( Poor Bosenko looked like
a whipped pup giving that info out !I'm beginning to think they know
more/no there is nothing to worry about..
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[-] SkylarBlue5 9 points 4 months ago

Nothing but love on here :) I believe most people found your source credible
especially the fact it came from your friend
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 4 points 4 months ago

Thanks. I know a handful of people who say they know the Papini's or
know something about the case, but my friend wasn't just making
conversation. I had actually approached him because I thought they'd be a
good source of info. I think they were.
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[-] reditOnreddit 5 points 4 months ago*

Fictitious Business Records
filed 04/25/2007 (exp. 2012)
business name "LIVING INTERIORS"
contact 1: "Francisco A. Santoyo" [as per Lexis]
contact 2: "Eric Joseph Zapf" [as per Lexis and Butte County site]
contact 3: "Sherri Louise Graeff" [as per Lexis]
Fictitious Business Records
filed 05/16/2007 (exp. 2012)
business name "START FROM SCRAPS"
contact 1: "Keith Papini"
contact 2: "Sherri Louise Graeff"

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[-] Meliemel16 8 points 4 months ago

She didn't get divorced until Sept of 2008 I thought? I'm confused yet again....God these
people are making be feel like I'm losing my mind!!
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Does anyone have a link to her divorce info? I had thought her divorce was 2006 maybe
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[-] Tori68 3 points 4 months ago

I don't have a link but, from what I've read, she married David in 2006 then met
Keith and moved in with him at the end of 2006. Someone said David was in the
military so maybe he was stationed elsewhere? I believe her divorce to David was
finalized in 2007.
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[-] reditOnreddit 4 points 4 months ago

It's all bizarre, but she was engaged in some sort of business dealings with the named
people dating back to '07 as per the records... Certainly then, it wouldn't be outlandish
that KP & SP would be interested in pursuing a profitable endeavor...
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

What exactly is a fictitious business (in this context)?

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[-] reditOnreddit 6 points 4 months ago

just a registered name for a business where it's name is different from its owners- i
found the existence of the two business filings both with SP in such close proximity to be
of interest. also, that one is with KP and the other is with two other men
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Ah, thank you.

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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

where did you find the term "fictitious business" in reference to these records
(and do you have a link to share)? as you describe for Bitter_Britches, this
sounds more like a DBA ("doing business as"), which is an extraordinarily
common, ordinary, normal practice. but as Meliemel16 also questions -- wasn't SP
still married to her first husband at the time of that registration (in 2007)? her
bucket photo account shows her intimately photographed with several men in the
interim between her first marriage and KP. not that makes those relationships
truly intimate - but seeing them did raise curiosity about what transpired between
her first and second marriages (as those experiences/relationships, especially at
her young age during that period, could potentially be quite 'formative' to her
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[ -] Bitter_Britches 7 points 4 months ago

If you'll humor us by clicking the links provided to us above you will see
"Fictitious Business" in large font right up top.
If you read the replies you should find an answer that clarifies use of that
particular terminology.
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[-] reditOnreddit 8 points 4 months ago

The two public links were provided in my original post [the info is corroborated
(and expanded on- re: Santoyo & SP's involvement with "LIVING INTERIORS")
on lexisadvance public records, but you need an account to access]: the
headings read "Fictitious Business Name Detail"... Fictitious does not imply
fraud nor was the post intended to. Rather, the interesting aspects, at least
IMO, were about the timing, the parties involved, and potential financial
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 4 months ago

I was confused too. How is this related to the discussion? And I've never
heard of the term "fictitious business" before.
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[-] curious_geeorg 4 points 4 months ago

believe reditOreddit is indicating with a great overall explanation that, at a

time SP was still married to her first husband, it appears that she and KP
together owned a business. more details, like much else. i do have LN,
which is a tremendous research tool.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 1 point 4 months ago

I understand that much. But how do we know these records are legit?
And how do we know the business was fictitious?
Merely posting a link to a website called "fictitious business" with their
names doesn't prove anything.
If it was a link to the Better Business Bureau, and they had bad
reviews indicating that the business was a scam, then I would give it
some credit.
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[-] reditOnreddit 6 points 4 months ago

If you bothered to check, you would see that those are county
records kept and published by California's state government, on
the official website of California's state government, run by (you
guessed it) officials of California's state government.
Similarly, if you bother to read the other posts, you would see the
answers to your questions.
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I am willing to hand you the spoon, but you're going to have to

feed yourself, my friend.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 4 months ago

I looked it up. So they had some small businesses together?

And? I still don't see how it is relevant. They've admitted to
knowing each other since middle school, and it has already
been implied countless places that they got together when she
was still with her exhusband.
I can spoon feed myself just fine, but the info you provided is
still not relevant.
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continue this thread

[-] reditOnreddit 3 points 4 months ago

give it a whirl and you'll see the entirety of the detailed info- public
records searching is Lexis' best feature IMO
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

oh what fun you've brought to the party, rOnr: a few minutes with
even public access LN, and everyone is gonna feel like you just
threw them keys to Willy Wonka's place... they'll be like kids in the
candy store (or chocolate factory).
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[-] StressedForlife 10 points 4 months ago

This story screams BULLSHIT I mean she claims she's never scene the suspects faces YET in the
20/20 interview the husband claims she didn't feel uncomfortable going up to s vehicle with two
women in it. Urn hello? If she went up to the van willingly then the suspects weren't wearing
masks which means she saw their faces. (Even though these suspects probably don't even
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[-] SkylarBlue5 13 points 4 months ago

There was a police sketch released thanks to Sam5377

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[-] Tori68 1 point 4 months ago

Hahaha! That was funny:)

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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

I think Sam5377 should offer this sketch to the sheriff's office. It's a lot more
compelling than what they have lol
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[deleted] 7 points 4 months ago

Come on! I am trying to be serious, committed skeptic here.

I just guffawed. I have never guffawed before and never knew I could.

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[-] curious_geeorg 7 points 4 months ago

hopefully your mouth was empty when you guffawed. others were not so lucky.
water, coffee, maybe even Pinot was spewed by many on this thread upon viewing
these close-as-could-be-rendered sketches based upon the vagueness of SP's info.
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

Chai tea over here!!

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 4 months ago

What are you looking for? This thread has grown exponentially in the past few days.
It's a bit hard to find all the links in the midst of everything.
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[-] [deleted] 4 points 4 months ago

I was responding to SkylarBlue5's re post of the suspect composite just above.

(Am relatively new to reddit so may not have replied properly).
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

HoneyBeeBzz is just tired and missed your monotone delivery, you replied
properly :) Welcome to reddit, although I just joined too and only because of
this case
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 4 months ago

You're right Sam, I am tired... I had a long day today.

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Sleuthing? Or real life? Maybe when this over we can make fake crimes
and take turns solving them.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 4 months ago

Real life.
That would be fun :) I was thinking it would be cool to start a site
that's like Websleuth but minus the crazy mod nazis. We could
update it with info on reading body language, analyzing word
usage, etc.
I did notice during the 20/20 interview that when the journalist
asked Keith a question about Sherri's disappearance, he touched
his nose before answering. A while back, I had watched a profiler
explain that people often give away subconcious clues when they
are lying. Like they'll touch their ears, or nose before, after, or
during the lie. The ears and nose are often indicated in sayings
about lies, like for example "smells fishy", "doesn't sound right"
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[ -] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Jynx! I was thinkung the same thing, because 'websleuths' as a

brand is s000 poorly named. I love your ideas, adding in other
angles. Over time we build practice or educational cases, based
on the profiling techniques you mentioned. Add in statement
analysis, i have enjoyed Peter Hyatt's blog a lot.
http :1/statement-analysis. blogs pot .co m/20 16/12/what-is-
embedded-confession. html
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continue this thread

[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

joining Sam5377 in welcoming truecrimeonline (we're all newbies!!), as well

as assuring you that your response wasn't just "proper"', but funny -- as
this entire "police sketch" thread has been. at least as 'funny' as this oh-
so-not-funny scenario can get. some advice is for you to first take some
(at this point, lots of) time to explore, catch up, read through... and you'll
find so many questions (and ones you didn't know you had) will be
answered. there are some solid minds posting great research, leads and
info - later validated by major media - throughout. it's worth it to just
wade in, get your feet wet -- and then jump right in!!
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 4 months ago

What she said!

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11 points 4 months ago

Shady Gamble is helping out another family in missing person case who disappeared the same
day Sherri did.
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[-] thebigbvng 7 points 4 months ago

This guy really is the lowest of the low. If anything good can come from this convoluted case
I hope it's that this fraud is exposed.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

He made it look like its "business as usual" for him lol

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[-] Sam5377 8 points 4 months ago

Do you think we should have laws against this type of stuff?

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[-] thebigbvng 5 points 4 months ago

What he has been doing is 100% unethical, but is it illegal?

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[-] muwtski 8 points 4 months ago

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God's going to tell him to ask for 10 grand.

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[-] [deleted] 19 points 4 months ago

Have brainwashed 'Websleuth's been told to come here and infiltrate this post with bullshit and
quite dumb 'theories' ? Sure seems it.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 4 months ago

I noticed that too. I just ignore them.

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[-] Zxfernd 6 points 4 months ago

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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Bitter_Britches 17 points 4 months ago*

Just throwing this out for locals and media, tomorrow is a scheduled city council meeting.
According to their agenda Mayor Missy MacAurthur will be in attendance. It appears they set
aside a portion for the public (see section 6).
Might be a good opportunity to question the safety of the community. :)
The agenda:
Here is the calendar with dates and address
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 4 months ago

indeed. those in authority in Redding can't play it both ways: just rolling with "she's
BAAAACK", as though she truly is a "victim" -- but simultaneouly ignoring that, if she truly
is... then what is being done to find her kidnappers/torturers; bring them to justice; and
protect the community. communities and their LE agencies have in the past been
successfully sued for not warning, being vigilant, about predators in their midst. questioning
the continuing involvement of the FBI in the "ongoing investigation" is key -- keeping Federal
eyes, ears and hands on a small-town LE situation will do much to keep things honest, open
and moving in the right direction (wherever the facts, evidence and truth leads). also: bake
'em some cookies and bring coffee -- let 'em know from the moment of entering that you
intend to be comfy until you Get Answers.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] curiouscompulsion 36 points 4 months ago

I've thought hoax since first reading husband's written statement that was read (by host) on
the morning news last week. That was like a "bodice-ripper" novelette. Really SIGNATURE long
blond hair, his hands and eyes SCANNED his wife's beaten body, he felt the scabs rising beneath
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his fingers (?). Sheesh.

On Friday's ABC coverage I was especially struck by two things he said near the end. One, that
he wasn't especially interested in WHO did it, but basically wanted to move on. Sorry, but if you
really want to feel safe again, you REALLY want to know the WHO. Also he said that when
Sherrie returned to the family, they all just starred at one another and then just did a big family
hug and fell to the floor. So, her entire body is covered with cuts, burns, scabs, bruises (not to
mention a new tattoo) and now she is rolling around on the floor with her family? I don't even
want to be fair and assume it COULD be true, they are just frauds.
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2 points 4 months ago

Who would want to be held and touched and drops to a floor of theirs covered in that let
alone would be let out of the hospital without an overnight stay. People don't purposely have
bruises and burns touched and if she had milf or whatever burned into her then why the hell
would she let the kids see her before it healed and was hidden. And he went so overkill with
his details on her injuries. I think she was let out by the church she supposedly was at the
freeway then ran there then back cause the church wasn't open but why assume they'd be
open? Could he have been shaving so early because he was going to pick her up and knew
the plan? She would have broken bones or teeth if she had actually been pushed out of the
car in the freeway and people would have saw that. She seemed let out wth one hand free
and then the worrying the drivers will think she's a prisoner who escaped and hides her
chains under her shirt thing is so stupid cause you don't care about that if you just need the
cops called to get you and why scream in the background of the call the husband got since
she was now rescued? Maybe he wasn't supposed to get her st the church but they were
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

lo I
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[-] Bitter_Britches 11 points 4 months ago

He should quit his day job at BB and follow his true calling of Romance Novelist. He's got a
knack for the flourish, I'll give him that much.
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[-] Starkville 6 points 4 months ago

Looks like he DID quit his day job. And left town, probably for good (but left the dogs
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[-] prettiwylde 2 points 4 months ago

yes! came back looking for more info regarding them fleeing
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

lol or an actor
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[-] curious_geeorg 9 points 4 months ago

yep. true victims (and their families) cannot rest, move on unless and until their abuser is

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identified and preferably jailed for as long as possible. this is WHY we have sex offender
registries - because victims demanded it. the public always is the catalyst for truth, justice,
change. ALWAYS.
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[-] Pcm1726 5 points 4 months ago

Guess CG is pleased with the increased business (no disrespect to the family of the missing
woman - I truly hope she's found). Just frustrates me that others exploit the hope of those in
pain, when it has been reiterated that what CG did cannot be credited with SP's return/whatever
you may call it.
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[-] curious_geeorg 6 points 4 months ago

"pleased"???? find a thesaurus; throw it in the blender; feed it steroids -- and you may come
up with the term most close to wanking faster than a race car to describe how giddy CG is
with his "boost".
therein lies The Truth.
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[-] Pcm1726 3 points 4 months ago

Touch. Very true

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[-] Sam5377 53 points 4 months ago

I tried to sketch a description based on the info we have, bare in mind I had to take a few
liberties, like shoes, were they wearing shoes?
I think you could see under the bag.
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[-] kshultz06082 2 points 4 months ago

PHENOMENAL!!!! Rarely do I actually laugh out loud at a post, but that did it!!!!
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[-] xanmuller 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] caligirl4snoopy 4 points 4 months ago

OMG....I literally spit my food out...those look like 2 potato heads without the
forgot the it! Wonder if they thought it was amusing while on their
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

LoL, I owe a sandwich.

If i add mask, should it cover the place where some people have eyes?

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[-] caligirl4snoopy 2 points 4 months ago

Ok. I know I'm fairly new to the Reddit world...and I know I'm exhausted. ..hell, it
took thus 52 year old 15 minutes to figure out how to respond 2 I'm
exhausted and ready to collapse. ..been at work since 5 am....and BTW...I date a
sheriff...not anywhere local....BOGUS!
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I like a wine too ;)

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[-] caligirl4snoopy 2 points 4 months ago

Sorry...didn't mean to WINE.. was just stating a fact after I said I was new on
Reddit. ..guess I shouldn't say anything...I'm done...sorry...0 can keep on
commenting and I will completely butt out.
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[-] kshultz06082 3 points 4 months ago

I do believe he was implying you may have been drinking WINE when you
posted that... I'm not sure you made the point you intended to... most of
us dont cuz we like to imbibe. You will fit right in!
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

No need to butt out, my joke didn't land? Not the 1st time and history
would indicate it is my poor delivery. I assure you whine never crossed my
mind, have fun on reddit
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Let's get a kickstarter going and get this app to small police departments across America,
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[-] SkylarBlue5 4 points 4 months ago

lol they look like potatoes

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[-] Sam5377 8 points 4 months ago

That is the most detailed description I have heard since thanksgiving...

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[-] Redrum777 5 points 4 months ago

You my friend, are a true crime analyst! The FBI could use your services. Job well done.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

What a truly talented police sketch artist! you're hired!

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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 4 months ago

Love it!

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8 points 4 months ago

Omg the earrings

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[-] babyvoicewins 13 points 4 months ago

Omg. I just spit my tea out! That's hilarious!

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I believe that is the appropriate response when one drinks tea anyways ;)
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 11 points 4 months ago

Chilling accuracy! Had the same image in my mind. Those eyebrows...can't get them out of
my mind. Locking my doors now.
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[-] Sam5377 10 points 4 months ago

I'll do my best to keep these current, let me know if they ever determine if the other one
has ears too
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Bitter_Britches 30 points 4 months ago

This case has turned my brain to sludge (also just opened a bottle of Pinot!) so please refresh
my memory here:
No one knew for "fact" this was an alleged kidnapping until Sherri was found, correct? There
were no ransom demands or notes, right? Why would KP and CG go straight to setting up a
reverse ransom? And make those videos? Why even let CG go near the case so early on?
As far as anyone knew at that point she could have had a medical emergency and wandered off,
been hit by a car while jogging, ran off with another man (or hot Latina!), had a mental break
and just walked away from life, been suicidal, been grabbed by a sexual predator and killed,
jogged an unusual path and got lost, etc? Why go right to stranger kidnapping?
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[-] curious_geeorg 1 point 4 months ago

curious as to why Bitter_Britches - who CLEARLY doesn't have a "sludge brain" - pretends
to NOT know the most basic facts now so redundant in this case -- but knows terms like
"reverse ransom"... etc.... oh, and 2 weeks into your loved one being 'TAKEN' is an eternity -
- hardly "early on". 2 days into things, you're desperate. 2 weeks into things, you'll hear
ANYONE out, grasp at ANY straw. at this point, before jumping in, maybe it's best for 'new'
or 'sludgy' or 'pinot-fueled' folks to first do some BASIC research before pretending to be
ignorant of all that's so redundantly, publicly transpired?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

On the contrary, this thread needs more pinot!

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[ -] Bitter_Britches 13 points 4 months ago*

Can I share my Pinot with you? You seem a bit more unhinged than earlier today. Rough
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[-] CynthiaDaniels 7 points 4 months ago

You're obviously a close family member of -or Sherri herself.

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[-] caligirl4snoopy 1 point 4 months ago

BINGO! OR Sherri, Keith, Cameron, or a family member themselves....doesn't take a

rocket scientist! These clowns need to get up a bit earlier to pull one over on those
of us that obviously are one up on their games and ploys! Hope they enjoy the vacay
while they can....cause when the truth comes out...they are all gonna wish they were
really branded...the community that got so screwed moneywise are going to hunt
them down...and I don't blame them...THOSE POOR CHILDREN....CPS NEEDS TO GET
THOSE KIDS OUT OF THAT 3 RING CIRCUS....none of those family members are
capable of being semi-stable...hell, none of them even know the meaning of the word
the truth....
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[-] Bitter_Britches 13 points 4 months ago

Or the bushy browed Latina trying to throw everyone off!

dun dun duuuuuun
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[-] [deleted] 10 points 4 months ago

What? What are you trying to say here? You are taking Bitter_Britches to task for...?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 6 points 4 months ago

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[-] [deleted] 9 points 4 months ago

Oh, 12 hours on reddit. Got it!

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[-] Sam5377 7 points 4 months ago

I feel like if we could Rob Lowe in the Grinder in on this we would get answers
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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

I know right? It reminds me of the McCanns, who immediately starting screaming that their
daughter had been kidnapped (when there were numerous other more likely scenarios).
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" -- ---- 4 points 4 months ago

And the defense rest!

Excellent summation counsel.
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20 points 4 months ago*

******Just a reminder to screenshot, archive, etc. anything you find that is of interest.
Websites should be archived at the Wayback Machine. It's super easy to do and only takes a few
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[-] curious_geeorg 4 points 4 months ago

AGAIN: like Thinkles and others have posted -- preserve, preserve what you find, as posts,
info, sites are being "TAKEN" from the internet as fast as S/KP left town.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Pudding Volcano 11 points 4 months ago

Leaving town is probably the most normal thing they could have done no matter how you look
at it. If you believe Sherri, than perhaps it's pretty awful for her to have the media waiting
outside her house everday. Imagine being missing for 3 weeks then coming back and being in
the public eye probably way more than you expected.. not to mention Trump's her president
now haha.
If Sherri is telling the entire truth, I wonder if she believes her husband is completely innocenent.
Do you think she feels the same as some of us watching his interviews?
Wish Bosenko cared to calm us locals down about there being two kidnappers on the lose, but
what can you expect. He wrote a public letter to Biden station g he would adamantly oppose any
new gun legislation no matter what it was. He's a clown and a moron.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 2 points 4 months ago

If the press are outside their house every day, and one assumes every night, how did they
manage to leave without a photo being taken? Or did I miss that?
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[-] veritas2967 3 points 4 months ago

I do too,besides the fact that I'm worried sick about my daughter being out roaming around
while 5'2 petite and cute..My best friend and I just left Winco and saw a lady from inside the
store with a little girl walking in the cold about a block down pulled over and I walked about
15 feet & asked if they needed a ride..The momentary flash of fear ,before she saw the
White Kia and child in the car and said yes ,really bummed me out.. We need to know what
happened and soon..
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[deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] shep2105 10 points 4 months ago

So the Papini's and the Gamble's knew each other...that much is fact because the internet,
Thank God, exists. * Link is SP sending to Jen Gamble some link about Child Custody and
saying "Saw this and thought of you" (click view activity) Better hurry before it's deleted!
Damage control has begun by both parties, denying, removing SM postings, changing up

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Pinterest names, removing blogs from church sites (btw, I read that blog that Gamble wrote
before he removed it, he's a lunatic) that detail how he receives messages from God via
supernatural "invisible writing" on walls that only he can see. Papini's are tucked away in their
luxury log home somewhere away from the media (AND THE COPS)
Here's my working hypothesis..
-Gambles and Papinis are friends and fellow church members of the cult that is Bethel Church -I
think probably Gamble came up with the idea since it is after all, his cup of tea or Papini did and
approached Gamble..take your pick
-They concoct plan for sherri to go missing and Gamble to swoop in and be the hero.
-Sherri "disappears" and her phone is "placed" where Keith conveniently found it
gofundme immediately set up
4 days after kidnap, Gamble registers the sherri papini address to put all his youtube
videos on tho he does not appear publicly on the scene for another week or so.
he offers his services to Keith Papini, the stranger, altho we know NOW they were not
-Gamble has "Latino" contacts in Mexico and easily finds 2 women, for a small sum, to go along.
They can easily disappear back into Mexico with none the wiser.
- Mexicans that actually LIVE in Mexico and are not part of cartels and such are VERY poor. which
might make them easily manipulated for what we would consider a small amount of money.
-The anonymous donor is Bethel Church..why not? They KNEW they would NEVER have to pay
it. They could have said a million dollars...who cares? No payout EVER.
There IS no anon donor because their was NEVER a real ransom
were one of Gambles "storage units" that he showed off on 20/20 where Sherri hid out for
a time?
Sherri miraculously reappears on Thanksgiving Day! Praise Jesus!
- Keith intentionally sabotages the investigation with his loose lips blabbing
- Keith hires PI that is STILL working to spread the word that it was sex trafficking kidnap
because after all, if you SEE it enough and HEAR it enough, it becomes the truth even when LE
says its not.
-Gamble - Fame, money, reputation, building of business -Papini - Fame, money
Please, do not tell me that no one would hurt themselves. It happens everyday, all day long.
People shooting, stabbing, hitting, burning, cutting themselves either because they are batshit
crazy or for a purpose to further their own agenda, for money, to cover up a crime. Diane
Downs shot herself. Darlie Routier slit her own throat and battered her own body pretty
severely, Charles Stuart shot himself, Jeff McDonald stabbed himself, puncturing his own get the gist.
Hopefully LE sees all the threads tying them together and can connect the dots. Because there's
a lot more that I didn't write down. This ain't over by a long shot
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[-] blueskies8484 3 points 4 months ago

Yeah, every time someone says she wouldn't do this to herself, all I can think of is Diane

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Downs shooting herself in the arm. The right motivation, the right type of personality, and
it's shocking what people will do to themselves.
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[-] shep2105 3 points 4 months ago

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[-] SkylarBlue5 4 points 4 months ago

Makes sense..but Sheriff said Sherri told them only 1 woman dropped her off..could that be
Gamble's wife? I think it would be too much risk to find 2 women to pull this off and hope
they don't come forward at some point..but you never know..
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

By the way if only 1 one of the women dropped her off, she would have to get out of the
car, get the chain off , then throw her out..why would you even take that risk? Keith said
some people who went by, never stopped
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[-] anxshush 5 points 4 months ago

Listening to the dispatch from the morning Sherri was discovered, one of the officers
at the scene actually told another to meet him on the corner of 17 and 97F (right off
of 1-5) because there was a person there and "we might have a witness"
I'm on mobile so can't link properly but if you listen to the condensed version of the
dispatch at about 8:10 mark he states his location and at 8:29 he mentions the
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

Would that be Allison Sutton after she called 911?

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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

And you CAN'T stop on the interstate! By the time you see something like that in the
dark with just your headlights on, it is too late to stop. Of course people were not
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[-] shep2105 6 points 4 months ago

ITA. Keith made it sound like people were slowing down, gawking, and then
speeding away from her refusing to help. Ridiculous story telling
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

The posting was from May 10, 2016..1 think it's a job position someone had sent her
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[deleted] 4 months ago


[deleted] 4 months ago*

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[-] whinecube 22 points 4 months ago

Urn, that is a lie. LE has never said that. Websleuths mods are effing liars.
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1 point 4 months ago

Yes they did. http ://

Sherri-Papini-abduction-case- HOAX- rogue-employee-says- haven-t- ruled-out. html
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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

They never said she was absolutely a victim and that she did not fake her own
kidnapping. Those words NEVER left the lips of LE.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

They said "we believe there was an abduction, we believe them."

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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

Those are not the same words.

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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

You people are unreal, even when the police speak out and say they believe
them and it was a real abduction you keep on with your
cyberstalking/cyberbullying attacks on the victim. I agree with Keith's
assessment of it. Subhuman behaviour.
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1 point 4 months ago

Well you are not paying very close attention.

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[-] Bitter_Britches 9 points 4 months ago

But but but they need an MSM source!

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[-] whinecube 8 points 4 months ago

Yeah where is Tricia's MSM source for that? Oh right...

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[-] IllustriousTutu 9 points 4 months ago

Yes, and exhausting.

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[-] whinecube 8 points 4 months ago

I just cannot stand how they make it seem like posters who question this are full of shit
when LE has not once said that Papini is "absolutely a victim and did not fake her

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kidnapping." Websleuths mods are completely making that up. All LE said is that
CURRENTLY they are treating this like an abduction.
That whole site has no credibility because of constant lying by the mods and Tricia.
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[-] DNA Jigase 3 points 4 months ago

Agreed. Huge difference between saying they're treating this like an abduction and
them confirming it. From their actions, it seems like they still think there's a possibility
that it's a hoax, especially if there isn't a huge manhunt going on right now.
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 4 months ago

O0000h I wonder if Disney (ABC) is A&E's parent company!!! Isn't she on contract
with them for The Killing Season??
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[-] IllustriousTutu 57 points 4 months ago

Another fed up Websleuther here. Thanks, but I'm a grown ass woman who believes this is a
hoax and/or scam down to my bones. I'll pass on the time-outs for expressing anything other
than profound sadness coupled with "I hope the lord heals that poor girl" religious bunk for dear
SP. And Tricia's endless rants made me want to bite off all of my fingers, swallow them whole,
and then drink a nice pinot noir as a chaser. My neurons were drowning in a thick sea of pretty,
pink hallelujah muck over there. Everything has downright gone pear-shaped. Grateful to roam
on solid ground without the threat of water boarding for doubting the Super Mom. Amen.
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1 point 4 months ago

I agree so much. I believe she didn't welcome me(but welcome everyone before and after me
and I lurked for pages) because I'm a young pretty female who does some modeling. And
not cause I think I'm super sexy either but because my post mentioned I better use my
photoshoot bikini and lingerie photos if I'm ever kidnapped in it and it was lengthy and not
about just that. And to me as I saw the welcome posts to every person besides me it felt
like it was anyone who didn't have a photo of them. It really feels like I wasn't welcomed for
being pretty and I say that because I had trolls try to bully me on world of warcarff forums
for being prettier than people think someone in a forum will be. And they sound either ignore
me or make my posts very many pages there. But at websleuths it felt like even my posts
were ignored and only the people who had the balls to not conform to the Sherri is so great
the family are victims crap would reply to me but usually via message because we knew we'd
get deleted. It is like a little cult and the cool kids are the people who wouldn't be cool
outside the forum and the people you'd think would be outside of it are outcasts or ignored
for not being in the clique. And it makes me overjoyed anytime I see someone mention stuff
like this about websleuths. And I don't even care if somehow my post makes me sound
conceited because yes I find myself pretty but know I'm my everyone's type and we all have
different types and I won't be everyone's cup of tea and normally I'm very humble and won't
even say I model because I hate girls who do that but not only am I more humble than
everyone talking about how gorgeous and perfect Sherri is, but I think she's average and
nothing more but gosh can photoshop do us favors and photographers as well. They knew
no candid photo would get the press. I mean I make fun of my own looks and joke about
myself but they take her looks so serious like she's Tyra banks. And I don't even care if

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someone from websleuths chimes in saying they'd never ignore someone for being not ugly
because I bet I would have been welcomed if I hadn't used a profile photo.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

:::standing applause:::
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[-] WankingMonkey 1 point 4 months ago

I haven't been on websleuths for ages and rarely posted, but from what I remember it was a
free for all on every case. I remember people claiming crisis actors did the boston bombing
and all sorts, and that wasn't deleted. So why is this case special? Weird.
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[-] brianjlg 3 points 4 months ago

Hahaha, I know. I come on there very, very infrequently. It's useless as a discussion forum
b/c you can't say this, you can't say that, you can even hint or imply. Hell, just asking
certain questions earns people a time out. What's left to discuss? How pretty the victim is?
What kind of makeup she wears? Also, the people on there are genuinely stupid as far as
their "detective work". During the Missy Bevers story, there were people who actually
thought that her perp was a ballerina, while others thought it was an overweight person with
gout or a foot injury (b/c they thought he/she had a funny walk). It got so bad that at one
point, people combined all of the "clues" they'd gathered and were looking for a fat ballerina
who had ankle surgery and belonged to a motorcycle club. I'm not joking here. I wish I were.
Talk about useless.
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[-] DNA_ligase 8 points 4 months ago

I am also a Websleuths member. I'm all for giving Sherri the benefit of the doubt. However, I
find it insane that Tricia is enacting blanket bans for people expressing reasonable questions
about the veracity of Sherri's story or her past history with racism. The mods there never
enforce their rules fairly. They seem A-OK with doxxing people who are only tangentially
related to a given case, especially if they're non-white (e.g. when they tried to doxx an
Indian-American college student who found Lauren Speirer's wallet), but they are cracking
down on people making a reasonable point that the inconsistencies in Sherri's story sound
remarkably similar to the Susan Smith case?
Most of the time I don't even bother to log in and participate anymore because any time
someone makes a good point, they're banned.
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[-] walkingdeadgirll9 6 points 4 months ago

I had a post deleted because I said "I saw online that Sherri had trouble in high school
with some folks. Perhaps this has something to do with that."
I didn't break any one of the million rules, but I guess somehow my post was "offensive".
I just gave up talking there. Walking on eggshells was giving me hives.
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[-] babyvoicewins 3 points 4 months ago

And who the freak is "Beach"on WS?

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[ -] kshultz06082 1 point 4 months ago

THIS! All freaking day!!!!

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[-] AnnieEnnui 5 points 4 months ago

She's one of the heavy-handed, sanctimonious, self-righteous mods. Aka another ass
for the flock to kiss.
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[-] babyvoicewins 5 points 4 months ago

I figured. I am not in the mood tonight but tomorrow I can't wait to have a "Jerry
Maguire" type of meltdown on WS. Sick of those cows.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

Who is Tricia if you don't mind me asking?

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[-] whinecube 11 points 4 months ago

She is the owner of Websleuths who has all the rules and constantly scolds people who
post there. She also lies when scolding and her and mods put people who disagree with
them on "time outs".
Basically, threads on cases like this eventually devolve into a prayer circle for the "victim"
and their families.
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[-] IllustriousTutu 10 points 4 months ago

And the old timers feel it's their duty to slap people down with reposts of the TOS or
Post some overly emotional shitty shaming fluffatribe after someone has dared to
disagree with them. Who are these culty little poodles?
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[-] whinecube 9 points 4 months ago

There are just so many SCOLDS there. I call them thread mommies. I have seen
them come to a perfectly fine thread and scold everyone to stop the negativity
and name-calling. When I ask them to point out one post like that, they never
I don't know what is going on with those nutters in their personal life, but damn
do they make it hard to have a dialog there.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 6 points 4 months ago

The finger wagging animated emojis, <modsnip>'s, and timeout threats are
always fun too.
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[-] IllustriousTutu 7 points 4 months ago

And oh, how they love to ghost your posts. Don't like it? Dead by
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[-] Agondonter 6 points 4 months ago

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Haha! This post is classic. Well said and thanks for the entertainment.
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[-] Starkville 15 points 4 months ago

Same. The ass-kissing over there is especially gross. Tricia posts admonishment and those
idiots fall alll over themselves to "thank" her for the scolding. Gross.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 17 points 4 months ago

Think of this as the back alley behind WS where the trouble makers hang out
MOO <--- Just like home!
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6 points 4 months ago

"The Breakfast Club" detention group.

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[-] Javaloe7 8 points 4 months ago

Did websleuths release cows in Reddit or something?

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- 7 points 4 months ago

Oh, I am all in. Freedom!!'

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[-] babyvoicewins 5 points 4 months ago

Me too!
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[-] whinecube 34 points 4 months ago

What is it with Tricia's OBSESSION with "victims"? It is so weird. Also, Tricia does not know
what evidence is. Look at this from her: "We need to stop and talk a look at what we are
doing. Are we so insensitive and uncaring that it is now OK to bash someone who has been
through hell and back just for our entertainment? Especially when there is zero evidence the
victim did anything wrong?"

Dude, Tricia, there is a lot of evidence here pointing to a hoax. I know there is no proof, but
there is evidence. We have no idea if this woman actually went through hell and back; that is
just your assumption.
And Tricia, you hypocritical piece of shit, you make your living off a website that creates
entertainment out of true crime.
Something is just wrong with that woman.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

It's weird to have a problem with bashing victims of a crime?

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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Did you not see the quote marks around "victims"?

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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

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Well that's just you being nasty though.

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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

No it's not. I was making a point about how they do not always know if
someone is a victim or not.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

So they do the ethical thing and don't agree with attacking and cyber
stalking alleged victims. How horrible of them. Looks like reddit removed
the original attack post here too?
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Oh fuck you. I was not saying that we should attack and cyber stalk
people. I was saying that WS does not always know who is and is not
a victim. They make assumptions over there and then punish people
who do not go along with their assumption.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

But that's exactly what you decided to engage in here, an attack, a

cyberstalking and cyberbullying of an alleged victim. If WS don't
agree and try to shut that kind of thing down good on them.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

I am not doing any of those things.

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continue this thread

[deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Like, why are you so obsessed with Sherri Papin???

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[-] absecon 4 points 4 months ago

She's the hypocritical queen of all hypocrisy ran out of there fast myself. Idk what her
issue is.
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[-] rachelcutter 9 points 4 months ago

Ditto. You have hit the nail on the head for me.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Will they be continuing to meet with the sheriff, in hopes that SP remembers something new?
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[-] ObsoleteFoxglove 7 points 4 months ago

Ha! Not likely. They fled town.

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[-] Thinkles 3 points 4 months ago

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ROD RODRIGUEZ - Nov 22 at 11:35 AM We already have $50,000 from family members to add
to either a ransom for Sherri's safe return or failing that, the secret witness reward for the
apprehension of Sherri's abductor.
Has anyone heard of any reward at all for the apprehension of SP's abductor(s)?
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

Hmmm, not really, just CG's anon donor offered up 'six figures, use your imagination' (effing
gag me), but is that off the table too now?
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 3 points 4 months ago

Do Best Buy home theater specialists drive a company vehicle(which has a gps tracker) home, or
do they use the company vehicle once they get to work? Trying to figure out why if Keith had
just gotten home from work why did he say in his 20/20 interview that he drove his wife's car
when he went to find her phone instead of getting back in his own vehicle?
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[-] Starkville 5 points 4 months ago

I think it's because the car seats were installed in her vehicle and he anticipated driving all of
them home. I wondered that, too, at first. When he mentioned the car seats it made sense.
Those things are a pain in the ass to install.
It's literally the ONLY thing that made sense to me.
ETA: I write this in the interest of fairness. I think this thing is a hoax. But that made sense.
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 2 points 4 months ago

Where did he say he drove her car because of the car seats? I hadn't heard that part
until now. Maybe he gave a little more info in some of his interviews.
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[-] itsjesssa 3 points 4 months ago

My husband drives my car any chance he gets because he likes my newer model car better
than his own. Maybe that's the case of this weird guy, too?
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 2 points 4 months ago

I was only wondering because in our house if we aren't driving somewhere together we
always drive our "own" vehicles.
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[-] itsjesssa 1 point 4 months ago

That's probably the usual. My husband drives a banged up 1996 Ford Escort and I
drive a 2013 Explorer, so he prefers mine just a little
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2 points 4 months ago

It would definitely fit the assumed profile for her to drive a nicer car than him, even
though he's the one who makes the money

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[-] jollynix 6 points 4 months ago

What exactly was the desired end game for the Papini's I wonder? Did they just assume that a
GoFundMe would be set up and they would rake in a boat-load of cash? Reality show, meeting
with Oprah, start a foundation that pays generous salaries? I assume whatever they were
hoping for has kind of blown up at this point.
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[-] imbuche 1 point 4 months ago

I'd guess they were hoping for something along the lines of Elizabeth Smart's current career
(though there is no comparison between these two grifters and a genuine survivor like
Elizabeth Smart.) Book(s), speaking engagements, minor celebrity status, etc. Maybe
eventually a nice Charitable Foundation to pay them fat salaries too. Money without working
and plenty of attention.
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[-] reginafalangy111 2 points 4 months ago

Is he even still working at Best Buy?

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[-] Starkville 1 point 4 months ago

Guess not, if he skipped town. Unless he got a job transfer.

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[-] SkylarBlue5 6 points 4 months ago

lol all of the above

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[-] moodswingproductions 9 points 4 months ago

I'm disgusted they left their dogs behind- what a horrible thing to do. They are the type of
people that would eat their dogs in a survival situation if they were hungry enough rather than
keep a loving companion around. The poor kids family has once again been ripped apart.
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[-] Sbplaint 9 points 4 months ago

Exactly. Heartbreaking, really, especially when you consider how much people in the
community were just dying to help in any way possible...yet the best they can do is have
one of KP's buddies swing by for 15 minutes every day? No one in their extended family
could take them in temporarily? Everything about this clearly points to them being at some
super swanky airbnb log cabin in the mountains with a strict no-dogs policy, courtesy of
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[-] Pudding Volcano 5 points 4 months ago

The Papini's have family and friends spread out through nor cal. By the desricption from their
neigh or, they are likely in the mt. Shasta/ Dunsmuir area.
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

It does look like that area in the photo.

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[-] AnnAhmerican 2 points 4 months ago

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There's photo on here that shows where the 20/20 interview happened
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 4 months ago
And he speaks:
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[-] tchiefl4 4 points 4 months ago
SO many things wrong with this....First, he cannot speak without looking down at his notes.
Second, he is now saying it was the husband's idea to use the "reverse ransom." Third, does
he honestly expect any human being with common sense to believe that he was reluctant to
get involved?
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[-] muwtski 8 points 4 months ago

I think he put a single iphone headphone in his ear just to look more official hahaha.
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[-] pacmandones 10 points 4 months ago
What a piece of work that guy is lol he actually believes it was him who made the fake
kidnappers let her go.
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[-] [deleted] 7 points 4 months ago
received ONE DOLLAR retainer and donated to St. Judes.

Whatever dude. my eyes wont stop rolling.

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago
He donated a whole entire dollar??
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[-] jessitbird 8 points 4 months ago
I'm sure St. Jude's appreciated the unprecedented generosity. He should at least have
topped it up to $20.
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 4 months ago
The $1 tells me he had legal counsel.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 7 points 4 months ago
wow he just changed his story..he said the donor was out of town, now he says he
was out of town 101
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[-] Sbplaint 8 points 4 months ago
Yeah that is a critical detail...before even answering the reporter's question, he
made sure to make it known that he was mostly out of Shasta County's
jurisdiction between 11/2 and 11/24...kind of like how SP was found in Yolo

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County, I can't help but think the intent was to cause confusion between the
different jurisdictions. Also, the change in characterization from ransom to reward
(or as CG called it, "bounty," lop is legally significant... I feel like they got spooked
and changed it at the last minute to avoid scrutiny by the Feds.
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[-] rachelcutter 25 points 4 months ago

Sorry if this has been discussed but has anyone mentioned the similarity to Orange is the New
Black season 4? Piper the blonde Caucasian woman is branded by none other than a group of
Latina women. Since parts of this story seem to come straight from the movies I think
somebody has been watching Netflix.
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

My idea was she was given the same thing as piper because of her blog
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[-] xanmuller 2 points 4 months ago

And also, when eyebrows and latinas were mentioned I thought straight away of the two
girls in orange is the new black with sculpted makeup, one of whom had notably thin
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[-] seaharechasr 1 point 4 months ago

This similarity was also mentioned 30/11 in the mydeathspace thread on the case. The MDS
thread has a few references to this one so we may as well have a link back to MDS.
Clip here for anyone who hasn't seen it
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5 points 4 months ago

Didn't see that season, but you might have the clearest insight to this story yet. This story
really is a bunch of movies and tv shows cobbled together.
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[-] [deleted] 6 points 4 months ago

It does. I think LE's part in this case reminds me of True Detective

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[-] SkeptiCynical 1 point 4 months ago

I haven't watched TD but a quick search on the google tells me it's my kind of drama.
That is, completely fictitious and bearing no weight in our literal, real world of actual
crime. Let's keep the 2 separate, shall we SP and KP?
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[deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

First off, I am neither of the papinis. read my history second, you cannot
comment on my point since you have not watched it. my point was, the way LE is
handling this case is the same way that LE handled the case in the show....pretty

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hands off it seems. not saying much...seemingly wanting to brush it under the
rug and make it go away....
the show has a TON of parallels to real crime in our world and how LE often
handles shit. so until you watch it, you may not want to comment on it ;)
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[-] SkeptiCynical 3 points 4 months ago

True - my comment was directed at SP and KP, not to you /u/shaemac

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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago worries ;)
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" 5 points 4 months ago

erm, I think /u/SkeptiCynical was trying to be supportive (that last

sentence, about keeping them separate, was aimed at the Papini's, not at
your comment, IMHO). I think she was asking SP & KP to keep reality separate
from tv-fiction (not you).
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Thank ya ;)
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Wonder how she looks in Orange fyi?

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[-] Sam5377 11 points 4 months ago

Wow, wow, wow, that seems more believable than 'the branded miff' story, even though is
was a great find.
I can legit see her adoring on Piper now, makes totes sense.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 5 points 4 months ago

Ah man, she's going to be super disappointed when she finds out that wasn't a
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Now that's funny! and yep yep yep

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[-] Sbplaint 15 points 4 months ago*

Oh no they didn't 11111111111111111111 16/12/05/abducted-jogger-skips-town-with-
Time to feel the wrath of /r/dogs, /r/aww, et. al. Front page, here we come11111
Weeeeeeeeel 111111
Lets try to get the hashtag # nopuppinisleftbehind to trend!

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(Edit: I originally had the Mexican flag in my emojis, but realize anyone new to this thread could
think I was punching the flag of Mexico instead of referring to the two Latina abductors SP
claims abducted her!)
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[-] jessitbird 12 points 4 months ago

Dogs are better off left with sane people.

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I think they are just left alone, someone went and walked them
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

lol are they on the run?

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Do you think something changed between them and the sheriff?

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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 4 months ago

I doubt it..Im sure Keith told the sheriff they were leaving..
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[-] jessitbird 3 points 4 months ago

Still better off! If they're willing to cause bruises to further their story, I'm not sure
an animal would be safe.
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[-] NectarCollecting 8 points 4 months ago
Now they have fled.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

geez I hope someone can take care of their dogs :(

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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 4 months ago

Haha, I didn't see your post! This is bananas!

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[-] SkeptiCynical 13 points 4 months ago

I can't get over this - are these cops serious? Does any part of this story make it look like
SP was ever even considered for sex trafficking?
Bill Garcia, a private detective who has been looking into the case, said in an interview
with Today last week that he believes that Sherri may have been sex trafficking victim.
'I suspect based on the types of injuries Sherri incurred, the beatings, the broken nose,
the cut hair, especially the chains and the branding, indicate that most likely it was one of
these sex trafficking groups,' said Garcia.

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[-] Starkville 5 points 4 months ago

That made me LOL. It's shocking how many people (women) have latched on to the sex
trafficking notion.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 3 points 4 months ago

If there were any. ANY. REAL coincidental or circumstantial evidence that a pretty,
young(ish) blonde American girl in such a HIGH PROFILE KIDNAPPING CASE was
kidnapped and threatened by a skeevy future of involuntary whoring, drugs and
physical abuse, we would know the details, however tenuous or suggestive. You can
bet your ass the shitball MSM would make sure of it.
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 4 months ago

I think this guy was their new PI -> Cody Bryan Kensit Salfen. He also happens to be a
newly minted attorney.
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[-] reginafalangy111 6 points 4 months ago

Makes zero sense! Sex trafficking just for 22 days while beating, starving, branding and
cutting her hair? Garcia is as credible as Gamble. I want to know why KP wouldn't let law
enforcement do their jobs? Why waste money on these imbeciles?
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Private investigators with integrity might actually uncover something legit.

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[-] SkeptiCynical 6 points 4 months ago

Oh god I forgot - EMACIATED bruised, beaten choppy-haired 34-year old moms.

Screaming so hard they spit blood.
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[-] Jezebellah 2 points 4 months ago

Don't forget BRANDED, emaciated, bruised, beaten, choppy haired Attractive!

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[-] SkeptiCynical 1 point 4 months ago

Branded, cut up, scabbing, emaciated, bruised, beaten, nose-broken, choppy

haired blood-screaming 34 year old moms. Do I have this right? This is the
market the Shasta County kidnappers are hoping to corner?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 4 months ago

Was that the PI the family hired?

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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

He likes to talk to media..Amber Dubois's parents were angry about misinformation

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spread by him on TV and for speaking on behalf of their family even long after he
stopped working on the case...i think there was a couple of reviews on his business
page calling him a sociopath lol not sure why
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

I had no idea that was the same PI!

Ambers case was just heartbreaking, :(
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 4 months ago

It was horryfying what happened to her..he was truly a cold blooded killer
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[-] SkeptiCynical 1 point 4 months ago

This says he offered his services and was later contacted by Sherri's father-in-law.

Of course, the best is still

The Shasta County Sheriff has said there is no reason to disbelieve Papini's
account of the kidnapping.
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8 points 4 months ago

It's a really specific fetish!

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[-] matoul 2 points 4 months ago

thank God for redditors!

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[-] thank_mr_skeltal_bot 2 points 4 months ago

also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

El El1=1
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Yeahz the papini's hired him, paid him to say that, we shouldn't be dumbfounded he
honored his contract.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 2 points 4 months ago

Oooh. This goes even deeper than I thought. Should have paid attention... "private
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Only meant it to be funny, sounds a bit harsher rereading it fyi.

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[-] SkeptiCynical 2 points 4 months ago

it's all good - making fun of myself and the story. all good.

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 17 points 4 months ago

I'm surprised they took the kids, 3 weeks ago she just left them at daycare.
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[-] ObsoleteFoxglove 3 points 4 months ago

I think we need to become best friends after that comment. I fucking love you.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 4 months ago

Naha!! Funny, I'm thinking of taking a drive up to Redding, would love to meet the
people from this post!! Who knows?
Thank you!! Really made my day!!
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[-] AnnAhmerican 2 points 4 months ago

Notice how many photos of SP & KP but so few of the kids? All of the loving parents I
know overload the world with their kid photos! This is really strange.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 4 months ago

I love the matching outfits and jackets. Its all about the presentation and image.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

Oh no you didn't, snap!

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[-] WeedCAthr 21 points 4 months ago

I'm from this region & I call BS on this "abduction" is why-

criminally minded "Latinos" in California are actually very good at not getting caught. (For
example Chapo Guzman had a CA driver's license. Meaning he and associates did their
business without gathering much attention in LA for years.) I had the misfortune to work
for some of these types for a few months & they were always good to me but I realized
that they kept a tight reign on all their business (both the legit business that laundered
their money & the other matters.) The "white women" I knew who associated with
these "bad hombre" Latinos were not the type of woman Sherri portrays herself to be
(squeaky clean, mostly stay at home mom.)
If the rumor that Sherri worked as a weed trimmer is true, she might have gathered some
info about Latinos via that job. (Recently a lot of Emerald Triangle growers have switched
to using Columbian women & indigenous Mexican labor on their farms- these workers are
undocumented, don't speak ANY English & are basically captive, which eliminates the
possibility of workers running off with product or money, or setting up a home invasion
style robbery.)
Sex traffickers in CA have access to more than enough very young, very impressionable
young women who usually become ensnared in that world to gain access to drugs or to
escape a broken home...The idea that people from that world would go out of their way to

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snatch a suburban mommy & keep her for a few weeks is ridiculous.
My first assumption when I saw the news story on HLN is Sherri's husband had a debt of some
sort & someone known to them grabbed her because of that.
I agree with the idea of a kidnapping hoax concocted for professional & financial gain.
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[-] DNA Jigase 3 points 4 months ago

My first assumption when I saw the news story on HLN is Sherri's husband had a debt of
some sort & someone known to them grabbed her because of that.
This is what I was thinking when it came out that Sherri was alive. If she's really a victim, I
think it's due to revenge on the family, not some sort of race-fueled, random hate. That's
why websleuths is such crap for not allowing any discussion; even if she is a victim, it's very
much possible that the situation was brought on from things in her past. I find it very
disheartening that Latina/black/indigenous/Asian women who go missing are told that it's
their fault for getting kidnapped for being part of shady underworld dealings, but there's
resistance at the idea of thinking this white suburban housewife might be involved with
something shady.
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[-] anonhooker 2 points 4 months ago

I don't have anything to add to this; I just wanted to say that this is so very, very true.
Well said.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Poignant, I agree
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[-] SkeptiCynical 16 points 4 months ago

Damn - when the Inquirer starts calling you out on your bullshit, your 15 minutes are probably
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

"Kidnapping" in quotes in their headline speaks volumes!

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 9 points 4 months ago

Yes, AND they included the bit about Gamble copying the movie Ransom. SCORE!
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[-] SkeptiCynical 7 points 4 months ago

I'm not even angry that most folks are still accepting this bullshit at face value - it's just
funny now
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago


[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

The comment time stamp was July 3rd 3:49 pm. At the time of the comment she already had
both kids, did she mean peanut3 or what?
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[-] AlexandrianVagabond 1 point 4 months ago

Do they actually live on a ranch?

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Imo, no, but some might disagree. Nice house, on land. I think it's an embellishment.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 2 points 4 months ago

It looks like Poshmark doesn't include the year in timestamp. Could be any year back to

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[-] SkeptiCynical 18 points 4 months ago

And for anyone commenting but hasn't upvoted the story - send it to the front page! It's the
counter to the top-left of this page. If the top arrow ain't orangered, make it orangered.
/u/loveagreatmystery has a point, so many people blindly believe this sort of fabricated made-
for-tv bullshit because it's easier than using critical thinking. Thank you /u/Great-Pyrenees for
posting this, I wouldn't have even heard about this story if not for you.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Thanks for the reminder to upvote the thread!

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[-] SkeptiCynical 2 points 4 months ago

Upvoting you to keep the reminders going ;)

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[-] loveagreatmystery 27 points 4 months ago

Ijust want to thank all you great Redditors for the critical thinking and research on this thread!
In real life if I mention that this case stinks I get looked at like The Grinch Who Stole Sherri's
Thanksgiving Miracle.
Great to see so many people really thinking it through.
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[-] Starkville 8 points 4 months ago

Not to take anything away from the rational people here, but even the dolts who comment at
the DailyMail can smell the BS.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 4 months ago

I know, I love it here. And I also love that a lot of the information we have unearthed is
making its way into the press! Good job everyone ! :D
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[-] SkeptiCynical 11 points 4 months ago

Doubt everything. But especially do not trust glossy tabloid stories of kidnapped pretty,
petite blondes who have faked their own kidnapping before.

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[-] snidece 9 points 4 months ago

Honest question - would the public reaction, the mayor's reaction, and LE reaction be different if
the alleged assailants were a pair of guys? Some drifters hanging around town, a pair of guys
who held a lady for 3 weeks and branded her and shaved her head? Do you think there would be
a different focus from the community leaders, and the media?
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[-] thebigbvng 10 points 4 months ago

I'm starting to think that a lot of people in that town realize her story is BS, and are just
going along with it since they know there is no real danger out there. Even the mayor said
they don't believe the community has anything to fear- how could she say that knowing
there were violent sex traffickers abducting women in broad daylight?
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

How do I upvote this more.

Redding gets PR, media cash and public officials get some exposure/publicity, eff the
truth, let's ride this gravy train. #Pathetic
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[-] Bitter_Britches 9 points 4 months ago

It doesn't seem anyone in that town is concerned with violent, armed kidnappers snatching
mothers off the street.
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[-] Pcm1726 8 points 4 months ago

Because they don't exist.

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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

Definitely. I think there would be pure terror in the community right now.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 8 points 4 months ago

If they were Latino and male?? Holy shit, we'd have a civil war on our hands. The entire
"investigation" would have had a different tone.
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[-] bishcray 15 points 4 months ago

I've now come to the conclusion that we're being Blair Witched.
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[-] HoneyBeeBz2 8 points 4 months ago

Welcome to the party ;)

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[-] bishcray 5 points 4 months ago

Wonder when the movie will come out? Summer 2017 hit?

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 4 months ago

Hopefully they don't cast Jennifer Lawrence to play the lead. She seems nice enough,
but I'm tired of seeing her in EVERY movie.
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[-] curious_geeorg 10 points 4 months ago

thank you for those who, like bishcray, interject some Black Humor where no real humor can
legitimately find its way...
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[-] tearsofadream 7 points 4 months ago

Just a thought. When Big,Blue eyes,Boob,Blondie went missing,what other descriptions about
her besides her Height,Weight,Blue eyes Blond hair did they give out ? Scars,birth marks,a
previously broken nose ? Was her being blond,blue eyes,& big boobs enuff of a description to
rely on hmmmmmm !
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[-] Tori68 3 points 4 months ago

I read somewhere that she wasn't initially listed as a missing person, I can't recall how they
worded it but it was like she'd voluntarily left. Then apparently Keith pressured them into
listing her as a "missing person under suspicious circumstances"...sorry, I can't recall the
exact wording but I'll try to find it.
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[-] [deleted] 9 points 4 months ago

apparently...because THAT is why she has received international attention....because of your

description. Sorry, just the facts.
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 4 months ago

haven't seen a mention of a "previous broken nose". what HAS been mentioned,
referenced from her 2003? Skinhead, hate-spewed rant, is that SP "broke the nose" and
brutally assaulted (at least) one Latina (in numbers victorious fights SP brags about) in
high school. and yet, there is NO EVIDENCE known that she can more than vaguely,
uselessly identify her 2 female Latina "kindnappers", let alone that she fought them (at
least hard enough to leave evidence at the assumed 'capture' site, aside from carefully
Posed earbuds, phone and lock of "signature" blonde hair").
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[-] tearsofadream 1 point 4 months ago

From previous posts,she got her nose broke while Beating up on Latina girls in her
young days.But yet,in great shape & a fighter,couldn't fight off her 2 Latina
kidnappers,a Bag over your head must be a real bitch to deal with I guess ! As Steve
Perry would say... "Oh Sherri" !
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1-1 CnmR477 2 points 4 months ago

She broke the other girls nose, SP did not have a broken nose in that essay, she
did fight off a group of like 8 people, after they broke her leg with a 2x4 though
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[ -] tearsofadream 3 points 4 months ago

Never heard of the 2x4 before. Wow,thanks for that update ! At this rate,she
should've been a MMA fighter,that way she can get beat up,get sympathy &
$$ all in one shot !
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

Yep - what Sam5377 said. rumor vs research is what gets The Job truly done.
but isn't it interesting that the injuries she claimed she afflicted upon a Latina
-- she now claims 2 Latinas inflicted on her? what is that theory?? that the
best way to tell a lie, is to have some kind of known truth you already have in
your head interjected into The Lie, kinda like a BS touchstone. perhaps,
between SP and CG, they spun just enough of their histories into the Hoax so
they could at least HOPE to keep the stories straight?
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[-] tearsofadream 3 points 4 months ago

History into a Hoax...that sounds like a Great description for this story
CG !
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[-] snidece 3 points 4 months ago

This case may end up in the archives of "unsolved mysteries" but happening to fall on the side
that there is something fishy going on, and a lot of money being made from this, I wonder if LE
can ask to see emails? Just one during the time of her disappearance between family members
that starts off "How's Sherri?" Wouldn't that be helpful to help determine if the assailants knew
the family? If the assailants were hidden all the time, they could know them through email and
have never met in person before. I have dozens of clients I work with via email, but I if I saw
them on the street I would not know them.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 9 points 4 months ago

It won't be unsolved. The evidence backing the "inside job" theory is building up too quickly
and it's impossible to ignore.
This is developing just like the Balloon Boy story. You remember - staring at that balloon
floating through the sky, and thinking "Nobody is so fucking stupid they would think a child
is inside that thing". But police have to do what police do, and in the end we found out what
we knew all along - it was a ploy for attention.
The media know it, I think they're playing chicken with the conspirators by putting Shasta
PD, KP and SP in the spotlight to watch this shit-show fall apart in front of them.
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[-] Tori68 7 points 4 months ago

If she intentionally put her children through this then she is definitely losing her
"Supermom" badge.
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[-] slatevero 3 points 4 months ago

But what about the fantastic pie-making?

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1 point 4 months ago

Signature pies, I'm sure.

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[-] curious_geeorg 7 points 4 months ago

her children? they are too young to be permanently affected. can we not worry about
the thousands and thousands of REAL victims of kidnapping, sexual assault, sex
trafficking, and worse who will now be brutally and cynically scrutinized - or outright
dismissed - by public, media and LE. it already happens as standard practice. if SP is
involved in a twisted hoax -- things just got WAY worse for REAL victims.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 4 points 4 months ago

Since pretty much everything presented to the public has been nonsensical and
unbelievable, I'm going to go ahead and say that EVERYTHING KP has said about
what he told his kids is bullshit too.
His heartfelt interactions with the kids, their supposed reactions to mommy being
missing / mommy being found - all complete bullshit to fill in an imaginary backstory.
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[deleted] 9 points 4 months ago

do you think the sheriff dept is actually actively investigating this? i dont. i think this has the
workings of a 'small town' SD who knows people involved and there is some backroom shit
going on....
I have zero confidence or trust in this SD
I see some similarities to 'True Detective' in regards to local LE just sayn'
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[-] whinecube 5 points 4 months ago

I have zero confidence too. It has taken them way too long to build any sort of case. The
Papinis have already fled (sounds like they left the state), and I am going to infer here
that they are likely not cooperating or not cooperating very much ("my wife needs time
to heal!") The sheriff looks close enough to retirement to not want to work this hard. I
just think that this might all just slowly fade away.
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[-] alpine13208 1 point 4 months ago

Where was it reported they left the state? How would they leave ? They would be
recognized whether it was car, plane ...
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 4 months ago

ah - but then there's the FBI that got brought into this. ye of little faith. sunshine,
time, some G-men... some Vets and Service Members already hot on GC's Poser
trail... trust that The Truth will scratch and claw its way to the surface. the local
Sheriff ain't alone in this by ANY means. and the overwhelming suspicious locals in
Redding won't let this die either.
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[-] slatevero 2 points 4 months ago

Has the FBI been brought in? I haven't seen that.

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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

If this was an actual case of someone being abducted off the street for sex
trafficking, then you bet your ass the FBI would be involved.
The local sheriff would not be the top guy in the case like that.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] chrissycakes8726 14 points 4 months ago

So weve been given details about her injuries, about their fairy-tale marriage, and limited details
about her abductors, but why no details about her actual abduction? Where exactly was she
abducted from, how were they able to get her into the vehicle, and to where they held her
captive? Did she come upon her abductors or did they approach her? Was she knocked over the
head? Did they trip her or run up and bombard her??? Wouldnt these details be trivial to inform
the public about? You know, for the publics safety? And in all this time that has passed since
she was found, these mexican women could be in Florida or Maine for all anybody knows,
shouldnt people all over the country be on alert for these women?
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[-] bishcray 4 points 4 months ago

They can't give us all the "info" at once. Gotta tease us a little, keep us interested.
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[-] Sam5377 13 points 4 months ago

And why was she moved around soo much, seems safer to leave her in a 'basement' the
whole time.
Everytime take her from the basement and put her in a SUV, all with a bag on her head they
risked drawing attention to themselves.
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3 points 4 months ago

I was also thinking if she had grown up in the area, even in a car with a bag over her
head wouldnt she feel the direction in which the vehicle was going and kind of be able ti
decipher where she was being taken?
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Selective amnesia is a bitch brah

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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 4 months ago

was it a basement? or a STORAGE CONTAINER? (of which CG owns several, apparently

holed up in a warehouse somewhere).
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

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Ikr! She said basement, so obvi a shipping container lol

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[-] tchiefl4 21 points 4 months ago

"The first thing I heard the Lord saying was to call off the FBI. What? Seriously Father? The FBI?
So... I did," he wrote. "I had no peace regarding the way they were getting ready to approach
the situation, and so I delayed their involvement until I could determine a better course of
So, one man (one homeless 30 year old man) living in his pickup with his pregnant wife and 4
small children from Redding, CA drives to KC, Missouri and single-handedly keeps the FBI at bay
while he navigates the situation like he was Moses and the Burning Bush?
Jen Gamble's FB description, by the way, says it all and feeds directly into the narrative that
everyone involved seems to be spinning "Jen Gamble, Wife of a Hero." Gag
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

How the hell would he be able to delay the FBI from getting involved?
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] slatevero 3 points 4 months ago

Who needs the Sheriff when CG has a direct line of communication to God!
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

tchiefl4 -- well, you've got the Big Picture. thanks for joining me in my choking, because "Id"
just won't come to me...
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 4 months ago*

"The first thing I head the Lord saying was to call off the FBI."
I talked to the Lord today, and HE told ME that Gamble is a lying, douche ridden, wannabe
who needs to get a REAL job and stop mis-quoting him.
And for the love of everything holy Gamble, stop pretending to be Mel Gibson! -- That's
from me. But the Lord agrees with me... so yeah.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago


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[-] Sam5377 8 points 4 months ago

I wish i could type LoL at your obvious parody, alas I cannot, that shit is real.
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[-] tchiefl4 6 points 4 months ago

Absolutely and along with the shit being real, this is a classic case of, " we couldn't
make this shit up."

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[-] whinecube 9 points 4 months ago

This guy is a legend in his own mind.

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[deleted] 5 points 4 months ago

they ALL are. "birds of a feather

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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

which is what i suspect SP and CG did -- "flocked" together... or something along

those lines...
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[-] Pudding Volcano 50 points 4 months ago*
This is Rolando Pedrano, a hispanic highschool student who disappeared in September. Redding
barely made a mumble about him, and he went missing at a football game here in town. People's
kids could be in danger.
So angry my town turns a blind eye to so much, but because Sherri's signature hair caught the
public eye, we give a shit. I sound like a jerk, but I live here. I know why no one in my town
cares about a young Hispanic kid gone missing. He went missing at the same high school where
a student passed out fake deportation slips to other students after Trump won the election. So
ashamed of this town argh.
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[-] mrssailorwife 3 points 4 months ago

And what about all the other people on that Missing Persons list? There are several other
(beautiful) teenage young women recently reported missing, too. But I've never heard their
story! I guess if you're not blonde, you're not worthy of a story? Sherri isn't even THAT
pretty! sigh
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

:(I don't even remember hearing about him and I live here too!! Interesting ,just looked at
RPD missing page and 3 girls since SP and 1 the day before..
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[-] dandamonster 3 points 4 months ago

Is there anywhere else or any articles where I can find more information on Rolando? Did a
quick search, but didn't come up with much beyond the Redding Police page.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 3 points 4 months ago

No and that's my biggest complaint. There has been no follow up after he went missing.
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[-] curious_geeorg 15 points 4 months ago*

shoulda been born with blue eyes and "signature blonde hair"??? this is the way we allow our
world to work. if SP were homely, even just 'average' looking -- would this have made global
news? of course not. let's not pretend to be naive. better served are all if we just cut the

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pretense and expect/demand more from ourselves, our media, our society, and those who
serve us. but then again -- we just elected a President who started out defaming Latinos
and other minorities.
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[-] Sam5377 19 points 4 months ago

Sherri Papini's family has allowed SP to steal attention away from real missing people who
currently need it. And in the process slander the Hispanic community, all while terrifying
local women and children who trusted that no human being could be so selfishly callous.
Maybe AAA can offer free tire changes to Hispanic women, clearly no one is stopping to
help them till this nonsense is cleared up.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 14 points 4 months ago

Plenty of people in town say they went to high school with Sherri, but no one cares
about Rolando, who their kids went to highschool with. Just feels so wrong.
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[-] curious_geeorg 9 points 4 months ago

of COURSE it's wrong. but instead of posting on a blog, start writing to Congress,
media, demanding to know how blonde-haired-blue-eyed MILF gets GLOBAL attention
and support... while a CHILD gets NOTTA. don't whine: ACT. ask people who clearly
have time to kill to HELP you help this kid, his family. start with YOU. one person CAN
and DOES change things. every day.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 4 points 4 months ago

This stuff also gets brought up at city Hall meets and letters sent to the Record
Search light, but the communities reaction always seems to be more police, bigger
jail, bigger budget... and Bosenko writing a letter to Biden opposing any new gun
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 13 points 4 months ago

I do more than just use reddit and facebook. I donate. I vote. I call senators and
congress on issues that matter to me.
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

DC is in the center of the country. you gather folks and land at the Capitol
and start knocking on doors. it works.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 10 points 4 months ago

DC is in the center of the country.

May I ask which map you're using?
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[-] a1g45160 8 points 4 months ago

this makes me so sad. Sending good thoughts to Rolando's family.

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[ -] tchiefl4 12 points 4 months ago

I'm not trying to pile on here, but has anyone else noticed that every person connected with this
case or the family seem to have had recently, or are currently going through, very catastrophic
financial situations. Rod Rodriguez and Cameron Gamble's BK's, Papini's BB sole income, and
now this...Lisa Jeter, the "mutual acquaintance" who introduced KP and CG to each other....Is
there ANYONE credible involved that doesn't scream "this was not an elaborate plan or scam for
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[-] curious_geeorg 8 points 4 months ago*

what's that old saying? "When people claim that it's not the money, it's the Principle"... it's
ALWAYS about the money. when the FBI starts tracking this "anon donor", the non-"non-
profit" status of CG, the donations to CG, etc.. -- The Fun (truth) will REALLY begin.
another old saying: "follow the money". a cursory research of the Papini's and knowledge of
their income does NOT bear out their lifestyle.... good guess that financial disaster was right
around the corner for them as well.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Was the only source of the anon donor Gamble himself?

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[-] Sam5377 10 points 4 months ago

You don't need real donor cash if you know that no one can claim it.
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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

I just think this anonymous donor exists entirely in Gamble's imagination

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[-] Pcm1726 21 points 4 months ago*

Not sure if anyone's posted this. Article about the family leaving town and KP driving new truck.
Highlights: - Family "skipped town," staying at wealthy relatives' - Left dogs behind (they had
dogs???) - KP seen driving new truck, which allegedly belongs to a friend.
(Edited to provide high-level overview of article)
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1 point 4 months ago

Well what do you expect after you people act like this?
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

Who leaves their pets at home like that and I believe i read the kids didn't know she was
missing cause they were kept distracted by said relatives which could be her parents since
she didn't see her kids Til the day after as if she had to travel to them
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[-] [deleted] 9 points 4 months ago

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TRUCK, eh...
So the tipster saw a blonde woman matching the description of SP in a truck with men. But
the SD refused to really look further into that and quickly dismissed it.
Maybe nothing...but cant really dismiss it IMO.

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[-] xanmuller 2 points 4 months ago

When you call something in to the police, they take down all the details and thank you
for your time. They don't divulge how they are gonna handle the info. For all we know,
they are all over it. To charge SP and or the other guilty parties, they need to identify a
crime and have some evidence.
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' ' ---- 9 points 4 months ago

As I'm new to reddit, just curious, how would what I said above warrant multiple down
votes? Any tips (to the extent I broke some rule) are welcome! :)
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 4 months ago

Welcome! You will like /r/unresolvedmysteries too

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[-] anxshush 8 points 4 months ago

I've been noticing waves of downvotes coming in for everyone for the last couple of
days. I think somebody is going down this thread doing it. You did nothing wrong.
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[-] Pcm1726 7 points 4 months ago

Gotcha, thank you! I follow Reddit a lot, but it wasn't until this case that I felt
compelled to post something.
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[-] anxshush 3 points 4 months ago

Someone in this thread works at a vet's office and has had dealings with the Papinis and
their dog(s). I might be mistaken but I think it's u/Pudding_Volcano
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[-] Pudding Volcano 7 points 4 months ago

I have met the Papini's when they brought one of their dogs in to my work. If this is in
relation to down voting posts though, naw that ain't me. I'm glad this reddit thread is
here. I'm not sure the dog they brought in is still alive or healthy enough to jog to
respond the person asking why she wasn't with her dogs when she was abducted.
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[-] anxshush 2 points 4 months ago

No, I was not implying you are one of the down voters. I think I've read most of your
posts here and can see you are a great addition to this thread with all of the input
from your local point of view.
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[-] Pcm1726 4 points 4 months ago

Thanks! Hard to keep up with all of the postings.

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[-] cmc8290 6 points 4 months ago

I wonder how far away they will get before LE figures it all out... and that they need to
charge these people who may very well be dust in the wind by that point.
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[-] muwtski 6 points 4 months ago

Well I guess the police arent getting any further interviews any time soon.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

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[-] HoneyBeeBz2 8 points 4 months ago

I never knew she had dogs. If this is the case, why didn't she take her dogs jogging with
her? I have 4 dogs and I never go jogging without at least one of them. Even if the dog is
small, they serve as little alarm systems that alert me to a dangerous situation. And people
are less likely to attack someone with a dog, because they make a lot of noise and could alert
neighbors that something is happening.
This makes her story even more suspicious. And I'm glad that the MSM is doing some
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[-] DNA_ligase 3 points 4 months ago

I'm pretty skeptical of Papini's story, but the fact that she didn't take her dogs running
isn't suspicious. Some dogs don't like running, and some can't handle it physically for the
duration their humans like to go, especially ones that are old/infirm. I do find it strange
that they've skipped town without their dogs, though. If their wealthy benefactor is as
wealthy as they say, surely they have room enough for the dogs somewhere. This
sounds like they're just skipping town to avoid paying for their mistakes.
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[-] xanmuller 1 point 4 months ago

Yeah but doesn't she have four dogs? Are all of them incapable of running?
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[-] DNA_ligase 2 points 4 months ago

According to pictures I saw online, she has Yorkies. If they're anything like my
friend's Yorkies, they get tired after walking a block. They are lovely dogs, but
they cannot handle vigorous exercise. Who knows if those are her current dogs
though...they might have been old photos.
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[-] TaraCalico 6 points 4 months ago*

I have left reddit for a reddit alternative due to years of admin mismanagement and
preferential treatment for certain subreddits and users holding certain political and
ideological views. The situation has gotten especially worse since the appointment of Ellen
Pao as CEO, culminating in the seemingly unjustified firings of several valuable employees
and bans on hundreds of vibrant communities. The resignation of Ellen Pao and the
appointment of Steve Huffman as CEO, despite initial hopes, has continued the same

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trend. As an act of protest, I have chosen to redact all the comments I've ever made on
reddit, overwriting them with this message. If you would like to do the same, install
TamperMonkey for Chrome, GreaseMonkey for Firefox, NinjaKit for Safari, Violent Monkey
for Opera, or AdGuard for Internet Explorer (in Advanced Mode), then add this
GreaseMonkey script. Finally, click on your username at the top right corner of reddit,
click on the comments tab, and click on the new OVERWRITE button at the top of the
page. You may need to scroll down to multiple comment pages if you have commented a
lot. After doing all of the above, you are welcome to join me on a reddit alternative!
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[-] Pudding Volcano 2 points 4 months ago

I'm not sure the dog she brought into my work is still alive or healthy enough to jog. It
was a few years ago.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 1 point 4 months ago

I think they have more than one dog. According to the article anyway.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 11 points 4 months ago

It was a hit and run. They pulled the stunt, got the $50k from GoFundMe and now they
are gone!! This is so classic.
Another neighbor said "they're way up north, in cold country" where there's "snow on
the ground" and "wealthy relatives" who have given them a place to stay.
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[-] chrissycakes8726 11 points 4 months ago

Cold country? Where theres snow on the ground? Oregon, maybe? Arent they still
part of an investigation? Shouldnt they not be leaving the state?
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[-] xanmuller 1 point 4 months ago

It just clicked for me. Think about it. "Way up North". "Cold country". They're in
Canada. Motherfucking Canada. The neighbor is trying to give it away without
publicly being culpable. Just like all the other innocent players - the sheriff, the
mayor, all out loud saying "I know it's a hoax, but I can't say t publicly yet", with
every comment they make.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 6 points 4 months ago

LE said SP was participating in questioning lasting for hours. Oh wait now I get it,
she went back to the place she was hiding out during the kidnapping?? Now it
makes sense.
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[-] [deleted] 6 points 4 months ago

Starting to think this 'investigation' is over with in regards to the SD.

just a horrible gut feeling.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago

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[-] Tori68 13 points 4 months ago

Funny, he claims it's a friends truck and he borrowed it to stay under the radar but he's
been prancing about, giving interviews every 5 minutes...that's a fine way to stay under the
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[- 5 points 4 months ago

Ikr, and what was wrong with his vehicle or his wife's? I bet the 'friend' is a local car
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[-] Pcm1726 8 points 4 months ago

The thing is - what friend? Given most of his friends seem to be having financial
difficulties. Maybe it belongs to the "mystery donor"? Either way - if I up and left town,
as much as my friends love me, I don't think they'd let me take their new car for a
potentially unspecified amount of time.
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[-] chrissycakes8726 7 points 4 months ago

Weird. If they went to stay with "wealthy relatives" why couldnt they take their dogs? You
would think rich relatives would be understanding and ok with them bringing along their
dogs, especially after the ordeal they went through. The neighbors believe theyre never
coming back, hmm...maybe out scouting for a new town to start a new life in with their
newfound money...?
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[-] xanmuller 2 points 4 months ago

Mentioning my Canada theory again: they likely would not be able to pass over the
border with ease if they had dogs, would that be right? Australian here, so I'm not sure
the rules.
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[-] prettiwylde 1 point 4 months ago

And they would be safer WITH their dogs, regardless of size they are the best alarm
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[-] Pcm1726 9 points 4 months ago

Yep. If your wife is in fear for her life, you don't first draw attention to her by doing
interviews and then claim the above reason is why you're "fleeing." Given the "support
network" the town has provided her, not to mention the fact that the LE is behaving as if
there's not an immediate threat (at least to the public), makes you wonder if they're
"skipping town" for other reasons.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 4 months ago

Gasp, I am shocked that not every man women and child is fleeing Redding, these 2
Hispanic women are truly psychotic sociopaths, to do this merely for fun, just wow...
obvi sarcasm

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[-] Tori68 6 points 4 months ago

That's what I thought too, they're hiding out before the "hoax" is exposed possibly?
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 4 months ago

'cause the Heat is on-on... the Heat is ON... that's the family sing-along on the
road trip north. is anyone possibly surprised. one way or another, real or hoax,
they would have left town. the fact that they ain't comin' back to their hometown
suggests hoax.
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[-] Pcm1726 4 points 4 months ago

Yeah. The thing I don't get is why leave the dogs? As a dog lover (obsesser?)
that they would come with me would be non-negotiable. Unless they left them
behind to convince people they'd "be back."
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

no room for inconveniences. didn't you first ask: why were the kids being
dumped in daycare when they had a stay-at-home "supermom". surely,
we're out of surprises or shock by now, right?
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[-] Tori68 3 points 4 months ago

So sad for those poor kids, right before Christmas too. I guess "Supermom"
comes first.
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[-] curious_geeorg 1 point 4 months ago

S&KP ran off with AT LEAST $50K -- more than "six figures" from other
media admissions. for a total of a least $150K, if you believe CG??? Santa
came through in 22 days for those "poor kids", didn't he? or at least their
"Supermom". it's practically a Thanksgiving Miracle, wouldn't you say?
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1 point 4 months ago

On her Mecari page under one of her items Q &A (sorry don't remember which) she stated she
was working six days a week. IIRC it was posted around 265 days ago. Perhaps she more
recently stopped working?
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[-] AnnAhmerican 22 points 4 months ago

I'm new to reddit but I've been on websleuths for years. I'm really curious as to why WS is
adamant that the Papini's are completely cleared and not involved in this. Mods are posting some
very strong warnings, I've never known them to be so adamant. Very curious.
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[deleted] 5 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I posted on there a few hours ago that this whole story smelled and the truth will
come out. My post was removed for suggesting a hoax.
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[-] [deleted] 4 months ago*


[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

CG??? did someone say CG is cleared?? because the whole world is looking at HIM. "motive,
means, opportunity", as they say...
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[-] AnnAhmerican 9 points 4 months ago

Can't discuss that possibly the P's are in cahoots with him "don't go there". Don't
dictate to me what I can and can't say when there are so many red flags and questions.
I've not posted in a while, I'm just reading the same ole, same ole like they are on a
hamster wheel. Boring!
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 4 months ago

We had a good laugh over here at the "don't go there" warning on WS. We regularly
mock them and laugh at their absurd theories.
Mostly they just wax poetic talking about how much they cried during the 20/20
interview, and post a lot of emoticons that involve hugging, hearts and other warm
and fuzzy BS.
Then of course there is the thinly veiled racism. Questioning a case, otherwise known
as "sleuthing" is not allowed, but racism? Oh, that's okay. You want to blame Muslims
for kidnapping her even when there is ZERO evidence of that happening? Go ahead!
After all, they're all about the FACTS right? And everyone KNOWS that Mexicans and
Muslims are what's wrong with this country. It's a fact, duh!
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[-] grievingl3 1 point 4 months ago

what is WS, please ? can u say ?

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 4 months ago

The website called Websleuths. They have forums where people discuss crime
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[-] grievingl3 2 points 4 months ago

thanks 4 taking time 2reply -:)

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[-] AnnAhmerican 6 points 4 months ago

Actually, I'm over it. They just removed several posts that were from MSM that
showed photos from the 20/20 interview as if the posters were sharing the
Papini's location. No one knows where they are and it's stupid to try and control
the conversation on a discussion thread. I hope this blows up all over them.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 4 months ago

I hope so too. Do they know that they are sending away sleuthers in droves?
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1 2 points 4 months ago

I don't know, but I'm done! Big risk for them.

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[-] babyvoicewins 12 points 4 months ago

Girrrrl, same thing with me. I've been on there for years and never once have I seen them so
weird about something. I almost wonder if they are somehow connected or being paid. I am
going to post some smart ass comment, then peace out.
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

I wanted to do that as well. But just change your avatar to a pretty girl and they'll ignore
you not welcome you and welcome everyone else. I went there for this case but when I
saw her profit from the lisk stuff I rolled my eyes
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 12 points 4 months ago

Let us know before you do it! I want to watch ;) I have an account there too.
If Sherri and Keith are ever arrested, you better believe I'm running over there to rub it
in their faces!
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[-] AnnAhmerican 10 points 4 months ago

Yes, it's controlled conversation, hardly satisfying if you want to have true discussions
about the case. There are too many red flags and questions yet to be answered.
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 4 months ago

my impression is that Bethel Church (to which GC prominently belongs) and its
supporters/affiliates (of which GC is one) "control" a great deal of the narrative,
dialogue, script. and "strange" is the word folks most ascribe to Bethel.
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[-] [deleted] 16 points 4 months ago

Because Tricia the owner is a psycho nazi. Google her history. She has something to gain
from many of the cases. She also is with the TV show The Killing Season. Probably wants an
episode out of this case. Cant have an episode if its a hoax. Know what I mean ;)
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[-] AnnAhmerican 3 points 4 months ago

Well ABC is going to beat her to any movie or tv shows. Thanks so for the reply.
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[-] whinecube 14 points 4 months ago

Because the mods over there are complete and total idiots.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 5 points 4 months ago

I love your way with words whinecube ;)

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[-] Pudding Volcano 3 points 4 months ago

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This is what Redding crime looks like. Definitely a smart enough lot to pull off Sherri's kidnapping
and torture. I know my sarcasm isn't fair.
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[-] a1g45160 5 points 4 months ago

remind me to check out this site after the Papinis get arrested for their hoax. I just want to
see what SPs hair looks like.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 4 months ago

She won't be on it unless they have a previous mugshot to use.. sadly the site doesn't
have the fundING to maintain any new photos.
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[-] tchief14 20 points 4 months ago

More "simple" questions that the family cold be answering....I mean, good Lord, if we're
comparing a human spine to a clock, these would be just noun and verb answers you would
1) Mr. Gamble, since you are now associated with, can you tell us if you,
or someone acting on behalf of you or your "company" we're behind that domain's registration
using on November 7th?
2) Mr. Gamble, during the 20/20 interview and again at the "Human Christmas Card" Over the
weekend, you were not bashful in assuming much of the credit for SP being found on
Thanksgiving Morning. However, you are also on record saying that none of the monies you
discussed in the 2 videos changed hands. Was there something else that you did on this case
not yet known to the public, because those 2 things seem to contradict one another?
3) Mr. Gamble, you certainly seem to have a passion for helping victims (or future victims) of
kidnapping. I, for one, had no idea that an International Hostage Negotiator was walking among
the people of Northern California. There are 2 descriptions in 6 years of "cases" that you have
lent your services to. How does limited experience in KC, Missouri and another situation in
Mexico constitute an expert in your line of work. Let me ask it this way, if my wife were to be
abducted tomorrow, why exactly are you the person to call? I guess I'm asking for verifiable
references if you're asking people to put their loved one's lives in the hands of someone who
isn't a fan of traditional law enforcement.
4) You stated something publicly over the weekend that has social media abuzz. In fact, your
comment was, "Could we have done this as a hoax? Yes, we could have, but we didn't."
Ummmmmm yeah, surely, sir, you can see that isn't something usually attributed to the
experts of such a highly skilled and life/death field. Can you imagine a sniper walking up to
someone and saying, "Hey, I could have taken your left eye out from 3 football fields away, but I
didn't." Would you like to explain or walk back this odd and very confusing statement or do you
stand by it? Surely, as an international hostage negotiator, you would be acutely aware that
every word that comes out of your mouth is a very big deal, right?
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[-] a1g45160 2 points 4 months ago

that last sentence made me spit out my coffee. Well done. 20/20 should hire you.
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[-] curious_geeorg 9 points 4 months ago

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oh, tchiefl4... it's far more fun when the FBI and real Veterans around the country start
demanding these answers from lir Liam, as i so fondly refer to CG. but "a hoax" is EXACTLY
what SERE training is... which just happens to last for ... hmmmm... roundabout 21 days
Vets refer to as "the worst 3 weeks of their careers". and a self-proclaimed cat-fighting,
SkinHead Tough-Girl like SP is EXACTLY the kinda girl who would sign up for his free 3-weel
SERE training (aka Hoax) if they had a Deal -- she gets big money (bet she thought a MILF
like her would get WAY MORE than $50K out of GFM, but she also got the "six figures" from
the "anon donor"), and he gets a huge boon for his entirely bogus "businesses" that he
couldn't manage with 6+ years of lying and manipulating the crap out of religious fools
without her. see the way the long-haired blonde at his side (not his business partner/wife)
gazes adoringly at him with Hero-Worship in her eyes as he takes credit for SP's return and
gets international media PR for his "business"??? you can bet SP sees GC through the same
eyes and longing, and those 2 sociopaths (SP/GC) cooked up this crazy hoax together while
"Supermom" had her kids dumped in daycare and silly; besotted KP was busy selling videos
at Best Buy; and GC's wife was busy bringin' home the bacon, frying it up in a pan...
because after all, GC had his wife fully "tracked" so he would "know if she got off course".
perhaps sad, weepy KP immediately went to "find her phone" mode, rather than "call my
wife's phone" mode because he already had a pretty good idea she had Something Cookin'
with GC.... just didn't see All This coming down the pipeline. or perhaps he was involved. but
i bet he's only beginning to suspect just how sociopathic the dynamic duo of SP + CG truly
is. KP just doesn't seem nearly smart, tough or cunning enough for that pair.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 4 months ago

Lock them up!

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[-] chrissycakes8726 5 points 4 months ago

The fact that he used the find my phone app before even trying to call or text her makes
me think he may have been suspecting something sinister on her part, maybe tracking
her because he suspected her of cheating or having an affair or maybe she was known
for taking off without notice. I mean, what kind of husband comes home to an empty
house, calls the daycare to see if his kids had been picked up yet then just goes straight
onto the locate my phone app?? Why not just call or text her phone like, "hey im home,
where are you?" Why did he first call the daycare and not her? And why would the kids
even need to be in daycare if shes home all day and only goes out for jogs? Kinda seems
like maybe he was worried about the kids being in her care, alone.. according to him, he
called the kids daycare and even his mom before even attempting to reach her...doesnt
anyone else find that a bit odd? I hope the police have asked him why he would make
calls in that particular order.
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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 4 months ago

incidentally, posts all over the internet indicate that as an adolescent, KP dated a
Redding girl who disappeared (and has never been found). then, shortly before SP's
disappearance, apparently another local girl/woman disappeared. perhaps KP had
previous trauma 'triggered' by the recent disappearance, and SP was jealous - God
forbid the spotlight be off HER, and if her husband had an unresolved 'longing' or
'hole' in his heart for a previous 'love' who just suddenly went missing -- that might

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have 'triggered' SP to 'refocus' the attention on herself/compete with a 'ghost'

woman in her hubby's life. yep - pure speculation... but that's how narcissists and
BLP's work in their lives. and if SP already had something brewing with CG, then KP's
natural suspicions would have been to 'check up on her' location via app, rather than
directly. not comfortable with speculation... but when you start digging down to the
WHY people do FUBAR things... it's so much easier to get to the Bigger Picture --
and Resolution (i.e. Truth)
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[-] chrissycakes8726 3 points 4 months ago

Ive read all over that she had an ex who had just recently gotten out of jail.
Maybe KP knew this and had been keeping track of her wherabouts and was
worried she may try to meet up with him so he was tracking her and thats why he
thought to "track" her rather than just call her, maybe he thought he could catch
her in a lie or with the ex. Maybe he had cought her with the ex or communjcating
with him and decided to set in motion the whole "kidnapping" along with CG. A
possibility, maybe..?
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Good point. Maybe he tracked her phone because for whatever reason, he did
not want to give her a head's up that he was looking for.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

CG doesn't have the cash to pay her yet, that is why the 'donor' is waiting, he is
expecting cash to start rolling in. I assume someone has a CG IOU
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[-] whinecube 4 points 4 months ago

If there was ever actually an anonymous donor, I will eat my hat.

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 4 months ago

The "anonymous donor" was always Keith Papini. This has been implied by both
CG and Keith since Sherri was found.
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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

How the hell does this guy have 100k? Is it his retirement account?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 4 months ago

He had the initial 50k from the GoFundMe account, and then he got
another 50k from a wealthy donor. After Sherri was found, he got the 50k
in the GoFundMe and it's yet to be released if he also got the 50k from
the wealthy donor.
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[-] chrissycakes8726 14 points 4 months ago

Im not very educated on these things but im curious to know, do hostage negotiators
usually put themselves out there the way that this guys has? Like with videos and interviews

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and what not? I seriously cannot think of any other time that the public has actually seen or
heard from the ACTUAL negotiator, its usually a detective, officer or agent speaking on their
behalf. They seem to stay mostly off record, dont they? And this guys says hes an
International hostage negotiator. What exactly is that? Like a military negotiator who deals
with foreign entities and like terrorist type situations???
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[-] [deleted] 8 points 4 months ago

Dude is an attention whore just like the Papini's. And a fraud.

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10 points 4 months ago*

It's most likely a made up and a self-appointed title to make CG appear important, but
you guys already knew that.
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[-] BigHose3 9 points 4 months ago

No they don't. Usually well always these people work for the government and don't have
to parade around like a fool begging for money.
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[-] tchief14 18 points 4 months ago

I come from a family of LE, which DOES NOT make me any authority or expert in the
least. But everyone's opinion and expertise whom I do respect and have talked to, have
all said the same thing. The FBI and larger LE agencies have their "go to" people, each for
specific things. Someone who hops on a plane to negotiate the release of a hostage
taken by an Al Queda terrorist in Yemen is NOT the same guy who you want on the
phone with a husband who's taken his family hostage in his suburban home after losing
his job and has a mental breakdown. That's why I use the self-described "international
hostage negotiator" with such sarcasm. There are just some lines of work that do not
and should not advertise. And this is definitely one of them.
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

Agreed,Also LE in my family one was an uncle who after retiring did a lot of
"travelling" it just was not discussed..
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[-] whinecube 8 points 4 months ago

Also, people who legitimately do this for a living do not advertise their services. Only
someone who is completely inventing a persona for himself would do such a thing.
This guy is a badass action hero in his own mind.
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[-] whinecube 9 points 4 months ago

I have never heard of such a thing. This all reeks of a publicity stunt to me.
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[-] Thinkles 20 points 4 months ago

I'm unable to view it myself, but someone elsewhere noted that a post made on Google+ by SP
was liked back in May by CG's wife and NorCal alliance for the missing. Can anyone verify with a
screen shot?
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[-] bingbutt 17 points 4 months ago

May 10th post on Google +:

List of people who liked the post:
Link to Google + post:
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[-] Big_Bambu 3 points 4 months ago

There's no date on the likes so they may have +1'd the post after she went missing and
her husband got involved.
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[-] muwtski 19 points 4 months ago

This is huge, it links Jen Gamble with Sherri prior to this event.
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[-] tchief14 19 points 4 months ago

Google + is more intimate than FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc....the fact that Jen Gamble
and Sherri Papini are part of a very small thread/comments on Google + flies directly in
the face of their narrative that some woman at the church put KP in contact with CG --
Ridiculous and an insult to the public's intelligence
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[-] peppermint-pie 6 points 4 months ago

I really, really hope that law enforcement is taking note of this stuff. All these little
things coming out after the fact along with the family now having fled "to cold
country" without their dogs stinks to high heaven.
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[-] new2itallwithoutaclu 1 point 4 months ago

Hope all you want. They are not.

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[-] babyvoicewins 3 points 4 months ago

Who was she posting to? Or did she not elaborate? I am not familiar with google plus
so I can't really tell .
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[-] bingbutt 4 points 4 months ago

I don't think it says who she was posting to, but since I took a screenshot an
hour ago, 2 more people have 'liked' the post. :) Careful when you're creepin'
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[-] AnnieEnnui 9 points 4 months ago

But I thought the Papinis didn't know the Gambles before November
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[-] reginafalangy111 8 points 4 months ago

Is Jen Gamble Cameron's wife?

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[ -] Sbplaint 4 points 4 months ago

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[-] AnnAhmerican 7 points 4 months ago

Who is she posting this to? "Saw this and thought about you"
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 9 points 4 months ago

Would it be dumb to make sure the police know about their contact in the past?
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[-] lottiehelen 9 points 4 months ago

This is huge and police need to know ASAP. A good department would know this
already, but in case they don't...
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[-] Thinkles 5 points 4 months ago*

I don't think it would be stupid, please pass it on.

Edit: changes
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[-] BigHose3 8 points 4 months ago

I don't think so. Someone needs to tip them off. Because supposedly they didn't
know the family personally until all of this.
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[-] AnnAhmerican 6 points 4 months ago

I think they should be aware, wouldn't be dumb at all.

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[-] [deleted] 8 points 4 months ago

I don't think that Sheriff Dept is very good...IMO Id hate to die or go missing
in that area.
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[-] whinecube 6 points 4 months ago

I agree. They seem like they are in way over their heads on this one.
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[-] Sbplaint 4 points 4 months ago

I hope LE has looked into the possibility she ran off with a tractor:
After all, the FBI consultants reminded everyone to keep an open mind while these things
From the looks of this shirt, there appears to have been quite a scuffle! The ATT belt buckle is
one thing...but who the hell buys a ratty old t-shirt with bloodstains?!
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[-] chrissycakes8726 4 points 4 months ago

Im more curious to know why she seems to be selling all her clothes that she claims on
pretty much all of them she "only wore once". Were they that broke that she needed to do

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that or was this just some hobby of hers? And if they were that broke, why wasnt she
working full time and why have the kids in daycare if she was at home? Daycare is usually
one of the highest bills next to rent/mortgage.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 4 points 4 months ago

That actually looks like blood. Perhaps paint. Also not sure what it would have to do withe
case. Definitely not a shirt worth 2 cents let alone shipping. Definitely a couple looking to
make every dollar count.
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 4 months ago

Totally, I was mainly just joking about her running off with a tractor. But yeah, weird
someone would buy that!
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[-] Pudding Volcano 5 points 4 months ago
Bethel church's official statement about the Papini's and Cameron Gamble, if it hasn't been linked
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

If you look at my history, you will see that I believe the whole lot of people are involved - for
profit and fame. This statement just verifies my belief.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Oh good. A non-statement statement.

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[deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

Oh it actually says a lot. It is an advertisement ;)

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[-] muwtski 5 points 4 months ago

Cha-ching! The Gamble family gonna have a merry Christmas with all those tax free
donations. Hope he doesn't blow it all on more shipping containers.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 3 points 4 months ago*

Is there any follow up about the call in to the police the Saturday before Sherri went missing, in
which a gentleman in the mountain gate area reported a stranger knocking on his door and
asking if he knew a woman who drove a jeep and lived in the area? Perhaps it is nothing, but it
was on our local sherri's log in the newspaper at the time. Not much to go on, but I've also
heard rumors of an ex-boyfriend being released from prison. Also if this caller could give a better
description of his alleged visitor.
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[-] Agondonter 2 points 4 months ago

Your local sheriff's log that is published in the newspaper includes harmless door knocking
incidents? This doesn't seem to be record of an arrest or a crime, so why would it be

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published in a newspaper sheriff's log? Mountain Gate must be a podunk town, indeed, if
that makes the news!
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[-] Pudding Volcano 2 points 4 months ago*

I thought the same thing. Mountain Gate is a census-designated place in Shasta County.
It has a population of barely 1000 people.
If you check out Shasta County mugshots or read the Record Searchlight, we are not a
podunk town, but Redding (Shasta County) is definitely failing at dealing with crime on a
steady rise in the area.
The community is trying all sorts of tactics, that I can elaborate on in later posts, but the
Sherrif's log is one example of our town's paranoia but ineptitude to do anything about
our crime problem.
I couldn't talk enough shit about Redding, I don't think. It's a beautiful area. Rivers,
lakes, mountains and lots of trails for hiking. But certainly not the place to look for
America's best and brightest. Ashley from 0-town and Merle Haggard are probably our
town's greatest accomplisents to date lol.
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[-] chrissycakes8726 14 points 4 months ago

Im also sitting here laughing at the sisters reasoning for why she refers to her as a supermom.
She dresses her kids and bakes gorgeous pies. Well woopty freakin doo!!! My takeaway from
that is that she dresses and feeds her children so weve dubbed her "supermom". Give me a
break. I mean yes, she has pictures of her looking quite pristene with her children who are also
good looking kids but you cant decipher everything from a picture. My thought is that her sister
and her were not very close but she is trying to act as if they are, didnt she also say she couldnt
say where it was Sherri worked? So, she doesnt seem to know where her sister works or how to
describe her as to make her out to be a "supermom" probably because she really doesnt know,
either that or she just didnt rehearse her lines and is a terrible actress. When i think of women
who are referred to as a "supermom" i think of women who are 100% into their childrens
wellbeing/education/upbringing..etc. like id expect something along the lines of " shes a
supermom because she does everything for her children and husband and encourages them to
be their best and teaches them good moral values and makes sure theyre always kind and
respectful of others and always believe in themselves and do their best, and on top of all that
she works part time and cooks and cleans and sets up family game nights...but nope...we got
"she dresses her kids and makes gorgeous pies"...
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[-] DNA Jigase 2 points 4 months ago

The supermom moniker seems to only get applied to white moms who are good looking. I
know some actual supermoms. One is a single white lady who adopted two black siblings
from Africa; not only is she a devoted mom, but she's also a medical student. The other is
an Indian lady who works for a non-profit dedicated to ending racism and has a lovely mixed
race family that she raises with good humor. If either of these lovely women ended up
disappearing, they'd never get the supermom moniker because they're chubby and don't
spend their time making their lives appear Pintrest perfect.
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[-] wanderlust_k 6 points 4 months ago

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What do you guys think of this interview KP did on Nov 11, when Sherri had been missing for 9
days? What were they telling the kids? Why is he so confident she's going to return? Bizarre.
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[-] Tori68 5 points 4 months ago

He actually seems genuinely distraught and exhausted in this video. That makes me wonder
if another poster, who thinks Sherri has BPD, is correct. She suggested that Keith is giving
all these interviews due to demands from Sherri that he make her look good and make
people believe her story. She said you walk on eggshells living with someone like her.
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[-] lilymax 3 points 4 months ago

I think it was odd how he described the children's reaction when they finally saw her after
she was found. If she appeared the way he so vividly describes, I feel like the children would
be at least a little bit hesitant to approach her. Mine would at least. But hey, family snuggles.
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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 4 months ago

oh, forgot -- as for "signature hair"? some have signatures -- they volunteer, they serve,
they are all-in for their families, communities; they work hard, create, invent, explore --
fill in the blank. SP dumped her job, and kids into daycare, so she could....
hmmmm.... shop incessantly for high end clothes; model her "Perfect Life" for apparent
professional photography; and.... ???? so, of course, her "Barbie" image (did you see her
"Barbie" shirt for sale on her shopping site?) IS her only "signature". long blonde hair,
"Sherri's Blue Eyes" (the name of her photo bucket account), her 100 lb "perfect body" and
"perfect image" IS her ONLY "signature". that's what the Kardashians brought to this
generation, this world... and hence: "Supermom"; "signature blonde hair"... etc.... Consider
yourself fortunate, wanderlust_k, that you've got, want, aspire to something MORE to 'sign
your name to' in life. and maybe, in this explanation, you can begin to grasp why "branding"
and "cutting" and "bruising of face" would be "injuries" coming out of this -- the VERY things
she/her cohorts would decide the world could NEVER dream she could self-inflict, as her hair,
body, face are her "signature", what she's "known" for, obsessed with. and maybe you can
also grasp within this analysis just why such a twisted, horrible hoax would appeal to the
fading youth, glory and attention of an aging Just Another Mom.
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

It would be interesting to have every interview sorted by time

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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 4 months ago

I looked at the exif data of the pic of him and Sherri with the American flag from People.
It was taken in July 2008 and last edited using Adobe Photoshop on 11/10/2016 using a
MacBook. If the cops confiscated their computers, what computer was this editing done
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[-] FrontPorchSongs 2 points 4 months ago

Im taking a social media investigation class. EXIF data is key :)

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[-] rfBBBB 2 points 4 months ago

Excellent find.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

I seriously doubt THAT SD has the resources to do any type of computer forensics,
much less know how to look at EXIF data and draw any conclusion from it.
They pretty much suck all the way around.
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 4 months ago

They need to hire me! This is more fun than my day job!
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5 points 4 months ago

Could the media have edited the photo before it was distributed?
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 4 months ago

Certainly they could, but I don't believe People covered it at that early stage.
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 4 months ago

Whoa, maybe touched it up, interesting, great work!

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[-] a1g45160 3 points 4 months ago

to start with, I think that's a pretty expensive Under Armour sweatshirt for a family of 4 on
a Best Buy salary... Maybe they're hoping for an endorsement deal.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

Not if you buy your stuff at outlets....or online with sales and codes. Most of their stuff
is not even high end. Im not a snob, but the brands she is selling is average to me. You
can get A&F stuff super cheap with their sales and coupon codes. Old Navy? I can get an
entire wardrobe for my child for around $100 quite often. Maybe she even got most of
her stuff at a thrift shop....
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[-] a1g45160 2 points 4 months ago

yeah, yeah. I was mostly joking. BUT, I don't think for a second that his clothing
choice was an accident. Since good old Sherri is such an amazing athelete and she
survived a kidnapping, Under Armour ought to be proud that a family such as theirs
would wear their clothing on TV. If they were to get a modeling deal out of this, all
the better!
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[-] slatevero 17 points 4 months ago*

Who the hell says "signature blonde hair"? It's so insanely bizarre. I would never refer to my
"signature" brown hair because I'm not a weirdo and there's nothing signature about one's hair

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[-] babyvoicewins 4 points 4 months ago

I feel the convo went something like "Everyone knows that you have beautiful blonde hair ,
Sherri; You are known for your hair. So if we cut it off, everyone will KNOW that someone
horrible did it and never suspect us. Bahahaha "
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1_i [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

She probably receives compliments over and over from people over her salon hair job....thus
her husband think she is some kind of barbie....
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 4 months ago

Apparently she does too, because she was selling a used "Barbie" tshirt on Posh.
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[-] curious_geeorg 4 points 4 months ago

to answer above... it 'made sense' to me when another poster here explained that she is
"Supermom" because after kids she weighs 100 pounds and looks like All That. yes, that's
how shallow, and FUBAR, we've all become (hence Kardashians) -- but that nailed it for me. i
stopped my "Supermon???" enquiries after reading that simple, silly explanation, knowing
there's a million or more young moms out there, gazing upon SP's "Perfect Life" with the
saddest forms of admiration/envy (did i mention Kardashian Kraze?? but yep -- who's going
to say anything else to a child? KP did the right thing -- got them to alt care with people
"keeping them happy" while he focused on SP. there are parents, families out there with
missing Loved Ones who still, after decades, won't admit, say out loud, hope for anything
other than the Coming Home. we still have an active POW hotline and team, working around
the clock to "Bring Home" our missing Veterans from wars now decades past. in other posts,
i mention some 'problems' with KP -- telling his kid he's "looking for Mommy" and "he found
Mommy" isn't among those problems. the boy didn't need 'details' greater than that.
someday he'll use google to find that CG is the "real hero" of "our story" -- LOL... nope,
sorry... Gaggling Out Loud.
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[-] chrissycakes8726 7 points 4 months ago*

Yeah "signature" to me implies someone who has or does something unique. Like Marie
Callendars and their signature pies. Because they make their own unique pies that you can
only get in certain places. Signature blonde hair makes it sound like she invented blonde hair.
There are literally like millions of people everywhere with blonde hair, what makes hers so
"signature". There is so much more there, if everyone just digs deeper. His wording
regarding alot of things needs to be analyzed a litter further, IMO.
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[-] whinecube 14 points 4 months ago

Only a narcissist who thinks they are really important would describe any part of themselves
as their "signature".
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[-] BigHose3 1 point 4 months ago

Well. Maybe they mean this is the part of her she or people she loves cherish the most
or is her most recognizable feature. For instance, I would say I have signature eyebrows.
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Mostly because they are thick and bushy lol.

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[-] chrissycakes8726 1 point 4 months ago

Yeah that makes sense. Which leads me to think because he keeps saying it that
whoever did this knows her somehow. If people she knows, know or refer to her by
her signature blonde hair and he keeps referring to it maybe theres a reason behind
it, because why would strangers all over the country refer to her and her "signature"
blonde hair??
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[-] BigHose3 6 points 4 months ago

Maybe I can arrange someone to kidnap me and wax my eyebrows.

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[-] Tori68 17 points 4 months ago

Keith's latest gem from a People article: When Keith hugged Sherri for the first time, he recalled
to ABC News, "Her spine was sticking out, like a large clock with gears sticking out of it."
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[-] reginafalangy111 4 points 4 months ago

Considering one of her photobucket pics showing her skin and bones, so sickening. She was
at most not eating for 22 days not a year or years or whatever
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[-] lilymax 6 points 4 months ago

The family makes this big deal about her only weighing 87Ibs when she was found but
how do we REALLY know what she weighed when she disappeared
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[-] reginafalangy111 1 point 4 months ago

True! I wonder why authorities or KP didn't mentioned after she was found that she
was starving or dehydrated? If she was so emaciated wouldn't that be a detail
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

For all we know, she was 95 pounds the day she went missing.
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[-] whinecube 15 points 4 months ago

This is storytelling, not truth-telling.

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[-] Sbplaint 7 points 4 months ago

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[-] cmc8290 4 points 4 months ago

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[-] Tori68 6 points 4 months ago

He also said he doesn't think they can ever go back to their house in Redding so we'll
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probably see them on an episode of House Hunters soon, searching for a home with an
ocean view.
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[-] slatevero 5 points 4 months ago

Way over the top, but apparently it was said:
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[-] cmc8290 4 points 4 months ago

I've read what feels like a zillion comments and articles about this now, so I wish I
could find it... but there was one earlier today that said using descriptive terminology
like that is a huuuuge red flag for fabricating a story/lying.
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[-] whinecube 10 points 4 months ago

Truthful language is plain and direct. Deceptive language is flowery and overly-
descriptive. Why? Because deceptive people feel a need to persuade. Truthful
people feel no such need. They know they are telling the truth so they just tell
exactly what happened from memory.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

absolutely correct.
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 4 months ago

If the Papini family is 'affluent' as claimed by Rod, and they have loyal media personalities in their
pocket, acting as minister marrying KP and SP and handling their PR should we suspect the
mayor and sheriff dept are playing along? Maybe the state of California needs to provide some
Also, wouldn't it be unethical to be involved in independent journalism and simultaneously
providing PR advice to the people you are covering.
RIP Journalism
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 4 months ago

For the most part, they don't pay them well enough in that market to have any expectations
of them, ethical or otherwise, beyond showing up and reciting the news. You'd be surprised
to learn that even some of the highest profile anchors literally start at minimum wage. It's a
market for up and coming young reporters to get experience in front of the camera before
they move on to bigger markets like Sacramento and the Bay Area. MM is more of an
exception to the general rule...becoming increasingly rare to see someone stay in that role
for as many years as he has.
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[-] whinecube 3 points 4 months ago

How could they be affluent when their income puts them very close to the poverty line? It
makes no sense to call them affluent.
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[ -] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago
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[-] whinecube 2 points 4 months ago

Thanks. I am still not buying that anyone in that family is particularly affluent. KP
himself said he makes 30k a year. That is NOT being "paid well".
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

His mom's longterm boyfriend, Rod, was very well to do I am assuming, based on
the size of his bankruptcy, and they were able to basically gift a 2 story, 4 car
garage home to KP, seems like they are doing well, or at least still have a lot of
available credit.
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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

I am going with having a lot in available credit, which is the opposite of doing
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[-] curious_geeorg 11 points 5 months ago

The Daily Beast is already nailing CG... so everyone please read this before you waste more time
digging for what's already coming entirely glued for this Wannabe Wackjob:
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

Great Article,Thanks!! It's funny but I just knew that goofy Bethel had something to do with
this, (they are seriously a bizarre outfit )..Creepy AF how CG here takes credit for something
he obviously had nothing to do with..
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[-] 3ava3oe7 2 points 4 months ago

Vehicle Ops? I don't know he would even have combat survival courses. Definitely not Special
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[deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

the liar worked on vehicle maintence. what a scam artist he is. how the HELL can he train
anyone, when he hasnt received the training. he has been training specops since 911?
with what experience (which would require years of experience, education, etc etc)
what a piece of shit he is.
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[-] whinecube 1 point 4 months ago

So this guy was some sort of army grunt for three years and now claims to be some
badass, superstar expert on this stuff? Is that the slow and skinny of it?
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

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He was in the Air Force and got out early. Everything else is just his words -
which we all know by know are nothing but lies. He is a wannabe and is stealing
valor and should be held being outed and shamed.
He is a fraud.
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 4 months ago

CG called 911 complaining about his neighbor leaving the barn door open
letting his cows is that for irony?!?! Maybe the cows watched
enough of his instructional videos to negotiate their own release by contacting
the neighbor directly. #projecttakencows
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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 4 months ago

he was on aircraft early on -- SERE training is required for ANYONE involved, no matter
how insignificant. all he did was take the same SERE course 100's of 1000's of
Vets/Members are required to take for various reasons, and - with absolutely nothing
else, not even a freaking condom to offer the World -- watched a Liam Neeson movie and
decided to FAKE IT UNTIL... well now, when the world sees through CG. but my
FAVORITE part is his claim to "Lead Instructor" for Secret Service and Special Ops
protecting Secs. Rice & Powell. and knowing someone who actually DID pull that detail.
ummm... like all else about CG... hmmmm.... NO. NOT. if i hadn't spent the last four days
choking, i might muster an LOL other posters claim. just CANNOT laugh, nothin' funny
about CG. "just smart enough to be dangerous", as they say.
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] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

my ex is air force. he works for space command is on a flight crew for awacks. he had
to take SERE training and there is no way he is an expert now in the BS that CG
claims. what a joke.
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[-] curious_geeorg 1 point 4 months ago

normal people just pray to make it through SERE and forget about the 3-week
nightmare. they don't get a medical discharge and aim to relive that brutality
every day for the rest of their lives. maybe REAL career special ops Vets might
choose this as a business or career path. but now way did this punk have the
"skill set" or anything else but years of hot air and narcissism to EVER pull this
off... without, say... the very "never happened before" kinda Thanksgiving Miracle
he claims to have pulled off. he's an insult to every Vet out there.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 4 months ago

This is great, he's a total nut but LE first needs evidence for hoax and needs evidence of this
guy conspiring. What relationship did SP and KP have with CG days prior to the abduction?
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

They would find evidence if they would get their shit together and actually do their job.
Maybe many in that SD attend the cult....

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[-] curious_geeorg 8 points 4 months ago

the FBI was brought into this, remember? if journalists have this all figured out -- the
FBI certainly did/has. they are just waiting. waiting. waiting. letting out the rope.
go pop some popcorn and stand by for The Ending of the CG/SP Show
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[-] LexiLansing 8 points 4 months ago

I suspect that when they released statements about investigating internet history/phone
records etc, that this is what they are investigating.
I'm increasingly certain that this was all staged at the behest of CG- with SP's
cooperation because she saw it as a route to the fame and fortune she craves. I think KP
knew in advance as well, but this all reeks of dumb people being directed by someone
equally dumb but delusional about his level of cunning and expertise.
They think they're in a movie and they're the heroes.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 4 months ago

Do you know for sure if LE has the phone records and internet history?
I know it would be assumed at the beginning they would have access, but wouldn't
they get to read texts and emails to/from CG, SP and KP at the beginning?
I don't think they have phone or email info. I think they need a warrant for that. I
think they are just looking at what the three amigos are providing...which is probably
very little.
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[-] LexiLansing 1 point 4 months ago

I don't know for sure, of course, but I know they said in the immediate aftermath
of her return that they were "investigating online activity and contacts" and I
think it would have been very, very strange for KP to refuse to turn over those
records as part of the investigation during the period when she was missing
(when he was supposedly terrified for her life and willing to do anything to get her
back). I doubt they would have cleared him of suspicion so quickly if he hadn't
cooperated insofar as giving them access to her computer and phone records.
And the things therein might not have looked suspicious before her return and
the increasingly high profile of CG. Or they might have looked suspicious from an
early point and the sheriff's department is giving the whole crew all the rope they
need to hang themselves with.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 1 point 4 months ago

Yes true!!
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[-] muwtski 3 points 4 months ago

Hahaha nailed it with dumb people being directed by someone equally dumb, it
absolutely has that feeling.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 6 points 4 months ago

The Daily Beast is on FIRE with that article.

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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 4 months ago

funny... when i emailed ALL that research and much more elsewhere behind the scenes
over the weekend, and was oddly, directly told to stop emailing. but essentially -- it all
amounts to absolutely nothing more than a few hours of 'Following the Yellow Brick
Road', so to say. ALL of it was there for EVERYONE to find with mere keystrokes on The
Internets. my only question: what took so long?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 4 months ago

Who did you email it to? Do you think you could email the Ransom (Mel Gibson)
movie clip that CG copied? I think that would make a good article.
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[-] chrissycakes8726 8 points 5 months ago

Ok, so the 20/20 reinactment shows her phone on the ground with strands of her hair tangled
up in the ear phones. Now, this is just my take on it, but that looks s0000 staged. I have
almost the exact phone and ear bud earphones that have been described in this case and both
phone and ear phones are practically glued to my head and hands and i have never once gotten
globs of hair like that stuck in the cords of my earphones, especially when out for a walk/jog
because my hair is usually always up in a ponytail or bun. The way in which her phone and ear
phones are described as being found does not make any sense. If she was out for a jog
listening to the ear phones why was the cord coiled up the way most people coil them up when
they are NOT using them? And how on earth did so much of her hair end up tangled up in the
cords? They were ear bud earphones not HEADPHONE earphones. Ear bud earphones dont even
touch your hair!!! The way in which the phone was found was pretty obvious, like it was set
there intentionally and the hair planted to look tangled up in the cord. Think about it...if there
was a struggle with her and the cord of the ear phones (which is the way in which it looks,
considering all her hair tangled up in the cord) and her phone was obviously out in plain sight for
the kidnappers to see, WHY WOULD THEY JUST LEAVE THE PHONE??? especially since it was
only like a mile from the house, why not take it and dump it in a lake or dumpster or smash it to
smithereens? Also, why was the cord coiled up looking as if they werent being listened to? If she
was out for a jog listening to them wouldnt the cord be more uncoiled. The coiled up cord makes
me think SHE did that because she wasnt using them or she coiled them up around the phone
when she was done with them because she had either gotten to her destination or had run into
someone she knew and wanted to talk and not ha e the earbuds in....
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[-] Silentspring007 18 points 5 months ago

On 20/20, KP says that when he called 911, he said, 'This is real', because (his reasoning)
something like 9 times out of 10 the person is hiding under the bed. WTF?! Who says THIS IS
REAL, unless they're trying to convince someone? If I ever called 911 I would assume the
person recording the call would know I was telling them something real. The sister or sister in
law also used the word 'real' to describe the situation. That seems really strange to me.

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[-] anxshush 3 points 4 months ago

To be fair, when an adult leaves home willingly or without signs of foul play, the police don't
easily call it a "real" missing persons case. I have personal experience reporting a missing
person, as my 19yo sister disappeared for a short time.
I called the police and while my report was being made, I was asked multiple times, "are you
sure she's really missing?" We expressed how out of character this was for her. The police
didn't even come to our home until the next day to investigate. They explained that she was
an adult that left the home willingly and just because we didn't hear from her, there was no
reason to be alarmed for the first 48hrs. They did call my family a couple of times each day
while she was gone to see if we had any new info but that's it.
It turns out they were right. My sister went out to party that night and was having such a
good time, decided to leave town and follow her friend's band from gig to gig and then a
music festival. It was a very scary 6 days for my family and she was out having the time of
her life.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

Jeez! I am so sorry that you were put through that but it is great that it all turned out
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[-] pacmandones 7 points 4 months ago

Who the hell hides under the bed is my question. Such a bizarre statement by KP.
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[-] Tori68 6 points 4 months ago

I can't stop laughing about that! It makes me want to hide under the bed when I see my
husband pull up from work and see if he checks for me under there or just calls 911.
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[-] pacmandones 5 points 4 months ago

Or use the find your phone app lol

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[-] Sam5377 8 points 4 months ago

Hearing the original 911 tape would be very telling, the FBI puts out guidlines for helping to
detect staged crimes, based solely on the 911 call
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[-] Bitter_Britches 6 points 5 months ago*

According to Linkedln CG is the CEO of Catalyst Training. On the about page it says the
company is an LLC and works with military? There is a DUNS# and CAGE#, anyone know what
those are??
The super legit testimonials are a fun read too.
Another Catalyst Blog
Blogger profile
Defunct Catalyst website.
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Project Taken FB

YouTube 1
YouTube 2
YouTube 3
Dude sure likes to toot his own horn
Going to continue to add and edit this post with Cameron Gambles various business ventures.
Please comment with any I should add!
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

Great work,now go dig into Bethel I

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

I need to get on that. A few days ago someone was posting random comments on
various threads advising people to look into the connection between Bosenko and Bethel.
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

I don't know about Bosenko but ..Bethel even "manages" our local convention center
and dictates what kind of performers are allowed therelSomething about a "moral
obligation to providing wholesome entertainment for the community" ..and their
students got away with this years ago....
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Is the community center city funded? If so...yikes.

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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

It was built/owned by the city and if I remember right they were running into
financial trouble with it, Bethel leased it for ridiculously cheap..
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[-] tchiefl4 3 points 5 months ago

DUNS number refers to a Dun & Bradstreet # that comes from the govt. to identify
commercial entities and their credit history.
CAGE usually refers to entities that are trying to file some sort of tax-exempt status,
although I have never seen an LLC (Limited Liabimity Company) have one of these.
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[-] curious_geeorg 9 points 5 months ago

listen -- it's all been done. See the Daily Beast, my earlier posts. allis businesses are BS... no
websites, no (501)(C)(3) status, no "testimonials" beyond adolescents he dragged from
church pews for free 'training'. nothing leads anywhere.... except to the steaming, stinking
pile of feces dumped on this world by CG. and his 'supports' can throw a doily over his pile
of BS... but underneath it's still a stinking, steaming Pile. don't hurt yourself. Daily Beast and
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others already already have him all but nailed to the cross of his own "expert" creation.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 4 points 5 months ago

Are you saying even the testimonial by "A navy seal" on his blog is fake?
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

Bethelites totally jump in and support their own the same way ,even in local small
businesses here in town!
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

unless you see an actual video of the person, and can verify their identity -- Yep:
FAKE. the only 'real' testimonials offered are ALL by adolescents... and then, mostly
female, and all apparently from his religious community he has milked/bilked for years
instead of getting a job like regular folks.
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[-] lavaloe7 3 points 5 months ago

CAGE codes are used by government contractors to identify themselves. A DUNS is open to
all businesses but are an identifier like CAGE. Both are required for federal contracts.
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[-] curious_geeorg 4 points 5 months ago

...and LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE about him -- lead nowhere, are fake. it's his MO. look like
a BTO... when he's really just a 0
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Are they fake? Is it legal to do business posing as a military contractor?

A company I worked for years ago did some contract work for the government
(nothing even remotely important) and we'd have been in deep deep deep trouble if
our license with them was expired or in any way fabricated.
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 4 months ago

that would indicate you actually HAD WORK coming in, and therefore 'something
to lose'. a cursory review of the Sad Life of CG quickly reveals he had NOTHING
TO LOSE. in late 2012 he lost "everything" to bankruptcy, and was driving
around, homeless, with 4 1/2 kids, a sick pregnant wife, begging the Religious
Community for handouts. Nothing to Lose... is Nothing to Lose. he wanted little
boy dreams, not to actually have to go get a job and work like other MEN.
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[-] esteyla 2 points 4 months ago

An LLC could register for a CAGE code and not be awarded any government
contracts. It simply indicates that you have registered and been assigned an ID.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

Thank you for the info!

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 5 months ago

Thank you!
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] curious_geeorg 17 points 5 months ago*

Last post for now... (especially as my Pal here just shot me a news report that clearly found
everything i had dug up on CG by Saturday, but was too hesitant to post). so, now let's bring
wannabe CG from 2012 bankruptcy to present: he returns to Redding, sure enough, hell bent
on milking the local Redding religious community for money/support and getting his Liam Neeson
wanabee 'businesses' of the ground. he announces he's now a NONPROFIT 501(C)(3), and will
now GIVE away his "skill set", because hey, "who can put a price on SAVING SOMEONE'S LIFE"??
(guess he figured he couldn't in several years even GIVE his skill set away, so he might as well...
start GIVING it away... to religious groups, of course, who are sponsoring him). he BEGS his
religious network to further network his 'business' out to others. he's got a direct "funding" link
for his and his wife from the cultish Bethel Church going. but wait -- to this day, NO ONE seems
able to find that he has EVER been a legit non-profit, with "(501)(C)(3) status". but still the
'businesses' remain non-legit, no websites, and not much 'business' -- his FB pages shows he
had maybe bi-monthly 'work', and then, after June 2016 - NOTHING on his calendar. so he
seemed to have a very long dry period... until SP disappeared. we all seem to have that interim
period figured out... despite her and her husband's ties to CG; and the security alarm company
sticker clearly on S&KP's door in videos; and KP jumping right to his "find my phone app" to
'find' his wife (instead of calling her? and coincidentally, one of CG's 2012 youtube links rants
about tracking your wife via her cell phone location) -- the Pepini's SEEM like they were security
conscious, except where she's out running alone in a rural area without even so much as mace.
and remember, her 2003 racist Skinhead "I Hate Latinas" rant recounts SEVERAL victorious HS
fights with/over Latina girls, one of which she delivered a "beating" so eerily similar to her own
current injury claims (severe bruising, broken nose, etc...) and ALSO claims "it took 3 grown
men to pull her off" her Latina assault victim. so she's tough, strong, top athlete, fighter,
skinhead (her OWN words) -- but she ain't got NOTHING for 2 Latina women? not even enough
of a fight to leave ANY kind of evidence at the scene other than her carefully Posed phone and
tidy earbuds and convenient lock of "signature" long hair? i digress... CG "comes to" KP and
asks to wage an "intervention" of sorts. he conveniently has a "anon donor" with EXACTLY THE
SAME AMOUNT TO OFFER as was raised by the Papini GFM page ($50K). but who limits a ransom
offer - especially for a "victim" gone so long, who's had no ransom demand? why a limit, let
alone such a brief one? then suddenly, at 5 am on Thanksgiving Eve Day -- CG made another
video, yanking a ransom offer, but offering "six figures" for the info that leads to "SP's return"...
and voila!! just less than exactly 24 hours later -- like a Thanksgiving Miracle! -- out rolls SP
onto the highway... but she leaves the highway, declines a home, wanders, returns to highway...
and is "found" with "severe, recurring facial bruises; broken nose severe recurring
burns/branding, severe weight loss/emaciation, severe psych trauma, disorientation". which
would indicate AT LEAST possibilities of: head injury, infection, dehydration -- suggesting AT
LEAST blood work (as any captive would have), head xrays/CT/MRI, antibiotics & rehydration
drips, psych eval in that "hospital on total lock-down" that then had her "medically cleared" in
less time that an average emergency room wait-time??? AYFKM? KP & SP's sister do the media

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rounds (while ironically begging for privacy and NOT answering any meaningful questions) -- and
the P's are off... AWOL. and we return to CG, who is then making HIS OWN media rounds,
taking FULL CREDIT (after a cursory attaboy to the community and media) for her release, being
as bold to claim that he's just So Damned Good that "even the Sheriff says that this has never
been done before in the History of the USA" (you know, the same Sheriff who still makes his
distasted for CG very clear). and at his side, as he takes FULL CREDIT and shamelessly
promotes his 'business' and "skill set", is NOT his business-partner wife, but instead, yet
ANOTHER long-haired blonde, gazing up adoringly, all doe-eyed and hero-worshipping at CG...
as CG bizarrely calls the whole drama "our story". NOT "SP's story" or "the Papini's story" -- but
OUR story. little Freudian slip, or just narcissism, CG? just who is "our"?? you and SP?? that's
my bet. then he's on 20/20, again hawking his 'business' and showing of what looks to be a
dark warehouse filled with his shipping containers (a GREAT place for not just amateur SERE
training, but holding a "missing" MILF??). and yesterday he's in the Park with the locals, giving
speeches alongside the freaking Redding Mayor?? so much for all the 'Christian' "humility".
anyway... seems that finally journalists have followed the frayed threads of SP & CG that i had
woven by Saturday but was wary of saying out loud... guessing that by tomorrow this will all
finally be over??? gotta wonder if, like CG in 2012, the Papini's are off on a road trip (or lush
vacation), waiting for "God" to send them a "sign" about when it's a 'good time' to return to
Redding, CA??? good for y'all for poking and prodding this. the SADDEST, most bitter thing of
all is that this just screws REAL victims (which is why i finally had to post my suspicions and
findings -- we CANNOT let the handful of screwballs out there discredit and harm the victims of
hundreds of thousands of true sexual assault, missing persons and other intimate crimes...
PLEASE don't let your cynicism, built by f...stains like this, lessen your continued compassion
and assistance for REAL victims all around you).
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[-] veritas2967 2 points 4 months ago

The whole thing just felt very scripted and after seeing CG's Project Taken "Jessica" video it
just got worse, it feels like a very elaborate production.Sadly the residents here ( particularly
women, like my 5'2 gorgeous daughter) are the ones that are most concerned..
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

He is so disgusting, he plans to give away 'training' to get his name out there so he can then
exploit the pain and suffering of families without regard for whether their missing loved one
is actually alive, YOLO
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[-] pacmandones 7 points 5 months ago

I think when he says "metal" he's referring to the chain around her waist. I don't think he meant
"milf" branded on her. It's all fake anyways so he probably doesn't even know what he was
trying to say.
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[-] tchiefl4 2 points 5 months ago

But, if it is MILF, that seems like a description of her that both her and KP would wear as a
badge of honor.

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[-] bingbutt 5 points 5 months ago

I hear metal as well.

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[-] LexiLansing 6 points 5 months ago

That's what I hear too. I don't know how that got conflated with the brand.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] BlondeGir1530 15 points 5 months ago

on 20/20 Keith said the two female kidnappers made sense to him since women don't fear
women like they do men. So when Sherri was summonsed to their vehicle for assistance, they
had to be "bare faced". No one would go over to a car if the people, even women, or teenagers
looked like bandits with bandanna's on their face! Clearly, she saw "them" at the initial meeting,
but can't seem to describe them. Keith has no interest in justice. It's all about poor Sherri and
how wonderful his wife is. He has hurt the investigation, and doesn't care. He doesn't want
justice, or this investigated further since it will prove it's a hoax! Papini's got cash and worldwide
recognition, and Gamble promoted himself and Bethel church as being a place that can get
victims returned with enough "Gamble Pressure". lol Families who are desperate will seek him out
hoping to get the same result. When I heard this girl was missing, I prayed every night for her.
When she was miraculously returned just in time for Thanksgiving, and I heard more about her,
I became pissed off. If another Redding woman is truly kidnapped, people wont care after this
case. They were so wrapped up in the Papini's that they wouldn't be able to focus on a true
victim. People will assume it's a copycat case for attention. That's wrong! These people do not
deserve 50k, or anymore media attention. Keith's claim of being so private is total BS! They
were all over the internet long before this even happened!
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 5 months ago

Yep. In KP's mind, it was 2 women in a vehicle... and yet she has NO useful description, not,
despite her OWN blog-bragging about being SUCH a tough, athletic, Latina-fighter (criminal
assaulter). no evidence of a fight, no description - not. and the total lack of ANY supporter
of the P's or CG's hoping/asking for "justice" or even answers... indicates their supporters
have been well-groomed/tamed by one or all of those involved. and note -- it's been
repeatedly stated throughout the media that they are keeping the money!! not just the GFM
money, but the ransom/return info money as well. could it be -- you (SP) get the $$$ and i
build my (CG) "business"??? sure seems like that, huh?
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

It would be hard to argue with anything you just said....

Excellent observations.
Lets Hope Redding finds justice in this case
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[-] BlondeGir1530 1 point 4 months ago

Thank you Sam5377. I hope it's wrapped up quickly and that all those who donated get

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their money back.

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[-] Sam5377 14 points 5 months ago
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[-] SkeptiCynical 2 points 4 months ago

Wow. Her summary wraps it up pretty nice.

I knew something was off about this too but couldn't put my finger on it. Probably because
I'm older than SP. Why was the sheriff pretending to think this was "trafficking" related?
A. If it was sex traffickers they wouldn't want a 30 something year old woman and they
wouldn't starve her, beat her ,or cut her hair off. Otherwise who would have sex with her
in that condition? They would release her somewhere when they discovered she was too
old and it would be immediately not 22 days later.
B. If it was female sex offenders they usually don't go for older women. They go for teen
boys or girls. There was also no mention of her being around a male so there was no
male sex offender in the mix. While sex traffickers are known to brand their victims,she
may have been branded herself or paid to be branded like people are paid to be pierced,
before she was allegedly "taken." Maybe the branding was thrown in to point fingers to
sex traffickers and get people to not think about it being a hoax.
C. No one asked for sex, money, and no one died so that is another thing that leads me
to believe it was manufactured.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah, let me beat her repeatedly in the face break her nose, brand her with hot irons
potentially giving her an infection, oh la la step right up gentlemen.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 2 points 4 months ago

They would drug her though. Leading to more questions - why did SP spend so little
time at the hospital after being "rescued" - wouldn't a competent sheriff and medical
staff insist on rape and drug kits?
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

Yep yep, drugs for sure, rape

(again no one is suggesting anyone be forced to undergo a rape kit)
std, if she can't remember, then she has no idea what they have done to her
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[-] cmc8290 5 points 5 months ago*

Thank you for sharing! Basically every question I have summed up right there, and she
saved me the hassle of typing it all out lol.
Even one of the comments hits the nail on the head:
The dead giveaway to me is that no person would broadcast names and ages
descriptions of his children, and distribute recent photographs of them, if he really
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believed that the desperate, sadistic, evil abductors were still out there.
Not only the kids, but their house, their cars, etc. If someone had just kidnapped me and
dropped me off with no explanation, I'd be off the grid and moving far far away ASAP, not
sharing every little detail about my life so someone could come find me again.
Edit: huh. I wonder if they saw this and took my advice.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

That is all I could think too, you aren't worry the cartel is coming back to finish the job....
The whole town is now safe mysteriously, when statistically, these type of criminals
escalate in frequency and severity until caught, as well they stay in the same area with
only a few exceptions in comparison.
No way I would feel safe in Redding right now, "hide yo wife, hide yo kids, hide yo
husbands" cause they is abducting everyone up in Redding!
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[-] veritas2967 3 points 4 months ago

Yeah..we all are pretty suspicious right about now..Lousy time to drive a dark SUV
too and it's "harvest/trim" season so they are all over the place..
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[-] reginafalangy111 6 points 5 months ago

She did a brilliant analysis!

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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 9 points 5 months ago

On a local Facebook crime page I recall seeing a comment right after she disappeared that the
day she went missing Keith was seen in the store where she worked. Even though it is said she
was a stay-at-home mom, remember how her sister wouldn't give an answer when asked where
Sherri worked? It sounded like it was posted by someone who worked at AT&T. If this is true, I
wonder why he would have gone in that day? Maybe they "wiped" his phone and reset it? Did he
get a new phone? Wish someone could verify if he actually was at AT&T that day or if that was a
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[-] Pudding Volcano 10 points 5 months ago

Bosenko is pretty awful at his job. Woulsnt be surprised if he gives the Papini's a pass and case
goes unsolved. Who cares about two kidnappers on the loose?
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[-] curious_geeorg 6 points 5 months ago

But you know who won't be "awful" at their job? The FBI that was dragged into this. They
painfully, relentlessly work with REAL victims day in and day out -- so they hate this BS.
Trust that REAL journalists and the FBI won't let go of his bone in their teeth.

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j wnmecua, 11 points 5 months ago

He just strikes me as being in over his head. He is in over his head if this is real, and he is
also in over his head if this is a hoax. I am under the distinct impression that he has been
completely outfoxed by the Papinis. I also do not think this guy has the first clue as to how
to get information out of a "hysterical, traumatized" female. He is simply not the right man
for this job. I am sure he is an excellent local good ole boy, but his investigative skills seem
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[-] curious_geeorg 4 points 5 months ago

if housewives from all over the world can dig up the 'goods' on SP and CG -- don't fool
yourself that LE won't, or hasn't, done the same. it's all about timing... giving people the
rope to hang themselves. these 3 -- SP, KP and CG aren't out of anyone's sights, nor
off anyone's radar. have faith that with a little time and sunlight, this will out itself.
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[-] whinecube 5 points 5 months ago

Iwillhave faith when I see some progress. Also, I never underestimate how inept
some people can be. Sometimes too, I am convinced that local LE just finds it easier
to blow something off rather than pursue it.
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[-] reginafalangy111 3 points 5 months ago

So they threw her a welcome home party. Everyone dressed in pink and took a big Christmas
picture to give to her. According to ABCNews.
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 5 months ago

while CG stood there giving speeches with the mayor. go figure.

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[-] itsjesssa 3 points 5 months ago

As I was leaving the house this morning I heard on Good Morning America "up next, new details
emerge about Sherri Papini" and I thought they said something about the trunk of a car? Did
anyone get to watch the segment? Can't find it online.
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[-] reginafalangy111 3 points 5 months ago

I just went to their Twitter. It said KP releases new details.

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 5 points 5 months ago

Yes!!! Keep going Keith.

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[-] cmc8290 2 points 5 months ago

He should really see a doctor about that mouth diarrhea

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[-] AnnAhmerican 8 points 5 months ago*

Had to laugh at the tweet to GMA that it's a hoax because roaming immigrants are not

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abducting Barbies
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[-] reginafalangy111 4 points 5 months ago

I know right! I am a white, blonde American woman. My husband is Hispanic and well
as my mother in law who is an immigrant. Their family and friends who live here come
by all the time. After knowing this community for over 10 years I find it s0000 hard
that two Hispanic women kidnapped her, tortured her, starved her only to return her
thanksgiving morning in one piece.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 5 points 5 months ago

I caught the tail end, where they said the family was in hiding to avoid media. They are so
traumatized they may NEVER go back to their house.
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6 points 5 months ago

funny, I'd be hiding to avoid the crazy kidnappers who are still running around free and
might want to shut me up. It wasn't the media who starved, abused, and branded her.
Oh wait, no kidnappers did that either.
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[-] bingbutt 10 points 5 months ago

They are so traumatized that they allowed 20/20 to show clips of their actual house!
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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 5 months ago

yep -- clips that included showing the alarm security company's stickers on their
door; and clips of Keith yapping about IMMEDIATELY using "find my phone" app
instead of CALLING her phone... so they WERE security conscious (and close enough
to CG to know that he's ALL ABOUT SECURITY) -- so please explain running alone in
a secluded rural area???
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 5 months ago

What did the house look like?

Not judging, I'm sure it's nice and normal looking, but I heard the house may not
present the image that maybe SP presents to her online dream audience, which could
be very very traumatizing to her.
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[-] bingbutt 4 points 5 months ago
I've heard it is the house that Keith grew up in. I.E. they didn't buy it.
Looks like a normal house to me, but maybe not what she hoped people would
think of when she said she lives on a ranch.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 7 points 5 months ago

Thank you, yes she is devastated.

I would be grateful for a house like that, however, I can just tell with SP's
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online presence, all the wedding photos, which btw are beautiful, I can tell
there is no way she would want thousands of people to know this was her
house. Not that she's ashamed of it, but she's just thinking of her image and
wanting to be in control of the online world she lives in and I'm sure she had
visions of posting something more Orange County-ish...if that makes sense.
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[-] reginafalangy111 5 points 5 months ago

They brought it on themselves by dancing in the spotlight so soon. They are avoiding
the media be they are avoiding answering our questions.
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[-] curious_geeorg 22 points 5 months ago

So... more on CG aka Liam Neeson in his head. recap - enters AF very late 2001/or sometime
2002. is out by 2005, allegedly a "disabled veteran" (all his OWN recounting). soon after starts
up a series of vague businesses, none of which have legit websites, all involving what amounts
to nothing more than BASIC military SERE-based 'training'. the only "testimonials" you can put a
finger on are from adolescents, mostly female, who appear to hail from his cultish (and many call
crazed) Bethel Church in Redding. (see linkedin, youtube, other sites for references). in MAY
2012 he and his pregnant-with-5th-child Jennifer - despite 2012 youtube vids of CG driving his
Caddy SUV - declare bankruptcy. here's where it gets great: he posts a bizarre "family update
letter" to Twitter on 12 July 2012, insisting (gonna paraphrase - read it in full yourselves) that
God (or at least Bankruptcy Court) made him sell "everything he owns" and drag his 4 wee boys
ad "sick everyday" pregnant wife to Kansas to "rescue" a sex-trafficked-victim and the obscure
'Christian' rescue agency "Cry Exodus" from "threats". he asks (pay attention here) for God to
give him "eyes to see what no one else can" - and quickly "interrogates" the "victim", only
discover she LIED ABOUT THE ENTIRE 'ORDEAL'. because, of course, only barely 30-yr-old CG
can "see/do what no one else can" (but he can't "see" the huge condom selection at the drug
store?). immediately the letter gets right back to All About Me (CG), and he admits he COULD
"sold and gave up everything" for this "mission" - and alas, sigh, he and his HUGE family are
now resultantly homeless and in need 'financial support, prayers, a home - and a 'sign' to return
to Redding California'. the entire freaking saga, when you know about his bankruptcy at that
very time, and know what we now know about his PT BS and SP -- REEKS of a total ruse to
'cover' his bankruptcy shame and RECOVER by bilking/sucking religious groups into feeding,
housing, supporting his family and pretend-wannabe-Liam-Neeson dreams. and guess what?
that's exactly what appears to have happened next, right? the link to this letter (and more,
including his creepy "tip of the day" videos) is found on his Twitter Page:
But wait!! There's More!! Will post one more post re CG from bankruptcy to present (and all his
Hugely mounting "coincidences" when placed into context w/ SP)...
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[-] JavaJoe7 2 points 5 months ago*

What is Catalyst ATG? His bankruptcy says he was self employed there but also that Project
Taken consulted with ATG.
Some of these testimonials made me chuckle.

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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 5 months ago

it's just another one of his 'businesses'. sigh. all of his 'business' filings indicate he is the
'sole employee' -- yet in all his rantings, he refers to his business in "WE" terms...
pretending it's some big biz... but it's Just Wee Little CG, poor pitiful, broke and with too
many children, likely sociopathic little Liam Neeson Wannabe, preying upon the 'Christian'
naive -- especially if they're adolescents -- no matter how much you research him.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

Welcome to this shit show of a thread! Excellent post.

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

He is a fraud huckster.
Great write up though.
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[-] muwtski 6 points 5 months ago

This is so great, good finds. I knew this guy was a phony within seconds of first
seeing/hearing him talk. What a scammer.
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[-] tchiefl4 7 points 5 months ago

It amazes me that the few people who come to CG's defense use the same type of over the top,
almost heroic language that KG uses in his statements. Absolutely ZERO specifics. Here's just
one example.
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[-] matoul 1 point 4 months ago

I'm pretty sure the story of Sherri rocking her baby as a "survival tactic" was concocted by
her husband and Gamble.
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[-] curious_geeorg 2 points 5 months ago

because in their tight 'Christian' community that includes the cultish Bethel Church... they all
Drink the same Koolaid. it's all grooming. didn't you notice the sister's all-but-professional
CONTROL of her "press conference". Kelly Conway would hire her. they've all been groomed,
prepped, scripted -- and it will all lead right back to CG.
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[-] rowyntree 14 points 5 months ago

The husband himself said he looked through the rooms in the house and then looked outside.
When he couldn't find her & the kids, he opened the iphone app to find her phone. Why
wouldn't you CALL her phone? The cops said finding the phone with the earbuds neatly on top
of the phone was suspicious. Why does "supermom" have her kids in day care? Day care is
expensive. How much $ can you make at Best Buy anyways? The husband comes across as
immature and controlling. He talks in the 20/20 interview without maintaining eye contact. Who

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would speak to their son this way - "guess what, buddy? I found mommy" No. By keeping Sherri
out of public view, no one can verify her injuries. For those people saying everyone shouldn't
comment - the Papinis wanted our attention. They got it. Too bad if they don't like being called
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[-] myislanduniverse 5 points 4 months ago

Because I think he's probably extremely controlling, and it didn't occur to him that it wasn't
a normal thing to call your wife rather than check your electronic dog leash. The fact that he
has the Find My iPhone set up to track her in the first place is telling enough.
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[-] AnnAhmerican 9 points 5 months ago

To me KP seems to be the one that needs attention..."I did this...I found mommy...Was she
calling my name..." Is this guilt for something or is he that insecure that he needs to build
himself up to be the hero? His demeanor is very strange. There's a back story here and it
has many layers.
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[-] SkylarBlue5 11 points 5 months ago

He didn't call her phone because he already knew she was kidnapped lol
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[-] whinecube 9 points 5 months ago

I have followed some cases where, for example, the husband killed his wife and
pretended like she was just missing. Anyway, one thing that always trips these people up
is that they do not call the phone, or if they do, they let it ring like 2 times before
hanging up.
There is something that goes deep in the human psyche that makes it nearly impossible
to call someone you know for a fact will not be answering.
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[-] Sam5377 9 points 5 months ago

It makes sense, I think people suspect his narratives, because he is always telling the
story as someone who read the ending already, every step of the way his actions differ
from someone who is experiencing all of this for the first time.
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[-] curious_geeorg 7 points 5 months ago

OK.. where to start with Cameron David Gamble, birthdate 20 April 1980, who had 4 children by
age 30. 4 years enlisted: on his various 'Liam Neeson' wannabe 'business' postings he has small
photos showing him as enlisted airman, with very limited, standard 'i showed up for Service'
insignia/ribbons -- but a much larger one, in B&W, turned sideways from the camera (to show
his insignia) - one of which is solely OFFICER's (not enlisted) insignia, and suddenly he's got
plenty o'ribbons there. of his 4 yrs service - and he claims elsewhere to be a "disabled Veteran"
- he would have had to spend at least a full one getting medically discharged, because especially
in the near-post-9/11 years, through Stop Loss and other measures, the Govt held on to every
warm body possible, for as long as possible. and yet in his youtube videos, he appears fully
able-bodied; and if he had a mental disability, like PTSD, he would not be permitted to do the
type of 'work' he's doing as it would be considered a seriously detrimental 'trigger' to his mental

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health. so what's the REAL "military service" of Cameron David Gamble, folks? he began his Liam
Neeson voodoo BS via various businesses (and disabled Vets can get all kinds of business
grants and aid) right out of discharge -- but there's no REAL indication, as other Vets point out
elsewhere, that he had ANY real 'expertise' for his 'training services' and "skill set" beyond the
very BASIC SERE training required for 100's of 1000's of Members. he claims to have trained
Secret Service & Marine Protection details for both Secs. Rice & Powell, as well as training elite
Marines, special ops, Rangers? until someone backs his actual MILITARY SERVICE RECORD (and
checks out his uniformed photos and insignia), prone to screaming BS from the hills. but wait...
next post gets into more recent Cameron David Boyd "coincidental or not????" details...
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[deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

He should be reported to Stolen Valor. They can obtain all military docs and will out and
shame anyone lying about service. Since he is in the public eye, they would move on this
faster than regular SV cases of joe schmos
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[-] curious_geeorg 1 point 4 months ago

FOIA/PA requests to DoD/military are free if the info requested is in the "public interest".
you can look the request info up online, fax it -they then have 10 days to respond.
clearly journalists, like the Daily Beast, already got his military records... which are at
least slightly different than his accounts.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Yes, I am aware of this... However, Stolen Valor people consist of vets, active duty,
law enforcement etc. They can get info that the media will never get. And will crucify
him publicly like the media never would. Daily Beast is missing a lot of info that could
be obtained.
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[-] muwtski 6 points 5 months ago

He noted somewhere that he was honorably discharged when he completed his enlistment
(I'm not sure about the military language here so I'm paraphrasing) he made it sound like he
did 4 years and then was out.
The Daily Beast article states: "The Air Force could not provide the terms of his discharge,
but bankruptcy filings show he received disability benefits from the Department of Veterans
Affairs." It also says "he enlisted in the Air Force 2002 and was discharged in July 2005."
I'm no mathematician but that seems more like 3 years, not 4.
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[-] curious_geeorg 1 point 5 months ago

yep. but he's such an "expert" he trained the secret service and all manner of special
forces across the board?? and it took AT LEAST a year to be medically discharged in the
decade post-9/11... so he spent even LESS time being truly "active" (and therefore
learning much of anything he could get 'expert' at). one things for sure: boy nows how
to 'use the system' -- any 'system' he can find. Great Math, muwtski. thanks.
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

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disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs

Lets hope his current actions don't contradict the need for disability payments, otherwise
somebody is in a whole lot of trouble.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

Must have been a busy 3 years with all the secret service and other specialized training.
This dude is definitely key to unraveling what happened.
Anyone know what he does day to day? How is he funding this fantasy writing/you tube
video making "career"?
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[-] curious_geeorg 4 points 5 months ago

postings from his wife "Jen" indicate she is a "Beach Body" trainer, making enough
money (BS) for him to "follow his dreams" (or watch bad action movies). but they
Bethel Church shows a direct link for funding for the lovely perpetually-procreating
couple, and no doubt several other religious groups throw money at them -- because
he sue as hell is all over the internet begging for it from them. i've seen lots of young
couples milk their religious communities like mad. it nauseates me.
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[-] muwtski 8 points 5 months ago

I can only imagine the church is helping fund him in some capacity. What and where
was that 'warehouse' of containers on 20/20? I scanned his wife's Facebook a bit as
well, seems like she's big on being a 'life coach' but really she's peddling MLM
products. They really want to be leaders of some sort, it's very silly. I assume every
big church has these phony 'power couples' that need loads of attention but can't
actually make anything of themselves in the real world.
I would love to hit this guy with a few questions about his military service, career, and
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[-] curious_geeorg 3 points 5 months ago

... and when you do, ask him about the inappropriate, unauthorized OFFICER's
insignia in his dress blues photo -- it's called "Stolen Valor" -- and it's also a
crime. but first: Vets eat you alive for it.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

that is why he MUST be reported to Stolen Valor. They will destroy him.
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[-] curious_geeorg 1 point 4 months ago

Talker... or Do-er???
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[-] curious_geeorg 24 points 5 months ago

My issues w/ KP are: he apparently went right to a "find my phone" app, rather than calling her
phone? and repeatedly, before taking this step... and then photographed the phone/earbuds
laying in a very 'posed' manner (and we all admit these 2 are total narcissist Posers). He makes
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low BB pay, but his wife is a Brand Name shopaholic "stay-at-home-Mom" who dumps their kids
in daycare and has endless professional-looking photographs relentlessly taken. did y'all notice
in the most recent 20/20 piece that he gets up around 330 am Thanksgiving morning,
immediately showers and shave (despite being alone, distraught, depressed? -- sleepless, YES -
immediately showering AND shaving in the wee hours? hmmm), and while he's shaving HIS CELL
RINGS AND HE CHOOSES NOT TO ANSWER IT. he's got randsom and hot-tip money hanging in
the air, he's "doing everything i can, honey" -- but CHOOSES NOT TO ANSWER HIS PHONE
when he's wide-eyed, showered and shaving at 4 am? Only when the Papini landline rang did he
THEN choose to answer the phone. make ANY sense to any of you? wouldn't you fall asleep with
your phone in your hand, DIVE ON IT when it rang, especially at that hour? you'd take the
chance that IF your kidnapped wife ever got to a phone, you'd opt-out of answering, let her just
catch your voice mail? he had me TRYING to believe him -- and lost me Right There. and my
next post will have info about Cameron David Liam Neeson Gamble i can't find elsewhere.
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_ ..
1 point 4 months ago

He probably snapchatted the photo and was like omg my wife left her phone here and on
Instagram the way people post pets and food. Why take a photo and hair doesn't wrap
around headphones and stay there that way. He isn't a girl so clearly e didn't know that as
he was setting it up to appear that way
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[-] veritas2967 3 points 4 months ago

He says that he heard last couple of rings and "didn't recognize the number", every call I
have ever gotten from Patrol LE is Restricted, when those come in ,my heart skips a
beat..and i answer !!
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[-] thekinginblack 5 points 5 months ago

This is a really great point. I thought it was weird that he said he "thinks" he was shaving.
Most people remember where they were and what they were doing when life-changing,
shocking news comes-- like where you were when you heard about 9/11. Yet he only
"thinks" he was shaving, like he's not sure. It wasn't even a week between them finding her
and doing that interview. Why the hazy memory?
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[-] tchiefl4 5 points 5 months ago

Not to mention the fact that if he were "shaving" at 4AM on TG morning, it would be
abnormal -- the guy isn't a farmer, he's a salesperson at Best Buy....Can't imagine
waking up at the butt-crack of dawn is in his normal routine.
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[-] Journo964 3 points 4 months ago

Best Buy didn't open til 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving.

http ://www. bestb m/s ite/b lack-friday/b lack-frid ay-sto re-
hours/pcmcat1476984848317.c?id =pcmcat1476984848317
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[-] VirtualMoneyLover 2 points 4 months ago

Black Friday starts earlier and earlier

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[-] itsjesssa 14 points 5 months ago

I feel like if I were missing, my husband wouldn't shave. Or sleep.

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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 5 months ago

agreed... sleep would be impossible, and when it came, it would be involuntary, fitness
and fleeting. BUT: showering, self-care would be difficult. he was alone, yet up, showered
and shaving by 4 am -- BUT CHOSE NOT TO answer his phone until the other landline
rang. and therein he lost me forever. if you've been a parent, a spouse, ever cared for
ANYONE in crisis -- you know the phone doesn't leave your hand, and you jump on it
when it rings... PERIOD.
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[-] reginafalangyill 4 points 5 months ago

In benefit of the doubt, I was wondering after hearing about her racist views that maybe if this
was real that perhaps she pissed some people off and they were sending a message to her. It
seems personal and releasing her 22 days later alive was intended. Otherwise, I'm still say hoax.
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[-] curious_geeorg 5 points 5 months ago

22 days is about bang on the amount of time SERE training (which is what CG claims to do)
takes. likely the plan, the schedule from Day One.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] StfuStampy 10 points 5 months ago

What I found really weird was that they called her super mom and she was a stay at home mom
but her children were in daycare ?..
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[deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

not defending her.... but even supermoms need breaks. and kids need to socialize with other
kids...and mom groups can be pretty sucky sometimes.
im kind of sick of the whole daycare discussion. i was a sahm and put my child in daycare a
few days a week so she could just be w/out mom, learn some independence away from me
and play with other kids. it was more for her than me...but i used that time to do things that
needed to be done w/out a kid on me ;)
and im not rich. just made it work...
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[-] RudineHoward 2 points 5 months ago

yes they go to daycare and Sherri still complains that she doesn't have a lot of time to pack
prettier and insert a thank you note when she sold a used dress on Poshmark.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 4 months ago

I had a question on the comments in that link, do the timestamps include the year?
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[-] RudineHoward 1 point 4 months ago

nope, I checked nearly every item with comments but it only shows day and month.
Probably because Sherri created that poshmark account this year
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 4 months ago

The comment time stamp was July 3rd 3:49 pm.

I think maybe she meant 'peanut3' did she lose a baby
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1 point 4 months ago

Okay, i saw a comment around June, that said 'I won't be able to look good until
after Peanut2 arrives' (roughly) she was talking about being pregnant.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 9 points 5 months ago

I'm not saying it's a hoax, but if it is, my guess is that the police are in no hurry to make an
arrest. They have time now to build the case and press charges when they are ready. I guess it
would be bad PR to just start accusing Sherri right after her release if the cops have suspicions.
It probably makes better sense to let the family spend time together for a bit before they really
get into the nitty gritty. Maybe they'd like the buzz around the story to die down a little too.
Who knows. Hoping because it's the start of a new week, that we might get more useful
information to give us Redding folk some sense of calm. We are all still worried about two
kidnappers on the run remember.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

jump off that wall pudding... its a hoax. there is a zillion pieces of 'evidence' showing this.
there is zero 'evidence' showing the told story is real.

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[-] RudineHoward 5 points 5 months ago

I think that in about a month she will be probably charged with making false statements,
that's what happened with the Runaway Bride and the Balloon Boy hoaxes.
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[-] sbammons 7 points 5 months ago

with the jennifer wilbanks hoax the cops believed her...until her story started falling apart. in
this case, the cops seem to be coddling her instead of solving the case. now, it could be that
they are trying to catch whoever helped her. but once you been caught lying to cops,
avoiding cops, being allusive with your answers it's time to treat her like a criminal. offer
her a deal to come clean
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 5 months ago

Good point. He probably was suspicious when he saw Keith's photo of Sherri's iphone, but
had to confirm that part because he knew that photo will be shown..once people started

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saying the phone was placed neatly, they try to speculate whether Sherri was kidnapped
somewhere else..
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[-] anxshush 11 points 5 months ago

Local expert talks about how rare it would be for someone like Sherri to be kidnapped for human
trafficking purposes.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 11 points 5 months ago

Thanks so much for that link. Makes me pretty mad actually that Laura Ingraham is
supporting the private investigator's narrative but not calling any attention to what the local
law enforcement and experts are saying. She's going to be our country's new press
secretary. She's like Sean Hannity's with a vagina for Trump to grab.
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[-] anxshush 4 points 5 months ago*

Especially since this same PI has spread false information about a missing persons case
before. I'll see if I can find the story and will link it here.
edit: link
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[-] SkylarBlue5 6 points 5 months ago

There is no way they would of let her go so that she could expose it all
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 9 points 5 months ago

Exactly. Like social media intimidated a human trafficking cartel into releasing Sherri. 0
wait.. it was Gamble the church negotiator that got her released. Guess these cartels
aren't that tough after all.
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' 1 Cl...I.ft..1.1
5 points 5 months ago

lol true. He was trying to be 'creative', he even gave the kidnappers a deadline..what
if they were somewhere with no TV or internet? his offer shouldnt expire especially
when you are hoping desperately to get someone back
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 9 points 5 months ago

Could Bosenko subpoena Gamble to find out his anonymous donor or to prove they don't
exist? Gamble is a hoax regardless of what really happened to Sherri.
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[deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Bosenko appears he could give a rat's ass about truth. Id like to know if Bosenko goes to
the same church.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

That's a good point.

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[-] MsMinxster 10 points 5 months ago

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Check out this article on Gamble: The Shady Hostage Negotiator at the Center of
Sherri Papini's Abduction
"Cameron Gamble came out of nowhere, supposedly at the request of
anonymous donor, to find a vanished woman. He's not the expert he claims to
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 5 months ago

Ohhhhhh this is GOOD.

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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 5 months ago

Bosenko didnt feel comfortable asking Sherri to take the polygraph since she was a victim,
so I doubt he would subpoena Gamble. If Gamble told Bosenko the actual plan, it would
make Bosenko look bad for knowing there was no donor
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[-] Pudding Volcano 6 points 5 months ago*

Why can't the police say they believe Sherri? Why is it they have to word it, that they have no
reason to not believe her. Is it because they don't believe her but don't have evidence to say
otherwise, or because they believe her but don't have any evidence to back her story?
The only acquaintance of mine who know's Sherri, says all Sherri ever wanted was two have a
family and be a mom. She is totally on board to blame these two Hispanic women who kidnapped
Sherri, though tbh most people who believe Sherri here in town, don't seem to care about
catching the bad guys. They're just happy she's back, no questions asked.
I've met Keith and Sherri once myself, but didn't realize it until just a few days ago. They came
into my work with their dog. I won't elaborate on their visit, but there wasn't much to remember
about it. It was a while ago, but I remember thinking they were a beautiful couple with a very
cute baby. I remember commenting about it with a co-worker. I can see why people are so eager
to believe them. No one wants to think bad of these people. Keith is hot, when he's not crying,
and Sherri is a supermom for having two kids and still only weighs 100 lbs.
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[-] Agondonter 9 points 5 months ago

Seriously, the requirements for being a "supermom" in your book are entirely superficial and
unrelated to how a person cares for their kids? Only that they pumped out two of 'em and
lost the baby weight? LOL. She could very well be a fantastic parent but just because a
relative refers to her as "supermom" means nothing except an attempt to garner media
attention and sympathy.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 3 points 5 months ago

Exactly. I hope my sarcasm about being supermom was apparent.

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[-] Hippopotapie 3 points 5 months ago

Shoot if she's a super mom for having two kids, and only being 100 lbs. I'm one too.
Two kids, I'm 6'2, and weigh about 140. Slender build, and if I put makeup on model
ready.... Oh wait... I'm not a fake blonde with blue eyes... I'm a fake brunette with
green eyes...

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I lost my qualifications for super mom right there.

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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

Let's do a poll, weigh in on whether this sounds like

http ://
1. milf or
2. a slurred metal
3. I want to say metal but fml it sounds like milf
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

Chances this whole thing is a cover to explain her new sweet "MILF" tattoo?
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] anxshush 8 points 5 months ago

I hear metal or middle (as in around the middle of her body) I'm leaning toward metal
because he's describing the material the chain is made of. I say this because he might be
trying to differentiate between that and her left hand being in a restraint that was able to be
cut, such as rope or cloth.
Though the "ph" sound at the end of his mystery word is keeping me guessing.
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 5 months ago

He might be one of those people who pronounces the word "milk" like "melk," FWIW...
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[-] EIEIO0000 1 point 5 months ago

I say melk.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

In context of the clip I agree, isolated, wow, it will be wild if that ends up being it
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 5 months ago

It does sound like 'miff', but it was probably a slurred 'metal'. If he meant 'miff' then its
possible he showed it was branded on her neck..which is strange?
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

Well she put it on herself, so it had to be a location she could manage

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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

I do not think she necessarily did any 'injury' to herself. I believe someone did a lot of
it for her. This is a conspiracy, in the actual sense. Many people involved in this hoax.
I think KP knew that she would purposely injured for their scam. Maybe that is how
he was able to muster up some watery eyes...he knew...but also knew she would
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come home. Ya know, small sacrifice for fame and fortune.

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[-] Sam5377 1 point 5 months ago

If she did not have help, how did shd get to Yolo?
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 5 months ago

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[-] Pudding_Volcano 1 point 5 months ago

Pretty hard to tell. Mostly cuz it was just that tiny clip. To bad they disnt ask him to clarify or
give a follow up question. Sounded like milf, but I imagine if that's what he said, the reporter
would have dug at that a little more.
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 5 months ago

I honestly, hearing the whole segment, thought "he must be saying metal" but someone
insisted it was milf, upon listening it does sound like milf, and again, my thought was
metal prior.
If it is milf, I think he started to describe her condition, then remembered that was to be
withheld per the sheriff's request and then said chains.
The entire clip is posted in the OP's topic
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 5 months ago

why would these women actually put that kind of message 'miff' though? I imagine
they would put "s..t" or worse. I would think a guy would have said something like
this to a woman
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

Because she did it, and it's a self congratulatory message for herself. She has
aged and is essentially irrelevant except to her family. Thats not enough attention
for her though.
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[-] RudineHoward 2 points 5 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 7 points 5 months ago

It reminds me of the story that was written to slander SP by someone else, yet
she still seemed like a hero, fighting off groups of people several times. Obviously,
this is an overreaching rumor atm, yet the similarity of being attacked by
something that is otherwise complimentary is the common factor.

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[-] Pudding Volcano 8 points 5 months ago

Has there been any information out of Yolo county where Sherri was released? Any reports of
suspicious behavior? Arrests in the area that could be related?
I do feel like it's beating a dead horse to keep repeating the same rumors. We are clearly eager
for more information.
I wish there was even just a little of Keith's or Sherri's story that sounded credible or could lead
to anything helpful. It honestly sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I believe a lot of the situation is
being poorly handled by Sherrif Bosenko, but you'd think the police would come out and put all
rumors of a hoax to rest if they had enough evidence to do so. Obviously they don't or
Bosenko would stop these 'Internet trolls' dead in their tracks with just a simple statement. The
alternative is that he is just that bad at his job.
I really don't want to be on board with any conspiracy theory to be honest, so I would love any
reason to believe this isn't a total lie. Redding is home to Chem trails, faith healers and the state
of Jefferson.. and now the Papini's.
It did occur to me that the police haven't really been much help on this case, and perhaps the
reason it looks so much like a hoax can also be accredited to Bosenko and team. We are quick
to fault the husband for not seeming more concerned with catching the kidnappers (two Mexican
women), but to be honest, the police don't seem that worried about catching the kidnappers
either. Maybe they all know something we don't.
It is possible Keith wanted to get his wife's story out there because he knows we've all wanted
to know what happened and social media played a big part. It is possible he wants to protect his
wife from what could be unfair and perhaps quite hurtful accusations, but I think maintaining
privacy and leaving us all in suspense would have been the better choice to avoid fueling hoax
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., [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

You seriously need to do a little more reading...and simple logic and reasoning. And run from
the sympathy 'i want to believe' side.
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[-] Starkville 1 point 5 months ago

No one is talking about, or looking for, the abductors because there's a tacit agreement they
don't exist.
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[-] [deleted] 5 points 5 months ago

Go back and look at Bosenko from his viewpoint - that is, if he believes he has evidence this
is all a hoax then his hands (and tongue) are tied.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 4 points 5 months ago

Do u mind explaining how his hands would be tied exactly? Is it because he has no
evidence to support her story, but also no evidence to say she faked it? Bosenko looks
like an idiot letting the husband, private investigator and the negotiator lead the
investigation and narrative of this story in the public eye.
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[deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

I have to eat crow on this one. I reviewed the footage from the POV I offered
and...well, you are right. I am hoping he is not an idiot, just playing one on TV.
Edited for structure.
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

I can't imagine how hard it is to investigate this, I mean for starters, just theoretically if this
is a hoax, then at what point was a crime committed?
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[-] LexiLansing 4 points 5 months ago

It depends on who knew what when. There have been prior cases of people faking
disappearances that led to large-scale searches being charged with things like false
reporting and required to pay back the costs of the search.
It's usually a misdemeanor but it would utterly crucify them in the court of public opinion,
and if they're as broke as it appears, paying those costs would be a huge burden, even if
they were able to keep the GFM money.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 5 months ago

Interesting, seems a NY women did this over the summer, only charged with a
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Hopefully The Son of Sam Law will ensure they do not profit off the crime, if there is
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[-] Pudding Volcano 2 points 5 months ago

Depends on which crime we are talking about. If it's all a hoax, then I guess when the
Papini's let the tax payers foot the bill on a missing persons search and investigation.
But not everyone agrees on what the hoax is. Most people are wanting real facts and the
real story, not rumors and speculation. We all just havr to wait. Hopefully Bosenko will
suprise us.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

Hopefully there can be some recourse of funds, if it turns out to be anything other
than legit, and while I am no expert it won't stop me from giving my opinion :) my
guess is they committed the crime when SP told police she had been abducted.
Again, I reiterate, if it is anything less than legit.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

A new member, time28 just posted this
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[ - ] Pudding_Volcano 2 points 5 months ago

Great post. Interesting if it can all be believed. Not sure what kind of surprise related to the
Papini case would be good for xmas though lol. It was a haox. Happy Holidays.
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[-] anxshush 3 points 5 months ago

Would love to hear more from u/Time28

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

So does 'tagging' a reddit commentor like that notify them?

Forgive my ignorance
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[-] anxshush 2 points 5 months ago

As far as I know, only if they have Reddit gold- this may have changed. But it
automatically makes the link for you if you add "u/" and that makes it easier for other
users to look at their post history.
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[-] Howchappedisyourass 2 points 5 months ago

If Obama invites her to the white house we will know its a hoax
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[-] Bitter_Britches 9 points 5 months ago

Keep an eye on the local Craigslist posts. They keep getting flagged and removed, so be sure to
save whatever you find.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 2 points 5 months ago

I wonder what their emails look like. Would love to find out.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Wikileaks anyone?
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[-] Sturmstreik 7 points 5 months ago

Funny. That Cameron Gamble guy created a video for his "Project Taken". Just four years ago in
which a blonde, beautiful girl gets kidnapped.
If this was a hollywood movie he might have conviced Sherri that she'd be the perfect poster girl
for his services. And him creating awkward videos taunting kidnappers with no fear of the girl
getting killed.
Of course it would be a little obvious to offer his services to the husband right away. So why not
create a go-fund-me page, make an anonymous donation he'd get back from his "clients" with
the bizarre tip to hire a guy no one ever heard about. And who'd all of the sudden be in the
spotlight of mainstream media, showing his training facilities.
Even if he might not be an expert on actually rescuing any hostage, he might at least be an
expert on how to stage an obduction and come up with a reasonable story once police is
questioning you. The story would just have to be very vague. Like some strangers in a dark car
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speaking a foreign language.

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[-] muwtski 5 points 5 months ago

Gamble filed bankruptcy in 2013, the domain has expired, his business
license is expired, but he has some kind of weird facility? It must be part of / paid for by the
mega-church he goes to or something, because that makes no sense.
I'm assuming there was no ransom money because he knew there was no need to come up
with it.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 2 points 5 months ago

Gamble is an affiliate of Bethel church. Apparently he trains folks who are joining
missionaries around the world to deal with hostile and hostage type situations. Or
something to that affect. Bethel is a pretty crazy church. Most the community avoids
them, but their presence in town gets bigger and bigger year after year due to their
global fame.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Is he legally allowed to operate then, maybe the irs can get involved
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[-] muwtski 3 points 5 months ago

Not sure about the IRS, they probably don't care much about state business
licensing as long as they get paid. I read a post somewhere where he claimed they
were now a 501c3 non-profit but I can't find 'project taken' listed anywhere other
than this state registration.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Damn fine work detective muwtski

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[-] SkylarBlue5 6 points 5 months ago

I'm even more convinced now there was no anonymous donor. Thats why Tom Bosenko
didnt want him to get involved since no one asked for ransom money. If Gamble offered the
money himself, he would have a lot of people calling him and asking him to help come up with
money to pay off someone else's ransom money. Gamble didnt call him to offer money from
anonymous donor, he called him to try "more aggressive approach".
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago

Yep, and someone rented the domain a mere 5 days after the abduction,
yet they didn't use it for something like 2 weeks, not exactly sure atm.
I sure hope the police can subpeona the site and find out who paid for it.
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 5 months ago

I looked into that yesterday-they used a proxy so it can't be tracked back. Both
and are godaddy sites purchased for one year...but CG registered his personally

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using his Redding address and phone number rather than going through a proxy.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

Wow, good Intel, great sleuthing!

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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 5 months ago

Did anyone catch an archive of this site?

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

Who Is
You have to put in the anti-robot stuff to see, created 11/07/2016
Edited for link size
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago

Okay my thoughts on her saying none of the vehicles the sheriff (sic) showed her were the one
involved involved, as Truth_Seeker_01 pointed out, how could she say it was not the right SUV
if she couldn't decribe it. Catch 22 days type o' situation
1. She was worried they would vet every vehicle and know she lied or
2. She saw the vehicle involved in helping her, panicks and says, um no, none of those,
nothing to see, move along
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 6 points 5 months ago

SP to Police: "Urn I don't know what anything looked like, I can't remember what happened, I
have amnesia, don't you remember, but I know for sure everything you are showing me was
not there...yes sir that's correct, now where's Kieth, I need him to change my Pinterest
immediately!! Get out of my face, let me go and recover, can't you see I had to shave my
head so you wouldn't notice my new blond I got done last week."
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[-] Tori68 2 points 5 months ago

Yet, she does recall the very specific amount she was driven around after she was
abducted as being 2 1/2 hours!
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 5 months ago

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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 5 points 5 months ago

I'm thinking it was #2. Why wouldn't LE have released a vehicle description and sketches of
the supposed abductors unless perhaps they believed it wasn't real?
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

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her ab...

She gave them nothing to sketch

Dark colored SUV
The abductors description for both women is merely, eyebrows and hair, oh and one of
the women had pierced ears
I can post the complete description, maybe a reddit type person can sketch something...
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[-] JavaJoe7 5 points 5 months ago

This article presents an interesting counterpoint by experts in the field. I am still very suspicious
but I want to keep an open mind.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

Link not working for me

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[-] Javaloe7 5 points 5 months ago

Sorry I'm on mobile so that may be it. Here's another link to try:
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

That worked, good article, and it's true that anything is possible till more information
is released.
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[-] biosketch 7 points 5 months ago

Laura Ingram is using this story to fan the flames of racial hatred. Click on link and read
comments If you enjoy vomiting:
If this is a hoax, then Sherri and whoever else is involved will have a lot to answer for!
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[-] Sam5377 9 points 5 months ago

I cannot believe the damage that will be done to the Mexican community if this is a hoax,
just disgusting.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 6 points 5 months ago

This could be why the Mayor & LE is refusing to even question the fact or lack thereof. It
would be an embarrassment to them if they admit that they in fact have been duped.
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[-] Kateclambake4 4 points 5 months ago*

Anyone else think it is weird that she pinned on her Pinterest (spapini) the book "the invention
of murder" in October?
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[-] muwtski 5 points 5 months ago

She also pinned 'essential oils for bruises' 12 weeks ago. Under "Nutrition" board. I was
looking in there to see if she had any pins about fasting.
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[-] Kateclambake4 5 points 5 months ago*

Could just be clutching at straws... but these pins also stood out from the other
Pinterest crap that hasn't been deleted yet.
Edit: note latex broken nose
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[-] SkylarBlue5 2 points 5 months ago

When did she post it? Its under "13 books to read this Halloween" then she was gone 2
days after Halloween lol
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[-] Sam5377 12 points 5 months ago

So she took a stack of books to read in the container thingy, smart thinking
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[-] SkylarBlue5 6 points 5 months ago

you mean the training facility?

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[-] Sbplaint 7 points 5 months ago

Hahahaha omg! This is getting so outrageous...puts poor little Falcon and his
dad's balloon to shame!
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[-] pacmandones 32 points 5 months ago

In the 20/20 interview he asked the sister "Why is she a Supermom?" Her sister's like "Uh, she
feeds and dresses the kids. Also she makes great pies." Lmao!
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[-] BlondeGir1530 4 points 5 months ago

I don't like this title she's given herself either. I don't refer to myself as a "super mom", and I
raise 2 daughters 100% on my own (financially and they're with me everyday) and run a
business, and home. I wouldn't call myself that because I know that other women are doing
even more than I. Sherri has a partner who has an income, who helps with the kids. She
does nothing....
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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

But are they peppermint pies though?! LMAO!

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[-] r_barchetta 12 points 5 months ago

You're not being fair....I think we can all agree that it takes a supermom to get kidnapped,
get beat up, go to the hospital, and still get home in time to carve the turkey on
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Thanksgiving day!
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[-] SkylarBlue5 22 points 5 months ago

She doesnt just make a pie, she makes it look gorgeous lol
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

Or just buys them at the store and plays it off as she made it. Maybe she throws flour in
herself and various baking things yo make it look legit
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[-] Sam5377 29 points 5 months ago

Yeah Brah, she even does that wicked thing on the pie crust edges using like a fork or
some shit.
Me, ima regular ole parent, just spreading expired canned pie filling on some day old
bread, merry effing christmas kids, get pops a couple brews from the fridge in the garage
and go wrap your presents after that.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 15 points 5 months ago*

Woah there, Martha Stewart! I let my kids dig for old tic tacs floating around the
bottom of my purse.
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[-] Sbplaint 4 points 5 months ago

Hahahaha! This is literally my favorite thread ever!!!! As a symbol of my....wait,

no...not a, um...send a message...yeah, that is send a
message of my, uh, gratitude...(for this whole shitshow existing in the first place)
I am changing into my favorite pepto-pink sweats and spending the rest of the
night (KP&)T-cashing the hell out of my Pinterest presence in our girl Sherri-
baby's honor (because let's just admit that song has been in all of our heads all
weekend). Can it please just be 2017 already?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

In other news, anyone see that GMA segment? The Papini's are in hiding to
avoid media.
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 5 months ago

It was the top story on their website earlier!

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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 4 months ago

Those journalists did an impressive job, I'm not surprised.

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2 points 4 months ago

In my fantasy world, I'd like to think they saw my post on this

thread yesterday morning about him registering the

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ab... domain...hahahaha. An aspiring amateur

websleuth can dream, right?!
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 4 months ago

You KNOW he's the type to have a google alert on his name.
I'm starting to feel some major second hand embarrassment,
this is all so cringey. Thank God his wife slings MLM products
on the side. Someone needs to feed those 5 kids.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 7 points 5 months ago*

Edited: To Include Link
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[-] reginafalangy111 3 points 5 months ago

W hats funny tho, why are they trolling this site anyhow? why do they even care what we
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 5 months ago

I can't open the link! What is it?

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

It was the blurb of the OP's thread on 20/20 loved the big words flying around LoL
Scam, Hoax, Fishy
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Sbplaint 27 points 5 months ago

This just keeps getting better and better! Mike Mangas married them!!!! His ABC-affiliation got
them GMA and 20/20, and explains the bizarre exclusive KRCR did with CG! Omg I just can't
even right now!!!
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] BlondeGir1530 3 points 5 months ago

I love Mike. I remember visiting relatives in Redding in the early 80's seeing him as a young
man doing sports. When he retired, it was sad. Then he came back as an anchor. It was

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great! If Mike pulled strings to get them national attention, and this is proven to be a hoax,
he should be ashamed of himself. There are so many genuine missing person cases that
deserve national attention, but they don't get it. My dear Mike, I certainly hope you didn't
help promote a hoax. Though, I believe you wouldn't be "in on it", helping to promote it by
pulling strings is pretty unethical...
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[-] snidece 6 points 5 months ago

That local newspaper shows a sunny community! Story about man exposing himself, op-ed
by some white lady voting for Trump who is lecturing on what "the blacks" should and
should not believe, and most of it is covered with the police beat. Looking at the area's most
wanted though, and there is not a single Latino in the group.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 11 points 5 months ago

I'm glad he did that, the more they talk and give interviews, the more people start to see
what a scam they are trying to pull off. I don't think we'll see another interview from KP or
any family member again. I think they are on lock-down and have been advised to keep
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[-] Thinkles 13 points 5 months ago

Now I know why someone wrote KP hired Mike Mangas to manage their PR.
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[-] Sam5377 13 points 5 months ago

Dear lord, how is this affecting media coverage? Conflict of interest, family friend, holy cow.
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 22 points 5 months ago

Sheriff Bosenko said they showed her video surveillance of some dark colored suv's that were
in/around the area she was abducted from and Sherri told him that none of them were the one
she was in. If she knows enough about the suv she was in to say that none of those were it,
don't you think she could give a better description of the vehicle for the public to be on the
lookout? Perhaps more to go on than a dark colored SUV?
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[-] Thinkles 13 points 5 months ago

Great point. What about a sketch artist? Could really help narrow it down. Although I
suspect the results would be of an SUV that doesn't exist.
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[-] Sam5377 22 points 5 months ago

Sketch of the SUV

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[-] itsjesssa 4 points 5 months ago

This is amazing!
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[-] lafolieisgood 3 points 5 months ago

too many pink people

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

I just present the facts

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[-] lafolieisgood 2 points 5 months ago

lol, perfect
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 8 points 5 months ago

From the information the sheriff released it would be a sketch of eyebrows, hair, and
pierced ears. Hard to imagine that the width of eyebrows was noted but not eye color?
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[-] SkylarBlue5 5 points 5 months ago

They will never find them IF they exist because, they could change the colour of their
hair, remove earrings and change the shape of their eyebrows. Especially after the
press conference...
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 5 months ago

Hilarious AF!
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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 5 months ago

I wonder if they asked her if she would recognize their voice..

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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

Just another simple, brilliant observation!

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[-] Pudding Volcano 5 points 5 months ago*

If Sherri says she wasn't raped, will they still do a rape kit? What if they discovered she was
having sexual Intercourse during the time she was kidnapped, but she tells them she wasn't
sexual ly assualted? Sounds like a grey area of the law. I would not be ok with forcing rape kits
on people who say they weren't raped.. just thinking out loud.
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[-] myislanduniverse 1 point 4 months ago

Doesn't she ostensibly have amnesia about her captivity? I'd say a rape kit ought to have
been in order, if she can't recall what happened, just to try to cover every base they could. I
mean, responsible law enforcement would, at least.
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[-] Pinkicon49 4 points 5 months ago

Assuming this was a preplanned "STUNT"

I won't call it a hoax, because there seem to be real physical injuries. 2 women abductors
make total sense as to why she wasn't raped. (Or kidnapped)
I have come to the conclusion that the fractured nose was at least 2 weeks old. I also feel a
tone of domestic violence is in the midst. I think she was taught a lesson and hidden for 22
days until she started to look better. During that time a story was concocted. Then perhaps

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she was beaten again before being allowed to reappear. Had she been raped, KP would have
offered up all the gory details of that as well.
I think KP has a team of enablers that helped keep SP out of public eye and prevented him
from getting charged with DV.
If he sent someone to collect and hide her, could he still pass a polygraph? Sure! All
psychopaths can.
Will SP throw him and everyone else under the bus? I bet she will! I don't think she
concocted this farce, however if she did, I guarantee that she is pointing the finger at him.
I really have a feeling she wanted out of that "fairy tale" No woman sells the stuff she was
unless her husband is a controlling manipulator and not allowing her access to money.
If it was truly a financial problem and he was a decent man, he would have been selling stuff
too or working a 2nd part time job.
Not sure where the daycare fits in for a SAHM, other than KP not wanting the kids spending
time with her every day while he was at work.
I hope I am wrong. This is just my opinion.
Who knows!
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

The broken nose would have been 3 weeks (22 days) old then, correct?
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 5 months ago

Maybe if she is a slow healer. I think more like 2 weeks. Definitely didn't happen 11/24
in my opinion. Question is why would he lie about the age of the break? X-ray/MRI
would tell a different story. And if she did break nose when tossed out of vehicle,
wouldn't she have broken teeth as well? I think he was hit with something (not the
grpund) and it spared her teeth.
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[-] Truth_Seeker_01 3 points 5 months ago

I don't think they publicly release the names of sexual assault victims. Maybe even though
this case is very public, they can't release that information7m7
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

Agreed rape kits should never be forced, not sure what the Papini's should do since she is
riddled with amnesia though, maybe she was raped and doesn't realize it, what about an
STD test to protect your husband since she cannot choose what she remembers? Edit, fat
fingers little phone, missed an s
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago*

I don't believe they can do one against her will, nor should they. The sheriff neither
confirmed or denied a sexual assault.
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[-] HoleyDonuts 7 points 5 months ago

No, they can't, because that would be...rape!

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[-] r_barchetta 6 points 5 months ago

Correct! And then a rape kit would be required for that. on and on ad infinitum until
all rape kits in the world were exhausted.
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 3 points 5 months ago

Also the branding is pretty unusual regardless of the rest of the story. I feel like police should
have a better idea about motive if she was branded. Also, did the kidnappers ever try to speak
to Sherri?
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[-] damselnoir 1 point 5 months ago

The whole "branded" thing is overflowing the BS bucket with this fake story. We all hear/read
"BRANDED!" and think of those giant cattle branding irons from cowboy movies. I'm betting
during a kink session a few weeks back, hubby bent her over, heated up a wire with a bic
lighter and touched it to her butt.
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[-] Asherware 2 points 5 months ago

Branding someone is horrific but it is also something that might cross someones mind if they
were truly committed to a hoax and needed to make sure there was "evidence" of an attack
that she couldn't have done to herself in any reasonable persons mind.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

I'm surprised there's still so little info on the branding.

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[-] r_barchetta 3 points 5 months ago

Total speculation here but if the brand was a message to her family, it might have said
"Soup or Mom?"
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[-] JavaJoe7 6 points 5 months ago*

I saw somewhere it said xaoh on her left shoulder and rail on her right forearm.
Maybe some kind of drug thing?
Edit: misspelled xaoh earlier
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 5 months ago

I think that poster was joking. If you spell those backwards they read "hoax" and
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[-] r_barchetta 2 points 5 months ago*

JavaJoe, No worries on misspelling xaoh. If I remember right, the last Scripps

National Spelling Bee champ won on the word xaoh. "....may I have the origin?"
"The origin is modern Papinian, derived from the ancient Graeffic word for "uh oh"
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

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Funny funny
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

How long can they keep this under wraps?

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[-] Pudding_Volcano 8 points 5 months ago

Bothers me the private investigator claims it's human trafficking, yet the sherrif and fbi aren't
saying that. Also there has been no mention of sexual assualt. If she was sexual ly assaulted,
perhaps a rape kit will help provide some helpful evidence.
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[-] BlondeGir1530 2 points 4 months ago

He's trying to throw the investigation off. No one is going to grab a 34 year old woman with
a family, chop off her hair, and then make her a sex worker. They find those young girls at
bus stops or on the street already strung out. She's too old to be a sex worker!
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[-] Pudding_Volcano 9 points 5 months ago*

I don't know what kind of forensics our local police department is capable of. They constantly
ask for a bigger budget for the Redding police, but it's always going to higher wages, more
employees and we just built a new jail cuz the police closed down part of the old one and said
they couldn't use it. Sherrif Bosenko and the RPD are mostly know for harassing homeless
people and all of them showing up for one traffic violation. I've persoannly been harassed several
times. Because I work with the k9 unit at the vet hospital I work at, one time a guy accused me
of threatening the dogs if he gave me a ticket. I had to tell the officer i wasn't comfortable with
the conversation we were having and asked him to just write me the ticket. He let me go, but I
have nothing nice to say about the intelligence level or capabilities of our local RPD. They chased
a guy threw town once, shot at him 13 times and missed. It was right in the middle of town
during the day. They were lucky no innocent bystanders were hit.
I'm worried we won't find out the truth anytime soon if ever. There is immense pressure on
Bosenko and the department.. but only thing keeping my hopes up is the fact they haven't
released all they know yet.. The only reason the district attorney gets so many convictions is
because he throws defense arguments out whenever possible. Honestly, Redding is the perfect
place to get away with murder.. or kidnapping...
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 2 points 5 months ago*

The local officer on the beat would not be investigating an alleged kidnapping; surely RPD
has a detective unit? Also, at this point, the FBI has probably been called in, if not sooner,
and those men and women are certain to offer more expertise than the locals. It would be
nice if this could be wrapped up soon as to whether it is a hoax/stunt/actual kidnapping, but
my thing is, the longer it takes, the better the investigation.
If the RPD and/or the FBI had something truly glaring in the way of evidence they could hang
their case on as to hoax/stunt, then my guess is they would not hesitate to arrest anyone
they felt was involved. They simply may not have that smoking gun at this point, one that
would stand up for an indictment. So it's the little things that hopefully will chip away at what
appears to be a "fishy" story. I'd love for this to be finalized and everything out in the open,
but heck this isn't a 90 minute Lifetime movie (well, not yet, if the P's had their way, LOL...),
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so we're just going to have to hang tight and see what happens, if anything!
(ETA - since SP didn't cross state lines, has the FBI actually been called in? I might have
missed that info. But it's not unheard of for locals who feel they need to be extra careful in
their investigation to ask the feds for help. However, in the JonBenet case the FBI came in
and then withdrew when she was discovered dead in the house.)
ETA: formatting
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[-] LexiLansing 1 point 5 months ago

The FBI gets involved with child kidnapping victims even when there's no evidence of
interstate travel (thanks to the notoriety of the Lindbergh Baby case), that's why they
were initially involved with JBR, but withdrew when it became clear it was a murder, not
an abduction.
With adults, they can offer assistance but don't necessarily get involved unless there's
clearly interstate travel.
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[-] bigfirmlawmom 5 points 5 months ago

Not a local but my guess is that elected officials (sheriff & mayor) will do what their electorate
wants. If the electorate is split, they'll do what the half with more money wants.
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---- - - ' s 5 points 5 months ago

Well that's not very reassuring. Hopefully the pressure of immense interest from all over the
country will light a fire under Bosenkos butt.
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[-] tearsofadream 19 points 5 months ago

I think this is a Scam ! Has anyone said what her hygiene was like after being found? After 3
weeks,did she have a bit of hair on her legs? Was she clean down there?Was her hair dyed to
the roots like she keeps it? Was her ears filled with wax? Stupid questions,but worth thinking
about that could cast doubt on her story.Plus,KP seems to try to keep from smiling while he's
on these interviews too,even though he's so disturbed by this chain of events.
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[-] peppermint-pie 7 points 5 months ago

It's funny because as a former platinum blonde, 3 weeks was exactly how long I went
between root touchups. If she touched up not long before she was kidnapped, that's perfect
timing for her to get it done again.
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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

Exactly! I would think she would have a whole host of personal appointments to prepare
for such a long time out of the spotlight! Nails, hair color, waxing etc-things that she
can't trust KP to take care of in her absence (e.g. sending in her absentee ballot, paying
her car registration, etc). Speaking of her car, have we even heard about her car? Was it
just parked in the garage?
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[-] tearsofadream 3 points 5 months ago

Peppermint Pie,Platinum Blonde,that sounds so cute together ! Well,at least I'm not the
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only one with this kind of thought,weird but true !

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[-] [deleted] 6 points 5 months ago

the POS KP hasnt said anything of the sort, neither has LE. Probably because everyone
knows this is a scam and there is nothing to report.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] JimJoeJangle29 5 points 5 months ago

It would be cool if someone could update this wikipedia page with things we know that give
reason to doubt the story.
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[-] RudineHoward 11 points 5 months ago

I think her name will be added to the "2016 Hoaxes" category soon
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 12 points 5 months ago

At what point or what piece of evidence can they turn this into a criminal investigation of SP and
The longer they spend together the more they can get their story straight, not to mention all
the family meetings and any evidence being destroyed or cleaning SP's hideout.
Was it confirmed that LE has all the cell phone records? Or do they need a subpoena? All I've
found is articles stating 20 subpoena's served for surveillance video, which turned-up nothing.
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[-] WangEnlargement 6 points 5 months ago

It wouldn't surprise me if they're already quietly investigating SP and KP. Publicly

acknowledging that right now wouldn't be to their advantaged since SP and KP would
probably lawyer up immediately and stop talking. I doubt they'd go public with a hoax
accusation until they have undeniable evidence, especially after the recent Denise Huskins
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[-] [deleted] 9 points 5 months ago

I want to know Have their emails been combed through. Which leads me to wonder (I
have not looked yet); how big and modernized is the Sheriff Dept. Do they have specialist
there, such as computer forensics? I used to work as a private investigator and we had a
computer forensic guy. I wont say where I worked, but many of the small(ish/er) town LE
w/in even a couple of hours of us, did not have the resources to do any kind of computer
forensics, so they would hire us - or other private investigation firms to do it for them.
I would bet there would be much telling evidence in an email or two or....
Since I believe this is a hoax, there has to have been some communication in order to
coordinate this. I havent heard anything on the analysis of phone records or computer
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[-] chrissycakes8726 12 points 5 months ago

How ironic that this kidnapping story plays out quite similar to the racist story that was
supposedly posted online 10 years ago by someone who had a grudge against her in high
school!!! The racist story post sounded like a poorly written amateur fan fiction type story, just
like all the details of this alleged kidnapping do...hmmm...makes ya think...
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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

Definitely makes it sound fishy and Keith's first "flowery" statement only added to that as it
sounded so similar to the writing style of skinhead blog post.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] reginafalangy111 11 points 5 months ago*

I just watched the interview again with an open heart. Yeah no. He is loving the attention
and putting himself in the spotlight regardless how i feel about this case. He's a theater expert
from Best Buy who called a film maker, dramatic negotiator to help with the case. I tried viewing
this from every view point and still feel something not right.
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[deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

He probably called him to help with the hoax, not solve the case and find her ;)
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[-] tchief14 73 points 5 months ago

All of the SIMPLE questions that the family, or anyone speaking on their behalf, could (and
should) answer but have not:
1) Keith, can you understand why it may seem odd to most people that you decided to use the
find my iPhone app after 1 unreturned text without calling it, leaving a message on it, etc?
2) Keith, if my 34 year-old adult daughter vanished without a trace and we had no idea where
she was or what happened to her, I would scour phones, SIM cards and cameras everywhere to
be able to post the most current/accurate/realistic photos for the public as humanly possible.
Can you understand why the public might question the effectiveness of most, if not all, of the
photos that were released and distributed by the family? Can you see why some may say that
you seemed more concerned about the public's image of your wife than the public actually
finding her?
3) During your 20/20 interview you said it made more sense that your wife wouldn't feel
threatened if approached by 2 women while jogging as opposed to 2 men. So, doesn't that
mean that Sherri would have at least seen her captors' faces, even if but for a very brief time? If
not, would you not say that the likelihood of her engaging with even females, who's faces were
covered with masks or scarfs would be just as remote?
4) Keith, I'm assuming that this is a new situation for you. What was it (or acting on who's
advice) that made you decide to let Cameron Gamble circumvent law enforcement's efforts
altogether before releasing the 1st video and subsequent follow-up? Did you ever consider that
it could possibly put her in more danger, if in fact, she were alive after 3 weeks (even though
you had not heard from her abductors)?
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5) Keith, we understand your hesitancy to give many details about your wife's physical
condition. However, in your national interview you did provide some very graphic and serious
injuries that she sustained during her weeks long captivity. Can you tell us if she left the hospital
after having only been there a very short period of time against the advice of the ER physicians
who were treating her there? If so, why? And if that advice was not given, can't you see why the
public is having a hard time wrapping their brains around these injuries and the medical care that
was/wasn't received for them?
5) Redding isn't a large town, but 70,000 people isn't exactly a bedroom community. It's very
plausible that you or Sherri did not know Mr. Gamble prior to this event (although he was a FB
friend of your mother's common-law husband). Bethel Church is also a large congregation,
which we understand that you and or your family may be familiar with and is where Project
Taken was organized and still being funded. Why did it take 3 weeks before the video release
and what date did he first reach out to you? According to public domain info, the video url was
secured only 5 days after Sherri went missing. Were you aware that Mr.Gamble was working on
your wife's behalf?
6) During the time that Sherri was missing, several people came forward acting as
spokespersons for the family and made those claims as such. Sheriff Bosenko, you personally,
Rod Rodriguez, your sister-in-law and Mr. Gamble. Did you give each of them permission to
speak on your behalf, and, if not, we're any attempts made to consolidate the efforts to make
sure no personal agenda superceded finding your wife?
I literally could go on forever.... BUT, none of these questions would be considered "victim
blaming" or racist, or accusatory or internet sleuthing. Furthermore, none of these questions
would have ANY impact or compromise LE's investigation. What they would do is give at least
some clarity to the people of the Redding Community, even those who already believe her or the
ones desperately looking for a reason to believe her.
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2 points 4 months ago

Unfortunately while your questions may be reasonable do you really think Keith would plow
through the rest of the hatred at the top of the page to get to them?
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r 1 - --..-"..- 1 point 4 months ago*

I'll take a stab at answering these based on what LE/KP/CG has said publicly. I would classify
myself as agnostic regarding this case, giving the benefit of doubt that SP was actually
kidnapped, tortured, and released for unknown reasons.
1) Perhaps SP was ALWAYS home with the kids when he returned from work - and if she
wasn't, she was VERY good about notifying him via text that she was out, Perhaps the
reason they had the "Find-Me" app was that they used it to check up on each other, and
that it wasn't uncommon at all in their household to use it as a way to 'stay in touch' with
each other. For example - if the Find my app showed that SP was in the Grocery store
instead of home, KP knew that calling her probably wasn't an ideal time to interrupt her, or
WAS a good time to ask her to pick up some bread, Just as if he saw that she was at the
mailbox, but not moving, might be a good indication that something was wrong... The point
is, it could have been normal behavior in their home to use the FindMyPhone as a point of
2) Perhaps these are the best pictures he could find - in identifying people, we focus on

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'signature' items - unusual eyes, deformities, extra long hair, small teeth with large gums,
how fat/skinny they are, etc... we 'know' people by their outstanding features, This is why
when we see people that have changed hairstlyes, lost/gained weight, etc... it stands out to
us. Perhaps these pictures highlighted the most significant features of SP, more so than
other pictures. In other words, it has less to do with the age of the pictures (I am pretty
sure that one was released from a few days before she went missing taken around
Halloween...) and more to do with her significant features.
3) This is a very good question and one that will need to revisited, I think, by LE. After a few
interviews with LE, the Sheriff mentioned that there were indicators of psychological trauma
and memory can suffer with the kind of torture she suffered. It's entirely plausible that SP
really has no recall memory of the people who abducted her based upon the trauma
encountered. Her 'real' world for 3 weeks was completely different than her 'previous' life.
According to her husband, she attempted to hold on to that previous life by using symbolic
representatives (cradling a rag as a symbol of her daughter...). How well she held onto that
previous life still remains to be seen at this point. Read Elizabeth Smart's account if you
doubt this.
4) Have no idea on this one, except to say that the hospital she was taken is a relatively
small hospital with minimal resources to deal with what was expected to be a media scrum.
Removing her from that environment - or even just saying that she was removed from that
environment - to an undisclosed location avoided that media scrum. I think this was a smart
move on the part of both LE/the Hospital/ and KP. It didn't mean that she wasn't receiving
care, just not at that hospital.
5) CG stated that he reluctantly became involved. This one, I think, should be more geared
towards CG, than to KP, to get a good answer.
6) I'm not sure what answers would be relevant to the case. I assume that he would say, No
or Yes - either answer would lead to a dead end.
I agree that none of your questions are "victim blaming", but neither do you have a right to
get answers to legitimate questions. You may WANT answers - as do Ito some of these and
more - but I doubt we are going to get those answers. Nor do we have a right to them.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of actionable intelligence to pursue regarding the alleged
perpetrators - whether that be the Papinis or some rogue Hispanic kidnappers with a
penchant for torturing - but releasing - young moms in suburban northern California. If this
eventually gets solved, it will be the detritus and the mundane - the chains and hose clamps
and rags and paper and email traffic and cell phone pings and garbage and speeding tickets -
that eventually trips up and catches the people who did this.
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[-] HighDuece 5 points 4 months ago

At first I thought it was strange he used "Find iPhone" app to locate her phone...then it
hit me! What if he secretly checking up on her when he found she wasn't at home or
didn't get the kids? If he thought she was having a secret affair, or had been, he could
locate her location and boyfriend. Just saying he could've logged her phone into his app
without her knowing and been secretly tracking her all along.
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[-] EvaM_313 2 points 4 months ago

Some day Keith will be telling the real story and revealing all the abuse he endured from

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Sherri the psychopath.

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[-] visualoo 2 points 4 months ago

Oh my gosh..number 3!!!! I watched the same interview and I let that slide right over my
head. There it is there's the lie the nail in the coffin. Good post
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[-] Molls33 3 points 4 months ago

I couldn't have said it better myself! You touched on all the points that I feel are valid.
One other thing that has me scratching my head was KP said "they dumped her on the side
of the road. The police said she told them one person let her go by, throwing or pushing her
out of the car. Which is it ? One or two of them dumping her? How can a person driving
throw you from the car?
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[-] veritas2967 3 points 5 months ago

Great Questions many of us in Redding have , can you post this on KRCR Facebook ?!
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[-] [deleted] 9 points 5 months ago

Great points. Unfortunately, they wont and cant answer because this is an obvious hoax and
those legit questions cannot be answered.
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago

This should be stickied!

CG, I believe, said he contacted KP in the 20/20 interview
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1-1 trhicif 1IL 3 points 5 months ago

Yes, I believe his answer was, "No, I didn't have a problem with it," when asked if he
supported CG's video and ransom/bounty plea. That struck me as odd. In fact, since
everyone is referring to the similar scene in "Ransom," Rene Russo punches Mel Gibson,
law enforcement tried to restrain him and the entire support group turned on him
because of the high risk (keep in mind that they had actually received the usual ransom
demand for their son that most kidnappers give before holding their hostage tied up with
a bag over their head for 3 weeks)
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[-] SkylarBlueS 9 points 5 months ago

Why would they show the Papini's house in Keith's interview??

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2 points 5 months ago

How could SP ever feel safe in that house with those two crazy women on the loose and
their address basically being known to everyone now...?
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[-] rfBBBB 12 points 5 months ago

I am no expert but I've lived life long enough to know that the husband is FOR SURE lying in the
interview for 20/20.

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I agree with many of you here about the Taken project guy being responsible. So all three
should be charged.
I'm dying to have an update on this case!!
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[-] Zxfernd 6 points 5 months ago

I agree, seeing that interview, my perception was that this guy is lying and is doing it so
badly. He bears a resemblance to Keanu Reeves and I was thinking this guy is a worse actor
than even Keanu at his worst.
The forced emotions and attempt at tears was so contrived and unconvincing. Besides why
would anyone come up with such (fake) tears when recalling events that ended happily.
Just waiting for the day all these guys are exposed and charged by LE and that includes the
Cameron Gamble guy. From the information we have, I would surmise that he is the
mastermind of this entire saga. He probably thinks he is too smart with his knowledge of
technology that he has planned and executed this perfectly and left no clues.
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[-] rfBBBB 8 points 5 months ago

Agree! IMO you can tell the interviewer isn't buying it either. Anyone with a brain
wouldn't, no offense to anyone believing this.
For now, I just complained to GOfundme. You can go under their page and click report
campaign if you feel inclined. People deserve their money back.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

Maybe one donor can file a class action civil suit...

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[-] Bitter_Britches 13 points 5 months ago

Me t000000. I need to stop obsessing and get back to real life. I hope something new comes
out soon
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[-] Tori68 7 points 5 months ago

LOL, I can s00000 relate to this post:)

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[-] Hippopotapie 3 points 5 months ago

I thought he looks more like Freddy prince jr. An even worse actor than keaneu
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[-] Tori68 2 points 5 months ago

Holy heck, he does look like Freddy Prince Jr.!!!

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[-] Bitter_Britches 17 points 5 months ago

Where are all the locals? I'm dying to hear the gossip around town.
I'll be honest, that hateful skin head blog post really colored my opinion of these people early
on. Along with all the super mom talk. They don't sound like particularly likable people, I'm
surprised more co-workers, neighbors and classmates haven't said much.
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[-] notcrazyjustagemini 6 points 4 months ago

Local here. Lots of high school friends in my feed posting things like "GO AHEAD AND
keyboard warriors selling It Works! wraps and posting Killary memes. No judgement...just
facts. Redding is a very conservative, non-tolerant place full of people who think they are
living the idyllic life.
edit: by friends meaning Facebook friends...obviously
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

They're probably the people that kept praying in the group and saying god stuff and
same with on the father in law who isn't even Keith's dads fb where gun supporters and
religious people post A bunch
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[-] anxshush 8 points 5 months ago*

I would also like to hear more from locals. Especially since there was a local resident that
reported seeing someone fitting her description at a health clinic. (just miles from her home
and near Best Buy the day she disappeared) Maybe there has been clarification on that since,
if so, I've missed it.
Another report that stuck with me was the RV "encampment" a searcher came across near
where Sherri disappeared. It was deemed a possible meth lab and there was a blonde headed
doll hanging in a tree. It's a stretch, I know, but just curious what became of these reports.
edit: In the links below from the sheriff's dept, I redacted Papini's address and all phone
numbers but it's all available to the public.
Report on encampment
Report on health clinic and suspicious phone calls
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[-] SkylarBlue5 12 points 5 months ago

Someone from Redding wrote this (not sure if true)

"I live in Redding, CA. A lot of people are thanking God calling it a miracle and then
there's equally the same amount of people calling bullshit on it. From people talking
around town I've heard she has ran away before, that her ex-boyfriend was released
from prison 3 days prior to her disappearance, and the anonymous person who offered
the reward for her safe return was her ex-boyfriend to help get her back home. This is all
hearsay so take it as you like, but showing up on Thanksgiving is the biggest red flag of
suspicion of the entire case to me"
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[-] Time28 6 points 5 months ago

I saved a thread of that being said about an ex boyfriend getting out of prison 3
days earlier. I'm new here and don't think I can post a pic. And I did not save the
link. But I am from Redding and I just happened on a thread on FB the night after
20/20 aired. The thread is now deleted. And the thread went til 2:30 in the Am. One
person stated that their cousin works for the Sherriffs Dept. And we will all soon
know the truth. And that the brand was not a brand it was a message. It said MILF.
Also the person that stated their cousin was a Sherriff stated that dec 24 their would

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be a surprise ....I wasn't sure how to interpret it. Like either " if you believe this than
you must believe in santa" or something will be revealed. Then the post was edited to
dec 25. Then it was removed. Like the Sherriff cousin messaged and said take that
down. Then the whole thread was gone the next morning. But it was all locals that
truly believe it's a hoax. And at this point even if it wasn't , it is so upsetting that
they would risk jeapordizing the case so that the rest of us would have to worry for
our safety. I mean HOW SELFISH. we all cried for her. Pulled for her. Donated to her
and its like a slap in the face that if 2 predators are out there that they don't care
enough to do what's right to help capture them? And as for Bethel church. ??? OMG
It a cult an it's taking over our town. Most people from that congregation seem to
have multiple personalities. Seem nice at first and then they turn ruthless and mean.
I have been saving clips and details throughout his case. I have felt guilty at times for
questioning it since the beginning. But I am an intelligent person that clearly sees
regardless of the truth these people have Sherri back but could care less if these
supposedly Latino women are taken off the streets. I'm thinking because they don't
exist. And how can she say that the SUV s they showed her are NOT the one that
she was in ? How can she be sure if she didn't see much. I'm sickened by their lack of
empathy for the rest of us. It's like ... she's home and we could care less if it
happens to anyone else. BECAUSE ITS NOT TRUE
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

@Time28 people want to hear more, can you post a new sub-thread (Still in this
thread) so your message doesn't get buried?
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4 points 5 months ago

Message me, we can get the pic posted

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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

Oh my god, that has to be it

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[-] Sbplaint 8 points 5 months ago

There's the ex-boyfriend from prison' 1111 I knew it! Do you have any info on whether
he would have been someone who was in prison back when she posted on the
skinheadz site? Or perhaps the most obvious question, it is a white guy, right? If SP
really left KP and their two young children to go be with a violent skinhead felon/ex-
con, it sure would explain KP's negotiating tenacity and tears...not a very likely
scenario though, in my opinion. Thanks for sharing though...the more locals that
chime in, the closer we're getting to solving this!
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

And his calling the person a low life and not seeming like he wants to admit it
could be someone specific but her parents had a an attitude as if this has
happened before and weren't rushed or worried seeming but mad at her
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[-] SkylarBlue5 1 point 5 months ago

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I have no idea, but thats pretty much all she said about her ex
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 5 months ago

I saw that too! If anything, maybe this is whole fiasco really is a...(pause for Project
Taken-level dramatic effect)..."test case" for local law enforcement to get with the
program and stop publishing their residents' personally-identifiable information on the
(taxpayer dollar funded!) county website.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

pause for Project Taken-level dramatic effect

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[-] moondance472 22 points 5 months ago

I was not sure what to think about skin head blog post as it was many years ago. But her
pinterest was interesting. Then she scrubbed and changed the name of her pinterest
account shortly after being "returned" to Tcash and then her husband changed his account
to KP Tcash. I am pretty sure my pinterest account would not have been on my mind if I had
just been held captive for 3 weeks and beaten to the point that she was.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

It might be if on top of your abduction a bunch of cyber bullies were stalking you.
Yes EXhusband has come out in her defense and says someone who hated her in high
school wrote the blog post under her name as a prank and that she's not a racist.
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[-] MimiCantstandurbitz 9 points 5 months ago

Kpt Cash equals Kept Cash he's communicating

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[-] reinholdweege 16 points 5 months ago*

Just a few things I haven't seen here, but may have already been mentioned.
It's been mentioned Keith wasn't making eye contact with the interviewer. The one time he does
seem to make eye contact was when he was talking about something that was factually true,
which was receiving the call from the police/Sherri. It makes sense because that call is obviously
something that happened, he didn't have to rehearse this part, or at least not all of it.
The peculiar circumstance of two women abducting Sherri is a convenient way to explain why
there would be no sexual assault, which would be tested by doctors once she was found. So
there goes that motive.
Apparently we're supposed to believe that these two women covered their faces for the three
entire weeks any time SP didn't have a bag over her head. That sounds like pretty odd behavior
from two ruthless individuals in such a position of power. It also means they always intended to
release her. So what was the point?
Keith's stories about his son are really strange. He's trying to paint a picture, using too many
descriptive words. I don't know why he would be crying, telling these stories for any other
reason. It's over, your wife has been found, and you're moving on. I don't know why someone
would react this way on camera, at least this soon, if they were telling the truth.

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Just my two cents.

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[-] BlondeGir1530 2 points 4 months ago

And don't forget, they were covering their faces while driving, and when they called her over
for assistance and grabbed her in broad daylight. Sorry, no one is going to walk over to a
vehicle when the people inside look like bandits! If what she claims is true, they would have
been bare faced when calling her over for assistance at the time of abduction. Why can't she
describe them based off that initial interaction? Because it's a scam!
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

Sometimes guilt can do some crazy things to you.... Holding all that guilt in. Knowing that
your wife is purposely being 'beat up' (if that is even true) all for the sake of money and
Guilt. It can destroy you and make you snap and even cry
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[-] shep2105 7 points 5 months ago

I don't know if this has been discussed before but I find it interesting that Keith has an
associates degree from Shasta College in Justice Admin. but yet, does not work in law/law
enforcement. An associates degree is enough to get you the education you need to become a
cop, anything beyond that would require more schooling. Is Keith a wannabe cop?
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 5 months ago

I believe that he would require the POST academy to go into active police work, I went for
same AA degree at Shasta College..
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[-] [deleted] 7 points 5 months ago

Many departments make you have a 4 year degree. Some only require HS or GED.
Dallas PD = 4 year degree Wash D.C. = H.S. diploma
Maybe he tried and because he has a suck ass personality that personifies p*ssy beta
male....he couldnt get hired.
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 5 months ago

My bet is that he failed the psych assessment.

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[-] moodswingproductions 9 points 5 months ago

Someone proposed this theory at Web Sleuths- Maybe SP was kneeling and tying her shoe
when the SUV first pulled up. Maybe she had already placed her phone down while tying her
laces and the SUV saw the perfect chance to grab a vulnerable, pretty petite jogger?
What a joke, so if this happened the abductors had their masks handy. What about the
signature bleach blonde hair tangled in the phone? If this happened why would the abductors
leave the phone just laying there? The absurdity of the speculations being proposed at WS is
downright maddening.

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L -1 [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

That is dumb. There was no abduction.

And yup, the 'theories' at WS are literally people pulling idiot sh.t out of their asses because
they are not allowed to speculate beyond 'it was an abduction..period'.
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[-] whinecube 2 points 5 months ago

I would set my phone on top of the mail boxes, and not on the ground.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 5 points 5 months ago

haha I saw that theory too! They will think of anything absurd to explain the evidence when
the obvious explanation is too difficult for them to accept!
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[-] Hippopotapie 5 points 5 months ago

I'd put my phone in my pocket.

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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 5 months ago

Or my bra - I know gross, but if I don't have pockets that's where it goes. So yeah, I
don't lend anyone my phone! El
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[-] BlancheFromage 7 points 5 months ago

The baffling details of this case - including the husband's comments that were supposedly "too
revealing" and may have "compromised the investigators' case" - really stinks of clickbait.
Naturally, whoever read that would have to go look up the husband's comments. Etc. and on it
goes. Even if they themselves aren't profiting from directing traffic to a specific site, then you
KNOW that all this publicity is going to gain them a multi-hundreds-of-thousands exclusive from
People magazine (or whichever magazine wins the bidding war for that exclusive story) at the
very least, and maybe even a made-for-TV movie. There's a LOT of money that can be made off
something like this, even if it's something that really happened as stated.
Also, the details are being blown out of proportion - she was supposedly "emaciated", but she'd
lost less than 10% of her body weight. 15 lbs is no big deal, really, and wouldn't result in
"emaciation". It's over the top; they're overplaying their hand.
And the way to make money off it is to milk the publicity for everything you can. We learned that
from the Trump campaign, didn't we?
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I 10 points 5 months ago

This might have been addressed already but could the "expert" ran some dude.... Gamble and
Sheri have been involved in an affair? And maybe husband wasn't a part of this at all.
My other theory is that by doing this....getting beaten up she gets all of these things out of it:
free nose job, go fund me money, and attention/fame.
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[-] [deleted] 5 points 5 months ago

I do not think an affair. I think a conspiracy for money and fame. They all 'win win' in this.

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The mentally ill 'supermom' gets her international attention she daily craves. They get $$
because they are financially strapped. CG gets his 'program' recognized and possibly new
clients and students out of it.
This is one of the sickest scams I have come across in god knows how long.
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[-] babyvoicewins 1 point 5 months ago

You are so correct. Sick.

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[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago

They are surely getting paid for interviews, future book deals, movie rights and possibly a
fake Gamble donation to them under the guise of a pseudo donator. Edited grammar
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Pudding Volcano 29 points 5 months ago*

There's about 90,000 people who live here in Redding, and we've all probably used the same
trails as Sherri has. Her abduction really has made the town feel unsafe, and Bosenko has
definitely not made any of us feel safer.
We are no stranger to crime here. It's actually on the rise. Rape and robberyhave increased by
30% in the last year. Unemployment is a little over 7%. We also have a very high population of
homeless people, many of whom are criminals and drug addicts, which has made many areas of
Redding unsafe, including our parks and grocery stores. We have an incredibly high number of
convicted sex offenders here in Shasta County too.
Also Redding makes the news from time to time and it's never good. A year or two ago, a guy
claimed he was shot in the stomach by some black guy. Turned out he accidentally shot himself.
Another terrible story that made the news was the Williams Brothers, They killed a gay couple
and burned down 3 Jewish Synagogues. I knew them for years. I've posted about them on
Reddit recently because of the recent rise in hate crimes.
Redding is also home for folks who support the 'State of Jefferson'. It's a grass roots
movement for Northern California to secede from Southern California and become it's own state.
It's incredibly stupid, but lots of folks here in shasta county are big supporters of it. We also
have lots of tea party folk and many Trump supporters. Its the conservative part of California. I
can tell you first hand, plenty folks here have a strong dislike for Mexicans. I remember when the
local catholic church started holding a Spanish speaking mass after regular mass, people here
thought it was pretty controversial if not flat-out upsetting.
We also are home to Bethel church. Bethel even owns our main civic auditorium. Bethel is the
place where all the crazy faith healers and tongue-speaking people from all over the world come,
so they can approach strangers randomly all over town and ask if they can pray for you. They
usually want to touch you too lol.
Also this is the town where Trump gave a speech at our airport and the whole crowd was white
except one black guy, who Trump even singled out.
Anyway just wanted to give a slight impression of Redding to people who haven't been here. I
guess I'm just saying, it makes sense the Sherri Papini case is happening here in Redding. This
town has plenty of demons.
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[-] AllyNC 1 point 4 months ago

A bunch of wanna be wall builder's basically. That is what this whole story is based upon,
racism and a way to cash in on it. It's some folk who will fed on this, like all those other "fake
news stories". I am just so glad and thankful that people will NOT blindly believe the blond
blue eyed white female, who obviously is a liar...and the truth isn't nowhere near her!
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[-] notcrazyjustagemini 1 point 4 months ago*

This is entirely accurate.

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[-] Hippopotapie 10 points 5 months ago

Don't forget the guy who fed his (ex) girlfriend her dog and delivered it's paws to her in a
paper bag....
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Holy SHIT.
Don't you guys have Bigfoot up there, too?
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 4 months ago

I think that's Oregon and Washington who claims Bigfoot lol

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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

We visited a Bigfoot research center in Northern California while on vacation. They

were very serious and we tried to excuse ourselves quickly. LOL They had a giant
Bigfoot statue that was great for photo ops though.
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 5 months ago

Excellent post...100% accurate.

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

Do you think any people in the town would be interested in talking about what's been
happening on camera?
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[-] Pudding Volcano 7 points 5 months ago

Perhaps. I probably woul be myslef.

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[-] peppermint-pie 5 points 5 months ago

This Websleuths post has some interesting information about the website created to offer a
ransom. Apparently, the domain was registered merely five days after SP went missing, which
was pretty early in the case - had anyone yet decided whether or not she was abducted then?
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

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Very interesting, why wait ten days? Seems like securing the domain would have one
motivated to get going on the idea, this idea needs to be kept in the minds of everyone.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 9 points 5 months ago

I'm surprised they're letting people comment about that over there. All the comments I have
read have been heavily censored. If Sherri and Keith are ever arrested, Websleuth is the first
place I am visiting...
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[-] Camero27 8 points 5 months ago

I have read all of the comments here and can't help but toss in my two cents theory about this
absolutely fascinating case...
One of the most confounding and suspicious elements is the involvement of self-proclaimed
abduction expert Cameron Gamble, whose own videos, published well before her disappearance,
could be helpful in providing set up and background on how to stage her "abduction." His
earnest and overblown approach makes him an easy target for getting sucked into her case and
providing legitimacy to her husband's claim she was abducted, (albeit weak), open to
manipulations from a family looking for their missing loved one. Although there was no contact
by any abductors, or other confirmation this was indeed a kidnapping, Gamble managed to
procure a 50K reward from an anonymous, out of town, "just visiting Redding for a few days"
source. This ransom was also offered outside the auspices of law enforcement, so it's not
possible to verify that there was ever, in fact a cash reward, or any anonymous donor at all. But
saying there was, Gamble got the cash together, which was taken off the table as a reward,
then doubled to 100K for any tip leading to her return, which lead to her being dumped on a
roadside 24 hours after the fact. Is all the ransom talk just a red herring to distract from what
really went on? Were the videos some kind of way to get messages to Sherri who could safely
call the number on the burner phone number provided to communicate with her husband? And
by the way, is there any official corroboration to confirm the broken nose, chopped hair and
copious bruising? Did the husband make it sound way worse than it is? I find it ludicrous that
there would be a cuddly family group hug so soon after a super scary looking mommy who had
been battered and starved for three weeks came home!!
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[deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

OR...IMO... He is involved...that way they both profit with money and fame. He is absolutely
NOT innocent in this...I truly believe this.
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[-] Camero27 2 points 5 months ago

He, as in Cameron Gamble? His dog in this hunt is so painfully obvious, considering his
business and those videos. I guess they felt that they would do such a believable job
staging this whole thing that he would emerge the hero (which he does seem to believe.)
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[-] Thinkles 10 points 5 months ago

Interesting to note that during the time she was missing a very similar theory was thrown
around on WebSleuths. It was believed that Sherri had voluntarily left (for a myriad of
potential reasons) and the reverse ransom was meant as a way to allow her to come back
while saving face. The reward (if there was one) was to show her how much she was cared
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about by her family.

All along the family seemed to know she was alive and at times it seemed as if their pleas
could have been made directly to her.
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[-] NectarCollecting 6 points 5 months ago

yeah i wonder about this too. Perhaps the entire family knows she is mentally ill, and they
used this tactic to lure her back home. They knew nobody was going to be able to
actually find her, she would have to come back on her own accord.
Maybe they werent expecting the GoFundMe, I havent paid close enough attention to
even see who opened it/who is managing it.
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[-] Camero27 9 points 5 months ago

It makes sense to me, dangling out the carrot of financial reward to entice her to return
with a little primer from Cameron Gamble on how to stage her abduction. When it got to
100K she was like "Sold!"
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] cbtraveling 9 points 5 months ago

it seems suspicious that the husband made it clear to focus on the term "Repeated Beatings" to
imply that she was beaten from day one. He also made sure to emphasise on different color
bruises and explain how this indicates a long time period. Is this to try to cover up for the fact
that she was spotted two days prior with not a scratch or a single bruise on her?
Also, I dont believe anyone would use the term "Signature Long Hair" unless someones hair is
almost down past her butt close to the back of her knees. Lots of women have hair that reaches
down their back... not considered "Signature" to me. Was he trying to make a contrasting point
to fit their narative?
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[-] McKinra 3 points 5 months ago

that part on 20/20 where he says he was worried if she was being fed or if she was hot or
cold, like he was speaking as though he knew she was being held captive.
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[-] Sam5377 13 points 5 months ago

The part about her being spotted 2 days prior has been debunked by the sheriff (please
please let that be the correct spelling), see my timeline below for the source.
"Signature blonde hair" definitely a thick/thin eyebrow raising comment, very odd. The are
working hard to portray themselves as 'supermom' and 'superman' and a 'perfect fairytale'
couple, 'prince' and 'princess'.
Punched in the face for 3 weeks, perhaps the most uninspiring way to torture
someone, and hardest on both of those ladies fists. Go punch someone 1 time today,
then see how your hand feels tomorrow.
Are they getting a one time payment from CG or perhaps some shares in the company.
Edited: formatting

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L -1 [deleted] 5 points 5 months ago

I do not believe a fragile tiny woman like her would physically survive the beating that KP
is pushing on everyone. She would be dead, IMO.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

That is a very interesting observation, if she had a chronic eating disorder, as her
appearance implies, as well as posters who claim to have known her, she would have
a weaker skeletal structure, repeated beatings to the face would be more likely to
cause facial fractures.
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[-] Sbplaint 12 points 5 months ago

"Thick/thin eyebrow raising comment" brilliant! Lol

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[-] BlondeGir1530 2 points 4 months ago

Do you know how many Hispanic women have those thin clown (I call them clown
brows) brows? That's most Hispanic women! One had thick (caterpillar I call them)
brows? Now that isn't as common, but still not a good lead! She gave nothing
remarkable about either woman. So many Hispanic women fit that profile! She
doesn't want to give in depth descriptions because they don't exist! Funny how
these 2 women drove around Redding unnoticed during the day covering their faces
and Sherri was stupid enough to walk up to their vehicle! That isn't possible! If they
approached her, they had bare faces, but we all know this is BS!
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[-] cbtraveling 9 points 5 months ago

yeah the sheriff says it was debunked but how do we know for sure? Lots of people in
the media have been wrong or illinformed in this case. my theory is that the girl spotted
2 days prior was SP and she was fine for the whole 3 weeks until the last day when she
beat herself up.
If it wasnt SP in the car, wouldnt the actual girl in the car speak out and say if not on the
news but atleast on social media that "it was crazy that someone thought I was the
missing girl in the news"?
plus... this is a rural area and not the big city, everyone in this area knows about the SP
case, hell this story is being reported throughout the country and internationlly now.
I dont want to pass judgement but the way this rural town sherrif speaks about the case
in the media... does anybody else feel like he is out of his league? the way he read "one
with thick eyebrows, one with thin" almost seemed like a line out of a dr seuss childress
the description of the alleged captors is literally a joke. wouldnt an experienced LE give a
disclosure first by saying "I know this is not much to go off of but..." prior to describing
the now a a Infamous "eyebrows"?
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[-] seaharechasr 1 point 4 months ago

Re the sighting with the 2 guys being "debunked", I can't find the link right now but

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at least one early article reported the sheriff as having said something along the lines
of "we asked Sherri about that sighting & she said it wasn't her".
If that reporting was accurate I don't think it can be considered debunked. (& I'll edit
in a link if I can find the quote)
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

I do not think SP beat herself up if the narrative of KP is accurate. I believe there was
a hired hand to do this. Sort of like women who like to get someone to come into
their home and rape them. Sick as hell, but it actually happens.
Yes, there is proof that people will harm themselves for cover up or attention.
However, the damage that KP suggests would have to be done by someone else,
IMO. An agreement. Planned.
With that said, I do not believe she was in that bad of shape that she could have not
done SOME damage herself.
I just think KP is flat out lying about the extent of her 'injuries'
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

Well, truthfully we know nothing, except for what we are told/read, I would assume
the Sheriff investigated the vehicle, based on the license plate, that Christine Everson
reported in her 911 call, when she thought she spotted papini.
There is always a chance the people driving the vehicle deceived the sheriff and also
that the sheriff suspects they lied and is still investigating. It seems most likely, that
Christine Everson, mistakenly ID'd a SP look a like since the missing posters were
older, heavily dressed up photo's of SP.
Ideally the photos should have been current, normal looking photos, which is one
reason people claim to feel 'weird' about this case.
* Compare the pics
Edited for grammar
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[-] katemess12 6 points 5 months ago

Shite, she looks rough in that last pic. A far cry from all of those old pics that
were released.
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

She disappeared already being emaciated, no where near the 105 Lbs some of
the posters claimed, which means she lost far less in captivity. Just another
idea that implies a narrative, rather than the truth.
They really harp on '15% loss' which looks so much more dramatic than the
3% to 7% that was probably lost.
If the abduction is legit, why push old pictures and pre-meditated false
narratives exaggerating weight loss?
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[-] RudineHoward 6 points 5 months ago

I still don't understand why her husband used old pics of her in a missing poster.

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How would someone identify her ? in recent pics she looks haggard and aged.
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[-] Thinkles 5 points 5 months ago

She would have received very little publicity with the recent photos. It's a sad
reality. Less attractive people don't garner as much attention or sympathy.
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[-] RudineHoward 2 points 5 months ago*

indeed :( Stacey Smart disapeared around the same time as Sherri and
didn't get any attention. The sad part is that people are wasting time and
money on Sherri and her hoax instead of finding someone who is a real
victim and was probably murdered.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 5 months ago

Maybe because she'd be free to roam a smaller area because nobody would
know it was actually her? Especially if her hair was now shoulder length.
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 5 months ago

Agreed, if you were told to look for those pictures, then saw current SP,
would you call authorities or keep searching. Hoaxes are so damaging to the
goodwill of humanity and community trust, anyone involved is morally
obligated to set the record straight, and stop the syphoning of goodwill for
selfish reasons.
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[-] weloveheidi 68 points 5 months ago*

In the abcnews story, all his statements reference himself (start with "I"), and several are
unexpected and/or imply story-telling:
"I was just worried about her health," he said. "Are they feeding her? Is she hot? Is she
cold? Just little horrible things that I would go through."
He's talking about her like a pet, and about his distress... In his situation, most people
worry about how she is feeling (not temperature-wise)
Every family I've seen in this situation desperately sends messages to the victim, telling
them not to worry, that they're coming for them. Or pleading with the abductors to let the
person go.
Where is his anger at the people who abused his wife?
Most people are terrified that they are hurting her, or that she might no longer be alive.
How is this a sentence about "horrible things that * I * would go through" ?
"would go through" is present-conditional tense, not past-tense. This implies story-telling,
rather than actual recall of experience. (vs. "went through." i.e., "I would be sad" vs. "I
was sad.")
"There was a moment where we were heading back after we did a few mile search and we look
up and we start to see birds circling," Keith said. "And I went to my knees and I thought,
Am I really hiking out here to look for my wife and I don't want to find her right now, but I do
want to find her' ... that was a tough one for me that day."
He's still talking about himself...

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Where is his concern for her well-being, and getting care to her for injuries?
What reasonable person is pontificating existentially about what he is doing, in this
Most people are panicked, possibly in despair, and just focused on finding her.
Per statement analysis, focusing on body position ("I went to my knees") indicates story-
telling, rather than direct experiential memory.
"I don't think I ever lost hope, but it was eating away at me big time," Keith said. "Did I do
everything I could? Yes or no? I just wanted to make sure I checked 'yeah' on every single
He's talking about himself, again...
How is his focus on how this was eating away at HIM.
How is his focus on whether HE did everything HE could?
Most people are focused on her well-being, finding her, worrying about HER EXPERIENCE
(how she must be scared, etc).
He is speaking in present tense, "I don't think" - he either did or didn't. Speaking this way
implies story-telling, making it up as you go along (per statement analysis).

"I sat him down, and I was on my knees and he was standing up," Keith said. "And I said,'
You know what, buddy? I found mom,' and he got the biggest grin."
Um, does anyone else think it's unusual that he says HE found her?!
This statement is really unexpected - the first thing he does is take credit for her being
found, rather than "She's ALIVE!" or "She's coming home!" or "They found her!"
Again, over-emphasis on body-positioning, implies story-telling.
"It made me sick that there [are] people out there that could do something like this."
"It was amazing to see her but it was hard to see her in the condition that she was in," she
said. "But it was just amazing to see her alive and talking and saying our names. It was the
best present that I could have ever received from anyone."
How could he even be thinking about the existential question of people out there...
If people have any thoughts about them, most are FURIOUS.
Where is the RELIEF at her being there, the utter DISBELIEF that she was alive?
How is he talking about HIMSELF and HIS EXPERIENCE ("to see her alive")
He's talking about himself... "the best present that I could have ever received."
"people...COULD do something like this." is hypothetical, vs. "that people did this."

"She screams so much. She said she was coughing up blood from the screaming, trying to
get somebody to stop,"
Mixing of tenses. ("screams so much" is present-tense, implying this is not a report of
experiential memory, but story-telling).
"Clearly, I want justice but right now I'm just happy that my wife is back. I don't have to
raise my kids without her."
What... he doesn't have to raise his kids without her, is what he said.
Most people worry about the kids' experience, not what HE doesn't "have to" do. ("I don't
have to raise my kids without her." vs. "my kids don't have to be raised without their

"It's not just a long road. It's something we're never going to forget."

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This seems like an odd statement... And not how someone characterizes such a trauma -
it sounds like a memory of a trip.
So, in summary, the ABCNews write-up of the 20/20 interview implies his statements are
deception, and he is unexpectedly more concerned with his own experience vs. that of his wife
and children.

edited for formatting, correcting verb-conjugation, & condensing text

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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

I don't even believe she could scream so much that she would cough blood and she would
have maybe bled out and died if that happened within days so it seems fake also
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[-] mrssailorwife 2 points 4 months ago

I especially loved this comment you made analyzing Keith's verbiage because I noticed it right
away during the interview and kept catching it, not believing what I was hearing! I watch true
crime shows regularly on YouTube (at least 5-6 per day) and research the ones that pique
my interest. That's how I found myself here (researching another kidnapping case). I've
watched documentaries on lying...body language, eye movement, word phrasing, etc. and
that's the ONLY reason I caught on. The majority of people following this story probably
believe the abduction happened, but I'm thrilled to see I'm not the only one thinking it was
staged. I hope you don't mind if I print out your comment to share with friends. You
explained Keith's deception so eloquently and I'm not sure ELI5 could have made it more
clear. Thank you!
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1"i sumIn.=lima ie.' i 2 points 4 months ago

I'm so glad you found it validating. Yes, of course, please feel free to print it out. The
more people who can more clearly see the inconsistencies and deception, the better.

Thanks for the compliments - definitely encourages me to stop lurking quite so much. ;)
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[-] mrssailorwife 4 points 4 months ago

You're welcome! I usually only lurk in subs like this, but I couldn't help myself
yesterday...the whole thing SCREAMS deception, and too many people are falling for
Sherri's abduction tale. It's sickening!
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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 1 point 4 months ago

The ransom note from the anonymous donor shows multiple signs of deception as well
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[-] NanaDi64 1 point 4 months ago

This guy's a true Narcissistic, Sanctimonious, Self-serving Ass Hat. One minute he's being a
media whore the next he's begging for Privacy! The ppl who donated their money want the

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TRUTH along with the rest of us.

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[-] minebluel0 4 points 4 months ago

What you write is interesting. I listened to the 20/20 interview by podcast. I couldn't break it
down like you do. But I also had the sense that the way he described the situation it
sounded like a fictional story. The things that caught my attention: The early description and
emphasis of them as a perfectly ideal husband and wife was just weird. Maybe I can just
blame the 20/20 reporter for that.
Even though they explained that the mailbox is far from the house, it seemed oddly
convenient that the cell phone was at such a non-random spot. And that her hair was
intertwined in the headphones seemed too perfectly placed.
I was also struck by the way the husband told his story. I listen to a lot of podcasts were
people tell their real life stories. Many of these real life stories are well crafted and thought
out, but they still sound genuine. His sounded crafted and thought out, but it didn't sound
genuine. Maybe it's because I picked up on the things you explain. I couldn't pick a story
apart as well that, though. For me, I just got a gut feeling throughout that 20/20 episode
that there was a lot more to the story than what he was saying.
There were a few other things that struck me as odd. His descriptions of his interactions
with his son were drawn out and seemed weird to me. As well as his descriptions of offering
a reward. And maybe it just struck me as strange that he describes himself, his wife and his
child in such extremely ideal and heroic terms.
It also seemed weird to me that she was abducted by two hispanic women. They only spoke
Spanish, or something? I'd be curious to hear stories from women who escaped after being
caught by a Mexican drug/sex slavery cartel. Any of them kidnapped by women? How about
the person who thought she saw her at, I think, a gas station after it was announced she
was missing?
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[-] sanguineorange 2 points 4 months ago

Yes!!! I haven't seen many people mention it but with a bit of googling you immediately
find the witness account of a woman who saw her at a rest stop and tried to speak to
her! She says she saw her with two men, here it is:
papini-before-she-was-found-w452728 Wouldn't be surprised if that was Sherri.
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[-] weloveheidi 1 point 4 months ago

Yeah, they are more concerned with projecting a particular image, rather than helping to
catch the criminals who are still at large and a present danger until caught. Their lack of
concern for her safety throughout the ordeal, and anyone else's safety now, imply she
was never in danger and he/they knew it.

Your senses are right, something isn't quite consistent with his story-telling. Where
people start to speak indicates priority - and his priority is persuasion that they are a
perfect family. Not on fury with the captors - there is no demand for justice - & not on
the urgency to capture them. It is also not on her safe return, and the relief thereof.

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Someone else noted that they could be angling for a reality tv show - that's outside my

Regarding his drawn-out descriptions and general over-inclusion of details: they indicate
deception, as they go beyond the realm of the question (per statement analysis). Trust
your gut.
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[-] grievingl3 4 points 4 months ago

WOW ! I've been very intrigued by this story, for some reason --- & have read much about
it, thus far. I don't usually have time to follow such a story, but somehow I've made time, to
keep current w/ this one. Your post is incredible. it is far & away the most intelligent,
comprehensive & "wow that makes sense" piece that I have read about it, & as said - ive
read a lot. do you mind me asking -- do you have a psychologist or law - enforcement
background ? interrogation ? your observations of how KP states over & over about specific
body positions --- just really seem SO fabricated to me now, after reading what you think.
and of course I could be wrong, natch. but to me, something is gonna come out >> that
this is nowhere close to what we all think it is, right now. GREAT JOB / GREAT POST !!
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[-] weloveheidi 2 points 4 months ago

Aw, you're making me blush. Thanks for the compliments.

Good call - you're an astute observer yourself: I do have some training, and have read a
fair bit about statement analysis.
My friends and family would say I have practiced interrogation over several decades (lop.
Many who know me claim I have a tendency to "call people out on their bullsh**," and
"not let anyone get away with anything."To be fair, they say I do it "with love." Err... So, I
guess that's perhaps true... (I do not perceive myself this way, but I seem to be rather
alone in that belief.)
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[-] grievingl3 2 points 4 months ago

Myself & most I kno have always thought that those w/ ability to "call ppl out on BS",
are much more real than those that continuously will simply say what they think
others want to hear. For those of us who do call others out ( yes, I'm def in the club
) , when it's done as "right" as possible -- I've found that even the ones u calling out,
respect u in the end ( if they mature enuff ) I don't kno if you've had same exp.?
so , hav u read now, jus as of yest. , where Law E. is now saying KP is NOT
ruled out as suspect ?!
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[-] frumall 6 points 5 months ago

What an excellent post- thank you!
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[-] weloveheidi 3 points 4 months ago*

Aw, pshaw, you're welcome. I actually came here to find a post like this - I just wanted to
see someone take his statements apart, one by one, but I couldn't find it. So, I figured

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I'd just type it out and let everyone clearly see for themselves. I'm happy folks find it

edit to delete double word

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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 28 points 5 months ago

"I don't have to raise my kids without her."

Whew! Yeah, what a relief, eh? That would have been such a pesky thing to have to do,
since well, sure, she'd be dead and all, and I would have had to do, you know, everything.
Glad to have the or ball and chain back! Best Buy here I come!
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[-] absecon 2 points 4 months ago

Surprised there isn't more professional pics of this whole charade they "will never forget".
He talks about it like a trip to Niagara falls.
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[-] Jezebellah 2 points 4 months ago

Photoshopped pics of the two of them, at that. After all, we know how fond they are
of professional couples pics. Kids? Who needs pictures of those pesky kids? Why
waste photoshop money on THEM?
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[-] absecon 2 points 4 months ago

Highly airbrushed 90s style glamorshots for everyone!

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 16 points 5 months ago

That was a great analysis!! Having 3 teenagers that make mistakes and get in trouble, (sorry
I've posted this before) that listening to Keith is like listening to my kids explain what
happened when they were caught lying.
Clearly Keith is also the a Narcissus in the relationship and he is baffled by the whole
empathy thing. I love all his interviews and statements. I think his PI attorney friend probably
told him to keep quiet, because we haven't heard from KP since the 20/20 interview.
Also if he was well enough to do interviews on 20/20 why couldn't he show up yesterday to
the gathering for SP and at least say thank you to everyone?
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

I think he said that he and the family are hiding at an undisclosed location. So it makes
sense that he wouldn't show up to the gathering. Wow. That is the first thing that made
sense to me!
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 5 months ago

He probably had to work?

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 10 points 5 months ago

KP to Manager: "Can I have 2 hours off to attend the Celebration of my wife

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returning from being kidnapped and brutally tortured for 22 days? I want to thank
the community for helping search her and also donating $50,000?"
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[-] jamartinjr 13 points 4 months ago

Manager: "no. your wife was faking. we all know it."

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10 points 5 months ago

Omg, what?! He didn't show up for the gathering? How is that possible? (clearly I am out
of the loop)
Thank you for pointing that out!
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[-] prettiwylde 4 points 4 months ago

they have all run away- the whole family packed up and fucked off
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Sam5377 18 points 5 months ago

Gamble's idea for an American business idea is to turn kidnapping and ransom into a business
as it is in poorer countries, wtf is wrong with him. And he keeps claiming credit for her release,
which is creepy and delusional at best.
On what basis is he claiming credit? The abductors, kept her hydrated, meaning they did not
want her to die, also, they covered their faces, which certainly implies they knew they were
parting ways with her, in a way that she could identify them, so for 3 weeks, they went through
massive effort to hide their faces. So she was going to be released, regardless of Gamble's
sellout cash grab at the expense of all future victims in a country where kidnap and ransom are
not part of the economy.
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[-] Sam5377 9 points 5 months ago

Let me know what else to add to the timeline

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

Good work! The Record Searchlight also has a timeline that may help
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[-] Burgundies 9 points 5 months ago

Everyday I look to see if this husband and wife team has been charged yet and Nothing! KP
and SP are going to get away with this and get all of that money, too. Nauseating! This is
exactly why I hesitate in donating. Happy holidays to them...
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 8 points 5 months ago

Happy holidays is right. Everyone just donated to the Sherri Papini Christmas Fund. Which is
really the motive for her pulling this stunt. Its weird how so many locals knew in their gut

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that this was a scam.

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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

AND every single person who has come forward saying they personaly know her or of
her due to going to same school, etc.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 8 points 5 months ago*

Anyone remember the Denise Huskins kidnapping out of Vallejo? Vallejo is a bit over 2 hours
from Redding but both would be considered NorCal. The case got quite a bit of media attention
and was quickly ruled a hoax by LE "because she didn't act like a victim". Turns out she was
actually kidnapped and assaulted and the perp was eventually caught. I believe there was a
major lawsuit and tons of bad press so perhaps this could be why Bosenko is choosing his
words very carefully. Just throwing it out there!
Edit: Adding a link about the Denise Huskins case
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[-] Beanhead62 4 points 5 months ago

Here's an article that makes a similar point - LE being cautious because of Huskins case:
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 11 points 5 months ago

Hey, here's a thought. So, SP has this "signature" bleached blond hair. She's gone for three
weeks. Did anyone touch up her roots while she was gone? Did LE notice three weeks out-
growth of natural dark hair? I used to bleach my hair golden blond a long while ago. I HATED
seeing my dark roots come in (which is why I stopped bleaching my hair). Or, did she have
touched up roots? I guess she could say she didn't touch up her roots before she was
"captured," but then that would mean her roots would be even more noticeable, when "found."
Or...were her roots showing at all when "found." Arghhh. Okay, trivial, I know. . . I probably
should go look at some puppies and kittens vids now to clear my head. :D
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

I do not think this SO is competent enough to even think about something like that. JMO
And well, the others involved, are all involved in this, IMO.
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[-] peppermint-pie 3 points 5 months ago

Good point. After 3 weeks, she'd have a healthy bit of regrowth. But of course, if she
touched up right before being kidnapped, the 3 week mark would be right around when
she's due for another, so she's right on schedule as soon as she's released...
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 4 points 5 months ago

ETA - so now I hear that her head was "shaved." When did that occur? Last I heard her
"signature" bleached blond hair had been "chopped off" (even though the 911 caller
mentioned long blond hair, right?). Man, I can't keep up with the changing narrative!!
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Hippopotapie 7 points 5 months ago

Wait a minute, walllllllt a minute...

He said around 650 am she was up checking on their daughter, and then they met to do their
thing at the door and he left. Pm assuming here, but that tells me he left at 7... so he'd have to
start work at 730... he didn't respond to her until 139 about if he was coming home for lunch.
Now in California, you aren't supposed to work past 6 hours without a lunch. Generally speaking
most companies, will schedule your lunch between the 4-5 hour mark. So, assuming he was on
lunch when he responded, why was his lunch so late? Nov 2 wouldn't have been a busy day at
best buy. Not in this town at least. So.... his lunch should have been between 1130-1230...
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 5 months ago

Did he come home for lunch? I know someone was working with him that day, but did they
eat lunch together?
That opens up an hour in his day! Did they fight? Did he call family for back up? We're they
Enquiring minds want to know!
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

I think the whole "She texted, I had to delay responding" was staged and made up. THAT is
why it doesn't make sense. It was part of the "see...this is what happened" and so on...a
way of establishing 'evidence'....
These people are dumb.
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[-] muwtski 3 points 5 months ago

He is an installer, he doesn't work in-store. He goes around installing home theaters or

something in people's homes.
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[-] reginafalangy111 1 point 5 months ago

Ok but according to the Best Buy's website, their store hours on week days start at 10am.
I have to think about all this for a second.
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[-] vidrok 1 point 5 months ago

In retail there's plenty to do before the store opens, especially as a manager

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[-] reginafalangy111 0 points 5 months ago

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His LinkedIn says he's a theater specialist and is ISF certified at Best Buy
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[-] HoleyDonuts 3 points 5 months ago

What time did she text him about whether or not he'd be home for lunch? It was the
recounting of this particular exchange that first made me feel unsettled about this story. He
said something like he doesn't respond to personal texts while he's at work? I remember
thinking that was a passy-aggro thing to do, to make "his girl" wait so long for a reply, and
it made me think there might be marriage trouble.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

I truly believe that this whole 'texting' thing is a distraction and completely irrelevant to
what really happened - these assholes created a hoax. JMO
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

If he doesn't respond, she would know he doesn't respond, right? I source a time line
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

It doesn't add up
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago
Thoughts on her photobucket picture?
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[-] geckogoose89 1 point 5 months ago

What are the words in the pic?

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[-] imbuche 1 point 5 months ago*

OUCH four times, with arrows drawn pointing to her back, and HATE THAT at the
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[-] Grouchy_Feet_MD 1 point 5 months ago

Don't get me wrong, the ribs are alarming, but did she photoshop her stomach to look
Either way, why would someone post this? Such a cry for attention. This whole thing is
infuriating, but also really sad.
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Totally has an eating disorder. Picture is so small, but IMO, she is possibly sunburned.
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[-] peppermint-pie 1 point 5 months ago

What the heck?

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[-] SunnyandBreezy 16 points 5 months ago

Did anyone else have the hair on their neck stand up when KP said in tv interview that he told
the children that mommy would be home by Thanksgiving? And then she shows up ON
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] Thinkles 8 points 5 months ago*

At about 4:45 Matt Gutman states the sheriff told him they haven't eliminated anyone including
KP and SP.
Perhaps the above is just more sloppy reporting, don't know. I think back to when the sheriff
seemingly minimized the severity of SP's injuries. At least that's the way I interpreted Bosenko's
statement. Meanwhile KP makes it sound like SP was beaten to within an inch of her life.
While the same dispatch reports indicated she was "heavily battered," Bosenko also would not
specify what kind of injuries Papini had. But he did confirm the type of injuries that get someone
"treated and released," as Papini was.
"When you say, 'treated and released' ... no different than if you went up to the ER for a
sprained ankle, they treated you and released you. Now, if you had a compound fracture due to
that bone being broken, then you'd probably be admitted, have to stay for a few days,"
Bosenko explained.
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[-] Redrum777 3 points 5 months ago

Just a thought, someone more familiar could answer.... If she were by chance anemic
wouldn't the bruising be a lot more intense than say someone not anemic? Just saying
although it allegedly appears she was beaten inches from her life, would that same beating
on a healthy person show less bruising? Is there a possibility based on thoughts she had
eating disorder, that she would be anemic as well?
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

I am severely anemic. I do not bruise easily at all. However, anyone beaten would have
bruises, regardless of health status. Damn, most people who hit the corner of a table
end up having a bruise. o.0 I would expect after KP's telling of injuries, SP would no
longer be 'white' but black and blue and yellow all over.
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[ - ] bishcray 7 points 5 months ago

Is she was "emaciated" and possibly dehydrated, and she had visible burns and possibly
open wounds, I can't see how the hospital wouldn't run fluids and maybe antibiotics through
her via IV. This would take longer than a couple of hours (the antibiotics).
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[deleted] 6 points 5 months ago

Let us also not forget that after a traumatic experience such as this, they would of
course send in a psychologist/psychiatrist to ensure that the patient was mentally OK to
be released.
No way ALL of this 'treatment' occurred in a few hours. When I have had to go to the ER
for mere kidney stones...I end up being there for at least 4-5 hours due to CT scans,
blood work, etc etc etc...
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[-] Superkittenpalooza 2 points 5 months ago

I was in the ER for a kidney stone just last week (not sure I would refer to them as
"mere" :D), and it definitely took at least 4 hours, not including the wait. There is no
way that someone with the type of injuries her husband describes would have been
released the same day. I guess they couldn't hold her against her will or anything,
but why wouldn't she want to be sure that nothing had been permanently damaged
internally from these repeated beatings? Nothing in this mess adds up. Every part of
the story has something suspicious in it, from the way the husband says her children
responded (young kids often freak out if their dad shaves his beard or someone gets
a haircut, and yet they were so happy to see her they just didn't notice the nausea
inducing state she was supposedly in?), to the parents being totally unconcerned
with her disappearance until the national cameras got rolling, to the fact that her hair
apparently changed lengths several times after she was found alive...the list goes on
and on. It's getting to the point that her story would be more believable if she had
said she was abducted by aliens.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

;) my mere was more sarcastic because KP described her injuries as so bad she
should be dead
I agree with you.
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[-] southoftally 24 points 5 months ago

Hello. I am new to Reddit. I formerly spent my time keeping up with this case on WebSleuths,
but like so many others became frustrated with the increasing censorship. Anyhoo...I just read
this coming out of Shasta, CA on KCRC news. It appears that Cameron Gamble was not only
present at yesterday's "Welcome Home Sherri" event, but added his two cents along with the
mayor: Ransom consultant Cameron Gamble and Mayor Missy McArthur also thanked the
community for their help.
"Everyone had an absolute purpose in this, and you made it personal and you took it personal,
so everyone here gets to pat themselves on the back and say Sherri's home because of our
efforts," said Gamble.
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[-] BabblingBunny 1 point 4 months ago

Welcome to Reddit! Check out the dedicated subreddit for this train wreck- /r/Sherri_Papini.
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[-] muwtski 18 points 5 months ago

Gamble seems like such a tool. I can imagine this guy running around town doing barrel rolls
and sliding over car hoods.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 13 points 5 months ago

Hi welcome! I was a regular over at WS too but now just browse it and post elsewhere. I feel
your frustration.
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[-] NectarCollecting 13 points 5 months ago

Hi! Welcome to Reddit! You will like /r/unresolved mysteries too!

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[-] NO_AL 10 points 5 months ago

I lurked mainly at WS but got tired whenever someone posted a non popular view and
got crucified.
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

I still love WS, but it's different.

I cant remember when I first started visiting, but around the time Laci/Scott Peterson
happened, i was there as often as humanly possible.
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[-] NO_AL 3 points 5 months ago

I used to love it too. I got bashed too many time when I went against the norm. I
started with Jodi Arias. The last post I made on WS pertained to Ross Harris trial.
I said something to the effect that they should quit bashing his ex-wife. There
was fallout from my post. People got ugly to me. So I thought no more posting. I
still lurk just don't post.
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

There are some ugly people here as well, but I haven't seen it in this thread at
all. There are definitely toxic subreddits though. If you stick to a handful of
well moderated subreddits you will be okay. If you start to venture off and
explore, you might freak out and end up deleting your account.... there is
essentially a /r/ for every single word/topic, and if it hasn't been made yet,
somebody will make one shortly...
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

They have their own clique there and if you aren't in it you don't get
replies to posts and they act like you don't exist as others. And the same
point and get praise. Here we don't get bashed and put in time out for nkt
thinking like everyone and for looking at every angle to actually solve a
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[-] NO_AL 2 points 5 months ago

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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Superkittenpalooza 20 points 5 months ago

For someone who was apparently so intensely private before all this, it is really strange that
every single picture of her looks like it was taken professionally, or at the very least, "posed". I
have not seen a single candid picture, a picture taken in less than great lighting, or a picture
where her smile doesn't look so wide it seems painful. Regardless of my personal beliefs about
this abduction, it seems like it would be exhausting to curate your life to such a degree.
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6 points 5 months ago

If you scroll through someone here has posted a candid photo that shows how she currently
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[-] a1g45160 6 points 5 months ago*

That's a decent picture, too. Its not like she was hideous, just older and not made up.
So, probably how she looked when she went out running the day she was "kidnapped."
If I disappeared and they used studio photos from 8 years ago, not many strangers
would recognize me.
You can't tell me she didn't have 100 selfies on the phone the cops had in their
possession as evidence. Of course, it seems like it was the family who was releasing
pictures. I wonder if the cops ever tried to convince them to release more realistic
pictures? You'd certainly think their hostage-negotiator buddy would do so.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

They wanted pretty pictures of "supermom" to feed the GoFundMe account.

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[-] MzOpinion8d 14 points 5 months ago

Here's a thought: it wouldn't explain burns and brands, but plastic surgery would explain
bruises. What if she's been in Mexico having surgery done?
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[-] Bitter_Britches 8 points 5 months ago

Guess that would also explain the Latinas

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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 3 points 5 months ago

Now that's an interesting thought!!! It could explain the "broken" nose, too! I'd not even
thought of that before!!
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[-] prettiwylde 3 points 5 months ago

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[-] katemessl2 4 points 5 months ago

Does anyone have a link to the 20/20 show that would be viewable in Australia? (ie. Youtube). I
want to watch/criticise, but am strugglin'!
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago

Here ya go:

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[-] katemessl2 4 points 5 months ago

Thanks, thanks! :)
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[-] shep2105 5 points 5 months ago

I would like to hear Keith's original 911 call also. Keith reminds me of Davey Blackburn and that
is NOT a compliment
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[-] a1g45160 2 points 5 months ago*

Hmmmm. Kind of surprising that it hasn't been released yet, since some other calls/police
radio transmissions have been. I think the cops are keeping that as evidence
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[-] shep2105 2 points 5 months ago

911's are public domain. The cops can refuse to release it by saying its part of an "active
investigation" which I assume they are doing here. I think if and when that gets released
all hell is gonna break loose cuz then the statement analysis peeps are gonna have a field
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 9 points 5 months ago*

Cameron Gamble's speech today (tech, note: Doesn't start for 14 seconds)
"Could we have done this as a hoax? Sure...but we didn't, that would be kind of silly" - did I just
hear him say that?
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[-] shep2105 1 point 5 months ago

Why people aren't grilling him in the media is beyond me. This guy is a crackpot
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[-] veritas2967 9 points 5 months ago

Considering that nothing any of these people did caused "Sherri's captors" to "release" her,
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It is just ridiculous that he is speaking as if that were the case..It is frustrating to live in
Redding right now..
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 1 point 5 months ago

It must be and it seems like if you ask tough questions or doubt the facts then you will
be ridiculed by friends and the community
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[-] veritas2967 1 point 4 months ago

It really is ..smallish town still and I have a very distinct car ,sorry ,just discovered
messages here !!
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[-] peppermint-pie 7 points 5 months ago

Oh geez. Yes, you did. Not saying he did this, but he is just loving the attention.
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[-] Sam5377 12 points 5 months ago

Honestly, if it werenit for the Hoax theories, this case would never have gotten this much
attention #BlessingInDisguise
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[-] HoneyBeeBz2 6 points 5 months ago

Agreed. It's funny batting around theories can have such an effect.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 9 points 5 months ago

I'm not sure its really the theories that are garnering the attention. It is the facts and
actions we are told that don't make sense. The fabricated theories are coming from SP
and KP's family (traffickers, gangs, bullies, masks)
Most of the posts here are about people trying to figure out what happened and why
someone did something, the more we ask questions, the more we are drawn further and
further away form the story SP and KP are telling.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

True. But most people who have questions come here. Most news outlets are not
openly questioning Keith and Sherri and giving alternate theories.
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[-] Pudding Volcano 32 points 5 months ago*

We just had a welcome back party here in Redding for Sherri. The Papini family even called the
mayor to thank everyone in the community. I was made pretty uneasy when the mayor
addressed the rumors of Sherri's ordeal being a hoax. She chalked people's concerns that this is
all some sort of hoax up to internet trolling.
She doesn't know what really happened anymore than people concerned about something not
being right about this story. I personally am not accusing Sherri of lying or faking her own
abduction. I will say our local law enforcement seem way over their heads with this one. They
always ask for a bigger budget, but its a big fight because we all know it wont help. Many people
in our community have doubts about Bosenko's capability on this case. Many people in Redding
also feel like something strange is going on with Sherri's abduction, like it might have always
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been part of the plan to release her.. perhaps even on Thanksgiving specifically. But i know it's
all speculation. Mayor Missy McArthur shouldn't be dismissing any scrutiny over the situation
until we find out more. I do think Sherri was abducted and tortured, but until we know why and
by whom, it seems important to ask as many questions as possible. Clearly the 'Internet trolling'
is influencing the investigation through the media, perhaps we should also be looking at other
possibilities besides Sherri being a racist blogger who faked it lol. But this isn't Internet trolling.
Social media has played a huge role in Sherri's story getting awareness. Now it's playing a role in
asking questions perhaps people like Bosenko or the Mayor think are inappropriate to ask. I
don't care if I'm right or wrong. And if I were kidnapped and tortured for 3 weeks I would not
care what anyone anywhere thought personally. And my husband wouldn't be on tv.
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

I think its possible she put herself in harms way by meeting up with somebody she met over
the internet. She may have been catfished by people pretending to be a guy she thought
she was chatting with. I also think she could have been a camwhore and was "dancing" on a
live cam for money.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 5 months ago

Wasn't there talk of her selling her undies online somewhere? Maybe she also did cam
shows? #notjudging
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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago

It was mostly used clothing/dress boots and unused childrens birthday party stuff
but the items that actually sold were her used nursing bras.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 5 months ago

Oh pfffft! I misunderstood, my apologies!

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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

Itsstill odd though, imo. I just threw that stuff out. I would never have sold
them or have bought them used. I wouldn't have even donated them.
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[-] bluewonder27 3 points 5 months ago

The only reason why someone would sell "intimate" apparel like that is if
they desperately needed to make a quick buck.
I don't want to sound judgey, but yeah, I shudder at the thought of using
something as personal as a nursing bra or underwear that someone else
has worn/used.
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[-] peppermint-pie 16 points 5 months ago

Commentary from the people of Redding and people who knew Sherri personally has been
the most interesting part of this for me. The fact that people in her own hometown find this
weird is definitely something to think about.
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[ -] moodswingproductions 18 points 5 months ago

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors but I think that the mastermind behind this has a
sick sense of humor and when they're caught I expect they won't be laughing.
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[-] Robtonight 20 points 5 months ago

If their faces were always covered how did she know one had pierced ears and bushy eyebrows?
Also, wouldn't people find 2 women driving on the highway with their faces covered suspicious?
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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 1 point 4 months ago

Overall if two women approach you wearing masks, and you're out running, would you away? Or even better, call the police with the mobile phone you have in your
hand while running?
Now if they were not wearing masks, which would be logical in public, then she would
get a good look at them.
At which point the kidnappers say to each other..."gee maybe if we put the masks on--
from this point forward, she won't remember what we looked like before we put the
masks on...a cunning plan"
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

Or pretend to be on the phone or calm someone or at least text or make a photo or

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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 2 points 4 months ago*

First of all, she was allegedly abducted at the corner of Old Oregon Trail and Sunrise
Drive in Redding, look that up on Google Maps.
This is not 'deep in the woods'. Oregon trail is a busy road and there are four houses
within 500 feet. In fact there is one house with a clear view of the intersection. The
likelihood that a resident would hear something or a passing motorist would see
something are high.
Looking more closely at Google street view and Bing BirdsEye view, there's a white
house about 200 feet from the intersection, and there is what looks like a CCTV
camera on the house.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Search around for her family photos where the family is dressed up as old west cattle
rustlers with the bandanas - some inspiration maybe.
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[-] fortifyv 1 point 5 months ago

If she had a bag over her head, there is no need to cover their faces
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[-] Robtonight 1 point 5 months ago

Good point, but iirc he said in the 20/20 interview that their faces were covered at all
times. And if it was her face that was covered then the question still stands. How did she

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know those details if her face was indeed covered? Makes absolutely no sense.
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[-] reginafalangy111 45 points 5 months ago*

I am still thinking about his interview from last night. I've felt something odd about this whole
story from day one. Why would you text your husband at work if he was coming home from
lunch if you knew he turned his phone off? You ask before he leaves. I know this isn't a red flag
for some, but for me it was. So I digress.
I got nauseous when Keiths dramatization of "My Sherri was screaming out for me. She was
screaming my name and I couldn't be there to help her" Followed by some self-induced sobs for
his performance.
Secondly, his first response to her not being home wasn't calling family, friends or neighbors.
Didn't he say he texted her once then used the app to find her phone? It makes me uneasy how
from day one he kept saying she was taken or abducted. Like no other possibilities?
He said he found her phone and earphones along with strands of her "signature blonde hair" a
mile from their home right by the mailboxes. Although the area seems secluded and didn't seem
like there was a lot of traffic, the neighbors all seemed to say when they saw her. With that
being said, wouldn't you notice an unfamiliar suv passing through or parked? From my
knowledge no one else has made any comments about seeing two hispanic women in the area.
Also, I too have long hair. When I run my hair has to be up and out of my face. If someone was
to rip my earphones out, the chances of them getting some hair are slim....esp if you're running
and sweaty.
Like, I am glad she is alive. But this story is not right. My husband would not be getting on
national television speaking for me a week later. Let alone to say your doing it to prove all of us
wrong instead of doing it to find the abductors.
Cameron Gamble=ponzy scheme. The anon. donor and family said there was a reward or
whatever for her return but they said no tips were called in or anyone claiming to be the
abductors. So theres that.
Sorry for the rant. I just needed to get this out of my head. This is either a hoax or if there is
truth to it, then Keith and Sherri knows who took her.
Let's be real....cult related, sex trafficking, abducting for ransom, or even to send a message...
..she was still alive returned in one piece. The odds of two hispanic women -young and old-
abducting a skinny white woman to just return her 22 days later? I mean wow, talk about a
thanksgiving miracle!? lol
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3 points 4 months ago

I'm anemic and lose my hair a lot but never would have strands ripped out and wrapped
around the cord. They'd if anything rip out and blow away. And yes I even put my hair up
like I was running and tried this and the way the headphones no matter what came it was in
front of me because I would've been running holding the phone or with it in some holder. No
way would any hair wrap around from it. But I'm sure Keith wrapped the hair around it
himself and took it from her hairbrush. And why did he drive his car home and then take
hers to look for her phone that he couldn't find without service that magically is still there?
Surelyhe wasn't like in gas and wouldn't he have parked behind her blocking her in? And the
half wrapped gift and the wrapped hair seem like to wrapped herrings. And he said he went
home from work but based on the one frame he would have left early and then cops take
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over an hour to arrive. I highly doubt anywhere between 1-4pm is the time to go home. And
clearly daycare didn't contact him because they nhst have had instructions because they'd
call him after she wasn't there and then the parents. And they said before how entertained
the kids had been all this time and how they had no idea she's missing but them yhe sob
story on things about his son holding the photo crying and him saying she wi be home by
thanksgiving and she magically is. And then he takes credit for finding mommy. Also I'm sure
he isn't supposed to use his cell at work but likely keeps it and his normal cell with him like
my ex does for work. And he would have saw a text even a glimpse and maybe said hey let
me reply or he would have sent her one before starting the job and saying he wouldn't be,
rather than her having to ask. And if there was an emergency he would I'm sure get a call
he'd answer and she I'm sure has both cell numbers. And iPhones make it easy to call 911.
Hell ylu can just to Siri to call it without even pushing anything and there's a quick 911 type
button thing you an accidentally call easily so I'm sure if scared she could call someone fast
or text or post sometbjng fast. I know I would and would make it seem like I was on the
phone if a weird vehicle drove by. Anyone notice how she described the same bevjcme being
looked for in the Vanessa marcotte case and then each part of the story is from other cases
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

I Love your post, why text about lunch if you would anticipate not receiving an answer, one
would only text if there was some reasonable expectation of meeting for lunch. And, if you
are KP, and think your wife might be expecting you, you would expect him to get back to her
prior to 1:39pm or whatever.
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[-] reginafalangy111 2 points 5 months ago

Ok, so I looked up the Best Buy in Redding, Ca. Their store hours during week days
start at 10am. WHY would she text him about lunch 37 minutes or considering his
driving time, let's say an if you just saw your husband an hour ago, why
wouldn't you ask about lunch then? This is where in the beginning I thought she was
asking so she can split. So idk know what to thing about is day. Was texting him part of
a cover up. I have a million thoughts right now and still can't see how any of this makes
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Employees often start earlier to ready the store, accept deliveries or stock shelves
etc, it seemed like KP was saying he left for work around 7 am.
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[-] reginafalangy111 1 point 5 months ago

Ok makes sense. I did not know he was a manager. I thought I read he was just
a sales associate. Just this day and the events that occurred still doesn't make
sense. I imagine he worked 10-10.5 hours that day.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

I had not heard he was a manager

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[ -] lafolieisgood 4 points 5 months ago

From what I remember reading, part of his job is installing home theater equipment in
people's homes and it is against policy to take your personal phone into someone else's
house so he leaves it in the truck or whatever. So in theory, maybe he comes home for
lunch if he isn't going to be on a jobsite (someone else's house) and she texts him to
find out and if he doesn't answer she knows he is on location and won't make it home.
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[-] NectarCollecting 14 points 5 months ago

Secondly, his first response to her not being home wasn't calling family, friends or
neighbors. Didn't he say he texted her once then used the app to find her phone? It
makes me uneasy how from day one he kept saying she was takin or abducted. Like no
other possibly
If my spouse didnt have a vehicle and I came home and the kids werent there and ny
husband was nowhere in sight....
First I think they were walkin around outside somewhere. J might text it wait, i would not
assume something bad
Next after some extended time i would assume they were with the inlaws. Maybe went to
park with kids and got something to eat. I still would not assume something bad, but I
would want to connect to plan dinner accordingly, ie did you all eat without me or are tou al
coming home starving.
If i couldnt get ahold of spouse i would call inlaws directly
If they had the kids but not my spouse, i still wouldnt be worried I would think spouse went
with older/adult sibling or friend somewhere, like hardware store or to get a burger.
I wouldnt worry until after dinner/bedtime, because most parents want to say good night to
spouse and kids.
So i wouldnt worry for hours. Once the kids were in bed then I would be worried and might
check app to a track phone and possibly wonder if they were in a car accident.
Abduction to mexico would have never entered my mind.
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[-] reginafalangy111 9 points 5 months ago*

Good point! Also, one of the things I would of done at some point was drive up and
down the road where I knew she ran. More so after I "found her phone". Edit: Because
my first thought wouldn't be "she was abducted!" it would of be she was injured or
One more thing, why wouldn't anyone contact Keith that his children weren't picked up
from day care? Why didn't he know this exactly before he went home and realized no
one was there? If I didn't pick my children up from school, the school would call my
phone. Then my husbands. Then my parents (or listed 'in case of an emergency'). Then
the parents would of reached out or even went into Best Buy to say "Hey Keith, I dont
know whats going on but Sherri didn't pick up the kids today and we cant get a hold of
her." Like no one thought for a moment that alone was off??
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[-] MzOpinion8d 1 point 5 months ago

She wasn't yet "late" to pick up the kids, which is why the daycare hadn't called
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[-] kaycranberry 1 point 4 months ago

That's what I was thinking too, but then why would Keith call? If it wasn't time to
pick the kids up from daycare why would he call to ask if they had been picked
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2 points 4 months ago

The way I understand it, he expected Sherri and the kids to be home when he
got home. When they weren't there, he called the daycare to see if the kids
had been picked up, or maybe to see if she was there getting them. Now, I
don't know why he wouldn't have just called her cell...maybe he did and when
she didn't answer, he called the daycare. It's never been specifically said that
he tried to call or text her, only that when he called the daycare and the kids
were still there, he called his mom to go pick up the kids and then used Find
My IPhone to find Sherri, which led him to her phone near the mailboxes.
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[-] reginafalangy111 6 points 5 months ago*

I thought Keith said when he got home he expected his kids running 100 mph to
greet him at the door? If he said that, then you would expect the children would
be home around that time every night in which if he arrived home after 5pm, it
would insinuate the kids were late being picked up that day. But you might be
right, someone else said that he called the daycare to find the kids were still there
and he called a grandparent to pick them up. I didn't hear that part from him but
who knows.
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[-] MzOpinion8d 2 points 4 months ago

Please read my reply below to /u/kaycranberry!

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 9 points 5 months ago

It still baffles me, but here we are 3 weeks later and the average person has figured
out that the first day was filled with unexplained behavior and events. Haven't LE
gone through this a hundred times with the family and the daycare so that they had
an exact timeline? Is there not a reporter asking these questions?
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[-] Starkville 6 points 5 months ago

I'm confident that law enforcement can smell the bullshit, too, but they can't
come right out and say it. It would be a liability to express doubt publicly.
Reporters in the MSM probably have the same constructions. I also think that if
they go along with the Papini version of events, it'll be that much more
sensational to uncover the truth when and if it happens.
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[-] Thinkles 13 points 5 months ago

Reporters aren't asking questions. It feels like there is a concerted cover up.We

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don't know much more today about what happened than we did the day she went
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 5 months ago

Probably not a cover-up, just fear. Everyone wants a job and everyone wants
to just go with the current narrative, its easy.
According to others on this post if you ask questions on other Boards about
where the GoFundMe money went and what happened with the Daycare, then
people get angry. Its not about being disrespectful or mean, its about finding
the truth, which will probably put a lot of people at ease.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] fortifyv 4 points 5 months ago
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

Has anyone found a picture of the phone as it was found?

I think the ones on 20/20 were all reenactments.
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[-] cmc8290 18 points 5 months ago

Wow did this thread snowball since last night!!

I've been reading through a lot of the new replies and one new question popped into my head:
Why was she abducted? If it was by two women, the odds of a sexual motive are minimal, if not
non-existent. There was never a demand for money from the captors, so there was no financial
Did they just want someone to hang out with for a few weeks? Maybe help with their
Thanksgiving prep and Sherri looked like a nice homemaker?
WHY was she taken!? Sure, human trafficking is a possibility, but why did they release her?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 21 points 5 months ago

Human trafficking was never a possibility IMO. Traffickers target teens and women in
desperate situations, they do not randomly abduct people in the United States. The only
countries where those types of abductions occur are in 3rd world countries like Mexico.
Most women are lured into the situation by a man who acts as "bait". They seduce them,
become their "boyfriends" and then persuade them to move with them somewhere. After
they leave, that's when they trap them.
The Papini case doesn't fit the profile at all. She was not lured, she was too old, and IMO not
attractive enough. Her current photos show her looking a little worn out with a lot of
wrinkles. That is not who traffickers target.
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[ -] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

She looked like she was her mind age in new photos I even mistook one with her horse
like mouth smile as being her mom and she looked like drugs had done something and so
not above average but they sure want the world to think she's pretty so they search for
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[-] Polipanda 1 point 4 months ago

Too gummy
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 5 months ago

What if she was using backpage to make money on the side? Or if she was a camgirl for
side money? She could be camming and then maybe agreed to meet up with somebody
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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

Hmmm, that's an interesting theory. Would make sense why she put the kids in
daycare so often too. My ex H worked in the online porn industry and they love
nothing more than "normal, everyday" girls.
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[-] whinecube 14 points 5 months ago

Thank you. I am so sick and tired of people thinking that trafficking works like it shows in
the Taken movies. That is fiction. It would be monumentally stupid for traffickers to
kidnap housewives off the street. Why would they take a risk like that when there are
"willing" girls and women available? All they have to do is go chat up a runaway at a bus
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[-] peppermint-pie 21 points 5 months ago

I think my favorite delusional comment so far was on Websleuths where someone

theorized that SP might have been kidnapped to forcibly impregnate her and breed
blonde, blue-eyed children to be sold on the black market, and they let her go once
they realized she was a mother and possibly unable to have more children.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

The more I read about Websleuths, the more worried I get.

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[-] RudineHoward 7 points 5 months ago

a lot of batshit crazy people on Websleuths lol

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[-] bluewonder27 6 points 5 months ago

Oh my god, that is the dumbest theory yet.

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[-] AnnieEnnui 17 points 5 months ago

Don't forget one of them theorizing that they took her to cut off her hair to make
a wig! Seriously, they will come up with anything to legitimize and validate their
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theories - reality be damned.

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[-] peppermint-pie 15 points 5 months ago

I'm beginning to think they're all paranoid. The insistence on sex trafficking
and that she MUST have been kidnapped, the tangents they've been going off
on about security - one mom there proudly stated that she has a tracking
app for her 20 year old son (!), and another brags about being a "stalker
mom" for tracking her family and recommending others do the same. This
paranoia is why we have a culture of fear in America.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

Oh dear lord! That is so ridiculous! I need to check out that site again, just for
I left it when my comments got deleted by the Post Nazi, but I think I need to
read about these alternate theories ;)
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[-] Thinkles 7 points 5 months ago

LOU I read that absolutely ludicrous theory as well. I really wonder how anyone
could contrive such nonsense. If I came up with that I'd be embarrassed to post
my thoughts.
And the poster below is right. Sherri bleaches/lightens her hair. You can see the
telltale damage/frizziness of it in that picture that was posted. Her real eye color
does not appear to be that shade of blue either.
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[-] RudineHoward 1 point 5 months ago*

her hair looks really thin, frizzy and damaged compared to the old pics. She
also bleaches her hair and keep those dark roots, nobody would cut off
unhealthy thinning dyed hair to make extensions, let alone a wig
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[-] kshultz06082 1 point 4 months ago

omg! Make up does great things for her face!

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[-] whinecube 14 points 5 months ago

That is hilarious. I just have noticed that whenever a young attractive white girl or
woman goes missing, that the imbeciles on websleuths automatically scream sex
trafficking. BTW, they NEVER say this when a black or hispanic woman goes
missing. Also, they are NEVER right.
Seriously, any time they solve the crime of a woman going missing, 9 times out of
10, she was murdered. I have not seen one credible case of a girl or woman being
kidnapped off the street at random and trafficked.
Remember Brittanee Drexel? So many people were saying she was trafficked.
Turns out some thugs kidnapped her, raped her, and killed her. Sadly the

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trafficked theory was ridiculous from the start.

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 13 points 5 months ago

Lol "imbeciles on websleuth". I don't know why but that made me laugh so
hard. I just got back from reading their posts and man, do they tread on ice
there! That Traci has the Sherri threads on lock down! The people who
disagree with her have to practically speak in code.
And what other theories can they come up with, if they can't discuss the
hoax? I mean, they can't even discuss THE NEWS discussing the hoax. It's
I feel bad for them.
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[-] whinecube 12 points 5 months ago

I have posted there before but it is impossible to get a good discussion

going because the mods always shut shit down as soon as it gets good.
They are so worried about people's feelings getting hurt. Also, they do
not understand that not everyone who appears to be a victim actually is a
A lot of posts over there go something like this:
Critical Thinker Poster: "It seems strange to me that Keith Papini used the
find my phone app before calling his wife."
Idiot Soccer Mom Lower-end Thinker Poster: "Well I am just glad that
Sherri is home!" (little hearts and shit)
I love the idea of websleuths but so much of it goes like that, that it is
almost impossible to get really deep analysis of a case going.
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[-] Sbplaint 11 points 5 months ago

Hahahahhahaha thank you! My thoughts exactly! It's like the blog-

equivalent of Hobby Lobby and Chik-Fil-A having a baby...on a
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[-] AnnieEnnui 11 points 5 months ago

Don't forget the soccer mom poster will also be sure to add, "Besides,
me and my 753 friends and family always use our Find My Phone apps
so there is nothing weird about that at all [insert smiley emoticon]!"
Seriously, any place that gives posters "timeouts" like they are
elementary schoolers if they dare post an opposing viewpoint is not a
place that encourages deep thought. Makes me appreciate Reddit that
much more.
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[-] whinecube 6 points 5 months ago

I once got on timeout there because there was one poster who
had spent YEARS claiming he had essentially solved an MP case. I
finally just had enough and demanded he fully explain himself
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(which of course the douche couldn't). He claimed to have all these

documents to back up his idiocy, and then again I insisted he
create a blog and post all those documents (again he couldn't). So
then I finally told him that he needed to stop coming to the board
and running his mouth.
Yeah I got on time out for bullying this guy, who IMO, was the one
being the bully. He would shut down lots of good discussions by
coming there and telling everyone they were wrong and he was
But see, the mods on websleuths are so fucking dumb that they
really, truly had no idea what I was driving at. It went right over
their little heads. Unreal.
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[-] Tori68 5 points 5 months ago

She shut down a Theresa Seiver thread last year because

everyone was pointing at the husband as having her murdered.
She said he was a victim and we were "victim blaming" which is
against their policy. Fast forward to now, Theresa's husband is
awaiting trial for having her murdered. It's impossible to have
any open discussion over there.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 14 points 5 months ago

LOL I needed this! I needed to laugh, thank you!

Here is a convo I unearthed in the backwards land that is Websleuths:
OP "This Gamble guy REALLY rubs me the wrong way. IMO. seems like
an attention seeker. My main question right now is, where the
gofundme money?"
Ontario Mom "Seriously, why do you even care?"
Why does she care??? Uuuuhhh because it's a lot of money and there
are concerns they raised it under false pretenses? A person can't even
ask a relevant question on that site without some snarky comment!
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[- [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

The Gamble guy is now the center of the attention at WS.

Drumming up all kinds of theories.
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11 points 5 months ago

Yeah the dolts over there have a hard time understanding what is
and what is not potentially relevant. Like they HATED the
discussions on the kids being in daycare. To me, that is potentially
relevant. Why would a SAHM living on a very low income have her
kids in daycare? To me it makes no sense, and maybe, just maybe,
it says something about her state of mind.
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[-] AnnieEnnui 6 points 5 months ago

And their explanation for KP not showing any rage or urgency

towards finding the perpetrators is that he doesn't want them
to know he's on to them. Super plausible. So there's another
topic that's off limits.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

Here is their explanation for why she didn't see their faces
when they approached her for help.
"Maybe they had on big sunglasses"
LOL big sunglasses! Are you serious? How big were these
sunglasses that they covered their whole face?
Nevermind, I think I found the sunglasses they were talking
I stand corrected... Maybe they were wearing sunglasses?
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[-] Thinkles 13 points 5 months ago
You guys are hilarious. The owner is now allowing members to sleuth
CG. I find that contradictory and odd because it is basically against her
own TOS. Maybe it's because so many members have left. Is she
losing ad revenue?
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[-] whinecube 7 points 5 months ago

After everyone has been thoroughly scolded, they sometimes ease

up a little.
It might be after they count at least a thousand posts of people
saying they were praying for Sherri.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 5 points 5 months ago

"Last edited by marinthinker; Yesterday at 01:28 AM. Reason:

Don't go there"
Reason: Don't go there. I love it. These mods are bad ass
MOFOs, don't screw with them yo.
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[-] moodswingproductions 17 points 5 months ago

LOL now that's funny, especially considering Sherri's not even a natural blonde
and probably has contacts to make her eyes appear blue. How about the poster
at Web Sleuths who speculated that Sherri was kidnapped for her hair so that it
could be sold to a wig manufacturer.
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[-] redabby 1 point 4 months ago

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This is just a thought but is it possible that Sherri Panini's long hair is
extensions. I know one girl with lovely long hair and I commented on it and
she laughed and said they were extensions and her real hair was quite short.
It would mean Sherri wouldn't worry so much if it were cut off for a hoax.
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[-] AnnieEnnui 2 points 5 months ago

Sorry, moodswing - I didn't see your post before posting mine!

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[-] peppermint-pie 5 points 5 months ago

Oh god, lol.
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago

Agreed, and traffickers almost exclusively go after teen runaways, they don't want
someone who will be reported missing, like a mom.
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[-] shep2105 88 points 5 months ago

So... It was impressive watching Keith sob his way thru the interview and yet, not have ONE
TEAR fall. Keith tried to cover his bases but failed miserably. It is NOT NORMAL to use the
findmyphone app INSTeAD of just calling the damn phone! Calling your mom and the daycare
but still.. NOT CALLING YOUR WIFE. It is NOT NORMAL to be walking up and down the road
looking for her phone andstill.. NOT CALL the damn phone! It is NOT NORMAL that you would
find your wifes phone and NOT PICK IT UP! But whip out your phone and snap a couple pics??
Seriously? People are actually buying that? The sheriff has publicly stated that the phone was
"staged" there...where Keith "found" it...where he snapped a couple pics. Uh huh. In her racist
blog, SP says she kicked the asses of FIVE latino women and THREE latino men! All at once!
Sure, she got a broken tibia that she limped home on, but EIGHT people she made run off. But
yet, she can't handle a couple of chicks in an SUV? Keith not only finds her phone, he is there at
the hospital BEFORE Redding LE. Talk about witness "contamination". Sure gave them time to
get their stories straight. How did they chop her hair off if she always had a bag over her head?
How does she not know what they looked like when according to Keith, it makes sense that she
would approach them if they asked her for help or directions. I mean, I assume she wouldn't
approach them if they were wearing masks and asking for one has to believe she
saw them when they kidnapped her, right? Keith says she was restrained EVERYTIME she was in
a vehicle. What were these kidnappers doing? Just driving around all day? People need to stop
with this nobody would ever brand themselves, break their nose BS. People have SHOT and
STABBED themselves, put themselves in ICU to cover a lie! Jeffrey McDonald punctured his own
lung...Darlie Routier slit her own throat and battered and bruised herself, Diane Downes shot
herself as did Charles yeah, people have done a lot worse than burn themselves or
broken their noses. As far as her weight goes..she was 95-100 pounds at 5'4 when she was
kidnapped. That is indicative of an eating disorder right there. SHe was already underweight by
at least 15 lbs. To lose 8 lbs (dropping to 87 from 95) in 3 weeks would be a cake walk for
someone with an already established eating disorder. To say that she was "emaciated" is
ridiculous when she was riding that train before she was kidnapped. Cameron Gamble..oh my,
what a whack job. 20/20 did not even allude to the fact that he is a hired gun for Bethel Church
and part of their ministry who seems to go to Mexico a LOT. He also has a blog post on their

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website that he was down in Mexico and had a supernatural event occur where he saw actual
writing on a wall that of course no one else saw. He's elevated himself to a freaking prophet,
sent messages by God. He had 30 storage containers on 20/20 How many does he need??
They're all the same. His FB had zero activity for the last year for his business but now its going
gangbusters! This guy is a whack job and he swoops in from outta nowhere and inserts himself
into the story and now is saying he is the hero. Matt Gutman actually answered a twitter about
why he didn't ask about the blogs by saying that SP married a Jewish guy and dated a Hispanic
man for YEARS. When was this?? According to her wedding blog, Keith moved in with her in
2006 after they got together in 2005 so they've been together 11 years. That makes her 21.
She was MARRIED before that for a couple years and was high school sweethearts with him and
then she states that Keith was in 7th grade and she in 8th when they first kissed and were Jr.
high where does the hispanic dude she dated for YEARS come in?? 20/20 can't
even do the Math for God sakes. Rod Rodrigues, Keith's mom's BF, who was posting constantly
all day everyday about them while she was missing is losing MILLIONS since he had to file
bankruptcy and his real estate holding have been sold at Sheriff sales. He is still embroiled in
that mess. Look up Shasta Enterprises...the gofundme money is going in their pocket..20/20
avoided that subject too.. Pat Brown the criminal profiler has been all over media saying this
case is all hinky so Keith sends out his personally hired PI to tell the media it is a sex trafficking
case, just to muddy the water. Why do they even HAVE a personal PI?? To catch the rogue
Latinas that are out kidnapping blond women, driving them around for 3 weeks and then "kind
of" pushing them out of the car when they're done cutting their hair? If MSM is going to
continue to give them airtime, how about an actual journalist interviewing them who is NOT
afraid to ask the hard questions?
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

They had a handgun.

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[-] Rustyoscar 1 point 4 months ago

I believe he did try to call her. Also she said she either had a bag over her head or they had
masks on.
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[-] cheeseshrice1966 12 points 5 months ago

Asking MSM to do any real journalism is like asking a clown to not be creepy AF. In other
words, ain't gonna happen.
The pretty little super duper mom is abducted and [they] fall all over themselves to be the
first with new deets, but now that she's back and there's more holes in her story than a
moth infest closet, they're pretending that facts don't matter.
MSM never lets facts get in the way of a good story.
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[-] Silentspring007 11 points 5 months ago

And those 8 Latinos that she beat up (before walking 9 or 10 blocks with a broken leg) they
all came in one car. Must've been squashed
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago

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[-] jollynix 5 points 5 months ago

I'm surprised her phone was still on. If I'm out with my GPS turned on and my music playing
I'm lucky to get three hours out of my phone. It's the GPS that kills the charge faster than
anything. Wouldn't it have to be on to use the Find my Phone feature?
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[-] lafolieisgood 2 points 5 months ago

sounds like you need a new phone.

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[-] Thinkles 11. points 5 months ago

Nice. You really did your research there. Not trying to be rude, but could you possibly break
up the wall of text, it is hard to read and I'm afraid others might pass it up for that reason.
Anyways, good job summarizing!
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 7 points 5 months ago

Great post, and I commend your formatting, only other longer block of words is my first
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[-] shep2105 5 points 5 months ago

so sorry about the "block" New here basically and don't quite understand the ropes yet..I
won't do again tho..thanks
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 5 months ago

Haha I did the same thing. Its cool :-)

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[-] Sam5377 28 points 5 months ago

Great points, just spot on, even if the formatting almost makes it unreadable, which is a
It's time to search all those storage units for her hair and consider how she got around
unaided, or who aided her and how.
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[-] shep2105 8 points 5 months ago

I know..I'm fairly new here and don't quite understand the formatting and what's
acceptable. I won't do again that's for sure...thanks!
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago

It was a great post, I only meant to highlight that the block text would reach more
readers spaced out and your post deserves to be read :)
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[-] Sbplaint 6 points 5 months ago

It's starting to come together!!!

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[ -] CandiceLeelones 10 points 5 months ago

Also found this odd timeline issue. She writes on her wedding blog that she and Keith decided to
live together in Dec. 2006.
"Keith and I decided it was time for him to move in with me in December 2006. He moved into
the townhouse I had been renting for the past 2 years. It was an interesting test to our
It also notes that she had never lived with a man before.
"Luckily, Keith grew up with an older sister and wonderful mother, so he was already adjusted to
the territory of living with girls. I however, DID NOT have brothers and was unaware of just how
foreign living with a guy was going to be."
Huh. Weird. Because she was married to David Dreyfus in 2006. They filed for divorce in 2007,
and the divorce was finalized in late 2008.
"During that time she got married in 2006 to David Dreyfus, a platoon sergeant with the armed
forces, according to the couple's marriage certificate obtained by PEOPLE. The pair divorced in
September, 2008, according to the Shasta County court."
Either she's a compulsive liar (red flag!), or she married a man that she never lived with and had
an open or awful relationship with him, leaving her available to build a better one with Keith.
Idk. Something wonky's going on here.
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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

That is very strange, that means she moved in with Keith the same year she married David?
Maybe she was using David for his military benefits.
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[-] stinkymcjinky 4 points 5 months ago

I definitely thing this is all very off... but about her first marriage... Lots of military guys get
married for the benefits that being married bring. Higher pay, better housing, better
deployments, etc. It could have been a marriage of convenience... and also he may have
been stationed somewhere other than where she was.
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[-] Meliemel16 8 points 5 months ago

I noticed that. Just more weirdness to add to this clusterf***. I can't find much ( well
nothing) on the ex, unless I'm missing it somewhere.
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[-] lafolieisgood 1 point 5 months ago

He seemed to be living in Hawaii when the divorce was granted (which matches up with
being in the military).
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[-] peppermint-pie 6 points 5 months ago

I noticed this too. What is going on here?

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 8 points 5 months ago

She's delusional, she has an online life that she posts and then there is reality, I read
another post where she said her an KP met as teenagers and were together ever since,
but she moved away for a brief period and then they were together. Someone posted
from her high school that his buddy dated her and it was total nightmare. Her posts are
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[-] thelmanolouise 60 points 5 months ago*

He's a "Elite" cashier at Best Buy?! Gamble was a low ranking AF veteran that's now an
international hostage negotiator who works via YT?! And her, the super mom that apparently
moonlights as a TJ Maxx advertisement. All in Redding? Not even the Coen Brothers could write
such a plot, with such highly delusional characters.
I guess the husband failed to get a job in law enforcement after getting his AA in Criminal
Justice. I have a feeling this is some weird plan, tinged with "minorities always keeping white
people down" bitterness, to launch the careers of her husband and Gamble as some sort of
kidnapping specialists.
And - the fact that on 20/20 - he said, with a missing wife, he was still screening his phone calls
and didn't pick up because he didn't recognize the number after she was found. It's beyond
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[-] gutinstict 1 point 4 months ago

Brilliant post. ...Tks from another WSer who is done with the condescending time outs and
wrist slapping. Site is going downhill fast Imo. Someone's ego is out of proportion. Let's be
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 4 months ago

we are over at /r/sherri_papini

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[-] Time28 4 points 5 months ago

He installs electronics in people's homes. For Best Buy . He installed at my kids house almost
5 years ago
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[-] Thinkles 1 point 5 months ago

Just wondering, where did you hear that the KP was rejected by LE, or where you speaking
of CG?
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[-] bishcray 13 points 5 months ago

The fact that he was "screening his calls" is huge to me. Big red flags.
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[-] cheeseshrice1966 15 points 5 months ago

Ugh I completely forgot about this!! I just watched my 20/20 recording and was
screaming at the TV "you were screening your calls when super duper wife could have
been calling you?!?!' And then he quickly backtracks and says he just finished shaving
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and couldn't have answered the call anyhow because he didn't get to it soon enough?
Yep, I was born at night, but not LAST NIGHT.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 17 points 5 months ago

Too much credit given to the plan, so many holes, if I'm able to figure this out with very little
evidence such as cell phone records and detailed statements from family members then LE
must easily know this was a scam. Its not complicated.
Sorry but there are not two rogue hispanic women running the streets of Redding hunting
down blond joggers looking to kidnap and torture them for weeks at time.
Queen Sherri, needed more...more money and more attention or she was out of there, so
little Keith better figure how they are going to have their big xmas, it must be picture-
perfect, where he buys her and the kids the most picture perfect xmas gifts and dinners. He
better figure something out soon its already November.
This is just a short term tantrum from Queen Sherri and so now KP has to do the roadshow
and try to sell this to the public so they can keep the $50k. She was probably in a hotel a
couple hours away, we don't have bank statements or credit card info.
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1--' [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

Yes, where was Sherri... she was hiding out at a known location and had supplies? Some
cabin? That's would be interesting to know.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] juliet8810 7 points 5 months ago

now some media is saying that the area is called " the green triangle " because of production of
pot , and trowing words like "cartels" most of that pot producers are white american growers so
where did media takes the cartels idea from??? there is where independent pot growers that sell
to medical marijuana stores grow pot and the government knows that and flash news all of that
people is white so once again media selling the drama instead of the facts.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 10 points 5 months ago*

The family has been trying to sell the cartel/sex trafficking story from the get go. Another
poster said that her mother even wanted the flyers put up in Mexico according to her
Facebook. They needed a narrative and the cartel one was easiest for them because some
people in that area are already afraid of Mexicans and cartels add to that fear.
I know several people who grow pot in Northern California, none of them are associated with
any cartels. More and more cartels are turning to stronger drugs like cocaine because weed
just isn't as profitable as it used to be. It's much easier to get now that it's legal, which
negates the use of the underground growers.
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1-1 [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

I live in Colorado - pot legal completely. We dont have 'cartel' issues and most people
growing/selling pot are intelligent business people making a shit load of $$. Most who are

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buying are the same. Not down and out low life' druggies. I dont smoke, but damn,
people watch too many movies and have a totally wrong impression of pot, etc.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

Is there any chance they were making enough money cutting weed (I have only read
rumors, no clue if it is true) to piss off cartels?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 7 points 5 months ago

No chance. Why would the cartels be pissed about someone cutting weed? That
doesn't make any sense. Cartels have their own people who tend to the weed, they
would never in a million years get someone like Sherri involved. It is not feasible.
And, like I said, criminals are involved with harder drugs more and more - like meth
and cocaine. Weed was only used by them when it was harder to get. Now that it is
more accessible, there is no need for the black market which is what criminals thrive
off of.
Cartels are not jealous of any of the weed growers in NorCal, they make millions
selling cocaine and meth, what is some stay at home mom to them?
This story only makes sense to people who have no understanding of how cartels
operate. I've done some research on them and I also used to work with gang
members, so I have some understanding of how the underground markets work. In
addition, like I said, I have friends who are growers and they are not affiliated with
criminals. It's just another way to make money.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

My ex is DEA and works cartels. You are 100% correct. They do not give a shit
about individual growers trying to make a buck or two. These individual growers
are not racking in $$ nor in the way of anything cartels would do.
Plus, again, correct on cartels have moved on to harder stuff.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Thanks, this idea is a bit out of my field of knowledge, appreciate you clarifying
some things.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 5 months ago

Welcome :) BTW I don't grow weed, and I'm not involved with any gangs or
cartel! I don't want people jumping to the wrong conclusions ;)
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i [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

lo I
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[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 5 points 5 months ago

I agree. The fact that weed can be grown here in the US cuts out the top layer Aka the
cartels. Cartels are moving coke. It's much more profitable.

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[-] moodswingproductions 8 points 5 months ago

If Keith acquired their house from his mother I wouldn't be surprised if his sister is jealous and
resents Sherri for living in the house she grew up in.
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4 points 5 months ago

She probably resents Sherri for being a total attention whore, too. (I keep thinking of these
people as the characters in "Gone Girl".). We ALL know a woman like Sherri. All the other
women in the room just roll their eyes at each other.
I get the feeling that Sherri's sister, Sheila, is tired of her shit, too.
But maybe I'm just projecting.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 4 points 5 months ago

KP and SP rent from KPs mother, the mom owns the house. According to other posts, I
don't have the address and can't do a title search.
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[-] chopstiks 37 points 5 months ago

He works at Best Buy ffs. She jogs and bakes. They're a broke joke! Complete scam. 20/20
acting was cringe, he's talking about her abductors treatment of her before anyone knows
anything !!! Gimme a break. Negotiator Expert W**nker... hilarious. What an embarrassment.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] juliet8810 8 points 5 months ago*

after i watch the 20/20 interview i still think this is an oax , i sorry but first the husband said he
found her phone next to their mail box spot with the earplugs , just laying down there no cracks
no damage, kind like she was hoping someone to found it , if you were running with your phone
don't it will make sense if the phone was drop and found damage??? how the kidnappers knew
she own and track phone???., the husband was crying without tears and one sister of Sherri
papini was crying and the other sister was just like nothing was going on ., is weird!! now that i
reading this i just think WOW this woman must had mental problems., another thing that is
striking in interviews according to people that know her, she is a perfectionists., it will not found
it weird that she went all the way up to " brand " herself to make it credible. if she was spot and
a witness talk to her directly why she dint ask for help??? so she was kidnapped by a sex
trafficking ring??? but she was not rape??? now she said she dint see the kidnappers but you
saw the car model and color a mean the version of the 2 black bad dudes in a black van is
change to not latino men but latino women. i just hope cops do their job and not just thrown 2
innocent women in jail just because they had media on top of them. and conveniently she was
found on thanksgiving day !!! like a miracle out of a soap opera !!! i sorry but this is so fishy
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[-] thewritingcat 2 points 5 months ago

apple earbuds would have easily come out.

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[-] vidrok 5 points 5 months ago

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Was her phone in a case? That could've absorbed a lot of damage. I've always used heavy
duty cases and screen protectors and never had any bad damage.
A lot of people go around with broken phones so for all we know hers could be already
cracked, so any additional damage might not be noticed. We haven't seen pics of the phone
I'm pretty sure no one innocent will be arrested at least. They haven't spotted jackshit on
security camera footage. Almost like no suspect was there!
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 5 months ago

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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] HoneyBeeBzz 9 points 5 months ago

Here's the Ransom movie clip that CG copied. I don't want it to get lost in the comments.
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[-] Thinkles 12 points 5 months ago

Found in press conference IIRC - Detectives reviewed surveillance videos of the area with SP and
she could not identify the dark SUV.
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[-] NectarCollecting 4 points 5 months ago

Hmmmm interesting!!
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[-] MervGoldstein 12 points 5 months ago

It might be too early to guess but fuck it, I'm guessing this was just a scheme to make
money...first with a GoFundMe and then with this ransom negotiator weirdo who perhaps was
toying with some ransom extortion idea to find someone to pony up a ton of money to "return
her safely"....perhaps the latter was deemed too risky or lacked funding but the first part
worked at least.
I'm guessing we'll get to the bottom of it eventually.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 2 points 5 months ago

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[-] TigerFan365 19 points 5 months ago

The most suspicious part of the entire thing to me is that the 'hero' followed the script from the
movie "Ransom" to the tee. He offered a reward for the return of Papini then, when time ran
out, he turned all macho and offered the reward to whom ever turned in the kidnappers, going
on camera and letting them know they had a bounty on their heads now. This is exactly what
Mel Gibson did in the movie.
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[ - ] muwtski 11 points 5 months ago

That's funny, it was one of my first thoughts too. That with a dash of 'Taken' with Liam
Neeson. The people in this case are living in some bizarre fantasy world, Gamble is the most
hilarious of them all though.
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[-] NectarCollecting 6 points 5 months ago

Is it possible the movie was based on a previous real incident?

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 5 months ago

No. It was a Mel Gibson movie! Completely fictional. If it had been based on a real life
event, trust me, Hollywood would have promoted it as such. Real life stories do really well
in theatres.
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[-] NectarCollecting 4 points 5 months ago

I'm sorry, I just meant, had they based some of the movie/script on real techniques
that are used? I realize the movie itself was actually loosely based on a tv episode.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 5 months ago

I didn't mean to sound snarky Nectar, I apologize.

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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

I didn't think you were, its ok! <3

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 5 months ago

Doubtful. It seems pretty unethical to me and unprofessional.

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[-] HowYaLikeMeow 11 points 5 months ago

An earlier post on here from Anxshush really piqued my interest. I started looking into Bethel
Redding/Project Taken and found a fascinating article on the Church.
Also, Ericka Courtney had some interesting theories on her blog about Project Taken...
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 11 points 5 months ago*

Here is my Abduction Day timeline of Action and Time. However I do not have verified times for
some of the actions, and I
*Action Time
*d/o kids daycare - don't know time
*SP sends txt to KP - 10:37a
*SP goes for jog - 2:00pm witnessed
*KP reads 10:37am text - 1:39 pm

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*Kids p/u daycare - by a family member, 3:30?

*Keith gets home - 5:51 pm
*KP calls and text SP - don't know time
*KP runs iphone search app - don't know time
*KP reports her missing - don't know time
Sorry this is a pathetic timeline, but the whole day doesn't make any sense. Maybe someone can
fill in the blanks. Wouldn't the Daycare call Keith if the kids weren't picked up? Also if a family
member picked up the kids wouldn't they call KP with concern that the school just called. Also
the Iphone photo looks like a daytime photo and if he got home at 6:51 pm and then went to
look for the phone, wouldn't it have been dark?
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-ray 3 points 5 months ago

Sun set at 6pm that day, so if he got home at 5:30, there would have been light left. But if
it took him more than 30 minutes to get in, figure out fam wasn't in house/yard, etc...yeah,
seems like it would have been getting dark.
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3 points 5 months ago

That's why this case has been so odd from day one. A timeline with nothing but a bunch of
questions. It has lead people to believe something nefarious is being covered up.
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[-] Hippopotapie 6 points 5 months ago

Nobody picked up kids from daycare. I don't think he even called her phone (I can't
remember if I read about that), he called the daycare and found out kids were there, then
used the find my phone ap. And yes it would have probably been dark.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 5 months ago

a CNN report stated, I will find the link said he called the daycare and the daycare said the
kids were picked-up by a family member.
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[-] Meliemel16 2 points 5 months ago

I thought KP said on 20/20 that daycare said kids were still there. This whole thing is
such a mess apnd so confusing it's quite possible i misunderstood.
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[-] MzOpinion8d 7 points 5 months ago

He called the daycare and the kids were still there, so he called his mom and asked
her to get them. So they were picked up by a family member, but it was closer to 6
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

Ah, i am still very skeptical, but if part of their household duty involved child
pickup, missing that daycare pickup without any kind of communication would
actually be a huge red flag that something is amiss.
I wouldnt have called the daycare first though, i would have called spouse and
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then inlaws because its very normal for them to be hanging out.
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[-] MzOpinion8d 2 points 5 months ago

Yeah, something is hinky in this situation, but we may never find out what.
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[-] Hippopotapie 3 points 5 months ago

No need I stand corrected. I just found it. There's so mucheck stuff being pumped
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[-] cmc8290 3 points 5 months ago

here's a question... did the daycare call that family member when SP didn't show
up to get the kids? It sounds like KP expected his wife to pick the kids up. So
how did a relative know to get them?
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 3 points 5 months ago

Great question, I would say I don't know. So glad this is confusing to

someone else, if you have kids, I have 3, this makes zero sense. I've dealt
with daycares, and late pick-ups, forgetting when daycare is over, and pick-up
protocols and this doesn't make sense.
My timeline above has not been refuted or corrected, several articles state KP
got home at 5:51 and nobody was home, so he called daycare and daycare
said a family member picked them up. If it was KPs mom then would he
already know she was picking them up? How did KP's mom know to pick them
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[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 2 points 5 months ago

Daycare or school would call & leave messages for the spouse . I'm sure
more than 1 if he doesn't show. Then emergency contact which must be
KPs mother. All the little things...
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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

The original story was a family member had picked them up then,
somewhere along the line, it was changed to nobody had picked them
up from daycare.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

It's so difficult to tell what he says, even slowed down. Metal makes sense about the chain, but
that sentence hadn't started yet. We won't know unless they reveal the message to the
concerned public, at which point we won't have to guess.
http ://
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[-] Thinkles 15 points 5 months ago

Does Tcash stand for Thanksgiving cash?

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re:pinterest name change

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[-] muwtski 5 points 5 months ago

Such a bizarre thing to rename her pinterest to.

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

It really is. Also, going by the dates on her pins, it seems she was pinning WHILE
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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

Okay, that's interesting. Is her Pinterest board still there? I couldn't find it yesterday.
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[-] Bitter_Britches 1 point 5 months ago

Hi Buddy! Her Pinterest is still showing for me

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[-] Tori68 2 points 5 months ago

I don't know why but it's not showing for me! I can find Keith's but not hers.
I wonder if she blocked me, my Pinterest URL is the same as my name here.
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[-] muwtski 2 points 5 months ago

Really!? How can you tell the date of a pin?

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[-] Bitter_Britches 3 points 5 months ago

Bottom right. I'm no Pinterest expert though, hopefully someone will correct me if
I'm wrong.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] Thinkles 7 points 5 months ago

Can anyone else recall another case where there was so much radio silence from LE?
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[-] vidrok 9 points 5 months ago

My pet theory is that they suspect the family and/or Gamble and don't want to let it be
known until they have the evidence they need.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

Agreed. Building their case....and waiting for KP to further hang himself. He already has
the noose around his neck.
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[-] muwtski 5 points 5 months ago

Same. The only other thing that could be happening is that they have some other
suspect or something else is going on behind the scenes and for some reason the

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family/gamble are all playing along with the police but I give that about a 1% chance.
Pretty sure they're building a case against one or more of these characters.
If they weren't focusing on them I think they'd be showing us / the media the chains,
whatever was used to cover her head, etc. and asking if anyone recognized the stuff.
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[-] Meliemel16 3 points 5 months ago

Agreed, i think if there were some evil kidnappers LE would want to inform the public
as much as possible to stay alert, be safe etc.
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 5 months ago

me too
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[-] prunepicker 5 points 5 months ago

Why doesn't the family release a photo of Sherri when she was rescued or in the hospital?
Perhaps if I saw proof of abuse and branding I might be less skeptical.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

Why? Because KP exaggerated on her injuries. It was not really that bad. So showing a
picture would certainly scream "LIAR".
They are all in on this....the whole vile lot of them.
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[-] Pinkicon49 3 points 5 months ago

I bet the Enquirer (or other media) could buy the rights them from him. Do they still pay for
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] prunepicker 3 points 5 months ago

I hadn't thought of that. I'm not sure about the Enquirer but People magazine would pay
a bundle for a photo like that.
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[-] Sbplaint 13 points 5 months ago

Also, if law enforcement is trolling these threads, have KP/SP and their extended family's voting
activity been looked into? Like, was there an absentee ballot for SP? Did KP or any of the
immediate family visit the polls in person to vote? Not that it would make them guilty of anything
per se, and obviously it's not about HOW they voted, just sure would be interesting to see if an
absentee ballot with SP's name was dropped off at a polling location at the same place where 3-
Lo, Selena Gomez or one of the other key players cast their vote. If it really was SP/KP
perpetrating some elaborate hoax, I can't imagine they would be organized enough to get their
absentee ballots in early, on top of everything else they had to do...just a thought.
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[ 17 points 5 months ago

The thing that bothers me the most in this case is that everyone seemed to just know that she
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was still alive. At no point did Keith (or Cameron Gamble for that matter) ever say anything to
indicate that she was anything other than alive and being held by more than one captor (per
Gamble's November 22nd video). Why would they assume this? That's not the usual outcome in
an abduction case. So what did they know that no one else did? If this is real I'll be among the
first to feel terrible for doubting but I just can't get past that. They knew.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

There could have been a ransom note. I'm looking at al angles because I would like to know
the truth. Seems like LE accepts her story when IMO there is clearly more to it.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

I agree 100%. There were only 2 searches to look for her, and those were done close to the
In most of the cases that I have seen on Dateline, most of the time the surrounding forrests
are searched for a body. That did not occur in this case. They knew she was alive and so a
search for a body was unnecessary.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

We need to work together to connect the dots from KP/SP and his A-Team to really understand
this. Can someone help me with more background on CG as well as addl history about KP pre-
SP (2008)? Also, we know Sherri traveled to the Santa Cruz area, but any ties to Santa
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[-] Pinkicon49 5 points 5 months ago

A person on twitter claimed to know CG. They went to high school together. I have a link. I am trying to find a link
that says KP dated Tera Smith in high school. I know KP contacted her dad after SP went
missing. IF KP had a girlfriend disappear, to never be seen again and a wife that went
missing only to reappear he needs to be looked at closer. It's a little too "ironic" don't ya
Then there's the alleged 2006 "abduction" they say SP faked. Was that when she left her Ex
and sacked up with KP?
"Waiter! There's a fly in my soup".
hat_hap pened_to_16_year_o ld_tera_s mith/
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

I read about that in another thread on another site too. I didn't understand the
significance until I googled who Tera Smith was.
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 5 months ago

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This is good! I definitely read that about KP and Tera Smith (I believe it was in the
comments of that that Kym/Kmp(?) article out of Humboldt County that led to everyone
thinking she's in the marijuana-trimming business), but the age thing doesn't really add
up to me, especially since we know she liked older men...but at this point, I suppose
anything's possible!
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 4 months ago

What if she was killed because a certain big ma on campus was jealous of her and
Sherri's friendship amd it had nothing to do with romance between KP and Tera?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 5 months ago

She lived in Santa Cruz? I've been trying to get info on other places she has lived, I haven't
found anything.
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[-] Sbplaint 6 points 5 months ago

I found a reference to SP living in Huntington Beach on intellius, but I couldn't connect it

to anything. If it's true, I doubt she stayed very long before going back home to
Northern California. Personally, I feel like the answer lies in the ties to KP and the A-
Team...both CG and CS are pretty attractive guys around KP's same age. If you were in
KP's shoes, would you hire someone your same age or someone older and more
experienced? The PIs he hired don't even live in Redding...what reason would you have
for hiring someone out of the area when your beloved wife is missing? Like, wouldn't the
whole 'boots on the ground' thing factor into the family's decision about what PIs to
hire? Either the two contacted by the family are the best Private Investigators in the
state of CA, or they are KP's drinking buddies from back in the day and have done their
best to scrub any social media references to connections between them. In all honesty, I
want to believe all of them (including SP) are in on it, and that they're just another
surprising example of the power of social media and really, really, good makeup artists.
Remember Pizza Rat and Selfie Rat? All turned out to be a complicated hoax by a woman
who hired struggling actors in New York City waiting for their big breaks to play along:
selfie-rat-pizza-rat-viral-internet-hoaxes.amp.html?client=safari (about an hour long podcast, but I swear
you'll ever look at the world the same way after listening to it!)
We know CG (and his chiseled cheekbones) is the action hero/filmmaker/international
kidnapping and ransom consultant, CS is the legal/investigative brains, and KP is the
snuggle-loving, Geek Squad husband whose talents include beating lie detector tests and
putting even Chrissy Teigen's best cry-face to shame...maybe this is some kind of low-
budget reality show they were trying to pitch, but just got in a little over their heads?
Maybe the skinheadz thing threw a real curveball into the plot? I can't imagine they set
out to evade law enforcement to this degree and steal $50,000 in donations from well-
meaning members of the community...maybe they just believed in the project enough
that they could just ask for forgiveness later? I'm trying to put this together by writing it

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and putting it out there...I can't help but think the public fascination with the recent Jon
Benet Ramsey anniversary shows inspired this whole thing. After all, they came out
around September...and obviously they'd have to do thanksgiving since it would be too
similar if they chose Christmas. Maybe the original pitch was to have it be their little girl,
but they scrapped it and had Sherri do it instead for whatever reason? Thoughts???
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 5 months ago

Personally I don't think CG was involved in the hoax plan. He seems like a wannabe
who doesn't realize how ridiculous he looks. Kind of douchey IMO. And that whole
video "Everyone was looking for Sherri, now everyone will be looking for you" that
was straight out of the movie Ransom with Mel Bibson in 1996! What a joke!
Here's the Ransom link:
Here's the clip from Ransom very similar to CG's video:
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[deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

I agree with all your posts thus far.... However, I do think he was involved. Her
'abduction' was way too scripted and comparable to his 'teachings', IMO
He is a wannabe and attention whore, just like SP. Birds of a feather and all of
that. I think they used each other for money and fame.
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1 point 5 months ago

I did see CG's wife describes herself as an actress. She also has a personal
training website where she peddles some kind of diet product. They have have
been married for 14 years and have 5 kids, which is consistent with the whole
Bethel church thing. My research suggests that CG is around 36, which seems
about right. I did find one connection between CG and the Papinis' inner circle
that appears to precede SP's abduction, so it's doubtful they were introduced
by that mutual friend like they claim.
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 5 months ago

CG registered the domain name on 11/19...hmmm.

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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 5 months ago

No, but my understanding is one of her Pinterest boards was about planning a vacation
to Santa Cruz.
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[-] [deleted] 12 points 5 months ago

I watched this 20/20 last night and thought the entire time how I'll be watching a future episode
about how it was all a hoax. It reminded me of "gone girl" when the wife "escapes".
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 6 points 5 months ago

Did Keith locate and find her iphone by himself?

Was he alone when he found it? When was it found? How long was she missing before he found
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

He claimed he was alone when he found it and took 2 photos of it laying there without
touching it, knowing already she was abducted. We do not know when she was abducted,
but she sent him a text message @10:37 am, he was unable to respond till 1:39 pm, he was
verified to have been at work during this time.
Edit: unless the two Latina's sent it prior to placing the phone, in order to mislead
investigator's further....
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[-] Agondonter 2 points 5 months ago

These are very fundamental questions about the case that, if you read any article about it,
you would know. To discuss this case, you need to get the basic facts on your own first
rather than ask redditors to spoon feed it to you.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 6 points 5 months ago

So you don't know, because nothing has been published. These are not fundamental
questions, these are critical details that make a huge difference in the landscape of the
This is a post accusing her of lying, which isn't really a joke to me, and most news
reports are very scarce. I've asked other specific questions on here and I received
conflicting facts and other users are correcting each other to get the fact straight. Its a
great system
I'll just assume nothing has been published. I have read nearly every single news story
but some locals receive better information than those further away.
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[-] whinecube 6 points 5 months ago

I do not think these are all fundamentals. For example, we do not really know how long
Sherri was missing before the phone was found.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 5 points 5 months ago

To me, not very long, this is where they messed up their plan. She didn't pick-up
kids at 3:30 a family member got them and never called KP or even has a question
about SP whereabouts. It is KP that is leading the narrative. So he gets home at 6:51
doesn't see the kids and then says he called the school, they say the kids are picked
up by a family member, then he immediately runs the iphone app, and goes to the
phone's location, and then reports her missing. These events are so unnatural.
Having 3 kids there are so many other things that occur before you come to
conclusion your wife is abducted completely out of the blue. This is such a hoax.
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[-] Agondonter 2 points 5 months ago

'Fundamental' doesn't mean we know the answers. It means the known details about
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finding the phone have been covered ad nauseum in mainstream news coverage. But
yes, we don't know what time she was abducted so we don't know how much time
passed until the time he found the phone.
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[-] whinecube 9 points 5 months ago

I just don't think it is a big deal to answer a few questions here, especially if
someone is new. I am sure a lot of people were not all that interested in this case
until they saw some things about it potentially being a hoax. The "people who are
interested in missing persons" and the "people who are interested in hoaxes"
circles on the venn diagram are just now starting to overlap. This case can be a
little confusing and, as far as I know, it lacks one of those comprehensive articles
that really lays everything out.
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

I was thinking the same thing, a quick reference fact sheet is needed,
something that can be edited with links to sources built in, but what would be
included? What is too far and what is 'fact'?
Also, Did SP drop off kids at daycare?
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago*

Basic timeline of events before this story blew up goes something like
She goes missing, searches commence, search is called off, family believes
she is out of the area, CG comes in with his reverse ransom deal, the local
media rejects it initially believing it to be a prank,Sheriff believes it will bring
in kooks/sometime after it is published/accepted to be a real offer, family
seems to know where she is/who she's with/ransom expires, new deal on
the table/SP returned Thanksgiving morning 150 miles south of
Redding/No money is reported to have changed hands/half the world is
now aware KP and SP exist.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

She was found about 140 to 150 miles from where they assume she
was abducted. How would one qualify the last time she was seen?
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 5 months ago

All they have to go on is her phone. Early on there were reports of

tree trimmers possibly seeing her jog, but I haven't heard much
else about it. That's why nothing adds up. Literally all we knew was
a phone at the intersection near the mailboxes. Like she literally
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 6 points 5 months ago

I was just searching the daycare timeline. Did she drop them off? Also

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when was she supposed to pick them up, what time?

The reason this is relevant is there should be a logical timeline and places
like schools with kids have protocols so pick-up times are tracked and
then we have text messages to and from SP and KP.
To me that day seems really planned, choreographed and rehearsed
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2 points 5 months ago

Rod posted that she usually picked them up @ 3:30 if I recall correctly,
but that the daycare was open until 5:30 which allowed her to come
later if necessary. That is all we know.
The find SP Facebook page was deleted shortly after she was found
and it had some additional information.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 5 months ago

Okay there's a article I read, stating a that KP called the daycare

and they said a family member picked up the kids. So the kids were
not left at daycare. Why didn't the daycare call KP, apparently he
read texts at 2:39 and they get picked up at 3:30, also wouldn't
the family member call KP and tell KP that they have the kids?
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 5 months ago

They children were allowed to stay until 5:30 so it seems

sometimes they did. It wouldn't be a concern until the daycare
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continue this thread

[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 68 points 5 months ago

I'm getting downvotes. About 4 or so within the past half hour. Along with others which leads
me to believe that they are going hard through reddit.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

Or maybe some people just have a heart.
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[-] absecon 2 points 4 months ago

Move this up
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[-] peppermint-pie 8 points 5 months ago

Yep, I got a few as well all within a very short time.

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[-] whinecube 25 points 5 months ago

I don't understand this behavior. Instead of down voting or writing comments online, just
provide actual evidence to support the claim that Sherri was abducted.
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[-] muwtski 22 points 5 months ago

If you look at the reviews on you'll see

there are several new ones. Most, if not all, by people who go to church with Gamble. They
probably have their church gang on this thread as well.
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- 1 point 4 months ago

Reviews are now taken down... the whole tab is no longer visible..
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[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 16 points 5 months ago

Yea I saw that too. Very suspicious be they were written right after someone one reddit
mentioned that there were no reviews.
I wonder if these individuals who found her or called in the police reports have ties to
Gamble. I am betting that lady who seen "sherri" at the rest stop 2 days prior is in on
this too. Odd that she is an executive for human trafficking???
I really hope LE is not letting this one slip.
If I am wrong I will feel bad about it. As we all will. But I just don't buy it at this point.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 13 points 5 months ago

How do you figure that out? I did notice my posts were doing well yesterday and then today
it seems different.
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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago

Reddit enhancement suite

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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

I noticed it too.
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[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 15 points 5 months ago

How do I figure that we are getting downvotes in the last hour? Bc I am obsessively
looking at all new posts. I noticed it was happening. Looked at my upvotes prior. Then
after. I did the math. Checks out. I am not alone.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 7 points 5 months ago

Okay, so if someone upvotes you, you get 1 point? Then if you get a downvote it
erases the 1 point?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 5 points 5 months ago

You get 1 point just for posting. Anything above that are upvotes.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

You automatically start at one point. Anything above that are up votes.
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[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 6 points 5 months ago

Yup yup.
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9 points 5 months ago*

Here's another one of those eerie coincidences that this saga is littered with
// Now a promotional video made four years ago spruiking Protect TAKEN has caught the
attention of online sleuths.
The video, which can be watched below, warns young women about the threat of stalkers and
being kidnapped and contains material eerily similar to Ms Papini's ordeal.
It features an attractive woman in her early twenties with long blonde hair bound to a chair and
trapped in a dungeon after her apparent abduction by an unhinged stranger. //
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[-] peppermint-pie 8 points 5 months ago

Somebody on Websleuths made a comment that all of this guy's videos revolve around a
woman being kidnapped by a single male who is acting alone, yet in his video asking for
Sherri's safe return, he makes a plea to her abductors (plural) and refers to them in the
plural several times. I haven't watched them to verify, but if it's true, it's just another thing
to think about.
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[-] NectarCollecting 47 points 5 months ago

I noticed somebody came through here and just downvoted a bunch of new posts. Keep
digging! Downvotes aren't going to silence us!
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[-] sharonsmiles 5 points 4 months ago

I'm mostly just a reader on reddit. But I will throw down some upvotes for you sleuths just
to offset the people downvoting. This whole case is very hoaxy to me.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 8 points 5 months ago

I've only been on Reddit for a short while, but up or down, I still will read all the posts in a
sub, unless it's by a known annoying user, which I will then use Enhancement Suite to put
on "ignore." Gist is, up or down, the posts still get read.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 32 points 5 months ago

I live for down votes! It means we're getting to them ;)

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[-] NectarCollecting 11 points 5 months ago

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 13 points 5 months ago

Are there any facts or statements about the actual abduction? Please answer if you have facts
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or statements:
What actions took place (moments of abduction)?
Was she grabbed while jogging?
Is it confirmed that the a black SUV was used to abduct her? How many people involved? How
many in the car? How long did she drive for?
Was a bag placed over her head? When did she lose her iphone and headphones?
Did they abduct her and then grab her iphone and headphones and place them in a field and
then drive away? Please confirm - zero eyewitnesses at abduction?
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[-] HoneyBeeBz2 7 points 5 months ago

I read in an article that Keith said the abductors drove Sherri around for 2.5 hours after they
abducted her.
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[-] queenapplel6 6 points 5 months ago

Which seems weird. She was abducted during the afternoon, but their face where
covered, and no one thought that was strange. I would be completely confused if I was
driving down 15 and saw two women driving around with their faces covered.
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[-] Tori68 3 points 5 months ago

Or, as Keith said last night, they posed as two women asking for help so therefore,
she saw their faces unmasked. A woman in our area was abducted by some guy with
a gun, she screamed bloody murder while she was bound in the back of his car,
kicked the windows etc. Several people called 911. I doubt she was tracking the time.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 10 points 5 months ago

How does he know it was 2.5 hours? If Sherri told him, how did she know? Did she look
at her watch/iphone at abduction and then look at her iphone or watch 2.5 hours later?
So she wasn't blindfolded? Did the abductors call out the time every hour on the hour so
that she would know what time it was?
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[-] hooroosh 6 points 5 months ago

Radio. Radio.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 5 months ago

Are you assuming she was listening to the radio or has Keith said that's how she
knew how much time passed?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 7 points 5 months ago

But if they spoke Spanish, they would be listening to Spanish music more than
likely. Sherri doesn't understand Spanish.
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[-] hooroosh 4 points 5 months ago

I listen to Mexican radio but I'm not spanish fluent. I just like accordion music.
Maybe they like American pop music more than Mexican polka music.
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Not that hard to listen for the music breaks for time and temperature and
catch a "tres" or "cinco" or whatever and track it over the course of the
alleged SUV ride.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 9 points 5 months ago

So you're telling me that she is that an astute observer to remember in

Spanish what time it was, but she can't remember the faces of the two
women when they approached her for directions? Uhhhhh, no. I think not.
You are grasping at straws here.
And what about their body structure, or what they were wearing? Did
their masks also hide their ENTIRE bodies? Because I know of no such
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[-] Tori68 2 points 5 months ago

Very true. If you were the type to track time at the beginning of your
abduction through things like listening to the radio then you'd
probably remember tons of other very small details, like the make,
model and color of the SUV.
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago*

There is only one answer to any of your questions, she was driven 250 miles after being
abducted by people she did not know. Edit: see below, 2.5 hours not 250 miles
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[-] Agondonter 5 points 5 months ago

Well,actually, that's what her husband says that she said. ('Two and a half hours of
driving') Now ask yourself, if you had been abruptly seized and a hood placed over your
head and put into a vehicle, would you have the presence of mind to measure time while
not being able to see anything and being in fear for your life? Would such assessment of
time passing be even close to accurate? I know for me the answer is no.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 5 months ago

That's what I was thinking. I think they are trying to place her away from Redding,
that's where the 2.5 hours comes from. Earlier in the case, her mom said in an
interview that she believed she had been taken "out of the area". Her and her family
are doing all they can to convince people she was kept far away, which tells me that
she was probably kept close by.
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[-] NectarCollecting 9 points 5 months ago

Like at a storage facility both of her parents worked at!

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r I de.. r5 -
6 points 5 months ago

Thanks for correcting my statement, 2.5 hours, not 250 miles.

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 4 points 5 months ago

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was the iphone left at abduction or 250 miles away?

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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

"Placed" 1 mile from the house

Edit, no one is saying where she was abducted, the Sherriff (2 f's) said it could have
been placed there to mislead investigators.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 5 points 5 months ago

Is that normal? they must have asked her where she was abducted?
There must be neighbors on the road she was running that have been asked if
they heard or saw anything. So nobody knows where she was abducted?
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

The police have obtained security camera footage from homes and, I believe a
church in the area, the showed SP vehicles on film, from the day in question.
SP said none of those shown, were the vehicle that abducted her or dropped
off, not sure if those are the same 2 vehicles.
I have only seen reference to a dark colored SUV, not a specific color like a
'black' one.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 6 points 5 months ago

To sum up: SO cannot identify the suspects, nor can they place the
suspects at the scene of the crime?
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

They have yet to even identify where the scene of the crime is located.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 5 months ago

Understood. I would think Sherri would tell them where she was
when they abducted her. Then wouldn't the investigators interview
neighbors and ask the public if they saw a certain car at this
location on Nov. 2nd or if they heard anything?
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[-] Sam5377 11 points 5 months ago

Do not apply any logic to this case, otherwise you will inevitably
end up in some 'This is a totes Hoax" chat room sounding like
some freethinking asshat who wonders why the amnesia
started before the abduction, yet wore off quick enough for the
victim to know how long she was driven around, giving
nonthreatening looking female abductors time to put on masks
in the meantime. Follow the #TCash
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 3 points 5 months ago

the Sherriff (2 f's)

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Yes, but only one "r." :)

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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

FFucker :) I kid I kid

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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 5 points 5 months ago

Heh heh :D
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[-] hooroosh 7 points 5 months ago

Were Sherri's alleged abductors masked when they approached her while she was out jogging?
Sounds like the hubby said they weren't?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 5 months ago

This is probably part of the story Sherri is claiming she has "amnesia" about.
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[-] Sam5377 9 points 5 months ago

The husband gave a difficult to believe theoretical of how she could have been abducted in
his mind, stating that SP would have been wary of two men, but not of two women. That
implies they were not masked and she saw them, one would most likely be suspicious of two
masked women appaching her, just my 2 cents
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[-] ilickstamps 5 points 5 months ago

Good catch on MILF, that was probably on his mind about NOT saying what the branding said.
Then just went onto the chains.
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[-] Sunset_Squirrel 2 points 5 months ago

He said 'metal' because he was trying to describe the chain around her waist. I don't
understand why we think this is connected to the branding?
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[-] ilickstamps 2 points 5 months ago

Because that could be what the branding is.

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[-] Sunset_Squirrel 3 points 5 months ago

I'm still not getting it. He says "She had a metal, er sorry, a chain around her
waist...". He's clearly attempting to describe the chain and chains are made of metal.
Why would we make the leap to even think this is her branding? I could understand it
if it was a word unrelated to a metal chain but it is, so ...?
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[-] ilickstamps 1 point 5 months ago

I hear him say MILF, then uh chains around her waist. Gonna listen again.
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[ - ] wheredoesitsaythat 7 points 5 months ago

I don't think he said milf, I think he said metal, he's trying to recall what he's supposed to
say or what he told LE in prior statements.
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[-] peppermint-pie 3 points 5 months ago

It sounds exactly like "metal" to me, he's just talking quickly.

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[-] Sam5377 38 points 5 months ago

Another thing really bugging me is that they used all these old heavy makeup glamour shot pics,
instead of current, recent pics. This has been mentioned before but is worth reposting as I feel
it hindered efforts to find her as people were looking for someone leaving prom 10 years ago,
not a 34 year old women in sweat pants.
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[-] DNA Jigase 3 points 4 months ago

I'm not one who totally discounts that Sherri Papini was kidnapped, but I've followed a lot of
missing persons cases over the years, and I've noticed that a lot of people tend to use
glamor shots when their loved ones go missing. Sometimes it's because those are the only
photos they have of that person (like in the past when phone cameras weren't common,
poorer folks wouldn't have many photos because they couldn't afford to develop them) or
because they feel like current photos might affect how we perceive the victim and they want
us to feel more sympathetic to the case (like if the victim was a drug addict or something
and family used a picture of them in better times).
The way the media described her, Sherri seemed like one of those typical Instagram/Pintrest
moms, and those types of ladies always take numerous selfies and photos of their brood.
That the Papinis didn't use those current photos is what makes me doubt their credibility as
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

The drug thing crossed my mind when I mistook a photo her mom posted of this old
looking Sherri for her mom. She didn't look like the girl in the glamor photos and she
would be the type to have many selfies and her phone would contain recent ones. As
someone who's done photoshoots I would only want them used for attention to my case
in hopes they find me but also would want candid normal ones related and without
makeup ones. She looks way different in non professional photos
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[-] pacmandones 6 points 5 months ago

Yeah before she got "kidnapped" she told her husband to use those because she looks
better in them lol
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[-] anxshush 30 points 5 months ago

MSNBC discussing the bizarre behavior of Keith Papini
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 10 points 5 months ago

Good find! I love that journalists are starting to ask questions! Finally... sheesh.

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Is the green house at the beginning of the 20/20 money money interview where they lived? 4
car garage and all, pretty nice.
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[-] sbammons 5 points 5 months ago

hes filed for bankruptcy fairly recently

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

KP filed for bankruptcy, or his mother's long term boyfriend Rod?

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3 points 5 months ago

Yes, it was his childhood home.

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[-] Mentioned_Videos 9 points 5 months ago*

Videos in this thread:

Watch Playlist


Criminal Profiler Pat

19 - This is a great discussion forum! Just found it last night, so
Brown discusses the
much excuse me if this has already been posted. Here's clip from
abduction of #Sherri
Today Show segment with Pat Brown. She raises a lot of
Papini on The Today
questions about validity of abduction theory:

MSNBC: Mo Ivory on
Mysterious Abduction - MSNBC discussing the bizarre behavior of Keith Papini
on CA Woman 12/1/16

14 - I have done my best scouring the internet, in order to find a

Jennifer Lopez - My
sketch of at least one of the assailants, apparently money is not
Taco Flavored kisses +
the motive. The other one is younger and has thinner eyebrows,
Lyrics (South Park)
one has 8 fingers the other just 2.

- "Project taken vimeo short." A video by Cameron Gamble to

advertise his services. Depicts a blonde with long hair being held
Project TAKEN short
hostage. Cameron Gamble is her savior. Edit: More info Edit: Add
link and remove double post

- Here's the Ransom movie clip that CG copied. I don't want it to

Ransom clip (1996)
get lost in the comments.

I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as
long as I can.

Play All I Info I Get me on Chrome / Firefox

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 1 point 5 months ago

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And this one too please? Thanks!

Ransom clip that CG copied:
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 5 months ago

Can you add this video?
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[-] Mentioned Videos 2 points 5 months ago

Already added
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[-] moodswingproductions 7 points 5 months ago

Sherri's sister and sister in-law, Sheila Koester and Suzanne Papini, seem super sketchy to me.
Watching their interview is very telling- them girls are definitely in on it. Hell, Sheila even has a
tattoo of a women that resembles her wearing a rabbit mask, it's like were following her down a
rabbit hole.
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[-] Pinkicon49 1 point 5 months ago

One older one younger? Thin vs thick eyebrows? Is any female family member greying?
Pierced ears? Anyone??? It wouldn't surprise me a bit.
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[-] Hippopotapie 5 points 5 months ago

Can anybody tell me how I can watch 20/20? I missed it because I don't have any source of TV
or Internet where I live, just my phone. :(
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

I just finished, it's so aggravating, all the fear they have injected into the community, a cult
really, gtfo, they should be terrifyied this cult is coming back to finish the job, right?
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[-] anxshush 9 points 5 months ago

The Bethel Church that Cameron Gamble and his "Project Taken" are associated with is
pretty cult-like. It's a long read but describes some things that seem like a cult to me.
One instance describes how members of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry were
involved in an accident that left a man at the base of a 200-foot cliff. Believing the man
had died after falling off the cliff, they spent hours trying to reach the victim in order to
pray for him to be RESURRECTED. They waited until the next morning to call emergency
I'm not saying the entire community should be scared of a cult "finishing the job" as you
said but anyone involved with that church or considering joining should think twice.
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

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That does sound a bit cultish, none of this behavior says kidnap, starve, beat and
brand yet, if a cult did brand, my assumption (I know) would be that the message
would be of a religious or spiritual nature, which would be a massive clue. Great post
full of good info, and I will certainly be avoiding that church and cargo shipping
containers, as well as Latina's with eyebrows... who am I kidding, I wish two Latina's
would kidnap me... #SexismLives
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[-] anxshush 4 points 5 months ago

I don't think the church did it because yes, the message would probably be
religious in nature, therefore leading investigators right to them. Mostly just
confirming what others in this thread are saying- Cameron Gamble is a really
shady guy.
And the Latina with the good eyebrows could give me a few tips. Seems I lost
control of mine :)
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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

I get your original intention and it is a great find, I am just surprised at the
amount of attention every theory but hoax is receiving. When I think a hoax
is the single most probable theory, and sex trafficking to be the extreme least
likely. profiler-sherri- papini-sex-trafficking-
theory- is-least-likely- motive-for- kid napping-823881283947
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[-] moodswingproductions 3 points 5 months ago

A video is on Youtube titled- New 20,20 What Happened to Sherri Papini? Sherri Papini's
Alleged Abduction
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[-] moodswingproductions 5 points 5 months ago

This perfect family who appears to live a lavish lifestyle. From what I've read Sherri had a breast
augmentation 2 weeks before her alleged abduction and during her disappearance Keith goes
out and buys a new truck. A family that snuggles together stays together.
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[-] Meliemel16 3 points 5 months ago

What! I missed the new truck part! WTF!

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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

I have not seen any evidence of the new truck, just read other people speculating.
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[-] Thinkles 5 points 5 months ago

Same. The new truck is just an unsubstantiated rumor at this point.

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[-] Hippopotapie 4 points 5 months ago

Shoot... if it gets me a new truck I'd snuggle them

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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

Ready to have your minds blown #CaseCracked, drop the F from sherrif... omg at a press
conference today he will unzip his disguise and out steps Sherri and maybe David Blaine. This
has the usual suspects all over it, check under your mugs people
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6 points 5 months ago

It's not sherrif it's sheriff... lol th anks for the laugh though
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

Eye really should spell czech more, doh

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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 5 months ago

Hahahaha... this case reminds me of Scooby-Doo

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[-] Sam5377 5 points 5 months ago

Ruh roh Sherri-doo

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[-] timewoundsall 9 points 5 months ago

Reminds me of balloon boy Falcon Hine. Wonder whatever happened to him.

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[-] RudineHoward 4 points 5 months ago
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[-] timewoundsall 3 points 5 months ago

tldr; Balloon Boy:The Musical is a thing. Music by The Heene Boyz. Falcon just wants to
focus on his band, not the past.
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[-] smoothjazzer 6 points 5 months ago

What the hell did I just watch...

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[-] CynthiaDaniels 1 point 5 months ago

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[-] peppermint-pie 10 points 5 months ago
In this tweet, Matt Gutman of ABC says that they've vetted the skinhead blogs and found them
to be fake, and that she's been romantically involved with Jewish and Hispanic men. While I can
believe that she's dated/married men outside of her own heritage, I'm not understanding how
they're "vetting" a 13 year-old post on a long-dead fringe website that was written extremely
sympathetically to Sherri and her family and is very consistent with her personal writing style.

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Are they calling it fake because they don't find her white pride beliefs consistent with her dating
history? I disagree, for what it's worth - there are plenty of closet racists out there, and plenty
of people who are simply proud of being white/european who date people of all backgrounds.
Are we just going to call things fake now based on the word of someone's ex-husband and a
few assumptions?
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[-] DNA Jigase 3 points 4 months ago

Writing a racist essay and posting it on a skinhead website isn't really something people do
for revenge because it wouldn't affect her. Who reads skinhead websites other than actual
skinheads? If someone really wanted revenge, they'd make a racist rumor about you and
publicize it to your employer or school. Sherri wrote that, no doubt.
This isn't to say that she still couldn't have been kidnapped. However I don't believe for a
second she doesn't believe this racist stuff that she's clearly posted about.
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[-] BlondeGir1530 3 points 4 months ago

If you've read her wedding blog and other posts from her you'll know she wrote the
skinheadz stuff. I'm sorry, but what would the motive be by a "friend". Those words never
hurt Sherri, until she went missing and claimed it was 2 Hispanic women. It didn't impact her
life at all, so what would the point even be to write it claiming to be her? It's obviously her
based on writing style, and the major fact that there's no motive for anyone to even do
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[-] whinecube 11 points 5 months ago

One of my uncles was a bit of a racist. He had no problem dating black and hispanic women
so long as they were hot enough.
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[-] Thinkles 10 points 5 months ago

Do people really believe in the investigative skills of 20/20? Or that a truth unfavorable to the
constructed narrative would be entertained. Her cultural differences pinterest board is no
longer viewable either, but I suppose it will come out that someone hacked her account.
Link to decide for yourselves:
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[-] Tori68 3 points 5 months ago

I can't find her board at all anymore, not even under Tcash. If I search her name there's
4 boards that are pro Sherri with about one pin each and that's it.
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago

I just clicked on the link above and it worked.

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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

It doesn't work for me, I think she must have blocked me...possible because my
Pinterest URL is the same as my name on here. I can see her husband's board
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but not hers.

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[-] peppermint-pie 11 points 5 months ago

Someone from high school obviously hacked into her account and added all those pins as
a prank!
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[-] Pinkicon49 3 points 5 months ago

She and KP went to high school together didn't they? Was it him? Maybe?
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[ ] Beanhead62 6 points 5 months ago

One thing I noticed about the skinhead blog, was that it appeared to be fairly well written
when compared to how she wrote on the wedding block. I wonder if they analyzed the
writing to determine the likelihood that she wrote it.
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[-] hooroosh 7 points 5 months ago

Skinheadz thing reads like a college comp paper. Maybe she wrote it for a college course
and then posted it to the web site.
Her writing falling off 6 years later makes sense, if she stopped writing regularly once she
left school.
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[-] peppermint-pie 6 points 5 months ago

There were more spelling errors in the wedding blog, but I'm wondering if the person on
Skinheadz quickly ran it through a spell checker or even edited it a little before posting it
on their site. I also think it's likely that she wasn't putting as much effort into making
quick blog entries look perfect, it was just a place for pithy thoughts and emotions about
the wedding
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 15 points 5 months ago

I know plenty of people who are racist against latinos who have dated hispanics. It's a big
contradiction, but NOT out of the ordinary. Heck, I even know someone who regularly uses
the N word who is MARRIED to an African American! Wrap your head around that!
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago*

Agree, I cannot imagine how they could vet that, but good to know she has jewish and
hispanic friends Imfao!
Edited to add: it's just too much of a coincidence with her pinterest boards, I believe she
wrote it.
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[-] BuffyxSummers 42 points 5 months ago

Did it make anyone else laugh and roll their eyes when they called her a supermom but the
following sentence literally said she was a stay at home parent and her kids were in daycare?
Like... they need to revaluate what it means to be a supermom lol
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[-] Hippopotapie 8 points 5 months ago

Not really. While I don't see how she fits under the category of super mom, I have quite a
few stay at home mom friends that I think would qualify.
For instance one has 4 kids, two of which have major health problems. All of the kids are
under 10. Her house is always immaculate before bed (she's always been a neat freak), she
cooks every meal, cares for all of the children, which is quite difficult with two kids that
require constant supervision due to their health problems. On top of that, she volunteers for
several community organizations in my hometown. She involves her kids in it, in everything
actually. She also does 90% of the yard work. And she doesn't use daycare. I've seen her in
some situations that i, as a parent, would have lost my mind in... and she just deat with it
like a pro. Her two oldest kids are a couple of the most respectful, intelligent, and enjoyable
kids to be around.
Being labeled as a super mom isn't about whether you work or not, it's how you handle life,
how you raise your kids, and whatnot.
Is sherri a supermom? Not really from what I've seen. I mean reportedly she's great with her
kids, but her life seems to be a mess.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 5 months ago

Sorry I missed the daycare part, ignore my comment lol

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[-] Arohall 5 points 5 months ago

Why? That's what good parents do: provide their children with some stimulating activities
and contact with other children. Also - and hold on, as this may be an amazing news to you
- you don't have to be chained to your kids to be a good parent. You need to go to a doctor
once in a while, or shopping, or to exercise. No idea why the media sensationalised this case
by called her a 'supermom', but she seems like a completely normal woman and mother to
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] HoneyBeeBzz 21 points 5 months ago

We're not saying she was a terrible mother. What we're trying to prove on this thread is
that they are narcissists and promote an image of perfection - which is what the term
"supermom" implies.
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[-] Arohall 3 points 5 months ago

But she did not call herself a supermom at all - the press did. My friend was
interviewed by the media recently and they called her 'a distinguished scientist' - she
had a laugh at that, but no impact at all. Some people complained though, and she
had to defend herself saying she did not coin that description
About promoting the 'perfect image' - well, they are in a public eye now, is that really
a time for airing dirty laundry? Of course they are protecting their image, I would do
exactly the same.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 9 points 5 months ago

Her sister was the one who called herself a "supermom", and it was Sherri not the
media who bought herself a Barbie shirt, made a Stepford Wives board on
Pinterist, paid tons of money for professional photo shoots. These are not the
actions of a humble person. This is someone who is very much in love with her
image and very invested on portraying herself as "perfect".
"I would do exactly the same" So you spend a lot of time as portraying yourself
as perfect? Paying photographers to take pictures of you all the time? And
striving to be a stepford wife? If that is the case, than maybe you should get
help, as in - seek therapy. Those are hallmarks of a personality disorder. Not
something to be proud of IMO.
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[-] Arohall 3 points 5 months ago

paid tons of money for professional photo shoots. These are not the
I actions of a humble person

SERIOUSLY. Everyone and their dog can have a photoshoot these days. It
costs less than a hundred quid here and is a popular birthday gift. Even my
step-son had a photo session: he requested it for Christmas last year, and
we paid for it. He wanted a professional picture for his cv. With photoshop
and filters and social media everyone has a ton of professional or semi-
professional pictures these days, selfies and what-not; what's strange about
'So you spend a lot of time as portraying yourself as perfect?'
If I were in the media, I would certainly not draw any attention to the back-
stage of my life: what for? It's not 'portraying yourself as perfect' - it's that
your public image is different than your private one. When you go for a job
interview you do not talk about having diarrhea - not because you are 'hiding
things from your life', but it's not the right time or a place for sharing this
type of information, and it is not relevant anyway. How would YOU present
yourself in the media?
Honestly people.
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[-] briabrimorton 5 points 4 months ago

As a professional photographer, your price point is majorly off. I also

noticed you used the word "quid" are you irish/english? In the US the
types of professional "lifestyle photography" they were using costs A LOT
more then "100 quid" in the US you'd be lucky to go to the mall and get
pictures for that cheap let alone have a professional photography come
out to specific locations. It's pricey, definitely not something a single
income household could afford so readily.
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[-] Arohall 1 point 4 months ago

Yes, I live in England. Photosessions are very popular, and they are
not expensive. They are not extremely good quality either, but you
spend two/four hours at the photographer's, and then you choose 5-
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10 (whatever you've paid for) pics and they gave them to you on cd.
Many people do this to have professional pics on their websites, and it
is a popular gift/activity to go to a session with your friends. You bring
your outfits with you, and it's fun :-)
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[-] briabrimorton 4 points 4 months ago

And I am telling you as a photographer who specializes in the type

of photography used for these pictures, in the US you are talking
several hundreds of dollars for these pictures MINIMUM. Especially
out in California. This is not something you can get for "under 100
quid". All these photos together of all these different occasions
cost them thousands, I can assure you of that.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

And what's strange about it, is that it indicates Narcissistic Personality

Disorder. Many professionals are speculating that people who spend a lot
of time focused on their image online or social media, have this disorder.
They think that social media has actually caused many people to develop
personality disorders which were rare in the past.
You could have this disorder for all I know, and maybe you do. Maybe
that's why you are so defensive of Sherri, because you identify with her.
But for most people, focusing so much on image is strange.
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[-] Arohall 2 points 5 months ago

I know that assuming Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a 'thing'

among young people these days, but this whole thing is ridiculous.
And anyway, would a narcissistic person brand themselves? Seriously
people. I have no idea if Sherri's case is genuine or not, but assuming
she's lying just because the press showed some nice pictures of her is
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

It's the TOTAL story that is suspicious. Like I said before, I live in
CA and planned to help in the search before they were called off. I
fell for it initially, hook, line and sinker. I have a friend that looks
just like Sherri (although my friend is prettier IMO), so I really felt
But after the whole story came out, that's when I started asking
questions. I don't care if Sherri is attractive or not. What I care
about is that Mexican people are now being targeted and two
people have gotten away with fraud.
And yes, a narcissist would brand themselves! I know narcissists
who have gone to extremes to scheme people out of money. They
have no shame. Please look up more about the disorder if you
don't believe me.
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There's two that I recommend "The Object of My Affection is in My

Reflection" and "Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists", both must
reads IMO. Real eye openers.
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[-] Arohall 1 point 5 months ago

But ... why? Why fabricate something like this?

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continue this thread

[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 5 months ago

You didn't answer the question, do you spend a lot of time portraying
yourself as perfect or not?
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 12 points 5 months ago

Yeah, to me a "supermom" is someone who works full-time, picks up the kids from
daycare, then comes home to work their ass off for hubby and kids until they drop
into bed at midnight and start the whole thing over again at 6 a.m. I know some
women who would love the "luxury" of being able to stay home with their kids!
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 31 points 5 months ago

20/20 interview "90% of the time... they're hiding under the bed. I KNEW she was taken."
Hiding under the bed? A grown woman? Lol You can tell he doesn't know what to say in this
And how HARD he tries to answer all the online questions, starting from the get go. "I wasn't
looking for a phone, I was looking for Sherri." BS you never called her! You were looking for the
phone that had been PLANTED.
He really thinks we're stupid.
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

It's like he was reading websleuths and all that and replying to what we would write to cover
his tail but not actually write it there. And if I wasa husband reading people suspect my wife
or hoaxing or me of hurting her etc I would be mad and post defending myself but he didn't
so he can't be that upset and not even the stepdad who isn't even a stepdad Is tbat upset
just very rehearsed. And the time he does go off on people for speculating he saves it for
some big news article. And it appears his stepdad sold photos to daily mail of the kids and
them which would someone do that d they're worried about things or if they think someone
is out there and took their daughter? Like hey let's paint a big target on their kids for money
so someone will know what two kids to take for the next group of donors who pop up
wanting to give the family money. And the sister who went and did that conference
answering nothing and deflecting it all and is pregnant yet willing to go on there and risk
things by letting people know what she looks like and that she's now worth double cause of
the baby. It screamed Sherri gets more attention than me so I'm here to say I'm having s
baby. And did anyone else find it weird when she said Keith and her hot eachother through
it? The way she worded it in what I read was borderline affair sounding in a weird way. Who
knows maybe they need to check out all the storage containers that gamble they said was

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outside of in his interview which could those belong to her parents who took the time to
advertise their business to the media? Literally all the family has profited from this. And I
never hear anything from Keith's mom or his real dad and if his real dad is alive and why her
boyfriend thinks he's the stepdad and father in law to them both. I bet to ex left her for
faking the other kidbapping but cares and wants to protect her and maybe Keith didn't know
about him and found out so he set this up as revenge. Cause her wedding blog makes t
sound pretty clear that she's making it sound like the first marriage and guy she's lived with
and we know that's a lie but did he know? If so that could be motive since it made him look
dumb like he got played.
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[-] LimitedEdevtion 1 point 4 months ago

This to me also suggests what others have suggested - that he is very controlling of her. It
shows, to me at least, that he views her like a child. While I will not exclude Sherri being
complicit in her abduction, I also must wonder if this is all Keith to fabricate the hero
storyline. The way he communicates and refers to himself all the time, as other posters have
suggested...that he told his son HE found on and so forth. It also could suggest
that maybe it was her playing the role of an "angry high school girlfriend" wanting to give him
something to worry about. I don't know, just throwing some ideas out there.
edit to add a possible motive for Keith solely in control of the abduction
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[-] Tori68 3 points 5 months ago

His best bet would've been to make one statement thanking the public for their support,
saying he did not want to say more at this time so as not to disrupt the investigation, then
shutting his pie hole. The more he talks, the more skepticism he adds. He thinks he's much
more likable and convincing than he actually is IMO. But if he stops talking then, what's the
fun in that for them? The story will die down and become a non-story.
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[-] Meliemel16 5 points 5 months ago

Does someone have that recent picture of Sherri? Sorry I tried looking again, way to many
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago
Edit: I believe HoneyBeeBzz posted it 1st, reposting for convenience
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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 5 months ago

It won't load for me.

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[-] Meliemel16 3 points 5 months ago

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[-] randomizer2l 3 points 5 months ago
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[-] BigHose3 2 points 5 months ago

Is this a picture post abduction?

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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago

No it is not.
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[-] randomizer2l 2 points 5 months ago

I think so.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 5 months ago

No, that is the most recent pic of her before the abduction.
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[-] matoul 1 point 4 months ago

doesn't look so hot in that photo

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[-] randomizer2l 2 points 5 months ago

The christmas wrapping one?

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 2 points 5 months ago

No sorry, I thought you were talking about the pic of her with her
daughter. The Christmas one is odd. If that isn't recent, why would
she post it? And where are all the bruises? Strange.
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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 5 months ago

I agree it is from last year. There is snow on the ground. There are
BRUISES at least in my opinion. Can someone crop her face and
post? I don't know how. I see old bruises on the left side of her
face and chin. Maybe I am seeing things. Perhaps mom is posting
this as a clue? If SP was a battered housewife that changes things.
Also may explain why she had very few selfish and so many
professional photos. Just thinking here.
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[-] peppermint-pie 5 points 5 months ago

My guess is that she's posting a picture from last Christmas to get

in the mood for this one. She's happy that Sherri's back and it
makes her happy to look at it and anticipate the upcoming holiday
with her daughter. I don't find this to be very odd since I know a
lot of people who do similar things with their family pictures.
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[-] moodswingproductions 10 points 5 months ago

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I just can't get over the part where she was only able to see their eyes because she had a bag
over her head. How does that even work? It feels like we're being trolled. I mean for starters
supermoms not even a natural blonde yet her signature blonde hair is a cornerstone of the
foundation of this case- built on LIES!
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[-] Agondonter 3 points 5 months ago

Thank you! That, to me, has been one of the most obvious ridiculous statements in this
already-ridiculous story. Yet, no one questions this - it is just accepted. There is no possible
way to have a hood over your head and see someone's eyes. Even if the hood had a small
rectangle opening, you would see small details of everything on their face and your
surroundings, not just eyes!
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

How was she permitted to use the restroom, while in captivity?

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[-] Agondonter 3 points 5 months ago

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Even "any time she was in the car, chained with metal, except for the rope that they tired
her to something and they cut to release her"?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 7 points 5 months ago

That confused me too. Why was she tied to the car with a rope, if there were chains?
Doesn't it make more sense to use the chains to keep her in the car?
Also, at that point in the interview the journalist says "To make sure she didn't jump
from the car" in this very patronizing voice. I'm not sure if he feels embarrassed for
Keith at the obvious lie, or is trying to hold his hand and walk him through the
It's very odd the way that journalists are handling this case.
And if any journalists are reading this - ASK ABOUT THE MONEY. Please!!! Ask if he
will donate the money to charity or another case where someone is missing! The
public deserves to know!
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 12 points 5 months ago

Sherri? Sherri doesn't EVER need to use the bathroom. Especially not number 2, eeewww,
gross. Sherri is perfect Sam remember?
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[-] Sam5377 6 points 5 months ago

You complete me lol, my thoughts exactly

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 5 months ago

I'm convinced that Sherri and Keith poop rainbows and unicorns and NOTHING can

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convince me otherwise!
You're sweet Sam! We'll see this through to the end. Us and our gang of reddit
users. Eventually we'll get that donated money back in the hands of the public where
it belongs.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

I love your posts. The intelligent ones and the comical ones ;)
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 1 point 5 months ago

Why thank you! That's very sweet :D

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[-] danas831 8 points 5 months ago

The husband couldn't even get a tear to come out of his eye during the interview.
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[-] vidrok 19 points 5 months ago

I can believe that this was a real kidnapping, I don't see a lot of compelling evidence, but it could
I cannot believe it was random and for the purposes of human trafficking.
Why abduct a white blonde woman and cause a national uproar when there's plenty of
vulnerable and drug addicted young women and girls who you can just talk into it on the
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[-] RudineHoward 9 points 5 months ago*

I don't know why that private investigator hired by Sherri's family came up with this human
trafficking theory. Sherri is way too old to be considered a potential victim
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[-] Beanhead62 32 points 5 months ago

This is a great discussion forum! Just found it last night, so much excuse me if this has already
been posted. Here's clip from Today Show segment with Pat Brown. She raises a lot of
questions about validity of abduction theory:
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5 points 5 months ago

Finally someone in the news media, who dares to say there is something questionable about
this case. I'm not a person who believes in conspiracies, but I think the media might have a
vested interest of selling supermom, only to be able to sell the hoax story expose further
down the road.
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

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[-] Beanhead62 3 points 5 months ago

Thank you! Glad to be here!

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[ - ] Meliemell6 13 points 5 months ago

Yep, trying way to hard to portray the "perfect family ". Sorry no one is the great IRL, in my
experience the harder you're trying to convince people of this (think those nauseating FB
posts of that perfect marriage) the further away from it you are.
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

To me the people who try hard to portray something they say they are, like a dude for
instance will on social media try to make t sound like he's some good guy and hates
seeing girls treated bad but actually does treat them bad but needs new ones to be
dumb and believe it. The people who are the things don't need to tell people or preach it
cause they're secure and are that and know that and to me the family and him are trying
really hard to make them sound like a great family and couple with some super amazing
relationship and how she's a gorgeous supermom but yet looks 50 in candid photos with
her teeth and gums super big and I'm not trying to bash her but she isn't the model
type they make her sound she looks like something has made her sickly almost like drugs
or the eating disorder cause she looks so aged. And those photos being old and
photoshopped and taken by s photographer and as someone who's done photoshoots I
know how good those things can make someone look cause the husband and her are
average and he especially and yet somehow in those photos they used she looks much
prettier and he looks a bit better but still not some gorgeous Barbie and Ken like they
want to portray. He cares more about her looks that made him nauseous and her
revolting looking state andhjs creepy obsession with her generic blonde hair than he
does about getting the people and justice. I get a feeling she left with someone he
considers a low life aka anyone but him. Her hair isn't signature it's like any other girl or a
Barbie doll except if she had a weave or wig etc still not any of it would wrap around
headphones as her hair is up and she's running and likely holding her phone in front so
the cords would rip forward not back cause that would be impossible. The snuggle thing
he said on 20/20 made me want to vomit. Who cares if we catch them cause she isn't
ugly now and I want attention and to focus on my story. If she really was taken and
beaten I think she would leave him for telling the world all this and leaving her side to do
those interviews but not once saying he wants to catch these people and make them
pay. Who knows I think sometimes that he paid someone to do this for the money and
attention and maybe even his coworker since they travel in pairs. He sets the scene and
to coworker takes her and they pay some Mexican workers they find in the area(they
seem like the Linds jerks who'd approach a gardener just cause he's Mexican and
assume he will do bad things for money) especially with so much crime and gave them
money and said to make it look real. I hope if she is bruised that the old bruises aren't
from him and she ran away. But did he cut her hair? It went from log in 911 things to
short and revolting. So fake
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[-] drea7870 14 points 5 months ago

Not sure if this has been said yet but if she can't give an accurate description of the abductors
because their faces were covered, how does she KNOW they were Latino? A lot of this story
doesn't add up- and this stands out to me . Also- I just watched the husbands interview on
20/20 and wow does he Give me the creeps !!
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2 points 5 months ago

Also, how did he pinpoint that she was driven around for 2 1/2 hours. How did she know it
was 2 1/2 hours? That's a pretty specific time. Even with clocks around me and no bag over
my head, I have a hard time knowing how much time has gone by without checking.
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[-] Pinkicon49 3 points 5 months ago

More importanly- how long was they drive to the drop off site?
If she's lying about all of it nothing really matters. What if her stor to LE isn't the same
thing KP is saying? LE said they have no reason to not believe HER ! They surely are
interviewing her ALONE. KP isn't privy to what she has really reported is he? He is
reporting what he was told by her to report. She is either a very smart woman or
completly under his control. Or both. IMHO
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[-] Arohall 3 points 5 months ago

I their faces were covered, how does she KNOW they were Latino?
I believe she mentioned they were speaking in Spanish.
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[-] drea7870 2 points 5 months ago

Oh okay thank you . I missed that part !

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[-] muwtski 15 points 5 months ago

Keith almost got defensive when talking about how it made more sense that it was two
women because she would have been more comfortable approaching the vehicle. If that's the
case we can assume they wouldn't have their faces covered when they pulled over to
approach her, but then they are saying she barely got a glimpse of them.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

I noticed the defensiveness too. Something tells me that they are well aware of the
skepticism on this point. I posted further down on the thread that blaming 2 hispanic
women was their biggest mistake in the whole scam. If they had blamed a man or two
men, nobody would have dug any deeper or be asking so many questions.
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[-] muwtski 11 points 5 months ago

I think when they cooked this up they made the abductors women so there wouldn't
be a sexual assault involved, they weren't willing to go that far with their little tale. It
seems like the motivation would be very clear if it were truly two women. They would
say "you're going to work for us if you ever want to see your family again." I can't
see them trying to break her down without telling her what their objective is.
Another thing that struck me about the 20/20 episode is that Keith mostly talked
about himself and his feelings, he even said he was glad he wasn't going to have to
raise the kids alone... He never mentioned these kidnappers, never said he was angry
at them or that he wanted them to be found... He even said their house is about
lmile away from these mailboxes, they had video of their house, and we all know the
basic area where the phone was found and he's not worried about these hooligans

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returning? For Sherri or their kids?

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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 7 points 5 months ago

I think when they cooked this up they made the abductors women so there
wouldn't be a sexual assault involved
Yes yes yes! Exactly!
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[-] vidrok 4 points 5 months ago

And then she doesn't need to worry about anyone doing a rapekit and finding
out she's lying.
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[-] drea7870 3 points 5 months ago

Ah Good point !
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[-] Meliemel16 18 points 5 months ago

I keep remembering things from 20/20. If she took a cloth and rocked it like it was her
daughter ( um okay) she couldn't have been restrained, right?
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[-] ErinGlaser 2 points 5 months ago

All of these weird details her husband mentioned: rocking a piece of cloth like it was their
daughter, their son saying, "You can tell me anything, Dad", tucking the chain into her
clothes so someone would stop and rescue her, her "signature" blond hair being chopped
off... these are all overly-detailed and superfluous blurbs straight out of a Lifetime movie.
It's like Sherri wrote all of this flowery bullshit down first so her husband could hit the
highlights of her soon-to-be-bio in the interview. None of this shit makes any sense.
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[-] babyvoicewins 1 point 5 months ago

"My Sherri" was weird too.

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[-] Sbplaint 9 points 5 months ago

I would have expected more from J-Lo and Selena Gomez! At least give the girl a damn
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[-] drea7870 12 points 5 months ago

Yeah! I thought the rocked it like her daughter comment was so weird! Like you said-
How would she do that if restrained? That interview made me question and doubt the
whole story even more than I was! The husband seemed to answer indirectly rather than
directly more often than not . Like when asked if he ever thought she may be dead and
his answer was how he dropped to his knees crying when he saw birds circling while
walking back from searching. He didn't answer yes - or expand on that story - IMHO that
was odd
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[-] ErinGlaser 5 points 5 months ago

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Very odd. In fact, it's like it literally never occurred to him that she might be dead.
And let's face it-- after three weeks of being missing, there's actually statistically only
a VERY slim chance she's NOT dead. Not to say you wouldn't keep hoping and
searching, just that at some point you have to acknowledge that the likelihood of
finding her alive is incredibly thin. One in a million. But with the super shady hostage
negotiator involved, it's almost as if they were acting out a play. Like they KNEW
she'd been kidnapped and was being held. Whereas my first reaction upon seeing the
news about the young woman who went missing while jogging was, "Oh shit, that
girl's strangled under a bush somewhere." Because THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS to
women who get grabbed while they're jogging-- they don't get locked in warehouses
and branded by women.
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[-] vidrok 6 points 5 months ago

She could be chained to something and still have some freedom of movement.
Not that I exactly buy it, but it's possible.
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[-] drea7870 3 points 5 months ago

I agree it's certainly not impossible by any means . This story though already has so
many questionable details and characters it seems like one more thing that may not
add up or make sense
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[-] Meliemel16 3 points 5 months ago

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[-] tchiefl4 20 points 5 months ago

Think about most violent crimes committed by someone not known to the victim. In every case I
can think of, LE puts out ANY and EVERY description, details, possibilities about the perps as
possible. Think convenient store robbery, public shootings, etc....holding back info doesn't help
LE OR the public, that's why it doesn't happen. What LE DOES keep close to the vest is specific
injuries, methods and/or weapons -- for obvious investigative reasons.
This is why the sheriff was "blindsided" when KP disclosed the bruises, hair, chains, brand,
etc....As suspicious as we all are about this whole thing, I ASSURE you, LE knows something is
rotten. They can't get solid or consistent info from her about the people who had her for 3
weeks but her husband and self-proclaimed hostage expert are giving national media interviews
without consulting police. If my wife were kidnapped and recovered, before I walked outside, I
would make sure LE told me it wouldn't impede them finding the people who did it.
And, I'm sorry, but when someone gets kidnapped and held hostage who goes to the same
church as a person who has "mock hostage props" in a warehouse, I'm calling bs.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

LE would state if people had someone to fear (these two supposed suspects), but they
don't have anything.
There was a woman who committed suicide here in our bedroom community this year. The
local papers were talking to city residents who were "fearful" of who could be next (assuming

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it to be a murder).
From the start, LE said no one had anything to worry about. It meant they had suspected a
suicide from the obvious signs and found no foul play.
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[-] MacMumbles 9 points 5 months ago

Agreed. I believe LE on the investigation end is playing dumb publicly, solely to maintain the
integrity of the information they need to weigh against statements made during interviews
with SP, KP and this Gamble joker. There are a number of reasons to play this card. I just
hope he's playing it.
If he genuinely has no reason to disbelieve the information, and his deck is empty... Then
perhaps it's time for a career change. Just my opinion.
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

It's like LE wants gamble or Keith to get too comfortable and mess and so they get the
evidence needed. That would be the only reason to keep info away from everyone even
the family in case they worry the perp will find out cause they're close with them and
would ask and then they'd lawyer up cause they know they're Onto them. Keith is
hanging hkmself more and more each interview
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[-] BigHose3 6 points 5 months ago

I find it very interesting the Sherrif himself was on 20/20.

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[-] 3ourno964 2 points 4 months ago

And said nothing!

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[-] tchief14 35 points 5 months ago

The reporter that interviewed KP last night was just on Good Morning America for a live spot
about 20 minutes ago. He said he got in touch with the sheriff and asked if the family had been
cleared of wrong doing and was told, "No one has been cleared at this time." Telling, for sure. LE
would like NOTHING more than to declare with certainty that this woman was abducted by
unknown assailants, held captive and beaten for 3 weeks and released on TG morning. They'd
like NOTHING more than to publish 2 composite scratches along with video surveillance and plea
for the public's help to find these "two Lantino women." It's been a week, and the fact that
besides their BEST efforts but still cannot come close to ANY of those things, speaks volumes. I
mean, seriously, when is the last time a LE made a statement about being "blindsided" by the
victim's statements this early in the investigation. Not to say there aren't riffs that form between
LE and crime victims, but usually that's after a period of time without any real movement in the
case, family gets frustrated, hires independent professionals, etc....I get the feeling that the
family has spent more time discussing this with Cameron Gamble than they have the Redding
Authorities. And THAT is a huge problem, especially given the examples of how much of a shady
cat that guy has proven to be.
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[-] Meliemel16 34 points 5 months ago

Am I the only one who thinks it's weird, when KP comes home they have family snuggles? I'm

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just picturing them all gathering around for a family hug everyday. Sorry not buying the June
Cleaver act.
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[-] BlondeGir1530 3 points 4 months ago

The way he said it was creepy. "Family snuggles" sounds perverted to me! They're not this
sweet innocent family as they try to portray. Sherri claims to have never lived with a man
prior to Keith, yeah right! I guess she was a virgin too though she was with a guy for years,
and even married him.
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[-] peppermint-pie 12 points 5 months ago

I know some families who do things like this, all of them have a SAHM and young kids who
are eager for their father to come home every day. I still think it's a little lovey-dovey and
weird, but I try not to judge. The thing about Sherri's case is that there are so many of
these little weird things that when you zoom out and examine the case as a whole, the
overwhelming weirdness leaves you wondering if any of it is real.
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[-] BrainzR4Looks 6 points 5 months ago

Did you notice on the page you linked:
60101.html if you click on her name in the silver panel on the right, it links to another page with
a story written by "Skinhead Girl"? I'm assuming the story of "Feminine females standing by
muscular men" was written by her as well.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

Can I just chime in here for anyone who may see this. Short summary:
Skinheads are not necessarily bad. Skinheads originated in England by working class people
fed up with the way the government was being run and treating working class people. It was
first introduced by JAMAICANS and the working class people along with the Jamaicans and
other 'races' made a movement out of it. They were good people with good hearts and
wanted a better life for themselves. There was nothing about racism EVER in the skinhead
A fraction of white supremacists started dressing just like skinheads and created their own
skinhead culture that had NOTHING to do with original skinheads.
There are 2 types of skinheads in existence: Nazi and Traditional/Sharp (skinheads against
racial prejudice). They are at war with each other. Unfortunately, people have been fed lies
that all skinheads are bad and do not understand the history of it all.
I know. I was a skinchick back in the day. A trad/sharp. We had every race in our community
- and accepted anyone that was not nazi.
Before anyone else comments on 'skinheads' please watch this BBC docu on the origin of
them and be educated so as not to paint a broad stroak.
With that said, I would believe that SP would lean more towards nazi skins than traditional as
she is an obvious racist and their entire family seems to be about white power.
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[ -] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

Thank you so much for this post! I'm British, went to high school in So Cal in the 80's
and it would annoy me to no end that the so called "skinheads" had NO idea as to the
origination of it. In So Cal, it was merely a fashion trend at that time though and my high
school had many Hispanic skinheads too, they were just following a trend they found
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[-] Shitleesi 3 points 5 months ago

From the linked article: "They published articles by Skinhead Girls, such as Sherri Graef,
stating plainly that "girls should not fight," but that combat is left solely to men, unless in
extreme circumstances of self-defense. "
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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago

Holy shit
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[-] Pudding Volcano 37 points 5 months ago

I live in Redding, California, and I guess I wanted to chime in too. None of us know what really
happened, but I'm eagerly awaiting any updates on this story to find out the truth. Northern
California has a lot of natural beauty, which is why our community cherishes our many trails for
walking, jogging and biking. Sherri's kidnapping has made those trails no longer feel as safe as
before... obviously. So us Redding folk are all very concerned how this all happened and why.
The truth is Redding hasn't felt all that safe for the past few years, perhaps longer for others.
I've lived here for 25 years, since I was 7. Crime is on a dangerous rise. The police just informed
the comminity at the last city hall meeting the crime rate for rape has gone up 33% in the last
year. There are homeless people literally everywhere. I have a heart, but our town does nothing.
Also much of the homeless are actually dangerous people here in town. There is heavy drug use
and theft. Sadly there are also many with mental illness or who are elderly. My point is people
don't feel safe in Redding already. Most businesses use a buddy system anytime an employee
goes outside, even to their car. Sherri's kidnapping has made us feel even less safe than before.
It does sound like there is no reason to doubt that Sherri was abducted, beaten and tortured;
however, so much of this seems so strange and unbelievable. I was so relieved when she was
found alive. I think our whole community in Norcal was, but I was definitely surprised she was
alive after 3 weeks.
It puts me off that the husband is already out there arguing the legitimacy of his wife's story in
their 15 minutes of fame, rather than maintaining that privacy he mentioned before. He puts me
off the way he talks about it, including the wording of some of his statements, though perhaps
he has his reasons. It puts me off that he is giving away details that Bosenko says jeopardizes
the investigation, because he finds defending his wife from online subhumans more important
that finding his wife's kidnapper. It puts me off that their personal investigator has gone public
with their own narrative about human trafficking, even though Bosenko has not said it was
related to human trafficking. Instead they still don't have a motive. It puts me off that their
hired negotiator Gamble is doing interviews using Sherri's case as a platform to expand his
Project Taken. It puts me off Sherri's kidnapping is a lot like Gamble's ad for Project Taken. It
puts me off that the Papini's might get to keep the gofundme money and receive some or all of
the 100k from Gamble's anonymous donor with all these concerns about a hoax floating around.

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The whole thing stinks. Still so much more we need to know before we can say a hoax I think.
But I can definitely see why people think it is one though.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Funny, I thought Redding would be a nice town to live in, we having stayed there many,
many years ago while passing through. Thanks for sharing. I like rural/small town areas less
and prefer to be in a suburban bedroom community now.
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[-] BlondeGir1530 8 points 4 months ago*

To be honest, I don't think this 100k exists. I think Gamble had Sherri hidden well, and knew
no one would ever be able to claim the reward. I don't think there is a mysterious benefactor
who felt compelled to cough up 100k for some random woman. They will keep the 50k from
Gofund me though. I hope some are filing disputes with their credit cards and demanding
refunds. If this is proven to be fraud, they will have to pay back all those donations, and for
all the man hours put into this case. She was gone for 3 short weeks. Keith wanted money
almost immediately! There's no reason for him to continue to be out of work since they have
such a large supportive family in his words. They will have NO medical bills associated with
this. Victims Compensation will pay for the very short hospital stay, a nose job, scar
revision/laser therapy, wig, or hair extensions, mental health for up to 2 years, and even for
a full house alarm if that will restore her sense of "safety". Victims don't pay bills when
they've been assaulted! Victims compensation gives back what you've lost from a crime.
They cannot come up with 1 good reason as to why they're entitled to that cash, other than
they're greedy!
Gamble who takes all the credit (though he did nothing) for Sherri's return will find his failing
business (Project Taken) doing better after this. Bethel who is behind Gamble will convince
the public that they are the only church who is capable of supernatural things like a
kidnapping release. Gamble/Bethel will financially gain, and the Pap's already have... Yes, they
do stand to live happily ever after with more cash than they've ever had, but I hope they
wont. Good, honest people would refund, or put it into another missing person case. Clearly,
they're not good people.... It's sad and an embarrassment to this city!
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[-] anonhooker 2 points 4 months ago

Victims Compensation would pay for hair extensions? That's ridiculous. That shit is
seriously expensive. A haircut/style? OK. But extensions?
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[-] StopLookingBuy 5 points 5 months ago

I thought it was odd that his sister in law was so complimentary of him. Her sister is abducted
and there isnt just the tiniest thought the husband could potentially have some part in it? I
thought they were sleeping together how highly she spoke of him.
If it is a hoax he was very good at convincing me because i felt his emotions were prettt
genuine. His tears didnt seem forced to me.
In hindsight i thought some parts of the story were hokey and too good for tv like the little boy
putting his hand on her poster. I could see a scenario where he legit made the kids believe
mommy was gone so that when she came back, the kids wouldnt be trying to remember precise
details of a fabricated story or be caught in a lie.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

If it is a hoax he was very good at convincing me because i felt his emotions were prettt
genuine. His tears didnt seem forced to me.
Please invest some time into studying speech and behavioral analysis. It is legit...even if not
admissible in court. Anyone could make themselves cry like that if need be. I have watched
people do it - for fun.
The POS had watery eyes. He did not cry. No tears fell.
Again, study behavior analysis (it is actually very interesting) and you will see things in a
whole new light ;)
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9 points 5 months ago

What tears? He made cry-face and cry-noises, but I didn't see a single tear leave his eyes.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Cali_Angelie 10 points 5 months ago

I agree something about this case just feels so off, and I've thought so since they first told us
that 2 Women were the ones who kidnapped her and then just let her go after 3 weeks like wtf?
It makes no sense (at least not with the info we have now). That said,I can't believe so many on
here think her husband has something to do with it! Looking at his pictures was misleading, I
just watched his 20/20 interview and the guy is really kinda...dopey, nerdy and simple acting. He
doesn't strike me at all as some manipulating mastermind who helped concoct this whole thing.
His emotions read real to me 100%. I think it's very possible that this kidnapping story could be
fake (either that or there Much more to the story). If it is fake, I think that husband is being
played for a fool just as much as the public is tbh.
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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago
harrowing-details-captivity. html
New dailymail article
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[-] sakurarose20 6 points 5 months ago

I think her husband has another woman, and tried to have her kidnapped and killed, but it didn't
go as planned.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

No. No. The husband is culpable in this. His speech and behavior are 100% indicative of this.
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[-] sakurarose20 1 point 5 months ago

He's just so obvious.

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[-] Starkville 6 points 5 months ago

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I'm starting to believe that, too. I always had Sherri pegged as the attention-craving type,
but I started wondering about the husband.
Not sure what the real story is, but I am 100% sure it's not what they're telling us.
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[-] sakurarose20 1 point 5 months ago

He just looks creepy, you know?

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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] msskeptic 36 points 5 months ago

They had to have money issues. He works for Best Buy and she's a stay at home mom. Very
hard to raise two kids on that income. 20/20 interview says the house is the one he grew up in,
so it was probably given to them by his parents. All those modeling type photos - cannot believe
she was happy to be a simple country girl. I do not believe his recounting of the first day, who
takes a picture of the phone? You would pick it up and start going through texts and calls, see
when the last time it was used. He relates this day in the present tense, like he's making it up as
he's going along. He does seem credible after that though. Biggest problem with this story -
two hispanic (latina?) women abduct her at gunpoint in broad daylight. Not likely
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- 3 points 5 months ago

I am not at all familiar with the area in which she was abducted but, others in this thread
have said that it is pretty heavily trafficked. Multiple witnesses even saw her out jogging but
it's very interesting that nobody saw an armed abduction in daylight.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 5 points 5 months ago

Does anyone know what month her 2006 staged abduction was?
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] Txdesertflower 23 points 5 months ago

Check out mom's request on fb when Sherri had just gone missing. She's asking if someone
has family or friends in Mexico who would share her story there....just Mexico? Why not Canada
or South America? Sounds like she was already trying to plant a seed in our brains about
Mexican abductors. She posted that on Nov. 5th, very early into Sherri disappearance.
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

And the day she went missing hours after she would have known she was missing she posts
about the World Series which no worried mom would do
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[-] xLeatherMocha_x 1 point 5 months ago

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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 4 points 5 months ago

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When were they married, was it in November 2009?

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[-] peppermint-pie 2 points 5 months ago*

Looks like it was October 10, 2009 based on information in her WeddingWire profile.
edit: and her Sept 28, 2008 wedding blog post.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 2 points 5 months ago

Thanks, I could only handle so much reading of those blog entries, someone lives in lala
land. Also I think someone from her High School chimed in that she went out with one
his friend's in HS, not Keith.
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[-] Beanhead62 3 points 5 months ago

Here's a link to some of their wedding photos. Definitely in 2009, but can't tell for sure about
the exact month and day:
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[-] peppermint-pie 3 points 5 months ago

"The very next morning after their wedding they got dressed up the EXACT same as the
day before. It was amazing how precise they looked in comparison to their wedding day.
They were gorgeous and ready for their shoot at 9AM."
I can't imagine going through all the wedding hair, make-up, and putting that huge dress
on again two days in a row. Especially so early in the morning the day after my wedding.
That seems nuts to me.
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5 points 5 months ago

Everything about them seems so scripted and staged. The photos of them that have
been used widely by the media - the ones where she's wearing a white dress and he
appears to be carrying her or she's leaning her head on his shoulder and you only
see his back, make her look like some kind of mannequin or life-size doll. Very, very
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[-] MacMumbles 5 points 5 months ago

This is another one I keep seeing with different information attached to it. I'm positive it was
2009, based on their mywedding blog, but occasionally I will see 2012 pop up as the year
they were married. Just curious is all.
Wondering where the 2012 information originated or what organization originally reported it.
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5 points 5 months ago

I believe that is correct.

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[-] Txdesertflower 29 points 5 months ago

Check out her mother's fb entry on Nov. 5th. Isn't it strange that she is asking if anyone has
family in Mexico, to please share notice of Sherri missing? Why just Mexico, why not Canada
too? At that point she supposedly knew nothing of daughter's whereabouts or if she was even

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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

She posted about the World Series the day Sherri would have went missing at the time she
would already know that she was missing because it was later here like 9 maybe if I recall.
Who has time to do that d their daughter is kidnapped?
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1 point 5 months ago

wow... that seems like a big one

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[-] Thinkles 19 points 5 months ago

So that 20/20 piece felt very manipulative.

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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 12 points 5 months ago

20/20 always over-dramatizes everything - the dramatic music, the quick cutting from scene
to scene, the breathless narrative, the fawning over their on-air subject. It's as if it's a TMZ
production by way of the National Enquirer. I'd like to see Dateline or 48 Hours do this case
and interview the husband. Keith Morrison would let KP stew in his own soup and then throw
in a questioning zinger at just the right moment, LOL.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

I would love for Detective Joe Kenda to take a crack at this case. Or at least comment on
it with his world-weary sarcasm.
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[-] cheeseshrice1966 2 points 5 months ago

I could listen to KM read the damn phone book.

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[-] Haperzi 3 points 5 months ago

oh god i rolled my eyes hard in the first five minutes of them showing him arriving at the
'undisclosed' location and mic'ing up. so dramz. didn't see GMA but was that filmed at an
undisclosed location as well?
keith morrison once this is all solved please!! agree.
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[-] Starkville 17 points 5 months ago

I find it SO hard to understand why investigative journalists would fall for this story. adjusts
tinfoil hat
Perhaps they're putting out this narrative so that in the future, they can have an even MORE
dramatic story about the hoax. It's more sensational that way.
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[-] femgineer916 21 points 5 months ago

Just watched 20/20 - he said she was more likely to approach a car looking for help with two
women in it versus two big dudes.
A car with faces covered with nothing but eyes showing, eyes that have yet to be described? I
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feel like there should be a better facial description.

I also feel like this guy deserves an Oscar faster than Leonardo DiCaprio got his if he was in on
this. Hard to believe someone could put on a show like that.
But the fact that a guy like the "hostage negotiator" is connected to bethel church, and this so
called "anonymous" ransom was offered is very odd.
The mystery continues.
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[-] Haperzi 3 points 5 months ago

ijust loved how he told us why their plan was a good idea??? lol, sell it keith. he did forget
about the covered faces in that moment i think.
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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

So true! Right after he spilled that line he was probably saying "Oh snap" in his head:)
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[-] tchiefl4 9 points 5 months ago

Apparently, she also would be more willing to approach to Hispanic-Looking women with their
faces covered.
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[-] WhoMeNoHer 24 points 5 months ago

My favorite part was when they said the "hostage negotiator" use to be a SENIOR airman
with an emphasis on senior like he was an important or high ranking airman. Senior airmen
are E-4's, it's like a specialist in the army. They aren't even non-commissioned officers. I
worked with airmen who worked in an office setting, so maybe whatever his job was
different, but senior airmen weren't put in charge of anything. Also, all air force members
who are part of flight crew go through SERE training. So while it is difficult, if he went
through that, it's not as exclusive as he makes it out to be. I guess several of my friends
could be "hostage negotiators" too!
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[-] Sam5377 12 points 5 months ago

I have done my best scouring the internet, in order to find a sketch of at least one of the
assailants, apparently money is not the motive.
The other one is younger and has thinner eyebrows, one has 8 fingers the other just 2.
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1-1 Shelair 5 points 5 months ago

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[-] thekinginblack 4 points 5 months ago

This is the literal best.

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[-] ProtonDeathRay 19 points 5 months ago

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[ -] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Has anyone seen an interview where KP accidently mumbled the word 'milf' perhaps referring to
the branding? The post was time stamped
12/02/2016 13:31 I tried finding the video but came up empty.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 9 points 5 months ago

Listening to the above link by OP, Keith doesn't say MILF, he says, as he looks down trying
to recall his exact words to police as to get the story straight. "She was ah bound, she had
a metal...ahh a chain around her waist...a that's correct." Who is he saying correct to? To
the interviewer or himself, confirming he's reciting the exact fact?
I hope he keeps talking and giving interviews.
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1-1 Cmmic'P 5 points 5 months ago

OP added a link, I can't tell if KP says metal as the end sounds like an F, or if he was legit
talking about the brand then changed topics. Honestly 'miff' fits the narcissistic narrative, the
same way the skinheadz post was claimed not to be written by her, even though it made her
look like a hero instead of slandering her as implied.
Tomorrow i'll try to enhance the sound. Edited to change he to KP
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[-] KarmicEnigma 2 points 5 months ago

Can you link to the video?

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

The OP posted the link, point #1 of edit #1 above

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[-] Burgundies 6 points 5 months ago

Keith never mentioned how the kids reacted to mommy's new haircut. When my long hair was
cut short, my little ones were quite shy and hesitant upon first seeing me. They certainly didn't
come running to me with open arms...1o1
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[-] TeddyDuchamp 2 points 5 months ago

Yes, I also wondered what their reaction was to her "bruised face with a broken nose". That
would be very traumatic for a child. But no mention of it.
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[-] Burgundies 4 points 5 months ago

Oh yes, Keith mentioned that the kids went running to her with hugs and kisses and
they all fell to the floor for a family hug... Really??? The kids never questioned mom's
new/frightening appearance? Very surprised by that especially since she is apparently so
perfect looking all the time.
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[-] bluewonder27 1 point 5 months ago

Exactly. And in earlier reports, I read that not only were the kids not told that their

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mom had gone missing, but that they had not yet been reunited with her.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 16 points 5 months ago

FINALLY!!! I found an article that questions what will be done with the money (which is actually
more than 50k but whatever). Here it is -
And just a quick question to the regular posters, do you think we could be tipping Keith and
Sherri off? I mean, assuming they read this page or someone from their family, do you think we
could be helping them plan their next step? That's something that has been bothering me.
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[-] mmpressl 8 points 5 months ago

Yes,I believe they have both posted on here and Websleuths...

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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] wheredoesitsaythat 19 points 5 months ago

They already are reading these posts and Facebook posts and other posts. Seems that's
what the 20/20 interview was for, to address the online questions.
If your wife was abducted and tortured and gone for 3 weeks, would you really care about
the internet when she's returned home? You only care if you are lying.
Think about it, what harm is taking place questioning the facts someone presents in a case
like this. These are legitimate questions. Things don't make sense. There is no motive, none,
zero. She cannot identify one suspect after spending 3 weeks with them. They wore face
coverings for 3 weeks straight? Teenagers do this when they are caught in lies, they get
pissed at all the questions.
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[-] MacMumbles 7 points 5 months ago*

If my wife were ever kidnapped, I would be paying absolutely ZERO attention to my own
physical appearance, my communication skills would go neanderthal inside the first
week... I would forget food exists, phone?...what is this alien ringing device... Sleep?
Forget it. Hell, I reckon I wouldn't even be able to look at our bed or go near our
bedroom, and I would fail to acknowledge the existence of any other human being on the
face of this planet other than my wife, my children and the network of law enforcement
agencies helping me find my girl and bring her home to me alive as fast as possible... My
whole world is my family... If she defied every statistic and turned up alive!? Holy hell...
Forget it. News agencies could screw. Forget interviews and statements. I wouldn't leave
her side unless it was to care for our children. And even then you have their
grandparents or whatever family you have nearest and dearest help with that on and off
for however long it takes.
I don't know how this guy does it. My beard is thinning just listening to such a beta
response. It's crushing as a married man. Let's say it had all happened as stated
(meh...) for the sake of making a point, if my wife were just returned ALIVE from being
abducted, viciously beaten, tortured and humiliated... Now the people that did this are
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out there thinking they can run? No Sir. Interviews would be tough. Because the only
word in my vocabulary, would be HUNT
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

I agree about tipping them off, I am also assuming it's too late to change the outcome.
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[-] muwtski 12 points 5 months ago

I have a feeling if they were readying this we'd be getting called sub-humans by now in some
kind of rage fit.
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[-] Tori68 1 point 5 months ago

Someone posted that one of the Sherri Reddit threads was mentioned on the show last
night? I'll have to re-watch to see if I can catch it.
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[-] mmpressl 6 points 5 months ago

Make no mistakes, there have been slurs thrown and accounts suddenly deleted.
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago

Where have you seen this? Recently? I know DM wasn't allowing comments on the
blog post article because people were so overwhelmingly negative towards Sherri
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[-] mmpressl 1 point 5 months ago

Redditt, this thread in the beginning. Commentor even said, 'Was it really
necessary to use a slur?"
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14 points 5 months ago

Did 20/20 say anything about a tip line and/or reward for info pertaining to catching the
abductors? I would think that would be very important and a great opportunity to reach people
who could have helpful info.
Did Keith finally show outrage at the alleged abductors?
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[-] whinecube 6 points 5 months ago

No neither of those.
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago

Thanks and figures.

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[-] Pinkicon49 2 points 5 months ago

That's very telling. Have you ever seen a story with suspects on the run whaler a tip
line was not provided? Could be because the description is so vague or because LE
knows exactly who to watch and just need more evidence (however circumstantial )
to move forward.

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*Tip lines don't work when said suspects don't exsist. Nuff said.
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[-] Thinkles 1 point 5 months ago

I was thinking the same and I hope you're right that the suspects don't exist.
That scenario would be the least hurtful to both SP and the community.
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[-] beautifuldisaster509 4 points 5 months ago

Anyone else notice that Keith Papini was wearing a Jeff Sessions jacket for the majority of the
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[-] anxshush 1 point 5 months ago

Sessions is a popular skiing and snowboarding clothing brand.

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[-] PCTrunner 1 point 5 months ago

When I think about the inexplicable certainty of her parents (in the video they made) that she
was alive, and their anger, I'm wondering if the disappearance lasted longer than planned.
Also, wit the neatly placed phone and earbuds, that could have been done by a bystander who
came upon them - placing them in the open with the hopes that the owner would retrace steps
and retrieve them.
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8 points 5 months ago

Considering the publicity that this incident has received and the size of the small community,
if someone found the phone haphazardly dropped and decided to move it to a more visible
place, he/she would likely have come forward by now. Besides, if the phone had an
emergency contact feature, the person who found it could have called.
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[-] PCTrunner 6 points 5 months ago

Good point.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 33 points 5 months ago

John and Patsy Ramsey. That's what I think of when I see this husband and the wife's family.
Very weird; not ringing true...this "kidnapping."
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[-] smoothjazzer 10 points 5 months ago

The pineapple did it.

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[-] Starkville 6 points 5 months ago

His weird cry-face reminded me of Patsy!

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[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 3 points 5 months ago

Even PR had more emotional expression & micro expressions in her sedated face. This
guy.... Grrr.
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1 point 4 months ago

She did dramatic readings for the talent portion of the pageants she competed in, so
she was experienced with theatrics. Keith really should have taken some improv
classes or something.
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[-] Sbplaint 38 points 5 months ago

I have been thinking that all along! Clearly, a small foreign faction is behind all of this.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 11 points 5 months ago

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[-] cmc8290 40 points 5 months ago

Keith Papini needs to step away from the spotlight if he wants people to quit saying it's a hoax.
Dude isn't doing himself any favors at this point. The entire 20/20 episode seemed like he was
trying to justify her story... instead of focusing on the real issue now: finding the people that
did this, if it even happened at all.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 24 points 5 months ago

I want more Keith, they keep giving him more rope, there is no way he is going to remember
all his statements and details, eventually he'll forget what he said, and then mention another
detail that hell have to explain.
I only heard one snippet radio bumper of the 20/20 interview and it sounded like he made
sure to restate details correctly and even corrected himself so regarding his first encounter
with Sherri when he "found" her.
So where is the GoFundMe money? Who has it? I heard the sister was in charge of it. Any
proof the money was transferred from GoFundMe to her account?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 7 points 5 months ago

Did they ask about the money? Please tell me they did. I am starting to lose all faith in
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[-] TheHeatWaver 3 points 5 months ago

They didn't :(
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 12 points 5 months ago

I don't know didn't see the interview, but I sent Keith a message on the GoFundMe
page asking him if he has the funds, or his sister. Also whether law enforcement is
charging him for the search services, I know rescue operations will charge for it in
most cases.
My thought is...since so many people are fooled, they will just keep the money and
spend it on Queen Sherri.
I will let you know if he responds.
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[ - ] whinecube 27 points 5 months ago

Yes that whole interview blew me away by what was NOT there. So they are focusing on
healing now? The entire story was everything BUT wanting to know who did this and trying
to find them.
This is all such bullshit.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 25 points 5 months ago

Yeah, "focused on healing" aka "we want to enjoy our 6 figure donation, stop digging for
answers". Hmmmmm, yeah, I know what "focused on healing" means.
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[-] anxshush 6 points 5 months ago

...and negotiating the best book deal possible. Or Lifetime Movie rights.
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[-] Hippopotapie 8 points 5 months ago

Sherri Papini... supermom... all American woman.... SURVIVOR

Nice ring to it eh haha
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[-] whinecube 18 points 5 months ago

So Keith is asking WHY instead of WHO. "CLEARLY, I want justice." That is the only thing he has
said about getting the people who did this. I mean, there was nothing in that entire interview
besides that where Keith says anything about finding the people who did this. Surely that would
be the only thing a man would focus on if his wife had gone through something like this. Most
men would be itching to KILL the people who did something like that to his wife.
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3 points 5 months ago

He's too busy scrubbing their Pinterest boards so us "malicious subhumans" buy their story.
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[-] cmc8290 10 points 5 months ago

And shouldn't he be by his wife's side instead of giving every interview under the sun?
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[-] MeikaLeak 6 points 5 months ago

Especially after saying they wanted privacy

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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago

I wish i could watch it! Thanks for these comments!

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[-] whinecube 7 points 5 months ago

You didn't miss much. However, 20/20 said she was a SAHM, which for some reason her
sister thought was a big secret or something.
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[-] cmc8290 1 point 5 months ago

Not sure where you are but you may be able to get the full episode at in
the next day or so!
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 5 months ago

Awesome, thanks for the tip.

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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

I have internet but no TV, sounds like will be able to watch online in a few days then!
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[-] whinecube 27 points 5 months ago

Hey, the title of this thread was just shown on 20/20!

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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] HoneyBeeBzz 10 points 5 months ago

Yaaaaaa! Lol. I knew they were reading our convos! Little spies!
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[-] cmc8290 9 points 5 months ago

I was actually looking at those snippets hoping I didn't see one of my posts haha
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[-] cmc8290 25 points 5 months ago

She said their faces were always covered... but she knew one had pierced ears? Kinda hard to
cover your face without covering your ears.
Or eyebrows.
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[-] ilickstamps 2 points 5 months ago

Unless they just wore one of those motorcycle type half face things. Cover from nose down
and go under ears and attach at back of neck
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[-] whinecube 16 points 5 months ago

At the very least she must have seen how tall they were or about how much they weighed.
Why did KP use a hypothetical when describing how it made sense that two women abducted
her? Why not just say wtf actually happened? Why did he use the tracking device on her
phone when she was not there when he got home? Why not just CALL HER?
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[-] Starkville 17 points 5 months ago

A woman with an eating disorder will always note what other women weigh. Always.
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[-] Haperzi 1 point 5 months ago

i dunno about that one. i am of a healthy mindset now but in my disordered days i
thought just about every other girl i saw looked great and i was gross. it's a far more
self critical thing, i am pretty sure all of my friends were bigger than me at my lowest
and i was always jealous of them.
that aside, can't understand why theres no general height or body type observation

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to be had. esp if the faces were covered, we all do that thing where we observe
someone if we're in fear of being attacked i think. let alone spending that much time
with them..
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

I wonder if she took adderol to stay thing because I take it for add and it keeps
me thinner and I had a bestfriens who abused it for her eating disorder and
weight about the same and same height. And how unhealthy and old she looks
without makeup outside of her glamour shots makes me wonder if Sherri went
from that to something stronger to keep her thin and its effected her health
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

That's interesting. I have body dysmorphia to this day (although no longer

binge/purge/restrict) and am hyper-aware of other women's physiques. Not
proud of it. It is a voice in my head that will not switch off. ETA: I am glad you are
healthy now.
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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 5 months ago

Excellent point!
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[-] anxshush 9 points 5 months ago

His scenario of women approaching her for help didn't make sense because if they were
masked all of the time, as she claims, she would have run or called for help immediately.
She would have never willingly approached a vehicle with masked people inside of it. So, if
they were not masked at initial contact, she would be able to describe her abductors.
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[-] cmc8290 9 points 5 months ago

You literally asked every question I had during this episode!! His whole "scenario" of the
women pulling up vs. the men was weird. Surely he knows what actually transpired when
she "disappeared" and if he's been instructed to stop talking and giving those details he
should've just said no comment instead of hypothesizing.
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[-] whinecube 14 points 5 months ago

Yeah it was just weird. Why not just say that he knows how she was abducted but
that he cannot talk about it because LE asked him not to?
And two women doing this still does not make sense to me. I concede it could
happen but when women go missing while jogging, it is a man 99.99% of the time,
the motive is sexual, and the woman is killed very early on. I don't understand why
everyone in the family was so sure that she was still alive and that a ransom offer
might work. I get that emotionally they would have hope, but they were so CERTAIN.
If a female member of my family went missing while jogging, I would not be even
close to confident they would still be alive.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 11 points 5 months ago

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EXACTLY. In what other case has a family pulled the moves this family did? None.
I can think of no other instance where a family immediately went into "ransom"
mode. Usually it's "find the body" mode.
This confused me early on too, because I was planning to travel to Redding to
help in the search. I was perplexed that they didn't have anymore planned
searches for the body. They did 2 searches close to the trail, and that was it.
Normally when a woman goes missing, they make a grid and go out into the
forrest and search! Since they didn't do this, I thought they must have already
given up.
Now it seems they didn't do this because they were keen to details the public was
not. If they never talked to the abductors, how could they have possibly known
she was being kept somewhere? It makes zero sense.
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[-] Journo964 2 points 4 months ago

Yup, and given that she went missing in a county (Shasta) sharing a massive
forest with Humboldt county, which has the highest per capita of missing
persons in the state of California, why didn't they widen/extend the search
into the forest? Locals obviously know about the issues up there, the missing
persons and the illegal activities (trafficking, illegal marijuana farms, etc).
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[-] Tori68 3 points 5 months ago

I read somewhere that at first she was not even considered a missing person,
they listed her as voluntary missing adult (sorry, I can't remember what the
actual term is) but Keith pressured them to change it to missing under
suspicious terms.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 2 points 4 months ago

It's true, the California DOJ originally listed her as voluntary missing. But I
do not know who got them to change it.
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[-] BuffyxSummers 31. points 5 months ago

The husbands fake crying and weird noises while constantly looking towards the right is insane. I
wish the interviewer would confront him lol It's so clear that he is lying.
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[-] Pepperlynn 3 points 5 months ago

What I dont get is why the husband is still speculating over how she was abducted. as if she
isn't sure herself how it happened Seems like intentional vagueness on wayyyy too many
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[-] cmc8290 11 points 5 months ago

Matt Gutman looks SO uncomfortable

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[-] BuffyxSummers 7 points 5 months ago

I don't think it'll be that long before the truth comes out!
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[-] cmc8290 51 points 5 months ago

Anyone watching this 20/20 special? The husband's dodgy eye contact doesn't make me want
to believe him.
Also, "so private they don't even use facebook" ... the numerous social media accounts dug up
by Reddit sleuths beg to differ.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

Maybe those are all fake.

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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

I am dying, I have no way to watch, please post minute by minute updates LoL, only kidding
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 5 months ago

hey I wouldnt have minded it!

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[-] cmc8290 10 points 5 months ago

It would just be 60 minutes of me saying "still no eye contact" lolol

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

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[-] BuffyxSummers 29 points 5 months ago

I was literally just about to make this comment. He looks like he's lying. The body language,
the dodgy eye contact, the nervous noises he makes between "cries". He's lying and it's clear
as day. I hope they lose every cent they gained and go to jail.
Reading those wild posts she's made in the past about Latinos is horrifying. They won't get
away with this and it's only a matter of time before the truth is exposed. They both have
"that look" about them. They seem off.
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[-] cmc8290 18 points 5 months ago

Also, it's widely believed that people look to their right when lying.
What direction has old Keith been looking this entire interview? Hmmmmmm
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[-] bigd203 2 points 4 months ago

It's widely believed but not true regarding eye movement. Stick to facts to keep this
theory plausible or please don't contribute.
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[-] prettiwylde 7 points 4 months ago

You dont get to make that rule

pull ya head in
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[deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

I recently read this article on how it is the hands and not the eyes that signal honesty
or dishonesty. Your comment made me recall this and I will watch the 20/20 again
with this in mind.
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[-] shoyker 8 points 5 months ago

I found their wedding photos. Creepy perfection which I suppose is not unheard of with wedding
photography but makes me feel weird.
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[-] DNA _ligase 2 points 4 months ago

I am Asian, so it's part of the culture here to get elaborately staged glamour shots done
before the wedding. In the US, however, most people just do two sessions: an engagement
shoot and then images at the actual wedding. What I find weird is that according to the
photographer, these photos were taken the day after the wedding. Apparently they were up
and ready to take these shots at 9 AM the day after they got married. I find it weird that
they weren't completely exhausted and their clothes weren't ruined from the night before,
because even if you aren't a drinker or partier, dresses get wrinkled and messy even from
normal moving about and thanking people during dinner and you get tired from all the action
the day of. I think the shoots speak to how highly the Papinis think of themselves.
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[-] KarmicEnigma 7 points 5 months ago

This is why I never get, what I call, the perfect frosty photos. I've seen way too many crime
shows. Get the perfect photos and you will come up missing or be hit by a drunk driver. No
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[-] CynthiaDaniels 1 point 5 months ago


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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 16 points 5 months ago

What bothers me is just how often they get these professional photos done. I've seen
about 5 different sessions with them so far. And I also don't understand why he released
photos that don't look anything like her. Some people age well over time, Sherri has not.
Here is a current photo of her:
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[-] CynthiaDaniels 1 point 5 months ago

She looks like a guy in that photo

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[-] Why_you_no_like 1 point 5 months ago

Wow! That's her?

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[-] shoyker 1 point 5 months ago

It won't show up on mobile or my computer. Can someone post it elsewhere please?

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[ -] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago*

I totally get what you are saying, but let's put all of our speculation aside for a moment
and agree that one of the major reasons this case is so intriguing is because of how
attractive she attractive they both are, really. If it turns out she really does
suffer from some sort of mental illness, or worse, she actually WAS abducted, tortured,
branded, etc through no fault of her own, posts that echo back and confirm any already-
ingrained insecurities (that lets be honest, we all have), especially about something so
shallow as a looking strung out in a picture or the inevitable result of aging, the impact is
going to be felt far beyond just one person's hurt feelings-her kids, for one. Regardless
of how this case ends up playing out, I think we all know that chances are, she'll see or
hear about everything that was written about her! I don't mean to sound preachy-
obviously I'm contributing to this forum too...I just wanted to point it out to put things
in perspective in the event that she or her kids read all this stuff someday. A bad picture,
involuntary(?) haircut, or even a cruel branding doesn't change the fact that SP really is a
stunning, gorgeous woman that a lot of other women would kill to look like. If she did
something reprehensible, of course, let's give her hell for that....just seems like her
burdens are going to be heavy enough as they are without adding any of her perceived
physical flaws into the mix.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 14 points 5 months ago

Very true. I was not pointing out the picture to bash her for being unattractive. I was
posting it because that picture is a realistic description of what she looks like TODAY
and all those other pictures taken 7 years ago are NOT what she looks like. If you
were posting pics for a missing loved one, wouldn't you want to post pictures that
showed what they actually looked like? And not say, the ideal pic of them in high
school? Because if you post an outdated picture, people will not recognize them -
that was my point.
My point was also that it was more important for Keith to post ideal photos of his
wife to portray an IMAGE of them, than the actual reality. Which is what narcissists
often do. Narcissists are not concerned with reality, they are concerned with
maintaining an image and will go to extremes to do it.
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[-] Hippopotapie 5 points 5 months ago

Anybody else notice he kind of resembles Freddy prince jr... who is also a terrible
actor? Coincidence? I think not. I feel like I'm in an episode of Scooby-Doo right
now taboot...
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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

Totally...I completely agree with where you were coming from. Your post just
made me realize how many of my own social media profile photos are from about
that long ago...and how I would absolutely want those to be the ones released in
the event I went missing...<sigh.> I'm Sherri's exact same age (34), so my urge
to protect and defend her on the issue of her looks is probably more about my
own issues than anything you wrote here. Just wanted to put it out there since
the thought of what she's going to have to go through reading though all of this
really struck a chord in me at that particular moment.
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[-] queenapplel6 7 points 5 months ago

So I am letting my judgmental self come out but she looks like she could easily do drugs.
Did she owe money to a dealer? Or go on a bender?
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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago*

I wondered that too but her teeth are pretty clean. It doesnt seem like she smokes
or even drinks coffee. One of her Pinterest boards was about an alcohol free vacation.
But i also noticed she was selling a couple pharmacy tech books. Easy to steal things
like oxy if you work behind the counter, though you would eventually get caught. Im
guessing she dropped out.
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[-] lafolieisgood 3 points 5 months ago

If you look at her photobucket, it seems like she was getting thinner towards the
newer pictures
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[-] queenapplel6 5 points 5 months ago

Her teeth wouldn't be affected by pills.

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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago

Very true!
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[-] Hippopotapie 1 point 5 months ago

Especially if she inhaled them....

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[-] EIEIO0000 1 point 5 months ago

I've never done that kind of shit in my life. I didnt even have one for my wedding.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

I saw a few semi-recent pics of her, I would not be surprised to find out she weighed 95
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[-] EIEIO0000 8 points 5 months ago

I wouldnt be surprised if she posts on pro-ana/thinspiration boards

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[-] creepy_pie 17 points 5 months ago

I feel bad for being skeptic; if indeed she suffered a tragedy then I apologize for scrutinizing this
I've been reading through sources, etc, and find a few things about this whole situation really,
really strange. First of all, her insistence that they were Hispanic and they were speaking
spanish, etc. Due to her previous hate posts against Latinos and the era of Trump that has
basically set in, 2016 is a perfect time to frame some immigrants for a kidnapping. Furthermore,
details of the case are off. Her phone was found on sight, placed on the ground with the

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earphones neatly looped around it. If this were part of a struggle, it would be found as if it had
been dropped. Also, it is unlikely they would have left something as obvious as a phone behind,
while phones do have GPS tracking this can easily be combatted by turning the phone off.
Kidnappers would not leave such a huge trace of evidence behind when kidnapping someone. On
top of that, even two women would have a difficult time kidnapping another woman (especially if
she were jogging, in which case she might be able to outrun them), and would be unlikely to do
it alone. Even with a loaded gun, it is unlikely for women who work in cartels or sex trafficking
rings to kidnap other women this way. Usually men do forced kidnapping, or in cases where
women handle forced kidnappings they stun their victims with a taser or drug them. If she saw
the women and spent time with them, it is unlikely she would be left alive, particularly if they
wanted to send a "message" like she claims with the branding. They would have killed her and
left her body in a ditch somewhere, especially because that would lessen their chances of being
caught. If she were to be let go, for example once they discovered she was of a certain age
when they saw her in lighting (sorry, I don't care how many people said she was young looking,
she cannot pass for a teenager or 20 year old) it would have happened immediately. If she were
to be kept for a sex trafficking ring as usually happens with those who are branded, she would
have been moved far from Cali where it was difficult or unlikely to find her; the methods of abuse
would have been different too because they would want to avoid inflicting obvious injuries for
clients (this means bruising on covered parts of the body, forced consumption of heroin, and
repeated rape instead of the injuries she describes) plus she would have met other girls along
her way.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

Do NOT EVER feel bad for being a skeptic. EVERYONE should embrace the motto: Question
Everythin g !
IMO, it is ignorant to believe everything told to you w/out analyzing what you have been
given first. Just because the story is awful does not mean you must believe it at first.
Question everything first!
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

Trump is not a racist, that was a false narrative put out as a talking point from the Clinton
campaign. Just because you don't think our nation should succumb to globalists, and just
because you don't think our nation should have open borders and just because you don't
think illegal immigrants should be voting, none of those things means you are racist. Clinton
just had nothing on Trump even after their campaign paid over 7k in FOIA requests, no dirt.
So they tried to guilt people into voting for her, "Vote for me, otherwise you must be a
That being said, I initially believed this story, and the more I read into it, the more I think she
is mentally ill and made it up. I feel bad for her husband, who maybe didnt realize how
mentally ill she was, because he was two kids with her. I also think her parents know whats

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 10 points 5 months ago

Whether Trump is racist or not is debatable. Personally I think he says a lot of things for
shock value. But what Creepy is talking about is that racial tensions are extremely high

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right now. There have been a lot of racial events happening in different parts of the
country and many hate groups are stepping out of the shadows.
I believe that most people voted for Trump for reasons like you stated - they are against
globalism. Many people in my own family voted for Trump and I know for a fact that they
are not racist. So I support you in that respect.
Personally, I'm still going with the theory that the husband and wife planned it. Keith
knew too much about how things had supposedly happened, before his wife was even
discovered. I also thing it's highly suspect that they raised over 6 figures, and show no
intention of giving any of the money back.
Just my 2 cents.
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[-] ISpankEm 12 points 5 months ago

He's on 20/20 right this minute, & he seems seriously skeezy. It's just WAY too
soon for that. A lot of his responses are just odd. He talks a lot about what HE went
through & how hard it was for HIM. I mean, your wife was supposedly beaten,
chained, & branded, dude. It was probably not great for her, either. If their
relationship was so fucking fabulous, his only concern right now would be helping her
heal from the horribly traumatic event she just endured. It wouldn't involve a steady
stream of interviews & tv appearances.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 5 months ago

Typical narcissist.
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[-] Sam5377 12 points 5 months ago

About giving the money back, you can hear him building a narrative of long term
needs for her and for him being costly.
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[-] PlumTuckeredOut2 3 points 5 months ago

What - he has no health insurance or Obamacare via Best Buy???? Come on.
Next thing you know he'll say he needs a new SUV to drive her to her shrink
appointments. smh
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[-] Elehhhhna 3 points 5 months ago

Nine, she needs a sports car. The SUV would give her PTSD after being
borrowed for three weeks by those terrible ladies
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 9 points 5 months ago

I know, I noticed that. Which makes me believe all the more that this was their
intention all along.
I've known pathological liars in the past, and usually when they say they are NOT
something or their intentions are NOT this - you can pretty safely bet the
opposite is true.
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[ -] sbammons 7 points 5 months ago

actually, he did. not all "illegals" are rapists and not all rapist are "illegals". his own wife
was here ILLEGALLY and would be deported for her being here working ILLEGALLY had
she been here under his new "laws".
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago
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[-] BuffyxSummers 18 points 5 months ago

Breitbart lol
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

"When do we beat Mexico at the border? They're laughing at us, at our

stupidity. [...] When Mexico sends its people they're not sending their best.
They're not sending you; they're not sending you. They're sending people
that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us.
They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I
assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell
us what we're getting."
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[-] EIEIO0000 2 points 5 months ago

He never ever said that they all were

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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

This just in: The PI on KP's A-team, Cody Salfen, may be not just your run-of-the-mill local PI,
but also an attorney licensed with the California State Bar. More likely than not, he offered his
counsel with regard to that whole reverse-ransom statement (remember the part where the
writer warns law enforcement about having consulted with an attorney?)
Salfen gave an interview about his involvement here:
And just today, here:
Interestingly, he also provides courses for security guards to get their "guard cards."
He was just admitted to the bar in May, but he appears to have been doing PI work since at
least 2013. I doubt he is involved with any wrongdoing himself, but it certainly adds a new and
interesting angle.
Edit: typo
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 5 months ago

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That's interesting. I was wondering who their laywer is. I also suspect that they hired him so
he could give them the scoop on what the police were uncovering. I think they want to know
in which direction the police are going - whether they're looking at the family or not.
It is not uncommon for police departments to conduct 2 parallel investigations at the same
time, tackling the case from opposing angles. They could have one team investigating the
case as a hoax, and the other team investigating the case as a legitimate kidnapping.
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[-] muwtski 6 points 5 months ago

Look whose facebook is getting fresh updates, written in the 3rd person of course:
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[-] ilickstamps 2 points 5 months ago

Still say he is involved. Also wondering about the ex. Read somewhere he is a Platoon
Sargent ad if CG is involved in military. CG also to be involved in the Church that they say is
cult related. Last guy on 20/20 says abduction seems like a cult was involved.
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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago

hmm interesting, so this entire thing may have been a PR stunt involving multiple
people/departments/agencies? Is this some Minerva Initiative stuff?
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[-] justawildflower 8 points 5 months ago

3 raving reviews have also just been posted in the last few hours, with several posted the
day before.
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[-] justawildflower 11 points 5 months ago

And this latest review just seals the deal:

"More than 15 years ago I was attending Shasta College and first saw the posters of
Terah Smith, a Redding girl my age, walking to my class and thought, "she is prob dead".
She has never been found. Years later, Heather Carpenter disappeared in Redding and I
knew her personally, and her friends. When My roommate came home and said her
friends were passing out flyers because she was missing, I told her, "she's not alive".
She gasped and asked me how I could say something so awful. I didn't believe that
someone so connected to friends and family could just not call. I worked at the Shasta
County DAs office when Heathers bones were discovered. So when the case about Sherri
Papini came out, I didn't pay much attention to it. My husband and I spoke about the
search party that was out looking for her and I asked him, "why are they searching for
her like she's a lost child?" His reply changed my perspective. He said plainly, "As if I
wouldn't be out searching for you?" In that moment I realized, what if it was me? And
that thought has haunted me, and does still. A couple weeks after her disappearance
when Cameron Gamble entered the picture, I instantly felt hope that she would be found.
If you have been watching and you don't know who Cameron is, he is the person who
became the negotiator for Sherri's release. Many people had opinions about his methods,
but I wholeheartedly believed that his involvement would radically change the outcome
and her chances of survival. In 2013, I took two courses taught by Cameron Gamble.
One was an overall course in survival and what to do if there is a hostile situation in a
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group and the person(s) has a gun or weapon. There was education about how to
identify what the person wants and to stay calm internally to learn how to behave in a
very otherwise scary scenario. With shootings happening in schools, movie theaters, and
public places people typically gather with no thought to worry about their safety, I knew
this information was something every person, and certainly every woman needs to have.
Shortly after the group course I was present for a smaller group where we learned how
to escape being duct taped, zip tied, and hand cuffed. We learned about real life capture
scenarios where some of the victims survived and some did not. Some of the scenarios
were in public spaces, and also in depth information about potential home invasion. We
studied the differences in their behaviors that likely enabled them to survive. The things
Cameron teaches in his courses are invaluable because it saves lives. I never want to
need the knowledge I have but we never figure something so awful really can happen to
us. The mindset required to endure high stress and frightening situations don't have to
be left to hope of instinct. I have met several missionaries who have traveled into
dangerous and hostile nations where daily they must be aware of the possibility they may
be captured. It is rare occasion in America, but sadly it doesn't take long to find many
stories in the press where the person is not found alive, if they are ever found at all. I
have taken the training provided by Project Taken and pray I never need majority of the
knowledge I have. However the practicality of most of the training has me confident as a
wife, momma of two toddlers, to protect myself and my family in ways most people
neglect to understand to be valuable. If you ever have the opportunity to take a Project
Taken course with Cameron Gamble, do it!"
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[-] BlondeGirl53O 1 point 4 months ago

Thanks for that Cameron! I don't think most people want to waste their money when
they can go take a reputable self defense course.
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[-] NectarCollecting 3 points 5 months ago

he is the person who became the negotiator for Sherri's release

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[-] muwtski 8 points 5 months ago

good grief.
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[-] wheredoesitsaythat 13 points 5 months ago

I was just reading that and laughed out loud.

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lapple16 4 points 5 months ago

Also is it common for a kidnap victim who was as "injured" as Keith claims to be transported to
the hospital via a patrol car and not an ambulance? And as they are transporting her they call
her husband with her screaming in the back of the patrol car? I mean I am not familiar with a lot
of cases like this (if any) but that seems so strange to me.
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[-] Thinkles 1 point 5 months ago

An ambulance was called.

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[ -] ilickstamps 2 points 5 months ago

Yes and they said EMTs where 1st at the scene so why did the cops transport her. 1
should have got it ambulance with her if he needed to ask ?. And if she had lost so much
weight 1 would think she would be probably dehydrated and should have been kept on
hospital wirh some IV bags
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[-] Thinkles 1 point 5 months ago

Can you link the article where is states she was transported by LE?
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[-] ilickstamps 1 point 5 months ago

It was in KP interview with 20/20

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[-] peppermint-pie 24 points 5 months ago

I fully believe that she wrote that skinhead story and I know it's a legit page because I've used for years and understand how it works, but I'm just curious how anyone found it in
the first place. An article from 2003 on a dead website only accessible through an archive
shouldn't be easy to find. Did someone search "Sherri Graeff" in the early days of this case
before her name was everywhere, find a reference/dead URL to the story, and look it up in the
archive? Is there someone who knew her and knew about the article from long ago who smelled
something fishy when she went missing, and looked for it in the archive to show the world that
something might not be right? It just seems like a very odd thing to be unearthed after so long.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

Sherri Papini's ex-husband David Dreyfus, who divorced Papini in 2007, told The Daily Mail
that Sherri is not the author of the post.
"That post isn't true," he said. "It was a prank by someone at high school. She never found
out who did it. Sherri isn't racist."
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

I skinhead
Ms Papini's ex-husband David Dreyfus has told the Daily Mail that the post was a malicious
prank by someone who hated her in high school.
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[-] sbammons 21 points 5 months ago

i think someone over at websleuths. corn website found it. they are always cracking cases
actually. i personally can't stand the owner and the people on the forums are kind of snooty,
but...they know what the hell they are doing. and they've solved cases and usuaully don't
get any credit. identifying TAMMY ALEXANDER is a perfect example,
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[-] RudineHoward 22 points 5 months ago

I can't stand the owner either, she closes Sherri's thread whenever anyone question
anything because she believes Sherri was abducted
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

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No she probably closes it because what you people are doing is inhumane.
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

Sometimes I think that is done because it's a liability issue as well. She can't run a
forum dedicated to slander and defamation. She gets sued. She has to demonstrate
she makes an effort to prevent slader/defamation. Thats why people use initials and
nicknames and have to link to articles/facts as much as possible. But as soon as
reliable sources point to facts that allow people to speculate more, then the
floodgates can open. Right now there is a statement about the phone that seems to
have been purposely safely placed as opposed to tossed/lost in a struggle, and thats
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

Hmm. All theories and ideas should be on the table. If you say you can't talk
about theories to one side of things, then it's not useful to solving the real issue.
Free speech is not allowed?
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 4 months ago

Just because America advocates free speech doesn't mean a private individual
running an internet forum has to allow it on their site. Even Reddit soft-
quarantines, quarantines, and bans subreddits and users.
I agree it helps to explore different sides, but its a liability issue too. I'm
pretty sure she has been sued.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

I don't see any link to her site/her being sued for posts people have
made. There was a different lawsuit unrelated that's easy to google and it
was over money.
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[-] lollies 1 point 5 months ago

Can I ask what you mean by the owner closes threads because they don't like anyone
questioning an abduction? Because I was just reading through weeks of posts that
were filled with speculation and suspicion and none of those posts were deleted.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 13 points 5 months ago

Here's the PM the moderator sent me:

"Your posts have been removed from the discussion. Sherri Papini is a victim per
the sherrif of shasta county. I know that you are newer and may not be familiar
with the rules of posting.
Please read them, particularly the part about Websleuths being victim friendly
before posting your thoughts on this case. Those rules can be found linked here

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10 points 5 months ago

Ok, that is specifically anti-discussion on a topic that in very much ripe for
discussion.. on a web-sleuth site of all places. I don't know what you posted,
or how what you said might have been seen as tipping over into unacceptable
territory? All I know for sure is that there is a 13 part extended conversation
there spanning weeks that is rife with speculation of the validity of a real
abduction. Still, that is very interesting that your mod message was worded
that way.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

16 parts now with about 60 pages to each with about 10-15 comments
per page!
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[-] lollies 1 point 4 months ago*

I have to admit that I am tempted to read it all because there is so

much that doesn't make sense in this story and I keep hoping to find
answers. That doesn't mean I don't believe Sherri or her husband. I
just know that there is so much wrong that is unique to this case and
I want to know the truth.
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[deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I pretty much read it all. It was too fascinating. The latest
news of them leaving and ditching their dogs...nothing added up to
me from the first story. It's all bizarre if it was a true story. Now,
the GoFundMe...did they run off with that cash? Also, it's funny he
immediately wanted a private eye to look for her. You usually use
law enforcement for that, don't you? I think she wanted the money
and made him go through with it. I may wrong. It will be
interesting if they find out where/if she'd been hiding out. It's fun
to follow, but feels like the news has stopped flowing.
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[-] lollies 3 points 4 months ago

So much of this story is wonky. The private helper, that offered

a reward, had a cut-off date for anyone returning her because
he had to travel elsewhere? But then doubled the reward for
information after his cut-off date? Who has ever offered a
reward for a safe reurn or reward for information that came
with an expiry date? An expiry date that just expired one day
before she was actually found? I don't know. It is intriguing. I
don't have any firm ideas as to what happened, I just want to
know what the truth is.
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continue this thread

[-] HoneyBeeBzz 20 points 5 months ago

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I suspect it was because I was newbie and I was stepping on another

senior member's toes. The other member said that she couldn't see it
being a hoax because no one would ever chop off long, beautiful, blonde
hair like Sherri had (I'm rolling my eyes just thinking about it). And I
replied that people have done much worse things to themselves. To which
she replied, "Long, blonde hair like that? No way, not buying it." That's
when the mod stepped in and laid down the law.
Like I said, newbies don't get the same consideration senior members do.
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[-] Evangitron 1 point 4 months ago

They welcomed about fifty or more people before and after my first
post that claimed it was my first and I had used my own photo as my
avatar and I'm someone who loves photographer and does some
modeling and I joked that I'll use my photoshoot pics if I'm ever
kidnapped in part of a long post and got no welcome thing and
watched everyone after get one as if because I'm young and pretty I
shouldn't be welcomed and i stopped looking in my inbox I know
they've sent me a few of those
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

Yes, if she was a redhead, she would have cut her hair. But not (!) a
blonde! Look how beautiful her hair is!
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[-] NectarCollecting 6 points 5 months ago

Its because she has been sued before. She has to prevent
slander/defemation. Always link to articles. Once there are more
published articles that link to facts about why its ok to doubt her, then
it will be allowed. The owner has always been very careful about letting
people just posting anything, there have been issues in the past, she
doesnt need a reddit/boston bomber scenario on her hands.
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L-i [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

There was a lawsuit, but it appears to have not been about

slander/defamation by users. Unless I'm seeing reference to a
different lawsuit.
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[-] lafolieisgood 6 points 5 months ago

The only link to main stream media articles/sources is about the

most retarded rule that could be made imo. You have a forum
where people make so many wild speculations it is for the most
part unreadable but then you can't show a source for your theory
that may actually give it some merit? Then people post in code to
and only a select few know wtf they are talking about because of
the rule.
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[-] lollies 14 points 5 months ago

I can understand a site wanting to avoid a lawsuit, who wouldn't.

But if you run a site called Websleuths, you should expect that
your posters are actually sleuthing, or it's just web-keeping-your-
Now on a side note: it's interesting that identifying the Boston
bomber is seen as a black mark on reddit when the public were
explicitly asked if they could identify the attackers.... was it a NY
newspaper that had it on their front page? when they posted
crowd images and asked the public to identify those men?
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[-] lollies 6 points 5 months ago

Having never posted there, I don't really know the politics of the site. I
do know that people have done way worse than cut their hair in fake
attack stories, the girl that threw acid in her own face comes to mind -
- that girl later admitted that she made up a mystery attacker
assaulting her randomly for no reason. I just know that there are
endless pages of comments that doubt the abduction and those
comments are still there, maybe you just stepped on one wrong
persons toes? It's more than possible.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 10 points 5 months ago

Posters choose their words carefully there. And different threads have different
moderators. I posted the Linkedln link and the wedding vendor link and both
were taken down almost immediately.
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[-] mmpressl 7 points 5 months ago

Yes, Silly Billy is acting like she is a member of "Bethel", this case has
damaged the sites credibility when they are at the Cusp of really doing great
things with their new docudrama series.
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[-] lollies 6 points 5 months ago

I definitely noticed that posters choose their words carefully, I guess because
they are not allowed to post identifying information that is speculative?
Posters were referrencing often that they couldn't say more without going
against site rules. But I still read page after page after page of people
suspicious of Sherri or Keith and their story as they claims it to be, and why
they were suspicious, and all of those posts are still there.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 16 points 5 months ago

I know. I started off posting over there and then came over here because she deleted
all of my posts. She told me that the Sheriff says it is an abduction, so she won't
allow anything to the contrary on the site. Seems very limiting to me. She's
completely forbiding a legitimate point of view! I thought it was a place to bat around
theories... apparently not!

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[-] Tori68 10 points 5 months ago

I don't like that site either. We had a Dr. brutally murdered by us, turned out that
her husband's lifelong friend had committed the murder so it was becoming
apparent it was a murder for hire case by the husband. But when people brought
that possibility up on Web Sleuths she would delete it then post very berating
"Do not accuse her husband" messages. She finally shut down the entire thread
and guess what, the Dr's husband is in jail awaiting trial for having his friend
murder his wife. If she won't allow people to bring theories up then what's the
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[deleted] 4 points 4 months ago

I guess now they are not allowing comments that this Panini story was a
hoax. This was after I posted there that the facts would come to light, that
everything about this story smells to high heaven, and "that if you do a little
google" you will find info from people who knew Panini and are not surprised. I
avoided mentioning Reddit and bringing that traffic over.
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mhinpruhp. 17 points 5 months ago

Websleuths is just a soccer mom prayer circle of pearl clutchers. It's fucking lame.
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[-] [deleted] 8 points 4 months ago

They make stuff up on that site, speculating. Coming to a theory about what
happened, then throwing in facts to support the theory. And this goes on
and on and on until they break it up into 18 threads and facts become
secondary. No recap, but endless speculating.
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[-] LLCNYC 3 points 5 months ago

HAHAHA. 100% fact.

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[-] queenapplel6 6 points 5 months ago

Yes it was over on web sleuths. I feel like they really try to "shelter"information. Like that
blog link got deleted because it couldn't be verified that it was SP. Although they do a lot
of good it comes across as a biased site imo. (This is just based off of Kyron Norman
and this case.)
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[-] LLCNYC 5 points 5 months ago

Meh...if a bunch of people with no lives & numerous personal issues or health
problems they go on & on about = "they do a lot of good"...
I've been there a long time. Its mostly people who have no clue what they are talking
about or theories so far fetched you cringe...
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[-] sbammons 7 points 5 months ago

i think i still hold resentment for how they practicaly publically bashed benjaman kyle,

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claimed he was faking his situation. and we of coarse now know that isn't true. NO
public apology to BK.
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[-] queenapple16 5 points 5 months ago

I just checked out the site over there in regards to this case and I am shocked.
She literally says he is lying in the first post. And no apology ever? I am curious
how many other cases they have botched like that while attacking someone. It is
interesting to me that in this case they won't allow blog posts like the skinhead
post because of it being hearsay but that they can say someone is lying and then
when it comes out that he wasn't they can't even apologize?
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[-] sbammons 2 points 5 months ago

i don't think so....i know BK has been reunited with his family who hadn't seen
him since like the 70's when he apparently disappeared.
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[-] Elehhhhna 11 points 5 months ago

In today's news, he told his son "I found mom"... Proving once again that is a liar.
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[-] lollies 3 points 5 months ago

That came across as odd to me too, given that he had previously said that he hadn't
informed his children of what was happening, he was keeping them pre-occupied with
distractions (or something like that). If he hadn't told his children that their mother was
missing, why then tell them she had been found? Why not just say mommy will be home
very soon?
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[-] Why_you_no_like 1 point 5 months ago

In the interview he says he told his 4 yr old she was missing.

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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] OracleSeven 2 points 5 months ago

$50K is not that much to someone who is not broke. She already had money and not worth it
to get burned, beaten, branded, etc, even if you are saying she did it to herself.
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[-] RudineHoward 4 points 5 months ago

I think she is broke, she has a poshmark 'shop' with some used maternity clothes that
should be donated instead of sold IMHO
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[-] OracleSeven 3 points 5 months ago

Could just be a hobby and a way to make extra money. I have a friend who makes close
to six figures a year and he has ebay store where he sells inexpensive items that he buys
at thrift stores, etc.
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[ -] NectarCollecting 7 points 5 months ago

She has been selling used nursing bras.

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[-] moonandstarsla 3 points 5 months ago

and lingerie
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[deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] geckogoose89 7 points 5 months ago

I'm sure it will be more $$ after all these interviews and exclusives.
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[-] OracleSeven 1 point 5 months ago

Yes good point there and then there is the book and TV movie, etc, etc. It still seems
way extreme though and could get the job done with a lot less abuse to your body.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Sam5377 13 points 5 months ago

50k (even more now) might be lot to someone selling used bras for 7 dollars.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

LOL she is selling 'name brand' shopping bags. LULZ

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[-] Thinkles 8 points 5 months ago

This is new. Thanks for posting.

Did you see the comment she left for the SIM card?
I wish I could but there HAS to be tracking. ... The last time I shipped without it the guy
who bought it didn't accept it and when I wrote to Mercari they canceled it because
there's no way to prove it the guy took money and product from a stay at
home mother of 3 Sorry need to have tracking
She's a mother of 2, not 3. Embellishing again?
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[-] Sbplaint 6 points 5 months ago

Husbands need mothering too, JK! I noticed the part she wrote about "living in the
city for many many years" (which explains her selling the XOXO "power suits" but def
not the AT&T belt buckle)! Coincidentally, I have a black XOXO suit jacket I bought
years ago from the now-defunct plainfolks NorCal department store,
Gottschalks....makes me feel close to SP in a weird way, because I have literally worn
it to every job interview I have been on since 2005 where I actually got hired (against
the advice of my law school's career services cronies, hahaha).
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[-] NotKateBush 3 points 5 months ago

My first interview outfit was an XOXO suit I bought in 2005! I had to laugh at her
"city chic and top name brands" claim. Bebe, express, junk you can find in any the
juniors dept at any old department store anywhere. It falls right in line with the
way she portrays herself as something she's not.
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[-] Sbplaint 3 points 5 months ago

She has over 200 listings on poshmark as well.

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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 5 months ago

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[-] Sbplaint 2 points 5 months ago
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

Interesting, she sells so much used stuff she invested in mannequins

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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 5 months ago

Admittedly, I ALMOST invested in one too during a period of

unemployment, not as a means to survive financially, just basically to keep
myself busy in a somewhat productive way. A basic dress form to model
clothes and jewelry isn't that expensive. Lots of stay at home moms do
Etsy/eBay/poshmark sales just to keep of the less unusual
things about this whole case, IMHO!
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[-] NectarCollecting 2 points 5 months ago

I actually had never heard of poshmark until it came up here. Most

people by me use craigslist/etsy/ebay or the facebook marketplace on
the fb appp
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[-] OracleSeven 1 point 5 months ago

$50K is a "lot" but it's not enough to justify her injuries...they sound way over the top
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] zedzedzedz 1 point 5 months ago

There was no ransom, so there was no plan for money. IF it was self or accomplice inflicted it
would have been done as a necessity of validating the story and avoiding jail time for
fraud/hoax. I don't think anyone thinks she was planning to make $50k.
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[deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

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I absolutely believe she was PLANNING on making money. Most people today know how
easy it is to set up a gofund me and rake in money even of the stupidest things. Shit, go
look at gofundme sites for people wanting their vet bills paid for. Those rake in
thousands of dollars. I am sure she has seen many many tragic stories of people making
a lot of money via gofundme. Anyone on social media or watching the news would know
So yes, I and many others absolutely 'think' she was planning to make a lot of $$ by
creating this hoax. Why? Because she knows it happens and because people are gullible
as hell and will hand over their hard earned money to any sob story without so much as
questioning how legit the fundraiser is.
Are you related to her?
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[-] zedzedzedz 1 point 5 months ago

No, and also, I am on the side of fraud. I just don't think the plan was to make 50K,
which the commenter implied was too little money to be worth the branding etc. I was
trying to point out that they did not have a figure in mind when they started. Please
calm down.
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[-] OracleSeven 1 point 5 months ago

Yes could have easily have asked for $50K in Bitcoin or something similar as ransom.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] BigHose3 20 points 5 months ago*

I was looking through some of her pins. These can be seen on Pinterest by typing in spapini.
Listed under tcash. Not sure what the significance if any the Pinterest name change is. Anyway I
see where she pinned several articles relating to how to get away with murder actress Liza Weil
and her short hair recently. Was she looking for a new style to go with her look post "release".
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L J . . 15 points 5 months ago

I can't help but wonder, what Tcash means... Thanksgiving Cash?

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1 point 5 months ago

I googled T cash and there's a mobile cash transfer service by that name based in
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[-] BigHose3 3 points 5 months ago

Good catch! Could very well mean that.

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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

Nailed it!
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[-] Sam5377 4 points 5 months ago

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Is "spanini" a typo? Should it be 'spapini' instead?

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[-] Elehhhhna 12 points 5 months ago

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[-] BigHose3 5 points 5 months ago

Yes. Fixed haha. Lots of paninis would have come up!

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[-] GotMyOrangeCrush 2 points 4 months ago

Looks like this one will....flatten under pressure [David Caruso whips off sunglasses,
who song blares....yeaahhhhh]
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[-] Sbplaint 8 points 5 months ago

Damn, now you got me craving a panini!

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[-] awillis0513 13 points 5 months ago

This whole deal reminds me of an alt-right version of this:
Except even more batshit crazy.
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[-] [deleted] 58 points 5 months ago

I am a Reddit newbie but a Shasta County native...I don't have any links but I just wanted to
chime in:
1: I am going to "Olivia Pope" it tonight with the wine and popcorn then sit back and enjoy the
circus show . For the record, I will NOT be attending the "largest Welcome Home Christmas
Card" event. Not everyone in the 530 believes this story...
2:The husband gives me the creeps! I'm sorry, but if I were abducted I hope to hell my husband
wouldn't be worrying about setting up a GF page!
3:I'd never want to play poker with Bosenko...but I do think he's slowly starting to show his
cards. We have a number of LE friends and I fully support them.
4: How many cars are actually "whizzing by" at 4:30 in the morning on Thanksgiving Day? Any
of us who have driven 1-5 know that it's not that busy at 4:30 in the morning. Come on! Good
hell, enough of the sensationalism already!
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[-] geckogoose89 5 points 5 months ago

I'm late to this. Pls fill me in. They are throwing a party for her?
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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

Yep! Tomorrow morning!!!

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[-] ilickstamps 20 points 5 months ago

I can't believe a welcome home party. That's crazy. Is she even gonna be there? And they

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want to stay out of spotlight and have privacy, but yet let's throw a party.
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[-] cmc8290 16 points 5 months ago

I feel like we're watching a sequel to Gone Girl.

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[-] Runamokamok 12 points 5 months ago

Super Gone Girl

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[-] Elehhhhna 21 points 5 months ago

More like the bad TV version on the lifetime channel

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[deleted] 5 months ago*


25 points 5 months ago*

Here is a video from Cameron Gamble "Project Taken" that was shot in what looks like 2013. It
only has 215 views, so it may not be something that LE is aware of. But, pay attention,
especially to the last 30 seconds or so of the "tip of the week." He is talking about what is either
the "find my iPhone app" or something very similar to it. "So, if my WIFE were ever to go
MISSING, I would be able to locate her phone within minutes."
It literally made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I mean, seriously, who thinks like
that? Yes, he's supposedly an "expert" in family safety and a real life Mission Impossible
Commando, but this just adds to the long list of "coincidental" things that keep popping up in
this case.
https ://
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

I cannot even summon being incredulous anymore and am now convinced this was a hoax. I
watched the 20/20 without having any doubts (I am a total sucker and even teared up!) until
the very end and the whole "family cuddles" bit. Then it started to unravel and then I came
on here and now I have no reason to believe a word of what KP has uttered. Shame on them
and I will hope they will fess up before it gets much, much worse for them - if only for the
kids' sake.
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[-] 3sp1008 5 points 5 months ago

Here's an interview Gamble did today. His hands are not clean in this conspiracy.
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[-] Zxfernd 5 points 5 months ago
Here's another Gamble video with testimonials from his students. LE should look into his
student lists and business partners to see if the Papinis and/or that babysitter neighbour are

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part of this
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[-] ilickstamps 9 points 5 months ago

LE probably have no idea of this video, I have seen it earlier. And crazy how LE just now
finding out about her rant on skinheadz blog. Even tho ex hubs sez of was a prank from HS
girls, but this was yrs after HS
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] geckogoose89 8 points 5 months ago

Were they still married when the blog came out? And how did Sherri find out about it -
was she scanning skinhead blogs? Also how do they know it was a HS enemy if they
never found out who it was.
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[-] ilickstamps 4 points 5 months ago

She was got divorced from 1st husband in 2007, think they were only married a yr
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[-] EIEIOO000 12 points 5 months ago

Probably because she actually wrote it and she lied about not writing it.
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[-] Zxfernd 5 points 5 months ago*

Good find, you're absolutely right. Way too coincidental and creepy
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[-] SkylarBlue5 4 points 5 months ago

They should be able to find some DNA..even if they showered her before they dropped her off,
but only the investigators know if they did and if she still had the same clothes on or not
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[-] femgineer916 15 points 5 months ago

Forgive me for having posted elsewhere:

I was rooting for her so much this was hard to see, because if she is that bias to Latinos and
was in fact kidnapped by Latinos it may further imbed the bias in her and the community. I had
such a hard time believing that post yet how many Sherri Graeff's are there that same age in a
tiny town like Shasta Lake. Then when I looked at her Pinterest profile I noticed a strange "end
of the world" doomsday prep board...and a "cultural differences" board with pins like "why are
people with white pride racist?" She has since hidden or removed that board likely in light of the
controversy and changed the profile name and photo of her Pinterest account (still comes up if
you type spapini.)
Side note: White is not a race or heritage. I take pride in my heritage, which happens to be
Latina, but not my white skin color (I happen to also be REALLY burn in barely any
sun, get freckles pale!) The reason "black" has its own heritage is because their ancestors were
brought over and forced into a new culture that they had to create on their own. It's unique to
slave imported histories. I understand the frustration and misunderstanding, I wouldn't fault
anyone for "German pride" or "Scottish pride" etc, and maybe that's what she meant but was 1)

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mistaken and oversimplifying and 2) maybe with her limited exposure to Latinos who may have
been bad apples (shasta county is not diverse) she got a bad impression.
I still feel it's best to not make assumptions and I am so glad she's safe, she is still a human
being just like all of us. I cried tears of joy when I heard she was found. I had a post shared
over 1,000 times to find her. I studied photos and tried to imagine her with cut or dyed hair and
looking distressed and kept my eyes peeled. I tried to notice people in cars while driving along
interstate 5 or interstate 80, I am REALLY good at recognizing faces so I wanted to recognize
her if she was being moved somewhere.
Even without her potential biases and racism coming to light, my heart sank when they named
two Hispanic women. If false, how awful. And if true, how awful it'll only fuel more racism.
I am trying to keep an open mind and open heart though, because it would be the worst to go
through a nightmare no one believes. So please don't make assumptions yet and do not
assume the actions of few, represent all others - whether it's her actions, law enforcement,
Latinos, anyone. If it's true, no Latinos are not all kidnappers waiting to happen. If it's a hoax,
no not all others who go missing/found should be doubted too. She does not deserve to be
discredited even if she's a total white supremacist, one wrong of hers doesn't mean she cannot
get wronged.
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[-] RudineHoward 10 points 5 months ago
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[-] inspite-redux 3 points 5 months ago

I wish there was a place where all the online information that has been recovered about
here could be consolidated. I know there was a lot uncovered that Websleuths isn't
allowing, not to mention everything that's now been deleted.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 1 point 4 months ago

A Sherri Papini sub?

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[-] RudineHoward 3 points 5 months ago

same here. Websleuths posters seem to believe that Sherri was abducted lol... but
I've been lurking there as a guest
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 5 months ago

Ha ha, you archived it as well?

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[-] RudineHoward 2 points 5 months ago

someone else archived it!! I checked on wayback machine and there it was. Too bad
they didn't archive all her pinterest boards
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[-] EIEIO0000 4 points 5 months ago

Oh yes, im so glad you archived it!

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[-] new2itallwithoutaclu 1 point 5 months ago
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[-] RudineHoward 4 points 5 months ago

someone else archived it! it's a shame they didn't archive the "Alter Ego" board as
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[-] shoyker 1 point 5 months ago

What was it about?

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[-] RudineHoward 1 point 5 months ago

stepford wives pics, submissive housewife inspo

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[-] Sbplaint 6 points 5 months ago

I definitely think she wrote that post in 2003, and based on her (now hidden) pins, it's clear
that she has a Trumpian world view when it comes to issues of race/heritage/so-called
"cultural differences." However, let's keep in mind, both KP and SP appear to be close with
the FIL, Rod RODRIGUEZ III. My theory is that she wrote that post back in 2003 to impress
a guy she liked at the time, not because anything in it about her dad or the Latinas at school
was actually based in truth (although I might research whether her dad actually owned a
pizza place). I'm thinking someone she knew from high school who did time in prison (and
became affiliated with a skinhead gang in prison for protection). Central Valley High is a small
enough high school...perhaps one of the locals can think of someone from high school she
could have had a crush on who went to prison around that time???
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 27 points 5 months ago

We have every right to ask questions. In fact, I would argue that as citizens we have an
OBLIGATION. I too was reeled in by her story. I felt sorry for Keith when I saw him crying on
TV. But now that it is obvious that it is a lie, why shouldn't we be upset about it? Why
shouldn't we be discussing it? We are not making assumptions, like you claim. We are using
deductive reasoning. There is a difference.
While I feel for you and I know that your post is sincere, I think advocating a passive stance
on this is dangerous.
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[-] mmpressl 1 point 5 months ago

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[-] femgineer916 3 points 5 months ago

I agree to ask questions .I don't think asking questions constitutes making a conclusion.
I am asking questions and concerned too but simply do not want to conclude anything
yet, in case there is some truth to this all.
Like I said, open minded and open heart. I am very skeptical too but do not want to
question from a place of having made to my mind too, I cannot imagine how horrible this
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would be if it were true.

For example - that skinheadz post is very damning of her character but maybe not her
description or story. Frankly in redding especially the smaller towns like Shasta lake, just
close your eyes and touch a random person on the street and you'll likely find someone
who's racist or even a white supremacist. Many people never have been further than
Sacramento (near where she was found) they're very isolated and unexposed to diversity
that would help show them otherwise. So while it does make it harder to believe her word
when she's quick to say Hispanics, I would think as a human being if she were kidnapped
by a person with a different color or description she would be more concerned with
helping them find the people who did this to her than falsely sending a manhunt after a
race she despises?
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[-] GoneGir1530 1 point 5 months ago

I've lived in Redding off and on for 17 years and unfortunately you're spot on... The
person whose was offended is the ignorant one...
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[-] BlondeGir1530 2 points 5 months ago

Amen Sister! I've got 20+ years here, and I've lived in the Bay. Redding is highly
racist! It's a hick town. Sprout (the offended one) doesn't know life anywhere
else. Of course, she thinks Redding people are normal. They're not!!!
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago*

Ummm...are you kidding me?!? Do you actually live in Redding? I can guarantee that
we are not the backwards, unsophisticated, ignorant population you have described.
True, there is a homeless population that is a problem--but what city doesn't have
that? To make a generalized, completely inacurate and ignorant statement that "if
you close your eyes and touch a random person on the street and you'll likely find
someone who's racist or even a white supremacist. Many people never have been
further than Sacramento...". Wow.
Didn't realize you were the cruise director for Shasta County also!
Please do not offend myself, my family or my community by being this narrow
minded. It is shameful and in very, very poor taste.
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[-] BlondeGir1530 1 point 5 months ago

Sorry, but femgineer916 is giving an accurate portrayal of Redding. She's spot

on! I have lived in Redding most of my life, but I lived in the Bay area for 10
years. Redding is like a third world country compared to other cities in California.
People use the N word like it's no big deal. This town is full of racist people. It's
very anti gay as well. If my children were gay, or of another race, I would get
them out of Redding! Maybe you should try living elsewhere for a short time then
you'll see how backwards Redding really is... I think Fem and I are qualified to
speak on Redding since we have lived here, and experienced other locations. I've
got 20+ years of history with Redding!
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[-] Tinytim331 5 points 5 months ago

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[-] mmpressl 6 points 5 months ago

Like I said before, if by some miracle, every federal agency but the border
patrol does not come to collect a pound of flesh from Ms.Papini, the least she
could do with her share of the money train is to educate herself, online
computer classes or something. Her narcissism and basic elementary
ignorance on the real world is quite sickening.
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[-] femgineer916 3 points 5 months ago

Actually yes I graduated from HS there and lived there. Family still there.
At my HS there were 16 people who ID'd as Latino (most were actually half) of I
think 1800 students. Not everyone is as isolated and there are more diverse
areas. I said that actually in defense of racism because I think most do not do so
in malice, and are good people, just do not know any better.
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1 point 5 months ago

You gave a completely accurate portrayal of Redding. People who only know
Redding think it's normal, but it's not! They don't know how people live and
act in other California cities. Redding is the most racist hillbilly town I've ever
been in!
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

It makes me feel better to know you're from here--I had an inkling with the
916. My husband I both grew up here as well. Redding has things we're proud
of and things we're not proud of. I apologize for coming off defensive in my
post. I agree with you that some people may not know better but that could
be said of any town.
At the end of the day, it's just an extremely sad situation...
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[-] Tinytim331 8 points 5 months ago

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[-] mmpressl 3 points 5 months ago

Good call!
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[-] femgineer916 2 points 5 months ago

It is really sad, it's so gorgeous up there; and I hope now it's clear I was
being hyperbolic in saying close your eyes and touch someone, it was
meant to be more joking like it's not like lightening strike odds Hispanic
women potentially kidnapped someone already predisposed to being
racist. My intent is good even if my communication fails me!
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[-] Tori68 3 points 5 months ago

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FYI, they changed the names of their Pinterest boards. His is KP TCash
and hers is TCash. She removed the "cultural differences" board but
Keith is following some really weird boards, surviving in the wilderness
type stuff, building tents out of sticks, making fires etc.
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[-] imbuche 3 points 5 months ago

I really want to know what the deal is with the Pinterest names. It's
hard to read Tcash as anything but "Thanksgiving cash." Even if
she really was kidnapped, that would be a spectacularly tasteless
way to refer to the Gofundme money. If they hoaxed the whole
thing, it seems almost unbelievably stupid. Like waving a red flag in
front of the internet angry bull.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

it's all good!!

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[-] mightysprout 3 points 5 months ago

Redding is listed by Forbes magazine as one of the most dangerous places for
women (2012)
It's also designated as a special area of concern for drug crimes. Do you feel it's a
"dangerous" town or are these stories overblown? I'm a California native but have
not been that far north.
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[-] fromreddingtoo 3 points 5 months ago

I had my van stolen and people actually came inside our house, stole my
wallet and took a backpack out of a car in the garage that had an iPad and
laptop in it. We live in a decent, family oriented neighborhood. Several homes
were struck that night, including a highway patrol officer's home.
We were asleep but I actually heard them, as it went he me up, thinking it had
been a housemate, so I ignored them. I lock my bedroom door at night just
so no one accidentally roams on there, as we also run Airbnb at the home.
The people were from down south like woodland or Stockton we later found
My friend found my van parked the wrong direction on the shoulder of the
road by college view drive and churn creek when he went to the hearth two
days later to get coffee.
Someone said to make sure I use the key fob to set the alarm because they
usually come back three weeks later when they think insurance has paid for
losses. Sure enough, three weeks to the day, we hear the alarm around
midnight - run outside in the rain to find my sliding doors open and the van
halfway down the driveway.
The sheriff in woodland, of all places, happened to stop a couple they saw
having a fight in the car while on the highway and found my drivers license,

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storage unit keys and some of my credit cards.

I've lived in Redding since 1991 having moved from San Fernando Valley/LA
area to go to college.
I have stories - but I have grown to love the town, area and people. It's a
beautiful area but it has its quirks, too.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

Interesting article by Forbes. I personally don't feel an impending sense of

danger in Redding but I also don't put myself in situations, like running alone,
that could end badly. I personally feel as secure walking in Redding as I have
in Chicago or San Francisco. It's a matter of being aware of your
surroundings. Knowing how to protect yourself. Associating with people of
good character.
For whatever reason, Redding has a large homeless population that
upstanding citizens are working hard to eradicate. That is really where most of
our crime comes from- the homeless population which then easily transfers
into the drug problem. Being in far Northern California and having the known
marijuana grows naturally creates its own set of issues. To make a
generalized statement that it's a racist community is ignorant and offensive.
That was my whole point in joining this site. It's just not ok. Redding has it's
issues-no doubt about it. To make that blanket statement puts more hate
into the universe and I just had to speak my peace.
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[-] mightysprout 1 point 5 months ago

I support you speaking your piece , and thanks for the insider advice info
about Redding.
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[-] femgineer916 2 points 5 months ago

And my parents home was recently broken into by meth addicts caught.
Most homeless have had health issues like drug addiction or mental illness.
It's not a diss or insult it's a really sad truth. I am very aware of Redding
crime, even was a peer court student dealing with juvenile crimes.
Keep calling me names if you wish but I'm sorry to say I do know Redding
well and do not say these things to offend or diss the community I know
and love. There's a lot of people trying to help turn that around thankfully,
including members of my family and many of my peers.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

I'm glad we've cleared this up. No hard feelings. I'm thankful for all
those in your circle that are working to help turn things around. I think
it was a misunderstanding and we've addressed it above. Sorry to
hear about your parent's home and I hope everyone is safe.
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[-] Tinytim331 4 points 5 months ago

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Sounds like Sherri.

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[-] HoleyDonuts 5 points 5 months ago

Nope. Sherri does not write that well.

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continue this thread

[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] BabaRiley1 4 points 5 months ago

Now her hair was shaved when found..

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[-] awillis0513 24 points 5 months ago

Wait...are there people who actually believe this...?

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[-] MacMumbles 8 points 5 months ago

I could see how your average middle aged female Anti Sex-Trafficking Task Force
Volunteer/PTA President/ 3x All-County 4-H Bake Sale Champion would just happen to be
hittin' up that station at 7pm on a Tuesday, gassin up the famwagon with Hubbz and Little
Slugger.... Just answering the call of duty. I bet she even had her knuckle gloves and fanny
pack on... Always rescue ready.
All of 'em. Knuckle gloves and fanny packs.
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[-] notcrazyjustagemini 3 points 4 months ago

Local here. You just described 90% of the population of this area.
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[-] whinecube 14 points 5 months ago

You just described 90% of websleuths users.

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[-] Pepperlynn 6 points 5 months ago

Has there been any info from Sherri on the actual abduction? That would be interesting to hear
her account. Who took her, what did they look like, what were they driving, how it happened,
where, when? Was she at home in the middle of wrapping an Xmas present or on the jogging
trail? Seems like a reasonable bit of info to release and important for the public to know so they
can protect themselves... Ind it really happened
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[-] Hippopotapie 1 point 5 months ago

The only information they have has come from her....

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[-] Pepperlynn 3 points 5 months ago

It's weird that her husband doesn't even seem to know what actually happened the day
she went missing. Surely she would have told him.
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[-] sbammons 7 points 5 months ago

jennifer wilbanks faked her kidnapping/rape claiming it was a mexican man and a white woman.
she did it to avoid having to marry a guy. she was charged with felony counts for lying to the
cops and making them waste resources on her bogus story. was on probation, had to do
community service, pay a big-as fine. COPS!! offer sherri a deal to come clean and forth coming
once and for all. even jennifer admitted it was a relief to get it off her chest. OR....get one of
your crafty investigators to ask questions in such a way as to catch her lying about things.
things that she saw when she would supposedly have that bag over her head. i am certain the
right person can crack her.
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[-] mightysprout 9 points 5 months ago

On the other hand, Vallejo cops went out of their way to humiliate a kidnap victim they didn't
believe. Her story was true and I think her lawsuit against the department will be successful.
Sheriff Bosenko is wise to play his cards close to his chest.
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 5 months ago

It sounds like they did not get cell reception at their house, at least according to the link below,
point #4. So she leaves to send messages, and must leave again to see if she received a
response? If this is true, then it is even more fortunate that her phone was 'planted' somewhere
it would get reception so that it could be easily tracked. Did any of them own stock in that app
they used, lol.
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[-] Tori68 2 points 5 months ago

I don't buy that because Keith himself stated in the 20/20 interview that he missed the vital
call from LE that Sherri had been found and that call was to his cell phone.
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[-] Sam5377 2 points 5 months ago

Good catch, he did say 'barely' at least according to, another suspect
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[-] Zxfernd 3 points 5 months ago

There is no independent validation that her cellphone was left at that location by the alleged
abductors or even that she was abducted from that location.
It's only KP's statement that says so. Keep in mind he called police after he claims he found
her phone using the "find my iphone" service.
One way to validate that her phone actually ended up in that location and he found it would
be for law enforcement to subpoena Apple's records for the find my iPhone service. They
could verify if that part of the story is true
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[-] sbammons 19 points 5 months ago

if you screamed so hard you literally "coughed up blood" wouldn't you be so hoarse you couldn't
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speak? and since it was dark, how does she know she was coughing it up? i do not believe
his/her claim about that. any medical experts wanna chime in?
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[-] lourno964 2 points 4 months ago

Yes you would be so hoarse you couldn't speak. Happened to me once after an awful
nightmare (sleepwalking.) I couldn't speak for 5 days (and I don't lose my voice easily.)
"Coughing up" (or perhaps spitting up) blood would likely be caused by: blood coming from
the nose (broken nose); slight esophagus tear (usually from vomiting); or ulcers.
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[-] a1g45160 16 points 5 months ago

total hyperbole, unless she has some sort of injury that was aggravated by screaming and
caused the blood to be coughed up. In which case, he'd be telling us how terrible her internal
injuries are. Also...if she had injuries that were that bad she would have probably been kept
in the hospital longer.
Keith's ridiculous level of overstatement about everything is just one reason that so many of
us have doubts.
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[-] Evangitron 2 points 4 months ago

And she could have bled out if the bleeding wasn't taken care of fast so she would be
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[-] Hippopotapie 9 points 5 months ago

Keith believes his wife "would have to have been either snuck up on, or there would have been
multiple or maybe two people, because my wife is very aware. She wouldn't have allowed
somebody to get that close to her unless it was unsuspecting"
1. She's "very aware"... yeah unless it comes to her "captors" appearance.
2. "Multiple or maybe two people" anybody else see the redundancy in that statement and the
coincidental "two people"?
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[-] Tori68 2 points 5 months ago

Last night on 20/20 he said she would've felt safer approaching 2 his "very
aware" wife approached 2 women wearing masks? That didn't seem suspicious to her? His
story just keeps getting stranger.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 13 points 5 months ago

Yes, what a coincidence that his "gut feeling" turned out to be EXACTLY what happened!!!
Maybe he should quit his job at Best Buy and become a psychic!
The cops should be asking him what his "gut feeling" is concerning the kidnappers. Has the
older one waxed her eyebrows yet? Is the younger one still wearing earrings? Have they
taken off back to Mexico to join up with other "low life people"? The Sherrif should be
consulting Keith's gut on this one, it's always right!!!
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[-] EIEIO0000 2 points 5 months ago

http ://abc7ch icago .com/news/missing- mother-was- branded- beaten-chained-sheriff-

Apparently the branding was a burn and it was a message.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 6 points 5 months ago

Not sure if this has been posted here yet, but here is an article that says the cell phone was
PLANTED on the jogging trail - the Sherrif confirms this. Kind of blows holes in the whole "she
was snatched while jogging" story.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 3 points 5 months ago

WAIT so which is it?!?! Did the SHERIFF find the phone and ear buds, with "strands of hair"
tangled in them, or did the HUSBAND find them with the find my iPhone app? Did the
husband happen to be searching side by side with the sheriff along this jogging trail? How
important is it to mention the couple of strands of hair when we already know whose phone
it is? Doesn't anyone with long hair tie it back when running? Would a multitude of hair
strands really get TANGLED in neatly coiled ear buds?
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

People naturally lose hundreds of strands of hair a day. A few strands (thats all it was)
could easily get pulled out and wrapped up in earbuds. Plus she clearly has an eating
disorder and many loose hair so easily due to it.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 1 point 5 months ago

I agree that it's possible, and I hadn't heard about the eating disorder. But you
have to admit that the inclusion of that details is strangely suspicious - not to
mention cringey and unnecessary. And it really, really looks like the phone was
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[-] a1g45160 2 points 5 months ago

hearing about these strands of hair in the earbuds is getting so old. My earbuds have
hair tangled in them too, and I haven't been abducted! Hell, my hair isn't even half as
long as SPs and it's EVERYWHERE. It might have been worth noting if they had needed
hair for DNA at any point, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. This detail is dumb
and not worth reporting, the husband just keeps bringing it up like it proves something.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 4 points 5 months ago

The husband found them, and then called the police. I'm assuming he didn't pick it up.
The Sherrif stated that the phone looked as if it had been "planted" there by someone.
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[-] MmmmSkeptic 42 points 5 months ago

Has anyone noticed this about Sherri's parents:

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daughter-back/157746092 Both parents have matching "AJs Mini Storage shirts on". Do they
both work there? Was Sherri in a storage unit those weeks? Mother very stoic and emotionaless
even when she says she's "mad". Father silent. Very strange.
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[-] snidece 6 points 5 months ago

This is a helluva crackpot theory, but hell, for there to be two random women who kidnapped
her, and then didn't take her anywhere, or accomplish anything as far as we know, that's
crackpot! Were they both interviewed coming off a shift at the storage unit? Do they both
work there together? They were very very calm. I read two papers who say the kidnappers
should be considered armed and dangerous. Where the hell are the road blocks LE and
public bulletins to be extra mindful around schools and playgrounds? From a public safety
point of view, I hope LE catches the maniac kidnappers this weekend, or that it's proven a
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[-] NectarCollecting 19 points 5 months ago*

oh wow, great theory!!! Edit, I did some googling...

Google: AJs Mini Storage Redding California Graeff
They appear to both at least be managers there. The father also does website design, and
you can see in the google results that he says he has been a facility manager there for over
10 years.
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[-] Sbplaint 25 points 5 months ago*

Edited: my original imgur upload was cutoff! (I'm new at all this, but wanted to share oh
so bad!)
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[-] kshultz06082 1 point 4 months ago

If you read it, it says original date was 11/2, not 11/12....
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[-] mrssailorwife 1 point 4 months ago

Now THAT is interesting! But, if it was Sherri, I highly doubt it was "against her will".
It was probably Keith calling in giving a false lead to make the story seem legit!
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[-] TallAntiSocialGinger 5 points 5 months ago

Whoa... This is huge!!!

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[-] snidece 2 points 5 months ago

This is wild! Is this accurate and real? I don't doubt you, I just don't understand
how to check records like this. Are they open to the public to view? This is great
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[-] muwtski 7 points 5 months ago

wow what a find! It was reported on 11/12?

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[-] Sbplaint 5 points 5 months ago

Appears so, but the log itself is dated 11/13. I found it by plugging in to a google advanced site-based search...tried
various combinations of the names of the key players (SP, KP, RR, SK, etc.),
"pink running outfit," and the license plate numbers of the associated vehicles and
found this and a few other calls about it that haven't been widely reported (this
one is the most credible though, IMO). This case is literally driving me insane!
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[-] muwtski 4 points 5 months ago

I searched after you posted this and found the link for the pdf as well - and I
mapped the area (gray rock road and wonderland blvd) . It's exactly 3 miles
from Old Oregon Trail Rd. and Sunrise Blvd where she reportedly went
I saw a couple of places where she could have been held or stayed, there was
even a 'small guest house' on one of the properties on Gray Rock rd that I
noticed in an old real estate listing. It's also very close to 1-5.
The names and license plates I'm pretty sure are all the officers and the
vehicles they took. It seems like maybe nothing came of it? Maybe it was a
hoax call?
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[-] Sbplaint 4 points 5 months ago

Could be. I thought the fact that the caller described him or herself as a
"family friend" who received information from someone who didn't want to
be involved with law enforcement seem somewhat more credible than
some of the other calls. Also, why would SP's parents want their pregnant
daughter (Sheila) to be subjected to the stress of dealing with the media
when they could just as easily done it? I think the fact that SP's family
didn't seem to be communicating very well with KP's is very telling.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] muwtski 7 points 5 months ago

Great points. I have also been wondering if SP is maybe a little 'not

right' - a few people here have mentioned her need for attention, her
husband's comment "our girl" etc. just kind of points to someone who
might need a lot of weird emotional coddling. I am even wondering if
(at least part of) the family was aware that she had likely gone missing
on her own and have been kind of tap dancing around or trying to
cover for her.
Also, it's been stated that Keith never told their kids that their mother
was missing. That may not mean anything, maybe he just didn't want
to upset the kids, but it also could be that he knew she'd be back.
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5 points 5 months ago

Welp, just another day at the Daily Mail!
me/papini- husband- recalls-telling- kids-found-alive-article-
1. 2896045?client=safari
With regard to the "our girl" and "how wonderful my wife is," I
couldn't agree more! Either KP has a reason to feel really, REALLY
guilty or like you said, SP requires a lot of emotional coddling.
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[-] muwtski 11 points 5 months ago

Wow! Here he said he hadn't told them she was missing (and
this was after she was found)
And the link you just shared he talks about telling the kid she
had been found alive. He also seems to be pretty ready and
willing to do these TV interviews, yet claimed they are private
people with no social media accounts.
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[-] Tinytim331 1 point 5 months ago

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[-] a1g45160 3 points 5 months ago*

I'm dumb. Can somebody ELI5 what this could mean?

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[-] Sbplaint 4 points 5 months ago

It might not mean anything...just info from a 911 call I found on the
sheriff's log that stood out to me, especially with the information about
the parents and the storage place.
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[-] a1g45160 3 points 5 months ago

ok, cool. It's definitely interesting!

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 11 points 5 months ago

The storage place was also an RV storage. I think if she stayed anywhere, it was in an RV. I
just can't imagine her staying in a storage container for 3 weeks.
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[-] bigfirmlawmom 7 points 5 months ago

That's what Ben Affleck did in The Accountant! :-)

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[-] SkeptiCynical 14 points 5 months ago

If "the bridge of her nose was broken" she'd have two black eyes. No reports of black eyes,
which would be particularly important if you wanted to emphasize how badly someone was

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[-] BlondeGirl53O 3 points 4 months ago

According to her own writings, she had been kicked in the face years ago. If the bridge of
her nose was broken years ago, it would still show. Yes, she would have black eyes if this
injury just occurred. Your throat cannot bleed either by screaming. It is medically impossible!
Scratchy voice, throat pain, yes, but not bleeding.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 2 points 4 months ago

Thank you! Another strange and unbelievable statement - as dramatic as you want to be
about it, you can't make yourself bleed by screaming.
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[-] BlondeGirl53O 3 points 4 months ago

You sure can't, but it does sound good doesn't it? She was so desperate for help her
screaming made her throat bleed. Yeah right! lol
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[-] Zxfernd 12 points 5 months ago

Incidentally the "broken nose" is another repeating element in this saga.

Go back to her blog post on the skinhead site and she talks about how she gave the "Latino
girl" a "broken nose.".
Let's wait and see if the hospital report describing her injuries ever becomes public and we'll
know if her nose was really broken.
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[-] Starkville 4 points 5 months ago

How would we see a hospital report? Don't HIPAA laws prevent that (unless they are
authorized release by Sherri herself)?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 4 points 5 months ago

If this is brought to court, the hospital records will be used as evidence.

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[-] magaaj 5 points 5 months ago

Woman Believes She Saw Sherri Papini With Two Men Days Before She Was Found: 'She
Seemed Scared'
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[-] muwtski 84 points 5 months ago*

I've been weirdly obsessed with this whole thing. I have been suspecting the 'hostage
negotiator' has something to do with it, not sure if they are all in it together or if she used him
like a pawn, feeding his silly hero complex or what but a few things that stand out to me.
1. The branding. People are saying it looks like possible sex trafficking, I looked this up and
from everything I've seen the branding that usually occurs is by means of tattoo, not
actual burns.
2. While searching for the above, I found this:

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NYC-Attack-361590441.html - oddly similar in their threats and being that it was across
the country, I doubt it's the same 'gang' but more like possible inspiration for the story?
3. The "international negotiator" that just happens to live in Redding. The consultant to all
kinds of branches of the military, the hot shot cross between Liam Neeson and Steven
Segal, he filed bankruptcy in 2013:
And his business license for "Project Taken" has been canceled (likely not paid/renewed) - I can't
direct link it but you can search for it here:
The police don't exactly seem to be reacting as if there are maniacs on the loose, it seems like
they are keep quiet until they build their case on one or more of these wacky characters
Edited to add:
Oh yeah and the "sub-humans" comment by the husband. He's calling people who are doubting
her story sub-human, but hasn't displayed any of the same rage toward alleged attackers?
Edit to add screen shots of expired businesses
Project Taken: Catalyst Group:
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[-] Frau2 1 point 4 months ago

Agree completely. Her 'Abduction Recovery Specialist/ Hostage Negotiator' (allegedly hired by
Keith) has a slew of manufactured/embellished credentials & cheesy videos. He's also
(allegedly, of course) closely associated with Bethel Church. Have you read about Bethel?
Just about every aspect of this 'abduction' reeks of fraud. The family, hired 'specialist' and
local cult all have much to gain from this scam.
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[-] muwtski 1 point 4 months ago

It's not alleged:

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[-] NanaDi64 1 point 4 months ago

I Love Liam Neeson! That's an insulting to him. LOL

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[-] channan713 1 point 4 months ago

Great point!!! He's calling the public worse names than the attackers.
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[-] grievingl3 5 points 4 months ago

WOW !! muwtski --- I realize your post was a few daze ago -- but how the heck did you
find link to the NYC case ?? the similarities to Sherri Papini case, are mind-boggling : SUV
/ Hispanic women / beat, bruise their captive woman / high heat metal, threaten to
"brand" her / possibly knew her from past & had grudge / they eventually push her out of
SUV / iPhone was discarded , etc , etc !
holy crap if authorities ever happen to find that article on Papini computer
Hmmmmmmmnnmmm , right ?!?!
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[-] muwtski 3 points 4 months ago

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I was searching branding or something like that, looking for what types of brands human
traffickers do on people, and everything I found was tattoos not actual burned in brands.
But yeah, that NY story is pretty close to an exact match - I have a feeling this was
some of the inspiration for this story.
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[-] corq 2 points 5 months ago

Here's a fresh link to more stuff The Daily Beast looked into:
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[-] muwtski 2 points 5 months ago

This is great, I looked for the 501c3 as well with no luck. This guy definitely fits a profile.
I'm starting to really suspect this Lisa Jeter person is involved:
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[-] sakurarose20 17 points 5 months ago

Yeah, sex trafficking my ass. As someone who survived it, the traffickers want you to look
good, not like a hot mess. They wouldn't make the wounds so obvious. And if it were a
cartel, she would be dead or in Mexico.
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[-] GoneGir1530 10 points 5 months ago

Bless your heart op So glad you survived!! I totally agree with your credible
statement. If it were really "Latinas" those type of Latinas would have NEVER released
her/ released her alive.
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[-] sakurarose20 7 points 5 months ago

Yeah, I know WAY too much about sex trafficking. It pisses me off that anyone
would lie about that sort of thing.
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[-] DeviantDork 1 point 5 months ago

Please stop being a piece of shit.

Your 'ironic' racial commentary is not amusing.
P.S. Thanks for the addition to the neo nazi scroll.
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[-] geckogoose89 1 point 5 months ago

Good point!
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 41 points 5 months ago

Exactly! Critics warrant a "sub-human" condemnation but NOT the two women that
kidnapped and tortured your wife for three weeks!!! Really? Isn't it human nature to ask
questions? Would he rather we believe everything that is told to us?
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[-] TOMBS 7 points 5 months ago

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I thought the same thing. We're "malicious subhumans" yet there was zero anger
directed toward those who beat and branded his wife for 3 weeks. Maybe he should stop
farting around online and try to work toward finding the perps.
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[-] sbammons 37 points 5 months ago

there is zero evidence of two mexican kidnappers.

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[-] juliet8810 4 points 5 months ago

they said Hispanic women why it had to be mexicans>???

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[-] DeviantDork 7 points 5 months ago

Because white nationalists like Papini don't acknowledge the difference.

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[-] sakurarose20 3 points 5 months ago

I'm not saying he tried to disappear her, but he tried to disappear her. It failed, and
now he has to cover up.
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40 points 5 months ago

Yes, it's very strange to me that he is that angry at people who don't believe the story
yet hasn't said a word about the kidnappers. I also find it interesting that nobody is
really talking about this hostage negotiator anymore. Her sister didn't really seem to
know what was going on with him or the website, she didn't thank him in her long list of
of thank yous, and the police haven't said a word about him since she returned. And the
note on here is just bizarre:
Seems like someone involved has been watching too many movies.
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[-] NanaDi64 2 points 4 months ago

I think its a Hoax, and Mexicans got thrown under the bus!
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

How do you get away with cash ransom in this day and age in America?
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[-] proudnewamerican 1 point 4 months ago

leave in a place some place for the owner of person you taked a mobile phone.
make owner of person place self on a train that ride on a long track. a track for
make a long trip. find a schedule of a train you make owner take. make to decide
of you in where you want to take all monies. when train make place you want
money to get call owner on mobile. give a mark of land or place is good to see off
train and tell owner make it for throw money out when train make to that place.
be at the place but not in where you could be film as law man could be ride on
train and film. so train continue to make progress and disappear your eye then go
take monies. this is work good. i hope it of help for you. best luck.
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[ -] [deleted] 1 point 4 months ago

That's pretty elaborate. The other issue is that the money is probably marked
or has a paint bomb in it.
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[-] a1g45160 6 points 5 months ago

wow, bizarre is right!

on one hand, you could say that her captors let her go in order to claim the ransom.
IMO, that's what the family (or whoever cooked up this crazy plot) wants people
(especially LE) to think.
All of "negotiator" talk is laughable. This will make a great Lifetime movie.
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[-] Zxfernd 10 points 5 months ago

Her sister may have forgetten the script.

When that reverse ransom was announced by the Gamble guy, Keith Papini explicitly
stated that he did not know Gamble and anything about the ransom and the person
providing the money.
And just yesterday the Gamble guy was on TV with another lady (in a bizarre
interview) who is a friend of Papini's and she explicitly said that she introduced
Gamble to the Papinis.
And Gamble was explicitly thanked by KP in his GMA statement.
And it's possible the reason that her parents haven't met her yet because they may
not be part of this and so are being kept away.
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[-] Zxfernd 14 points 5 months ago
Here is the link to that bizzare interview (I referenced above) with the Gamble
guy and the lady who is the Papini babysitter who says she brought him to the
It's bizarre because he claims he was responsible for getting her freed and then
claims this as a test case that he can replicate across the country to free other
missing persons ! Yikes !
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 5 months ago

Matches my theory haha

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[-] mightysprout 11 points 5 months ago

The weird thing is, he explicitly states, "No money exchanged hands," but he
flubbed this line. WTH? Why would this be a model for future kidnapping if
they never paid the money?
Also, it was really weird to me that the babysitter friend had long blonde hair
just like Sherri, and was really inappropriate about the sum of money
involved: "It's six figures, let you imagination go wild!" As she kind of

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simpered and flipped her hair.

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[-] bigfirmlawmom 11 points 5 months ago

Worst marketing strategy ever. She didn't have his training and was
released alive without it. And the abductors didn't take his ransom offer.
So none of this suggests a need for his business.
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[-] mightysprout 12 points 5 months ago

His involvement is whack and it totally makes me think of Walter in The

Big Lebowski: "Hand me the ringer!"
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[-] Hatebean41 2 points 4 months ago

"They did not receive the money you nitwit, they did not receive
the money!"
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[-] bigfirmlawmom 7 points 5 months ago*

"It's a fcking show dog with fcking papers! You can't board it it
gets upset, it's hair falls it."
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[-] a1g45160 16 points 5 months ago

oh damn, this guy is trying to set a dangerous precedent.

Step one: Kidnap someone. Step two: Gamble's firm gets hired to negotiate a
ransom/reward for releasing the victim step three: PROFIT
law enforcement needs to be up in his grill STAT
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[-] geckogoose89 4 points 5 months ago

I thought KP thanked Gamble after Sherri was found. Not significantly, but just in
a list of those he thanked.
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[-] muwtski 19 points 5 months ago

Who is this Rod Rodriguez III guy? He says he is "Both Sherri and Keith's father
in law" - That doesn't exactly make sense, maybe a typo? Unless they are siblings
or something, haha. Or I'm just confused. Anyway, here is one of his many posts
on this group - also note, as someone else mentioned - he has both the
Cameron Gamble and his wife on his friends list.
Also interesting that the sister has deliberately said she is the spokesperson for
the family, not Rod: is-relative-defends-against-rumors-
husband-involved- in-wifes-abduction-40043498 1. html
This Gamble dude just seems like the biggest phony wanna-be of all time. I think
he's either in on it or whoever is knew to call him and pretend to be a donor, but
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that whole businessman from out of town donor schtick seems like something a
guy like this would cook up in his little fantasy world too:
And the letter from the donor is complete with "my hired negotiator has
negotiated ransom releases for people all over the world, so he will determine
immediately if you are lying." Feels a little like a pat on his own back.
Let's not forget this dude lives in Redding, CA. I've driven through Redding and
it's not exactly international hostage negotiator territory.
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[-] Hippopotapie 5 points 5 months ago

Rod is keiths step dad

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[-] muwtski 3 points 5 months ago

That makes more sense, that's what I was thinking he meant.

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[-] TheHeatWaver 6 points 5 months ago

I'm pretty sure Gamble has Bethel church connections, which would make
sense given the area. That makes his involvement even more suspect.
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[-] muwtski 6 points 5 months ago

He sure does:

Has anyone confirmed that the Papinis also attend that church? I heard
someone mention that they went to church with Gamble but not sure if
that is true.
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[-] lmeaac 9 points 5 months ago

This just all feels like the plot of a bad movie, I can picture the actor who
would play Gamble perfectly, only in my version he has a prominent, cheesy
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28 points 5 months ago

"And again, just another sign of how my wife is, she's so wonderful. She's saying, 'Well, maybe
people aren't stopping because I have a chain that looks like I broke out of prison' so she tried
to tuck in her chain under her clothes." < HUH??
He really is trying hard to convince people how absolutely wonderful she is. Shouldn't Keith be
taking care of his wife in the 'privacy' he claimed they wanted. Instead he's giving interviews left
and right and blindsiding investigators by releasing sensitive details. Would you care about social
media at this time if you were him or would you want the monsters that allegedly did this to
your loved one caught? What is really going on here?
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[ - ] princess3mj 2 points 5 months ago

This is the first I've seen of her hair having been shaved. If it had just been "chopped" I
could see the discrepancy between witnesses. Shoulder-length hair can be considered long,
obviously not to someone with very long hair. If her hair was actually shaved, there's no way
this lady who called 911 could've mistaken her hair for long. Regardless of the reasons and
circumstances of this case, hopefully she can return to a sense of normalcy
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 42 points 5 months ago

Two words: damage control. I think they are waking up to the reality that their lies are not
being believed. They naively thought that their story would garner enough sympathy that no
one would dare question it. And what about the money? I still haven't heard his explanation
for what is going to happen to all those donations. What could possibly be his excuse for
holding onto it? His wife was found! That money should be donated to the nonprofits that
helped look for her. Or better yet, donated to the family of the missing woman that went
missing around the same time of Sherri's disappreance. They NEED that money now, Keith
does not.
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[-] brianjlg 1 point 4 months ago

Here's an idea; could Sherri and Keith have fled not to escape the media, as some have
suggested (since Keith seems to actually seek the spotlight) but b/c they realize that
cops and the public aren't buying their bullshit, and they need to strategize and get their
stories straight, but they are afraid to speak in their own house in case it's bugged or
the cops are listening in down the street? You can bet the cops would want to know
what these two are discussing.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] bobbywolfejr 12 points 5 months ago

btw, the money in the gofundme account, is it legal to keep it when it was set up for purposes
that are no longer necessary?? seems to me if you'd wanna make people think this was/is legit,
why not refund the money? also, what "supermom" has 2 kids, pays for daycare, is out of work,
has a husband that works for Bestbuy and go ahead with breast augmentation surgery weeks
before the holidays?? all you doubters out there...nothing sounds remotely suspicious to you?!
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[-] QueenAMuse 3 points 5 months ago

The GoFundMe page stated: "All Funds will go directly to the Papini family and will be used for
search efforts to Find Sherri and to Help bring her home Safely. Every Dollar Counts as time
is critical. Thanks!" So I'm assuming they'll keep the money under the guise of needing it to
"get back on their feet" or "medical costs" etc.
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[-] BlondeGir1530 1 point 4 months ago

She will NOT pay out a dime! We have a generous fund for victims called Victims
Compensation. They will pay for her nose job, mental health services, medical bills, laser
surgery for any scars, house alarm to feel safe, and more. Victims of crime do not pay a
single dime out of pocket! They cannot provide an excuse to keep the money.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 10 points 5 months ago

There were no medical costs, she had minor injuries according to the Sherrif. And I'm
sorry, but therapists don't charge that much to justify keeping 50 grand. I suspect that
before this occured they were struggling financially and had probably accrued some
serious debt. Sherri seemed like the type who liked to spend money. She had tons of
clothes (many designer labels), she got professional photos done all the time, and it
looks to me like she had a boob job. All on a Best Buy income? They were living beyond
their means and saw this little plan as their way out.
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[-] babyvoicewins 2 points 5 months ago

Oh! She will need a nose job to fix the broken nose. I think that was part of this
scam, personally.
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[-] bobbywolfejr 7 points 5 months ago

Or payoff breast augmentation... Man oh man, this is smelling worse and worse
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[-] whinecube 2 points 5 months ago

Is there a real source for this breast augmentation thing?

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[-] bobbywolfejr 2 points 5 months ago

I must admit out of the dozens of reports I've read it was speculation due to
many friends reporting that her breasts looked enormous less than 2 weeks
before the abduction and some people had mentioned hearing her speak wanting
them. It is speculation, but many pictures suggest this may very well be the case,
but I'm still treating this as another curious piece of the shady puzzle.
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[-] whinecube 1 point 5 months ago

Okay, I just never saw any official report on that. I find it unlikely that
someone selling used clothes online would have the cash for something like
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" 2 points 5 months ago

Well she does now ;)

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[-] tristanfinn 19 points 5 months ago

The husband 'passed' a polygraph 'test' and was not considered a suspect by the police.
Polygraphs are not 'lie detectors.' Polygraphs measure nervousness. Some people are asked
their name, and the machine shows they are 'lying' because they are nervous. Good, relaxed
liars are very good at telling lies.
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[-] redconsensus 6 points 5 months ago

Some people are asked their name, and the machine shows they are 'lying' because they
are nervous.
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Polygraphs are unscientific bullshit but that's not really a thing. When you take a Polygraph a
whole bunch of innocuous questions like 'What is your name?' are asked to establish a
baseline against which to measure they questions the interviewer cares about.
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[-] NectarCollecting 11 points 5 months ago

It is possible she is mentally ill, and he was not a part of it. Especially if it is true that she
pretended to be abducted back in 2006, like some other articles indicate.
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[-] sbammons 5 points 5 months ago

when susan smith 's story got wonky, the cops called her on it. in this case they seem to be
coddling her
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[-] a1g45160 4 points 5 months ago*

I think the cops are being very careful after the egg they had on their faces in the Vallejo
kindapping mess
edit: cops in general, I mean. Not these specific cops who were not involved in the Vallejo
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[-] NectarCollecting 6 points 5 months ago

Her story was really easy to debunk though. Lets stand here for 5 minutes and watch what
the lights actually do.
Sherri's story would have been incredibly easy to debunk had she brought her phone along,
and then she could have been tracked. The cops would have called her out on it immediately.
Perhaps they are working on getting access to her google queries, or perhaps they dont
want her to know, because its technically not a crime to runaway from home, and she didn't
kill her kids, so no harm has really been done. Maybe the family is trying to get her mental
help, and they are working on returning donations, idk. This story is certainly weird.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 7 points 5 months ago

If the husband wasn't so intent on convincing everyone that his wife was kidnapped, I
would say that her being mentally ill and running away was a possibility. But you can tell
that he is very much invested in having everyone believe this story. And that has to raise
a lot of questions. If my spouse disappeared, and then came back without any real
explanation as to how he was abducted, I would start to question his mental health,
even if it was only in private. Keith is showing no such concern.
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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 5 months ago

Im betting he didnt know about hee 2006 abduction and he believed her.
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[-] mightysprout 1 point 5 months ago

The only evidence of this I've seen is anyomous source cited by with
no additional evidence to back it up. I would love to read more details, do you
have another source for this claim?
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[-] LexiLansing 2 points 5 months ago

I know someone who faked their own disappearance and when they were found, they
were charged with false reporting and required to pay back the municipality that funded
the search. It was a lot of money.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 3 points 5 months ago

That's interesting. Do you know if that charge warrants prison time? I think the
people involved were Keith, Sherri, her sister and probably her sister's husband.
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[-] LexiLansing 2 points 5 months ago

Just for clarity, the person I know of was not found by the public search, but
much later as part of a criminal investigation, because LEO found the whole story
sketchy. It was a long time between the staged disappearance and them arresting
and charging, but they took it really seriously and there was a lot of anger about
the huge waste community resources and goodwill that the fake disappearance
had led to.
Ironically, if they had just admitted to wanting to run away and left, like most
people who want to escape their lives do, they would have been in a lot less
trouble in the end.
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[-] LexiLansing 3 points 5 months ago

In the case I am familiar with, it was a misdemeanor charge and the person got
probation and a lot of community service, along with having to pay the costs of
the search (it was around $30K I think). Someone who helped them in that case
was also charged and actually wound up with jail time because they had a
suspended felony conviction for something else already, so the consequences
could be more severe for someone with previous legal problems.
It was in a different state however, I don't know what California's laws are like
I think about that case whenever I hear about a weird missing person case. Not a
lot of people fake their own disappearances, but it is possible and it does happen.
And even though I was pretty close to the people involved, I still don't to this day
know exactly who knew what when. I suspect some family members of the
"missing" person knew that they were at least alive pretty early on but even once
everything came out in the open, they stuck pretty hard to their story that they
didn't know (or at least they didn't know till long after the public search).
It must be a shitty situation to be in, though, if they did know- you don't
necessarily want to help perpetuate a big, wasteful hoax, but admitting that's
what it is (if you weren't part of planning it, I mean, but know about it soon after)
means condemning your loved one to legal problems and public hatred, and
maybe ruining your relationship with them forever. I'm not sure any of us know
what we would do if we were in that unenviable position. Could you rat on
somebody you love if you knew they were faking their own kidnapping/death?
Especially if you didn't know if they'd ever come back if you did tell?
It caused a lot of problems for the person I know's family, I know that. It's a
shitty thing for anybody to do to their loved ones.
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[-] Thinkles 23 points 5 months ago

First Keith said Sherri's hair was CHOPPED off. Now he says her hair was SHAVED off. Big
difference IMO.
Makes one wonder how the 911 caller knew she had blonde hair.
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[-] geckogoose89 3 points 5 months ago

Do you have the link where he said shaved?

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[-] Thinkles 5 points 5 months ago
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[-] Thinkles 24 points 5 months ago*

Social media cleanup. Nothing to see here but good 'supermom' stuff. Pinterest cultural
differences and alter ego removed from public view. Now links go to a board under the name
Tcash. I get the cash, but what does the T stand for, anyone?
Edit: mistake
An article with the cultural differences Pinterest.
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1 point 4 months ago

She has a board that was like theblack hat society and people on websleuths tried saying it
was a Halloween party board but you don't just make a board name that and I think her
sister was a contributor to it and that Sherri had videos they found she liked on YouTube
about how to become organ and Wiccan stuff so was her family Wiccan? I think the exact
name was black hat society but I can't remember but it sounds as if this is a real group that
practiced so maybe she does also
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 4 months ago

I remember seeing that one. Personally I've decided not to read to much into it. The
contents really were just of Halloween preparation and ideas. I vaguely remember the
YouTube video also. It could have been a passing interest for her or maybe she wanted
to study it further. Either way I don't think it is a big deal.
Not to mention, I've heard, although I have no (recent) direct experience, that those who
practice Wicca are average normal people. They just have different beliefs.
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[-] Tori68 3 points 5 months ago

I googled T cash a few days ago and there's a mobile money transfer by that name, it
originated in Indonesia.
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[ - ] new2itallwithoutaclu 8 points 5 months ago

That account name was changed on Dec. 2. Original

https :// :// This will
probably be changed next just as the facebook pages changed/deleted
http ://s93. photo b nn/u ser/s herds b lueeyes/lib rary/?view= recent&pag e=1
Just noticed one board was deleted (alter ego) there were 98 board but now 97? Strange to
change the account name and delete that board after the media attention.
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[-] EIEIO0000 4 points 5 months ago

Good catch, I didn't realize she had so many Pinterest boards.

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[-] ItSoundsHinky2Me 56 points 5 months ago

Is anyone else bothered by the husband's flowery statement? It is overly dramatic and
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

Did the original post get removed for cyberbullying? It's gone.
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[-] dodgy_mermaid 42 points 5 months ago

Yes. People do not speak that way when they have just seen horrific torture wounds on a
loved one. The language would be direct. His description seems rehearsed.
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[-] whinecube 12 points 5 months ago

There is a major difference between a truthful recounting and a deceptive tale meant to
persuade. That statement is the latter.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 14 points 5 months ago

Yes, it's too over the top. He also doesn't use the word "precedent" correctly.
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[-] Thinkles 26 points 5 months ago

Reads like it was written by a PR firm.

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[-] Hippopotapie 48 points 5 months ago

Reads like it was written by sherri

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[-] darkhorse3 1 point 5 months ago

Yes yes yes!

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[-] snidece 9 points 5 months ago

Maybe it's happening and I don't know about it, but I would expect, if two kidnappers, this cruel
and dangerous were still on the loose, state troopers would have roadblocks for a 200 mile
radius around the area. Even if she never saw them without bags over their heads, there should
be alerts for area schools and playgrounds about a pair of women who are kidnapping other

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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


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[-] QueenAMuse 34 points 5 months ago

One of the most troubling things, for me, about this story is the fact that we are now 7 days
into her "release" and still no composite sketch or even a more comprehensive physical
description of her captors/abductors has been released...
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[-] weloveheidi 2 points 5 months ago

YES - How can it be that there is not even a crude composite drawing based on her
descriptions? I'd imagine that they would want to publish something ASAP, in an effort to
catch the 'abductors.'
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[-] Sam5377 17 points 5 months ago

I doubt they covered their eyes, how about a bit of eye description lolz. And remember the
abductors are opposites of each other Young, thin eye brows, curly dark hair. Old, thick
eyebrows, straight grey hair Even with a mask one could estimate height... And her
obsession with noses, in a lot of her writings is worthy of analysis by a mental health
EDIT: added the word how
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[-] mrssailorwife 2 points 4 months ago

Plus, I doubt they were driving around in their "dark SUV" (come on Sherri, it was broad
daylight) in ski masks. IF two Hispanic women abducted her, they had to catch her if she
was really jogging and she would have seen them better than they're making up.
Geez...the more I read, the more I want to puke. IF she was taken away in a dark SUV
by 2 Hispanic women, they were paid by her to do it!
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[-] EIEIO0000 2 points 5 months ago*

Where are you finding a lot of her writing? Other than great one alleged blog post from
13 years ago. Is there more somewhere? Link?
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[-] QueenAMuse 1 point 5 months ago

Has it been confirmed that that blog post was indeed written by her? I mean, I'm
more inclined to believe that it was written by her, given the amount of personal
information in the post but an article written by says they have "learned
that the post was not written by Sherri Papini, but, according to her ex-husband,
was in fact a malicious prank against her by a high school enemy."

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her ab...

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[-] 9 points 5 months ago

I don't see how it could have been written by someone else to make her look bad.
If that were the case I think it would be overtly racist than it was. It was written in
a way that makes her look like the victim for being white (and proud).
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1-1 [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

The blog post went into really great detail and seemed perfectly poised. It
didn't seem right, so I assume she did write it. It seems a bit peculiar that
someone would write that about her. I mean, why? Whose going to care to
read it? Weird. Weird. Weird. Like all of the other "facts" in this story.
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[-] EIEIO0000 2 points 5 months ago

True, I edited it to say 'alleged', I ultimately wanted to know if there were more
alleged writings of any kind.
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago

Her wedding blog.

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[-] EIEIO0000 4 points 5 months ago

Ah thank you! I don't see her blaming that one on an enemy!

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[-] QueenAMuse 3 points 5 months ago

Yeah, kind of hard to push those off on someone else.

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[-] glorious_cheese 2 points 5 months ago

I wonder if an expert has compared the writing.

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[-] hardprovidence 2 points 5 months ago*

How do you know she staged her kidnapping in 2006? How do we know that really happened?
One thing I think is strange is that if she wrote that blog about the latinos on a racist site, she
sure shed a lot of light on her father being such a great guy when in reality she used to tell
people her dad used to beat her and lock her up. Makes zero sense. This whole case is
confusing. Is she just someone who wants attention? I really want to give her the benefit of the
doubt as this whole case made me feel pain for her, but since she's been home there's a lot of
speculation. For her to be released 3 weeks later and on thanksgiving day is somewhat
suspicious especially if she was branded. If they released her then they obviously had to have
taken the ransom reward. No one is going to release their kidnapped victim for no reason unless
it was because she was getting too much exposure and they were afraid of getting caught. Too
many possibilities.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

I think you may need to read more. Dig more. To even be on the fence and wanting to give
her the benefit of the doubt is beyond ridiculous at this point.
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They hoaxed the world. There should be no doubts given now.

ETA. I just realized you wrote this 3 days ago. I am sure you are off the fence by now ;)
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[-] hardprovidence 1 point 5 months ago

Yeah I'm starting to get off the fence now lol. Reading the comments from people that
knew her kinda crazy. Just sucks considering the people I know that know her think
she's an angel
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[-] Butt_Dickiss 7 points 5 months ago

Also want to get in before the big reveal, this whole thing seems so fake.
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[-] RudineHoward 18 points 5 months ago

she was never kidnapped, this woman is probably malingering or has a factitious disorder. She
wants to be another Belle Gibson (who lied about having cancer) or Paula Oliveira (lied that she
was stabbed by neo-Nazi skinheads and that she was pregnant and miscarried as a result of the
attack). This is just another Balloon Boy Hoax.
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[-] Newsie79 2 points 5 months ago

Did it for the show baby!
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[-] RudineHoward 2 points 5 months ago

Irmo!! ;)
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[-] sbammons 3 points 5 months ago

other women have faked their own kidnapping before, i just dont recall their names. one was
a soon-to-be bride that simply wanted out.LOL then got busted.
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[-] EIEIO0000 7 points 5 months ago

lol I forgot about balloon boy. At least they weren't racist.

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[-] SkylarBlue5 14 points 5 months ago

Sheriff Tom Bosenko now confirmed the "rumour" Sherri Papini's phone and earbuds had been
neatly placed" rather than lost in a struggle. "It appeared they had been set in some grass with
the screen facing up, and then the earbuds to the phone were loosely coiled and appeared to be
placed on the screen," "It did somewhat appear to be that it was placed there purposely."
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[-] ilickstamps 3 points 5 months ago

And that's odd and strange. A struggle would have been scattered. Or was she sitting there
waiting for her "ride"? And her pinterest show many concealed carry pix (if she believed in
this, why was she not carrying)?

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[-] SkylarBlue5 6 points 5 months ago

Also Sherri Papini was unable to provide more detailed descriptions because the women had
kept their faces covered MOST (not ALL) of the time, and SOMETIMES covered hers.
However she was able to provide these details: Suspect No. 1 was the younger of the two
suspects. She had long, curly hair. She had a thick accent. She had pierced ears. She had
thin eyebrows. Suspect No. 2 was the older of the two suspects. She had straight black hair
with some greying colour. She had thick eyebrows. She also knew they drove a dark SUV
but didnt know the colour
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] NorthCoastBuddha 22 points 5 months ago

Does anyone else find it odd that there's been no claims that she had been raped? A young,
attractive blonde girl is kidnapped, and all her "Hispanic abductors" do is torture her and cut off
her hair? THEN they let her go??
The fact that she claims her abductors were women sounds premeditated. Like its a way they
can explain why she wasn't raped- "Well they were women, so..." And yes, I realize in RL a
woman can sexually assault another woman, but that doesn't preclude these knuckleheads to
try to use that as part of their reasoning why it didn't happen.
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[-] Haperzi 5 points 5 months ago

yeah this definitely crossed my mind, i hated myself a little for thinking that way but yes. i
would say even with female captors that surely they're not out working alone picking up
pretty white chicks and f'ing them up in a motel like they were in a rihanna video, surely
they're working within a group of some bad people that would include males. regardless of
gender given the nature of the crime and the torture it is strange there was no sexual
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[-] itsjesssa 2 points 5 months ago

I read on a yahoo article in the comments that someone in LE stated that she had veen
vaginally and anally raped with "large objects". I took a screen shot but idk how to post it
(im kinda new here) and also it could've been a troll. I clicked dudes link who wrote it and he
supports Trump so there's that.
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[-] _knoxed 6 points 5 months ago

The lack of sexual assault over the 22 day period is what tipped me off that something is
incomplete or false about the public information on this case. A bit of digging lead me to this
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[-] sbammons 29 points 5 months ago*

it was female kidnappers because she knows males would've raped her. and she knows
that's she cant fake a rape in the same way you can chop your own hair, "brand" yourself,
beat yourself up, etc etc for convenience of her story OFF COARSE it was males. and of

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coarse she can't give a description because their faces were covered the whole time and she
had a bag over her head whenever you went somewhere...there are too many convient
things to be true...sorry. it's taken her 7 days to come up with these little tidbits. but it's
sure taken the burden off her to give anymore details to this "kidnapping" story
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[-] new2itallwithoutaclu 3 points 5 months ago

Sheriff only said she was branded with a message. He did not say if the "branding" was
burned in, tattooed in, cut in, or sharpie pen. No mention of the location of the brand or
what the message was or meant. Don't think it was a henna tattoo.
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[-] Adobe_Flesh 17 points 5 months ago

If she is raped then that means she would be impure... She can't have that in her
fantasy abduction even
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[-] spacecowby43 2 points 4 months ago

I also think the "2 Hispanic women" is just her own fabrication to avoid having to
admit to 3 weeks of continuous sexual assault. I find it amazing that it seems to have
worked so well for her. By and large, the general public has bought the "no sexual
assault/abuse" story. My the general public really is as dumb as politicians believe
they are.
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[-] mmpressl 13 points 5 months ago

Claiming rape would also illicit intense medical scrutiny, of which the "Signature
Blonde" could not withstand.
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[-] iratepirate47 1 point 4 months ago

would also probably incriminate a 'boyfriend'

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[-] ilickstamps 6 points 5 months ago

But the one lady that supposedly saw her at a rest area said the girl was with 2 men. Only 1
was hispanic. They have never given any info if they ran those plates and if in fact it relates
to Sherri.
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[-] mightysprout 2 points 5 months ago

The Sheriff specifically addressed that by asking Sherri if it happened. I mean I guess she
could have lied, but she said it wasn't her.
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[-] Thinkles 7 points 5 months ago*

It was a truck stop and that was not her.

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[-] snidece 38 points 5 months ago

Is there a chance the President-Elect brings this up tonight? ,,,"Did you hear about the beautiful
lady in California, abducted for three weeks and beaten by illegals? We don't know for sure they

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were illegals, but we can assume they were."

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[-] absecon 2 points 4 months ago

I read that in his voice

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[-] mmpressl 37 points 5 months ago

Your words my thoughts... Oh, what a tangled ball of "signature blond hair" we weave...
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[-] gravanoc 9 points 5 months ago

An anonymous source told Heavy that they were advised that Papini's "extended family"
claimed she had staged her own abduction in 2006.
Wow, that makes it all so credible now. An anonymous source from her extended family?
I wish we could scrutinize your life, and find out how many people were willing to tell lies about
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[-] marsattacs 7 points 5 months ago

I can't speak for whether or not she staged this or any other attacks, but just by reading
her 2006 post about the incident makes it pretty clear that she's not too reliable. The link is
at the top of this post if you want to take a look. No stable person would post something
like that
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[-] mmpressl 1 point 5 months ago

But a narcissistic female with Borderline Personality tendencies would indeed.

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[-] sbammons 8 points 5 months ago

it was her ex husband parents....

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26 points 5 months ago

Sherri Papini and her husband planned this whole thing. How else can you explain him finding
her phone when it was dark outside on a rural road? Knowing that it was 2 and not just 1
person that abducted her? And somehow he also knew that it was "low life" people and not
some wealthy lawyer with a preference for blondes. Come on. It is so obvious. How are you
even surviving in the real world if you are so gullible to believe these lies?
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[-] lafolieisgood 4 points 5 months ago*

Finding the phone isn't a stretch. Find my phone works extremely well and you have the
phone make a sound to find it even if the ringer is off. I'm not sure that would work if
the headphones were still connected though.
I recently left my phone in the back of an uber while on vacation. I used my ipad to track
it and had a cab driver take me to the location where I found it laying in the middle of a
street at 4am in New Orleans.
Edit: find my phone bypasses headphones and still chimes
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[ -] HoneyBeeBzz 5 points 5 months ago

Like you stated, it wouldn't make a sound if it was connected to the headphones.
In addition, if she lost her phone in a struggle like they suggest, the phone probably
would have been flung into some tall grass or bushes. That didn't happen in this
case. The Sheriff says that the phone was placed just off the trail, with the
headphones neatly coiled on top.
And that also begs the question, why did he not just call her? His first assumption
was that something bad had happened. Most people would assume their partner is
out running errands, taking a walk, with friends, etc. They don't automatically start
panicking and calling relatives and daycare.
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[-] lafolieisgood 3 points 5 months ago

I'm not defending the story, only refuting finding the phone with icloud isn't a
part of the story people should question. I think there are plenty of things that
warrant investigating/discussion but that the doubters (which I consider myself)
should limit their claims to stuff that has merit/worth looking into and not just
attack everything because it can come off as a witch hunt.
FWIW apparently the find my phone chime works even with the headphones in. I
was too lazy to go grab my headphones out of my car to test it but I googled it
be I didn't know for sure.
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[-] sbammons 6 points 5 months ago

he sounds like someone in denial. it's easier to just be happy he's got her back, and
whatever she says he'll believe it because it's easier than contemplating that it's really a
hoax.'ve brought up a good point. and i really hate that he called doubters
sub-human....and i have zero sympathy for him now
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[-] mmpressl 1 point 5 months ago

That would be called a "Tell"...

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 7 points 5 months ago

I think he's the one who planned this out. I was like you in the beginning. I was
convinced by his crying that he didn't know anything. But I read a site where the
posters broke down everything that he said, and I became convinced that he was
giving out hints that he knew how the story was going to unfold long before Sherri
was ever discovered.
One thing that they pointed out was that his crying seemed forced. He didn't wipe
away tears like a normal person would. He wanted his tears to be on display - much
like Scott Peterson when he allowed his tears to stream down his face. I thought that
was interesting. Most men become overwhelmed when they start to cry, and either
look down and wipe away tears or they stop talking until they can regain their
composure. Keith did not do any of that.
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[-] mmpressl 10 points 5 months ago

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They are on a mission to persuade...

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 7 points 5 months ago

I agree. Keith says that this is not a hoax, about money or race. Which tells me that
this is EXACTLY what this is about. He never even addresses the rumors that Sherri
ran away with a boyfriend. I think that the two of them are probably online right now
- reading all these posts and trying to figure out a way to convince us. They know
the majority are doubting their story and they're panicking.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] silver-mount 7 points 5 months ago

Just to make it stranger, if that is possible, a comment on one blog stated that the husband
Kieth went out with Tara Smith who disappeared from the same area in 98. All three went to the
same high school. Even if irrelevant, it's creepy
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[-] Sbplaint 1 point 5 months ago

I saw that too!

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[-] SkylarBlue5 3 points 5 months ago

They did go to the same high school, but Keith never went out with Tera Smith. Sherri's
sister was friends with Tera. However Keith did get in touch with Tera's parents 2 days after
Sherri was "abducted" for advice
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[-] mmpressl 2 points 5 months ago

Really Now? He is a special kind of fool...

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[-] ilickstamps 3 points 5 months ago

Was she ever found? And do ya know what her name is now? Interesting.
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[-] a1g45160 6 points 5 months ago

heres a link to her Charley Project page.

A blonde who went missing while jogging...where have I heard that story before?
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 12 points 5 months ago

And here are links to her Linkedln and a wedding site where she gives a few scathing reviews to
some vendors that pissed her off. It seems there is a reoccuring theme of her throwing
tantrums when she doesn't get her way, bipolar maybe?
Here is one of her reviews:
"The dress was exactly what I wanted. That is about the only good thing I can say about Davids

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Bridal. They kept firing their seamstresses, so I had to go back to chico (almost 2 hrs away from
my home) over 6 times. Not to mention one of the SNOOTY ones STAINED MY DRESS!!! Thank
goodness for my Mother in law handeling that fiasco otherwise I would have lost it. Don't these
people get it?! The dress is the MOST important object to the bride!"
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[-] dodgy_mermaid 5 points 5 months ago

Bridal stores know they are dealing with women in constant low-key panic mode. Sounds like
Sherri had to repeatedly make the two-hour drive back because of incompetent
seamstresses. I'd be pissed, too. She's right: the dress is the most important thing, and
this shop kept messing it up. Her review is slightly inappropriate, but most people don't
write professionally in comments and reviews.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 4 points 5 months ago

She wrote several other bad reviews in the same tone. I understand her getting upset in
that situation, but I don't think it warrants her losing it. I also think she's the type to
exagerate bad things that have happened to her.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] xLeatherMocha_x 32 points 5 months ago

This story is such bullshit it insults one's intelligence to have to wrap one's wits around the
scetchy details. SMH I hope the police expose this charade soon it's pathetic that so many have
bought into it.
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[-] mmpressl 7 points 5 months ago

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[-] sbammons 3 points 5 months ago

now sherri told the cops she can't give descriptions because they covered their faces the
whole time
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[-] brianjlg 1 point 4 months ago

Yes, and it's just too convenient that they "mainly spoke spanish" when in front of her,
meaning she can't tell police what they spoke about, plans, names, etc.
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[-] hecramsey 21 points 5 months ago

Everything I read these days I think is a scam. Journalists act like PR flacks, being gentle and
caring instead of asking tough questions, insisting on specific answers and corroboration. I was
taught in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL journalism class "assume everyone is lying".
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[-] whinecube 11 points 5 months ago

When I watch the 20/20 piece, I am going to count how many times the "journalist" feeds
the subject information instead of just asking questions.

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[-] Sam5377 63 points 5 months ago

The attackers appear to be exact opposites,

Thin eyebrows and curly hair,
Thick eyebrows and straight hair
Lo l
Edited for formatting error
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[-] EvaM_313 3 points 4 months ago

All this detail from someone who said she didn't see them well. Interesting
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[-] ewwfruit30 2 points 5 months ago

If they were exactly alike people would think that was suspicious too.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

You are correct, no matter what version she creates, the entire story is BS either way.
Great point!
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[-] ewwfruit30 2 points 4 months ago

You have absolutely no way of knowing that.

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[-] Sam5377 3 points 4 months ago

I thought we were trusting everything, everyone says?

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[-] BelindaBlinkedThrice 5 points 5 months ago

And also, they were supposed to be wearing hoods mostly.

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[-] GoneGir1530 49 points 5 months ago

One young... one older... one with a thick accent... one without... sounds like a nursery

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8 points 5 months ago

Username checks out.

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[-] Dearness 9 points 5 months ago

Or someone who's covering their bases and keeping their options open.
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[-] Thinkles 7 points 5 months ago*

"Cameron Gamble the hostage negotiator - His nonprofit company, Project Taken, specializes in
teaching people how to avoid, survive and escape kidnapping and hostage situations. His non-
profit company, which has applied for 501(c)(3) status offers seminars with durations of 1
hours, 1 day, or 1 week. For more information, go to his web site:"
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[-] sbammons 1 point 5 months ago

this is neither a hostage nor a kidnapping case

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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago

You're missing the point.

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[-] Thinkles 16 points 5 months ago*

"Project taken vimeo short." A video by Cameron Gamble to advertise his services. Depicts a
blonde with long hair being held hostage. Cameron Gamble is her savior.
Edit: More info
Edit: Add link and remove double post
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[-] new2itallwithoutaclu 1 point 5 months ago

Cameron Gamble is self proclaimed expert worldwide but only has 3 videos in 4 years 2
within the last month?
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[-] MonkeyPlug 1 point 5 months ago

Maybe she is his savior.

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[-] ilickstamps 3 points 5 months ago

Odd, could CG be behind all this to promote himself?

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[-] Thinkles 2 points 5 months ago

I certainly couldn't say, could be just another crazy coincidence. However, I don't doubt
he is happy with the media exposure he's received.
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[-] Thinkles 15 points 5 months ago*

20/20 ABC doing a show with Sherri's husband Keith this Friday
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[-] prunepicker 3 points 5 months ago

Thanks for the heads up!

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[-] Vixy6 15 points 5 months ago

I thought this was all crazy. And her husband statement about the message was bogus. If you
have any hope of a real investigation you don't thwart it by giving out details of the crime that
investigators have asked you not to. I'm glad you shared this because it is important that
people stop feeling bad for her and realize that this is a ploy for monetary gain.
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[-] Thinkles 15 points 5 months ago*

W hat type of mask did the 'perps' wear? A full face mask would conceal the ears. Perhaps they
wore bandanas to hide their appearance. Just like the bandanas the Papini family was
photographed wearing as a part of their Halloween costumes immediately preceding the
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[-] geckogoose89 4 points 5 months ago

Three weeks and that's all she can tell them?

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[-] Shitleesi 5 points 5 months ago

Apparently not one that covered the eyebrows.

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[-] CrunchRapSupremacist 3 points 5 months ago

That doesn't make sense. If she was making it up there would be no need for her to actually
own the clothing her pretend captors wore. You are reaching.
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[-] Thinkles 8 points 5 months ago

That's not what I was implying.

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[-] mmpressl 4 points 5 months ago

They know exactly what you are saying... They are deflecting and persuading...
Fascinating! I really think it's Sherri, she moves from blog to forum, and back to
blogs... Meanwhile, her writing style never changes. If she gets to keep any of the GF
money, she should at least invest in some more education.
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[-] HoleyDonut. 3 points 5 months ago

"...she should at least invest in some more education."

Like remedial English? From the wedding blog: "...head over heals in love..." and
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago*

Yeah, I can feel that in the post. It's just another odd coincidence, albeit very
minor, in a case that seems to be nothing but a compilation of odd coincidences.
Perhaps the Papini family hired a PR firm. I can't imagine Sherri being everywhere
even if she is a 'supermom'.
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[-] Piraeus44 4 points 5 months ago

Why does everyone keep saying that she was not hospitalized over night?
According to this story she is still hospitalized:
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1 point 5 months ago

US Magazine, the same publication that say's Jennifer Aniston is pregnant every other
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[-] Piraeus44 1 point 5 months ago

Thanks everyone who responded. It appears those earlier reports may have been inaccurate.
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[-] Zxfernd 4 points 5 months ago

From the Sherriff's pc two days


While the same dispatch reports indicated she was "heavily battered," Bosenko also would
not specify what kind of injuries Papini had. But he did confirm the type of injuries that get
someone "treated and released," as Papini was.

"When you say, 'treated and released' ... no different than if you went up to the ER for a
sprained ankle, they treated you and released you. Now, if you had a compound fracture due
to that bone being broken, then you'd probably be admitted, have to stay for a few days,"
Bosenko explained.
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[-] sbammons 2 points 5 months ago

the cops....the hospital that RELEASED HER....

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[-] prunepicker 8 points 5 months ago

This article, dated Nov. 25th, has Sherri's sister saying Sherri is happy to be home.
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[-] CrunchRapSupremacist 10 points 5 months ago

Home is where your family is and psycho bitches with branding irons aren't.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

There are no psycho bitches...except for SP. Nice try Papini member.
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[-] sbammons 3 points 5 months ago

what psycho bitches?

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[-] NectarCollecting 1 point 5 months ago

The term 'branding' more than likely means a tattoo from a pimp. Google sex slave
branding or prostitute pimp branding.
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[-] Thinkles 11 points 5 months ago

Highly unlikely it was that. She doesn't fit the demographic. I really wish people
would stop posting this sex slave nonsense. I believe even the sheriff stated he

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lying about ab...
her ab...

didn't believe this to be the source. If this is real and not self-inflicted, it sounds
like it was "personal."
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[-] Hippopotapie 11 points 5 months ago

That's literally the first I've heard about that. Every other reprt since see was found said she
was released from the hospital and was at an undisclosed location.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Hippopotapie 33 points 5 months ago

Question, am I allowed to spin a theory here? I'll provide links to back myself up.... BTW I live in
Redding... so I have to hear about this bs story every day...
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Thinkles 43 points 5 months ago*

I live in Redding/Shasta Lake also. After watching the press conference I am sick to my
stomach. No real suspects. No knowledge of whether it was targeted or random. No license
plate. No make. No model. Convenient language barrier - spoke in Spanish. Not even an age
range of the women. The story reeks more and more everyday.
Edit:Removed sentence for lack of clarity. What I'm getting at above is that I do not believe
the narrative that has been spun is truthful. However, should these claims have validity,
myself and plenty of other women with physical characteristic similar to Sherri are at high risk
of being snatched off the street randomly.
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[-] new2itallwithoutaclu 1 point 5 months ago

How is the Jogging situation in Redding. Do people continue to jog alone or have they
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] sbammons 11 points 5 months ago

and now she's come up with..the women had their faces covered the whole time and
whenever they went somewhere, sure enough...she had a bag over her head. she has
effectively shut-down the investigation now will all her little convenient excuses. and i am
pissed that the cops are so hell bent on IGNORING the obvious here white privelage
exists and this is an example
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

Lol the Duke case wasn't white privelige. It's woman privelige
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[-] Arohall 5 points 5 months ago

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Suspects described here:

Papini told investigators one of the women had long curly hair, thin eyebrows, pierced
ears, and a thick accent. The older suspect had straight black hair and thick eyebrows.
Bosenko urged anyone with information on the case to come forward and told residents
to stay cautious until the suspects are identified.
Kept-Faces-Covered-403861306.html#ixzz4RXS44290 Follow us: @nbcsandiego on
Twitter I NBCSanDiego on Facebook
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[-] Thinkles 26 points 5 months ago

Thanks, but I was thinking along the lines of a detailed description. Most women have
pierced ears. What kind of earrings? Hoops? Studs? Thin and thick eyebrows doesn't
exactly narrow it down. Were the eyebrows penciled in? Tattooed in? Nor does
straight black hair or long curly hair. How about length of hair (to the shoulders, bra
line, etc), tattoos, body markings, eye color (assumed to be brown, but who knows),
approximate ages (noticeable wrinkles or not), height, weight, etc.
Me thinks these women don't exist.
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[-] Arohall 4 points 5 months ago

I am a woman, and - to be honest with you - I wouldn't be able to tell these kind
of details myself. For example, I saw my husband today, we talked before he went
to work - but if you asked me what was he wearing, I would have zero idea.
Jumper? Maybe. Blue shirt? Maybe. Black fleece? Who knows. How would anyone
remember things like hoops ear-rings?
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[-] Thinkles 18 points 5 months ago

The two can't be compared. Seeing your husband before work has no relation
to someone allegedly being kept captive and in fear for her life. You most likely
see your husband regularly and under normal circumstances so the details of
what he is wearing are not important to you because they are inconsequential,
therefore you don't recall.
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[-] Hippopotapie 14 points 5 months ago

With someone so into personal appearance, these things would stand out.
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[-] mmpressl 13 points 5 months ago

The Papini "choir of support", goes from blog to blog... Moderators over at
Websleuths are tracking them...
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[-] Arohall 6 points 5 months ago

Why? I am very OCD with my appearance, but I am not that perceptive

with what other people look like. And in stress?
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[-] WhoMeNoHer 10 points 5 months ago

I don't think the problem is that she doesn't have a perfect description
of them, but rather the description is lacking in a lot of obvious details.
Why was she able to see and remember eyebrows, but not eyes. She
saw their hair, but didn't notice the length of it. She can't recall how
tall they were or their body types? You don't need to know exactly,
something like a little bit taller than me and a little pudgy would be
something. But it's literally straight/curly hair, thin/thick eyebrows
pierced/not pierced ears, young/old. And the fact that the descriptions
are the opposite of each other. It's all very suspicious.
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[-] jayseepea 2 points 4 months ago

It sounds like Regina George offered the description. "uhm yeah

like ones eyebrows were really really thick, and the other way too
thin. Her earrings I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them, oh
what did they look like? can't remember but they were there. She
had GREY roots coming in, how mortifying"
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[-] new2itallwithoutaclu 5 points 5 months ago

Some kidnap victims have said that they notice every detail so they
can give the best description to investigators and that they will
spit, scrape skin, pull their own hair out and bite on objects/corner
wall/post furniture whatever in order to leave some sort of DNA
evidence behind. Others go into a "safespace" mode and block out
everything because it is traumatic.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Arohall 3 points 5 months ago

It all sounds like a normal inconsistent witness report to me.

Actually, if she was lying, the description would probably be more
coherent. It's easy not to know someone's hair lenght if they wear
it in a bun too.
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[-] WhoMeNoHer 3 points 5 months ago

Height, weight, or hair length isn't too much detail. Casey

Anthony gave too much detail about a supposed nanny. Police
found the woman and learned she had never met Casey
Anthony. If she had said something like Maria was my nanny.
She was a young latino woman with straight hair, thin
eyebrows, and earrings, the police wouldn't be able to rule out
everyone with that description.
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[-] Thinkles 12 points 5 months ago

Great, we now know all about YOU. What does that have to do with
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Sherri's recollection or lack thereof?

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[-] Arohall 3 points 5 months ago

What do YOUR assumptions tell us about her? So far, nothing.

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[-] mmpressl 7 points 5 months ago

Lol ... does their statement sound familiar? I bet that is Sherri you
are responding to!!!
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[-] Thinkles 2 points 5 months ago

Whoever it is has their 'Underoos' in a bunch!

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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 22 points 5 months ago

I don't think so either. It reminds me of the whole "Zenaida Gonzalez" lie Casey
Anthony cooked up after her daughter went missing.
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[-] jayseepea 2 points 4 months ago

I was JUST about to make a Zanny the nanny reference!!!!

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[-] mmpressl 8 points 5 months ago

My thoughts exactly!!!
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] [deleted] 5 months ago*


[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] One Love 26 points 5 months ago

1. Police said she had long hair. But husband said she came back with her hair was chopped
off. 2. Witness sees her but doesn't stop. Then drives a few miles up the road to call the
police? 3. Witness says she saw her on the side of the road waving a fabric up and down
frantically. Cops say her arms were restrained and tied to her waste. 4. Victim came out of
nowhere and could've gotten hit by witness. But Police say when they found her she was
chained to something. So much weirdness.
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- - 1 point 4 months ago

And she had got one hand free and ran there from the church without being hit by a car with
a bag in her head that isn't said is in her head in the 911 calls
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[-] Shitleesi 3 points 5 months ago

I thought she was found with a bag over her head?

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[-] Arohall 7 points 5 months ago*

I Police said she had long hair. But husband said she came back with her hair was chopped
That's not that relevant to be honest, she can have a shaved head with some long streaks
left for all we know. EDIT: in some articles the witness desribed seeing her 'blonde hair',
nothing about 'long hair' so it is quite possible the press added this without knowing the hair
was cut.
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[-] Arohall 6 points 5 months ago
press conference, the police admits they are not releasing all they know
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[-] vidrok 5 points 5 months ago

And no one should expect them to.

Still, I wonder what it is about her brand in particular that is so sensitive.
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[-] Arohall 2 points 5 months ago

Oh, I totally agree, they should not release anything that could jeopardise the
investigation; also we don't really need to know any disturbing, private details.
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[-] geckogoose89 10 points 5 months ago

She was tied to a bag of her poop? Really?

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[-] CynthiaDaniels 2 points 5 months ago

Ok that is freaking hilarious

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[-] Arohall 18 points 5 months ago

They are not releasing everything, and anyway, what the press publishes is often not
reliable. I was interviewed recently by one of the best newspaper in the country, they
RECORDED me, and then they 'quoted' me saying some stuff I've never said (they also
stated my town wrong etc., and I had friends calling asking if I've moved, and whatever
happened). So yeah. I have experience with various media before, and you should not rely
on any information from the press to be accurate. In such a case I would expect nothing less
but conflicting reports, and probably only the police and the family know the truth.
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[-] Ithurtsprecious 6 points 5 months ago

One time I called 911 about a robbery/assault/fight I saw on the sidewalk on my way to work.
But when I was asked for a description I wasn't sure what race or what they looked like. My
point being if she had long or short hair and the caller was just passing by, in the moment it's
easy to mess up and descriptions shouldn't be taken as fact (at least in my case) But if she had
a bag over her head... then that's an entire different story.
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[ - ] [deleted] 2 points 5 months ago

That is why you CANNOT believe the witness testimony of seeing her out jogging.... Witness
testimony is the WORST and LEAST RELIABLE piece of evidence in any investigation.
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[-] SkeptiCynical 4 points 5 months ago

Right but this wasn't a quick altercation. She had been held captive by these people for 3
long weeks.
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[-] Rdm898989 102 points 5 months ago*

I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but so much of this does not make sense. Her
husband claims her "signature, long blonde hair had been chopped off", yet the driver who first
saw her and called 911 gave a different description - "I saw a woman, a woman with long blonde
hair by the side of the road frantically waving what looked like a shirt," she recalled. "I figured if
she was willing to risk being hit by a car she must really need help." She said looked more scared
than hurt. But Sherri's husband claims she was very badly beaten - battered and bruised and
weighing 87 pounds - and supposedly she'd been through all this trauma...but she only spends
a few hours in the hospital?! They didn't even admit her overnight - not even to observe? Even
if her physical wounds didn't require hospitalization (which is surprising given the hubby's
description and the fact that she'd supposedly spent the last few weeks been tortured), having
supposedly lost so much weight and having supposedly been through such a horror, you'd think
they'd keep her there to rehydrate her and ensure she was psychologically okay. And the motive
- I just don't understand. Why would two Hispanic woman randomly abduct this tiny white
woman, beat her up for a couple of weeks, and then just release her...without taking the
ransom. It just makes no sense.
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[-] allblknblue 1 point 4 months ago

"Papini was also reportedly "chained to something" and was "heavily battered," a radio
dispatcher told a responding officer Thursday in an audio clip obtained by The Sacramento
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[-] juliet8810 3 points 5 months ago

then they said that she was tie up so how she was waving a shirt???
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[-] gravanoc 6 points 5 months ago

You are making quite a few assumptions. Have you heard of outpatient care before? Have
you ever heard of HIPPA? Do you want them to release every single detail just for your
benefit? To assuage your conspiratorial mind? You have this movie in your mind, and you
assume that if anyone deviates from the carefully crafted script, then they are immediately
guilty of a crime. Are we all robots that conform to every event in the exact same way?
So, her husband raised $50,000 through GoFundMe, but I guess you don't know what
opportunity cost is either.
Now, if you were an officer, or someone with immediate relevance to this case, then I would
approve of keeping an open mind on the details; but, you are not, and there are literally
hundreds of details that you are not privy to. Instead, you are piling on this family, who has
children, and putting them through emotional hell - Because you know better.
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[-] Thinkles 18 points 5 months ago*

Who cares what you'd approve of. Pot meet kettle. Seems you were told not to persist in
conspiratorial talk over in r/Legal. You did anyway.
The community rallied together and raised those funds and many feel they were taken
advantage of. Where is his outrage towards the abductors that put his wife through hell?
Where is his concern for the very community he solicited funds, services, and time from?
Has he apologized for blindsiding the sheriff's office and compromising the investigation?
After he blindsided the sheriff once, why has he granted yet another interview, this time
to 20/20?
Assuming this is not a farce, where is the concern that running his mouth may put other
women in the community at greater risk for being abducted as well? What if the next
victim of these alleged assailants is killed? Would it still be all about dissuading
disbelievers on social media, criminal investigation be damned?
Why make several pleas for privacy only to turn around and provide exclusive interviews
to major news networks? Sounds legit.
Why intentionally leak sensitive details in the ongoing criminal investigation? Screw all of
the other women in the community who could be targets, right. They must be subhuman
to Keith.
Sadly, I see this family becoming the most ostracized bunch in Redding.
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[-] HoneyBeeBzz 8 points 5 months ago

We have a right to ask questions. There have been MANY scams like this in the past. And
I don't see how we are putting anyone through "emotional hell" unless they spend their
time reading reddit, which begs the question, why? Why are they spending their time
reading reddit when they should be focusing on their family and helping the cops catch
the "abductors"? Could it be that they are more concerned with how they are being
perceived than in getting justice? Seems a bit a strange to me.
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[-] Shitleesi 17 points 5 months ago

I've not heard of HIPPA, but I've heard of HIPAA ;) I think it's fair to ask questions if
people are profiting, especially in a world where people freely lie in order to buffer their
bank accounts, but I agree that "piling on" in a time of trouble is also not the best way to
go. I think the GoFundMe account just tingles people's spidey senses because there are
no controls on who can get such an account, etc.
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[-] Freshy007 27 points 5 months ago

Just wanted to touch on her weight. The Find Sherri Gofundme said she weighed 100
pounds when she disappeared and is 5 feet tall. So she lost 13 pounds over three weeks or
4.33 lbs a week. Yes it's very skinny but hardly what I would call emaciated for someone 5
foot tall. Think about it, a 13 lbs weight difference makes her "emaciated"?
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[-] shep2105 2 points 5 months ago

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Sherri is 5'4 NOT 5'0...big difference. At 95-100 lbs at 5'4, she is already underweight
and would be flagged as a possible eating disorder medically.
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[-] CynthiaDaniels 13 points 5 months ago

Exactly. When I knew her she was the one who taught me that you could lose 12 to 15
pounds in five days doing nothing but a water fast because your body uses up all of its
glycogen reserves in the muscles. She said glycogen holds onto a lot of water. She was
always obsessed with staying under 100 pounds. She had an elliptical machine and her
house. She knew everything about weight loss.
I also remember her talking about how when she was in her early 20s she sold her own
eggs to a fertility clinic for 50,000. She said she was also a surrogate pregnancy for
$30,000. I found it strange since when I was that age I was so idealistic about
conception and parenthood and genetics knowing that parents are programmed to
recognize subtle idiosyncrasies in our own biological children that make them particularly
lovable to us alone. I remember it striking me as coldly objective and mercenary for her
to just be so fine with doing something like that. I remember she said she use the
money to get a boob job and travel. I just thought "WOW".
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[-] RudineHoward 10 points 4 months ago

if Sherri sold her eggs and was a surrogate mother just to get a boob job and travel,
makes me think that branding herself, fasting to lose weight, chopping off her hair
and pretend to be kidnapped would be a piece of cake for her.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 8 points 4 months ago

I also remember her talking about how when she was in her early 20s she sold her
own eggs to a fertility clinic for 50,000.
I guess she got a huge amount due to her "superior" white genetics and signature
blonde hair. Because most places do not give you anywhere near 50 grand for eggs. I
wonder when this alleged surrogate pregnancy happened?
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[-] anonhooker 8 points 4 months ago

For real. A friend of mine, a fairly average-looking thin-ish tall-ish white girl with
brown hair, got like 5 grand, maybe. And the process ended up being a lot of
work, and she ultimately didn't think it was really worth it financially.
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[-] BlondeGir1530 3 points 4 months ago

I'm a blonde and sought that out back in 1998. I went to San Francisco to
some clinic. A woman had picked me out of a catalog they had for egg donors.
Sorry, but skinny smart white girls aren't worth 50k for egg harvesting. Back
when I checked it out it was 3500.00, so 5k would make sense now. Carrying
a baby is where the bucks are paid! Eggs aren't worth that much and yes, it's
weeks of hormones, out of town doctor visits, and finally a painful extraction.
They do not pay your room, food, or for gas while you travel either. It's one
fee and that's it!
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[-] loveagreatmystery 4 points 4 months ago

Brown hair? You gotta bleach it blonde and bake some pretty pies to get the
big bucks.
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[-] BelindaBlinkedThrice 1 point 5 months ago

103 lbs to 87 lbs is 15% of her body weight. Try to lose that in your weight in three
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[-] Sam5377 1 point 5 months ago

Why do you assume their numbers are correct? She was reported as 100Ibs and
105Ibs, imo look about 93Ibs in her picture
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[-] BelindaBlinkedThrice 1 point 5 months ago

Why? Because that is not only what was on the missing poster but was what
they said she was in the 20/20 special. I believe those two facts over someone
who just wants to be argumentative on the net.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago
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.eov Die 2 points 5 months ago

13 lbs difference in someone 100 lbs is 13% of their body weight, a huge dip in 3 weeks
time. To compare, that's the same as a 150 lbs man losing about 20 lbs in 3 weeks.
Additionally, 100 lbs is passable for someone 5'0", but 87 lbs is well underweight.
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[-] karmatiger 5 points 5 months ago

If I lost 13 lbs I probably wouldn't even notice, but on her that's 13% of her mass. It's
all relative.
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[-] sbammons 12 points 5 months ago

she wouldn't have been released if she were "emaciated"...look...the hospital released
her with MINOR "injuries"
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[-] Hippopotapie 4 points 5 months ago

You're talking rapid weightloss caused by malnutrition and more than likely dehydration.
There's a huge difference between regulated weightloss and weightloss due to neglect.
Lacking in important nutrients and vitamins would severely hinder your physical and
mental state.
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[-] Sam5377 30 points 5 months ago

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Assuming 100 Lbs is precise and 100Lbs is not 96 Lbs, one or two days dehydration can
account for the difference. The amount lost is not proof of 3 weeks of starvation, if they
were not feeding her why were they hydrating her?
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[-] Atschmid 8 points 5 months ago

The missing person posters said she was 5'3", not 5 feet, and weighed 100 pounds.
A woman of 5'3" at 87 pounds would look very skeletal. So i repeat: pictures post-
kidnapping? No one took pix?
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[-] briabrimorton 7 points 5 months ago

Not necessary true. Firstly, she's 5'4" on the posters. But as a 5'3" woman
myself who went through a severe depressive state that caused me to stop
eating for entire summer I was down to 87Ibs at my smallest and I did not look
skeletal. I was skinny and having to shrink my size 0 jeans in the dryer before I
wore them, but my face was not sunken in... if you saw photos of me at the time
you wouldn't think I was starved.
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[-] Atschmid 3 points 4 months ago

Do you remember Joan Rivers on the Fashion Police? She used to say that of
course these Hollywood starlets were all starving temselves because it made
them look great in clothes and their faces were still gorgeous in photographs.
So you are right, a 5'3" woman at 87 pounds on whom size 0 jeans were too
large would probably look fine in photos. But you would not look healthy in
real life. to insurance BMI tables say the minimum for a woman of 5'3" should
be 115 pounds and can go up to 130 pounds for normal weight ranges. 87
pounds would be considered severely malnourished and require
hospitalization. Just saying You may, in your head, have thought 87 pounds
was perfectly acceptable for you, but I would suggest to you that may mean
an issue with body Dysmorphia. Because I would be willing to be your friends
DID think you looked anorexic
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[-] briabrimorton 5 points 4 months ago

I didn't say that I was healthy or looked fine, but I did not look in need of
hospitalization. My family and friends did comment on my weight (which
was useless because it wasn't my fault I wasn't doing it on purpose) but I
can tell you right now looking at the pictures of her before she went
missing she is ALREADY 87 lbs. She is NOT 100 lbs like the missing
posters say she is. She is smaller than I was.
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[-] Atschmid 3 points 4 months ago

The missing pictures of a 5'3" woman do not show her to be 87

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[-] briabrimorton 1 point 4 months ago

To me they do. Maybe not the ones they were showing on tv but
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the ones I've seen of her show her significantly skinnier than I ever
was at 87Ibs and I'm her same height. She was known for having
extreme eating disorders and there's pictures of her with her ribs
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[-] anonhooker 3 points 4 months ago* have a very strange perception of weight. If she's 5'4" (I've

seen 5'3" and 5'4" from different sources), I would put her at around
115 (maybe more) in her "before" pics. I'm guessing the the "100 Ibs"
stat is just what she claimed to her husband, friends, etc.
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[-] briabrimorton 2 points 4 months ago

Are we looking at the same pictures? I'm 120 lbs now and 5'3" and
I can assure you she is skinnier in those pictures than I ever was
at 87Ibs. I would bet a million dollars her husband lied about her
weight on the missing persons posters because he knew it would
look bad to put her actual weight, or they wanted to make it look
like she was starved.
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[-] anonhooker 5 points 4 months ago

And as far as lying about weight--many, many, many women lie

about their weight, even on official documents (if I'm not
mistaken, height/weight stats for missing persons often come
from the person's driver's license). And many women who have
unhealthy preoccupations with weight view 100 (or 99--for
some, remaining in double-digits is really important) as a magic
Based on all the info I've read in this (amazingly entertaining)
post, yes, I think Sherri is the type of woman to report her
weight as 100 on her driver's license, etc., even if that wasn't
entirely accurate--either she preferred saying her weight was
100, or she intended to get back to 100 at some point in the
future. Also, I first got my license at age 19, and since then
they have never even offered me an opportunity to change the
number next to "weight"--a number that the lady at the DMV
guesstimated over a decade ago. Maybe Sherri reported 100 a
long, long time ago, and since her body hasn't changed all that
radically in the past 15 or so years, she's just kinda kept "100"
as her official answer for weight ever since then.
tl;dr I think if the weight on the "Missing" posters wasn't
accurate, it's because it was too low, not too high. Plus, I'm
sure KP told him what number to put. God forbid he lead the
public to believe she was some kind of 115-lb cow.
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[ -] anonhooker 2 points 4 months ago*

I'm sorry; I'm looking at the pics the family put on the flyers.
This is not a photo of a 5'4", 87 lb woman. In that photo, yes,
I would say she is at least 115. Same with this photo. I have
been 5'4" and (to my knowledge) as low as 110 Ibs, and as
high as 128, my entire adult life. All the photos I've seen of
Sherri look like she's a petite woman at a healthy weight--her
body looks pretty much like mine at 116 or so.
For contrast, this is a girl who is 5'5" and 88Ibs. That's an inch
shorter and a pound heavier than what you're arguing Sherri is
(5'4" 87 Ibs). You really think Sherri's photos show her to be
this thin before being abducted?
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continue this thread

[-] Sam5377 7 points 5 months ago

Some posters listed her as 105 pounds, even small errors here really change the
perception of results, and ultimately there are natural limits as to how much
weight you can lose in a given time.
What we do know, is they planned on keeping her alive as they gave her water
and wore mask to cover everything but their eyebrows. Fyi, she looked like she
weighed less than 100 pounds prior, and were they using the same scale before
and after as that would matter.
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[-] creepy_pie 9 points 5 months ago

Of course they would hydrate her. No water would mean death within 3 days; I'm
assuming her kidnappers knew she would die quickly without water. Also, a 13 lbs in
one or two days is an unrealistic water weight loss for someone of her size. If she
were around 200 Ibs, I could believe it. Not so being of 100 lbs.
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[-] Cormamin 14 points 5 months ago

Most people know you can live without food for a long while, but not without water.
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1 harra mcav 6 points 5 months ago

drugs or some sort of psychiatric problems.

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[-] Commander_Jim 8 points 5 months ago

If its an unnatural and fast loss (ie due to starvation) than emaciated woudnt be an odd
way to describe someone who was already very slim as that kind of weight loss often
affects areas like the face the most. Also if she was dehydrated it would have added to
an emaciated appearance.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 68 points 5 months ago

They didn't even admit her overnight - not even to observe? Even if her physical wounds
didn't require hospitalization (which is surprising given the hubby's description and the

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fact that she'd supposedly spent the last few weeks been tortured), having supposedly
lost so much weight and having supposedly been through such a horror, you'd think
they'd keep her there to rehydrate her and ensure she was psychologically okay.
This is what puzzles me. And she had multiple "severe burns" and was branded, after being
out in the cold and emaciated, which means she was at high risk of infection. At the very
least they should have wanted to keep her overnight to get fluids and antibiotics on board,
and observe that her vitals remained stable and that she didn't go into shock. Also control
her pain so she could rest (which is the best healer). The husband's dramatic description
does not jibe with the hospital's reaction. Maybe she asked to be released early against
doctor's advice.
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[-] Tylergame 2 points 5 months ago

Would they force someone out of the hospital if that someone had no funding for being
there overnight regardless of their condition?
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[-] camimiele 5 points 5 months ago

Only if the hospital doesn't take Medicare, which nearly every hospital does (the ones
in the area do.) Unless it isn't an emergency.
They seem like they're ok financially, they probably have some form of insurance.
"An emergency medical condition (EMC) is defined as "a condition manifesting itself by
acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the absence
of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in placing the
individual's health [or the health of an unborn child] in serious jeopardy, serious
impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of bodily organs." For
example, a pregnant woman with an emergency condition must be treated until
delivery is complete unless a transfer under the statute is appropriate.[9]
Patients treated under EMTALA may not be able to pay or have insurance or other
programs pay for the associated costs but are legally responsible for any costs
incurred as a result of their care under civil law."
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[-] Nayners19 16 points 5 months ago

I was puzzled too. There is no way that she wouldn't have been kept at least overnight,
but most likely longer, if she was in such poor condition.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 15 points 4 months ago

Now we find out from Keith that she was coughing up blood. I am sorry but you do
not get sent home right away if you have been coughing up blood. They would need
to screen for internal injuries seeing as she was battered and branded.
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[-] FullofHope30 8 points 5 months ago

The SO has admitted that she was branded. Also, do you really expect that someone
driving 70 mph at 4:30 in the morning can give an accurate description of an 87Ib woman
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waving frantically? Come on.

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[-] ourufnek99 1 point 5 months ago

Pretty sure they stopped to help.

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[-] FullofHope30 6 points 5 months ago

She didn't. Stopped further up and called 911 Never talked to Sherri herself.
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[deleted] 5 months ago


[-] loveagreatmystery 7 points 5 months ago

Are you responding to the wrong person? I did not say anything about descriptions,
from someone driving 70 mph or otherwise. I was questioning the hospital's reaction
to her condition versus what the husband described.
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[-] FullofHope30 2 points 5 months ago

Oops. Sorry! It is strange to me that they didn't admit her also, but even the SO
has now admitted that she was branded.
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[-] NectarCollecting 5 points 5 months ago

Prostitution branding means a tattoo from your pimp. All the pimp's hookers
get the same tattoo... it's not like cattle branding, so she wouldn't have an
infected burn.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Interesting! What does a prositution tattoo usually look like? A symbol or

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1-1Fa Cellectinn 2 points 4 months ago

apparently it was actually burn from metal, but "it is not a symbol".
Pimp branding is like their name or a crown. You can see yem on
google images.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Thanks. I am afraid to google those images! :(

So if it was a burn from metal then it sounds like it was not a
tattoo. Maybe they held her up against something like a hot stove.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 9 points 5 months ago

No worries. :)
All I can think is that she asked to be discharged early against medical advice.
Or the burns and "brand" are very superficial and her physical condition not as

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severe as the husband said. Why do we not have more descriptions of the
kidnappers? Why is the public not in extreme danger until they are caught?
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[-] Arohall 16 points 5 months ago

Maybe they DID take ransom. That kind of information wouldn't be released.
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[-] juliet8810 5 points 5 months ago

the ramsom guy just took advantage of the publicity to do self promotion . in usa there
is not kidnapping for ransom , 90 % of kidnapping involve sexual motive and victim ends
and it has happens in cases of pedophiles and when is about women kidnapped usually
they keep the woman , they don't release her alive in thanksgiving just days later of her
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[-] loveagreatmystery 4 points 4 months ago

But now Gamble says the 100 grand is still available and may be given to the Papini
family, so it must not have been paid to the abductors or an informant.
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[-] ilickstamps 3 points 5 months ago

I have also thought that. Cause they did say law would not be involved. So intently the
ransom and agreed to leave her go the following day. No way to know for sure, since it
was an anonymous donor.
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[-] SonnyTx 28 points 5 months ago

I have a feeling this is a scam and hope she and her husband get caught, however, in theory
as far as the abductors returning her it might have to do with how much press the
abduction received making it difficult to collect a ransom.
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[-] trickmind 2 points 4 months ago

She was released the day after a 100,000 reward was offered for information.
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[-] TheStinkyChicken 17 points 5 months ago

Just on the hair bit because I've seen a lot of people mentioning it. .. They could have
hacked parts of at the scalp but left some long. .I doubt (if the abduction were real or not)
that kidnappers would give someone a nice clean cut, they probably cut hacked into it.
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[-] KariMil 5 points 5 months ago

Or the hospital could have cut it to get better access to a head wound.
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[-] itsjesssa 28 points 5 months ago

Did anyone else see how the 50k "ransom" was changed to a 100k "reward for info" the DAY
BEFORE she returned home? Interesting.
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[-] mrssailorwife 3 points 4 months ago

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Because "reward for info" can be scrutinized, and therefore they can refuse to pay it. AND
your inference hit the nail on the head...she was "released" before someone gave good
information and they had to pay it! Nauseating!
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[-] Piraeus44 2 points 5 months ago

No. Stories say there was no ransom demand? Where did you see this?
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[-] NotKateBush 11 points 5 months ago

They're referring to the "reverse ransom" which was an amount offered to her captor by
an anonymous donor and proposed by a whackjob independent negotiator. That went
from $50k to her kidnappers to a $100k reward for anyone, and the next morning she
was found. There was also a typical $50,000 reward for information offered by the police.
There was no demand for money from anyone, at least to the public's knowledge. I do
think there was some sort of negotiation but kept quiet.
Interestingly, Sherri might be getting all or a portion of that $100k ransom/reward.
There was also a gofundme for her that was just short of it's $50k goal when she was
found, no word on returns to donors. Also that weird independent negotiator who made
a video outlining the anonymous donor's offer is part of a cult-like church in Sherri's
town, and she seemingly follows similar beliefs though there's no confirmation she's a
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[-] BlondeGir1530 2 points 4 months ago

I do NOT believe for one second that there was even a reward to be paid! I don't
think this anonymous rich guy even existed. I think they had her well hidden,
knowing no one would come forward, therefore they would never have to pay it out.
Gamble was in this just as much as the Pap's were! He keeps saying he's the reason
she was released, which means desperate families will contact/pay him for services,
while Keith and Sherri enjoy all the public donations. This mystery rich man was BS!
Of course they could offer it since they knew damn well Sherri wouldn't be seen!
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[-] sbammons 2 points 5 months ago

"reverse ransom"= rewards

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[-] NotKateBush 4 points 5 months ago

Not quite. The reverse ransom was an offer specifically for her captors. They
could take it anonymously, no questions asked, no police involvement. Basically, it
was terms that you'd usually see in a regular ransom but reversed. The reward is
for anyone who could point to her location or who did it or pretty much anything
that's going to get the police closer to solving the case.
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[-] KarmicEnigma 3 points 5 months ago

Can you link to the video?

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[-] NotKateBush 8 points 5 months ago

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Original offer -

Updated reward -
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[-] geckogoose89 15 points 5 months ago

Now it's reported from her ex-husband, David Dreyfus, who says this about the skinhead blog
entry: "That post isn't true, it was a prank by someone at high school, she never found out
who did it."
What the hell is going on?
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[-] hecramsey 18 points 5 months ago

WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!! then she gets kidnapped by 2 hispanic women!!!!

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[-] Sam5377 15 points 5 months ago

And she broke the nose of one of the hispanic women calling her dad a nazi, and she got
kidnapped by hispanic women (one with thin eyebrows and curly hair, the other with thick
eyebrows and straight hair) and these women 'broke' Sherri's nose....
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[-] Thinkles 13 points 5 months ago*

It was claimed to be a prank by someone at high school, but she never found out who did it,
so how does she know it was someone at high school???
Even the sheriff has not denied she wrote it and you'd think he'd know by now.
Her ex-husband has been MIA and he just now comes out of the woodwork to make this
Edit: clarity
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[-] whinecube 30 points 5 months ago

It could not possibly be a prank. The gist of the essay is to make Sherri and her father
out to be the "heroes" in the story. People who hate you would not write something
under your name that makes you out to be the winner of the little tale. It is too sincere
and too accurate (in terms of white supremacist thinking) for it to be a prank.
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[-] Thinkles 3 points 5 months ago*

Sorry I wasn't clear, the above was a rhetorical question. I could be wrong, but I also
believe it was penned by her.
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[-] jack_a_nape 2 points 5 months ago

If she is a White Nationalist and she wrote that, why would she refer to them as
"Latinos?" Seemed too fake.
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[-] Hippopotapie 5 points 5 months ago

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I have known quite a few people into the whole supremacy thing (I don't agree
with it in any way), and 9/10 are extremely well spoken and don't spew obvious
hate. The whole point is they want to be taken seriously. They have to convince
peopLE why their thoughts are right, which means they have to be a bit more
subtle than the image the minority of the group has projected.
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[-] whinecube 10 points 5 months ago

What else would she call them?

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[deleted] 5 months ago


[-] dug99 24 points 5 months ago

Hmmm... she claims she "limped home" on a fractured Tibia? Maybe in movies you can limp
on one leg... but in real life the broken one needs to at least take some weight. I broke my
fibula a few years ago, I was 300m from my house, and I had to be carried off the beach and
home to my lounge room. Curious to hear from anyone who's else managed to walk unaided
with a fractured tib or fib. My mother was an ambo, she'd seen dozens of these injuries. I
asked her and she said only one guy walked to the meat truck... he was a driver at a
Trotting ( horses ) race... blind drunk when he hit the barrier!
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[-] DNA Jigase 2 points 4 months ago

I've never had one, but I've taken medical gross anatomy. Tibia's your major weight-
bearing bone, and often fractures of the tibia transmit to the fibula as well because of
how force is distributed in the lower leg. Depending on where along the bone the fracture
is, you could be looking at associated ankle injuries as well. I highly doubt one would be
able to walk for a while after that.
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[-] Atschmid 3 points 5 months ago

The fibula is the little bone, the little one you peel out of a drumstick when you eat
chicken. It's not a weightbearing bone. I have broken it twice and was totally able to
walk, just couldn't sit on that leg as i normally do.
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[-] needfunniername 5 points 5 months ago

i broke my ankle and fibula and had to cover about 2km to get back to my car to go to
hospital - I was out in forest / hills so no-one around. I had to hop tree to tree as I
couldn't put any weight on it all. Going up hill I had to sit and pull myself up backwards
with the broken leg resting on the good one so it didn't drag. I was lucky i was wearing
old-school style army boots so it stopped the ankle flopping around, don't think it
would've been possible without that support unless I made a splint.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 3 points 4 months ago

Jesus. I'm glad you're okay.

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[-] hecramsey 1 point 5 months ago

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People walk around on broken limbs, its not unheard of. If she was wasted or psychotic
or even extememly cold it could be uncomfortable but not excurctiation. I walked around
on a broken ankle for a few days. It hurt but not enough, I guess.
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[-] sbammons 9 points 5 months ago

you are reaching

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[-] Thinkles 25 points 5 months ago*

She seems to embellish a lot. See her wedding blog where she claims she's never lived
with a man before prior to marrying Keith.
Edit:sentence structure
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[-] whinecube 20 points 5 months ago

Did she really put that on her blog? That is nuts. Did she think that no one would
know that she had been married before?
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[-] Thinkles 20 points 5 months ago

Here is a link so you can come to your own conclusions:
Edit: Different link
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[-] whinecube 28 points 5 months ago

"I however, DID NOT have brothers and was unaware of just how foreign
living with a guy was going to be"
Okay that is a strange thing for a woman who has already been married
before to say. It is a flat-out lie. She lived with a man for years, and she
started planning her wedding to Keith in 2008, which as far as I know, is
about a year after her divorce was finalized.
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[-] Atschmid 8 points 5 months ago

pesumably tht website was for all her friends and family to see Did she
think they wouldn't remember the first husband?
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[-] imbuche 6 points 5 months ago

Yeah, it was such a weirdly purposeless lie. It shows just how much
Sherri has invested in her image of "perfection."
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[-] loveagreatmystery 13 points 5 months ago

Interesting. On another blog, someone who claimed to be a friend of Sherri (but sounded a
lot like Sherri) said it was an ex-friend who wrote that skinhead entry to get back at Sherri.
This person also claimed to be at Sherri's house the day after she was found. Their posts
have since been deleted.

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[-] geckogoose89 14 points 5 months ago

I had a feeling another poster might be Sherri. IDK Whatever.

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[-] mmpressl 9 points 5 months ago

Me too,I called them out... I actually think both of them are on here...
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[-] Starkville 12 points 5 months ago

She was a few years out of high school when that was written.
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40 points 5 months ago

lol the story has WAY too many similarities. she's not very smart and probably didnt even
know wayback machine existed.
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[-] Hernaneisrio88 30 points 5 months ago

Right? And that's not the sort of thing you write to play a prank. A prank is like... writing
some story involving something embarrassing. That essay was way too sincere to be
faked by a rando.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

The essay seemed carefully crafted and fake to draw attention to herself. Odd like
this story as well.
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[-] Asherware 21 points 5 months ago

That is exactly the story you would stick to if you were guilty isn't it. That someone
impersonated you and you never found out who. Very convenient since we know that the
post is real and from that time frame.
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[-] Elehhhhna 8 points 5 months ago

But he says it's somebody's from high school and then he says but nobody knows who
he's a shitty liar
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[-] mmpressl 30 points 5 months ago

Okay. but 3 years after high school? All of this stinks to high hell...
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[-] peanut_monkey_90 42 points 5 months ago

What's most weird is zero info on the perpetrators...

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[-] HeadMcCoy322 65 points 5 months ago

Because they're imaginary

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[-] airportluvr416 44 points 5 months ago

I don't like to victim blame and tell people they are not telling the truth. this seems to have Gone
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Girl written all over it though. I really do love a good mystery. Maybe it's because I love a good
mystery, but I am currently fascinated by this. I am always fascinated by people who can
seemingly disappear. Granted the whole media thing is weird....I mean if she actually WAS
abducted that is tragic and she needs mental health services, the more I read into it the
stranger it seems. As an aspiring social worker, something definitely seems off with this. Maybe
she needs medication?
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[-] geckogoose89 11 points 5 months ago

Enough so she won't self-harm like branding herself.

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[-] Runamokamok 19 points 5 months ago

Remember the woman who put acid all over her face and claimed to be attacked. Never
thought someone would intentionally disfigure their face, but she looked awful from this
self inflicted "attack."
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[-] Impetus_Wrath 34 points 5 months ago

Man the internet just does not forget or forgive. I love it.
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[-] airportluvr416 24 points 5 months ago

because it's just so much like Gone Girl! I think in the age of over information the idea of
somebody going "without a trace for a bit" is a tad intoxicating
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

Gone Girl was an entirely fictional book.

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[-] msixtwofive 157 points 5 months ago
Read his statement - does any of the wording stick out -
Rumors, assumptions, lies, and hate have been both exhausting and disgusting. Those
people should be ashamed of their malicious, sub human behavior.
Sub human - this is white supremacy talk. It's taken from the whole nazi idea of the
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1 point 4 months ago

No it's actually subhuman to act so heartless. Absolutely agree with him that people who will
stoop low will stoop low regardless.
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[-] walkingdeadgirll9 6 points 4 months ago

I was coming here to say just this. Keith uses the language of a white supremacist. Sherri
can deny she wrote that post on the skinhead website, but her pinterest board also has
indications of her leanings.
Keith's whole statement gives me the heebie jeebies. He talks about himself, and how HE
felt/feels, and how HE reacted to Sherri's injuries...he never says one word about how Sherri

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is or how Sherri feels. He comes off as a narcissist.

If Sherri has a history of making up lies, that could be a reason her family didn't seem
particularly upset about her being missing. They probably knew this was all crap.
I think Keith and Sherri are a lovely little combination of mental illness (NPD, BPD). I will eat
my hat if it turns out they were both innocent of involvement in this.
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[-] dekker87 2 points 5 months ago

yeah I caught that too...almost like coded talk...

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[-] new2itallwithoutaclu 11 points 5 months ago

You think he would be more concerned about catching his wife's abductors and bring them
to justice and make sure this does not continue in their community instead of trying to
defend against what people question on the internet.
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[-] NotKateBush 62 points 5 months ago

I suspect Sherri wrote that statement herself. It reads very similar to her wedding blog, the
one where she claims to feel weird about living with a man for the first time despite already
being married.
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[-] walkingdeadgir119 2 points 4 months ago

The statement is masculine and narcissistic. I don't think she wrote it.
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[-] mmpressl 19 points 5 months ago

I suspect the same...

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[-] mmpressl 24 points 5 months ago

Check out Cameron Gamble's video "Project Taken Vimeo short", made 4 years ago...
He is the "Hostage Negotiator", and Keith Panini's number one guy, his words, not
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[-] mrssailorwife 3 points 4 months ago

If he would have cut her hair in that video, I would have flipped out! I'm going to
do more research from this angle. Thank you for the insight!
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[-] TheRuefulTroubadour 45 points 5 months ago

Who even uses that word besides neo-nazis on /pol/? This is getting more and more
interesting. Remember, these people raised $50,000 on a GoFundMe page.
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[-] [deleted] 2 points 4 months ago

A go fund me to go find a kidnap victim?

If none of this is true, then there's a motive to raise cash...
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

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It was spent on a private investigator, that ransome specialist dude, balloons

released and fliers etc.. etc..
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 4 months ago

Balloons...sounds so 2017.
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[-] NotKateBush 10 points 5 months ago

And they'll likely get a portion of that ransom/reward money allegedly.

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[-] apologie5 55 points 5 months ago

Thats a good fucking catch. Weird, odd wording. I do not get it

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[-] Elehhhhna 46 points 5 months ago

The words her signature long blonde hair really did me in. Branding. Not the hot poker
kind. The marketing kind. She as shopping a book ill bet.
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[-] mna_mna 14 points 5 months ago

Gofundme, appearance fees, book deal. She has a history of fancying herself a writer.
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[-] Asherware 81 points 5 months ago

Good catch. The use of "sub-human" in this context doesn't seem to fit even if he was angry
at speculation.
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[-] trickmind 2 points 4 months ago

It does fit. It's exactly what the behaviour is. I thought it was a good choice of words
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[-] Starkville 61 points 5 months ago

Yep, the whole thing stinks to high heaven. I don't know what the real story is, but I am certain
it's not the one they're presenting.
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[-] LSF6O4 32 points 5 months ago

every case I have seen where a pretty girl goes missing and turns up, people come out of
the woodwork suspecting it was a hoax for reasons they can't put a finger on. Its really
The weirdness you feel about this story I feel about you and everyone in this thread.
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4 points 5 months ago

I think this is Sherri herself , this LSF604. She loves to use the word "weird" when
referring to any person who challenges her.
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[-] LSF6O4 3 points 5 months ago

that goes right along with the paranoid thinking that is on full display here

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[-] sakurarose20 5 points 5 months ago

If she were someone like a runaway or a woman of color, you either wouldn't care, or
would claim she's lying.
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[-] LSF604 1 point 5 months ago

nothing to do with her, everything to do with the trend of claiming kidnap victims are
lying. Seen it happen may times. This thread could have been written by a robot its
right on script
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[-] sakurarose20 2 points 4 months ago

People will claim anything for money.

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[-] LSF604 1 point 4 months ago

with that sort of evidence, how could you possibly be wrong?

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[-] sakurarose20 2 points 4 months ago

Maybe her husband set it up?

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[-] LSF604 2 points 4 months ago

maybe Obama did it? Maybe Trump? Possibly connected to 9/11?

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[-] mmpressl 15 points 5 months ago

Maybe you are Keith, or Sherri...

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[-] LSF604 1 point 5 months ago

or maybe you are thinking too hard

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[-] SonnyTx 21 points 5 months ago

It's easy to get caught up with emotions and swayed to believe something, particularly in
a case that might exploit your biases or any similarities you might have with the victim.
Look at the facts of the case and consider them critically, it's hard to imagine someone
staging something like this, but the fact alone that she was found on thanksgiving has
"autobiography" /lifetime movie written all over it.
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[-] LSF604 1 point 5 months ago

I'm mainly going on the fact that I have seen internet detectives cry foul on many
many cases like these. Its become predictable.
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[-] Starkville 52 points 5 months ago

Get your bullshit detector fixed.

There are plenty of reasons this story doesn't add up or make sense.
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[ -] LSF604 2 points 5 months ago

My bullshit detector is detecting the people in this thread. They sound just like a
bunch of other threads where people claim a kidnapping to be a hoax. Usually its with
younger teenage victims, but the script is the same. Everyone here is reading from a
script that has been read many times before.
If you want to take the "something doesn't add up" angle, the rumors that she was a
weed grower are more relevant.
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[-] prettiwylde 2 points 4 months ago

the whole family has run off now=left their dogs behind and run away
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[-] Nayners19 12 points 5 months ago

It seems pretty clear to most that the tale is fishy.

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[-] msixtwofive 72 points 5 months ago*

The weirdness you feel about this story I feel about you and everyone in this thread
You shouldn't the story stinks like crazy.
Maybe it is a coincidence she posted a similar story about being attacked by mexicans to
a skinhead site back in 2003.
Maybe it's also a coincidence that her husband uses the term sub human - a term used
by white supremacists that comes from the german concept of untermensch.
Maybe its a coincidence that she cant remember what they look like at all and didn't see
their faces yet says they were mexicans.
She got released by said kidnappers ( something that rarely happens - let alone a
situation where no ransom was ever requested or paid )
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[-] LSF604 1 point 5 months ago

if she's a racist that doesn't really change anything. This story is not at all similar to
her other story.
Also, you are assuming too much about the kidnappers. You are assuming they were
holding her for ransom.
Basically, there are lots of details that aren't going to come out, and you are using
that as fertile ground for your imagination.
As I repeated in here a bunch, the internet is full of part time detectives who come
out of the wood work whenever a pretty girl is freed from captivity. They did for
Elisabeth Smart and numerous others.
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[-] traderjoesbeforehoes 30 points 5 months ago

TIL in the event anything tragic happens to anyone in my family to avoid using the
term sub-human so people believe im on the up and up.
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[-] Maysma 5 points 5 months ago

well, maybe use the term directed towards the perpetrators instead of the
doubters? If my spouse was a victim who's attackers were not caught, I'd focus a
lot more of my vitriol at the attackers rather than people discussing it.
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[-] zedzedzedz 23 points 5 months ago

Actually you should probably just not call anyone sub-human at all since really it
is a vile thing to say about anyone ever and is fundamentally not possible as
nothing is sub anything, all things evolve to their niche.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] dodgy_mermaid 15 points 5 months ago

Assuming, for the sake of this conversation, that the torture of Sherri Papini
really happened as described--anyone who would do that to someone is,
indeed, subhuman.
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[-] Sam5377 3 points 5 months ago

Yes, but KP never called the alleged abductors sub-human...

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[-] Maysma 6 points 5 months ago

that's what's odd, the florid language is directed more at doubters than
the alleged attackers.
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[-] zedzedzedz 7 points 5 months ago

It is a poor semantic word. Let us look at it. Do you mean subhuman in

terms of intelligence? Because very smart people are often cruel. Do you
mean in terms of humanity, i.e. humane treatment. Well, the very idea of
subhuman is often cited by people who would remove humanity from
other people for their own ends. Not exactly humane. It a code word used
specifically because of its shifting and inherently demonizing tones. It is
verbal manipulation.
I generally think it is best to just call it what it is, criminal behavior
perpetrated by people. Just as there has been for as long as there has
been people.
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[-] dodgy_mermaid 8 points 5 months ago

I do not respect the humanity of anyone who tortures another person.

People who do such things should be demonized.
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[-] [deleted] 1 point 5 months ago

By whom?
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[ -] zedzedzedz 10 points 5 months ago

At what level? To what degree? Based on what metric? Emotional

torture? What if it is done in ignorance? Is it just another person,
or does torturing animals also qualify. Throwing around words and
demonizing anyone is always risky. If you feel you have enough
information to make that judgment go ahead. However, I would be
more cautious. People who do horrid acts are still people, have
always been people. To pretend that they are not is to refuse to
look at your own soul, and the history of humanity. It is not an
aberration, the worst aspects of humanity are aspects of
HUMANITY. It should not be demonized. It should be punished,
yes. It should be repudiated, yes. But the moment we try to
pretend they are something other than human we put ourselves in
a really slippery position.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

Brilliantly stated.
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[-] traderjoesbeforehoes 14 points 5 months ago

Bullshit. The world is filled with subhuman trashy people.

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[-] zedzedzedz 5 points 5 months ago

How do you define such? What is the metric you are using? Without
defining the framework there is no context to your accusations.
The world is filled with people. Good and bad, all who are the hero of their
own narrative. Every single person feels the protagonist because they are,
within the walls of their own mind, which we are all trapped.
The first abstraction we present is our own consciousness, that
abstraction is the hardest to rationalize because it colors everything we
see. Your espoused view that the world is filled with subhumans is
inherently a function of that bias.
Can you place yourself in the mind or shoes of one of those subhumans?
Can you see why they made the choices they have? Nothing happens in a
vacuum and the only way to grow is to engage.
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[-] msixtwofive 36 points 5 months ago

it's the full context that comes into play. She posted an oddly similar story about
being attacked by mexicans on a skinhead site back in '03.
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[-] CrunchRapSupremacist 3 points 5 months ago

Here's a thought. Suppose the perpetrators read that story, didn't like the
way it depicted their race, and responded like Muslims holding up signs
requesting the death of people who insult islam.
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[ - ] loveagreatmystery 5 points 4 months ago

They went on the Wayback machine to find an obscure post on a defunct

website from 2001 and decided to respond by kidnapping her in 2016?
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[-] prettiwylde 12 points 5 months ago

i read they are claiming that was a prank and was not written by her and that
the prankster was never caught.
But Ms Papini's ex-husband David Dreyfus has told the Daily Mail that the
post was a malicious prank by someone who hated her in high school.
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[-] Sam5377 8 points 5 months ago

How is this malicious? She is a rockstar, defends dad against multiple

people, fights off another group of people and walks home on a broken
leg... this is someone who is a narcissist, unable to even imagine a true
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[-] loveagreatmystery 10 points 4 months ago

Right? That blog entry was a hero narrative. We should all have
enemies to write super stories about us!
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[-] sufferinsuccotashh 3 points 5 months ago

Maybe these were a couple kids who hated her in HS! I've cracked the
case, doggone it!
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[-] ladymoonshyne 8 points 5 months ago

The only think that was similar was that she got beat up and they were
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[-] Sam5377 7 points 5 months ago

She broke their nose, and here they broke hers. What does a nose, or a
broken nose, symbolize to psychiatrist?
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[-] Tori68 12 points 5 months ago

My ex husband is Armenian and all the women claim they broke their
noses and had to get them "reset" to avoid admitting to nose jobs.
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[-] Pazhpazh 29 points 5 months ago

She must have read Gone Girl

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[-] Thinkles 81 points 5 months ago*

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Alison Sutton, the first to spot Sherri and call 911, claims Sherri had long blonde hair. The
husband claims "Her signature long, blonde hair had been chopped off."
The family claims they want privacy. Following that statement several family members grant Daily
Mail an interview. A picture of the children on Thanksgiving is sold? to Daily Mail and Keith Papini
has now interviewed with Good Morning America. Edit: Confusion
As a local with similar physical characteristics I would like the truth to come out as soon as
possible. I don't understand the apparent lack of concern for finding these women unless law
enforcement suspects they don't exist or already knows who and where they are.
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[-] jenniferwent 1 point 4 months ago

Assuming a hoax, I can't believe SP audaciously timed her "recovery" on Thanksgiving. And a
picture of the children on Thanksgiving was sold to Daily Mail?
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1 point 4 months ago

It sure made for a heart warming story though. Yes, one picture of the children was
taken and the Daily Mail pays for photos. The story was really big back then and receiving
a lot of views so it makes sense. The link below shows the picture of the children taken
by Keith on Thursday.
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[-] shy_shy 40 points 5 months ago

Gone Girl all over again.

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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

That was a fictional book. So how can it be all over again?

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[-] mrssailorwife 1 point 4 months ago

I'm going to have to watch that movie...especially now! Thanks for jogging my memory!
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[-] lipstickpizza 2 points 4 months ago

And this time the husband is in on the entire thing and orchestrating it.
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[-] ReubenZWeiner 16 points 5 months ago

Amazing Sherri
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[-] shy_shy 5 points 4 months ago

I see what you did there.

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[-] ReubenZWeiner 1 point 4 months ago

Along the lines of...

book/ Amazing Sherri Abduction Woes
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Another beautiful day and who knows what adventures there might be
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[-] DocLevi 21 points 5 months ago

I also thought the bit about her hair was strange. I don't know of anyone that would refer to
shoulder length hair as long though. I don't believe it.
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[-] bigfoot_done_hiding 2 points 5 months ago

I describe shoulder length hair as long. Perhaps because my wife keeps hers short now,
and used to keep hers shoulder length. But I would at first take describe shoulder length
hair as long.
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[-] Shitleesi 42 points 5 months ago

I don't know that anyone would refer to it as "signature," either, but that's just me.
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[-] YoungishGrasshopper 2 points 5 months ago

No, they would. She is petite and pretty and has very long blonde hair. If you were
describe her, you would reference her hair.
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[-] Hippopotapie 2 points 5 months ago

I guess that's just a matter of perspective... I'm a 6'2 female, my main focus is
height. I rarely pay attention to people's hair.. but I won't lie, I'm a "flaw picker"
as my friends would say. I focus on stuff that stands out or doesn't fit. Funny
eyebrows, blonde eyelashes (cause people with blonde eyelashes look like they
have none....), clown face (super caked on makeup), interesting moles (not
everyone can be Marilyn ), teeth, etc. I very rarely notice hair, probably because it
can be changed so easily.
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[-] Shitleesi 8 points 5 months ago

See my response above. Fair enough! I wouldn't use that word personally, but I
suppose I could see the argument that someone would.
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[-] dodgy_mermaid 2 points 5 months ago

If she's only 5 feet tall, and fit, long bright hair would be really impressive. Then
again, I rubberneck when I see someone with nice hair.
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[-] shep2105 3 points 5 months ago

according to her missing poster..Sherri is 5'4 not 5'0

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[-] Shitleesi 13 points 5 months ago

Fair enough. I personally wouldn't use the word for a non-famous person, but
that's me.
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[-] dodgy_mermaid 7 points 5 months ago

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I have had hip-length hair for most of my life. Searching for styling tips or photos for
"long hair" often yields results for shoulder-length (which I don't think is long at all).
People always commented on my long hair when it was shoulder-length. It's a thing
Maybe it just looks long when it frames a small face.
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[-] Hereslookingatmekid 11 points 5 months ago

To be fair, "chopped off" could mean from elbow length to shoulder length, which is still what
some people would call long. I still have some suspicions, but that isn't a huge deal to me.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Cali-basas 2 points 5 months ago

Sherri Papini was found with a bag over head, beaten and weighing just 87 pounds, husband
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[-] katemess12 28 points 5 months ago

And yet apparently her condition wasn't serious enough for them to admit her to hospital,
much less keep her overnight. If she had dropped 13Ib in that time frame, and if her
condition was as bad as her husband claims, there's no way she wouldn't be at least
severely dehydrated, which would require hospitalisation for fluids. None of the story
matches up to the facts.
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[-] hecramsey 7 points 5 months ago

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[-] loveagreatmystery 10 points 5 months ago

Don't forget all the "severe burns" and the brand, and being out in the cold without
adequate clothing. She was at risk of infection and shock.
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[-] Speed_Goat 15 points 5 months ago

down from her normal 91 ?

without a starting weight saying 87 means nothing
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[-] HillbillyUnicorn 5 points 5 months ago

her missing person poster states her weight as 100 pounds

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[-] unregistered 5 points 5 months ago

I her missing person poster states her weight as 100 pounds

Who weighed her prior to the kidnapping? Was this taken from her driver license,
was this what her husband said it was?
Short of her having just visited the doctor, any starting weight is suspect.
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1 point 5 months ago

She could have been under 100 lbs. All the clothes she's selling are size zero,
that's very tiny!
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[-] MacMumbles 10 points 5 months ago

I'd imagine Keith weighed her in like a jockey that morning on one of those sweet
Biometric Bed Bath & Beyond Scales they probably scored from their perfect
crazytown wedding registry.
Really goes great with the dark cherry bookcase holding their 83 copies of 'Gone
Girl' next to their GIGANTIC THRONE OF LIES...
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[-] Asherware 16 points 5 months ago

So if she was that emaciated and beaten why was she not even kept for observation
overnight. So many things that don't make sense with this story.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


12 points 5 months ago

There are too many conflicting reports right now to know for sure. Her husband is saying
that her hair had been cut off, but the woman who saw her on the side of the road and
called police (Alison Sutton) said she saw her long blonde hair. Initial reports say she was
chained to something and had a bag over her head. But then sheriff Bosenko comes out and
says that she was released, walked to a nearby church and saw no one was there so she
walked to 1-5 to flag down a motorist. We just have to wait until all of the facts come out to
know which reports are real and which are not.
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[-] Cali-basas 3 points 5 months ago

I'm not saying she is not racist, just adding data.

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[-] lurkbealady 120 points 5 months ago

Add to it the denial by her husband in his statement to Good Morning America.
"I understand people want the story, pictures, proof that this was not some sort of hoax, plan
to get money or fabricated race war. I do not see a purpose in addressing each preposterous
So strange to deny it was to start a race war, that's not something I've heard the media actually
taking about.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

You people talked about it as you're having seven fits she said the abductors were Latino.
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[-] The_crazy_bird_lady 1 point 4 months ago

Likely referring to the post people claim she posted on some skinhead website prior to being

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[deleted] 5 months ago


[-] gravanoc 2 points 5 months ago

Do you believe in the Illuminati too?

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[-] BettyWhite76 63 points 5 months ago

That was what pinged my radar as well. I hadn't heard anyone say anything about race war
and would never jump to that assumption myself. I've been following as I live in local area. I
don't go jogging much but I am a petite female so... kind of relevant to my safety.
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


[-] Nayners19 13 points 5 months ago

I wouldn't worry about it. If this story is true, which I doubt, the perpetrators are long
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[-] HitEject 16 points 5 months ago

She looks great for all the times she's been kicked in the face, jumped, etc.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 12 points 5 months ago

I eagerly await the police and medical records from that time they broke her leg with a two by
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[-] Speed_Goat 26 points 5 months ago

literally zero photos of her have been posted for you to say this
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[-] randomizer2l 1 point 5 months ago

Isn't this her on her Mom's facebook? Comments seem to say so. Looks ok to me.
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[-] [deleted] 3 points 5 months ago

Old picture as there are opened Christmas gifts shown. Probably from last year.
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[-] ShittySuperlative 21 points 5 months ago

I think they're referring to the story told by someone of her name in 2006 about getting
into fights w/ Latinas-- it's the first link in OP's post.
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[-] HitEject 11 points 5 months ago

Yes, this. My point was that if she wrote that and it were true, she really recovered

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well from all the face-assault, etc.

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[-] [deleted] 6 points 5 months ago

Photos have not been posted.

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[-] cajunhawk 6 points 5 months ago

You mean sold to the highest bidder?

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[-] Hippopotapie 3 points 5 months ago

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[-] ShittySuperlative 16 points 5 months ago

I think they're referring to the story told by someone of her name in 2006 about getting
into fights w/ Latinas-- it's the first link in OP's post.
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[-] mdisred2 35 points 5 months ago

I just get a suspicious feeling about this case. I don't normally doubt people; I'm giving her the
benefit of the doubt, but I can't shake this feeling that something isn't right. I also get the
feeling that she was inspired to act because of the Kayla Brown case.
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[-] Tori68 2 points 5 months ago

I thought that also but when I looked it up, Sherri disappeared Nov. 2nd and I think Kala
was found Nov. 3rd?
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[-] [deleted] 5 months ago


1-1 MervGoldstein 64 points 5 months ago

She obviously has issues with Latinos but the big problem with this so called abduction is the
fact that she profited greatly from it. How miraculous, too, found on Thanksgiving giving her
almost a full month to enjoy that $50k before Christmas.
She's crafted a pretty absurd and almost unbelievable scenario, likely with her husband and
maybe others involved. I hope she's allotted some of that sympathy money to a good
lawyer...inevitably police are not going to make sense of any of this and start asking questions,
if they haven't already.
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1-1P.r [mind 1 point 4 months ago

They've already publicly stated that they believe there was an abduction and that they
believe her.
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[-] trickmind 1 point 4 months ago

It was spent on a private investigator, that ransome specialist dude, balloons released and
fliers etc.. etc..
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[ - ] Beenurky 1 point 5 months ago

if they were doing it for money they would have taken the 100,000 dollar ransom before the
offer was pulled.
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[-] loveagreatmystery 4 points 4 months ago

Gamble has said the Papinis may get the 100k. So maybe they were doing it for the
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[-] HariPotter 10 points 5 months ago

What makes you believe the $100,000 ransom was in any way legitimate?
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[-] MervGoldstein 17 points 5 months ago

That would require further planning.

Anyone can say they will pony up $100k for random but when it comes to pay up, they
aren't going to just drop a sack of money somewhere and hope for the best.
They GoFundMe was foolproof. Strangers donate to what they think is a tragedy and
before anyone figures out what really happens, they transfer that money into their bank
account - No negotiation necessary.
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