Crystals and Our Sacred Spaces

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Sacred Spaces
Crystal Hottie!

Im Hibiscus Moon & Im very happy to meet you.

Oh yeah...called you Crystal Hottie because Im assuming if

youre here reading this...ready to start drooling over the
gorgeous crystals & sacred space that awaits...then you must
be a fellow Crystal Hottie. ;)

We Crystal Hotties all have something in common. Were

absolutely captivated by crystals & know that they have the
unique ability to transform our spaces into something
magically enchanted & sacred. | Hibiscus Moon

About ten years ago, I felt the need for a sacred space.
A place where I could retreat to & just breathe...a place where
each restorative breath would spiritually replenish me.
I searched high & low for visuals on others sacred spaces;
photos, books, YouTube, magazines, videos, blogs, whatever I
could get my eyes on to inspire me. And what I really wanted to
see was sacred spaces that included crystals. I realized that
those were my absolute favorite to look at.

How about you?

Of course, that motivated me to create my own crystal


Ive found many ways to use crystals (and other ways too) to
help create sacred space & Im thrilled to share whats worked
best for me and so many others with this e-book!

I hope, in turn, to inspire you to create & use crystals in your

own sacred spaces.

Many Sparkly Radiant Crystal Blessings to You & Enjoy! | Hibiscus Moon

When I first started out creating my
sacred space, I wasnt really sure what I
wanted...except for the crystals.

So I started there.

I simply began to intuitively place crystals in a tiny corner of our

guest room, slowly building a little blessed spot all my own. I
wasnt sure about anything at first, except that my space HAD to
have crystals in it.

Those were my very first elements, before anything else & truly
made my space feel special as tiny as it was. Ive since added
many other elements, not to mention I booted that guestroom
right outta the house, taking over the entire room!

Im not suggesting you do that. Its simply what was required for
me to do my work and make the space functional. Your sacred
space can be as small as a corner of an out-of-the-way closet if it
needs to be. Ive done it and it totally works! So work with what
youve got.

I simply started with what space I had & allowed my crystals to

do what they do best. This gave me a zone all my own that
uplifted my spirits, allowed good vibes to flow & restored my soul
whenever I needed it. My sacred spaces have definitely evolved
over the years as have my tastes, needs or even physical
locations have changed. | Hibiscus Moon

This was one corner of my last sacred space before I
moved into my new space:

Above you see my red meditation papasan next to my main

altar which sits under the window.I have aa crystal grid
hard at work on top of it along with many other inspiring
items sacred to me. | Hibiscus Moon


Part of the reason most of us love crystals

so very much is that many of them resonate
with the very frequencies that influence a quiet,
inspiring space for rituals like prayer, meditation,
yoga or quiet time for creating & journaling.
Maybe youre just craving a little spot to relax & let
go. A place to renew.

We have an innate need for nourishing our spirit, dont we? A

place that allows you to feel more centered, grounded & happy!
You can create just that with crystals to help you along. Its totally
within your reach. Ive noticed that having my trusty sacred bliss
lounge allows me to easily slip into that
centered and grounded flow, which in turn guides me to easily
enter the zone when Im doing energy work, meditating,
working or creating.

Also Ive heard others say this (and find it to be very true
myself)...doing sacred things in my sacred spacefeeds it and
allows it to grow stronger. The more time I spend doing anything
sacred in my space, the more sacred it becomes. Its like a
positive feedback loop. Spending time in your space in an
intentional manner actually raises your vibration, which is a boon
for amplifying your intuition...always a good thing. | Hibiscus Moon


Calm your mind & bring peace to your soul

Create your own special spot to uplift & support you
Shift out of the mundane everyday bits
intoserenity...your very own #BlissLounge
Connect with the abundance of your higher self
Awaken your spirit or your creative muse (have you
been in a slump or dry spell lately?)
Connect you to the Universe itself!

We naturally crave an environment that feels energetically welcoming.

A home or work space thats vibing with feel-good energy is one

that you feel at home in, that you feel positive in, that inspires
creativity & good conversation. Its a place you enjoy doing your
favorite things in or allows you to relax, meditate, readand on
and on.

Since a good-feeling space is not a vibrational match to negative

feeling frequencies, youll be less likely to have arguments,
sadness or even uneasy feelings in a space thats been
energetically-tended-to. | Hibiscus Moon


Sacred space is not just a place reserved for special

ceremonies or rituals, although it lends itself perfectly to that.
There are many times when having a sacred space comes in
quite handy. Its an ideal spot to retreat to when you want to
communicate more clearly with spirit guides, your higher
power or even your own higher self.

I love to also use my space to do more mundane tasks,

preferring to do my work at my desk in sacred space...since I
see my work as a sacred act in and of itself. | Hibiscus Moon

You can also choose to use this space as a spot to do your daily
yoga or mediation practice or simply as a place to calm and center
yourself on a daily basis. We all need some o that!

My sacred space is also a place where I come to contemplate

important things or to make significant decisions about anything. You
can even choose tocreatea simple but sacred evening or morning
routine ritual around your special space.

Your sacred space is

where you can find
yourself again and again.

Step by Step

The good news is there are some easy vibrational things you can do
(some involving crystals) to help make your space more inviting
while creating a sparkly sanctuary for yourself. Keep in mind, these
are just guidelines, not rules so feel free to let your imagination run
wild & get creative:

1. Figure out where this space will be.

Is it a whole room or does it need to be portable (a traveling space
to-golike in a hotel room)? Then plan accordingly.

2. Clear the clutter & do some physical cleaning

I know this one doesnt feel like much fun & not even very
metaphysical, but its a must-do before you do anything else!
A space thats filled with clutter or dust is energetically clogged &
doesnot allowthe energy to flow, norallowthe stagnant negative
feeling vibes to clear out. So, get to de-cluttering first & then dust,
vacuum & just make the space sparkle.

If youre able to, open a window or 2 first. Let that stank, stale out,
out, out! Then do a physical cleaning; dust, vacuum, scrub,
whateverjust get it clean & fresh. Youll feel the change right away! | Hibiscus Moon

3. Make it comfy!

If your space isnt someplace you just LOVE to be in, if its

empty, bare, uncomfortable, messy & clutteredthen it wont
feel sacred to you. Put some comfy pillows for seating, use
pretty scented candles & have some great things to look
GORGEOUS SPARKLY CRYSTALS (yes, Im obsessed). | Hibiscus Moon

4. Use essential oils
100% pure essential oils (organic fair-trade & sustainably harvested
preferred!) are high vibing. You can add them to your space in a
couple of ways: use an oil diffuser or burner, dot some on your
wrists & third eye when in your space or you can actually use
them to help clean in the above step.

Then once the cleaning is done, keep the vibes high in your space
by using the oils in an oil burner or a diffuser.

5. Salt Lamps

These are great for inducing negative ions into your environment
& for restructuring the energy of our environment. Plus they shine
a soft beautiful & comforting light that does wonders for our
energetic state.

I have a full-on blog post all about salt lamps & their benefits here. | Hibiscus Moon

And these days you dont even have to go to a specialty
metaphysical shop to get them! You can find them in any
home-y type store. I found these in Bed, Bath & Beyond | Hibiscus Moon

Some crystals are a must-have for this type of space; rose
quartz, amethyst & smoky quartz are great choices. You may
choose to use an altar holding several crystals or a crystal grid
here too. Its all up to you & what feels right.

Just having the crystals in your space will entrain the energy
around you. Whenever you enter the space, youll feel the
difference from a space that isnt as vibrationally aligned. | Hibiscus Moon

6. Crystal Placement
Simply place crystals throughout your space intuitively;
wherever you think they feel or look best.

7. Crystal Grids
Creating a crystal grid is an ideal way to organize or
structure the energy from your crystals towards a specific
intention. So its more advanced than just placing a crystal
in the space.

I have a blog post here that I wrote all about how to

do a crystal grid. Its kinda my thang. | Hibiscus Moon

Something I really like to do to
restructure the energy of the space is to
grid the entire room.
You can grid a room by simply taking 4 clear quartz points and
putting one in each corner facing inwards towards the center of
the room. Then just let them communicate with each other.

8. Sage Smudge
Pick up a smudge stick, or loose sage (usually white sage is used
for the purposes of clearing out) and burn it slowly (after you
light it blow out the flame & it will continueto smolder & smoke)
in a fireproof safe bowl, dish or shell like an abalone shell. We do
this to clear the space energetically. Remember to do your
energetic cleaning again whenever you feel your space needs it
or whenever the energy just feels stuck or yuck.

Allow the smoke to waft around

& smudge the space.

Some like to use a feather or a

ceremonial fan to control where
the smoke goes a bit, like into
tight corners & to help spread
the smoke around.

It also helps to keep the

smoldering sage stay lit. | Hibiscus Moon

You can use a gem elixir smudge spray that
incorporates transmuting crystals such as
Smokey Quartz or Black Tourmaline if the
smoke from burning sage will bother you. | Hibiscus Moon

9. Sound Clearing
We can easily use acoustic energy to restructure the energy
of our space as well (its all about sound vibrations). Very
easy to do!

You can use any sort of high amplitude (loud) acoustic

instrument, but I prefer to use something thats pleasing to
my ears & FEELS sacred to me...items such as:

Crystal singing bowls
Native American drums

10. Let Mother Nature in

There are many more options than this. Open up the windows
& grow indoor plants. Mother Nature induces negative ions &
thats a GOOD THING for our spaces. So as much as possible
allow nature into your space.


Im usually asked how often we should do these things to keep

our spaces sacred & energetically tended to. My feeling is you
can never do too much of itbut if I had to give you a guideline,
Id say shoot for once/month. And if something has occurred in
your space that has made you feel uncomfortable or bad in any
way then do something right then to raise the vibes. | Hibiscus Moon | Hibiscus Moon

Let's go on a little tour of my current space.

Even in my last space, I liked to have a door hanger like this
on the door as you enter the room. Its both a reminder to
me that Im entering a place of peace & harmony as well asa
signal to othersthat I would rather notbe disturbed. | Hibiscus Moon

Crystals can be found throughout the room. Heres a natural
fluorite octahedron on my talking/writing stick.

My crystal companions here are constantly evolving. I

usually have a crystal grid of one sort or another that Im
currently working with set up on different altars
throughout the room. Incorporated in the above grid is
my large Amethyst point who does some pretty
heavy duty work.

I work with this area daily, sending spiritual healing

energy distantly through this crystal grid. | Hibiscus Moon | Hibiscus Moon
This is the area I like to meditate in. I have an altar here
(equipped with all the little tools I use in meditation and any
current crystals Im working with) and my meditation cushion
to make it inviting and comfortable. | Hibiscus Moon

I keep all my sacred objects in this room; gem elixir
essences and spray, candles, crystal singing bowls, tuning
forks and of course"crystals, crystals everywhere". | Hibiscus Moon

I regularly sage smudge this space for additional cleansing &
clearing. This is the place that I consider to be my sanctuary,
where I connect with Source Energy, & come away feeling

Here we see my abalone shell that I use to burn sage,along

with my smudge fan, which incorporates turquoise for its
protective qualities. Next to that is a sparkly aqua colored
stone: gem silica. Gem silica is a stone that brings about
feelings of joy and peace while enhancing communication &
connection with goddess energies. | Hibiscus Moon

Let this entire eKit be just a little springboard
for you to come up with your sacred space
customized to you and your needs.

And dont overthink it.

However you set it up, its not permanent. Youre

free to set it up once or change it up with the
seasons or special holidays you celebrate or as
often as you like. It can also change as your ideas of
whats sacred change or as your needs do.

Do whatever feels good!

And you can create this space wherever you are

and I do mean wherever! Ive had my SUPER-
CREATIVE Crystalline Cohort students create these
in a closet, a desk drawer at work or a glove
compartment in their car!!!

So YessireeANYWHERE.

Your Own Sacred Space

Chrysocolla for sacred expression

Stilbite for clear thinking & focus
Carnelian for creativity
Fluorite to help you decide on components &
items to include in the space
Ametrine also for clarity
Labradorite for a pinch of magic (every sacred
space needs the sparkle of magic!)

OK, I hope Ive inspired you to get your Sacred Space mojo on!

And if I have, please share your sacred space + crystal photos

with me on Instagram by using #HibiscusMoon or post them to
my Facebook Page here.

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