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System [12:05 PM]: Currently all our executives are busy assisting other customers.

you to kindly be online and we will get in touch shortly
System [12:07 PM]: Connecting... An agent will be with you shortly.
System [12:07 PM]: Welcome to Chat. You can chat and send pages.
Deepak [12:07 PM]: Good Afternoon !!! you have reached the UTI This is
Deepak [12:07 PM]: Thank you Sir for being online. For security reasons ,request you to please
help us with the name of the investor, complete address and nominee name,Pancard
number, date of last purchase or date of purchase?

prasoon [12:08 PM]: prasoon

prasoon [12:08 PM]: paruvakkattil house
prasoon [12:08 PM]: choondal
prasoon [12:08 PM]: thrissur
prasoon [12:08 PM]: saraswathi
prasoon [12:08 PM]: atkpp9064g
prasoon [12:09 PM]: date of purchase i dont remember
Deepak [12:10 PM]: Sir, thank you for the Information. please find below the the details of
Account Statement of your investment.

Deepak [12:10 PM]: Sir, please note that, the details below are as per dated :28-DEC-2012
as per our records in your folio number 551220042852
the invested amount is Rs.43,942.85
the current amount is Rs.47,302.28
the current NAV is Rs.13.86
and the balance units are:3412.863
prasoon [12:11 PM]: ok cd u pls send the full account ststemetn to
Deepak [12:12 PM]: Sir, this is to inform you since your email is not registered in your folio, we
will not be able to send on your email, we can only send on registered email, if you wish I will
forward the request for the hard copy of the Statement Of Account(SOA), to be sent to your
registered postal address. You will receive the statement within 7-10 working days.

prasoon [12:13 PM]: ok

prasoon [12:13 PM]: one more thing
Deepak [12:13 PM]: Yes
prasoon [12:13 PM]: for how many years the amount was invseted?
Deepak [12:13 PM]: Sir, may I know shall I send hard copy of the Statement Of Account(SOA),
to be sent to your registered postal address. You will receive the statement within 7-10 working
Deepak [12:14 PM]: Sir, please note as per our records your date of purchase is 21/04/2008
prasoon [12:14 PM]: our address is changed
prasoon [12:14 PM]: ok
prasoon [12:14 PM]: when the plan was matured?
prasoon [12:15 PM]: why im asking because
prasoon [12:15 PM]: i hv acc stamt of dec2011
Deepak [12:16 PM]: Sir, it is an open ended fund where in it has NO holding or Locking period
prasoon [12:16 PM]: which shows amount invested as
prasoon [12:16 PM]: 28,535
prasoon [12:16 PM]: and current value as 41527
prasoon [12:17 PM]: so bit confused when u said invested amount is 43,942
Deepak [12:17 PM]: Sir, as per our records you have invested Rs.28,535.00
prasoon [12:17 PM]: so waht is 43,942 ?
Deepak [12:17 PM]: rest amount is of Dividend you have recived which has been reinvested
prasoon [12:18 PM]: oh ok
prasoon [12:19 PM]: so as of now total invested amt is 28,535 and current value is 47,302 rt?
Deepak [12:20 PM]: as of dated 28/12/12 the invested amount is Rs.43,942.85
prasoon [12:20 PM]: ok.Do we have any tax benefit with this plan?
Deepak [12:21 PM]: No Sir

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