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Michael Wright. Biology

Maltose is a disaccharide, made up of 2 -glucose monomers joined together in a condensation

reaction which produces a (1-4) glycosidic bond.

Sucrose is a disaccharide formed by condensation of a glucose molecule and a fructose molecule.

Another disaccharide is lactose, its monomers are -glucose and -glucose. They are joined by a
single bond. Formed by condensation of a glucose and galactose molecule.

During digestion lactose enzymes are broken down by lactase to its monomers. Some people cannot
digest lactose; they are lactose intolerant. One solution is hydrolysing the lactose in milk, thereby,
splitting it into its monosaccharides glucose and galactose.

Know the structure of the hexose glucose (alpha and beta) and the pentose ribose.
Hydrolysis the disintegration of a cell by rupture of the cell wall or membrane. Water breaking

What is a hydrolysis reaction?

A hydrolysis reaction breaks a chemical bond between two molecules and involves the use of a water

What is sucrose made of? Chemical formula?

Sucrose is a disaccharide formed by condensation of two monomers: a glucose molecule and a

fructose molecule.
What are the differences between fructose and glucose?

Fructose and glucose are both monosaccharides and hexose sugars, they have the same chemical
composition as each other but differ in molecular structure.

Glucose is an aldohexose. With its carbon atom singly bonded to a hydrogen atom and double bond
to an oxygen atom. Whereas, fructose is a ketohexose, being that only an oxygen atom is bonded to
the carbon atom by a single bond.

Fructose releases energy slower than that of glucose when absorbed and does not require insulin to
be metabolised and is therefore a slightly better choice for people with diabetes.

Fructose tastes a lot sweeter than glucose.

What are the functions of carbohydrates?

The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to our cells from dietary fibre. Carbohydrates
are the source of fuel required during physical activity and for the organ function, also intestinal health
and waste elimination. The digestive system converts carbohydrates into glucose, some of which is
used and the rest is stored in the liver and muscles in reserve.

As blood sugar rises, the pancreas pumps out insulin, the hormone which tells cells to readily absorb
glucose for energy of storage. As the cells absorb the glucose, blood sugar falls; signalling the
pancreas to start synthesising glucagon (a hormone which tells the liver to release glucose store.)
Also note the breakdown of fatty acids and carbohydrates role in preventing ketosis.
Michael Wright. Biology
What is the formula of ribose sugars?

Pentose sugar

What is a disaccharide?
A disaccharide is formed when two monosaccharides are joined together by a glycosidic
bond [C-O-C]. The reaction involves the formation of a molecule of water, H2O.

What is a polysaccharide?
Polysaccharides are polymers made up from simple sugar monomers joined by glycosidic
links into long chains. There are three main types of polysaccharide found in food: starch
and cellulose in plants and glycogen in animal products, note that these are made up of
glucose molecules and are sparingly soluble (do not dissolve easily) and do not taste sweet/
What is a condensation reaction?
A reaction in which two molecules combine to form one larger molecule, producing H2O as a
by product.

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