Wind in Recorder Article 10239

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BY MIKE BOLLINGER small and large wind facilities can have on Commission member Mary Lynn Riner the

Commission member Mary Lynn Riner the building permit process in the past."
!-0i:lSClT-tA"F"F"--'W=R"I-IT-IF"'.R"--_ _- - - - - - . viewsheds?" Robinson asked. said she believed the area's natural beauty Lanniee's letter also asked how the
He also said if small wind energy facili- had tobe considered. "I'm all for protecting county would enforce removal of an illegal
WARM SPRINGS - Further revisions ties were to be allowed on lots as small as the natural beauty ofthe mountains and the system. "Sherry has shown to be quite suc-·
will be made on a proposed small wind two acres, allowed in the proposed ordi c national forest. Bath County is built on tour- cessful overthe last 12 months in getting
energy system ordinance for Bath County nance, the noise issue should be addressed. ism, and we have to be coguizant ofthalfact illegal stuff removed," Grist said.
before the planning commission makes a "People living nearby should not have to and we have to protect that," she said. Ryder said if a system was determined
recommendation. deal with excess noise," he said. It was also discussed to- remove the to be illegal, the landowner would be nati-
A public hearing was held Monday on Robinson is pleased the planners ·are viewshed reference from the proposed or- fied. If the system were not removed, the
the proposed ordinance, but only two people working on such· an ordinance. "I'm glad dinance entire,ly. county CQuid remove it an~ place a lien on
attended and one spoke. One letter was you're going forward with a local way to Grist also asked what the average deci- the property 10 recover the costs. Ryder said
also received commenting on the proposed address this issue. Once it gets beyond the bel level of sound produced by small wind she would add a section to the proposed
ordinance. local stage, there's not much the county can turbines was; "I haven't.heardwhere noise ordinance spelling out the 'process.
The planning commission will consider' .do," he said. is a problem \Vith them," he said. Lanniee also questioned a section of the
the proposed ordinance again in September. Planning eommission chairman Mike County planning director Sherty Ryder proposed ordinance requiring applicants
Monday's hearing was cOlftinued until Sept. Grist said theviewshed reference in the said she would do 'more research into noise t6 show proof of adequate liabi)ity insur-
27 to allow for more public comment. ordinance was "kind of vague," but said.if levels from individual wind. faCilities and ance. Ryder 'said she believed a section of
The proposed ordinance would regulate a conditional use permit was required for would have information available in Sep- the Virginia Administrative Code required
small, individual-type wind energy systems. small -wind systems, as is currently in the tember. Dunnagan said facilities had to be' such insurance to connect to the electricity
Once the small wind energy ordinance is proposed ordinance, this would leave' the placed where there was ample wind. system, but 'if there was no government
complete, planners have 'said they, intend matter open for public input once an appli- "If someone invests that much money requirement she would remove that section
to begi~ work on an ordinance governing cation is m(!de. Grist also noted ~he "shall into one of these'; they will know jt will from the ordinance.
COminercial-type wind systems. consider" statement means the factors listed work: I don't think we're going to get The proposed ordinance would-include
Gary Robinson of Warm, Springs ad- would have to be discussed. overwhelmed with them in this county," regulations on the height of turbines, set-
.dressed the viewshed issue. The proposed Commission member Lynn Ellen Black Grist said. backs from adjoining properties, building
ordinance currently says if a small 'wind said the "shall consider" statement con- The letter concerning the proposed or"'" pennit requirements, appearance of systems,
energy facility would be in a historic or ridge cemed her because it would require con- dinance was written by Annette Lanniee of ground Clearance, removal of abandoned or
area, the county "shall consider." whether sideration of visibility from state or national Healing Springs. In it, Lanniee questioned, illegal systems, minimum ac\eage and other
historic resource$ would be adversely af- forests. the two-acre miniinum lot size, i.ndicating requirements.
fected, whether the turbine would be backlit "We're looking at individuals and house- this would eliminate wind energy for 75 For more information aboutthe proposed
against a ridgeline, the extent-the turbine holds trying to cutback on electricity. What percent ofhomeowners. She also questioned small wind energy system ordinance, con-
would be sited to minimize visibility from these facilities look like is changing every wording in the proposal requiring utility tact the county planning arid zoning office
nearby roads, if the turbine would be visible day an4 they will continue to improve," compapies to verify in writing they are at 839-7236.
from a state or national forest and if the "Commission member Ronnie Dunnagan aware of a person's intent to instal) a small
turbine would be located-on lands subject said. "We can't deny orcondemn somebody wind system on their property.
toa conservation easement or open space who's trying to get off the grid. What's a "The electric company has to know,"
Dollar General
easement. viewshed, and how far is the viewshed for Ryder said. "If someone is working:' on a Ryder said she remained in contact with
Dollar General officials, and said Dollar
"Viewsheds are important. It depends the national forest?" line and they don'tknow this system is gen-
General is still in contact with three land-
on how you view the national forest. Do Black agreed. "It sounds like we're more erating electrici~y, it could injure a worker.
owners in Bath County. Ryder saia she
you view it as an asset to the county, and if concerned with the national forest than the People will have to get a building permit",
so, how do you go about limiting the effect neighbors," she said: . and BARC has worked very .well with us on had not been told of the progress of those

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