MDS Course Regulations 2007 Alongwith Amendments

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~_lio "t\'o"11:80-33004/99

PARTW-8eetion .

Viftllfiift' ailfi'''id

It. 139) ~ ~, ~""'20, 2008/"" 29, 1930



'fim ~-130-2007 - cit1tlifcl;C"flCft ~A~1!ji1,~ i$ ~,20 ~ 1Rffi"

~1Frh1df Cl?T wWT m ~~ ~ mqrn' ~ ~.,i~~ ~. ~ ~.~

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, ~.," "" .'" ,
~~I?dtAugust, 2008
No. DE-1302007 - In<'~.i ~oftbe,;.pbw.,re conferred by Section 20 of the Dentists
Act, 1948, the Dental Couneil. with ~'PI'eViOU8 approval of the Central Government.
hereby ,makes the fOllOwing;!' " enta/cot:tections to the DCI's Revised MDSCourse
RegulatIons, 2007:- ,
1. Short title' and COIlUll.' . at-
These.R ",a,'~y;"~;*~ed Dental Council of India Revised MDS
Course (' ,,'driierit),ti~1ations. 2008. .
'Y<""I'f.:/',,;,lc.:,:->., _'. "..., .

They s~~e into force 'on the date of their publication in the Official
Gazette. ,";jrf,:;' .

':"'!')'CAD IC CTIVITIES', speclalltywlae,

cra4_"";,_.,., ..,;,,id MDa Course Reeutation, ~007, the
on.:ii. d.:.

"C1 :'1'l(at pag. 67 of the Regulations).

Written examination shall consist of four

"~~stion papers each of three hours duration.
Tota);"marks for each paper will be 100. Paper
III shall consist of two long questions
~~;nnng 20 marks each and 6 short essay
qj'~stions each carrying 10 marks.

Written examination shall consist of four

q~estion papers each of three hours duration.
1'otillmarks for each paper will be 1.Q. Paper I,ll
and III shall consist of two Jong questions
c~g '20 marks each and 5 short essay
questions canying 7 marks each.

ACAI)qi~(~.:,iI. 55,61 .86)


~,' ..'i;.",,, i,,'Work .. ~<p.g. Ro. 55) - after 3" Year- J'lfth
"~$'r\'{;W '
" , . For - M~teiumce of;, work diaryfLog book as
ptescnDed RGtMS
Read- Maintenance of work diary/Log book' as
pre8Cribed~y 'the concerned Univer~ity to
which the colleg~is affiliated. by Y. pl'Oln.mme(a~P8c. No. 61) - after m Y.u.

For - It is desirable .to enter General Surgical skills

and operativcprocedure that are observed,
assisted orperfc)fIned in the Log Book in the
format as given by RGUHS in the revised
oMinance OO"erningMDSDegreecourse.

Read- It is desira1;>leto enter General Surgical skills

and operative, procedure that are observed,
assisted otperformed in the l.og Book in the
Format as givt::~;bythe concerned University in
the revisedc:>rdinance Governing MDS Degree

DlnertatioD(atpac. No.8~) ,

For-( a)TheProtocol\f9rDissertation ,sho\l1d be

811QmittedOi\9,rjbefore the end qf six months
frc)m:the da..~<,qf",~dmission
as per calendar of
events to tbe~gistrar, ~iv Gandhi University
of Health$iel1qe8, Karnataka, through proper
channel. '
. .. . '. I .

Read-(a)The ProtoC91.cor Dissertation should be

subri:rittedoniorbeforethe end of,six mOnths
from,the date Of admission to the Regis6-ar of '
the concernef:1Vniversityto ~hich the coUegeis
affiliated as~tthe calendar of events notified
bY.theUniversitYconcern~. '

For-(b)Thecompleteddiasertation should be submitted

6nionths before the final eXamination as per
ca1end~ of ~vent~to the Registrar (Evaluation),
~jiv Gan<lp.i't1J:1iversityof, Health Sciences,
Karnataka,'thrOUghproper channel. '

Read-,(b)Tile completeq "dissertation should be

submitted six months before the final
examination~~per calendar of events to the
Registrar (lil"fil.\uation) of the University
concernedf()wpich the college is affiliated
thro~ pr()perhannel.
'/ I
The other contents remain unchanged. , /

~iGEN. (Retd.) Po N. AWASTHl, Seey.
Principal Revl-.ed lIDS Co1ll'll. ...~tlou,,' 2~ . re pubH.h.d in PUt-OI, '
'Section 4, Gazett. orlDdla, ~or4~, OD 21""~1Ii.b.1", 2007.
Printed by the Mlnl&er. 00Yt. of Iadia Prell. RinI .Road,' M~. New Dclbi-llOO64
IIld Published by the Controller of PUblications. DCJIh~"UOO54.

tie toc.e) cE*1 Oc-1 13Lbsk
41 3 0, 4,\Ixg;_ i

ON,Qt 02-01157 ,

7f-41:t Tio to Tao-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

Q./he Gcaette of ;#ndict

WIT III-1774 4
PART IIISection 4
tit colt 11 Imam
R. 2501 , Rff-41T, 10, 2016/*I3 20, 1938
No. 250] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016/JYAISTHA 20,1938

4111 t-61 tIttr{

A 13IT-4, 2016
titszii 4i-87(4)-2016.w cticn 3T141247ITE, 1948 EIRI 20 5Hi TR- M 114* cord
c-ti EIRER, 1-Ncrw1 R-rim 10.92007 1 103 1 3T711111Ruf WE ut 713. 4 4
w-rftd. 4-- qtr tizga 400,415pq D14444fT1 ft1;T vi/nsr9- cha
1. 7,3 3hsreT
(i) iiredtzr tftre,- 41v.tivi (*Tr #szo.m) fazi4i, 2016 co6cir0 1
(ii) Zl f41)4iii ivow4 .11v1141 4 otic WORM 1aTta AelizIch 2016-17 * c1141,011
2. t-04- qf3Er.4 tiaZ(cf E177011 141A441, 2007' 4 7li3 I 'sillimar =ft 1194, cp
=TIM fa---113tH' tiRlfdtc 15

*4-1-4 Itmr/tici cr tv(copctifEr T3-gr alqSit 3Temr srarw tiwflcr

it(chivv/IRT-ff vrRrTd5 Atict Trt W11 cciet trr-q-zrwn 4t-q 41,1.1
74 m-41 qfZki tacos 014 idcn< vettraelart tltid1cc 4 TIM t.
t*4-1-4 ittcnix/tian UsAl tilcort/ifti 7rwr &q7 SITITTRRr 310 c ER Rt41,1 WEIT 311--7
tict)1 ful4f 3frd.ri dirt 1
vrr. RR Atm, Ant ,t1 cf
[ftglEfq III /4 /3TRIT. / 132]
urn fiquf):
1. g94 f4f44,{ 3rerfu tizi Eirq-zIM-ff fdfazei 2007' 21 -icicH ITrir III, 143
4 if TIV1frd r I
2. 317111/17111 Inn III, 43 4 4 mcpi Itszt co{ 4 EIUFT 7iV4IM 20.8.2008
eTT 1
3. lin' III, t3 4 4 9-01ftrd It9r1 f4144p-r 4 ism Zf'411-ff 01.062012 1 ft7iT

2959 GI/2016 (I)



New Delhi, the 13th May, 2016
No. DE-87(4)-2016.In exercise of the powers conferred upon the DCI by Section 20 of the Dentists
Act, 1948, the Dental Council of India. with the previous sanction of the Central Government, hereby makes
the following Amendments to the existing Principal Revised MDS Course Regulations, 2007, published and
notified in Part 111, Section 4 of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, dated 10.09.2007:-
1. Short title and commencement:-
(.) These Regulations may be called the Dental Council of India Revised MDS Course
(4th Amendment) Regulations, 2016.
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette from the
academic session 2016-17.
2. In the "Dental Council of India Revised MDS Course Regulations, 2007", in Section I, after the
heading captioned as "PERIOD OF TRAINING", the provisions of stipend shall be inserted as
The MDS students shall be paid stipend only for duration of three years of the course, as may be fixed
by the Central Government/respective State Government/Union Territory Administration or such
authority as the respective govemment/administration may authorise. Where any dispute arises
regarding any such stipend, including, quantum of the stipend, it shall be considered and decided by
the Central Government/respective State Government/Union Territory Administration at its own level
and its decision shall be final.
M. L. MEENA, Secy. lic
[ADVT. III/4/Exty./132]
Foot Note:
1. The Principal Regulations namely, "Revised MDS Course Regulations, 2007" were published in
Part III, Section (4) of the Gazette of India on the 21' November, 2007.
2. The 1" Amendment to the Principal Regulations, published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of
India, Extraordinary, on 20.08.2008.
3. The 2 Amendment to the Principal Regulations, published in Part III, Section 4 of the Gazette of
India, Extraordinary, on 01.06.2012.

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press. Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications. Delhi-110054.

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