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DY FVIELWF AT ERRAND aba a (00 BREF soto rontn TAREE sto TESFAEDA vane EMI Steen CET ify AMO My LEMAOL UD! . COMBMERT LER RI. sp RoR HELTEMEAS [205] MISE MTESLIE, LUSBUEAM THUEL I. MPR MU REM AOMEN LAC < MA SBE > CHRMT AMEE Tb. HER SU OPRBERC SEL BMOUSMMCT, [COD SUPRMEDL TORLA GH SH Kips THOS MH ENS 1 TAGBUC, AMEPERELE LA AMELOMPRA OREM oH, SLORAOBNEOKETE LR. MAKER WCRORU TCHS RRAPORE HEP MMOMLE Lngane Peter Onbe(LPO) ORE HIEY AO soph Kin BA. LUT. EF AMO PHP W EMC CEE OAS AT REO IOPAPRLOBSACHLERLEU ST, CHEORAOMRY Caper, ABI Wisc eUuBNSEATUR. ths, 7027 HTS LVLR, ARROMYCOLOSMUMAT. REORBE BOY CC NES ALAROREDH A. BEACKBMONES COoMUTT. EF FW BORA ANERGL, RAAOLA OIG DEBE ELC, COLIFRED BBCI AMPLE AMEE HRCA. BEAD TEES) EBL TAABERSO PETER SOR MAAMOME) 60 ETE EIAAORR CUSED! CHL PEO A > OF, AEM SAAD MEN ORE CNEALUNS Lite ARHTCMU TK, (ALL MAO MURR TS KcAMAIRBC EN ELE. Be CALbAROMMOBMG, SHESIT [EOE IOTL? KI EXEPORLERLE , CECB THB LEN ET. (5 LIM SAM OEM CREE E EARL < aocau Et. AM OPRS TORS ORBSA, 8h. MC EMAOEUS ERE L ED | BRO MEET EVEL 28zE EM CHET. BBSSA On The Publication of Tobira Wo narod tis textaok Joyo eno Tobia, "Gatoay othe Advanced Love with ane wish nn: that students who ished i woul find themselves standing cont tthe fra stage of her intermediate- level tutes, ado open that gat to advanced Japanese, Theiniermodateleveli adit no; prograss becomes hard o measur, and his al to often rsuls in a pln period o deadlock and frustration for ‘Mudensandinstucors ak, someting tobe endured rahe than enjoyed. Iwas With desi to change this—to create something that wuld help students both progress in thei studies an have fun inthe process—thal we sel about puting this textbook toetar Inthe process of eesting Tobira and its supple leering materi, wv eclved the help ol mary ope, Fit, we'd he to xpress ou gate fhe insructors and students a various universias who worked patent wth the il version ofthe textbook, to Joseph Kin, the programme or Language Parte COntine (LPO), and also tothe lecturers and graduate students a the University of Michigan whe helped produce Tobias auto and io learning ators. Wthou your cooperation and suppor, this textbook would never ave come to press. "Next tthe University of hig stunts who worked arnt wth various unfinished versions ofthese materials and who consistent provid us wth invaluable feedback tom the begining ofthe projet we ‘aud nt be more han, Your wcleheertd calaboraton and support, am your patpaion in vides to yur suggestion fer inproverents, ar what made i posse or us to create a tetiook hat 0 thoroughly incorporates the students vewpolt, Lkewise, twas your comments—"Tobia made learning Japanese ke Japanese now even mre han | used to" 0 happy now tobe abi a say wa m ‘hnkng in apanose—tha encouraged and sustained us ver ho years we spent working on thi proect ‘As wo proceeded int tho publication phase, we wer needy fortunate to have Mariko lhikawa of KursioPulshersas our eter. We take this opportunity hank er once again and to thank al of the Stal at Kurosio who supported ho Tai Proj We aro very hap obo rleasing tis txtook though uns Finally, oyu, the student pow holing tis book—e ine youto jon wih usin unlocking the portal o ‘atranced Japanese. May youeroy th journey more wih each slop youtake, ThoAathors Em neat § Hons -RORLVS vt Grteritned tia 8m aot th ir aay RAD oo HOR] —_*= RCD) AM $6 A.B A AIAN Wii..tarwoae—229-40 CGRESD)AL—yenomegy, REORE. BAOF9/09— AD... Atay TRRTD) 08 97/09- OR NaBE De aemtoaa AAxOAR-Y Caw ee BADAK-Y ere) BRAC an BAO yIAWE BORE an BAOBE ee AROBY, 1p fhowa. 99 75h RAD 92 v9 Bm seneite [ny 7% aan ___aanosae Ra Tasone: xoaF1 GEED)..8%, Iasmo477 ba) BHED),.a4OK 2 TINE eR FRE 377. AD ARRE RN) BURL?) GEORERE, TD. AAORRORR! GERD) akon AMROWW Ae) ‘sugd. cn, Ree BAO BRACE BADR 2) sotto) 2D none 1) BSMORFEMGUna=on, © BamoreRe ©) raimnee, (crane oan @ vomce Or Melee) © Tears) 1 KOR. 2 exoBeRyE. a nD44=oit 1 4 som. 5 aaAmo Tay, Ca TONER 21 (Gees) aamAMomHs LEME, aso 2 Ta)... TokOM Om Gare75)_AeOG LORE AOBR BERS. IRM CHIR... apvome sea Benes) won. FoMO Bm). MEERA PB) GRRE) FOG, AMR. BN. Gsm. Temwe LOA Testo soem) ive anowortawy 2-2) DRA eu at Thonounee) = @eus ie @ G) SeckRD ORR FSU. ae 1 2 WRC inaaionet namo satiate ter We @ neaixe77—ORR, a uso awe 2 we 7 nim seaorcr ae ve 0 BRE a. ae a watogs se eV SDUMEBMEN ERT LUNE Be. semNaBTeRAL250~ SOORMERORR ELA RPWRENRCL COST, [E05] OMAAME. MMOH AE PBR MP EEL CEMA HOD, RMOAIIEURT BK. MG, MOLI A=7—7a PAO RIA ER AUCH EWS PR EAL LBLAN ABA USCE CT. HEDSLET SEY. RULRORMD, LOMMAOLG). AL-FLAUEEL BTS -BRTSCLOS: SM EmERSRHORRAL ETT. [evs] w= NDORD espMA RyeRgucoer. TUS) 062-208501%. FRROMIRROEREL. FHERERD SERB. co ee er RINET HCOBR CUS ORRENYUED FARRELS LECT. HMRRITO CRAG USAT, L0-O8PRARMFBHONL AKA CHEvEETH. [LUE] COUAWER FERS SGP S-ABAREAC. AARTEACOUCOBR B RAOSKM, GARI MECLE. MMTRO EAL LOMSRL CER CE BaTy JEMRCRAL CORT, CHEST. FRAMEHMRERCESO>. WFOHSIL a= yD aDepRAMMO RED. HSC IU COMME RHSZ CHET. [05] CBb>—oAREDOUNAUET, tnET?/OF-ONRMEMHeT, onw DOIG 2 aye o ay KAR DOFREMECN ET. MLOAT 7 ER UAMSELE LIT, MAF PED TTB OAUSO RMON CS. AE RU CEBE RUE. [U5 Tle, AIRFARE E77 A Langg PaO SRUMARY, TUTTE TA RHIC DARN ER 9279-4 LOL AMERRL EM AUARNO ER, MURCACCRGANcHN, cheLo<. PRACHOMAMEMAA, BL CRELRARPRMIA CMT SC LIrcRE LIES CHET, Recceny een ees FSURND: aU ore > a TO7 2 wussrer Ga oe: > ereecavs) nee > rae, cHUETRDOR Ae er Tobira’s Aims kyo e no Tobira (in short, Tbr) is designed or uso by stdin we have completed a beginning Japanese textbook o, in tems of assroom ime, somewhere trom 250 tc 300 hours of Japanese sty. “Tots primary goals twotlé is, to sol the grammar, vocabulary an kaj foundation ult during students tua athe beianer lvl and sacond, to expand thei fou anguage sks (peaking, tstening ‘eading and wing) an the socio-cultural knowlege thay noed for communication, thereby easing thelr ‘restion ine advanced Japanesa, Partly under oes athe reading sis comprehendng long texts andor etking wth rinary source materials, te communication sil for conductingpracal conversations {acluing the billy to manage spech els property) tating opinions ving explanatons and making ‘resentation, andthe tering sas or pcking up various peso inematon, Tobia provides a mytad of iornteaing materia desgnedto develop these sis fective ‘Anatero Tobias ims ito provide content ha satis stodnts inet cust and inceasos ‘heidi to lean while a he same tine culating tho general knowledge nacessary for communication ltrlanguage lvl, The ranston betwen inemesiate and advanced Japanese ands obo markoa by slower progress and loss of student motivation. There aoa varity of ras or ths, but one ofthe most Imortants that alto oe a text content dos not math the student's inlecual ee, Tobira overs the vocabulary, Kaj, granmar and corersationa expressions tat students must maser lho intermediate lel and provides a wea of conan—ba it genera rormation on Japan ad he Japanese, recent socal evelopment, vadtonal culture or histry—designed to fll student electualineests and make leaning fun. Because ofthis, students aro abl to obtain he knowledge and information necessary for ‘substantive commuricaon and deepen the understanding of apan wot esr thir motivation eam Tobira has one mare maj am: the efecto use of technology. Th niret another technologie hav great potenti as power laning tals. By intagtatng tas toca into the language leaning process, we ean provide stunts not only wih a vrey of materials anda weath of ntarmati, bt aso ‘wt al eatin actives that approximate ef itracton. n Tobira, everying—rom th comes pracice mata used with Language Parner Online an he introduction contemporary Japan provided by te cxiginl video anton tthe information search azsgnmont using primary sour materi am websites seamless intgated into the txtook and, because ol this, students are abl to go beyond the age and ejy studying in learning environment chin content an vary > carwano > Ioan en Compa Jape ‘eaten Sees > vga ode: ane = = > hla & = Q > Ginn Pacis Pog > Patina ogee "Gherpeede » Sint tapos web 2 SROME [sen ra [EBAOK UG! UROMAHOMR CORT. ORBEOR MIKO LS CBI CORT. fein none im oweihl and 427" SpeeppmeRn escent soggeatame costs Open ties pacar At RM mpeg tno nt em parca RONEN marr xgegRe on 79-9. ON 74. BABE sELemo rer re Seomramet stom Beebe RAIL, Gao (iste) TRI NaN) (Hee CSL OMIA COS E4. Tabaty | OMABRIC MERE [RK BR) OMIBRICIDA TOS thd EA IgM ogganmarinerobete a senone (CHES) GEem) (oR aa Ears — soa — [4 rn at 5a lg eg Nees eae ‘Yomw TAF SMe: HR BRO 2IRL~ amen AMEAWe Age NeswIaH] OMBEMAL CET. A MEgE—ernaiena ngaucenst, HERAT sRECT Qa ome

°C, {FBO A CHD CREB CH, Some [LUG HL a8e SD EARP 2 3 VRIES PETA CH LO MCA CR, weret. WPORMEREL. CrMaMER AZo Eas ET seuogyoa=y ns, MRORMEROL HEL TET. RuROR oa FEa8a= ro a BOSSET BRoRKeM meget wm aMe ee or ans aE mm ware Hn e/eDeRS 2 AM EGAS IRS Lis Hib mL RD RTS ETS mua meR A= a FeUb Oe HL RAR MIT Sem el cee CR MTS HMME LA MRORME RAC LE TEU) MMOL RCH, eae er TEBALT. M BE COPDEL VARS HOR MREMKTS LICL, (Cb) TORT ERELET. meesasdy eube MaseRAMCT. ‘ttp:tobira.9640,pftoblralogin #4 INR) O74 C8 AT. PARAM [aaa MINER |. RUEMMO Tere) OF FOTO 7O- FCS ET. HEC GED CAL CH ET. BLEU TAMER HIS oy 7BR ORL CORT. REF FCRAERMY— hI, EFTGBOLER SY 76H FO7O-—F TE at wo paoas. SamURNT. geMM Mere vo Feet, ie [premiums ca94h. amomCmRL Cony rma IEt. Feb) MNRORLOMMRBON fe OOM) ERIK LET. Students’ Guide to Using Tobira 1 “iris made po the alowing components: ew : ‘Strcture q oar 2 Each chapter ofthis textbook contains he following: [anal 1 Aerating ston tt irosices pan gating sens oth chery tong MMB veo sooscacteaas S| 2 FR iste hoe he presen crexprsions oe commny ‘ arc eating niaig, @ IRN rl oyededat ON dog Foca ros 3 ‘Vocabulary iss include all new terms that appear in the reading or the conversation! lscussion section of each chape. Terms that ae include in the voabulary lis or the Wocabulary ]reaingare not included inthe wocabulary lis forthe dialogue the chapter. The grammar sts ems are not iced inthe vocabulary Hs Vocabulary Hist content Dekada [Gsm] (© fees) feretaceaces| art ceeeee =ebe [fn ete z eL oes Pro a io (@ratismaan] mga kp Le di Te LET ees Tempo ome “ i ee gy 5 ed ch ep ye role sont ‘tc cy ih pret fen accom te hs pte ee eh Nei se mci ea vet in the et pio ‘eta int nat Tha ge: ana HON) wary aewsmeonn x caomaran “ijt which quite © when hey modify sous Nadie and 7 re conned the simewayasnointand / arcaoneed. Sept RGL/—he [BHR ase) 1m symbol used in vocebulary Hate Dem slo) tie oe | tom* Politeness Level ‘Conversations are divided ino tre lees of plitenes cach marked wth a conesponding ‘numero symbol one used in wooabulary Kets evan ing tener Fate [eden aon conjotona lmenstrave ronou ve ncn te vl ome te) elelg| ¥ se > 2g dense acne cent - ‘ie connie ps ron ir cars “ot srt per ine ay gy - eyed tl or pe sate ome 0 *k te el a Sie ole ngiage (hoi ms, demas o,ala) ‘usualy ot ued in easval speech. Thi level of polteness, ‘Is appropiate or conversations with people in one's - Casual speech ‘youp (iy Wend and aers wih whom one has 8 so rere ‘heatsind by fe ue of le rgsge wih te eee of ore ams. This lee af pallens appopat o emerson wh peee one's gop (ose oe does! Desumasu om cw wel roma stator at wr cas presen, ‘Caractoze by the uso of extomely pollo egressons Incr hora om, epost ar urbane) HOPMHanaoge ‘2nd word beauticaton (eg, 288), This lvl of polloness sm orm is gnetaly vd wh one's ees and sapron. Conversation Practice | Model Conversation set of conversations that nce the communication sl ered inthe hap ilo. Content lt to the chapter eading rid clalogues 2. Practice Questions: Students complete conversations using the expesions they have ‘practiced in the model conversations. 3 Pattern Practice Stents converse abou topic oftheir choice sig the expressions they ‘have practiced in the modal conversions and psctice questions. Pole Wore Suadents practice skin each other questions dbout the sujet mate ofthe chapter and dicate capers content Ii Rote Py: Students perform task in pis elated othe content ofthe chapter per oer activites ae also inched: Presenlaon ving waphandora dagen Inteaxingastny (Chapi1r_ Presoaion abut asia gue ort Peele on ow make or use someting | Inervinirg a panes pon |The numbering of grammar points "There are thre diferent types numerals used to umber grammar points the meaning of caches follows “A white number within a black cele (eg, @) indicates a grammar point that students rs memories earn to se ely --Rwhite number within rey cre eg, @) indicates a grammar point that students hoa try thi bet to ern toe “-Ablack amber within white re (eg) indicates grammar pot tha necessary focundersanding the chapters reangor dialogue. 1 Abbreviations used nthe Grammar Notes i i ani Fane werner BON — emoR we leriaes LR eae ED RSET RE AES ROLEE Ha ebLA AEC HOUBE es os one O40: EET RAE Foe a Fai Cifok 4 tk ere BP HUR RU BORE | > EE P< 22 =o} pageebelest 2zig) ror bo eV TROT DE pat_ patton - BUR mp8 RPI t simteton em Bee a comer ers ‘ord [areal atm Be mR: Brest) moeans 'm Symbots usod inthe Grammar Notes a Smid [Mey nae ry em wens ‘senders ’ - oa eaten ‘onsen enon) Nor} ‘Sender Ei) 56) te We GIAC MCI RI RCT ve) 0) 1G90,80<°00 Necims) (ea sree cna) [w Asawa: NP e ru MuOeS | AB Aiton MW ABC Oot oss - The ling wraps riences uagannatal ERG (O)E SORA), RENEE, ‘eset, i” The owing wrdba8/ is m0 Bumwe). my Hse aL BH Types of Grammar Structures “The connection forms for some grammar sacs Hed in the Grammar Notes ae ited bytype Type I Type 2, ete A Ist feach ofthese types and hr connection orm ales “ye | Garret ars ane Pies? =a THFTES BOIRURTES ESETDE ANAND Is) mu eum Im a ROR! UeBMOR) “pH eiBHL eeIEMESRIRAL tho 810S SPREE US CIEEE IRIEL CELLS hea Wn (ele © GREHEsRTEHE CER eI WGI e Ly eeEU PEER EWOREORIEEL CERO EOT EoniUeenon) perenne ' fe 25 van “UHM aRHESRIRME Ter AIR MAIER EIELI -eporeRlrOWIRRE RMR Tm EI Molvebuveons Ueenon Ie = vn (EUGIENU GWE RIRHU CBOE UMAEIC er BUEoRI Stee. Ueenon Fee ee ayy RTRSME LS UME ORIEEE SEHR) ORIUPE ROR) | ZERRHIC pe WA ae (GaN + COME LRH eer e La aan (1 Gs) MECH RUPPRE REE RAMON CLE AN OLE), GEER Ce BWIMER RIEL GHAI CLE? 6 ‘The kali atthe end of each chap is vided ito FW kaj those tat students should Kanji its learn to vead and o waite) and kant those that students shou earn to read) Each It ices new ka voabulary and the new-nroduced lan or previous-Fearned vocabulary + Around 35 kan have boen chosen fr each chapter, drawing mainly on JLPT Level 2 ‘characters as of 2008) ad based on theft and frequency of use in everyday Japanese life" Around 15 ofthese re marked RW and 20 are marked In allthis book caves 503 kan + Stents re sume to have learned the 290 kaj ittoduced in most major beginning Teel apanese textbooks st of these kan canbe ound on the Tobia west (Sce 10. ‘ThlaSte) SUE mm TRAP RRO RO <(eMERE) =e To faite sent learning, free not provided fr previous earned kaj. rane sued a follows 7 Usage of Figen Kanji that are to be memorized mete | tie rt andra Ns ied meee Geling Started” and “Gramma Note” sections frigae prov Reading” al Disogue/Discson” sections frien ot povided (A vocabulary Ut of aj wi frag, however provided at the oto of ech page) "Content Questions “Conversation Practice “Culture Note” and “Language Notes” ecto frgon na provided 1 Kanji that need not be memorized + Forgan provided for al kan. However, wit the exception of proper nouns and other ‘words wih pec readings, theron for words that appar mot han once the same Ineare provided only theirs time. 8 Numbers ‘Wing in horiontal writing spec numbers (eg: 18, 30/4, $0 FL) are writen in Arabic ‘numeral while approximate numbers (eg: Fa, FWA) and numbers with native Conventions J panes raing gs > ~ ) aren in kan mera + Atal, an mumeralsae usin vertical weing Words ‘Word tha are common writen n both Kaj and hirgana gs C8 B/S, AL BL Aah, FALUN /4B US appear in eter foes 9 {PO materia alow student to practice japanese conversation on thee on wing Language Po matrats | Pat Oninetvare. They an beac thrgh te Tobi website (See 10, Tea Ste) special Features Ssdenis can: * practice dialogues designed to hone a specific communication ski face-to-face with porters that appear on thet sren «Tec thee performance and compar it tothe model doe 1M Correspondence with Textbook Chapters The LPO units cotespond ith dhe chapters fhe ethooks fll [POU a nm Sa Ut Ae Unt: Aa ruts asc Une Contam Unt ieemeng| crs ‘Un: Pe py Gab cre Uns Nas | Chore Unt: Gaga ese Carpe i (Cher10___ Unt Arg rand Rosi bran | Chi Unt Nise ere Chen 10815 Unt Esky Opens Ager: Dpeorg | Tobira Sit is designed to work in tandem with this textbook, using diferent medi to provide a variety of supplementary leaning materials as wll sada infra on tepiseovered hin the text 1 Registration/Login Tobia Ste setup for indivi region, Stents an register adap at hitp:iobira960 jptobiralogin 1B Aucio Learning Materials Students can dowload audi fs for ach chapter's Reading), Dialogue(s/Discussion an Voeabulry Lit as wll a he Model Conversations inthe Conversation Practice ston, Sections with recordings ae marked in he textbook wih the IgA sya Video Learning Materials ‘Sues can watch teaming clipe of vdeo rele tothe topic n each chapter. content question shct savlble for ech ide, easly accesible fom sink above the video see, Other Features Students can download kan) and grammar worksheets, as well asa vase of other supplementary earning mater ‘colton links savalble, proving cay acces tothe webs ws inthe textbooks “Geting Started” section, as wll as websites and articles with more information an the topic oa cha + Tobica no Wa, Tobira Cie” provides a forum fr users to get together to discuss ideas nl exchange opinions an infoeratn, Cniers mimes mE BUILD 4S 1 BRLREROMIOKSAHOGM E> CORT. BRA FY TABOR HSRMCHO TOIL TT. BRIO LD 1. REL OAT BARN: CEA RTO, WRAL EROS EMULE S CHE AT. FOMMER ORL TABLED 5 ERODE, AM, LOH AME WPIEHSEEOOAS OBE GOOLE ON AWHTTE TET. BORIS TAI NOBWROL, F-AEFIT OIRO LBC, Ra FHF FOE EU RERIL CHU TH 2@x| 5000 BORIS, A7 OREN, I SME, SADA RY AT, ABLE ROA GERD, aba, SARC RRS, Copa, MRR ROL I BHATT. PAMUBROR EY CHSC. EAMCABFORS LS CR ORD SERA SRM K—L0hY ET. BARRERA OT, MIE CIURIKS CR, ARAL ALM CORIY B08: MCE ARS COB EL DUET. HOG, RIL BORE EHO RRO AONE IEEE BY EF. EG, RAMAN 2 ROTA ORC ld, MARL CHRO. HPECELL IR og SOTA, SBE CILS AIS WOT Che HOMIE. LAWL OROT CEE LV BERR HILT weeemlagy, DEKE OSM ERC SLAY RT. BAM. KMUIMC SIERRA CRE ALOVE HATO SET, 1993FICAAA TOW AMBIEN E LP. 400K E, © HORRIM TOT, RHOBNAB EG AMID ERI TRL TS LIER, ABO HBR (ORM) CEPT. IB MILO FI EET SoH: Lotto TS BROUMETAM, BALSMSILUTSREL, PRAMAS OOT, BA BRAY ET, BRIER LZ HMAC CANS (HCE BEAK, BULORMERSEY. BREMEILCII77 ALE BRA BIBEASONAHSC, NORGE RUA AMS BRMBIUHMI IEF. RC ALSSERONC, SAMSUNG SHAMRA DAT —BE WRT, 3000 ROBROUDSER DICE Fe PPB eAl TIS SAL ESA EMA RR BOE TORIC, ARB RICH SIRO SMILE [Pe LON C009 HED ” ByEt. YEA, BRC ADELE TERL THLUTH OS LCL TALC BRT CMC DROME L CHT. BLORTEL TRE ELC BRED LEY, BRAS LC LORE ER CH TREN ware Re at 8 RE a aa s xe sah > at en an aa aM oi ve ao) fh asgoi/a1901 1 aR 7 We me WE 2 ao a aaL 2 we aw mo Dae ve seme = en nme nme wat oc ae ou hele) us ws Lace eu ace ome Aves DEY seoe> wees EAR) ~aKD~ E/E BIHAR. Lee ees BURA waar Beale Ae SERS HATE Rob BaRe 865 peut Wad ove cor neal tobe 33K (eye (Gaby. M4 (eaRORrFEMa! ) sew 20] w — ile ied ot a oun moder ‘a Heal pans nonbern a) eat epg ied ‘Sak ke lof Jp ft or iad) ute hig ope’ fe or ed oe ha on sre 5 ST een flan reat opis (owls) onal aon the Ati om Meso Do 1“ otha Poe cher oso viewing anos pla pla one i frinane empl mo eemey a "ese ‘ate ajaans 2 mp ow we 6 (mms ae on woe oa etre ory eR baie oe tiene Tea wx aco ® wes x Lose x we x eae BAC euminbelet over tailing spe aperance la] 1999248 a a vk eget ving sal ie ning thing fa mies phoogrph ce) [Comers " wn 8 sehoceng| EET eae rere mc ssa infra coo Kimono for er wae] ere we spell pecially: patialy 8 aa ses aa aa om ae. PHMETS / MaRS WEE LT ME EMRL COS: PRI Rete Ct SABIE. BALE EY, RAOZAMOMEIOUT, BME LEOL THIN, xn hewlate ROLOUET, CILLA CAMORLET. AA Wott C38, BAIA ( ELMBARSES CTO Aa, WIL TEA I ETL RA, DO] COT EREL SEEM ETH, MODE CTH, BREOTARLDIETO, LOIBIRVET EORMMMTOL CELI FMVS) COTO, BROS E CTO MR TOREUC CMH AEE MOOR OMEN EH TBE Hob. ARORBORE COMI CH. ED CTD, MME LENBIB OATH, £9 CTH, LOMFOLMOME OEM SEB THB, the RMR. BOD TEMA, BM PO THTE I. $I Leo CRUEL Bb. REIT S CR ORL CHE, MRE OL, BOGOR Lot Ch, EHS TROL EOF, [HO HHS) COI BERTH Fob, [ERED LETE) LOGI, ROH REANY BI EOF SETH. Ce. BER RRR ACTH LO, BHSLTH CORY OF OM Ns LimeAEITECTL, EACH, PONE LHe SLEEK Be Bo LU LAY, LDF HLONTOAEL HELE, HY he HN CB MOBIC LY ETS HAE. YokiR) ca ORIEL eo. (oH etF a9er wa, tht 30 ae ee Oe 888). SRA ge) oe

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