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Figure 1 shows an example of how the Unit Module / Equipment Module / Control Module
structure appears in the DeltaV Explorer Tree. (For the MWH, WWTP, Group 1, CP-02, Grit
Pumps/Classifier equipment.
The Unit Module UM_PWCX1 is a placeholder only and contains no code.
Directly beneath this unit module are two Control Modules, 6620HS4760A&B. These modules
are for the Grit Aeration Valves and are not part of any Equipment Module. These two control
modules are standard templates (usually produced through bulk edit) with standard faceplates
and are not modified. Only their position in the DeltaV Explorer tree is changed. The Unit
Module Supervisor UM_PWCX1_SPVR located at the bottom of the tree will control these
The equipment module EM_PW807 is expanded to reveal its contents. The three
COMMAND_0000X and the MONITOR at the top of this sub-tree are the states present in this
Command-Driven Equipment Module, (Group_Run, Group_Stop, Reset/Idle).
This Equipment module also contains four Control Modules for monitoring/control of the
related devices such as the flow switch, gland water valve, pressure switch, pump.
(6620FAL05007, 6620HS05007C, 6620PAH05007, 6620PW807). These equipment-module-level
Figure 1 - Components in an Example Unit Module device control modules are standard templates (usually produced through bulk edit) with
standard faceplates and are not modified. Only their position in the DeltaV Explorer tree is
The Unit Module Supervisor UM_PWCX1_SPVR is a custom Function Block Diagram (FBD) that contains logic to control complex interactions
between the Equipment / Control Modules contained within the Unit Module. For example, this block contains the timers required to initiate a grit
cleaning cycle upon expiration of an interval by automatically starting the pump and classifier equipment module SFCs (if they are in REMOTE/CAS
The Unit Module and Equipment Module groupings used in this example
are shown in Figure 2 - Unit Module Graphic and Grouping. This is a
draft example used as a proof-of-concept.
Clicking on a pump opens the faceplate for the pump (no custom code is
required to achieve this, this is all done using the standard templates).
Likewise, clicking on a valve opens the valve, etc.
Clicking on the SFC button opens the faceplate for the Equipment
Module Supervisor DC Block (see Figure 5 - Faceplate for Equipment
Module Standard DC Block).
The unit module also contains a control module that is not part of any
equipment module. (Grit Aeration Valve).
In addition to this graphic, Unit-Module level parameters are on the
overview screen; these are not shown in this example.

Figure 2 - Unit Module Graphic and Grouping

Overview of a Unit Module
Algorithm & Responsibility Contains Interaction Points

Device Control Modules (any number) Writes Remote Setpoint to the contained Equipment
Function Block Diagram
Equipment Module (any number) Module Supervisor DC Block.
Unit Module Can Read/Write directly to contained Device
Supervisor High-Level Interaction among Equipment/Control Modules if required.
Equipment Modules and Device
Control Modules

Command-Driven Equipment Module Supervisor (one

Controls Interaction between Equipment Module Monitor (one only)
Can Contain: contained Device Control Modules Equipment Module Commands (Group
Run, Group Stop, Reset, Idle)
Equipment Module
Device Control Modules (any number)

Function Block Diagram (Standard Logic to control Device. Parameters read/written by the containing Unit Module
templates) Supervisor directly

Can Contain:
Provides standard functionality to
Device Control devices (interlocks, permissives,
Module (Unit Level) start/stop, auto/cascade, etc.) as per
the type of device.

Table 1 - Components of a Unit Module

Figure 3 - Example Unit Module Architecture
Overview of an Equipment Module
Algorithm & Responsibility Interaction Points

Standard DC Block with Interlocks and Permissives. Remote SP is set by the Unit Module Supervisor logic for REMOTE/CAS control
of SFC. Or operator can directly manipulate the state of SFC in REMOTE/AUTO
Reads/Writes the SFC state command from/ to
the Equipment Module.
A_COMMAND parameter is written as the actual command to be run (SP) in the
Contains start permissives and run interlocks
Equipment Module, (Group_Start, Group_Stop, etc).
Equipment Module linked to the device control modules for
A_TARGET is read back as the PV from the Equipment Module to indicates
Supervisor additional functionality/SFC control.
which command is currently being run, (Group_Start, etc).
Verifies that the Equipment Module is running
Interlocks and Permissives are read from the Device Control Modules located
the correct Command state.
within the Equipment Module.
Parameters may be read from other parts of DeltaV as required to satisfy other
Permissives/Interlocks as required.

Function Block Diagram, ALWAYS RUNNING. Input Bitmap copies Control Module Device parameters (PV_D) into SFC generic
input tags located in the Monitor. The SFCs read these generic input tags while
Contains the I/O Bitmaps which map control module
solving the logic to update generic output tags to control the device. The
device level parameters to generic tags processed by
Equipment Module Monitor Output Bitmap then copies these updated generic output tags down to the
the Equipment-Module Commands (SFCs).
Control Module Device parameters (Remote_SP). This step is done in the
May also contain ancillary logic required for correct monitor.
processing of SFCs (timers, etc.)

SFC, RUNS ONLY WHEN CALLED Reads/Writes only to the Equipment Module Monitor generic tags.
Equipment Module
Group Run, Group Stop, Reset, Idle.
Calculates SFC progression based on Generic Tags.

Function Block Diagram (Standard templates) Parameters may be read/written through the I/O Bitmap in the Equipment
Device Control Module Monitor
Provides standard functionality to devices
(Equipment Level) (interlocks, permissives, start/stop, auto/cascade,
etc.) as per the type of device.

Table 2 - Components of an Equipment Module

The main advantages of using a standard DC block to
control the REMOTE CAS/AUTO commands to the
Equipment Module are:
Reuse of existing components. The example used
was done using a Valve with Interlocks template with minor

The standard valve faceplates work as expected,

including Interlock List, Remote Cascade/Auto control,
Start/Stop in Auto mode, etc.

Starting with an existing template reduces the test

requirements as much of the functionality has already been

Figure 4 - Standard DC Block for Equipment Module Supervisor

As can be seen in the standard faceplate used to
control an Equipment Modules Supervisor DC
Block, standard functionality comes built-in with
the Valve template.
Features such as Interlocks, First Out,
Cascade/Auto Selection, Operator-Driven start in
Auto mode, etc. are all include.
Some more work remains to be done on this DC
block and faceplate to standardize and test, (such
as adding more permissives/interlocks) but a
proof-of-concept was completed very quickly
using the Valve template as a base.

Figure 5 - Faceplate for Equipment Module Standard DC Block

The standard list of commands available in a Command-Driven
Equipment Module are shown in Figure 6 - Parameters of a
Command-Driven Equipment Module.
Most of these parameters go unused. Those that are used are
described below.
A_ABT_ON_NEW_CMD When set to True, receipt of a new
state/command will immediately abort the current state/command
running (abort the SFC) and initiate the new command. In our
architecture, this should be TRUE.

A_COMMAND The setpoint (SP) of the Equipment Module (i.e.

which command you want it to run, Group_Start). This is changed by
the Equipment Module Supervisor DC Block in either REMOTE
CAS/AUTO modes.

A_TARGET Read Only. The PV of the Module (i.e. which command is

currently running). This is read by the Equipment Module Supervisor
DC Block as validation.

Figure 6 - Parameters of a Command-Driven Equipment Module


Figure 7 - Equipment Module Monitor Function Block

The Input Bitmap and Output Bitmap blocks are standard in the monitor. The Generic tags available are a function of the type of Equipment
Module. Note the OND in the center of the module, which is specific to this module and is used to calculate the length of time the Gland Seal
Water Valve has been opened; it is used as a transition in the SFC.
Two Equipment Module State/Command SFCs for the pump box are shown in Figure 8 -
Example Group Run/Stop SFCs for Equipment Module with Pump and Gland Seal Water.
The Group Run SFC starts the Gland Seal Water and then allows the Pump to run only after the
GSW has been confirmed open (as calculated with the OND in the Monitor).
The Group Stop SFC stops the pump and then closes the valve once the motor has been
confirmed stopped.
Neither of these SFCs terminates (the termination condition for both is FALSE). That is, they will
will wait at the termination transition keeping the command active until the command is
changed by the Equipment Module supervisor DC Block.

Figure 8 - Example Group Run/Stop SFCs for Equipment

Module with Pump and Gland Seal Water

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