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Commissioners Note

Wow.. What a week. With two weeks left, virtually EVERYONE still has a chance at a
playoff spot (Sorry Gordito).. This is the MOST exciting PPLs league thus far!!!!!
Buckle, your seat belts, because at this rate, anyone can take the PPLs league regular
season champ crown (or at least make playoffs).

Berto got balls

Is Berto a master trade manipulator? No. But he pulled off a 3way trade that almost
helped him take down Hardy. It was a great move, but unfortunately, he wasnt able to
pull off the W. Still, he gained respect in my eyes and sometimes, that matters

Eddie is now ruining peoples lives. His first victim was Tjacs (We all know how that
went) and his latest victim was Gordito Next possible Victim? Chuck Sometimes,
you may not make the playoffs. But it is always fun to ruin other ppls chances
Kudos Eddie

Has anyone noticed that when Chuck wins, he is always asking for dat league note.
hmmm, interesting correlation there.. Chuck, I am giving you a shout out cus youve
earned it. You took down the head hauncho last week and are feeling like a bad MoFo
sitting in that 6th playoff spot all by yourselfWell, I am here to tell you not to get too
excited. Edward is trending up and you still have to face Gordito. Enjoy this moment
while you can.

Chris is just coming out of nowhere rn.. Did hellmich just enable Chris to come out of
nowhere and take the #1 spot? This could be an interesting scenario. Dont sleep on

If James can take down the 1st place team in record & Most Prnts for this weekend, he
will sneak his way into playoffs Mark my words.

Ty is still tied for 1st place and is ranked 11th in Prnts for. Is this just a fantastic
anomaly? Or is it just physics? Guess we will never know.

Rumor is Domz was spotted in a Costa Mesa Bar this week(What, I thought he lived
in SF) He does. but rumor is he may be a playoff spoiler in weeks 12 & 13!!!!
Look out for the San Francisco Treats team to play spoiler in the final weeks!
Backstreets Back, Alright!
1st. Marc (7-4) , Prnts for Ranking: 1st (Nick)
2 Hellmich (7-4) , Prnts for Ranking: 2nd (Brian)
3rd Chris (7-4) , Prnts for Ranking: 3rd (Kevin)
4th Hardy (7-4) , Prnts for Ranking: 4th (Howie)
5th Ty (7-4) , Prnts for Ranking: 11th (AJ)

What Can Brown Do for You (Chucks Big Package)

6th Chuck (6-5) , Prnts for Ranking: 7th (Chuck aka Baby Leg)

Living on a Prayer
7 James (5-6) , Prnts for Ranking: 6th (Jon Bon Jovi)
8th Eddie (5-6) , Prnts for Ranking: 8th (Aaron Carter)
9th Albert (5-6) , Prnts for Ranking: 9th (Shoeless Joe Jackson)
10th Mike (5-6) , Prnts for Ranking: 10th (Vanilla Ice)

The Decline of Gurley

11th Gordito (4-7) , Prnts for Ranking: 5th

12th Domz (1-10) , Prnts for Ranking: 12th

This Weeks Predictions

Gordito -6 > TJacs
Chris -11 > Mikal
Eddie -5 > Chuck
Hardy 20 > Doms
Hellmich 22 > Berto
Pham 4 > Marc

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