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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.

2: 08-24-10

I do not own any of the rules or IP for the Iron Kingdoms, it is the sole property of
Privateer Press. Names and places, Steam Jacks, Five Fingers, Ord, and anything else in
here is pretty much borrowed from them. This is a fan-made game using their universe
and most of their rules. At any time, this project may be canceled if they so asked me to do
so. I am not making any money off of this, it is just for fun and for the rest of those that
want to play it. If you have paid to play this game, get your money back.

Page 1: Content Page

Page 2-4 MKII Rules Changes

Page 5-9 Building Your Gang

Page 10-12 Gang Model Types

Page 13-14 The Armory

Page 15 Spells

v1.2 changes
Added minimum # of non-Steam Jack models taken
Increased Steam Jack cost to correct game balance
Cost of Mechanika changed to lessen amount taken
Leaders can take Specialists upgrades

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

Gangs of Five Fingers

The Rules
The Gangs of Five Fingers is about a small group of down and out members of the Iron
Kingdoms that have taken their future into their own hands, by joining one of the many gangs in
Five Fingers, Ord’s premier town of gambling, freedom and piracy.

Gangs of Five Fingers is designed to be played as a campaign-style series of games but can be
played as one-off games, using the same rules either way. The basic rules are provided here,
with the campaign specific rules following later. Because Gangs of Five Fingers mostly uses the
rules from the Warmachine MK II Prime rulebook, and I don’t want to be hunted down by
several years worth of steam powered necromantic badness for violating copyright law, the main
play rules will not be included. I will however explain the changes and additions, with provided
page numbers for clarification.

PAGE 5: This page is always important and relevant to the game, read it and keep it in mind.

PAGE 27: WHAT YOU NEED: There are no stat cards for Gangs of Five Fingers, but you will
need to print off a Gang Charter in order to keep track of your Gang members’ progress as well
as their victories and their injuries. Probably should also have a pencil, or put it in a page sleeve
and use a dry erase marker, whatever works for you (don’t suggest a stone and chisel though, too
hard to correct mistakes).

PAGE 31-32: MODELS-THE DOGS OF WAR: Ignore the whole thing about Warcasters, for
the purpose of this game, they do not exist.
WARJACKS: Warjacks don’t exist here either. Steamjacks however do. Steamjacks
are the less-battle oriented little brothers of Warjacks. Don’t be fooled though, it’s hard to fight
a 6-ton metal monster, whether it lifts crates or carries a sword. Steamjacks are not controlled
telepathically, they are controlled by mundane mortals by SCREAMING, SHOUTING and
GESTURES (depending on your Gang, occasionally rude ones). They may not have the flash of
a Warjack, but they will still treat the other Gang like a small yapping dog (and punt them down
the street).
UNITS: Go ahead and ignore units and all of their rules too. In Gangs of Five
Fingers, all models can act independently, they are not part of units. Basically, treat them all as
Solos. There are no Troopers, Grunts, Unit Commanders, Leaders or Officers and there are no

PAGE 33-36: ADVANTAGES: Advantages in Gangs of Five Fingers are called Skills. For the
most part, they are the same as they are in WARMACHINE, but there are some that are a little
different due to the scale of the game. Check the Skills section of these rules to see any changes
(the Skills section is in the Post Game section), which take precedent over the original rules.
This holds true for everything up until the section titled Special Rules.

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

PAGE 36: FEATS: Warcasters don’t exist in this game, so neither do their Feats.

PAGE 38-41: PREPARING FOR WAR: Ignore this whole section, read the Gang Creation
section for how to build up your list for the game.

PAGE 42: MAINTENANCE PHASE: Once again, ignore all mentions of the word FOCUS, the
same goes for the CONTROL PHASE. In place of the #1 under MAINTENANCE PHASE,
have the following: Roll 1d6 for each model that is on its back, and compare to the RECOVERY
1 Recover: Forfeit move or action and stand up
2-4 Nothing: Model remains on its back, roll again next turn.
5-6 Remove from play: the model no longer takes part in the game must roll on the damage
Chart (See post game section).
If a model has stood up from losing its last wound, all of its stats are at -2 until it is healed or the game
ends. If they model is up, it does not have to roll on the Damage Chart. If the model is still on its back,
then it rolls on the Damage Chart.
Other than that, all the rules for the Turn Sequence are the same. How a model ends up on its
back will be talked about with the DAMAGE Section (or PAGE 66 in the MKII rulebook)

PAGE 66: DAMAGE: When a model is DISABLED in Gangs of Five Fingers, it is not
immediately destroyed. When a model has its last damage box filled in, or it takes one damage
when it has no damage boxes, place the model on its back (or use a token if you don’t want to lay
your models on their backs). During the MAINTENANCE PHASE, roll on the RECOVERY
CHART. Only if it rolls a 5 or a 6, is the model removed from play.

If the model is hit while it is knocked down, then the hit model is immediately removed from

PAGE 67: WARCASTER DESTRUCTION: If I need to tell you this now, then you will never

PAGR 68: REACTIVATING WARJACKS: No models will ever have the Battlegroup
Commander special ability and there are only Jack Marshals, so there will never be a need to
reactivate a Steamjack. If it is required for a scenario, then the rules will be provided there.

PAGE 70: ANATOMY OF A UNIT: Ignore all of these rules, there are no units in Gangs of Five

PAGE 73: WARJACKS: All of the “FOCUS:” should be removed. They can however, be used
by using the JACK MARSHAL Advantage/Skill.

PAGE 74-79: WARCASTERS AND FOCUS: …Neither of these exist in this game…

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

PAGE 80: The rules for JACK MARSHALS in units are not used for this game. There are no
units, and the JACK MARSHALS Advantage does not get passed on.

PAGE 81-83: Everything but MAGIC ABILITY rules are not used in this game in any form,
some for varying reasons already mentioned.

PAGE 85: add this rule to Command Checks; ROUTE TEST: whenever a gang has 30% or more
of its gang (in approximate points) has been removed from the game or is down (on its back, not
from a TOUGH roll), then a CMD check must be taken with the model with the highest CMD.
If the test is failed, all friendly models must flee to their starting board edge and the game is
over. If they pass, then they may continue to fight. If they pass, they must take another CMD
test at the beginning of each turn that they have lost another model, or they may voluntarily
choose to fail their test and end the game.

PAGE: 86-89: Use these rules for terrain other than setup. Each individual scenario will have its
own type of requested terrain, but in the case of one-off games, you can use whatever you feel

NOTE: Just a general note of advice. I would suggest reading though most of the Iron Kingdoms
book Five Fingers: Port of Deceit. It will give you a lot of background information on the city of
Five Fingers, as well as plenty of ideas on building up your own gang.

Now that we have butchered the Warmachine rules that we all know and love, we will get into
the rules that are specific to the Gangs of Five Fingers…

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

Building your Gang

This section of the rules shows you how to build your Gang. You have 1000 Coins to spend on recruiting
and equipping all the thugs and low-life criminals that you want. As you purchase models and
equipment, make sure to keep track of how much you have left to spend. In the case of one-off games,
you can decide to use more Coins for your Gang or even if you want to have a larger, more violent
campaign you can do that too. When playing a campaign, you can keep any unspent Coins to be used at
a later date, such as saving up to get your steamjack a better cortex.

All Gangs have somewhat different rules when it comes to what options they can take, but there are
some things that are universal, no matter what the Gang is. The first thing to consider when creating a
Gang is what type of Gang you want to run. There are Gangs that specialize in Knives, or those that
specialize in muscle. Some Gangs are differentiated by what race is allowed into their group, like
Gobber Rigging Gangs. The easiest way to build your gang is to pick one of the following before moving
on to the next section of the rules.

Each Gang will be displayed in the following format:

[Gang Name]
Location: This is the Island that the Gang is located on (which is important in Campaign play).
Rackets: This will tell you what type of illicit activity your Gang specializes in (this is also important in
Campaign play)
Rackets: Assassination: Choose 1 Opposing model at the start of the game. If the model
is removed from the game or is down, then in the Income step of the Post Game, gain XPxd6 Coins.
Conning: When selling an item, make a CMD check. If the CMD checked is
passed, gain an additional D6 Coins per point the check is passed by.
Extortion: During the Income step, gain an additional D6 Coins for each Holding
Fencing: When selling items, gain an additional 2 Coins per Item sold
Muscle: Each model that takes the Labor option for Income gains an additional
d6 Coins.
Protection: Each surviving model gains an additional 2 Coins on Raid, Occupy
and Protect Scenarios.
Smuggling: When making a CMD check for Black Market items, add 1 to the
model’s CMD.
Piracy: For each model sent, roll a d6 and compare it to the following:
1: Dead or Captured: Remove the model from the Roster
2: Out to Sea: Miss the next game, roll again
3: Gain 1d6 Coins
4: Gain 2d6 Coins
5: Gain 4d6 Coins
6: Roll on the Artifact Chart
Theft: For each model sent, roll a d6 and compare it to the following:
1: Killed or Captured

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

2: Gain 1d6 Coins

3: Gain 2d6 Coins
4: Gain 3d6 Coins
5: Choose 1 Item from the Market List
6: Choose 1 Item from the Black Market List
Restrictions: This will tell you what models, weapons and equipment your Gang cannot take.
Special Rules: This will tell you if there are any special benefits your Gang receives. It may also contain
Options: This will tell you what options your Gang has access to during its creation. You can take any
and all of them, but you can only take each one once.

Five Fingers Gang

Location: Any Island
Rackets: Any Rackets (does not gain any benefit no matter what Island is chosen)
Restrictions: Five Fingers Gang has no restrictions
Special Rules: This Gang has no special rules
Options: This Gang MUST take a model with the Leader upgrade. This Gang may take the Jack Marshal,
Mechanic, Doctor or Spell-caster upgrades.

Mercenary Charter
Location: Any Island
Rackets: Protection
Restrictions: None
Special Rules: Law Abiding: Cannot be the Attacker on Raid Scenarios, unless the opposing Gang is
Cryxian, Thamarite or another Unlawful Gang.
Watch: models in this Gang can choose to partake in the Watch during the Income step.
Models taking part in the Watch gain 10 Coins each.
Jack Works: Any time a Steamjack is repaired, it costs 2d6 Coins per box instead of 3d6
Options: This Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang may take the Jack Marshal,
Mechanic, Doctor or Spell-caster upgrades.

Gobber Rigging Gang

Location: Captain Island
Rackets: Smuggling
Restrictions: May only include Gobbers and Steamjacks
Any Rig Runner (see below) cannot take Military Rifles, Crossbows, Blunderbuss,
Shotguns, Long Guns, Carbines, Slug Guns or Grenades.
Special Rules: Rig Runner: A model with the Rig Runner ability has the Ambush skill.
Special Delivery: A Rig Runner can make Deliveries during the Income step. A Rig
Runner that makes deliveries gains 1/2SPDxd6 Coins.

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang may take the Jack Marshal,
Mechanic and up to half (rounded down) can be Rig Runners (for no cost).

Duelist Gang
Location: Bull’s Island
Rackets: Extortion
Restrictions: Cannot take Ogrun
Cannot take more than 2 Trollkin Gangers
Cannot take Spears, Whips or Halberds
Can only take the following Ranged Weapons: Shody Pistols, Pistols, Heavy Pistols,
Dueling Pistols, Hand Cannons and Throwing Knives
Special Rules: Knife Fighters: Models in this Gang gain boosted Attack rolls when using Hand Weapons
and Throwing Knives.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang may take the Jack Marshal,
Doctor and Spell Caster upgrades.

Thamarite Cult
Location: Dicer/Bolis Island
Racket: Assassination
Restrictions: Can only take Human and Risen Gangers
Special Rules: Mother of Sorcery: In addition to the Leader Upgrade, the Leader must also take the
Spell Caster Upgrade. This does not take up the 1 maximum Spell Caster upgrade. (ie, this Gang may
upgrade 2 models with to Spell Casters at Gang Creation)
Sacrifice: The model that kills an Assassination target gains +1 XP (in addition to the XP
gained for killing a model). If a model is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart, it may be killed to give the
Leader +1 XP.
Scion: Each Thamarite Cult must pick one of the following Scions, gaining the listed
Aiden: gain +3d6 Coins during the Income step
Bolis: during each game, this Gang may make 3 re-rolls
Delesle: When a non-Leader, non-Risen Ganger dies, add 1 Risen to the Gang.
Khorva: Models gain +2 to Back Strikes (total +4)
Nivara: Spell Casters start with 2 Spells instead of 1 Spell.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade and the Spell Caster Upgrade. This
Gang may take the Jack Marshal and Spell Caster Upgrades.

Pirate Crew
Location: Wake Island
Rackets: Piracy
Restrictions: No Rhuls
Special Rules: Gang: All models have Gang: this model gains +2 to MAT when in Melee Range of an
enemy model that is in Melee Range of another friendly model with Gang.

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

Press Gang: If a model is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart, it must make a CMD
check. If it fails, it is added to the Gang. If the model passes its CMD check, then it may be treated as
Scurvy: Pirates cost 1 additional Coin each in the Income Phase for Upkeep
Professional: If you roll a Lost result on the Pirate Chart, you may re-roll on the chart.
An additional roll of Lost stands.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang can take the Jack Marshal,
Mechanic and Doctor Upgrades.

Shenkriel Gang
Location: Hospice Island
Rackets: Muscle
Restrictions: May only take Trollkin Models
Special Rules: Big Hands: Range Weapons other than Crossbows, Grenades and Throwing Knives cost
an additional +5 Coins.
Fell Caller: the Leader of the Shenkriel Gang gains Fell Caller. As a Special Action, the
Leader may make one of the following Calls:
War Cry: friendly Trollkin within 6 inches gain +2 to MAT and RAT rolls.
Shatter: SP 8, POW 10
Reveille: friendly Trollkin within 6 inches that are Knocked Down immediately
stand up and act as normal if they had not already activated. This does not affect models that are down
because they are out of wounds.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang can Take the Spell Caster
and Doctor upgrades.

Foreign Agents
Location: Any Island
Racket: Espionage
Restriction: All models must be either all Human or all Rhul
Cannot take Steam Jacks
Special Rules: Espionage: target an enemy model at the beginning of the game after deployment but
before the first turn. For each turn a model remains within 6 inches of the model, gain 1d6 Coins. When
this Gang Defends Docks, Raids or Protect, this gang gains +1d6 for each surviving model.
Hide in Plain Sight: ½ of the models in the Gang can Advance Deploy
Patron Nation: At Gang creation, choose one of the following:
Khador: May upgrade a model to a Spell Caster for free
Cygnar: Watchman Brigands cost 10 less Coins
Ord: Gang starts with a Five Fingers Map
Llael: the Leader gains boosted Melee Attack Rolls
Cryx: Cannot take Rhuls, start with an additional Racket
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This gang can take the Spell Caster and
Doctor upgrades.

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

Cryxian Reavers
Racket: Piracy
Restrictions: Cannot take Rhuls
Can take Satyxis and Thralls
Special Rules: Sacrifice: The model that kills an Assassination target gains +1 XP (in addition to the XP
gained for killing a model). If a model is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart, it may be killed to give the
Leader +1 XP.
Low Profile: Satyxis can only use Piracy in the Income step and cannot have their CMD
used when searching for items on the Black Market. Thralls cannot partake in the Income step for any
Hunted: Any Satyxis or Thrall that is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart can be turned
into the Watch for double the standard amount of Coins.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. The Gang can take the Jack Marshal,
Mechanic and Spell Caster upgrades.

Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

Gang Model Types

Now that you have chosen what type of Gang you want to lead, you need to understand the basics of
the gang structure. There are 4 main different types of models that make up the Gang. Some of them
cost a bit more than a standard model and any increased cost will be noted by the model. The model
types are Leaders, Gangers, Specialists and Steam Jacks. The different types will be presented with a
description, cost (if any) and their benefits.

Note: when you are building you Gang, you must have at least 5 non-Steam Jack models in your gang.

Leader (+20 Coins): The leader is the head honcho of the Gang. He is the most important model in your
Gang. This model has the Leader Skill, +1 CMD, +1 MAT or RAT and +5 Health. The Leader also starts
with 20 XP. The Leader also plays an important role in the Post Game phase of the game, which will be
described in that section. The Leader has access to the Leadership Skill set and any 3 Skill sets. A Leader
may take any Specialists upgrades, but it counts towards the maximum 3. Add the XP to the Leader’s
starting XP.

Gangers (+0 Coins): A ganger is a basic run of the mill gang member. Gangers has access to any 3 Skill

Specialists (by specialty): Specialists have rare skills that set them apart from the rest of their Gang
brothers. Each Gang can take up to 3 specialists, which are determined by their Gang List.
Jack Marshal (+10 Coins): A Ganger with the Jack Marshal specialty is the minder of the Gang’s
Steam Jack. The Jack Marshal starts with the Jack Marshal Skill and starts with 10 XP. The Jack Marshal
has access to the Jack Marshal Skill set and any 2 Skill sets.
Mechanic (+10 Coins): A Ganger with the Mechanic specialty is tasked with keeping the Gang’s
mechanika in working order. They are desirable in gangs that make use of Steam Jacks, but not all such
Gangs have the head for learning such things. The Mechanic has the Repair [6] Skill and starts with 10
XP. The Mechanic has access to the Mechanic Skill set and any 2 Skill sets.
Doctor (+10 Coins): While not a Doctor as such, this Ganger has the basic knowledge to patch
his brethren back together. The Doctor has the Heal Skill and starts with 10 XP. The Doctor has access
to any 2 Skill sets.
Spell Caster (+10 Coins): Spell Casters are usually pretty rare among Gangs, but those Gangs
that can attract a Spell Caster will do whatever they can to hold on to this asset. The Spell Caster has the
Magic Ability [6] with access to a single spell and starts with 10 XP. The Spell Caster has access to the
Spell Caster Skill Set and any 1 skill set.

Steam Jacks (see below): Steam Jacks are models like the rest of the gang, but they are not affected by
Gang special rules unless the rule specifically states that it affects Steam Jacks. Steam Jacks have the
Special Rules as mentioned in the MKII Prime Rulebook. Steam Jacks have special rules regarding repair
that can be found in the Campaign section of the rules.

The other important part of a model, whether a Leader, Grunt or Specialist is their race. There are
several races living (and unliving) in Five Fingers that can join Gangs. The races a Gang can take are

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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

listed in their Gang roster.


Human 65 6 4 3 5 12 12 8 5
Humans are the generic baseline race, they have no special rules or abilities.


Rhul 65 4 4 3 6 11 12 8 5
If a Rhul is the Leader of a Gang, the Gang is restricted to taking Rhullic Jacks.


Gobber 40 6 2 2 2 14 12 6 5
Gobbers are a cowardly race and will usually leave the leading to a braver individual. Unless the Gang
contains only Gobbers and Steamjacks, a Gobber will not lead a Gang.


Trollkin 75 6 5 3 8 12 12 8 5
Trollkin are a strong and resilient race. Trollkin have the Tough Skill.


Ogryn 90 5 5 3 9 12 12 8 10
Ogryn are a strong, but are a slightly backwards race that while strong, do not have a high aptitude for
technology. Ogryn can never have the Jack Marshal Attribute or the Mechanic Skill.


Satyxis 70 7 5 3 5 13 12 8 5
Satyxis are Cryxian raiders that occasionally find berth in Five Fingers, and while not a comfortable sight,
they have been known to stalk Five Fingers.


Thrall 50 6 4 3 6 13 10 5 5
Thralls are basic Cryxian undead, they are not really made for fighting, but they have their uses. They
are basic, cheap labor and are treated as such. Thralls have the Undead Advantage, but because of this,
they will never gain experience.

Steam Jacks
Steam Jacks are some of the heavy ‘muscle’ of the Gangs. Most of the Steam Jacks are older models
used to load and move cargo, but in a pinch they are assets in a gang brawl. They are big, expensive and
slow, but they are worth their weight in gold to a gang leader strapped for muscle. There are two
different classes of Steam Jacks. The first and most common are light Steam Jacks. They are faster and
more nimble than their larger counterparts, but they are more fragile. They are usually used for light
hauling and construction work. The second are heavy Steam Jacks, much larger, more durable and
stronger, they are slower. Nothing beats sending a heavy Steam Jack barreling through an enemy gang.

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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

Steam Jacks are slightly different from other Gangers. Their damage does not automatically heal after a
game has taken place, but their damage has to be repaired at a cost.

Light Steamjack: 175 points


6 8 4 4 12 16
Damage: 16


Weapons: x2 Open Fists, x1 Right, x1 Left
Cortex: Cupernum-grade

Heavy Steamjack: 225 points


5 10 4 4 10 18
Damage: 20


Weapons: x2 Open Fists, x1 Right, x1 Left
Cortex: Cupernum-grade

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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.2: 08-24-10

The Armory
The final step of constructing your battle group is to purchase weapons, armor and other equipment. It
really isn’t all that smart to go to battle with your bare hands and your everyday clothes. Each warrior
can be armed with 2 ranged weapons and 2 melee weapons, in addition to the Hand weapon that they
already come armed with. You may purchase additional weapons and equipment during the post game
sequences at the end of each scenario.

Melee Weapons
Any of the weapons marked with a (*) cannot be used by a Steam Jack. A weapon purchased for a
Steam Jack costs an additional 5 Coins each.

Weapon POW Special Cost

Hand Weapon* 3 None --
Steam Fist 4 If 2, may make a combo-strike 10
Sword 5 None 5
Axe 6 None 10
Hammer 7 None 15
Spear 4 Set Defense or Brutal Charge 10
Halberd 4 Reach 10
Shield 2 +2 Arm, Critical Slam 15
Buckler 1 +1 Arm, does not use a steamjack’s hand 10
Mace 5 Critical Concussion 10
Flail 4 Chain Weapon 10
Whip* 3 Reach, Chain Weapon 15
Bayonet* 3 Must attach to gun 5
Horns 4 Critical Knockdown --

Ranged Weapons
All Ranged weapons, with the exception of the Crossbow, Throwing Knives and Grenades are black
powder weapons and have the following rules:
Reload: For every turn a Black Powder Weapon fires, it must spend 1 turn being reloaded. If a
model has 2 Black Powder Weapons, it can fire both of them one turn and reload both the next, or it can
fire one each turn, reloading it the next.
Unstable: Whenever a to-hit roll for a Black Powder Weapon rolls double ones, roll a d6 on the
misfire chart here:
1-2: Nothing: The weapon must be reloaded to be fired
3-4: Jam: Weapon cannot be fired for the rest of the Game
5: Break: the weapon must be repaired for 2d6 Coins
6: Explode: the wielding model suffers a POW 10 damage roll and the weapon is
removed from the model’s equipment
Weapons marked with (*) can be purchased for Steam Jacks. They can be bought individually or bough
in pairs of 2. When being purchased for a Steam Jack, they lose one of their Open hands to wield it.

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Weapon Rng RO AOE POW Special Cost

Shoddy Pistol 8 1 - 10 Black Powder roll on any Doubles to Hit 5
Pistol 8 1 - 10 None 10
Hand Cannon** 12 1 - 12 None 20
Military Rifle 10 1 - 11 None 15
Quad Iron* 10 1 - 10 Multi-Fire Special Attack 25
Crossbow 10 1 - 8 None 10
Blunderbuss* 8 1 - 12 None 15
Shotgun SP8 1 - 12 None 15
Dueling Pistol 10 1 - 12 None 15
Cannon* 10 1 - 12 Warjack Only 20
Long Rifle** 14 1 - 10 None 20
Carbine 10 1 - 10 None 15
Grenade 6 1 3 12 Cumbersome 20
Slug Gun* 4 1 - 14 None 20
Throwing Knife 6 1 - 2 Add model’s STR to POW 5
Heavy Pistol* 8 1 - 12 None 15

Any weapon may have a single Mechanikal upgrade. Any of these upgrades can be applied to a ranged
or melee weapon (other than Horns, Shields, Throwing Knives and Magelock Pistols).
Critical Continuous Effects (40 points)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Critical Stall, Critical Corrosion, Critical Fire or
Critical Freeze.
Critical Effect (30 points)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Knockdown, Slam, Brutal Damage, Armor
Piercing, Beatback, Detonator,
Weapon Effect (40 points)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Poison, Trash, Slam or Knockdown.
Greater Weapon Effect (50 points)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Brutal Damage, Beatback, Armor Piercing,
Detonator, Stall, Corrosion, Fire or Freeze.

Mechanic’s Armor: Provides +2 ARM, +20 points
Plate Armor: Provides+ 4 ARM, + 45 points
Steam Armor: Provides +6 ARM, + 70 points

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Arcane Bolt: Rng 12 POW 11 magic attack
Blinding Flash: while in CMD range, all enemy models suffer -2 RAT for 1 round.
Blur: this or target model in 6 inches gain +3 DEF against shooting attacks
Deadeye: this or target model in 6 inches gains +1 die on its next ranged attack
Giant Slayer: this or target model in 6 inches gains +2 damage against medium-based models and +4
damage against large-based models.
Temper Metal: Target warjack in 6 inches gains +2 ARM and is immune to continuous effects.
Feint: this or target model in 6 inches may immediately move 3 inches after an enemy model ends its
normal movement engaging this model. This move ignores free strikes.
Blood Ritual: Rng 10 POW 10 magic attack. If this attack boxes a model, this spell may be cast again at
another target.
Return Fire: this or target model in 6 inches gains Return Fire. A model with Return Fire is missed by
an enemy attack, it may immediately make an attack at the attacking model.
Dash: target steamjack within 6 inches gains +1 Mov and cannot be target by free strikes this turn.
Stasis: this or target model gains immunity to knockdown and continuous effects, but suffers -2 DEF
Fly’s Kiss: RNG 8 POW 10 AOE 3 magic attack. All models in AOE suffer POW 10 Damage roll.
Solid Ground: Friendly models in this model’s CMD range cannot be knocked down or slammed.
Ravager: this or target model can make an additional attack with each Melee weapon it has, but
suffers -2 DEF.
Scything Touch: this or target model in 6 inches gains +2 STR
Venom: RNG SP 6 POW 10, models hit suffer Corrosion
Puppet Strings: this or target model in 8 inches can cause a friendly steamjack to make a single out of
activation attack. If the steamjack has not activated yet, it does not affect its activation.
Storm Rager: this or target model gains +2 STR, +2 MAT and +2 ARM for one round.
Arcane Shield: this or target model in 6 inches gains +3 ARM for one round.
Redline: target steamjack in 6 inches gains +2 SPD and +2 STR, and can run, charge, slam or trample
for free.
Arc Lighning: RNG 10 magic attack. Target model suffers POW 10 Electric Magic attack. Attack arcs to
d3 additional targets within 4” not hitting any model more than once. Hit models suffer POW 10 Electric
Magic Attack.
Disbinding: this or target model within 6 inches has all enemy upkeep spells on it expire.
Curse: RNG 10 POW 10 magic attack. When a model is hit by this attack, the hit model suffers -2 DEF

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