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AL (F.

7) Physics Test 8

Chapter 4.3 Solids

Time allowed: 35 mins Date: 13-12-2006

Name:___________________( ) Total Marks: = %

Section A Structural Questions (12 marks)
1. Figure 1 shows the stress-strain curve of a material under tension. From the graph,

Figure 1
Strain/ 10-3

(a) find its Young modulus( ) and tensile strength( ). (2 marks)


(b) find the proportional limit and the P.E. per unit volume stored in the material at this point. (2 marks)

2. The figure below shows the force-extension graph for a length of steel wire A. The wire obeys Hooke's law
over the range of extensions considered.


(a) If the wire has a diameter() of 0.40 mm and its unstretched length is 2.0 m, calculate the Young modulus
of the steel. (2 marks)

(b) A second wire B is made of the same steel. It has the same unstretched length as A, but twice the diameter.
Draw accurately on the above figure the force-extension graph for this wire. Label your graph B. (2 marks)

(c) A student discovers that for a given force within the range considered above, the elastic energy stored by
wire A is four times greater than that stored by wire B. Use the two graphs, or some other theoretical
argument, to explain this fact. (2 marks)

(d) If the breaking stress of the steel is 5.0 x l0 8 Nm-2, calculate the maximum force which can be applied
longitudinally to wire A. (2marks)

Section B M.C. Questions (8 marks, @1 mark) 8

Please leave the M.C. answers in the following blanks.
M.C. Ans: Score of Section B: 1 =
1. ___ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___ 5.___ 6.___ 7.___ 8. ___

1. The diagram shows the graph of load W against extension x for a metal wire as a steadily increasing load is
applied to it.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Hooke's law is obeyed from O to P.

B.Plastic deformation begins at Q.
C.The ratio extension/load is greater at all points between Q and R than between O and P

D.The breaking stress is reached at R
E. The yield point occurs at S.

2. Two copper wires, X and Y, are suspended vertically, and the same downward vertical force F is supplied
to the lower end of each wire. The extension of X is twice the extension of Y. Which of the following may
account for this difference?

(1) The diameter of X is half the diameter of Y, but their lengths are equal.
(2) X is twice as long as Y, but their diameters are equal.
(3) Y is twice as long as X, and its diameter is twice that of X.

A. (1), (2) and (3) B. (1) and (2) only C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1) only E. (3) only

3. A wire, of force constant k, has an extension e when it is supporting a weight W. If the elastic limit is not
exceeded, the energy stored in the wire is equal to
(1) stress strain (2) W e (3) k e2
A. (1), (2) and (3) B. (1) and (2) only C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1) only E. (3) only

4. Two metal rods of the same Young modulus Y and the same cross-sectional area A, but of different lengths
L and 2L respectively, are joined together end-to-end to form a rod of length 3L. What are the Young
modulus and the force constant of the composite rod?
Young modulus Force constant
A. 2Y 3AY/(2L)
B. 2Y 3AY/L
C. 2Y AY/(3L)
D. Y 3AY/L
E. Y AY/(3L)


The potential energy, U , of a pair of atoms as a function of their separation, r, is shown for two crystalline
solids P and Q. From these curves alone, one may conclude that
(1) the equilibrium separation of the atoms in P is greater than that in Q.
(2) P is stiffer than Q
(3) the energy required to separate two atoms of P in equilibrium is more than that for Q
A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only E. (1), (2) and (3)

6. Three wires of different material, but of the same length and cross-
sectional area are stretched until they break. Their stress/strain curves
are shown in the figure above. If E1, E2 and E3 represent the energy
required to break wire 1, wire 2 and wire 3 respectively, which of the
following is correct?

A. E1 > E2 > E3 B. E3 > E2 > E1 C. E2 > E1 > E3 D. E2 > E3 > E1 E. E3> E1 > E2 31

A suspended fibre was stretched by an increasing load attached to the bottom end. Then it was allowed to
contract by slowly reducing the load. A stress-strain graph was obtained as shown. Which one of the
following conclusions may be deduced from the graph?

(1) All the work done in stretching the fibre is converted into potential energy.
(2) More work is done in stretching than is recovered in contracting.
(3) The temperature of the fibre rises after it has been stretched and allowed to contract for a few times.
A. (1), (2) and (3) B. (1) and (2) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1) only E. (3) only

8. A uniform wire of force constant k and Young modulus E is cut into three shorter wires of equal length. If
they are arranged side by side and treated as a single wire combination, what are the force constant and the
Young modulus for this combination?

Force constant Young modulus

A. k E
B. 2k E
C. 2k 2E
D. 9k E

E. 6k 3E



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