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300K51N WALKATHON – Saturday 10/23/10

What Does 10/23 Really Mean?

Although our predecessors have crafted an outstanding legacy over the
last 23 years, Walkathon is still a work in progress. And this year, we’ll
need your help more than ever.
Booksin’s biggest fundraiser and community event is traditionally held on
the 2nd Saturday in October. From year-to-year, “The Walkathon Plan”
has been tweaked and honed to precision, culminating in an event that
generated more than $180,000 in revenue last year.
Mark Your
But this year, the plan must change dramatically. Instead of eight
uninterrupted weeks, we have an unprecedented October 4-8 Calendar
“Furlough,” creating nine days of vacation right in the middle of our Plan.
09/27: T-Shirt Sponsors Due
Saturday, October 23, 2010:
New Date requires a New Plan 10/01: Non-$$ Donations Due
We know the Walkathon will be on October 23. Our fabulous 2010 Kick-
Off Assembly is set for Monday, October 11 (our first day back from 10/11: Kick-Off Assembly
our Furlough). Sure, we’d normally do that on the Friday two weeks
before WAT, but that won’t work this year. Last year, students secured 10/11: Pledge Forms at Home!
more than $120,000 in pledges in the two weeks immediately prior to
Walkathon. We’ll need them to do it again this year, starting on Oct 11. 10/23: WALKATHON All Day
We realize we ask for many non-monetary donations (auction donations,
basket items, drinks/water) in the weeks leading up to Walkathon, but Ways You
this year, we have to manage those requests around our time off. We’d
like you to donate goods and services before October 1. Can Help!
We also plan to wrap-up our monetary sponsorships and contributions Stay Inform ed!
before September ends. While individual deadlines will be announced Read each Newsletter.
later, please consider T-Shirt Corporate Sponsorships and Family Visit
Honor Roll donations right away. We’ll also invite you to order extra t- On Twitter: @BooksinWAT
shirts (for adults and other non-students) in late September.
Of course, there will be plenty to do after we return on October 11, Volunteer your Tim e
starting with the Pledge Packets students will bring home. We need every Booksin Family
to volunteer at least one 2-hour
And Walkathon Day itself will present the usual array of opportunities to
shift on 10/23.
spend money to benefit Booksin, including items for sale in the Auction &
Market Place (holiday gifts and birthday presents), your entries in the
Donate to Booksin
“Teacher Fun Drawings,” and our fabulous “Teacher Time” activities.
We Need Auction Items!
- Drinks (water, energy drinks)
David Keller & PH Mullen , W alkathon Volunteer Co-Chairs - Become a T-Shirt Sponsor!
We welcome your thoughts ... email
- Help your Child Raise $
- Secure pledges from family,
friends, and neighbors.
Every Child $200!
We ask every student to set a goal of raising $200 to benefit Booksin.
We can do it!
Find answers to your Questions ... Find ways to Volunteer ...
Review our incredible Auction Items ... Donate Time & Money!
Follow along online and read more about this Powerful Party!

What The Money Does

Where your money goes: Just a partial list of the ways your
donation helps improve your child's
Booksin's Music Program education at Booksin School:

Thanks to money raised through Walkathon, Booksin is able to hire music $10,000 Music Program
teacher Meike Sillevis Smitt ('Mrs. Sillevis') to teach music to our $7500 Library Books
Kindergartners, first, second and third graders. She was trained by Music
For Minors and volunteered in 3 different classrooms for two years before $4500 Student Work Books
for Grades 1-5
taking on all 16 K-3 classes last school year.
$4000 One Field Trip,
The music program focuses on the voice as the main instrument. It with buses, tickets,
incorporates songs from other cultures and in other languages as well as curriculum tools
lots of movement songs, dancing and music appreciation. Children get a
$3000 Art Vistas Program
chance to show off their learnings to their parents, grandparents, friends Supplies
and siblings in a short grade-level performance in the Spring.
$3000 Enrichment Allocations
Mrs. Sillevis was born and raised in the Netherlands and lived in Malaysia for one grade level
before coming to the Bay Area. She regularly exchanges ideas with
$3000 Science Activities
colleagues back home. The Dutch ‘abstract dances’ Booksin students Supplies & Support
learned last year turned out to be the children’s favorite activities in music
class. Every class is ended with a goodbye song in different languages, of $2000 Cornerstone Activities
which we have many here at Booksin!
$1000 School Safety Supplies

Music helps our children in their academic and emotional development, $1200 Garden Life Lab
and we're happy to have found a way to keep music alive at our school! Annual Programs
Please help us keep it this way by donating time and money to
$1200 Fifth Grade Promotion
$655 School Planners for
------------------------------------------ 4th & 5th graders

$630 Science Boards for all

We Need Your DONATIONS too! 4/5th grade classes
for Science Fair
Be a Powerful Booksin Supporter – DONATE in a variety of ways!
$600 Enrichment Funds for
One Classroom
Sponsors & Donors: Cash Donations -- Walker Pledges
T-shirt Sponsorships -- Company Matching -- Corporate Gifts

In-Kind Supplies & Loans: Drink Donations -- Gatorade/Powerade Volunteer Now!

Auction Items -- Water Bottles -- Tents/Canopies -- Equipment
Food Supplies -- Printed Materials -- Paper -- Envelopes Our dedicated team of
volunteer Walkathon Leaders
Auction Donations Needed! ... Vacation Getaways -- Vacation Homes needs your expertise now in
Experiences -- Cooking Classes -- Dinner Parties -- Wine Tasting -- Wine order to plan the event.
Email us to learn more!

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