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Arsy Trilaksono

Affective Education for 21st Century/Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan

Subject : English

Grade/semester : XI

Time allocated : 1x45

Standard Competence : Memahami nuansa makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika di dalam teks tertulis yang berbentuk
deskriptif, naratif, anekdot, eksposisi analitis, dan eksposisi hortatory dengan penekanan pada makna ideasional
(gagasan) dan makna tekstual (yang diungkapkan pada susunan kalimat dan teks).

Basic Competence : Membaca

Memahami berbagai makna (interpersonal, ideasional, tekstual) dalam berbagai teks tulis interaksional dan
menolong terutama yang berbentuk deskriptif, naratif, spoof/recount, prosedur, report, news item, anekdot,
eksposisi, explanation, discussion, commentary, dan review.

Lesson Topic : The topic of the lesson is Culture

Objectives :

1. Students are able to list the problems mentioned in the text.

2. Students are able to make a prediction about the problem solution based on the text given.
Affective Skills :
1. Working Together & Collaboration in Group
2. Problem Solving

No. Activities Description Objectives Time Media and Resources

Arsy Trilaksono
Affective Education for 21st Century/Lesson Plan

1. Warming-up - Guess the side job: Teacher pretends to 10 minutes - Ten different
Activity have an alternative job, and students batik pictures
should guess it through the games.
- Games: Teacher provides 3 big different - Text from
color (yellow, green, red) of papers, there http://www.theja
will be 20 pieces of papers (for example 7 - To get students
for yellow, 7 for red and 6 for green). attention. ws/2012/01/02/al
Each paper has a word on it. Then, the pha-fabela-
- To elicit prior priyatmono-
paper will be stick on the wall. In pair,
knowledge about reviving-
students have to take one paper and stick
the topic before kampung-batik-
it bellow to the big paper with the same
the lesson starts. laweyan.html
colour. They will get 3 clues that lead
them to guess the teachers alternative job.
- I got the problems with my batik shop:
Teacher pretends that his/her batik shop is
collapsed. He/she asks students to become
the shop rescuers.
- Grouping by puzzle: Each student will get
one piece of puzzle of a batik picture
(there are 10 different pictures). They
should find other similar picture. When
they unite the pieces of picture they will
also arrange the text at the same time
(subconsciously).There will be 10 groups
consist of 4 students.
Arsy Trilaksono
Affective Education for 21st Century/Lesson Plan

2. Main Students have to find the problems about - To assess 30 minutes - Cards
activity batik from the incomplete text (given at students
the grouping puzzle). Then, they write reading skill: - The rest of the text
them down in the cards. In group, they listing passages
will discuss to decide problems. It will let problems they
them to train their collaboration work, that have found in
how they handle the different ideas and the text.
decide a consensus.
- To check if
Each team has to make the solutions from the students
the problems they found. Yet, since they answers are
need approval from the owner of the batik match with
shop, they have to complete filling the the problems
cards with problems and give to the in the text.
owner. If the owner approves, they can
start to list the solution. This activity
requires students creativity in solving the
problems. Teacher may teach them the
Basadurs Creative Solution

Finally, teacher gives the rest of the text to

prove the real solution.

Students compare their solutions

(prediction) with the real solutions found
in the text.
Arsy Trilaksono
Affective Education for 21st Century/Lesson Plan
Teachers assess students based on the list
of problems and the comparing solutions
made by the students.

3. Post- Students submit their works to the teacher 5 minutes

Teacher discuss with the students about - To know - Reflection paper
the type of the text based on their finding students
during the activity. Then teacher explains progress and
the characteristics of the text. The text we what they
use here is a kind of hortatory exposition have learnt

Teacher explains to students that their

finding could lead their understanding
about the text.

Teacher asks students about what they

have learnt randomly.

Teacher asks students to write a reflection

about todays lesson and give feedback to
the teacher. The questions can be: what
have you learn today?, what new
information did you get?, what is the
part that you like most? etc.
Arsy Trilaksono
Affective Education for 21st Century/Lesson Plan

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