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1.) Have you ever been in a conflict within your

Yes No
2.) Does working in teams cause greater conflict?
Yes No
3.) Is clash of personalities a possible cause of conflict?
Yes No
4.) Is management style a possible cause of conflict?
Yes No
5.) Is lack of communication a possible cause of conflict?
Yes No
6.) Is competition for scarce resources a possible cause of
Yes No
7.) Are you aware of the strategies available for conflict
Yes No
8.) Do you think conflict arises between younger employees
more than older employees?
Yes No
9.) Does your organization have the resources to manage
Yes No

10.) What are the consequences that your organization faces

when conflict arises within the organization?

Decrease in Productivity
Affect on organizations working environment
Grouping among employees
Poor service to customers/clients

11.) What do you think is the major difference that leads to

Values Attitudes Work load

Needs Other, please specify ______________

12.) Are conflicts ignored?

Yes No

13.) Avoidance is where management chooses to ignore the conflict and

hopes both parties resolve the situation themselves.

Does Wonka Limited Company use this strategy?

Yes No

14.) Smoothing is when conflict is acknowledged but there are no

real issues to resolve since it is minor.

Does Wonka Limited Company use this strategy?

Yes No

15.) . Compromise entails both parties giving up something in order

to gain something which does not fully satisfy either party.

Does Wonka Limited Company use this strategy?

Yes No

16.) Collaboration occurs when management promotes mutual problem

solving by both parties.

Does Wonka Limited Company use this strategy?

Yes No
17.) Confrontation involves both parties coming together to verbalize
their positions and disagreements.

Does Wonka Limited Company use this strategy?

Yes No
18.) If you selected yes for any of the 5 previous questions
please state why and when do you think they should
employ the strategy chosen.


19.) Are the strategies used effective?

Yes No Sometimes

20.) What minimizes conflict within the organization?

Respect for others

Encouraging teamwork
Empowering people
Greater communication


2.) Management of Business Unit 1, Stimpson and

Singh 2007

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