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CMSC 4323-01 Database Processing

Fall 2010

Course Description
This course is intended to teach the fundamentals of a database management system. Students will
learn how to design, create, and implement a database using real-life scenarios. Upon completion of
this course, the student will understand when and where a database can be used to store and maintain
quality data. Diagramming techniques will be discussed to demonstrate good design principles and
communication techniques. SQL (Structured Query Language) will be used heavily throughout the
course to perform both DDL (data definition language) and DML (data manipulation language) tasks.
Finally students will learn how databases can be employed in end-user environments through database
connectivity and programmed applications.

Course Format
This course is a “hybrid” format; that is it has an in classroom component, and an online component. As
such, we will meet face-to-face in the classroom only once a week. Online assignments will be given for
the remainder of the week.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this class, the student should be able to do the following:

 Discuss the advantages of a DBMS over file system data management

 Demonstrate the ability to understand a business need for a relational database, and design a
system that meets the business requirements.
 Discuss the importance of fundamental database design concepts, and the role of normalization
of data.
 Demonstrate the ability to represent and communicate a database design through diagrams
 Demonstrate the ability to use SQL to create a database, database objects, and queries
 Demonstrate the ability to write optimal queries with indexing
 Discuss the importance of transaction management in maintaining data quality
 Discuss the tools of database connectivity, and the external application creation
 Discuss different implementations of DBMS in businesses, and the Internet
Title: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management. 9th Ed.
Authors: Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, and Peter Rob
ISBN-13: 9780538469685

Instructor: Jimmy Young
Availability: E-mail is the best way to contact me. I will respond within one
day. My office is on the 3rd floor of the Beam Library in the North Institute. I
am on the staff in IT Services as well, so I am on campus all day. I can meet
almost anytime M-F 8-5 unless I am working with another faculty member.
Office: 425-1857

Grading Scale

A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%

Grade Weighting

Three exams 50%

Chapter quizzes 10%
Weekly homework 10%
Weekly participation grades 10%
Final Project 20%

The two lowest quiz, homework, and participation scores will not be counted.

Technology in the classroom

Laptops and handheld devices are not only encouraged in this class, they are required. We will do lots
of hands-on work on our laptops and I will ask for feedback and take attendance on the iDevices. Do not
abuse this privilege. Students who insist on online activities other than class-related work in the
classroom will sit next to the teacher at the front of the room facing the class so I can monitor their

Make sure your laptop is kept in good shape, especially the Windows side. If you are having any trouble
whatsoever with your laptop, take it to the Helpdesk. They will give you a loaner if they need to keep it
Attendance is not mandated, but due to the structure of the class will have an impact on a student’s
grade. Quizzes will be given once a week at the beginning of class, and participation grades can only be
earned in class.

Faith & Technology

I love technology just like you do, but we all know it can be used for good and for bad purposes. My
parents used to ask me when I was young what I wanted to be when I grew up. Whatever my response
they would add, “Good, but make sure to be a Christian _________,” and they would fill in the blank
with my chosen profession. It is my prayer that you will be a Christian technologist. No matter what
your chosen profession you will have the chance to influence many lives on the daily basis. Godly
people in the work place are becoming rare in this post-Christian culture. You have a unique
opportunity to show the world what Godliness looks like in your everyday life. “Dear friends, I warn you
as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your
very souls. Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you
of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges
the world.” 1 Peter 2:11-13 (New Living Translation)

Americans with Disabilities

If you have a diagnosed disability and need special accommodations, please notify Amy Janzen (x5907)
before or immediately after your first scheduled class meeting. After your disability has been verified,
your instructor will work with you, with Amy, and with the Office of the Vice President of Academic
Affairs to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in
the course

Don’t do it. If you are caught cheating you will receive a grade of zero on the exam or assignment, and
the Dean of the College of Professional Studies and the Dean of Students will be notified. A second
offense will result in an F in the course.

Portions of assignments will be open book or group work. In those instances the individual student or
the student group respectively must create the work. You can use any material such as books, notes,
Internet, but you cannot use the help of another human being. The work must be your own or the
group’s, otherwise the sanctions above will apply.

Tentative Course Schedule

This is a “hybrid” course in that half of the classroom meetings are face-to-face and the other half are
online in Blackboard.
We only meet Tuesdays face-to-face in the classroom

Wee Date Topic

1 8/31 to 9/7 Chapter 1: Intro to Databases
2 9/8 to 9/14 Chapter 2: Data Modeling
3 9/15 to 9/21 Chapter 7: Intro to SQL
4 9/22 to 9/28 Test #1 on 9/28
5 9/30 to 10/5 Chapter 3: Relational Database Modeling
6 10/6 to 10/12 Chapter 4: Entity Relationship Modeling
Project Intro & Group Assignments
7 10/13 to 10/19 Chapter 5: Advanced Data Modeling
8 10/20 to 10/26 Chapter 6: Normalization
Project Part 1 Due on 10/26
9 10/27 to 11/2 Test #2 on 11/2
10 11/3 to 11/9 Chapter 8: Advanced SQL
11 11/10 to 11/16 Chapter 9: Systems Design

12 11/17 to 11/23 Chapter 10: Transaction Management and Concurrency Control

Project Part 2 Due on 11/23
13 11/24 to 11/30 Chapter 14: Database Connectivity & Applications
14 12/1 to 12/7 Review
15 12/14 Test #3 (Final) – 3:10pm to 5:00pm

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