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Think, Pair, Share Wants/Needs Lesson Plan

Language Objectives:
SWBAT provide a written explanation backing up their reasoning for how they ranked the
list of survival items

Content Objectives:
SWBAT verbally differentiate between a need and a want

Introduction (background knowledge):

A few different examples- show needs and wants in same example
Make a T-chart on the board as students share their answers.

Following the video ask the class: what is a want? What is a need?

Teach (book):
Choral read a book about wants and needs. Separate and read the book one more time with a
partner and then each set of partners will make their own example of a need and a want on the
last page of the book. As they read/work students will underline vocabulary as they go and we
will discuss the definitions of unknown words after.

Assess (activity):
Teachers will share a scenario with the students about being stranded on an island. The
students will be given a list of materials and told to label them in order of their importance. Our
focus table will be given a list of ten items with pictures while the rest of the class will have a list
of ten items to rank without pictures. After ordering their items they will write a short explanation
of their decisions. (This list will be provided in Spanish with pictures next to them to help
students who do not speak Spanish)
The class will come back together as a whole and have a discussion about the activity.
Questions to ask each table group?
Why is it important to learn about wants and needs? What difficulties did you have when
completing this task? How do you think ELL students in your class will feel? What do they need
to succeed? Does he want English or need English to understand?

Ests varado en una isla ... qu quieres tener contigo?

Instrucciones: clasifique los siguientes elementos de los ms importantes (1) a los menos
importantes (10) con los que se va a quedar.
(Youre stranded on an island what do you want to have with you?
Directions: Rank the following items from most important (1) to the least important (10) items to
be stranded with.)

Artculos de supervivencia (survival Items)

__ Tienda de campana __ Encendedor

__ Cuerda
__ Cobija

__ cuchillo
__ Gafas

__ Libro __ Galon de Agua

__ Linterna
__ Papel higienico

Ests varado en una isla ... qu quieres tener contigo?

Instrucciones: clasifique los siguientes elementos de los ms importantes (1) a los menos
importantes (10) con los que se va a quedar.

Artculos de supervivencia

__ Tienda de campana
__ Encendedor
__ Cuerda
__ Cobija
__ Gafas
__ Cuchillo
__ Libro
__ Galon de Agua
__ papel higienico
__ Linterna

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