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8/27/2010 Summaries of Civil Society Consultation…

Summaries of Civil Society Consultations in

Preparation for the UPR of the United States
The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique process which involves a review of the human rights records of
all 192 UN Member States once every four years. The review of the United States will be in November 2010.
As part of its preparation, the Department of State, with other federal agencies, has been conducting
consultations in selected cities across the United States.

Below are the Schedule and Summaries (in PDF format) of UPR Civil Society Consultations.
For more additional information about about the United States’ efforts to prepare for our review at the 2010
United Nations Human Rights Council, please see the State Department’s UPR webpage

ew Orleans Date: Jan. 27, 2010

Location: Xavier University
Host Organization: Equity and Inclusion
Summary of New Orleans Consultation*

Washington, DC Date: Feb. 19, 2010

Location: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Host Organizations: LCCHR, ACLU
Summary of Washington, DC Consultation*

YC Date: Feb 26, 2010

Location: Columbia University
Host Organization: Columbia University Human Rights Institute
Partner Organizations: National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, Urban
Justice Center
Summary of New York Consultation*

El Paso Date: Mar. 8, 2010

Location: Camino Real Hotel

Host Organizations: Border Network for Human Rights; Human Rights First
Summary of El Paso Consultation*

ew Mexico Date: March 16, 2010

Location: UNM Law School
Host Organization: American Indian Law Center, Navajo Nation
Consulting Organization: International Indian Treaty Council

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8/27/2010 Summaries of Civil Society Consultation…
Summary of Albuquerque and Window Rock Consultations*

SF /Berkeley Date: Mar. 25-26, 2010

Location: Berkeley, University of San Francisco School of Law
Host organizations: USF School of Law, DREDF, WILD for Human Rights
Summary of Berkeley Consultation*
Summary of San Francisco Consultation*

Detroit/Dearborn Date: April 7, 2010

Location: Wayne State Law School
Host organizations: NAACP, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Summary of Detroit Consultation*

Chicago Date: April 13-14, 2010

Location: John Marshall Law School
Host Organizations: Housing Action Illinois, John Marshall Law School
Summary of Chicago Consultation*
Summary of Department of Homeland Security/Community Roundtable*

Birmingham Date: April 22-23, 2010

Location: Grace Episcopal Church
Host Organizations: Greater Birmingham Ministries, Alabama ARISE
Summary of Birmingham Consultation*

Washington, DC Date: April 28, 2010

Location: Bingham McCutchen LLP
Host organization: Human Rights First, Human Rights Watch, Open Society
Summary of Washington, DC Consultation*

Washington, DC Date: April 30, 2010

Location: The Federalist Society
Host organization: Federalist Society
Summary of Washington, DC Consultation*

*These consultation summaries are not transcripts, and they are not intended to capture everything that was said.
Moreover, they may contain some inaccuracies and may omit some points that speakers considered important.
These summaries are based on what was captured by government notetakers and are intended as brief
overviews of some of the key points made by civil society speakers.

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