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Technology and Livelihood Education


Module 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Everyone has their own ambition, dream, desire, and vision in life so as to
become rich, to become successful, and to be popular. The easiest and fastest way to
reach your goal is to get involved with the entrepreneurial activities. No requirements
needed. But how can I become one entrepreneur? The answer is, It begins with
yourself. Try to examine your own personality and compare with the Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) of a successful entrepreneur. Then, again ask
yourself if you are ready to enter into the world of business. And if your answer is yes,
take this reminder: Successful entrepreneurs continuously develop and improve
their PECs.
EXPLORE Your Understanding

Essential Question

- How does one ensure success in a chosen career?

Content Standard

- The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial

Competencies (PECs)

Performance Standard

- The learner prepares an activity plan that addresses his/her development

areas based on his/her PECs and improves further his/her areas of strength.

Guide Questions:

1. Why is there a need to assess ones personal characteristics, attributes, lifestyles,

skills and traits?

2. What are the personal entrepreneurial competencies of a successful


3. Why is it necessary to compare ones personal characteristics, attributes,

lifestyles, skills and traits to the personal entrepreneurial competencies of a
successful entrepreneur?

4. How do you relate your PECs to the PECs of a successful entrepreneur?

5. Based on the data gathered from the interview with the successful entrepreneur
in your community, how do you develop your PECs to become one?

6. Can you prepare an action plan that addresses your areas of development and
strength based on your PECs?

7. How does your action plan help sustain your strong areas and or address your
development areas based on your PECs?
Pre- Assessment

A. 1. Matching Type. Direction: Match Column A with Column B

Column A Column B

1. fairness a. Be accountable for your choices

2. responsibility b. Obey laws and rules
3. caring c. Build a good reputation
4. citizenship d. Help people in need
5. trustworthiness e. Take turns and share

2. Multiple Choice. Directions: Your answers from the given situation. Read and

write your answer in your notebook.

Mrs. Gene Magtibay formerly a practitioner of her profession, a nurse. For so

many years of exercising his profession, she decided to go into business venture. Let

us guide her to become an entrepreneur by answering the following questions:

1. What should she do in starting a business?

a. Study the concepts and principles of entrepreneurial skills.
b. Undergo training on entrepreneurial skills.
c. Know what characteristics are needed to become one entrepreneur.
d. All of the above are possible answers.

2. How does Mrs. Magtibay fund her future business?

a. Seek for assistance of the financial institutions.
b. Borrow money from friends and relatives.
c. Avail the government program on financing micro-macro business.
d. All of the above are possible answers.

3. If her business idea is day care center, what qualities of a future entrepreneur she
must possess?
a. Patient
b. Hardworker
c. Risk-taker
d. All of the above are possible answer.

4. Which of the following is NOT considered as her characteristic of being an

a. Coping with failure
b. Irritated
c. Persistent
d. Opportunity seeker

5. If she wants to expand her business, what characteristics she must possess?
a. Opportunity seeking
b. Goal setting
c. Futuristic
d. All of the above are possible answer.

B. Self- Assessment
Directions: From the following 10 pairs of sentences, choose either A or B, depending
on which statement most reflects your personal views. Kindly mark your response (A or
B) for each pair of sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A) I do my work by myself.
B) I do my work in the company of friends so that I can get their opinion on what I
should do.
2. A) I do not care if I succeed in life or not, as long as others think Im successful.
B) I care about what happens to me and I plan how I could succeed in my life, no
matter what others think.
3. A) I go with a good idea if others go with it.
B) I test an idea, whether good or bad, before I decide that it is correct.
4. A) I am uncomfortable when I am with my friends because I think I am not as good
as them.
B) I like being with my friends because I feel I am equal to them.
5. A) I worry about how I look externally.
B) I do not worry about how I look like because whats important is my inner self.
6. A) If I fail, I am sure its somebody elses fault and not mine.
B) If I fail, I shall analyze why I failed and take responsibility for my failure.
7. A) I am proud of my parents because of what they stand for, even though they are
not rich.
B) I am proud of my parents because they are rich and powerful.
8. A) I wish that I could inherit a comfortable house to live in, without working for it.
B) If I get to have a comfortable house to live in, it is because I worked hard for it.
9. A) I think I can learn from all experiences, whether big or small, in my day-to-day life.
B) I think there is nothing to learn from day-to-day experiences, except for the
extraordinary ones that hit me.
10. A) Id like to spend my days relaxing with my friends and without any worries.
B) Id like to spend my days doing work that I feel is important and I think about how
I will succeed someday.

C. Evaluation
Scoring for internal strength. The test consisted of 10 pairs of sentences. From
each pair, you chose one, either A or B. Here is the score sheet for what you chose.

1. A) I can work by myself. 2
B) I do my work in the company of friends so that I can get their 1
opinion on what I should do.
2. A) I do not care if I succeed in life or not, as long as others think Im 1
B) I care about what happens to me and I plan how I could 2
succeed in my life, no matter what others think.
3. A) I go with a good idea if others go with it. 1
B) I test an idea, whether good or bad, before I decide that it is 2
4. A) I am uncomfortable when I am with my friends because I think I am 1
not as good as them.
B) I like being with my friends because I feel I am equal to them. 2
5. A) I worry about how I look externally. 1
B) I do not worry about how I look like because whats important 2
is my inner self.
6. A) If I fail, I am sure its somebody elses fault and not mine. 1
B) If I fail, I analyze why I failed and take responsibility for my 2
7. A) I am proud of my parents because of what they stand for, 2
even though they are not rich.
B) I am proud of my parents because they are rich and powerful. 1
8. A) I wish that I could inherit a comfortable house to live in, without 1
working for it.
B) If I get to have a comfortable house to live in, it is because I 2
worked hard for it.
9. A) I think I can learn from all experiences, whether big or small, 2
in my day-to-day life.
B) I think there is nothing to learn from day-to-day experiences, 1
except for the extraordinary ones that hit me.
10. A) Id like to spend my days relaxing with my friends and without any 1
B) Id like to spend my days doing work that I feel is important 2
and I think about how I will succeed someday.

Self- Assessment
20 16 Your inner self is very strong; you depend upon your internal self for
points: strength.
15 11 Your inner self is strong enough
10 6 points: Your inner self is somewhat strong, but you have to start checking the
statements that you chose and see if you can start to strengthen your
inner self.
5 1 points: You depend on others and on your external features to feel good about
yourself. You need very much to develop your inner self and inner


Whatever your score is, look at the explanations below and see where you need to
change in order to be more internally strong.
1. A) I can work by myself. Your inner self makes you able to work by yourself and
that is good.
2. B) I care about what happens to me and I plan how I could succeed in my life,
no matter what others think. This is the mark of a strong inner self and an inner
desire to succeed.
3. B) I test an idea, whether good or bad, before I decide that it is correct. An
internally strong person can wait while testing an idea before undertaking it. She or
he does not go ahead with an idea by feeling good about; the idea must be tried
and tested first. This is what a rational person is like.
4. B) I like being with my friends because I feel I am equal to them. This means
that you are internally strong and that you do not depend on external characteristics
to be accepted by others.
5. B) I do not worry about how I look like because whats important is my inner
self. This is a sign that you are secure about your external appearance, even if you
dont look so handsome or beautiful compared to your other friends,
6. B) If I fail, I analyze why I failed and take responsibility for my failure. This is the
sign of a strong personality: not blaming others for your mistakes. An internally
strong person is not afraid of failure and learns much from why he failed. That
person does not blame others for his failure. Instead, that person takes personal
responsibility for it, studies the situation, and lives on with better awareness.
7. A) I am proud of my parents because of what they stand for, even though they
are not rich. The internally strong person who does not depend on material things
to love and respect family members.
8. B) If I get to have a comfortable house to live in, it is because I worked hard for
it. An entrepreneur works hard for what material benefits and comforts he gains for
himself and his family.
9. A) I think I can learn from all experiences, whether big or small, in my day-to-
day life. An entrepreneur learns from all the experiences and challenges she has
faced in life.
10. B) Id like to spend my days doing work that I feel is important and I think
about how I will succeed someday. An entrepreneur works wholeheartedly in his
projects and even worries about it sometimes.

D. Evaluating your Personal Entrepreneurial Characteristics (PECs).

Directions: On the first column are the lists of your possible Personal Entrepreneurial
Characteristics (PECs) that can be considered as entrepreneurial qualities. Check the
appropriate column describing your own PECs.

My Personal
Entrepreneurial Strengths To be Explanation
Characteristics in
Opportunity Seeking
Decision maker

Did you enjoy examining yourself if you can be a successful entrepreneur

someday based on the given pre- assessment of your own Personality and the Personal
Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) of an entrepreneur? Now this time, the next
stage on the Firm- Up your understanding will give you more ability to know how to
become a successful entrepreneur. So, dare your intensity level of knowing the content
of PECs.

FIRM-UP Your Understanding

Lesson 1. What is Character

Now, you will learn about what is character. Character defines as the totality of a
person's moral and mental qualities. Such qualities can be seen in many different ways
that characterize a person.
There are six pillars of character in a human being:
1. Trustworthiness
Be honest Dont deceive, cheat or steal Be reliable do what you say youll do
Have the courage to do the right thing Build a good reputation Be loyal stand by
your family, friends and country
2. Respect
Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule Be tolerant of differences Use good
manners, not bad language Be considerate of the feelings of others Dont threaten,
hit or hurt anyone Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
3. Responsibility
Do what you are supposed to do Persevere: keep on trying! Always do your best
Use self-control Be self-disciplined Think before you act consider the
consequences Be accountable for your choices
4. Fairness
Play by the rules Take turns and share Be open-minded; listen to others Dont take
advantage of others Dont blame others carelessly
5. Caring
Be kind Be compassionate and show you care Express gratitude Forgive others
Help people in need
6. Citizenship
Do your share to make your school and community better Cooperate Get involved in
community affairs Stay informed; vote Be a good neighbor Obey laws and rules
Respect authority Protect the environment

What is Character
Character is something that is inside you which people see no matter how hard
you hide it. Saying that someone has character means a lot; it is the biggest
compliment a person can ever have from someone else.
Character is a combination of traits that show strong ethical principles and
maturity in a person. Ethical principles are standards for right or wrong behavior that a
person values highly.
Your true character will show whether people are watching you or not. Character gives
you the inner strength and courage to do the right thing all the time. This in truth makes
you confident that you are doing the right thing and that you are at peace with yourself
no matter how hard the situation will be.

Activity 1: Directions: Select someone in your community whom you think has a strong
character. After your interview, answer the questions in the spaces found below.
A. What internal characteristics and physical features of this person led you to
believe he or she is a person of character?








B. What is the influence of this person on you?






The Character Test

Your inner strength and character come most especially from your conscious
effort to think about and put your values into practice in positive ways. In time, putting
your values into action becomes automatic. That is how the good habits of a strong
person are developed. Perhaps you do not practice some of the pillars of character yet.
The activity below will point you in the right direction.

Activity 2: Take a look at the checklist on the six pillars of character and check the
column that best describes you. Read and write your in a provided activity sheet
Trustworthiness Yes, I Still to be
am developed
I am honest
I dont deceive, cheat or steal
I am reliable
I do what I say Ill do
I have courage to do the right thing
I build a good reputation
I am loyal
I stand by my family, friends and country

Respect Yes, I Still to be

am developed
Treat others with respect; I follow the Golden Rule
I am tolerant of differences in people
I use good manners, not bad language
I am considerate of the feelings of others
I dont threaten, hit or hurt anyone
I deal peacefully with anger, insults and

Responsibility Yes, I am Still to be

I do what I am supposed to do
I persevere: I keep on trying!
I always do my best
I use self-control
I am self-disciplined
I think before I act
I consider the consequences of my decisions and actions
I am accountable for my choices
Fairness Yes, I Still to be
am developed cus
s to
I play by the rules the
I take my turn and share ss
I am open-minded; I listen to others yy
I dont take advantage of others sho
I dont blame others carelessly dev
p those characters.
Citizenship Yes, I Still to be
am developed
I do my share to make my school and community
I cooperate with others
I get involved in community affairs ss
I stay informed on
I am a good neighbor
I obey laws and rules ntr
I respect authority epr
I protect the environment eur
Are you still asking yourself if you can be a full-pledged entrepreneur? Are you
still in the midst of blankness of what is the real stand of an entrepreneur in the society?
Who they really are? Are they useful individuals? Are you ready to accept the lifetime
duties and responsibilities of an entrepreneur and as an important object in the
development of your countrys economic status?

Entrepreneur is somewhat re-inventing yourself into the business world. You

should start remaking something old for entrepreneurial instead of waiting for an open-
handed person to fund and help you set up your own business undertaking. Sometimes
you may fail, but most often you do well. You do not care about the coming stumbling
block, instead you treat this breakdown as a springboard to your goal. Can you do that?
If you are prepared to the world of business, you should possess the desirable
characteristics of an entrepreneur. The following are the primary characteristics of an
entrepreneur which are classified according to its cluster.

Achievement Cluster Planning Cluster Power Cluster

Persistence Goal Oriented Self-Confidence

Opportunity seeking Information seeking Demonstrating
Hard working Systematic planning initiative
Coping uncertainty and monitoring Persuasion and
Coping with failure Building for the networking
Risk-taking future Responding to
Setting own feedbacks
standards Building on

Achievement Cluster
1. Persistence. Differences in opinion and judgment. Your opponent can surely be
a part of rejection on what you intend to do for the success of your endeavor. As
an entrepreneur, you must be firm, strong-willed, and stick to your own belief.

2. Hardworking. If you are determined to run your own business, you must
concentrate on your work either as a producer or a seller. The success of your
business depends on how much time and effort you will spend on it.

3. Opportunity Seeking. When a person gets hold of the chance to build or

improve his chosen career, he will take this opportunity with no second thoughts.
He keeps on trying in order to achieve his ambition.

4. Coping with uncertainty. Once you choose to pursue your vision to be a

significantly useful entrepreneur, you should know how to handle unusual events
which may happen in the business. These include problems in managing
personnel who may be tempted to steal funds or goods from the business,
problems on delivery of goods and services, problems on production because of
unavailability of human and non-human resources needed to reach the expected
output at a given period of time, and other uncertainties that an entrepreneur may
encounter. You must be patient in dealing with this kind of uncertainty.

5. Coping with failure. Learn from your mistakes is what we always say. As an
entrepreneur, you must learn how to deal with those frustrations and loses and
turn these into productive learning experiences.

6. Risk-taking. Risk sometimes can not be anticipated. If accidents happen, you

must accept these challenges and work them out or set alternatives. Examples of
these unavoidable circumstances are risk of typhoons, fires, earthquakes, floods,
and the obsolescence of product. These risks may result to loss of your business
or bankruptcy. However, whatever risk you may encounter, dont give up! Instead,
reduce by getting insurances and taking alternative action like converting unsold
products into something trendy.

Planning Cluster

1. Goal-oriented. An entrepreneur is a futuristic. You must have an advanced

preparation for the success of your business. You must set along-term goal for
the activities need, an extensive preparation for the production process that you
need to acquire, human and non-human resources and procedures. Everything
in your business will be set clearly, organized, and planned depending on the
goal you want to achieve.

2. Information seeking. The rapid development of our country today is

immensely noticeable. You need to be globally competitive in terms of learning
new things, and the acquiring technologies which are essential in producing
goods and services. As an entrepreneur, you must be well-versed in all aspects
of business schemes. Information can be sought from skilled individuals who are
directly engaged in the same ground of business.

3. Systematic planning and monitoring. This involves developing and using

logical, step-by-step plans to reach goals, evaluation alternatives, monitoring
progress, and switching to alternative strategies for the goal you want to achieve.

4. Building for the future. Once a person enters in a line of business, you must
understand that you are in a non stop contract that an entrepreneur should
understand. It may take several years to build up business income to a
reasonable standard. The goal for most successful business people is to build a
secure job and income for themselves which is based on their own ability.
5. Setting own standards. As an entrepreneur, you must always consider the
satisfaction of customer in such a way that qualitative product or service is
ensured all the time.

Power Cluster
1. Self-Confidence. You must have a strong faith in your ability despite the
problems that you will encounter along the way.

2. Demonstrating initiative. A successful entrepreneur takes initiative. You must

put yourself in position where you are personally responsible for failure of
success of your business venture.

3. Persuasion and networking. These include the use of deliberate strategies to

influence or persuade others and the utilization of business and personal
contacts to accomplish own objectives. These are characteristics you should
develop to succeed in your endeavor.

4. Responding to feedbacks. You must be concerned to know how well you are
doing and keep track of your performance. You must obtain useful feedback and
advice from others.

5. Building on strengths. Successful business people base their work on

strengths. Use your manual skills, knowledge in creating products or services,
knowledge in trading product/service, ability to make and use of network of
contacts to build your entrepreneurial venture.

Activity 1.
Directions: Choose from the list below the characteristics and traits that best describe
your personality as a future entrepreneur and explain why. Write your answers in a
provided activity sheet or in your notebook or discuss to the class. In case your
entrepreneurial characteristics are not mentioned in the word pool below, make your
own list.
Creative Resourceful Persistent Organized Independent

Confident Risk taker observant Competent Trustworthy

Optimistic Passionate flexible Sensitive Committed

Dynamic Efficient hardworking Decision-maker Reliable

Knowledgeable Persevering decisive Strong minded Courteous

Activity 2. Lets do another checking of your understanding. Try to design a

concept map indicative of the traits and skills that you should possess in order to
succeed, say for example as an encoder, as a cook, as a beautician, or as an
Directions: Fill in each petal of the flower below with your traits/skills needed to
become a successful encoder, cook, beautician, electrician, or your own chosen career
as ______ and write inside the inner circle your career choice.
DEEPEN Your Understanding

Lesson 1. Developing My Character into Personal Entrepreneurial


You do not need to be a scientist, a professional, or a graduate in different

courses to become an entrepreneur. As long as you believe in yourself, have talent or
skill, and possess entrepreneurial characteristics, Yes! You can be one.

Your individual characteristics can be transformed into purposeful

entrepreneurial pursuit. These include lifestyles or self- scheme and attribute.

Lifestyle can help an individual in shaping up his future entrepreneurial.

Lifestyle can be turned into entrepreneurial depending on how you perceive

clearly the importance of this in the economy. Hobbies are part of lifestyle which can be
turned into business venture.

For example, if you are fond of drawing cartoon characters, you can start a
business by selling your cartoon pictures or offering graphic service to the producer of
animated films. A trivial personal activity like chatting with friends the whole day may
leak out into something functional like putting up an internet caf.

Attribute may be classified into inherent characteristics, accidental

characteristics, or characteristics by cause. These can be also become changed into
entrepreneurial activities.
Example: Inherent Characteristics. (Natural entrepreneur)

If your family belongs to the fields of designing like Craftsman, field marshal or
inventor or a born entrepreneur in different fields which will be leaned to the
entrepreneurial style of endeavor, he can easily manage and handle his own business
productively and profitably.

Accidental Characteristics (Entrepreneur by chance)

If you find yourself unemployed, has difficulty in finding job, it is the time for you
to shift to another work- the entrepreneurship. Once you have decided to be one
entrepreneur, you must be totally turned yourself into entrepreneurial endeavor. You
may become an entrepreneur by chance, but you will need to go on planning,
preparation, time, effort, and capital as much as possible or if you can recycle a used
product into something creative and innovative product, you can engage in the business

Characteristics by cause. (Acquired from friends)

Your friends convinced you to create something profit-making items. Because of

pakikisama they took you out to variety of items made by other entrepreneurs. With
this, you and your friends created marketable items and started selling different designs
of your products. So, through friends you can venture a business.

Lesson 2. Practitioner as an Entrepreneur Versus A Natural


Who are practitioners in (Civil Technology) and how do they differing from
natural entrepreneurs in the field of(Civil Technology)?
Practitioner entrepreneurs are individuals who practice a learned profession
and turned his profession into entrepreneurial activity, while Natural entrepreneurs
are those individuals with natural talent or gifted individuals in a particular skill where
they accidentally discover and need to be developed so that they can build his own

The table below shows the differences between a practitioner- entrepreneur and natura

Practitioner- entrepreneur Natural entrepreneur

1. Professional 1. Anybody can be.

2. Educated individual 2.Skilled individual

3. Need to be trained in order to 3.Possess entrepreneurial

possess entrepreneurial skills,
knowledge, and attitude to become Characteristics
an entrepreneur

4. Has an area of expertise 4.Can create new things

5. Limited scope in entrepreneurial 5.Revive old one into something

6. He/ She needs capital to start a 6.Can create products from recycled
and wasted materials.
7.Entrepreneur by nature
8.Can start a business even without

Activity 1. Directions: From the testimonies of a practitioner-entrepreneur and a

natural entrepreneur. List down their PECs and compare yourself as a natural
entrepreneur and as a practitioner-entrepreneur in the same area of specialization or
skill. Then, choose from the two entrepreneurs you think is a good example and
explain why?

Practitioner-entrepreneur Natural entrepreneur Me as an entrepreneur

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

6. 6. 6.

7. 7. 7.

8. 8. 8.

9. 9. 9.

10. 10 10

TRANSFER Of Learning
As you have passed through all about yourself being a natural entrepreneur
and a practitioner-entrepreneur, your self-assessment on your personality traits,
you have also supplied with information on Personal Entrepreneurial
Competencies, in this segment you must prove how far you can do in accepting
that this will definitely be my lifetime endeavor for me and for my family.

Culminating Activity 1. Directions: Your answer from self- assessment D written on

column 3, how do you develop your Personal Entrepreneurial Characteristics? Write
your answer on the last column provided for.
My Personal
Entrepreneurial Culm
Strengths To be Explanation
Characteristics in inati
ng A
Creative ctivit

Hardworking y 2.
s fro
Confident m th
Committed e res

Persistent ult of
Opportunity Seeking
g 1, t
an action plan based on the results of the areas of development of PECs. The following
format is made for you. You can improve or change depending on how you construct
your own action plan.

Sample Action Plan

Specific Purpose Statement: ( Your vision of your future)

Ex. To be a successful entrepreneur in my own chosen career in the near future

Measures Reward/
Focus Current Actions
Of Timing Recognition
Area Situation Goal Required
My I am -Exercise Achieve -Selling -During -Earns
Personal enrolled developed outstanding finished culminating expected
Entrepre- in my PECs performance products activities income
neurial chosen during from the -After -First place
Competen career. selling and culminating learning in the skills
cies producing activities of the competition
products/ my chosen principles
services career. and
-specialize -Participate theories of
in my skill In skills my chosen
that I have competition career
chosen sponsored
by the NGO
and GO


Based on the results of your pre-assessment, this post-assessment is designed

for you to reach the highest level of understanding previous lessons in this module.
Good Luck!
A. 1. Matching Type. Direction: Match Column A with Column B

Column A Column B

1.fairness a.Be accountable for your choices

2.responsibility b.Obey laws and rules
3.caring c.Build a good reputation
4.citizenship d.Help people in need
5.trustworthiness e.Take turns and share

2. Multiple Choice. Directions: Your answers from the given situation. Read and

write your answer in your notebook.

Mrs. Gene Magtibay formerly a practitioner of her profession, a nurse. For so

many years of exercising his profession, she decided to go into business venture. Let

us guide her to become an entrepreneur by answering the following questions:

1.What should she do?

a. Study the concepts and principles of entrepreneurial skills.
b.Undergo training on entrepreneurial skills.
c.Know what characteristics are needed to become one entrepreneur.
d.All of the above are possible answers.

2.How does Mrs. Magtibay fund her future business?

a. Seek for assistance of the financial institutions.
b.Borrow money from friends and relatives.
c.Avail the government program on financing micro-macro business.
d.All of the above are possible answers.

3.If her business idea is day care center, what qualities of a future entrepreneur she
must possess?
a. Patient
d.All of the above are possible answer.

4. Which of the following is NOT considered as her characteristic of being an

a. Coping with failure
c.Opportunity seeker
5. If she wants to expand her business, what characteristics she must possess?
a.Opportunity seeking
b.Goal setting
d.All of the above are possible answer.

If you successfully reached the 100% awareness of this module, your future
business seems to be on the box of success. Congratulations! If not, try again and
review this module. Examine what part of lesson needs to be developed and
Self- Check.

Module 1. Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Pre-assessment/ Post- assessment

A. 1. Matching Type






2. Multiple Choice

1. d





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