Floppys Phonics 3a Quick Quick

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Floppys Phonics Stage 3 Quick, quick.

Name............................................................. Room.............................................
Word List

Read the words to your teacher.

quick ball shot off

luck wham said Kipper

stuck me but what

ouch still Biff rang

big stick will this

her jack him out

duck call hut dig

hall muck pig cut

nut wall suck tuck

Well done!!!

quick ________________ _________________ ________________

ball ________________ _________________ ________________

shot ________________ _________________ ________________

off ________________ _________________ ________________

stuck ________________ _________________ ________________

ouch ________________ _________________ ________________

jack ________________ _________________ ________________

wham ________________ _________________ ________________

When you have read the words three times to your teacher you can colour in
the box.

Sounds to think about:


Say and write the words;

sack _____ ______ ______

duck ______ ______ ______

backpack ___________ ____________ ____________

lick ______ ______ ______

black ______ ______ ______

Pages 1-5 Choose the correct word.

The ball shot ________ off / on.

I can get it. said _________ Chip / Kipper.

But Kipper got ________ stick / stuck.

Biff ran to get her ______ Mum / Dad.

Kipper is stuck, said _______ Wilf / Biff

Draw the picture of Chip on page 6.

Pages 6- 10
Put the story in order.

He is still stuck, said Biff.

I can get him out, said Dad.

Mum got a big stick.

Dad rang Mum.

Who said it?

Page 1 Bad luck.


Page 2 I can get it.

Page 4
Quick, quick.


Page 5 Kipper is stuck, said ___________

Page 6 Ouch, ouch.


Page 11
Will this do?

Page 11 Ouch, said ________________. I am still stuck.

Pages 14
This jack will get him out.

Page 16

Draw the picture and label it.

Dad Mum Chip Kipper Biff Wilf Wilma Floppy Wilmas dad.
Pages 12 - 14

Unscramble the sentences.

ran get Dad. to Wima her

said Wilma. Kipper stuck is

jack. got dad Wilmas his

Page 15 16

What did Dad say?

Pages 11 16

Kipper is stuck, said Wilma

Dad was stuck.

Kipper got out.

Wilmas dad got his jack.

Look at the pictures.

Yes or No?

But Kipper got stuck. ________

Wilma ran to get Dad. ________

Mum rang Dad. ________

Dad got a big stick. ____________

Wilf ran to get his Dad. _________

Wilmas mum got her jack. ___________

Draw Mum helping Kipper (pages 10 + 11)

Ouch, said Kipper. I am still stuck.

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