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Morgan Logan

Performance Response Assessment

Name: Morgan Logan

Grade: Kindergarten

Subject/topic: Health Education

Title of unit: Healthy Habits

Learning Objectives
What learning objectives from your unit outline will be assessed with your constructed response

SWBT: Apply healthy and unhealthy hygiene practices

SWBT: Construct the five food groups on the food plates

SWBT: Collect information from a book and display their findings to the class

SWBT: Categorize between healthy and unhealthy food physically

What type of information will this assessment provide you?

This assessment will inform me about my students knowledge on health education. This assessment will
also provide feedback on what my students need to spend more time on.

When in your unit will you use this assessment?

I will use this assessment at the end of the unit. This will allow students to be prepared and gather all of the
information they learned and put it to use.

How will you incorporate student voice into at least one of your performance assessments?
On the long term assessment I am allowing my students to pick out their own book in the library as long
as it relates to health education. This allows students to explore and choose a topic that they are interested in.
Morgan Logan
Performance tasks
1 structured task
Build the food plate using the materials provided. (Students will be given a laminated outline of a plate
and pieces of the food plate plus a few more to challenge them. They will need to place the correct
categories of food on the food plate for full credit)
1 naturally occurring task
Does the student use healthy hygiene practices at school on a daily basis? (Students will be practicing
healthy hygiene practices at school and I will be watching and assessing them throughout the year. I
will create a healthy hygiene chart for the students to self-check themselves. There will also be posters
around the room and we have spent a great amount of time talking and practicing healthy hygiene
1 longer-term task
Students will choose a book from the library that relates to health education and create a poster
highlighting the main points and present it to the class (One example would be a book about brushing
teeth and a student can create a poster on the positive and negative effects on brushing teeth.
1 simulation task
I will bring in 10-15 different food items to class and students will need to separate the food items into
healthy and unhealthy food categories. Example:
Healthy Unhealthy
Morgan Logan

Additional Items
Long-term Task
Category Needs Developing Good Excellent
Student selects 1 2 3 4
appropriate book Student does not Student selects a Student selects Student selects
for assignment select a book book but it does book but health accurate books
not align with education is not and fits perfectly
objectives the main focus with health
Student 1 2 3 4
highlights the Student fails to Student has a Student is able Student correctly
main points of highlight main difficult time to identify three identifies five or
the book points of the identifying the of the main more main points
book main points of the points but does in the book
book and not identify
highlights one them all
Information 1 2 3 4
relates to health Student does not Student relates Student is able Student correctly
education relate health education to relate relates the
information to to book but it information to information to
health education does not health education health education
correlate and the but needs and does not need
poster is off topic clarification and guidance
Students 1 2 3 4
presents Student fails to Student presents Student presents Student presents
information to present poster to the poster to the the poster to the the poster to the
the class class class but does not class but class and does not
show knowledge struggles need guidance
of information explaining 1-2
Morgan Logan

Reflection Questions:

1. The Assessment edTPA competency for teacher candidates states:

Candidates individually and/or collaboratively design and implement a wide range of assessment
strategies to inform instruction and support student learning within and across academic content
How does the final version of your performance assessment provide evidence that you have met or are
beginning to meet this competency?
My final version of my performance response assessment is evidence that I have met/beginning to meet this
competency because this assessment supports student learning and informs instruction. My learning objectives
and questions align with the common core state standards. I also followed the directions and correctly created
a performance assessment that will efficiently and accurately assess my students. My students will have
background knowledge to complete each assessment and are capable to complete each assessment.

2. In what ways could you plan for and engage students in opportunities to articulate the learning targets
related to your assessment, monitor their own progress, and identify the support they need to achieve
the learning targets?
There are multiple ways to engage my students to articulate the learning targets related to my assessment. One
way is have the leaning targets posted in the classroom, so students are aware of what they are. Another way is
to talk about the learning targets prior to the assessment and talk about how they will be assessment. This
allows students to think about their role and how they will achieve the learning. One way that students can
monitor their progress is through daily activities as well as charts that I will be posting around the classroom.
Students will need to make note of their progress on these charts, so it will be beneficial to them as well as for
me. This will also allow them to identify the support they need and find ways to achieve the learning targets.

3. What problems did you encounter while you were working on this assessment? How did you solve
I had a difficult time thinking about a simulation question because of my subject area. I created a checklist and
make note of everything that I wanted to assess and what I hadnt assessed yet. One of my weaknesses was
creating a rubric. I had a difficult time creating part of my rubric because I wanted to be precise and connect to
the assessment. I created two different rubrics and chose the one that I felt fit best with the assessment.
Although each assessment took a while to create, I believe the assessment questions were my strength. I
enjoyed created the questions and I think they correlate well with my learning objectives

4. How did you incorporate the feedback of your peers into your final version of your assessment?
I incorporated the feedback that I received from my peers by using it in my final draft. As I revised my
assessment, I used the notes and tips that my peers provided to edit my assessment. My peers made comments
on a few of my questions and my rubric, so I changed the phrasing and took the advice they gave me.

5. What would you like to know more about concerning performance assessment?
I would like to know how often this assessment is used in schools. I remember doing projects like these in
schools, but never realized it was an assessment. I would also like to take a look at other performance
assessments to get a better idea of how to utilize this type of assessment in other subject areas.

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