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Name: Sami khan Student Number: 100887605 ECOR 4995 B

Lecture 3: The Role of Engineers Canada and PEO

- Definition of an Engineer: the professional art of applying science to the optimum
conversion of resources to benefit humanity.
- The Professional Engineer needs three
- Engineers Canada was established in 1936. It is in charge to develop nation wide
qualifications, practice and polices.
- CEQB (Canadian Engineering Qualifications Board) its purpose is to make nationwide
guidelines for Prof. Engineers, generate professional practice exams to exercise standards
of practice, ethics and competence. Moving towards a core competency based assessment
in work experience (7 bullet points). There is international committee also, which is in
charge of advising the chief executive Officer on international matters relating the
practice engineering. There are 10 more committees.
-Professional Engineers Ontario established in 1922. It sets the standards of practicing for
professional engineers in Ontario. It licenses and disciplines engineers to use the term
Engineer or Professional Engineer. PEO has 36 Chapters across Ontario. PEO sets
standards for admission of professional engineering. Develops and communicates these
standards to make sure only Prof. Engineers can be practice it.
- Licensing and Registration Criteria for a Professional Engineering certification are: a 4
year bachelor of engineering degree, 48 months of engineering experience with 12
months within Canada, pass the professional practice examination, meet language
requirements, with 3 reference and 18 years of age or elder.
- Engineering experience: Application of theory, Practical experience, management,
communication skill and social Impacts. There is a code of ethics that has to be followed
at all times.
- International work of engineers Canada. Canada is the 4th largest exporter of
engineering service. Canada gets a lot of applicants from around the world every year.
Makes its more mobile and easy access fro people out in the world. It does have to follow
5 principles to be recognized. There are two types of agreements: Education level and
Professional level. Canada has some agreements around the world at a educational level
which are: ABET, Washington Accord, Canada-France and at a professional level which
are: NAFTA, Hong Kong-Canada, Australia-Canada and Ireland-Canada.

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