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Black Belt Study Guide

Tiger Martial Arts Black Belt Prep Guide

This guide is intended as a general reference and study sheet for the written test for Shodan rank. The
following will cover Uechi-Ryu as practiced in Tiger Martial Arts, from history and lineage to forms and
kata, all technique practiced, including conditioning and exercises, kumite and bunkai, as well as
common terminology and basic info. Should you have any further questions, seek the guidance of your


Karate is the martial art native to the island of Okinawa. A great deal of trade was done between
Okinawa and China, including knowledge of various Kung Fu systems, parts of which were eventually
combined with the native Okinawan martial art at the time, simply called Te (Hand), to make what we
now know as Karate.

FACT The island known as Okinawa, as well as islands around it, used to be called the Ryukyu
Kingdom, until the 1800s when Japan made it officially part of the nation.

FACT The capitol of Okinawa is Naha city.

Karate is a word that means "Empty Hand", referring to an unarmed form of self-defense. Karate-Do
means "The way of the empty hand", referring to Karate as a way of life. Indeed, the martial arts are
known for instilling many virtues in its practitioners. These include Awareness, calmness, mental
stamina, physical strength, and of course confidence.

Karate was first introduced and taught outside of China by an Okinawan man named Gichin Funakoshi
who, like our founder Kanbun, also went to China, learned a system of Chinese boxing, and taught it to
his people. His style of Karate is called Shotokan, and is one of the main systems of Karate today.

FACT Before the nineteenth century, the written character for Karate, while still written the
same way, was pronounced as Kodite, meaning Chinese Hand. It wasnt until Japan made
Okinawa a part of the nation that the pronunciation changed to Karate, and the meaning
changed to Empty Hand.


Uechi-Ryu Karate is a classical Okinawan adapted system of Chinese boxing, or Kung-Fu. It was originally
taught as Pangainoon, meaning "Half hard and half soft", the idea being to have a hard exterior that can
take a blow and have strong defense, while at the same time having a soft interior that can move and
breathe and is still flexible. This is a defining characteristic of Uechi-Ryu, something it still stands for
Our founder Kanbun Uechi (1877 1948) Kanbuns teacher Shushiwa (1874 - 1926)

Our founder Kanbun Uechi learned Pangainoon from a Chinese man named Zhou Zi He, or Shushiwa in
English. Before teaching Pangainoon, Shushiwa is believed to have been proficient in the styles Shaolin
fist, Iron palm, and Tiger fist. Pangainoon is believed to be a combination of these styles.

FACT Kanbun studied briefly at a karate school in a migrant Okinawan community in Fuchou,
but a senior ranking student eventually drove him to leave by making fun of him for having a
speech impediment. Soon after, he met Shushiwa.

An account of Kanbuns acceptance into Shushiwas school, as told by Seiko Toyama and Kanei Uechi is as
follows. One day, Shushiwa was stricken with a massive headache. His alarmed students called upon
Kanbun to use his knowledge of medicine to alleviate Shushiwas suffering, which he did, using herbal
mixtures. After which, Kanbun was accepted into Shushiwas school in a secret ceremony called Pai Soo.

After Kanbun learned Pangainoon, he brought it to Japan, and eventually back to Okinawa and taught it
to his countrymen, more or less as he had been taught himself. Before he died, his students would re-
name the style from, then Pangainoon-Ryu, to Uechi-Ryu in his honor, as well as naming Kanbun as

FACT Kanbuns favorite pastimes were cockfighting (A game that pits two roosters against each
other in a fight to the death while spectators bet on which will win), and playing a stringed
Japanese instrument called the Samisen.

FACT Kanbuns favorite saying is All is in Sanchin, referring to his belief that everything one
needs for self deffense lies in Sanchin kata, and in that position.

Uechi-Ryu is based on the movements of three animals, the tiger, the dragon, and the crane. From the
tiger, we find strength, ferocity, and determination. From the dragon, we find speed, flexibility, and
breathing. From the crane, we find balance, and our classic circular blocking motions. There are also
particular strikes and techniques that come directly from the movements of a given animal. For example,
the Kanushiken is also known as the crane beak strike, and the Hiraken Fist is also known as the tiger

NOTE - Removed from the style are the snake and the panther. These were removed because the
techniques they brought to the style were so dangerous that many students were getting
maimed from practicing them.

Notable Students of Kanbun Uechi

Ryuyu Tomoyose, the man responsible for persuading Kanbun to continue teaching. His son,
Ryuko Tomoyose would study Karate under Kanbuns son Kanei.

Seiryo Shinjo, a man who joined Kanbuns dojo in Wakayama, Japan, shortly after it opened. All
of Seiryos sons and grandsons would continue studying Uechi-Ryu after him. The current
generations of Shinjo men are some of the leading authorities on Uechi-Ryu today.

Seiko Toyama, who moved with his family to Wakayama, Japan, at the age of 5. His father was so
impressed with Uechi-Ryu, after seeing a demonstration at Kanbuns dojo, that he put Seikos
Karate training in Kanbuns hands immediately. Seiko Toyama is the only living student of Kanbun
himself, today.

Dojo Etiquette

A Dojo, literally meaning Way Place, is the place where one trains and, as such, a student is expected to
pay the proper respect to it, and their teacher while on the mat.

Bowing to a Sensei, a senior, or anyone leading an exercise is always done with eyes down, out
of respect. One would never bow with eyes up unless they had an opponent.

Bowing to an opponent or sparring partner is always done with eyes up, or more specifically, on
your partner. It is a fighting gesture, as you can never assume you know what is about to

Bowing onto and off of the dojo floor is always done facing the pictures of the founders at the
head of the dojo.

Counting in Japanese

1. Ichi

2. Ni

3. San

4. Shi

5. Go

6. Roku
7. Sichi

8. Hatchi

9. Kyu

10. Ju

Common Terms

Dojo - Name for the training hall one studies in, literally means "Way place"

Gi - Training uniform

Obi - Belt

Shomen - Front

Ushiro - Back

Yoko - Side

Tsuki - Strike

Uchi - Strike

Geri Kick, only when paired with a directional, i.e. Shomen Geri (Front Kick), Yoko Geri (Side Kick).

Karate - "Empty Hand", referring to a weaponless form of fighting

Karate-Do - The way of the empty hand

Karate-Ka - A dedicated karate practitioner or student, one who is committed to practicing.

Kyu - Beginner, referring to rank

Dan - Advanced, referring to rank

Ryu - Style

Uechi-Ryu - Uechi style karate, a classical Okinawan adapted form of Chinese boxing

Pangainoon - The original Chinese name for the style of Karate we study, literally meaning half hard
and half soft.

Kiotsuke - Attention

Rei - Bow
Yooi - Ready

Kamaete - Post position

Hajime - Begin

Yame - Stop

Ganbarimasu - To do ones best

Migi ashimae - Right foot forward

Hidari ashimae - Left foot forward

Yudansha - A person of black belt rank

Mudansha - A person currently below black belt rank

Ki - spirit, spirit energy

Kiai - spirit shout, often done on strikes

Domo arigato - Thank you

Domo Arigato gozaimas - Formal, more polite thank you

Dozo - Please

Do Itasi-Mashita - You're Welcome

Hai - Yes, or acknowledging what one has said

Mushin - No-Mindedness, to clear ones mind of all distractions

Min-chin-chu-ryu - A phrase used by Kanbun Uechi to describe Pangainoon, meaning "glare in the
eyes with fast hands".

Soke - Head of family, or founding father - Mr. Uechi

Butokukai - A gathering of schools practicing the virtues of martial arts

Shubukan Headquarters

Beginning and Secondary Exercises

Practiced in the beginning of every class is Junbi-Undo. "Junbi" in Japanese means beginning, or
preparatory, Undo meaning exercise. Junbi-Undo is concerned with loosening the body, and warming it
up for practicing technique.

There are ten sets of exercise in Junbi-Undo

Heel Pivot Exercise - Ashi Saki o Agero Undo

Heel Lift Exercise - Kakato Agero Undo

Knee Ankle Rotation Exercise - Ashikubi O Mawasu Undo

Knee Circle Exercise - Hizo Mawasu Undo

Leg Lift and Turn Exercise - Ashi o Mae Yoko Ni Nobasu Undo

Straight Leg Kicking Exercise - Ashi o Mae Uchi Naname No Agero Undo

Waist Scooping Exercise - Tai o Mae Ni Taosu Undo

Trunk Stretching Exercise - Koshi No Nenten Undo

Double Hand Striking Exercise - Ude o Mae Yoko Nobosu Undo

Neck Rotation Exercise - Kubi o Mawasu Undo

Hojo-Undo is secondary exercises and consists of all the actual technique of Uechi. Not all techniques are
present here, particularly some kicks are left out, but nearly all technique found in the Uechi kata are
practiced here so it is a good way for one to become familiar with those techniques.

There are fourteen exercises in Hojo-Undo

Side Snap Kick - Sukoto Geri

Front Kick - Shomen Geri

Roundhouse Punch - Mawashi Tsuki

High Block Tiger Fist Punch - Hajiki Uke Hiraken Tsuki

Front Punch - Shomen Tsuki

Bladed Hand Strike Back fist One Knuckle Punch - Shuto uchi Uraken Shoken Tsuki

Elbow Strike - Hiji Tsuki

Front Snapping Finger Strike - Shomen Hajiki

Up Down Out In Wrist Strike - Koi No Shippo Tate Uchi

Side To Side Wrist Strike - Koi No Shippo Yoko Uchi

Side Stepping Front Legged Kick - Tenshin Zen Soko Geri

Side Stepping Rear Legged Kick - Tenshin Ko Soko Geri

Side Stepping One Knuckle Punch - Tenshin Shoken Tsuki

Deep Breathing Exercise - Shinko Kyu

All Formally Practiced technique of Uechi-Ryu

Closed Fist Strikes

Proper or Front Punch - Seiken or Shomen Tsuki

Four knuckle or "Tiger Fist" Strike - Hiraken Tsuki

Hammer fist strike - Tetsui Uchi

Back fist strike - Uraken Tsuki

One knuckle punch - Shoken Tsuki

Open Handed Strikes

Bladed Hand Strike - Shuto Uchi

Thumb Knuckle or Palm Heel Strike - Boshiken

Ridge Hand Strike - Haito

Cupped Hand Strike - Koken Tsuki

Crane Beak Strike - Kanushiken

Spear Hand Strike Nukite

Spear handed front punch - Sanchin Strike

Other Strikes

Hiji Tsuki - Elbow Strike

Koi no Shippo Uchi - Wrist Strike


Snapping Block - Hajiki Uke

Low Block - Gedan Barai Uke

Circle Block - Hirate Mawashi Uke

Front Kick - Shomen Geri

Roundhouse Kick - Mawashi Geri

Side Snap Kick - Sukoto Geri

Side Thrust Kick - Yoko Geri

Knee strike - Hiza Geri

Back kick - Ushiro Geri

Jumping kick - Tobi Geri

Toe kick - Suksen Geri

General Directional References

Jodan - High area. example: Jodan Mawashi Geri (High roundhouse kick)

Chudan - Middle area. example: Chudan shomen tsuki (mid front punch)

Gedan - Low area. example: Gedan suksen geri (low toe kick)

Kata, Kumite, and Kotekitae

When Kanbun brought his knowledge of Pangainoon back from China, all he taught were the three
original forms (Sanchin, Seisan, and Sanseiryu), Kotekitae or body conditioning drills, and Jiyu Kumite or
free sparring. When a new student joined under Kanbuns teaching, they would do nothing but Sanchin
Kata for the first two years of training. Problems arose when American servicemen stationed on Okinawa
began training this way and began quitting out of boredom with just one form to learn.

Master Kanei Uechi (1911 1991)

Kanei Uechi, firstborn son of Kanbun Uechi and grandmaster of the style after his father died, solved this
problem by more than doubling the amount of content available to study. Kanei is largely responsible for
popularizing Uechi-Ryu, and preserving the interest of new students by making it more available to a
general public, while still preserving the hardness and authenticity of Pangainoon. Kanei is responsible
for adding 5 new kata to the style, for use as stepping stones between the original 3, and two new sets of
pre-arranged partner sparring drills, Kyu Kumite (beginner sparring), and Dan Kumite (advanced

The 5 kata in between the originals are known as Bridge Kata. They are Kanshiwa, Kanchu, Seichin,
Seiryu, and Kanchin. Though Kanei officially added all of them to the style, he actually only designed 3 of
them, Kanshiwa, Seiryu, and Kanchin. Kanchu kata was designed by Seiki Itokazu, and Seichin kata was
designed by Saburo Uehara, two senior black belt students of Kanei at the time.

There are 8 total Kata in Uechi-Ryu

1 Sanchin

Meaning - Three Conflicts: Mind, Body, and Spirit

Origin - The first of the three original forms from Pangainoon, brought back from China by Kanbun

2 - Kanshiwa

Meaning - The combination of two names, Kanbun and Shushiwa

Origin - "Bridge" kata, designed by Kanei Uechi. Kata originally called Kanshabu, due to mistranslation of
Shushiwa's name, originally thought to be Shashabu

3 - Kanchu

Meaning - The combination of two names, Kanbun and Shushiwa

Origin - "Bridge" kata, designed by Seiki Itokazu, a Dan ranking student of Kanei Uechi. Kata is also referred
to as Dani Seisan, meaning "little Seisan"

4 - Seichin

Meaning - The combination of two names of kata, Sanchin and Seisan

Origin - "Bridge" kata, designed by Saburo Uehara, a dan ranking student of Kanei Uechi
5 - Seisan

Meaning - 13 positions of attack and defense

Origin - The second of the three original forms from Pangainoon, brought back from China by Kanbun

6 - Seiryu

Meaning - 16 positions of attack and deffense

Origin - "Bridge" kata, designed by Kanei Uechi

7 - Kanchin

Meaning - The combination of the name Kanbun, and the name of the kata Sanchin

Origin - "Bridge" kata, designed by Kanei Uechi

8 - Sanseiryu

Meaning - 36 positions of attack and deffense

Origin - The third of the three original forms from Pangainoon, brought back from China by Kanbun


A Bunkai is an application or study of a kata. Consisting of one practitioner in the middle area, and other
practitioners surrounding him or her, the goal of a Bunkai is to apply the instances of attack and defense
found in a kata in a more realistic manner. The practitioner in the middle of the Bunkai will basically
perform the kata, but will do so while the practitioners surrounding him or her attack that person with
techniques that the kata is meant to defend against and counter. The Uechi-Ryu kata with formal Bunkai
are Kanshiwa, and Seisan, however, Tiger Martial Arts currently has house-made Bunkai for Kanchu and
Seichin kata as well.


Kumite translates to "crossing hands", referring to exchanging attacks and blocks with a partner. As
mentioned, Jiyu-Kumite is free sparring. Rules or regulations may be applied by a judge or the Sensei
present, but there are no prearranged sequences. Everything is impromptu and on the fly. Yakusoku-
Kumite refers to prearranged sets of attacks and defense preformed by two partners. In Uechi, there are
two main sets of Yakusoku-Kumite. They are Kyu-Kumite, or beginner partner sparring, consisting of five
sets of exchanges, and Dan-Kumite, or advanced partner sparring, consisting of six sets of exchanges.


Kotekitae refers to a body conditioning exercise involving rubbing or pounding arms with a partner. The
"Kote" in Kotekitae means "forearm" in Japanese. Thus, Kotekitae refers chiefly to arm conditioning. Also
practiced in Uechi is Ashikitae, "Ashi" meaning foot, in which two partners exchange kicks to toughen the
legs and feet.

FACT - Because of the body conditioning exercises used, Uechi-Ryu is considered a Hard Style
of Karate.
The Karate Uniform

The uniform worn in Karate is called the Gi, or more properly the Keiko gi. Literally translated as practice
clothes in Japanese, Keiko gi is often abbreviated to just Gi, which in Japanese would be an improper use
of the term. Commonly, Keiko is replaced with the name of the discipline being practiced, in this case,
the Karate gi. The belt tied around the waist is called an Obi.

The Karate gi was adopted from the Japanese martial art of Judo. In the tropical climate of Okinawa,
students often trained without tops, and in particularly hot summers, even pants were discarded in favor
of a simple loin cloth. But when Japan made Okinawa officially a part of the nation, the Okinawan people
did certain things to make their martial art more Japanese in order to help it survive. One was to adopt
the uniform traditionally worn by the Japanese Judo practitioners.

The Judo gi in turn comes from derivations of traditional Japanese clothing designs, most likely the
Kimono, among others. Something similar to the Karate and Judo gi was even worn under Samurai
armor, which is why they are traditionally white. In Japan, white is a symbol of death and purity, so the
Samurai would wear them under their armor as a symbol of readiness to die for what they fought for.

Ranks of Uechi-Ryu

The ranking system in Uechi-Ryu serves two main purposes. One, so that students can readily identify a
practitioners of greater experience, so they know where they might have questions answered, or to seek
advice, and two, to motivate students to continue their own training, to keep coming back and earn the
next rank. The color of each belt is also symbolic of the level of experience that practitioner has. As a
newcomer, ones belt is white. Gradually, it becomes stained by the grass and turns green. With time
after, the grass that stained it may wear away and the belt will take the color of the dirt below and turn
brown. As those stains grow darker, it eventually turns black. Then, with time, the layer of fabric that
turned black will grow thread-bear and start wearing away, and turn white again, to signify a return to
the beginning. This is believed to be a reminder that we are all students in one way or another.

While adult ranks are typically the traditional four colors, white, green, brown, and black, childrens ranks
are known to have many more colors, blue, purple, orange, yellow, red, etc. to provide a broader range
of ranks to achieve, so motivation is increased.

Kyu (Beginner) Ranks, arranged in descending order as they are issued

10 Jukyu White belt with no stripes

9 kyukyu White belt with one green stripe

8 hachikyu White belt with two green stripes

7 sichikyu White belt with three green stripes

6 rokkyu Green Belt

5 gokyu Green belt with one brown stripe

4 yonkyu Green belt with two brown stripes

3 sankyu Brown Belt

2 nikyu Brown belt with one black stripe

1 ikkyu Brown belt with two black stripes

Dan (Advanced) ranks, arranged in ascending order as they are issued

1 - Shodan

2 - Nidan

3 - Sandan

4 - Yondan

5 - Godan

6 - Rokudan

7 - Sichidan

8 - Hachidan

9 - Kyudan

10 - Judan

NOTE - Fourth degree black belt was changed from Shidan to Yondan because "Shi" means "Death" in
Japanese, so it was changed to avoid it being known as a "Death Rank".

NOTE - First degree black belt is called Shodan instead of Ichidan, simply because "Sho" in Japanese
means "little", and first degree black belt is largely considered to be only the beginning of ones journey
in the martial arts.
As a black belt, the belt you receive is the belt you will keep regardless of further promotion until you
become eligible for a teachers title at the rank of 6 th degree black belt, or Roku-Dan, at which point one
would receive a new black belt with one gold bar on the very end. A new bar is added for each new title
received. The titles do not denote mastery of Uechi, but are recognized as teachers ranks. They are less
significant to ones skill and technique, and have more to do with what you've accomplished as a teacher,
and what you've added to the Uechi community.

Teachers titles do not automatically come with a rank. One could be a 6 th degree black belt, but hold no
teachers title. One could also be a 9th degree black belt and only then receive a title. Assuming, however,
that one earned a teachers title right at Roku-Dan and continued to be awarded a new title with each
promotion, the order they would be issued in is as follows.






One gold bar is issued for each new teachers title, with the exception of the second Hanshi. If one had
received Renshi at 6th degree and continued to earn a new title for each rank, they would not receive a
new title after earning Hanshi at 8th degree. They would keep the same rank through 9 th degree, and then
earn the final gold bar and the title Hanshi-Sei at 10 th degree.

History of Uechi-Ryu, from its creation to being taught at Tiger Martial Arts
1877 - On May 5th, Kanbun Uechi is born in Izumi, a mountain village on the Motobu peninsula of
Okinawa. His parents are Kantoku and Tsuru, who were farmers of daikon radishes.

In his youth, Kanbun would enjoy learning the Bo staff, which he taught other youth of the area, and
performed demonstrations at holiday festivals.

1897 - In March of this year, the Japanese military orders a conscription, or military draft, of the
Okinawan people. Kanbuns parents were wealthy enough that they could facilitate his fleeing to China.
Kanbun lands in Fuzhou city, Fukien province of mainland China, where he meets Shushiwa and begins
his study of Pangainoon. He would stay at the Ryukyukan Jueneki (Okinawan Fellowship hall)
temporarily, while he studied. He arrived not knowing a single word of Chinese and had to pass himself
off as a Chinese man in order to blend in. He accomplished this, as well as learning to speak Chinese.

1904 - After seven years of study, Kanbun earns his certificate to teach Kempo.

1907 - Kanbun begins teaching in Nansoe, China

1910 - In February of this year, a dispute over land irrigation would cause a student of Kanbun to kill his
attacker with a fatal strike. Due to public scorn, and shame for the attack, Kanbun returns to Okinawa at
the age of 33.

A second account of this story places Kanbun himself as the man responsible for the death of the
Chinese man in the argument, though concrete evidence of which story is true remains to be found.

In May of the same year, he would marry his wife, Gozei Toyama.

1911 - June 26th of this year, Kanei Uechi, Kanbuns eldest son, is born.

Soon after, Kanbun would father his first daughter, Tsuru, who would unfortunately die at the age of 3,
followed by his second daughter Kame, his third daughter, also named Tsuru, and finally his second son

While back in Okinawa, Kanbun is constantly pleaded with to teach his Karate, as rumors spread of his
expertise. He refuses all requests. Once a year, the Motobu police department hosts a festival including
demonstrations from Karate, Kendo, and Judo. Kanbun attends, and is asked to perform by the mayor
himself, to which he was finally unable to refuse. Still reluctant to demonstrate, he is playfully pushed on
stage, and demonstrates Seisan kata, his favorite at the time. He impressed everyone so much that none
wished to go on stage after him, and the karate portion of the demonstration promptly ended. This is the
only time Kanbun demonstrated his Karate before travelling to Japan.

1924 - Kanbun travels to Wakayama, Japan, to work as a janitor in a cotton mill. Here, he meets Ryuyu
Tomoyose, a co-worker, who tricks him into showing him self-defense techniques, and eventually
convinces him to teach his Karate. This is the first time Pangainoon is taught outside of China.
1926 - Kanbun opens his first school, the Shataku Dojo, located in the back of the Wakayama cotton mill
in Japan.

Kanbun with students at the Shataku Dojo

1927 - Kanei begins his studies at the Shataku Dojo.

1932 - In April of this month, Kanbun opens his first official school at Wakayama-shi, Tebira, a migrant
Okinawan community, and teaches Pangainoon-Ryu.

The Tebira dojo, in its new location, less than two miles from the Shataku dojo

1937 - Kanei Uechi earns his certificate to teach Kempo, and would open his first school.

1939 - Kanei marries Nakahara Shige

1940 - Pangainoon officially renamed to Uechi-Ryu, and Kanbun at age 63 is named Grandmaster of the

1941 - May 10th of this year, Kanmei Uechi, eldest son of Kanei Uechi, is born

1942 - When his students were called into military service, Kanei Uechi returns to Okinawa, and begins
teaching Uechi-Ryu in Nago, Okinawa. This is the first time Uechi-Ryu is taught in Okinawa.

1946 - Kanbun Uechi returns to Okinawa with students Seiryo, and Seiyu Shinjo, leaving his school in the
care of Ryuyu Tomoyose.

1948 - November 25th of this year, Kanbun Uechi dies of Nephritis, or inflation of the kidneys. The Shinjo
family were the only ones present at his death.

1956 - George Mattson begins his study of Uechi-Ryu under Ryuko Tomoyose sensei.

1957 - Kanei Uechi combines the Futenma dojo and the Kanzatobaru dojo. The new Futenma dojo would
be open to the public, including American servicemen.

The Uechi-Ryu Karate Dojo at its new location in Futenma, Okinawa

1958 - As a Shodan, George Mattson begins teaching Uechi-Ryu at the YMCA in Boston, Massachusetts.
This is the first time Uechi-Ryu is taught in America.

1967 - Kanei Uechi is promoted to Judan

1991 - February 24th of this year, Master Kanei Uechi dies.

1998 - Sensei Wendi Barker begins study of Uechi-Ryu under Mike Rozumek Sensei. She would study
under his teaching until earning Nidan.
2004 - Mike Rozumek retires, and Sensei Wendi Barker continues study under George Mattson, during
which time she would promote to Sandan.

2005 March 1st, Sensei Wendi Barker opens Tiger Martial Arts on Whidbey Island, Washington.

2006 - Sensei Wendi Barker begins study under Fedele Cacia Sensei, who is her current sensei to this

2008 Sensei Wendi Barker earns the rank of 4 th degree black belt, or YonDan

Lineage of Sensei at Tiger Martial Arts

-Wendi Barker, 4th degree black belt, Head instructor of Tiger Martial Arts

-Fedele Cacia, 5th degree black belt, Sensei to Wendi Barker from 2006 to present

-George Mattson, 9th degree black belt, Sensei to Wendi Barker from 2004-2006

-Mike Rozumek, 7th degree black belt, Sensei to Wendi Barker from 1998-2004

Extended Lineage

Mike Rozumek's Sensei - Buzz Durkin

Buzz Durkin's Sensei - George Mattson

George Mattson's Sensei - Ryuko Tomoyose

Ryuko Tomoyose's Sensei - Kanei Uechi

Kanbun Uechi

The Eight Virtues of a Uechi-Ryu Karate Student






Self Control

Indomitable Spirit

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