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J. Sep. Sci. 2006, 29, 2375 2382 D. Ryan et al.


Danielle Ryan Original Paper

Philip Marriott

School of Applied Sciences, RMIT Studies on thermionic ionisation detection in

University, Melbourne, Victoria,
comprehensive two-dimensional gas
This study explores the application of specific thermionic ionisation detection in
comprehensive 2-D GC (GC6GC) and represents the first report of GC6GC with
nitrogen phosphorus detection (GC6GC-NPD). Of particular interest is the perfor-
mance of the NPD with respect to peak parameters of asymmetry and sensitivity.
Since GC6GC produces much narrower peaks than obtained with fast GC (e. g.
100 ms vs. a 1 s) the effect of detector response time and any lack of symmetry aris-
ing from the detection step is important if peak separation (resolution) is to be
maintained. It was observed that detector gas flows had a significant impact on
peak asymmetry and peak magnitude, and that optimisation of the detector was cri-
tical, particularly for complex sample analysis by GC6GC-NPD. Peak asymmetries
ranging from As = 1.8 to 8.0 were observed under different conditions of detector
gas flows. Comparison of GC6GC-NPD with GC6GC-flame ionisation detection
(FID) showed the former to be approximately 20 times more sensitive for the detec-
tion of nitrogen-containing methoxypyrazines analytes, and GC6GC-NPD had a lar-
ger linear detection range compared to GC6GC-FID. Furthermore, comparison of
GC6GC-NPD and GC6GC-TOFMS chromatograms for the analysis of coffee head-
space demonstrated the benefits of selective detection, ultimately realised in a com-
paratively simplified contour plot.
Keywords: Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC6GC) / Fast gas chromato-
graphy / Nitrogen phosphorus detection / Peak asymmetry / Selective detection / Sensitivity /
Received: November 9, 2004; revised: August 21, 2005; accepted: August 22, 2005
DOI 10.1002/jssc.200400033

1 Introduction Fundamentally, selective detection in GC provides two

benefits: (i) isolation of the detection signal of specific
In the development of technology surrounding GC6GC, compounds from the net signal pertaining to interfering
perhaps no other aspect of implementing the procedure or unresolved background matrix and (ii) enhanced sen-
has been as problematic as the detector. Notwithstand- sitivity for target analytes over the commonly employed,
ing the important function of the modulator, it was not universal flame ionisation detector (FID). The former
long after the introduction of GC6GC that the cryogenic acknowledges that the capillary GC method may be
modulation approach [1] was demonstrated and has incapable of providing adequate separation power to reli-
been the predecessor of most of the commercial modula- ably separate the target analyte(s) from others (matrix) in
tors in use today. Likewise, there is little that differenti- the sample. Thus for overlapping peaks, the selective
ates the injector used in GC6GC from that used in con- detector is able to give sufficient signal selectivity to per-
ventional capillary GC; all injection methods should be mit measurement of the target, with the matrix ideally
equally applicable. Thus the detector stands apart as being transparent to the detector. Point (ii) is not critical;
being the instrumental aspect of continuing develop- however, it is often clearly advantageous that the selec-
ment. Today, it is axiomatic that detector developments tive detector does have improved sensitivity, particularly
are still lagging the demands for suitable transducers, for trace analyses.
optimised for GC6GC.
It is apparent that points (i) and (ii) may be considered as
Correspondence: Professor Philip Marriott, School of Applied inherent benefits of the GC6GC technique. Where the
Sciences, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria
3001, Australia. selective detector is capable of isolating response signals
E-mail: for improved analysis (i. e. response vs. no response for tar-
Fax: +61-3-96391321. get and matrix, respectively), GC6GC provides separa-

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2376 D. Ryan et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2006, 29, 2375 2382

tion selectivity through enhanced temporal separation tional speed GC. The acquisition rate of 50 Hz is just on
of analytes, as a direct result of increased peak capacity. the limit of useful acquisition speed for GC6GC peaks of
It may therefore be stated that separation selectivity in basewidth 100 ms. Modulated peaks of widths 150 ms
the second column in GC6GC is somewhat equivalent to with the FID produce peaks of width 300400 ms in the
signal selectivity in specific detection in conventional lECD when the second-dimension column (2D) exit is
GC. Point (ii) has been the object of some opinion and swapped from the FID to the ECD. To attain narrower
also controversy [2], and the question remains as to peaks in keeping with those demanded of GC6GC, the
whether GC6GC offers better sensitivity compared to detector make-up flow rate must be operated at very
conventional GC. Regardless of the basic mass flux high settings, outside the recommended range. This still
sensitivity performance of the detector, the zone com- gives peaks broader than those in the FID, but also com-
pression effect in GC6GC with cryogenic modulation promises sensitivity due to a dilution effect. Scan speed
ensures comparatively narrower peaks and so better sen- limitations are also recognised for GC6GC-qMS, result-
sitivity (based on peak height), all other factors being ing in a reduced number of data points than normally
constant. However, signal also depends on detector data required for peak quantitation; however, identification
acquisition rate; noise increases with increased detection provided by qMS has proved valuable [4]. Thus, it is appar-
acquisition rate. This does not address method detection ent that each detector used for GC6GC must be critically
limit or considerations of linear range. So if GC6GC is evaluated with respect to operational considerations
more sensitive, then for an FID detector it may be possi- that may limit or affect performance. In the future, the
ble to reach limits conventionally available to more selec- conclusion may be that detectors will require redesign to
tive, sensitive detection methods in conventional GC. be truly compatible with GC6GC.
This was shown to be the case in a study of sterol GC and In the present work, the thermionic ionisation detector
GC6GC [3]. Additionally, this implies that a selective (TID), specifically the nitrogen phosphorus detection
detector with GC6GC should have further advantages mode (NPD) in GC6GC, is reported for the first time.
with respect to detection sensitivity beyond those classi- Aspects of its optimisation, and factors such as peak
cally achieved with single column GC with selective asymmetry and response provided by operational param-
detection or its GC6GC-FID counterpart. eters of gas flow rates and bead voltage are described. A
In GC6GC to date, detection techniques employed typical application is shown (without interpretation).
include FID, sulphur chemiluminescence detection
(SCD), atomic emission detection (AED), electron capture
detection (ECD), nitrogen chemiluminescence detection 2 Experimental
(NCD) and MS detection (both TOFMS and quadrupole
(qMS)) (see Table 1). In order to conduct GC6GC, the scan 2.1 Standards
speed of the detector is critical, however Table 1 shows Standard reference compounds 2-isopropyl-3-methoxy-
that less than optimum data acquisition rates have been pyrazine (IPMP), 2-secbutyl-3-methoxypyrazine (SBMP)
used in some instances. Scan speed cannot be directly and 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine (IBMP) were pur-
taken as an indication of a detectors applicability or suit- chased from Aldrich Chemical (Milwaukee, USA). The for-
ability for GC6GC analysis. For example, the Agilent mer was 97% pure, while the latter methoxypyrazines
microECD (lECD) is designed for use with fast GC, but were 99% pure. All standard solutions were prepared in
more correctly we now appreciate this to be conven- ethanol (200 mg/L), suitably diluted with hexane (Ajax

Table 1. Detectors used in GC6GC and selected applications

Detector Application Data acquisition rate (Hz)

FID Plant volatile emissions [9] 100

Trans-resveratrol in wine [10] 100
lECD Chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans [11] 50
Toxaphene [12] 50
Polychlorinated biphenyls [13] 50
AED Petrochemical analysis [14] 10
SCD Diesel oils [15] 100
NCD Diesel fuel [16] 100
qMS Ginseng [4] 20
TOFMS Petroleum [17] 50
Cigarette smoke condensates [18, 19] 50

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J. Sep. Sci. 2006, 29, 2375 2382 GC6GC with NPD 2377

Finechem, Seven Hills, Australia) and stored in brown splitless mode at 2508C for 2 min, after which the split
glass bottles at 188C. ratio was 20:1. The same column set used for the
GC6GC-NPD optimisation was used, with temperature
2.2 GC6GC programmed analysis. The GC oven temperature com-
Injections were facilitated by the CombiPAL Focus system menced at 608C (5 min) and was raised to 2308C at 1.58C/
(CTC Analytics AG, Zwingen, Switzerland), which was min, before final ramping to 2508C (2 min) at 508C/min.
serially connected to an Optic 3 high performance injec- The NPD was operated at the optimised gas flow condi-
tor (ATAS GL International, Veldhoven, The Netherlands) tions described above. Column flow was maintained at
and an Agilent 6890 GC (Agilent Technologies, Burwood, 1 mL/min hydrogen and an Adjust Offset of 50 pA was
Australia). In order to conduct GC6GC analyses, the used (bead sensitivity). A PM of 5 s was used and data were
6890 GC was retrofitted with a longitudinally modulated acquired at 100 Hz.
cryogenic system (LMCS) from Chromatography Con-
cepts (Doncaster, Australia). ChemStation software (Agi- 3 Results and discussion
lent) was used to instruct the electronic modulator con-
trol to commence modulation at a predefined time. The 3.1 NPD operation
CombiPAL Focus system and Optic 3 injector were con- Modern TIDs are composed of a solid glass or ceramic
trolled using Cycle Composure version 1.5.2 and ATAS bead sensor, which has been doped with an alkali metal
Evolution Workstation version 1.2 software, respectively. salt. The bead is attached to an electrically heated wire,
which serves as the thermionic source. Carrier gas is
The first dimension of the GC6GC column set was a
mixed with hydrogen at the base of the detector and
BPX5 (5% phenyl polysilphenylene-siloxane) column
flows through a jet where it is then mixed with air. The
(30 m60.25 mm60.25 lm; SGE International, Austra-
hydrogen and air detector flows are insufficient to estab-
lia) with a BP20 PEG second dimension (1 m60.1
lish a flame, but rather a plasma located around the
mm60.1 lm; SGE International). Injections were per-
thermionic source is maintained. A collector electrode
formed in the splitless mode (vent closed for 1 min) using
either surrounds or is positioned above the thermionic
the Optic 3 injector where the temperature was ramped
source, and a voltage is set between the collector elec-
from 50 to 2508C at 108C/s. The GC oven temperature was
trode and the jet tip. This allows the collection of nega-
held at 508C for 2 min, then ramped at 258C/min to
tive ions and the ion current is measured by an electro-
1008C (held 15 min), followed by a final ramping at 258C/
meter. The detector output current is proportional to the
min to 2508C. Detection was achieved using an Agilent
number of ions collected.
NPD, and FID (Agilent) for comparative purposes. The FID
was operated at 2508C with gas flows of 1, 30 and The ionisation mechanism of the detector is generally
300 mL/min for hydrogen carrier, nitrogen make-up and thought to arise due to surface ionisation effects, where
air, respectively. The NPD was also operated at 2508C alkali metal atoms are ionised by collision with plasma
with optimised detector gas flows of 5, 7.5 and 100 mL/ particles. The response of the detector is dependent upon
min for hydrogen, nitrogen make-up and air, respec- the composition of the gas environment immediately
tively. Column flow (hydrogen) was maintained at 1 mL/ surrounding the thermionic surface, and when air is
min for both detectors and an Adjust Offset of 50 pA was mixed with a low hydrogen flow, the plasma provides
used (bead sensitivity) with the NPD. All data were selectivity for nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing com-
acquired at 100 Hz for GC6GC analyses. Modulation pounds. Detector selectivity and sensitivity are depen-
using the LMCS was performed from 10 to 18 min with a dent on experimental variables, namely source heating
4 s modulation period (PM), ensuring at least three modu- current, source location, jet potential, air and hydrogen
lations per first dimension peak. GC6GC data were trans- flow rates and the choice of carrier gas.
formed using an in-house program and visualised as con-
tour plots using Transform software (Fortner Research, 3.2 Data acquisition rate and experimental design
Virginia, USA). For data analysis, total peak height and Since NPD has not been previously used in GC6GC anal-
area data were generated using a Matlab program (L. Xie). yses, it was important to determine whether the data
Statistical analysis was conducted using Minitab 14. acquisition rate of the detector was adequately fast.
GC6GC analyses of a standard solution of methoxypyra-
2.3 Analysis of coffee bean headspace by zines at 0.5 mg/L was conducted at frequencies of 20, 50
GC6GC-NPD and 100 Hz. Analysis of the data showed that 1200, 3000
Arabica (Coffea arabica) headspace was extracted using and 6000 data points per minute were generated, respec-
headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) as tively, indicating the accurate performance of the detec-
described previously [5]. The SPME fiber was thermally tor at each condition and the suitability of the NPD for
desorbed in the Optic 3 injector, which was operated in fast GC6GC analyses.

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Table 2. BoxBehnken statistical design showing the optimisation of detector gas flow rates using GC6 GC-NPD. Bold text
shows experimental centre point replicates
Hydrogen Air flow Nitrogen flow Peak height Peak height Peak height Average D peak width
flow (mL/min) (mL/min) (mL/min) IPMP SBMP IBMP peak 2As at half height
(pA) (pA) (pA) (ms)

1 70 5 76.63 54.72 66.82 2.8 197

3 70 7.5 221.18 178.33 185.55 3.2 140
5 40 7.5 4.30 0 0 1.9 75
3 40 5 151.38 142.42 157.99 3.5 417
5 100 7.5 457.85 397.35 339.00 1.8 110
5 70 10 373.03 327.80 291.02 3.0 125
3 40 10 116.95 201.43 219.95 8.0 188
3 100 5 270.41 207.70 237.60 2.0 118
5 70 5 385.60 333.94 369.30 3.4 181
1 100 7.5 78.53 63.27 67.71 1.9 110
3 100 10 220.57 220.73 228.10 1.6 98
3 70 7.5 219.86 178.76 187.63 3.3 139
1 40 7.5 123.82 105.36 141.34 5.8 343
3 70 7.5 213.99 172.86 178.72 3.3 138
1 70 10 123.29 105.20 104.68 2.8 126

It was then necessary to optimise the performance of the

NPD in terms of peak symmetry and magnitude. This was
achieved by varying the ratio of hydrogen, make-up and
air flows through the detector. A standard BoxBehnken
statistical design was applied to this task, comprising
three factors; hydrogen flow, air flow and nitrogen flow.
Agilent recommend a maximum flow of 5 mL/min
hydrogen through the NPD and an air flow of 60 mL/
min. In this experiment, these values were exceeded in
order to test if the recommended flows produced opti-
mal GC6GC-NPD performance, and if settings beyond
the normally advised range might be of use with
GC6GC, since it is likely that manufacturers do not test
detector response under stringent fast GC6GC condi-
tions. In the present case, detector hydrogen flows of 1, 3
and 5 mL/min were used, together with air flows of 40,
70 and 100 mL/min and make-up of 5, 7.5 and 10 mL/
min. Triplicate centre replicates were performed at 3, 70
and 7.5 mL/min hydrogen, air and make-up, respectively.
Table 2 shows the results gained in terms of analyte peak Figure 1. Influence of various detector gas flow settings on
methoxypyrazine peak symmetries using GC6GC-NPD. (A)
height and second dimension peak asymmetry (2As). The and (B) correspond to detector gas flows that give low and
performance reproducibility of the detector was verified high 2As, respectively. Contour settings were from 20 to 600
based on the centre replicate results, which yielded RSD at intervals of 30. Refer to Table 2 for gas flow details.
values for peak height of 1.8, 1.9 and 2.5% for IPMP, SBMP
and IBMP, respectively, and 1.8% RSD for averaged 2As.
minimum and maximum average 2As of 1.6 and 8.0,
respectively, indicative of source tailing [6]. Conse-
3.3 Influence of NPD detector flows on peak quently, average 2D peak widths also varied and were
asymmetry (As) directly correlated with 2As (Table 2). Figure 1 shows the
It can be assumed that peaks eluted from 2D are approxi- effects of peak 2As on the use of the 2-D separations space,
mately symmetric (Gaussian) peaks, since this was found and clearly shows that when 2As is high, resolution in the
with prior FID studies. Furthermore, the amounts second dimension is compromised due to peak tailing.
injected gave linear (nonoverloaded) peaks with GC6GC- From total peak width considerations, the first compo-
FID. Nevertheless, the variation in 2As found in this nent in Fig. 1A encompasses about 5% of the total 2-D sep-
experiment with NPD is perhaps rather surprising with a aration window, whereas in Fig. 1B, it is about 17%. This

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Figure 3. Response surface plot showing peak response

versus detector hydrogen and air flows.
Figure 2. Response surface plot showing peak asymmetry
(2As) versus detector hydrogen and air flows.

will pose problems in the analysis of complex samples, in ture. Nevertheless, testing this theory will require details
that peak tailing will exacerbate the possibility of peak of how the flow ratios and total flow affects the plasma
coelution in the second dimension, especially where a formation, temperature and geometry.
minor component closely follows the elution of a major
component. 3.4 Influence of NPD detector flows on peak
Using a higher hydrogen flow rate can sometimes magnitude
improve tailing [7]; however, statistical analysis of the Statistical analysis of the peak magnitude data showed
experimental design results showed that in the present that in general, highest peak responses were achieved
case, 2As was primarily dependent on air flow, and best when hydrogen and air flows were maximised (Fig. 3;
As was achieved when air flow was maximum (100 mL/ Table 2). Best detection was achieved for IPMP and SBMP
min) (Fig. 2; Table 2). Hydrogen did not significantly at H2, 5 mL/min; air, 100 mL/min; make-up (N2) 7.5 mL/
affect 2As, and no significant interaction between hydro- min, whilst for IBMP, flows of H2, 5 mL/min; air, 70 mL/
gen and air flow was observed. This eliminates any syner- min; make-up (N2) 5 mL/min produced best peak magni-
gistic relationship between air and hydrogen flows with tude. As observed for 2As data, nitrogen make-up did not
respect to 2As. have any significant effect on peak magnitude. Over the
High peak asymmetry suggests either unswept volume test range, peak magnitude varied from 76.63 to
in the detector or processes that cause slow desorption 457.85 pA for IPMP (Table 2), equivalent to a six-fold dif-
from or slowly reversible reaction at the detector. This is ference in detector response, and highlights the need for
reiterated by Poole [7] who has stated peak tailing may careful optimisation of the NPD.
arise when sample decomposition products remain tem- The NPD response is a function of how well the N (and P)
porarily absorbed on the thermionic source. Addition- atoms provide perturbation of the electron flux (ionisa-
ally, Draper [6] suggests that surface decomposition reac- tion) in the plasma. The process, as stated above, is not
tions may be the rate-limiting step in thermionic ionisa- well understood, but it seems logical to believe that it
tion. Unfortunately, the detection mechanism of the depends on the mass flow of carrier/detector gases and
NPD is not well understood [6, 7]; however, the above- the effect of the detector gases on the plasma formation.
mentioned theories suggest that it may be difficult to It is possible that these effects are synergistic a high
improve peak symmetry beyond a limiting value defined flow may dilute the N-atom flux and at the same time
by decomposition reaction kinetics. One may suppose could adversely affect the plasma geometry. However,
that the narrower the plasma boundary layer at the sur- there may be an opposite effect. A smaller plasma at the
face of the bead, the faster the desorption process and surface arising from high gas flow may enhance the
the sharper (less asymmetric) the peak. Potentially, this atom interaction with the plasma, at the same time as
may be achieved by increased detector housing tempera- the high mass flow has a dilution effect on N in the gas

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stream. Coupled with this will be the need to appreciate (between 30 and 40%) justify the higher setting. It is
the effect of the gas flow geometry (e. g. H2 is premixed known that the NPD bead has a limited lifetime, and
with carrier, air is provided as a sheath flow). with time, the performance of the bead will deteriorate.
Data presented in Table 2 show that there is not a direct Draper [6] observed severe source tailing with source age-
coincidence of best flow settings for 2As and those for ing. Recoating the NPD source, however, rectified this
response. The best settings to use will thus be a decision problem. The tailing observed in the present study can-
taken by the analyst based on experimental needs for the not be attributed to source deterioration, since this study
particular study. If 2As is most critical to achieve separa- was the first time the NPD had been used, and triplicate
tion (increased 2As will reduce resolution, Rs, in the sec- analyses presented in Table 2 indicate the reproducible
ond dimension) then settings will be chosen to give an functioning of the NPD in terms of peak magnitude and
As closest to unity, irrespective of the effect on peak mag- As.
nitude, since deviations from unity may adversely affect
quantitative capability. Conversely, if peak magnitude is 3.6 Detection limits of GC6GC-NPD versus
critical to achieve best detection limits for trace compo- GC6GC-FID
nents then sacrifice of peak shape may be acceptable at For comparison purposes, standard solutions ranging in
the expense of increased peak response. Optimised NPD concentration from 0.005 to 100 mg/L were analysed by
condition in terms of peak magnitude was achieved GC6GC-FID and GC6GC-NPD. Both detectors were oper-
when flows of 5 and 100 were used for hydrogen, air. ated at 100 Hz, and injection and column conditions
Make-up flow was held at 7.5 mL/min. This condition pro- were kept constant, so as the only variable would be the
duced an 2As value very similar to the minimum observed detector used. As expected, the NPD gave significantly
As of 1.6 (Table 2). It should be noted that air flow was greater peak responses compared to those obtained by
further increased to 150 mL/min in a subsequent anal- FID, and subsequently, detection limits were higher in
ysis with hydrogen and make-up held at 5 and 7.5 mL/ the latter case. Detection limits were calculated based on
min, respectively. An average 2As of 1.4 was achieved; a minimum detectable signal of three times the SD of the
however, detector sensitivity was reduced by approxi- background noise. Noise was determined using the
mately 13 % with respect to analyte peak heights, com- ChemStation software, over a retention time range prior
pared to that achieved using optimised detector flows. to the elution of the methoxypyrazines standards. Table
3 shows the comparative results achieved using the
different detectors. Calibration curves were linear up to
3.5 Influence of detector output frequency on peak 25 mg/L with R2 values of at least 0.99 achieved for each
response analyte using both detectors; however, deviations from
The sensitivity of the NPD can be further adjusted using linearity were observed beyond 25 mg/L, resulting in a
the Adjust Offset option in the ChemStation software. linear range of l0.000125 and l0.00225 mg/L for NPD
The bead voltage will then be adjusted until the detector and FID, respectively. Most significantly, NPD was found
output frequency has stabilised and is equal to the set to be approximately 1520 times more sensitive for the
point. An Adjust Offset of 30 pA is recommended; how- detection of all three methoxypyrazines analytes, with
ever, increased sensitivity can be achieved when a value respect to detection limits, demonstrating the enhanced
of greater or equal to 50 pA is used. Settings of 30 and performance of NPD for the characterisation of these
50 pA were compared with the latter resulting in an aver- nitrogen-containing compounds.
age of 36% improved sensitivity (peak height values) for
the three analytes. No change in 2As was observed 3.7 Application of GC6GC-NPD to complex
between the two conditions. sample analysis
Operating at higher Adjust Offset settings will reduce As a demonstration of the use of the NPD for GC6GC
bead life; however, the significant gains in sensitivity detection, coffee bean headspace was analysed under

Table 3. Detection of methoxypyrazines standards using GC6 GC-NPD and GC6GC-FID

GC6GC r background Minimum Linearity range, Detection limit Detection limit Detection limit
detector noise detectable mg/L IPMP, mg/L SBMP, mg/L IBMP, mg/L
signala), pA

NPD 0.024 0.072 0.000125 0.00013 0.00016 0.00016

FID 0.031 0.093 0.00225 0.002 0.003 0.003

a) Calculated as 3r background noise

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Figure 4. Comparison of GC6GC results using NPD and TOFMS detection for coffee bean headspace. (A) and (B) correspond
to the GC6GC-NPD contour plot and chromatogram, respectively, whilst (C) is the GC6GC-TOFMS chromatogram. Note that
the time scale for (B) and (C) do not exactly compare. Contour settings for (A) were from 100 to 6000 at intervals of 150. See text
for reference to the boxed section.

optimised detector gas flow conditions (H2, 5 mL/min; with respect to peak density compared to the TIC
air, 100 mL/min; make-up (N2) 7.5 mL/min). Coffee was obtained using GC6GC-TOFMS (Fig. 4), where in the lat-
chosen because it contains a wealth of N-containing com- ter, all volatile analytes between a mass range of 41
pounds (pyrazines, pyridines, pyrroles) and has recently 415 U were monitored. Peaks eluting early in the chro-
been analysed by this group using GC6GC-TOFMS [5]. In matogram are broad (Fig. 4A and B) due to the splitless
that study, the pyrazines were of main interest, since the sampling procedure, where peak trapping is not very
authentic standards were available in a separate com- effective in the absence of solvent effect or supplemen-
parative study and methylpyrazines are known to signifi- tary cryotrapping at the head of the column. Large, abun-
cantly contribute to coffee aroma [8]. Two different col- dant peaks were overloaded, and whilst split injection
umn-set combinations were used [5] with a polar/apolar should improve peak shape, this would be at the expense
set yielding the best separation. In the present analysis, of peak magnitude for smaller abundance components.
an apolar/polar column set was used, ensuring signifi-
cant component overlap and low elution temperatures Nonoverloaded peaks were found to have an 2As of
(Te) of polar analytes, as observed previously [5]. Thus in approximately 1.3, which is improved compared to that
Fig. 4C, the nonselective detector (TOFMS-TIC) (TICtotal achieved for the methoxypyrazines analytes under the
ion chromatogram) demonstrates significant peak den- same detector conditions, and is most likely attributed
sity early in the chromatogram which is greatly reduced to the temperature programmed conditions used for the
with the NPD selective detector (Fig. 4B). In this way, the GC6GC-NPD analysis of the coffee headspace. However,
selectivity of the detector to only nitrogen (and by infer- without optimisation of the detector gas flow param-
ence phosphorus containing) analytes can be fully tested. eters, significant peak coelution in the second dimension
The GC6GC-NPD result shows a dramatic simplification would occur especially for minor components following

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major compounds in 2D. Figure 4A shows a boxed reten- tional GC6GC conditions used here can be extended to
tion region in which second dimension resolution may even faster GC6GC operation (2D peaks widths a 50 ms),
be significantly compromised due to poor peak symme- where we conclude that the narrower 2D will result in
try and peak broadening, and reinforces the need for the extent of peak asymmetry being even greater. It is
careful optimisation of the NPD for complex sample anticipated that greater attention will be placed on
analysis. improved detector performance, consistent with that
required of GC6GC, in the future.

4 Concluding remarks The authors wish to thank Rod Minett, Agilent Technologies, for
the gift of the NPD detector, and Dr. Jeff Hughes for assistance
The performance of the NPD when used for GC6GC anal-
with statistical analyses.
yses was reported for the first time. The data acquisition
rate of the NPD was found to be adequately fast for
GC6GC analyses and could be operated reliably at 5 References
100 Hz. Peak magnitude (height) was found to be depen- [1] Marriott, P. J., Kinghorn, R. M., Anal. Chem. 1997, 69,
dent upon detector hydrogen and air flows, and maxi- 2582 2588.
mum peak heights were observed when both gases were [2] Harris, C. M., Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 410A.
maximised. Additionally, improvements in peak heights [3] Truong, T. T., Marriott, P. J., Porter, N. A., Leeming, R., J.
were observed when bead sensitivity was increased. Con- Chromatogr. A 2003, 1019, 197 210.
versely, 2As was dependent primarily on air flow and best [4] Shellie, R. A., Marriott, P. J., Huie, C. W., J. Sep. Sci. 2003,
peak symmetry was achieved when air flow was maxi- 26, 1185 1192.
mised. However, this can adversely affect the peak height. [5] Ryan, D., Shellie, R., Tranchida, P., Casilli, A., Mondello,
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