AC Power Electronic Systems Stability and Power Quality

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AC Power Electronic Systems: Stability and

Power Quality
Jian Sun
Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA

Abstract This paper presents an overview of ac power Once an averaged model is established for a converter, it can be
electronic system modeling and analysis methods. Characteristics linearized about a steady-state operation point to develop a small-
of such systems are first discussed, and their applications and signal model such that linear system theories can be applied to
significance in renewable energy and distributed generation (DG), study system stability and performance. The most widely used
transportation, and other mobile and autonomous power systems system analysis method is to partition the system into a source and
are highlighted. Typical stability and power quality problems
encountered in these systems are demonstrated by measurements a load subsystem, and to determine system stability by applying the
from several practical systems. Small-signal analysis methods, Nyquist stability criterion to the ratio between the source output
such as phasor-based analysis, transformation into dq reference impedance to the load input impedance [12]. Dynamic interactions
frame, reduced-order modeling, and harmonic linearization that between a converter and its input filter can be analyzed using the
are applicable to ac power electronic systems, are then reviewed same method [13]. The impedance-based system stability require-
and compared in terms of their applicability and limitations. ments can also be used to define impedance specifications for
Small-signal impedance modeling of rectifiers and inverters by individual converters such as system stability can be guaranteed by
harmonic linearization is reviewed in some detail. Limitation of the design [14]. However, such specifications are almost always too
existing impedance-based system criterion when applied to conservative, resulting in increased size and cost of system design;
current-source systems is identified and an extension of the theory
design for system stability remains a topic for future research.
is presented for application to grid-parallel inverters.
Ac power electronic system is a relatively new development.
I. INTRODUCTION The electric power grid is by far the largest power system that has
been in existence since George Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla
successfully demonstrated a polyphase electrical supply system at
As power converters (such as power supplies, motor drives and
the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. Despite the
UPS) that are traditionally built from discrete devices and compo-
large number of power supplies and other power electronic devices
nents become commodity products, research in power electronics
connected to the grid, however, the utility grid remained, until
is shifting towards miniaturization for low- and medium-power
recent years, largely an electromechanical system where power is
applications, as well as to integration and control of power
almost exclusively generated by large synchronous generators and
electronic systems encompassing multiple converters. For the
mostly consumed by linear and passive loads such as incandescent
purpose of this work, a power electronic system is defined as a
light bulbs and motors. The percentage of power processed by
power system where a significant portion of system power is
power electronic circuits and control has been relatively small and
processed by power electronic circuits and control such that their
their effects on overall system operation is negligible for most
operation has a dominant effect on system performance. The form
practical purposes. This, however, is changing rapidly in recent
of power distribution in such a system can be dc, ac, or a combi-
years due to the proliferation of renewable energy and distributed
nation of both, and the system will be referred to as dc, ac, or
generation technologies on the source side, and energy-efficient
hybrid power electronic system, respectively.
technologies such as solid-state lighting and variable-speed drives
Dc power electronic system has been a research subject in power on the load side. Similar changes are taking place in other, mobile
electronics for almost three decades now, started from satellite and and autonomous power systems such as those found on ground and
space station applications [1, 2] in the 1970s and 1980s, and air transportation systems. As a result, there is a great demand for
proliferated in the 1990s driven by telecom and computer applica- understanding of stability and power quality issues in ac power
tions where it is commonly referred to as distributed power electronic systems, as well as for methodologies and tools that can
systems (DPS) [3, 4]. Electric and hybrid-electric vehicle became be applied to analyze and integrate such complex systems.
another application of dc power electronic system technology in
more recent years. Many works have been published on the This paper presents an overview of ac power electronic system
modeling, analysis, and design of such systems [6-14], and a stability and power quality problems as we know today, and review
standard analysis method based on averaging and linearization has available system modeling and analysis methods. The next section
been developed. Since a switching converter represents a discon- presents several practical ac power electronic systems and discuss
tinuous system that is difficult to deal with analytically, averaging their characteristics. Possible system stability and power quality
is a necessary step to first remove the switching operation such that problems are demonstrated by measurement results in Section III.
an approximate, continuous (averaged) model can be developed. Different system analysis methods are reviewed and compared in
Various averaging techniques have been discussed in the literature, Section IV, followed by an overview of the recently developed
ranging from straightforward state-space averaging [6-9] to more harmonic linearization method (Section V) and an extension of the
sophisticated reduced-order modeling techniques for resonant and impedance-based method to current-source systems (Section VI).
soft-switching converters [10, 11]. Section VII summarizes the paper.

978-1-4244-2551-8/08/$20.00 2008 IEEE

II. AC POWER ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Since variable-speed drives require rectification front end,
harmonic distortion becomes a critical problem for MEA power
An ac power electronic system is defined hereby as an ac power system. To ensure system power quality, airborne environmental
system where a significant portion of system power is processed by standards such as DO-160 have been updated recently to include
power electronic circuits and control. Several commonly encoun- harmonic current limits for equipment that interfaces with airborne
tered ac power electronic systems are reviewed below to highlight electrical systems. Complying with these standards requires the use
their practical significance. of multi-pulse rectifiers such as TRU (transformer rectifier unit)
and ATRU (autotransformer rectifier unit), or PWM rectifiers with
A. Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation active power factor correction as the front-end converter [24].
Meantime, single-phase PFC converters are required by single-
The electrical power grid is undergoing some fundamental
phase loads such as avionics, communication, and in-flight enter-
changes. The conventional model of a substation or service trans-
tainment systems [25, 26]. Fig. 1 depicts a conceptual VF power
former supplying power to loads in a radial or network (/ring)
system highlighting the use of various rectification loads on the VF
structure is no longer valid. The sources will become inherently
power bus. It is estimated that more than 50% of MEA system
dispersed due to the use of renewable energy and other distributed
power is processed by power electronic circuits at least once,
generation technologies [15], and in many cases there is no longer
making it a typical ac (or hybrid) power electronic system.
a clear physical line between the source and the load. The level of
penetration by renewable energy and distributed generation is
increasing at an unprecedented speed in many countries and Motor Motor Motor
regions in the world, driven by growing energy demands, rising
energy cost, and concerns over environmental effects of conven- Invert. Invert. Invert.
tional fossil fuels. Many states in the US, for example, have set
goals to reach 10-25% renewable penetration level in their utility Rec
SSPC dc-dc VF AC Bus
grid within a decade. Since most renewable and DG sources use VF
inverters for interfacing with the grid, the source of future electrical
28 VDC Bus
grid will become increasing power electronic sources [16]. This is TRU 1 PFC
particularly true in some small areas where there is a high concen-
tration of renewable sources, or in micro-grids [17], which rely on dc-dc dc-dc DC Backup In-Flight Entertainment &
power electronics and control for system operation. Power Other Single-Phase Loads
Avionics, Communications,
Similar changes are taking place on the load side. Electronics Flight Control, SSPC: Solid State Power Controller
consume now a significant portion of electricity used in American
households; conventional incandescent light bulbs are being Fig. 1. Illustration of a conceptual MEA power system highlighting the use of var-
ious rectification loads.
replaced by more efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFL) and
solid-state lighting devices; and home appliances such as washing C. Other AC Power Electronic Systems
machines and air conditioners are being equipped with variable-
speed drives to enhance their performance and reduce energy In addition to renewable energy and MEA power systems, ac
consumption. All these new devices require conditioning of the 50/ power electronic systems can be found in several other practical
60 Hz ac input by power electronic circuits and control, typically applications, such as electric ships [27, 28], autonomous and
consisting of an ac-dc rectification front-end followed by a dc-dc mobile power systems used by the military and in isolated areas, as
converter or dc-ac inverter. As the result, the utility grid is trans- well as grid-connected commercial and residential buildings with
forming from the conventional electromechanical and electromag- large amount of locally generated renewable and DG inputs. As an
netic system to a ultra large scale ac power electronic system, example, Fig. 2 illustrates the power system of a computing facility
which has profound impact on grid characteristics and requires a that incorporates backup power (UPS and gad-fired generator), on-
new paradigm in system analysis and control [18-21]. site generation using micro-turbine based DG, and grid connection
through a substation transformer. Similar systems can be found in
B. More-Electric Aircraft Power Systems data centers and office buildings.
Conventional transport aircraft power systems use constant-
frequency (CF) 400 Hz ac power distribution produced by the so-
called integrated drive-generators (IDG) [22]. Such CF system is
now replaced by variable-frequency (VF) ac on new commercial
passenger airplanes in order to eliminate the maintenance-intensive
IDG. Meantime, more-electric aircraft (MEA) technology is also
being adopted in which many functions that are traditionally
operated by hydraulic, pneumatic, or mechanical power are
electrified in order to reduce size and weight, and improve fuel
efficiency [23]. This has resulted in the use of large number of
motor drives for such functions as fuel pumping, cabin pressur-
ization and air conditioning, engine start, and flight control
actuation, making power electronics an indispensable part of MEA
Fig. 2. Power system for a computing facility incorporating uninterruptible power
technologies [23]. supplies, gas-fired backup generator, and micro turbine-based DG.
III. SYSTEM STABILITY AND POWER QUALITY tional amplifiers (op-amps) in analog circuit design. Since an ideal
op-amp has infinite input impedance and zero output impedance, it
This section presents measurements from several practical ac can decouple interconnected functional blocks when used properly,
power electronic systems to highlight the origin and types of see e.g. Fig. 3b). However, such decoupling is impossible in power
system stability and power quality problems. When discussing electronic systems, leading to the system stability and power
such systems, we assume that individual sources and loads in the quality problems that are exemplified below.
system have been designed such that all sources are stable when
their loads are resistive and within their capacity limits, and that all A. Voltage Instability Involving a Three-Phase UPS
loads are stable when they are supplied from ideal sources. This Fig. 4 shows measurements from a three-phase UPS system
assumption also reflects a common practice used in most power installed in a bank building. It is related to a consulting project the
system design: The source converters are designed by assuming author was involved in. The three-phase UPS has a capacity of 200
resistive loads, and the load converters are designed by assuming kW and was built using line-commutated thyristor technologies. It
ideal (voltage) source input. When interconnected, the non-ideal was found that during the charging period of the battery bank
source characteristics and/or dynamic load behavior common in following a power outage in the building, the voltage in the entire
power electronic circuits can lead to inadvertent system interac- building went unstable, as can be seen from the voltage
tions that can lead to system stability and power quality problems. measurement shown by the third trace in Fig. 4.
The origin of such system interactions can be explained by using The company sold multiple units of the same UPS products, and
the simple RC circuits shown in Fig. 3. the measurement unit was the only installation where the instability
problem occurred. Hence it was clear that the problem couldnt be
caused by the UPS alone. However, it was found that the UPS had
v1 v1 a very fast current control loop when operating under battery
charging mode, which effectively results in low dynamic input
R1 R1 R3 v3 impedance of the UPS appearing to the utility grid in the charging
R3 v3 mode. Additional measurement of the system indicated that the
v2 v2 + substation transformer is quite weak and had high reactance. Hence
C it was concluded that the voltage instability was caused by the high
R2 C R2 grid impedance seen from the building and the low input
impedance of the UPS in the charging mode. The problem was
solved by lowing the gain of the UPS current loop to effectively
a) b) increase its input impedance.
Fig. 3. Origin of system interactions in an analog circuit. a) Coupling of two sec-
tions of the circuit by impedance; b) Isolation by using an op-amp.

The circuit in Fig. 3 consists of a resistive voltage divider and an

RC filter. The voltage transfer ratio of the resistive divider when
the output is an open-circuit is
V 2(s) R2
G 1(s) = -----------
- = -----------------
-, (1)
V 1(s) R1 + R2

while the RC filter transfer function is

Unstable Voltage
V 3(s) 1
G 2(s) = -----------
- = ---------------------- . (2)
V 2(s) 1 + R 3 Cs

The overall transfer function from v1 to v3 can be found to be

V 3(s) R2 Fig. 4. Voltage instability in a bank building due to interactions between a UPS
- = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------- , (3) and the substation transformer.
V 1(s) ( R 1 + R 2 ) + [ R 1 R 2 + R 3 ( R 1 + R 2 ) ]Cs
B. Single-Phase PFC Converter Interaction with the Source
which is different from the product of G 1(s) and G 2(s) . In
particular, the interconnection shifted the pole of the system from The second example relates to a single-phase PFC converter
( R 3 C ) 1 to a lower frequency at powered from a programmable ac source. Feedforward control was
incorporated in the PFC current loop such that high-quality input
R 1 R 2 1 1
R + ----------------- current was expected. To the contrary, the measured input current
- ---- .
R +R C waveform, shown in Fig. 5, contained significant harmonics.
1 2
Unlike the low-frequency voltage instability in the previous
Change in system dynamics due to interconnect may lead to example, the problem hear is a power quality problem involving
instability or significant degradation of system performance if not high-frequency harmonic distortion. Detailed analysis of the
accounted for in the design. This problem is solved by using opera- problem and its solutions can be found in [29].
The inverter was powered from a programmable dc power
source in the experiment to avoid the need for an actual fuel cell.
The dc supply voltage was found to be stable, indicating that the
harmonics are caused by inverter control and its possible inter-
action with the grid. Section VI presents an analysis of the inverter-
grid system which shows again that the harmonics are due to
dynamic interactions between the inverter and the grid.
The examples presented in this section indicate that system
interactions in ac power electronic systems may lead to both
voltage instability and harmonic distortion. To identify and solve
such system-level stability and power quality problems requires
system-level modeling and analysis methods and tools, which are
reviewed in the next section.


Fig. 5. Harmonic current distortion caused by dynamic interaction between a sin-
gle-phase PFC converter and the source output impedance. Each switching power converter is a highly nonlinear system
that is difficult to handle by analytical methods. This limits us
C. Gird-Parallel Fuel Cell Inverter Current Instability to numerical simulation and small-signal analysis when dealing
with large power electronic systems in practice. Numerical
The last example, shown in Fig. 6, involves a single-phase
simulation is easy to start, but difficult to do well, and offers
PWM inverter for interfacing a fuel cell with the grid. The inverter
very limited insight. Convergence and simulation time are also
can operate in both standalone and grid-parallel mode. Fig. 6a)
critical for large systems, which often require distributed and
shows inverter output voltage in standalone operation and with a
parallel simulation. In this work, we focus on small-signal
resistive load. Both voltage and current are sinusoidal in this case.
analytical methods.
However, the inverter output contains significant harmonic
A systematic method based on averaging and linearizations
currents in grid-parallel operation, as shown in Fig. 6b).
has been developed for dc power electronic systems. The
existence of dc operation points allows the nonlinear averaged
models to be linearized such that a linear system model can be
developed. The system can then be partitioned into a source and a
v load subsystem, as depicted in Fig. 7. Assume that the source
output impedance, Zs, and the load input impedance, Zl, have been
determined by small-signal analysis. The voltage applied to the
load subsystem can then be calculated as follows:
Zl 1
V l = V s ---------------- = V s ----------------------- , (4)
i Zl + Zs 1 + Zs Zl

Since the source is assumed to be stable by itself, stability of

the interconnected system requires that
1 -
---------------------- (5)
a) 1 + Zs Zl

is stable. Note that (5) resembles the transfer function of a feedback

v control loop where the loop gain is Z s Z l . Therefore, intercon-
necting a non-ideal source with a load effectively creates an
additional feedback loop, and the interconnect system is stable if
i and only if the impedance ratio Z s Z l , in other words, the
additional loop gain, satisfies the Nyquist stability criterion. This
has been the basis for dc power electronic system analysis [12-14].

Zs +

Source Vs + Vl Zl Load

Fig. 6. A fuel-cell inverter output voltage and current in a) standalone operation
with a resistive load, and b) grid-parallel operation. Fig. 7. Impedance representation of an interconnected source-load system.
The impedance-based method discussed above can be applied to In general, the response of the current to such perturbation contains
ac or hybrid ac-dc power electronic systems as well. The difficulty, harmonics at different frequencies because of nonlinearity. For the
however, is in obtaining the source and load impedance models. A purpose of small-signal analysis, one can ignore all harmonics and
converter operating with ac input or/and output exhibits similar consider only the response at the perturbation frequency:
nonlinear/discontinuous characteristics as in a dc-dc converter.
Although averaging can still be applied to remove model disconti- i(t) = I 1 sin ( 1 t + 1 ) + I sin ( p t + p + p ) + (7)
nuity, the resulting averaged model is nonlinear, and direct linear-
ization of such a model is impossible due to the fact that the The small-signal impedance at the perturbation frequency can be
converter operates along a periodic time-varying trajectory rather determined once I and p have been calculated:
than at a dc point as in dc power electronic systems. V
Several methods are available for dealing with the time-varying Z(j p) = ------- p (8)
trajectories in ac power electronic systems. These include the
phasor-based method widely used in conventional power system With phasor-based models, however, small-signal perturbation
analysis, the transformation into the dq reference frame, and the is introduced to the phasor, that is, to the amplitude (and phase) of
reduced-order modeling. These methods will be reviewed in the the voltage. As shown below, amplitude modulation is equivalent
following subsections to compare their utility and limitations. to superimposing two harmonic voltages at the same time:
A. Phasor Analysis v(t) = [ V 1 + V sin ( p t + p ) ] sin 1 t = V 1 sin 1 t +
Phasor analysis is an effective method for linear ac circuits and V V
------- cos [ ( p 1 )t + p ] ------- cos [ ( p + 1 )t + p ]
systems where the excitation is a single-frequency sine wave. The 2 2
phasor concept was originally developed for sinusoidal steady-state
analysis of linear circuits [30]. Conventional power system As the result, the amplitude of the current will be modulated by the
analysis has used it to model transmission lines and loads for same frequency
system stability analysis as well [31, 32]. The underlying
assumption for such analysis is that the phasor amplitude and phase i(t) = [ I 1 + I sin ( p t + p + p ) ] sin ( 1 t + 1 ) +
angle can vary over time and, hence, can both be treated as
dynamic variables. The concept of such time-varying phasors was and the ratio of the voltage perturbation to the resulting current
more formally developed in [33], where they were referred to as perturbation can be obtained and written in the same form as (8).
dynamic phasors to distinguish from conventional phasors used in However, this function is not compatible with the definition of
steady-state analysis. small-signal impedance discussed before. Therefore, although
phasor-based models can be linearized, the resulting small-signal
Phasor-based dynamic models can be directly linearized by voltage-to-current transfer functions cannot be used as impedances
using conventional small-signal analysis methods because both for use with the impedance-based system analysis method outlined
the amplitude and phase angle of a phasor are constant in at the beginning of this section. This was discussed in more detail
steady-state operation. One limitation of the conventional in [37] by using a single-phase PFC converter as example.
dynamic phasor theory is that it only applies to linear circuits
and systems. This is solved by the so-called generalized The impedance-based method enables a hierarchical approach to
averaging theory [34-36], in which each dynamic variable is system analysis by allowing a system to be divided into different
represented by a complex Fourier series with time-varying subsystems and the system behavior to be studied at their intercon-
amplitudes and phase angles. The Fourier series can be nection points. This is very attractive for large systems, particularly
truncated to include only the fundamental or with additional those with variable configurations and/or parameters, because
harmonic terms, and each such term can be considered a changes in one subsystem do not affect the impedance of the rest of
dynamic phasor [35]. A dynamic model can be developed for a the system, and adding or disconnecting a source or load can be
nonlinear circuit based on such Fourier representation by easily accommodated in the system model by adding or removing
applying the harmonic balance principle [34]. This method has the corresponding impedance element. Input and output impedance
been applied to model FACTS and other nonlinear devices for models can also be established from experimental measurements if
power flow and dynamic stability study [35, 36]. analytical models are not available. None of these is possible with
One limitation of the phasor-based method is that the models are phasor-based models because their incompatibility with small-
only valid below the fundamental frequency (or, in the case of signal impedance definition. As the result, the system will have to
generalized averaging, the frequency of the highest harmonic be treated as a whole and any change in any part of the system will
included in the model.) Therefore, power quality problems, such as require reformulation of the entire system model. This has not been
those discussed in III.B and III.C, cannot be studied using such a problem for traditional power system stability study, which
models. Another limitation, which is more subtle and has generated focuses at the transmission level where things do not change often.
some confusions in the past, is that small-signal impedance of Most renewable energies and other distributed resources, on the
nonlinear circuit cannot be obtained from linearizations of phasor- other hand, are integrated into the utility grid at low- to medium-
based models. To determine small-signal impedance of a nonlinear voltage distribution level where things change frequently, making
circuit, one first injects a voltage perturbation as defined below: the impedance-based approach much more attractive than the
phasor-based approach. The same is true for mobile and other
v(t) = V 1 sin 1 t + V sin ( p t + p ) autonomous power systems reviewed in Section II, where there are
(6) no transmission lines and there is usually only one voltage which

Perturbation all sources and loads operate with.

B. Modeling in DQ Reference Frame 1) The transformed model in the dq reference frame remains
time-varying if any of the three-phase quantities contains
Another method to get around the time-varying behavior of more than one sinusoidal component, such as in the case
three-phase ac system is by transformation into the dq reference when harmonics have to be included.
frame. This method, also referred to as Park transformation, has
been used for decades in electric machine analysis to deal with the 2) The coupling between the d- and q-axis requires that the two
position-dependent (hence time-varying) inductance of salient- subsystems be studied together, which is more complicated
rotor synchronous machines [38]. It is also used in variable-speed than when they are decoupled.
control of induction machines to enable decoupled control of the 3) In many cases, there is no clear physical interpretation for
magnetizing and torque-producing currents [39]. References [40] the impedances in the d- and q-axis as well as the coupling
and [41] used it to study small-signal behavior of PWM rectifiers between them. Experimental measurement of such imped-
including interactions with input EMI filters. ances is also difficult because of the requirement for special
The general abc-to-dq0 transformation matrix is defined as equipment and instruments.
C. Reduced-Order Modeling
2 2
sin sin ------ sin + ------ The third method that has been used in the literature to deal with
3 3
time-varying behavior of ac power sources and loads, specifically
T = --- cos cos 2 2
------ cos + ------ (9) PWM rectifiers and inverters, is by reduced-order modeling. Most
3 3 3 PWM rectifiers and inverters used in practice can be simplified to
the basic boost or buck topology, respectively. The averaged model
------ 1-
------ 1-
------ of either type of converters becomes linear in the duty ratio if the
2 2 2 capacitor voltage is assumed constant. For example, the averaged
model of a three-phase boost PWM rectifier can be written as
= ( t ) dt . (10) ia va da
----- i b = v b V dc d b (11)
The zero-axis can be dropped for balanced three-phase systems or dt
systems without neutral connection (hence no zero-axis current can ic vc dc
flow). An important feature of (9) is that it transforms balanced
three-phase sinusoidal quantities into two constant quantities, one where (ia, ib, ic) are the phase currents, (va, vb, vc) the source
in the d-axis and one in the q-axis if in (10) is set to the frequency voltages, and (da, db, dc) the duty ratios of the three phase legs. The
of the quantities being transformed. Therefore, balanced three- overall converter model remains linear if the current controllers are
phase ac variables become dc variables in the transformed dq also linear. Then the converter input impedances (as viewed from
reference frame. The existence of a dc operation point in the dq the three-phase input terminals) can be calculated directly without
reference frame permits the application of conventional small- requiring any linearization. The same is true when the converter
signal analysis techniques including the impedance-based system operates as an inverter.
stability analysis techniques. The constant capacitor voltage assumption invoked in the above
One difference between such a transformed dq system and a dc discussion is justifiable at high frequencies where the capacitor can
power electronic systems is that variables in the d- and q-axis are be viewed as a short circuit for variation in its charging and
usually mutually coupled. Reference [42] generalized the discharging current. The resulting models are therefore valid only
impedance stability criterion to such two-dimensional systems at high frequencies, too. Such high-frequency reduced-order
where both the source output and the load input are modeled by a models can be used to design the current control loop, which
2-by-2 impedance matrix, and system stability depends on the usually requires wide control bandwidth, and to study system inter-
product between the source output impedance and the inverse of actions in the high-frequency region, typically above the funda-
the load input impedance. The coupling between the two axes mental frequency of the system. This method has been used to
makes the application of Nyquist stability criterion more compli- model high-frequency input impedance of boost single-phase PFC
cated in this case [42]. converters [43], and to study the harmonic interaction problem
Elimination of time-varying behavior by transformation into the discussed in Subsection III.B [29].
dq reference frame is possible only for balanced three-phase A reduced-order model can also be developed for a PWM
sinusoidal ac systems. The zero-axis quantities cannot be ignored rectifier or inverter at low frequencies by assuming a perfect
and remain time-varying if the system is unbalanced, and conven- current control loop such that the actual phase current(s) follow the
tional small-signal linearization techniques cannot be applied in reference(s). This techniques has been applied to single-phase
that case. This implies that the method cannot be applied to single- boost rectifiers [37]. The resulting low-frequency model, however,
phase systems or systems with significant single-phase loads or is nonlinear, which, coupled with the time-varying ac terminal
supplies, which is almost always the case with the ac power voltages and currents, prevents direct application of conventional
electronic systems discussed in Section II. The dq-transformation small-signal analysis techniques. Averaging again over a funda-
also has the following additional limitations or disadvantages mental cycle of the ac line can eliminate the time-varying behavior
compared to other methods to be reviewed: [45], but linearization of the resulting time-invariant model is
equivalent to applying amplitude modulation, which is incom-
. This is true regardless whether the frequency is constant or variable. patible with the definition of impedance, as discussed in [37].
V. HARMONIC LINEARIZATION The three-phase input voltages can be written as

Harmonic linearization is a technique to develop small-signal v a(t) = V 1 sin ( 2f 1 t ) + V p sin ( 2f p t + p )

linear models along periodic operation trajectories of time-varying 2 2
systems. The system operation trajectory may consist of a single or v b(t) = V 1 sin 2f 1 t ------ + V p sin 2f p t ------ + p
3 3
multiple sinusoidal (harmonic) components. Mathematically, this
involves superimposing harmonic perturbation to the excitation of 4 4
v c(t) = V 1 sin 2f 1 t ------ + V p sin 2f p t ------ + p
the system, determining the resulting responses of other variables 3 3
of interests, and extracting the corresponding components at the
perturbation frequency by invoking the harmonic balance principle when a positive-sequence perturbation is injected, and
[46-48] and small-signal approximation, that is, by assuming that
the harmonic perturbation is sufficiently small. The method has v a(t) = V 1 sin ( 2f 1 t ) + V p sin ( 2f p t + p )
been applied to model low-frequency input impedance of boost
2 4
single-phase PFC converters [37], high-frequency boost single- v b(t) = V 1 sin 2f 1 t ------ + V p sin 2f p t ------ + p
3 3
phase PFC converters with nonlinear average current control (such
that the reduced-order high-frequency model discussed in the 4 2
previous section is still nonlinear) [44], and line-frequency diode v c(t) = V 1 sin 2f 1 t ------ + V p sin 2f p t ------ + p
3 3
rectifiers [49-52]. The basic principle of the method is reviewed
below using a single-phase and a three-phase rectifier as examples. when a negative-sequence perturbation is injected. Since there are
Consider first a single-phase diode rectifier [49]. The ac source three phase voltages and currents, three mapping functions are
voltage, vac(t), is assumed to consist of the fundamental and a required to describe the rectifier circuit. These functions are
small-signal perturbation, as expressed by (6). The resulting dc defined as follows: sx(t) = 1 (x = a, b, or c) if vx(t) is higher than
output voltage, vdc(t), in the presence of the perturbation can be other two phase voltages; -1 if vx(t) is lower than other two phase
expressed as voltages; and 0 otherwise. With these mapping functions, the dc
v dc(t) = v ac(t) . (12) output voltage, vdc as defined in Fig. 8, can be expressed as a
function of three-phase voltages by
To facilitate mathematical calculation, this relationship is written as v dc(t) = s a(t) v a(t) + s b(t) v b(t) + s c(t) v c(t) (15)
v dc ( t ) = sgn [ v ac ( t ) ] v ac ( t ) . (13)
Similarly, each input phase current can be calculated as follows
Similarly, the ac input current can be related to the dc output once the dc output current, idc, is known:
current, idc, by using the same mapping function as follows: i a(t) = s a(t) i dc(t) (16)
i ac ( t ) = sgn [ v ac ( t ) ] i dc ( t ) (14)
i b(t) = s b(t) i dc(t) (17)
A key step in the derivation of an input impedance model is to
represent the mapping function sgn[vac(t)] in the frequency domain i c(t) = s c(t) i dc(t) (18)
by a series of complex Fourier coefficients, S[i], such that the
mapping defined by (13) and (14) can be carried out by frequency- Note that (15)-(18) are true under all line conditions (including
domain convolution. Once such frequency-domain mapping in the presence of positive- or negative-sequence perturbation) as
function is obtained, the input impedance of the rectifier can be long as idc is continuous. They replace (13)-(14) to serve as the
calculated as follows: basis for impedance mapping for three-phase rectifiers.
1) Calculate the spectrum of vdc by frequency-domain convo- To determine the spectrum of these mapping functions, their
lution between the mapping function and vac; zero-crossing points are first calculated for the interval t [ 0, 1 ] .
The calculation has to be done for each perturbation as defined
2) Use the spectrum of vdc and the given dc circuit impedance above. Fourier analysis is then applied to determine the complex
Zdc to determine the spectrum of the dc current, idc; and Fourier coefficients, and small-signal input impedance models can
3) Calculate the spectrum of iac by frequency-domain convo- be developed by following the same procedure as outlined before.
lution between the mapping function and idc. The resulting input impedance models are presented below [50].
The ratio of the perturbation voltage to the resulting component of
iac at the perturbation frequency defines the small-signal input
impedance of the rectifier [49]. idc(t) + L
A difference between three-phase and single-phase circuits is ia(t)
that small-signal responses of three-phase rectifiers depend on the ib(t) Zdc

sequence of voltage perturbation. For this reason, a three-phase vb(t) vdc(t) C

rectifier has to be modeled by two input impedances: a positive vc(t)
sequence input impedance, denoted by Zac-p, and a negative _
sequence input impedance, denoted by Zac-n. The input impedance
to a zero-sequence perturbation is infinite since a common voltage
perturbation in all three phases produces no current perturbation. Fig. 8. Three-phase full-wave diode rectifier for input impedance modeling.
1) Positive-sequence input impedance Zac-p(s): 5) A three-phase system can be decomposed into a positive-
sequence and a negative-sequence subsystem without cross
coupling between them.
1 1 A shortcoming of the method is that its application is mathemat-
Z ac-p ( s ) = ----- --------------------------
- --------------------------------- +
9 ( 1 36m ) dc
2 Z ( j12mf 1) ically more involved than with other methods. Fortunately, there
m = are only limited number of converter circuits that need to be
modeled for the study of ac power electronic systems and the
1 1 1 impedance models developed in this approach are in analytical
+ --------------------2- -------------------------------------------------------- (19)
forms such that, once developed, they can be used in different
( 1 6 m ) Z dc ( s + j2 ( 6m 1 )f 1 )
systems without the need to rederive the mathematics.
2) Negative-sequence input impedance Zac-n(s):

1 1 The grid-parallel fuel-cell inverter system discussed in
Z ac-n ( s ) = ----- --------------------------
- --------------------------------- + Subsection III.C can be represented by the simplified block
9 ( 1 36m ) dc
2 Z ( j12mf 1) diagram shown in Fig. 9. The local load represents the load that
m = may be connected to the inverter output directly. It will be ignored
1 first in the following discussion.
1 1
+ -----------------------2- --------------------------------------------------------- (20)
( 1 + 6 m ) Z dc ( s + j2 ( 6m + 1 )f 1 )
Inverter Grid
Since the magnitude of each term in (19) and (20) decreases Zi Zl Zg
rapidly as m increases, the infinite summation over m in both cases Local
can be truncated to include only the most significant terms around
m = 0. The following approximate models are obtained by consid-
ering only the terms corresponding to m = 0: Fig. 9. Simplified block diagram representation of the grid-parallel fuel-cell
inverter system discussed in Subsection III.C.
1 1 1
Z ac-p ( s ) ----- ---------------- + ---------------------------------- (21)
9 Z dc ( 0 ) Z dc ( s j2f 1 ) To determine possible interactions between the inverter and the
grid, the inverter output impedance and the grid impedance as seen
from the interconnection point can be determined experimentally
1 1 1 by measurement or analytically by mathematical modeling. Denote
Z ac-n ( s ) ----- ---------------- + ---------------------------------- (22) these impedance as Zi and Zg, respectively (see Fig. 9). To apply
9 Z dc ( 0 ) Z dc ( s + j2f 1 )
the impedance-based system stability criterion, however, one
encounters an ambiguity here because either or both the fuel-cell
This method has also been applied to multi-pulse rectifiers that inverter and the grid can be considered the source. Based on the
use phase-shifting transformers to create additional phases [51, 52]. existing theory discussed at the beginning of Section IV, the
It is a specific application of the general harmonic linearization Nyquist criterion would be applied to Z g Z i if the inverter is
method, taking advantage of the symmetrical relationship between considered the source, but to Z i Z g if the grid is considered the
the voltages and currents on the ac and dc side of the rectifier source; they will obviously lead to totally different conclusions and
bridge. Its application to PWM rectifiers [37, 44] and inverters requirements for system stability. This represents a general
require different mathematics, but the basic principle is the same. It problem with grid-parallel inverters.
can also be applied to line-frequency, phase-controlled rectifiers
To resolve this ambiguity, we have to make a distinction
and inverters, providing therefore a general method for modeling
between voltage sources and current sources, and reexamine the
input and output impedance of different rectifiers and inverters,
conditions for the existing impedance-based analysis method.
which are the basic building blocks of ac power electronic systems.
Note that it was implicitly assumed in the existing theory that
In addition to its applicability to different types of converters, the the source behaves as a voltage source with some internal
harmonic linearization method has several other advantages impedance, see Fig. 7. However, a grid-parallel inverter is
compared to other methods reviewed in the previous section: usually controlled to inject specific amount of current into the
1) The steady-state operation trajectory can include any grid, hence shall be modeled as a current source instead of a
number of harmonics, as demonstrated in [50] for single- voltage source. To develop a system model involving current
phase diode rectifiers. sources, consider the simplified system representation depicted
2) It can handle both balance and unbalanced systems, in Fig. 10 where the source is a current source (Is) in parallel
including single-phase systems. with an impedance (Zs). In this case, the load current is related
3) The resulting impedance models can be valid both above to the source current by
and below the ac fundamental frequency, depending on the Zl Zs 1 1
characteristics of the converter. I l = I s ---------------- ---- = I s ----------------------- . (23)
Zl + Zs Zl 1 + Zl Zs
4) The impedances are defined in the phase domain with clear
physical interpretation and can be directly measured. . As well as a zero-sequence subsystem if unbalance condition exists.
Vs = Zs Is (24)
Since the source output impedance is the same (Zs), one could
Source Is Zs Zl Load argue that system stability should be determined by applying the
Nyquist criterion to Zs/Zl, not Zl/Zs as expressed by (23), creating
again an ambiguity in system analysis.
To resolve this problem, note that a common presumption for
system stability analysis based on the Nyquist criterion discussed
Fig. 10. Representation of an interconnected load-current source system.
before for either a voltage-source or current-source system is that
the source is stable by itself. For the transformed current-source
Similar to (4), an impedance ratio appears in the denominator in system discussed above, this requires that the equivalent voltage
(23) to which the Nyquist criterion can be applied to determine the source expressed by (24) is stable when the load impedance is
interconnected system stability. However, the ratio is different infinite ( Z l = ). If this could be assumed, however, the intercon-
depending on the nature of the source: For voltage sources, it is the nected source-load system stability could be concluded directly
source output impedance divided by the load input impedance, based on the original current-source representation. In other words,
while for current sources, it is the load input impedance divided by a converter controlled as a current source cannot be represented by
the source output impedance. Expression (23) represents an an equivalent voltage source for system analysis unless system
extension to the existing system stability theory and should be stability has already been concluded.
applied for grid-parallel inverters and other systems where the
A grid-parallel inverter is usually designed by assuming an
source is controlled as a current source.
ideal grid, that is, a sinusoidal voltage source without any
Since the fuel-cell inverter discussed in Subsection III.C is impedance. The inverter should meet all design requirements,
controlled as a current source in grid-parallel operation mode, its including stability, under this condition. In other words, the
dynamic interactions with the grid should be studied based on (23); equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 10 for such a current-source
in other words, based on the ratio of grid impedance to the inverter system can be assumed stable when the grid impedance is zero
output impedance. In fact, the ambiguity mentioned before is ( Z l = ), and the purpose of system analysis is to determine
resolved and it does not matter now whether the fuel-cell inverter system stability when the grid impedance is not zero and
or the grid is considered the source, because in both cases the increases. This is opposite to the voltage-source system repre-
system stability depends on whether Z g Z i meets the Nyquist sentation in Fig. 7, where the source is assumed to be stable
criterion. In either case, the local load can be considered by when the load is an open-circuit and the purpose of system
including it as part of the load input impedance. Fig. 11 shows the analysis is to determine system stability when the load
Nyquist plot for the impedance ratio Z g Z i obtained from experi- impedance decreases.
mental measurements of the inverter output impedance and the grid
input impedance. As can be seen, the Nyquist plot encircles the (-1, VII. SUMMARY
0) point one time in the counterclockwise direction, indicating that
the interconnected system is unstable, which provides an expla- Electric power grids are evolving into large ac power electronic
nation for the unstable operation as observed in the current systems as renewable energy and distributed generation continue to
responses shown in Fig. 6b). penetrate and efficient energy utilization technologies such as
A current source (Is) in parallel with an impedance (Zs) is solid-state lighting and variable-speed drives proliferate. Micro
electrically equivalent to a voltage source (ZsIs) in series with the girds, aircraft and ship power systems, and other autonomous
same impedance (Zs). Therefore, one could convert the current power systems are additional examples of ac power electronic
source equivalent circuit in Fig. 10 into the voltage-source equiv- systems which are fundamentally different from conventional
alent circuit in Fig. 7, with the equivalent voltage source defined by power systems dominated by electromechanical and electromag-
netic power conversion devices. The complex dynamics of power
1.5 electronic circuits can cause inadvertent system interactions,
leading to instability, power quality, and other system problems.
1 Successful integration and operation of such power electronic
systems require system-level modeling and analysis.
0.5 Compared to dc power electronic systems, a fundamental diffi-
culty with the analysis of ac power electronic systems is the time-
0 varying system operation trajectories which prevent direct appli-
cation of small-signal analysis techniques. Phasor-based analysis,
- 0.5
transformation into the dq reference frame, reduced-order
modeling, and harmonic linearization are possible solutions to this
problem. Among these, harmonic linearization can be applied
when other methods fail and results in input and output impedances
that are easy to use. Harmonic linearization, together with reduced-
-1.5 -1 - 0.5 0 0.5 1
order modeling method, can be used to develop small-signal input
and output impedance models for both PWM and line-frequency
Fig. 11. Nyquist plot of the impedance ratio Zg/Zi for the grid-parallel fuel cell rectifiers and inverters which are the basic building blocks of ac
inverter discussed in Subsection III.C. power electronic systems.
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