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The Use of Optokinetic Stimulation in

Vestibular Rehabilitation
Marousa Pavlou, PhD, BA, MCSP

Abstract: Individuals with vestibular dysfunction may experience

Individuals with a peripheral vestibular disorder may
visual vertigo (VV), in which symptoms are provoked or exacer-
experience discomfort, postural instability, and symptoms of
bated by excessive or disorienting visual stimuli (eg, supermarkets).
dizziness, light headedness, and/or disorientation in situations
Individuals with VV are believed to be overly reliant on visual input involving visual-vestibular conflict or intense visual motion
for balance (ie, visually dependent). VV can significantly improve stimulation (ie, supermarket aisles, crowds, watching moving
when customized vestibular rehabilitation exercises are combined scenes, and driving on highways). This phenomenon has been
with exposure to optokinetic stimuli. However, the frequency of referred to as visual vertigo (VV),14 space and motion dis-
treatment sessions (twice weekly for 8 weeks) and the equipment comfort,15 visual vestibular mismatch,16 and motorists dis-
used (expensive and space consuming) make it difficult to incorpo- orientation syndrome.17 Studies have shown that visual mo-
rate these techniques into everyday clinical practice where exercises tion stimuli (tilted or rotating visual surroundings) have a
may be practiced unsupervised. The aim of this focused review is to stronger influence on verticality perception and postural sta-
provide an overview of recent findings investigating (a) responses of bility in individuals with VV than in individuals with vestib-
individuals with vestibular deficits to a customized exercise program ular dysfunction but without VV.14,18,19 Thus, individuals
incorporating exposure to optokinetic stimuli via a high-tech with VV are overly reliant on visual cues for both perception
visual environment rotator or a low-tech DVD with and without and postural responses (ie, visually dependent). This exces-
supervision, and (b) the mechanism of recovery. Optokinetic stim- sive reliance on visual cues is believed to be 1 of the factors
ulation will also be discussed in relation to other new innovations in underlying poor vestibular compensation, especially in situ-
vestibular rehabilitation techniques and future work. ations causing visual-vestibular conflict in which there is a
mismatch between visual and vestibular input regarding
Key words: visual vertigo, optokinetic stimulation, visual depen- movement and orientation (ie, 1 sensory system is indicating
dency, vestibular rehabilitation
movement and the other is not).14,18
(JNPT 2010;34: 105110) One of the aims of vestibular rehabilitation is to desen-
sitize the patients through progressive, structured exposure to
symptom-provoking movements and situations. When the
INTRODUCTION ability to select appropriate sensory input for postural stabil-

T he use of exercise in the form of appropriate movements

and sensory exposure (ie, vestibular rehabilitation) is
currently considered the standard of care for individuals with
ity is disrupted, exercises focus on asking the individual to
maintain balance in situations in which the availability and
accuracy of 1 or more sensory inputs are varied. For those
peripheral vestibular disorders regardless of age and symp- individuals with visual dependency, the approach involves ex-
tom duration.13 Customized vestibular rehabilitation pro- ercises where visual input is incorrect, conflicting, or absent, so
vides greater benefit compared with a generic exercise pro- that the individual learns to rely more on proprioceptive and
gram (eg, Cawthorne-Cooksey exercise) with significant available vestibular cues.20 Guerraz et al18 suggested that
improvements in subjective symptoms, dynamic visual acu- rehabilitation programs promoting desensitization and in-
ity, gait, and postural stability.2,4 9 Approximately 50% to creased tolerance to visual stimuli through exposure to visual
80% of individuals completing a customized vestibular reha- motion (ie, optokinetic stimulation) would be specifically
bilitation program show improvements in symptoms and pos- beneficial for individuals with VV.
tural stability.10 12 However, complete recovery is less common Earlier studies in individuals with a unilateral or
and occurs in approximately-of all cases.12,13 The reasons why bilateral peripheral vestibular disorder showed significant
some individuals with peripheral vestibular disorders do not improvements in both postural stability and optokinetic
fully recover are not entirely clear. nystagmus after 6 weeks of exposure to optokinetic stimula-
tion.21,22 These studies, however, did not have a control group
Division of Physiotherapy, School of Biomedical Sciences, Kings College and did not assess either symptom severity or type. Further-
London, United Kingdom. more, patients were in the subacute phase from which the
Correspondence: Marousa Pavlou, E-mail:
Copyright 2010 Neurology Section, APTA
majority of individuals will recover either spontaneously or
ISSN: 1557-0576/10/3402-0105 with conventional therapy.23 Consequently, it was not possi-
DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0b013e3181dde6bf ble to ascertain whether exposure to optokinetic stimulation

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provided any greater benefit compared with customized ves- rotating chair and striped curtain, and moving rooms.20,22,24,25
tibular rehabilitation alone, and, if so, which subset of indi- Many clinicians do not have access to these types of high-
viduals would benefit most from this type of treatment. tech equipment. Wrisley and Pavlou26 reported that similar,
Essentially, the clinical efficacy of visual motion and visual- although less intense, stimulation could be provided by a busy
vestibular conflict stimulation remained unknown. These is- screen saver (eg, mazes), a head-mounted display, or a DVD
sues were addressed in a study that compared patients including visual stimulation recorded from the available clinical
responses with a customized regimen versus a customized equipment. However, the individual effectiveness of any of
regimen that also incorporated exposure to optokinetic stim- these low-tech methods had not been investigated.
ulation via whole-body or visual environment rotators.24 The A recently completed study, Pavlou et al27 compared
findings showed that customized vestibular rehabilitation responses three groups to a customized vestibular exercise
incorporating optokinetic stimuli was more beneficial for regimen in three groups of individuals with chronic periph-
improving dizziness, postural instability, and particularly VV eral vestibular disorder. Participants received either: (1) su-
symptoms in individuals with chronic peripheral vestibular pervised exposure to optokinetic stimuli via a high-tech
symptoms.24 However, the 8-week, twice-weekly therapy full-field visual environment rotator, (2) supervised exposure
sessions and the equipment used (ie, custom made, expen- to optokinetic stimuli via a low-tech DVD, or (3) practiced
sive, and space consuming) made it difficult to transfer this customized vestibular exercises and the low-tech DVD at
rehabilitation method from a research setting into everyday home without supervision.
clinical practice. Furthermore, visual dependency measures The high-tech stimulus (Stimulopt; Framiral, Cannes,
were not obtained, and the mechanism of recovery could France) is commercially available (Fig. 1A and B), provides
not be identified. full-field visual motion in the y- and z-axes, and the direction
The purpose of this focused review is to provide an and speed can be controlled. The DVD stimuli include indi-
overview of recent work addressing (a) the use of high-tech vidual 2-minute sequences of an optokinetic disk (Fig. 2A) or
versus low-tech optokinetic stimulation and the role of supervi- drum (Fig. 2B) moving in a clockwise, counterclockwise, ver-
sion and (b) the mechanism of recovery. Optokinetic stimulation tical, or sinusoidal direction at varying speeds within a limited
is also discussed in relation to other new innovations in vestib- field of view. A full description of the DVD is included in
ular rehabilitation techniques and future work. Pavlou et al.24
Parameters such as the frequency, velocity, type of
HIGH-TECH VERSUS LOW-TECH texture, stimulus area, and position of the stimulus within the
OPTOKINETIC STIMULATION AND THE visual field can influence the amplitude of visual evoked
ROLE OF SUPERVISION postural responses and perception of self-motion (ie, vec-
High-tech visual motion stimulation in previous work tion).25,29 32 However, preliminary data analysis from the
has included approaches such as exposure to optokinetic aforementioned study27 indicates significant improvements
disks with multicolored circles, an optokinetic drum with for subjective VV, vestibular, and autonomic symptoms for

FIGURE 1. A and B, Apparatus used for the high-tech simulator-based intervention. A, The visual environment rotator apparatus
(Stimulopt; Framiral, Cannes, France). B, Participants are asked to stare ahead while the visual environment rotator provides a full-
field stimulus moving in different directions and at differing speeds. Participants practice exercises in sitting and standing positions
and walking either toward and away from the stimulus or alongside it with or without sagittal or horizontal head movements.

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JNPT Volume 34, June 2010 Use of Optokinetic Stimulation

Previous studies investigating the effect of supervision

on vestibular rehabilitation outcomes show mixed results,12,33
but it is generally advocated that some form of supervision is
beneficial.4,5,24,34 The data from Pavlou et al27 further support
this view as the findings indicate a direct relationship between
supervision, motivation, and compliance. There was an un-
acceptable 55% drop-out rate for the nonsupervised group,
compared with 10% for each of the 2 supervised groups.
Patients in each of the supervised groups attended once-
weekly therapy sessions for the duration of the study and
practiced a customized home exercise program, including the
visual motion DVD, on the days they did not attend the clinic.
Furthermore, supervision is believed to improve psycholog-
ical status by increasing patient confidence, providing reas-
surance, and emphasizing the positive effects of vestibular
exercises.5,34 Black et al5 also suggested that frequent assess-
ment of progress during supervised therapy allows the ther-
apist to introduce more challenging balancing tasks in a
timely fashion, and ensure that exercises are being performed
correctly. It is hypothesized that these factors are meaningful,
as significant improvement for psychological symptoms and
postural stability was observed only with supervised therapy.27 It is
clear that some form of supervision is necessary, but further
studies are required to determine the most appropriate type
and frequency of supervised sessions.


Adaptation of specific vestibular parameters has been
noted after exposure to optokinetic stimulation including
changes in the gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in primates,
healthy individuals, and individuals with a chronic peripheral
vestibular disorder.4,21,35,36 Exposure to repetitive vestibular
or optokinetic stimulation also reduces the duration of
postrotational vestibular sensation in healthy individuals.37
However, although it is believed that improvements noted
in VV symptoms in individuals with a peripheral vestibu-
lar disorder after exposure to optokinetic stimulation are
FIGURE 2. A and B, Still images from DVD stimuli. A, Still due to a decreased reliance on vision for perceptual and
image from an optokinetic drum sequence rotating clock- postural responses, no studies to date have investigated visual
wise at 40 degrees per second. B. Still image from an opto- dependency measures before and after rehabilitation.
kinetic disc sequence rotating counterclockwise at 60 de- A recently completed study aimed to further investigate
grees per second. Exercises while watching the DVD are
divided into a progressive sequence in which patients are
this issue by measuring visual dependency before and after
asked to focus on a particular area of the moving image repeated exposure to optokinetic stimuli in healthy individu-
while sitting or standing at varying distances from the screen als.38 Participants were randomly allocated into either an
or while walking toward and away from the screen with and intervention group that underwent graded exposure to visual
without head movements. motion stimuli for 5 consecutive days, or a control group that
did not receive any intervention. Static and dynamic aspects
all 3 groups with no significant differences among groups. of perceptual preferences for spatial orientation and postural
Furthermore, improvements in postural stability and psycho- sway measures with eyes open and closed, and in the pres-
logical status are specific to supervised intervention but not to ence of visual motion stimuli, were obtained at baseline and
a particular visual motion stimulus. These findings suggest at the end of the intervention. Findings indicated significant
that factors that were specifically different between the high- improvements for both perceptual and postural responses
and low-tech stimuli including texture, area, and position only for the intervention group suggesting that short-term,
within the visual field did not influence rehabilitation out- graded, repeated exposure to visual-vestibular exercises in-
come. Further work is needed to identify the most beneficial duces plastic, adaptive changes that decrease the magnitude
parameters of optokinetic stimulation for rehabilitation out- of visual dependency.38 Possible neural sites of action for the
come; however, currently, the visual motion DVD could be adaptive changes induced by visual-vestibular conflict and
an economical and effective method of incorporating optoki- optokinetic stimulation are numerous because of the exten-
netic stimulation into vestibular rehabilitation programs. sive convergence of these signals in the neuraxis. However,

2010 Neurology Section, APTA 107

Pavlou JNPT Volume 34, June 2010

recent functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have body orientation through vibrotactile cues delivered to the
provided some insight into activation patterns during small- trunk,5153 head,54 or tongue.55,56 Studies have shown that
field, horizontal, and vertical optokinetic stimulation.39 43 these devices can improve postural stability and reduce the
During small-field optokinetic stimulation, activation in cor- risk of falls in individuals with vestibular disorders while
tical areas related to visual motion processing and control of standing on a compliant surface and during computerized
eye movement are noted, along with deactivation of parieto- dynamic posturography, a standard clinical test of bal-
insular vestibular cortices.39,40,41 Neuronal substrates in the ance.5156 Most work has included participants with bilateral
cerebellum and brainstem are also involved in the processing vestibular hypofunction. The prosthesis works by translating
of horizontal and vertical optokinetic stimulation.42,43 information normally sensed by the vestibular system (ie,
head movement and verticality) into a proprioceptive cue that
TREATMENT INTENSITY is then integrated with remaining sensory information to
Preliminary findings from Pavlou et al38 may have improve standing balance.54,57,58 In most of the aforemen-
important implications for the treatment of visual dependence tioned studies training sessions are brief, no control group is
in individuals with and without vestibular dysfunction. It was included, and carryover of improvements to task performance
initially believed that daily and intense exposure to optoki- without the tactile device is not assessed. Furthermore, no
netic stimuli would be too nauseogenic and almost certainly randomized, controlled trials have been conducted to inves-
intolerable for this client group.24 However, Corna et al44 tigate the clinical usefulness of balance prostheses within a
compared intensive twice-daily (1 hour total) supervised vestibular rehabilitation program. It is clear that more studies
exposure with either sinusoidal support surface translations or are needed in this area. Future work should also investigate
Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises for 5 consecutive days in a the potential benefit of combined techniques (ie, optokinetic
similar client group. Participants in this study were not only stimulation and balance prostheses).
able to complete the training but also reported significant
improvements in objective and subjective outcome measures. CONCLUSION
A study is currently under way at the Academic Department Customized vestibular rehabilitation incorporating op-
of Neuro-Otology, Imperial College London, United King- tokinetic stimuli is more beneficial than the vestibular reha-
dom, to investigate whether individuals with a peripheral bilitation without optokinetic stimuli for improving dizziness,
vestibular disorder and VV symptoms are able to tolerate postural instability, and particularly VV symptoms in indi-
short-term intensive, graded exposure to vestibular exercises viduals with chronic peripheral vestibular symptoms. How-
and optokinetic stimuli, and the impact of this exposure on ever, the high-tech equipment used and the frequency of
rehabilitation outcomes in both the short and long term. treatment sessions make it difficult to transfer this rehabili-
tation method into everyday clinical practice The visual
OPTOKINETIC STIMULATION AND motion DVD may be an economical, clinic friendly, and
OTHER INNOVATIVE VESTIBULAR effective method of incorporating optokinetic stimulation into
vestibular rehabilitation programs. It is suggested, however,
that some form of supervision is needed for greater compli-
Vestibular rehabilitation is a continuously emerging ance and improvements in postural stability and psychologi-
field with promising advances in treatment. In addition to cal state. It is hypothesized that improvements after exposure
optokinetic stimulation provided via high-tech simulator- to optokinetic stimuli are due to plastic, adaptive changes in
based equipment and low-tech DVDs, various authors have the magnitude of visual dependency at both perceptual and
also discussed the potential benefit of virtual reality in ves- postural levels. It is therefore suggested that the treatment of
tibular rehabilitation.45 48 They have recommend that virtual visual dependency in individuals with and without vestibular
reality can be a useful therapeutic tool to improve postural dysfunction incorporates exposure to visual motion stimuli.
stability and symptoms in situations that closely reflect con- However, future research is required to assess optimal treat-
ditions found in everyday environments (ie, supermarket ment duration, stimulus, and long-term benefit.
aisles).46 48 It has also been suggested that wide field-of-view
devices may be more beneficial in improving postural re-
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