English Training Certificates

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ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Global Launch at Arizona State University presents Subin Roshan Vaisyam this certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages for completing more than 150 hours of instruction in Foundational Principles, Theories of Second Language Acauisition, Lesson Design and Assessment, Teaching Reading, Writing, and Grammar, Teaching Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation, and Technology-Enriched Teaching, including 10 hours of observation and 10 hours of teaching. ———- Al &— ‘Tia Rasen, Managing Director, GobalLaur Often ol wa ‘Shane Dikon, PRD, Lead Course Inucor Unwerty Provost certificate Ho. 209800000164i07AAT ‘each English Now! Foundotional Principles Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition Teach English Now! Lesson Design and Asseeement Teach English Now! Capstone Project ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY 12/20/2016 SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM hos successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization TESOL Certificate, Part 1: Teach English Now! This certificate demonstrates completion of a 75-hour self-paced course of instruction with peer reviewed and computer scored assessments. The ASU/Coursera specialization covers the foundational principles of teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, including planning lessons and observing teachers in the classroom Jed Dr Shane Dixon De Justin shewel Senior International Senior International Educator Educator Arizona State Unversty Arizona State University Global Lounch Global Louneh Dehn th Shaan, fonen Ome Andrea Mirau Haraway Jessica Cinco inernetional Educator International Educator Arizona Stote University, Global Launch Global Launch Arona Stote University Verily this certificate at: coursera.org/verfy/apeciolzotion/NTNG4AZUIIDSA Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, ond Grammar Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, cond Pronunciation ‘Toach Englith Now! Technology Enriched Teaching ‘Toach Englih Now! Capstone: Project 2 ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY 12/20/2016 SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now! This certificate demonstrates completion of 75 hours of instruction and practice in methods and pedagogy of teaching English to Speokers of Other Languages. The specialization covers the design and implementation of reading and writing, listening and speaking, and technology enriched activities, as well as a teaching practicum. In the'final Capstone Project, learners apply the skills learned through video recordings of teaching and by reflecting on their own and others’ teaching. All materials were. peer reviewed or computer scored. JD De.’Shene Dixon Senior International Educotor ‘Arzone State University Global Launch cma. Cnet Jessica Cinco International Educator Global Launch ‘Arizona Stote University Dr Justin Shewel Senior International Educctor Arizona State University Globel Launch ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY 10/20/2016 SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM hhas successfully completed Teach English Now! Foundational Principles aan online non-credit course authorized by Arizona State University and offered through Coursera ata COURSE CERTIFICATE Verify at coursers.org/verify/3BHKYEHEX6WE CCoursesn has conflemed the identity ofthis individual and ‘their pactcipation inthe course PSUs re/so/z018 SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM hhas successfully completed Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition an online non-credit course authorized by Arizona State University and offered through Coursera Fenn ee fr lnernations Eduetoe, Dr Justin Shewsll, Senior International Educator, | \| COURSE 1 CERTIFICATE Verify at coursera.org/verify/D3¥KZ9QB4KEH } Coureers hae confirmed the identity of this individual and | their participation in the course - r PSUS" 10/29/2016 SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM has successfully completed Teach English Now! Lesson Design and Assessment an online non-credit course authorized by Arizona State University and offered through Coursera Soom fa Cie De Shae Don, Dr. sin Shewel erin Cinco COURSE CERTIFICATE ‘Verify at coursera.org/verlfy/SMP3/XXHSNSP CCoursesn has conflemied the identity ofthis individual end ‘heir passcipatin inthe course COURSE | /Anizona Stare | CERTIFICATE | UNIVERSITY ssfro/2016 | SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM has successfully completed Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar aan online non-credit course authorized by Arizona State University and offered through Coursera fore Cnc Four Drm = fucato: Dr Shane Dion Senior International Eaucstr:e. etn Shewall Seo Verify at coursera.org/verify/656UXL3TAGF9 Coursera has confirmed the identity of this individual and | their participation inthe course gL oy PSUs nifrofz06 SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM has successfully completed Teach English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation an online non-credit course authorized by Arizona State University and offered through Coursera ne Dixon Seni International Edvestor: Dr. utn Shewell Senior COURSE | CERTIFICATE | Verify at coursers.org/verify/UYIQ494?MBSU CCourseea hat confirmed the identity af this individual ane their partcipaion isthe course sxft2/2016 Teaching Coursera BSUense™ fuinvensiry SUBIN ROSHAN VAISYAM has successfully completed Teach English Now! Technology Enriched an online non-credit course authorized by Arizona State University and offered through COURSE CERTIFICATE Verify at coursers.org/verify/2A/8FB3AWRS9 CCoursera has confirmed the identity ofthis individual and their participation inthe course

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