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A variable is a special container that you can define to "hold" a value. Variables are fundamental
to programming. preceded by a dollar sign ($). Variable names can include letters, numbers, and the
underscore character (_). They cannot include spaces. They must begin with a letter or an underscore.

print (2 + 4);


you usually assign a value to it in the same statement, as shown here:

$num1 = 8; print $num1;

$num2 = 23;

Standard Data Types

<title>Listing 4.1 Testing the type of a
5: <body>
6: <?php
7: $testing; // declare without assigning NULL
8: print gettype( $testing ); // null integer
9: print "<br>"; string
10: $testing = 5; double
11: print gettype( $testing ); // integer boolean
12: print "<br>";
13: $testing = "five";
14: print gettype( $testing ); // string
15: print("<br>");
16: $testing = 5.0;
17: print gettype( $testing ); // double
18: print("<br>");
19: $testing = true;
20: print gettype( $testing ); // boolean
21: print "<br>";
22: ?>
23: </body>
24: </html>

Changing the Type of a Variable with settype()

7: $undecided = 3.14;
8: print gettype( $undecided ); // double
9: print " is $undecided<br>"; // 3.14
10: settype( $undecided, 'string' );
22: ?>
23: </body>
24: </html>

Changing Type by Casting

By placing the name of a data type in parentheses in front of a variable, you create a copy of that
variable's value converted to the data type specified.

7: $undecided = 3.14;
8: $holder = ( double ) $undecided;
9: print gettype( $holder ) ; // double
10: print " is $holder<br>"; // 3.14
11: $holder = ( string ) $undecided;
12: print gettype( $holder ); // string
13: print " is $holder<br>"; // 3.14
: $holder = ( integer ) $undecided;
20: $holder = ( boolean ) $undecided;

The Assignment Operator

You have seen the assignment operator each time we have initialized a variable. It consists of the
single character =.

print ($name = "matt");

The Concatenation Operator

The concatenation operator is represented by a single period.

it appends the right-hand operand to the left. So

"hello"." world" Returns "hello world"

Combined Assignment Operators

$x = 4;
$x = $x + 4; // $x now equals 8

$x = 4;
$x += 4; // $x now equals 8

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