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Apurimac River 3D / 2N

This exciting whitewater rafting expedition is rated among the 10 best expedition  Rafting
trips in the world .The APURIMAC, in the native language quechua, meaning “speaker of
the gods”. This river is the most direct source of the Amazon River, which makes it the
longest river in the world. From Cusco 3300m., we drive across the Andes, down to the
Apurimac, at an altitude of 2000m. Upon arrival at the put in, we prepare all the equipment,
self-bailing raft and cataraft. After lunch, we raft down to our first campsite. Under the
night sky of the southern hemisphere, our staff prepares all meals and sets up the campfire .
Most of the rapids are III+ and IV rapids, but also a few IV+ and some class V. At one
point, we reach a narrow canyon with an impassable rapid. Here we have to do a 300m
portage. Among the wildlife in this remote and isolated canyon, we find river otters, bobcat,
foxes, condors, torrent ducks and cormorants etc.

Rafting DAY 1 :
We meet at 9:00 am. We leave and drive 4 hours through the Andes to the put-in at
Huallpachaca bridge, 2000m high in altitude. It will take us a couple hours to prepare all
the equipment, rafts, cargo raft, coolers, and provide your helmets, lifejackets, wet suits etc.
After lunch we will give you  a safety talk. We will put emphasis on training all the
participants, in how to get back into the raft, flipping the raft, swimming a rapid etc.
You will be floating as a training day for 2 or 3 hours, running class II and III rapids. We
campout  in a narrow gorge with spectacular canyon walls . Here the guides will prepare
dinner . (L+D).

Rafting DAY2 :
After breakfast we start rafting around 9:00am. Today we will be in the water for about 6
hours, running mostly class III and IV rapids , stopping for lunch and then arriving at camp
around 4:00pm. We sleep on a sandy beach under the night sky of the southern hemisphere

Rafting DAY3 :
After a good breakfast we are going to be rafting through a couple of class V rapids with
names such as “tooth ache”, “you first” and ”last laugh”. After 3 to 4 hours of rafting we
arrive at the take out, where we pack all the equipment and drive back to Cusco, arriving
around 6:00 pm (B+L)

Rafting INCLUDES :

 Private Transportation to and from the river 

 Best Peruvians class V river rafting guides
 Professional Class V Guides.
 State of the art self bailing rafts.
 All the meals and excellent diet during the expedition
 Water proof-bags for personal luggage
 Safety conscious techniques and river procedures
 Wet-suit, spray jacket, helmet
 Double occupancy tents


 Light tennis shoes or sport sandals and socks

 Light volume sleeping bag and a sleeping mat
 Cap or hat for the sun and sunscreen
 Flash light with spare batteries
 Water bottle
 Mosquito Repellent
 Sweatshirt / light pants & T-shirt for camping

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