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Parashah 7- Vayetze (He went out)

Parashah 7: Vayetze (He went out) - Genesis 28:10 through 32:3.

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Hosea 12:13 through 14:10.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): John 1:43-51.

Summary & Overview

o Genesis 28:10 | Jacob's Dream at Bethel
o Genesis 29:1 | Jacob Meets Rachel
o Genesis 29:15 | Jacob Marries Laban's Daughters
o Genesis 30:25 | Jacob Prospers at Laban's Expense
o Genesis 31:1 | Jacob Flees with Family and Flocks
o Genesis 31:22 | Laban Overtakes Jacob
o Genesis 31:43 | Laban and Jacob Make a Covenant
o Hos 12:2 | The Long History of Rebellion
o Hos 13:1 | Relentless Judgment on Israel
o Hos 14:1 | A Plea for Repentance
o Hos 14:4 | Assurance of Forgiveness

Last week we looked at the Book of Malachi and the
process of leaving Babylon, and returning to
Jerusalem / Promised Land. This also entailed
returning to the Torah and celebrating the Festivals.
This week we are looking at the Book of Hosea,
which repeats the theme of repentance and
addresses Israels rebellion. According to the
traditional order of most Hebrew Bibles, it is the first
of the twelve Minor Prophets. Set around the fall of
the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Book of Hosea
denounces the worship of gods other than YHVH
and metaphorically compares Israels abandonment
of YHVH to a woman being unfaithful to her
husband. The very first thing YHVH told Hosea to do was to marry a prostitute.
This was to show Israel they had been busy serving and worshipping YHVH
through golden calf worship, just like their fathers had done at Mount Sinai.
According to the books narrative, the relationship between Hosea and his
unfaithful wife Gomer was comparable to the relationship between Yahweh and
his unfaithful people Israel. The eventual reconciliation of Hosea and Gomer
was treated as a hopeful metaphor for the eventual reconciliation between
Yahweh and Israel. Gomer rmg means perfect, to be complete, to end. This is
a similar meaning to Shalom that means the completion of the building process.

We look at someone and see a harlot. YHVH looks at the same person and
sees a potential bride who will be perfect, once He has made her complete.
Chapters 13 speak of Hosea's family and the issues with Gomer. Chapters 4
10 contain a series of oracles or prophetic sermons that show exactly why
YHVH was rejecting the Northern Kingdom (what the grounds were for the
divorce). Chapter 11 tells of YHVH's lament over the necessity of giving up the
Northern Kingdom, that was a large part of the people of Israel, whom YHVH
loved. YHVH promised not to give them up entirely. Then, in Chapter 12, the
prophet pleaded for Israel's repentance. Chapter 13 foretells the destruction of
the kingdom at the hands of Assyria, because there had been no repentance. In
Chapter 14, the prophet urged Israel to seek forgiveness and promised its
restoration, while urging the utmost fidelity to YHVH.
In an overlay with the Torah Portion, we read about Jacobs Ladder and his
journey to his Uncle Laban and how Jacob ended up marrying his uncles two
daughters. The portion concludes with Jacob leaving his uncles land and
heading back to his fathers land.
The name of the Torah Portion is veyetze, which comes from the word yatsa
, meaning to go out, to lead out, to deliver. Jacob left his family after the
death of Isaac to escape the wrath of Esau, who promised to kill him. Jacob
went to his grandfather B'tu'el, where he chose a wife from the daughters of
Laban, Rebekahs brother. Hosea had to do the same and received a wife, who
was not his first choice., just like Jacob. Leah can be compared with Gomer, the
unwanted bride, and within these parallel narratives we find wisdom on how the
Body of Messiah (Northern Kingdom), ended up being scattered into the world,
whoring after foreign lovers.
Hosea bought back his bride (Gomer) and the lost tribes (scattered Israel) are
slowly coming back through the work of Messiah, who is gathering the lost
sheep, and restoring them in the timeframe of the last generation. The
restored bride is known as Ephraim, who is one of the two sticks of Eze 37,
and together with Judah (Jews) makes the House of Israel complete in the Hand
of Messiah Yshua. Last week we looked at the return of Judah, the Southern
Kingdom, of Benyamin and Levi (Jews), back to Jerusalem, after their
Babylonian captivity. In this Haftora Portion, YHVH deals with the Northern
Kingdom through the Prophet Hosea, who was calling the lost tribes (Ephraim
- Christians) to repent and go back to the foundation of His Covenant.

Yshua Revealed through Hosea

Last week we looked at the role of Messiah as revealed by the word massiach.
We looked at the message from the Prophet Malachi to the House of Judah
after their return from Babylon. This week we receive a message from the
Prophet Hosea to the House of Ephraim. These two Prophets address the Two
Houses of Israel, who are the Two Sticks that will be reunited together before
the Second Coming of Messiah. With this is mind, I believe that this prophecy
will be fulfilled during the last Seven Appointed Times, also referred to as the 7
Years of Tribulation. In this weeks study, we find more insight into the Person
Who is identified as Messiah, and that is Yshua, Whose Name is derived from
the name of the Prophet Hoshea.

Hosea is the Hebrew word ho-sa-ah
meaning salvation. It comes from
the word yasa , which means to be
saved, to be delivered. If you add a yod to the name Hosea, it becomes the
Name of our Saviour Yahusah , which is used 216 times in the Tanak.
If you insert a vav in the word yasa, it becomes the Name of our Saviour
Yeshua ,which is used 28 times in the Tanak.

216 has the following words connecting to the role of Yahusah our Saviour:

ar-yah , meaning lion Yshua is the Lion of

geborah , meaning might and strength
Yshuas death was seen as weakness by man, but is the
strength of YHVH manifested.
debeer , meaning Holy of Holies Yshua is the
High Priest Who took the blood of His Sacrifice and presented it to the
Father in the Most Holy Place.
deberi , meaning My Word Yshua is the living Word Who
became flesh and dwelled among us.
28 has the following words connecting to the role of Yeshua our Saviour:

ab-ee-hood , meaning My Father is Majesty

Yshua is the Son of YHVH, the Majestic One, King of
the Universe.
ah-ee-dah , meaning puzzle or mystery
Yshua is the mystery revealed, what He did to save
humanity was not expected and puzzled many, especially the mystery of
the Red Heifer, of which He is a symbol. Even Solomon could not figure
out what the purpose of the Red Heifer mystery was.
zeb-ad-yah , meaning endowment of YHVH Yshua is the
One Who financed the price or payment for all of humanities sin. He is
our Redeemer.
From these meanings, we find the attributes and role of Yshua, Who is the Lion
of Judah, is the Power of YHVH manifested in the form of a man,. He is the High
Priest Who entered the Holy of Holies to present the Blood of the Covenant that
redeemed all mankind. He is the Son of YHVH, the King of the Universe Who
caused people to be puzzled when He gave up His life.

Ephraim Exposed to Seven Years of Famine

Hos 12:1 Ephraim feeds on the wind; he pursues the east wind all day
and multiplies lies and violence. He makes a treaty with Assyria and
sends olive oil to Egypt.

Ephraim feeds on the wind (ruach) and pursues the east wind all day,
multiplying lies and violence.
Q - What an interesting verse, but what does it mean?
One interpretation can be that those who feed only off the wind (ruach), Spirit,
without the Word, can fall into error because of a lack of truth.
The other interpretation is that there are two groups within Ephraim /(Body of
Messiah), one group are feeding of the Ruach, or are led by YHVHs Spirit,
while the others are feeding on multiplied lies causing violence in the Body of
Messiah, or are exposed to lies during the time of violence. We first need to see
what the context is and what Ephraim is facing to see which interpretation is
more applicable.
East Wind is the word qadiym , meaning east
wind and direction from the east. It is first used in
Scripture in Gen 41:6, 23, 27 talking about the thin ears
of grain blasted by the east wind after the seven
prosperous years. This was the dream that Pharaoh
had, which Joseph interpreted. The east wind is
associated with the seven years of famine, which
represents the seven years of Tribulation. The famine
was a result of the one ruling during the time, the
Pharaoh (Serpent / Enemy / Anti-Messiah). Last week
we learned about the seven Appointed Times, which were seven years of
Tribulation, as revealed in Nebuchadnezzars dream. During this time the
branches were cut off, which represented those who bore no fruit within the
Body of Messiah (Ephraim).
During this time there were those who fed off the Ruach (Wind), which was the
Spirit of YHVH. During this seven years of famine,, there would have been
confusion because of the lies and persecution of YHVHs people that were
expressed as violence.
The lies are confirmed by the word qadam , the root word for east wind,
especially where it is first used in Scripture in Deut 23:4. This is where YHVH
warned against Balaam, who was hired to curse Israel. Balaams strategy in the
end was to get Israel to do the abominable things the nations did, and lose their
protection from YHVH, bringing curses upon themselves. In this way Israel were
destroying themselves by engaging in pagan practices. after which the curse
would come upon them. These abominable things would be backed up by lies,
that confirmed it was ok to do as the nations did because of love.
Violence is the word shod , meaning destruction, oppression and robbery.
This word is first used in Job 5:20-22, where it is written In famine he will
deliver you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword. 21 You will be
protected from the lash of the tongue, and need not fear when destruction (sod)
comes. 22 You will laugh at destruction (sod) and famine, and need not fear the
wild animals.
Shod comes from the root word shud , which means destroy, spoil,
devastate. It is only used once in Scripture and that is in Psalm 91:6 which says
Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that
lays waste at noonday

Pharaohs dream, Joseph interpreted, confirms the time of famine, to be within
the seven-year Tribulation. During this time, those within Ephraim who feed on
Ruach, are led by the Spirit of YHVH and shielded from the dynamics of the
famine and darkness. They will not fear because YHVH will protect them from
death, from being harmed during a time of war, and from the beasts of the
field. He will guard and protect them from harm and destruction, just like Psalm
91 promises.
Hosea, similar to Malachi, rebuked Israel for engaging in foreign worship and
both prophets warned Israel to repent and return to YHVH, as symbolised by
them leaving Babylon and returning to Jerusalem.
Hos 13:1-3 When Ephraim spoke, people trembled; he was exalted in
Israel. But he became guilty of Baal worship and died. 2 Now they sin
more and more; they make idols for themselves from their silver,
cleverly fashioned images, all of them the work of craftsmen. It is said of
these people, They offer human sacrifices! They kiss calf-idols!
3 Therefore they will be like the morning mist, like the early dew that

disappears, like chaff swirling from a threshing floor, like smoke

escaping through a window.
Taking this in the context of the Body of Messiah about the Last Assembly, the
7th Church as mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
Rev 3:14-19 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write:
These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning
of the creation of Elohim: 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold
nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because you are
lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth.
17 Because you say, I am rich and increased with goods and have need

of nothing, and know not that thou art wretched and miserable, and
poor and blind and naked, 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold tried in
the fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment, that you may be
clothed and that the shame of your nakedness may not appear, and
anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I
rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Many believers in Messiah refuse to read the Book of Revelation because of the
Rapture doctrine, which they believe only applies to the Jews and those left
behind. The fact is that Laodicea is the Assembly that represents the Last
Generation who are the Body of Messiah just before His Second Coming, and
they are not ready, hence the pruning of the branches. The same language and
message are seen in Hosea chapter 13 where YHVH warned that Ephraim
(Christians), who were once powerful (Smyrna Rev 2:8-11 and Laodicea - Rev
3:14-19), became naked, and poor and caused YHVH to vomit them out (cut
them off).
Q - Can you identify with this if you look at what is going on in Churches all over
the world today?
The context of this Haftorah Portion is where Jacob encountered YHVH through
the Ladder. This gives us the insight that those who are led by the Spirit of
YHVH during these times will have an encounter and personal relationship with
Him that will cause them to dwell in safety while the storms of tribulation are

This leads to the goal we strive for after the seven-year period of famine where
we will encounter Yshua who will be revealed as our King, as confirmed by the
name of the prophet Hoshea.

Repentance Returns His Presence

Hos 14:1-8 O Israel, return to YHVH your Elohim, For you have
stumbled because of your iniquity; 2 Take words with you, and return to
YHVH. Say to Him, Take away all iniquity; Receive us graciously,
For we will offer the sacrifices of our lips. 3 Assyria shall not save us,
We will not ride on horses, Nor will we say any more to the work of our
hands, you are our gods. For in You the fatherless finds mercy.
4 I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely, for My anger has

turned away from him. 5 I will be like the dew to Israel; He shall grow
like the lily, and lengthen his roots like Lebanon. 6 His branches shall
spread; his beauty shall be like an olive tree, and his fragrance like
Lebanon. 7 Those who dwell under His shadow shall return; They shall
be revived like grain, and grow like a vine. Their scent shall be like the
wine of Lebanon. 8 Ephraim shall say, What have I to do anymore with
idols? I have heard and observed Him. I am like a green cypress tree;
Your fruit is found in me.
This promise is conditional and given when YHVHs people repent of their
wicked ways and idol worship, even the worship of their own hands. This is
evident today where our modern society thrives in the business world, and their
work becomes the gods they serve. Those who repent will no longer experience
YHVHs anger, and YHVH will be like dew to them, a new and fresh encounter
every morning. Those who repent will become a part of Israel again, and join the
righteous people of Elohim. Those who dwell under His shadow (Psa 91
concept), will return. Return where? Return to Israel and eventually to
Jerusalem (New). Ephraim will repent of their idol worship (pagan traditions
that infiltrated the Body of Messiah) because they have HEARD and
OBSERVED. They heard the undefiled Word and started to observe the words
(Commandments) thereof. That will transform Ephraim into a strong tree bearing
much fruit (branches not cut off). All of this can be possible if Ephraim
(Christians) repent and turn back to YHVHs Word. That will give them the
opportunity like Jacob to encounter YHVH, having the oil of the olive tree, the
fragrance of Lebanon and the green colour of life like a cypress tree.
Jacobs encounter signifies that the restored communication line can be realised
by turning back to YHVH and listening to His Word. After Jacob left his fathers
house, on his way to Haran, he had this powerful encounter.
Genesis 28: 11 Jacob went out from Be'er-Sheva and travelled toward

Beer Shiva ibs rab means, vow of the sevenfold oath. It

consists of two root words be-ar and shaba. Ba-ar rab means
abundance, the number seven, be satisfied, to be complete, well or
pit, to make clear, to declare. Shaba ibs means to swear, take
an oath and to curse.

Shaba is the root word for the number seven, which is ba-ar,. Both words
emphasize the number seven and its connection to the oath (Covenant) and the
curse (those not in Covenant). Number seven connects yet again with the
timeframe of the seven-year Tribulation where this event will most probably
happen to the majority of YHVHs people (Ephraim / Christians) as they repent
and return to the Covenants foundation, which is the Torah.

Haran ]rx means mountaineer, it comes from the root word charah that
means to be hot, to burn, to dry out, anger, to be scorched. It is first found in
Scripture in Job 30:30 where it explained Jobs suffering when his skin was
black from the sun, and his bones were burned with the heat. This is a picture of
the current state of the Body of Messiah. They have fallen away from the
presence of YHVH (Jacobs ladder experience), dwelling away from His
presence, into a desert-like wilderness, exposed to the curses and elements
presented by the enemy. The seven-year period of restoration will re-connect
YHVHs people back to Him as symbolised by Jacobs encounter (those who
turn back to the Covenant):
Genesis 28: 11-15 He came to a certain place and stayed the night there,
because the sun had set. He took a stone from the place, put it under his
head and lay down there to sleep. 12 He dreamt that there before him was
a ladder resting on the ground with its top reaching to heaven, and the
angels of YHVH were going up and down on it. 13 Then suddenly YHVH
was standing there next to him; and he said, "I am YHVH, the Elohim of
Abraham your [grand]father and the Elohim of Isaac. The land on which
you are lying I will give to you and to your descendants. 14 Your
descendants will be as numerous as the grains of dust on the earth. You
will expand to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. By
you and your descendants, all the families of the earth will be blessed. 15
Look, I am with you. I will guard you wherever you go, and I will bring
you back into this land because I won't leave you until I have done what I
have promised you."
Jacob had a dream, and in this dream, YHVH revealed Himself to him as the
Elohim (God) of Abraham and Isaac, and He reminded Jacob of the Covenant
he had made with his fathers. Ephraim can expect the same revelation when
they encounter YHVHs true presence again, where they will be reminded of the
Covenant and of the oath YHVH made with their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and
YHVH repeated the same words He spoke to Abraham when He called him.
After confirming the Covenant with Jacob (future Ephraim / Christians), YHVH
gave him a personal promise for His life, where He said; I will guard you
wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land because I won't leave
you until I have done what I have promised you." This means that YHVH will
lead Jacob (Israel) back to the Land that He promised to their fathers Abraham
and Isaac. This also means that Ephraim / Christians will become part of Israel
again (olive tree), and be grafted back into it (not replacing Israel), and enter the
Promised Land (New Jerusalem).

The Ladder and Mans Connection with YHVH
Last week we touched on the fleshly soul or nephesh, and the spiritual soul,
the nashamah. The nashamah connects you to the Ruach or Spirit of
YHVH, which restores the broken connection between man and YHVH. When
you accept Yshua, He gives you His Spirit Who breathes into you, restoring or
reviving the nashamah within you. With the restored spiritual soul, you can
have a restored relationship with the Father, entering into the Holy of Holies,
so to speak.
This process can be seen and explained by the picture of a ladder, similar to
what Jacob saw in his dream when YHVH restored Jacobs nashamah (I
The ladder has 2 sides, just like you have two sides; a
physical and a spiritual. You can only ascend to the
top if you have both. The aim is to have these two in
perfect balance, one not overpowering the other. If you
are too physical or fleshly, you will never grow
spiritually. On the other hand, if you are too spiritual,
you start to become irrelevant in reaching people in the
world, because you have lost touch with reality and
repel people with your super-spirituality. Balance is the
key to growing spiritually and being effective in the Kingdom by reaching
the world.
The ladders rungs represent the Word of YHVH. Each rung connects a
part of the spiritual to a part of the physical. This means that the Word of
YHVH directs your spiritual as well as physical sides, so it is only possible
to ascend to the Father if you apply the Word of YHVH to your life.
The ladder is the only means to connect to the Father, because it
represents Yshua Who was 100% human as well as 100% Elohim (God),
This shows that a perfect balance, reaches towards the Father on high,
while still being human enough to reach man below, thus connecting the
Q What is the purpose of Holiness and being Holy?
Scripture clearly tells us to be Holy of YHVH is Holy, found in both the TaNaK as
well as the Berit Chadashah (NT). Holiness is not salvation. The reconnection
back to YHVH is to restore the relationship we have lost, and the Spirit of YHVH
helps us by re-connecting each one of us. We now have the potential to have
that relationship, but as we all know, a relationship is not one-sided, it must
come from both sides. YHVH extended Grace to us through the Work of
Messiah Yshua and we must extend a hand back to Him if you will. This is
where Holiness comes in. To be holy means, to be set apart for a specific
purpose. We find out what this purpose is through His Word and the revelation
of His Spirit regarding the gifts in your life. His Word is the standard of living in
His House, it is also the standard or character of the Father. Holiness is
compared to a fire and YHVH is called a consuming fire who consumes
anything that is not like Him. If you wish to stand before YHVH face to face, you
have to be holy to remain because anything that is contrary to Him, like sin
(darkness), will be consumed and cannot exist where He is.

In saying this, if you want a relationship with The Holy One of Israel, you have to
become as holy as He is to be able to have that Jacobs Ladder face to face
experience with Him. Holiness is a state that is developed by applying Truth to
your life, which elevates your overall state of Holiness, making your
relationship more plausible or possible, if you strive towards holiness.
The following visual representation gives an idea of what Jacobs Ladder is all
about. Its about Holiness and your relationship with The Holy Elohim (God).

Everything you do in this life affects the level you are at as represented by this
Ladder. If you apply YHVHs Word and His Standards to your life, you will
ascend to a higher spiritual level of Holiness. The same is true if you follow the
flesh and choose to sin, it will push you down and bring separation between you
and the Father, affecting your relationship with Him.
The ladders bottom part, that rests on Earth, represents man fallen state that is
associated with the lower parts of life namely, guilt, shame and death. The top
part of the latter represents the higher form of life that is related to joy, peace,
revelation and enlightenment. When you follow the flesh, you will see all the
things at the bottom of the ladder in your life, things that spiral down to spiritual
As you move up the ladder, you see that your spirit man or nashamah, is
elevating you to new life, reflecting the image and likeness of YHVH. We should
aspire to this heavenly state, which is our new nature, where we can be seated
with Him.

This ladder is a measuring stick, which can be used to gauge where you
currently are, and if you are ascending or descending in your relationship with
YHVH. Every time you allow the lower parts of the ladder to manifest in your
life, following after your nephesh or living in the past, you will be pulled down
and may manifest other surrounding negative attributes. For example, if you
experience anger outbursts, you may also struggle with pride or the ego as well
as desire (covetousness/overindulgence/lust) and fear. Not only that, the
enemy wants to pull us down so that we can ultimately be destroyed through
spiritual death. When you see things in your life that pull you down, repent and
ask YHVH to help you to overcome and ascend back to His level. YHVH wants
to pull you up, to elevate you to a higher state and an intimate relationship with
Love, Peace and Joy put you on the top end of the scale, and you have control
over two of these, namely Love and Joy, because both are choices. When you
make a decision every day to love YHVH and love others, you will find it easier
not to get angry with someone, for example, and fall down the ladder. Make a
decision to be happy every day, happiness is a choice and should not be
dependent on external factors and situations. The more positive choices you
make about life, the better your relationship with the Father will be and the more
effective you will be in the Kingdom, by providing a good example for others.


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