CPABI Activities

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CPABI Activities

A Platform for Members in Industry

Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
[Set up by an Act of Parliament]


An Overview

The Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body established by the

Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 for the regulation of the profession of Chartered
Accountants in India. The ICAI has achieved recognition as the premier accounting
body in India and today it is the second largest accounting body in the world.

ICAI is the sole regulator of Chartered Accountancy profession in India. During its
more than six decades of existence, ICAI has achieved recognition not only for
maintaining high standards in technical, ethical areas but also for sustaining
stringent examination and education standards. ICAI is playing a critical role in the
core domain of standard setting, Financial reporting, Auditing, Corporate
Governance, Fiscal Policies, Research and alike.

In this ever changing economic environment, ICAI has all along endeavored to keep
its members abreast with the professional and technological changes taking place
around the globe through the process of continuous skill honing, creating awareness
on capacity building, ethical technology and addressing their queries from time to
time on accounting, auditing and allied matters.

ICAI, as a part of its role in aiding proactive process towards better governance is
called upon to interact with various regulatory/statutory authorities on issues of
interest touching upon the profession and otherwise. In this process, the Institute,
at regular intervals, provides technical advice and necessary inputs on matters of
economic relevance and alike to various Ministries- Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of HRD, ICAI also provide
technical advice to various bodies CAG, RBI, SEBI, CBDT,CBEC, IRDA etc.

ICAI plays a proactive role to ensure compliance of professional ethics and Code of
Conduct in terms of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 as well as various
pronouncements issued by the Institute. ICAI not only entertains complaints from
Stakeholders/ User Groups but also takes suo-motu action in cases which are
brought to its knowledge through external information. The provisions under code of
conduct are strict and stringent actions are taken against the defaulting members
ICAI is the founder member of IFAC (International Federation of Accountants), CAPA
(Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants), SAFA (South Asian Federation of
Accountants), IIN (International Innovation Networks) and Edinburgh Group and its
members are holding important positions in Boards/Committees of these
organizations. The ICAI overseas Chapters continue to spearhead ICAI work
program important jurisdictions globally.

The Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry is a Non
Standing Committee of ICAI.


To encourage and enhance close links between the Institute and the Chartered
Accountants in industries in various capacities so as to provide for them, a base of
reference in terms of knowledge, expertise, skills and assistance in individual career
growth through the development of extensive and intensive relationship with
business organizations, Industries of various sectors, agencies of the Government,
Departments and Ministries of the Central and State Government in such manner as
to provide the maximum possible exposures to the world of trade, commerce,
industry and Governance, while simultaneously pursuing the goal of providing the
maximum of employment


To organize campus interviews for the newly qualified Chartered Accountants

seeking employment through the Institute.

To explore and develop new avenues of employment for Members in Industry.

To provide sector specific assistance in improvement of skills of Members in


To consider the problems and issues pertaining to the career planning, ethics
and other related matters of the Members in Industry.

To popularize the Placement Portal of the Institute.

To bring out background materials/publications either in printed or electronic

form relevant for Members in Industry.

To organize programmes on the topics relevant to the Members in Industry.

To develop a sector-wise data bank of the Members in Industry and continue to

develop their involvement in the mainstream of the Institute.

To encourage and recognize the Corporate entrepreneurs of our profession i.e.,

Corporate MDs, Chairmen, Presidents, etc. in Industry.

To consider the ways and means to enhance the participation of the Members in
Industry in the activities of the Institute.

The Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry (CPABI) is a Non
Standing Committee of ICAI. Currently there are more than 1,45,000 members
working in Industry. In the recent past we have seen a sudden spurt in the members
joining industry and this trend is bound to continue due to attractive job
opportunities and pay packages being offered to the Chartered Accountants.

The activities of the Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry
(CPABI) aims to provide a complete makeover solution to the modern day Chartered
Accountancy Profession

Following are the activities of the Committee for Professional Accountants in

Business & Industry. I Invite Members of the Institute to participate in the below
mentioned activities:

1. Recognize and project CA beyond traditional fields

CPABI serves as a platform for facilitating synchronization between the individual

goal with organizational goal creating an interface between ICAI and industry and to
recognize and project CAs beyond traditional fields as knowledgeable persons on all
aspects in the functioning of the company, business and commerce. Please conceive
events in which we can involve CFOs, CEOs and higher levels to deliberate on all
issues concerning the specific industry. Such exercises will enable the CA to be
versatile in all areas concerning the company and the industry, to visualize their
roles on higher levels and to come in contact with higher levels of management in
an informal manner. We are aware that a CA is versatile, hard working, fully
devoted, capable of multi tasking and looking at the transaction from all possible
angles and balancing counter acting factors. This can come out by interactive
exercises, workshops, conferences covering entire gamut of the industry and
attended by all management levels. If possible, you may conceive an outreach
program in your company on a date convenient to us to have personal interactions.

2. Mentorship scheme

Mentees are able to learn from someone who has travelled the path before them!
CPABI has launched the Mentorship Programme requesting the experienced
Members of the Institute to take up the mentorship roles & guide the mentees
through this hand holding exercise.

CPABI has started the execution of the Mentorship Programme by reaching out to
both the interested mentors and mentees and CPABI is receiving huge response
from both the senior members and newly qualified & aspiring Chartered
Till date 56 group of mentors and mentees have been formed for the Mentorship
Programme and many are in process of formation.

CPABI is hopeful that many senior & experienced CA professionals will come forward
and extend their full support to the programme. For online registration please visit

In fact, the initial response is very encouraging and the Scheme has been highly
appreciated and CFOs and DFs have started responding their readiness and
willingness to become mentors.

3. Campus Placement Programme

CPABI organises "Campus Placement Programmes" almost all over the Country twice
a year for creating opportunity for both to employing organisations as well as the
young professional CAs to meet and explore the possibility of having a mutually
beneficial relationship in terms of employment. . The scheme has been evolved to
provide an opportunity both to employing organisations as well as the young
professional aspirants to meet and explore the possibility of taking up positions in

Members are requested to provide their valuable feedback/ suggestions to

popularize our Campus Placement Programme so that CPABI is able to place more
and more Newly Qualified Chartered Accountants in the Industry.

The Members who would liked to be involve in the above programme are requested
to register online at

4. Orientation programme

The Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry organizes

Campus Placement Programme for newly qualified Chartered Accountants, twice a
year. Before the placement programme, the Committee organizes Orientation
Programme for the participants with a view to brush up their soft/technical skills to
face the interview process.

The Members who are interested to be faculty or coordinate the Orientation

programme at any of the centre are requested to register online at

It would be appreciated if the resume including all details regarding qualification,
Membership no., Experience, areas of specialization, contact address, etc. is sent at
the earliest.

5. ICAI Job Portal for Experiences Chartered Accountants & Accounting


Leap ahead with the myriad of information from ICAI job portal in pursuit of

The Committee for Member in Industry of ICAI is, inter-alia, the one stop destination
for providing the placement services to the members of the Institute. CPABI
augments the venture of getting the Chartered Accountants placed in apex
industries through ICAI Job Portal. The ICAI job portal supplements the existing
placement assistance provided by the CPABI to the Newly Qualified Chartered
Accountants and Experienced Members by providing a converging platform for the
potential employers as well as the members of the institute. ICAI Job Portal has
been designed on the lines of the premium job sites and aims to provide world class
services free of cost to our members. The recruiting organizations are invited to avail
the benefits of ICAI Job Portal.

Some of the prominent features of this portal are:-

Hot vacancy Premium job postings services
Advanced Search Tools
Reach to Job alerts
Resume database access subscription
Unlimited writing for job advertisements
Extremely fast display of job advertisement
Facility to monitor the activities done through the account
Job messenger & email alerts
Job search facility based on functional area, industry, experience, locations,
job type etc
Hot employer /preferred employer marking facility

Members who would like to switch to other organisation can register at the Job

6. Outreach Programmes

The Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry is organizing

Outreach Programme in the Corporate having more than 25 Chartered Accountants.

ICAI comes to campus of Corporate having more than 25 Chartered Accountants and
does half day or full day programme free for members. The Outreach programme
has been conceived with the idea of bringing the Members in Industry closer to ICAI
and the broad agenda for each outreach programme is as under:
To highlight the activities of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI) and the Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry
To interact on matters of professional interest.
To encourage new members to apply for membership.
To solicit views from members in industry about what they expect from ICAI.
Participation of Members in Industry in research projects of ICAI.
To discuss on the topics relevant to Members in Industry.

CPABI intends to reach in the premises of more and more corporates to conduct
the CPABI Outreach Programmes. I request Corporate having more than 25
Chartered Accountants to register online for conducting Outreach programme at

7. Industry Specific eGroup

The CPABI intends to form Industry Specific eGroups for the Industries like Banking,
Cement, Hotels & Hospitality Education, Training & Research, Financial Services,
Insurance, Petrochemicals, Power, Generation & Distribution, Telecommunications,
Travel & Tourism and so on.

Terms of Reference of the Group shall be:

To identify Accounting Issues relating to Particular Specific Industry.
To identify Auditing Issues relating to Particular Specific Industry.
To identify the role that the Institute can play for that Particular Industry.
To identify the help or the assistance which the Particular Industry can
provide to the Institute.
To identify the faculty in the Particular Industry for the CPE programmes
meant for the members and the students of the Institute.
Any other issue which the group may consider appropriate

We request Members of the Institute to form Industry Specific eGroup on the

industries the Members belong to.

8. CA CEOs Guild


This Guild is for the executive who is responsible for a companys operations, usually
the President or the Chairman of the Board.

9. CA CFOs Guild

The Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry has set up CFOs
Guild. This guild is for our members who are occupying high positions
(CFO/Treasury Head/Head of Analyst, GM or above) in Industry. The Primary
objective of setting up such a guild is to develop a platform where highly intellectual
& talented pool of people from various organizations can discuss various issues.
They can plan, formulate and strategize policies for improving the image of the
Chartered Accountants in the eyes of the Industry.

10. CA Corporate Accountants Guild

This Guild is for the Members in Industry who are not covered in above two Guilds.
The Primary objective of setting up such a guild is to develop and maintain an
industry wise database of the members of our Institute serving in industries.
Further, the guild acts as a forum where various issues concerning the profession in
general and for Members in Industry in particular can be discussed.

I request Members in the industry to be a member of any of the above said guilds
according to suitability by visiting

11. CPE Study Circles for Members in Industry

The responsibility to lead world-class organizations requires regular training specific

to the industry segment and the level in which our members have been serving in
industry. Realizing such requirements, the Institute has made Continuing
Professional Education (CPE) mandatory for members of the Institute in industry as
well. Appreciating the necessity for a unique delivery mechanism for such CPE, the
Institute has introduced the concept of CPE Study Circles for Members in Industry.

The Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry (CPABI) has
been empowered to approve, guide and supervise the CPE Study Circles for
Members in Industry, which will conduct Continuing Professional Education
Programme for the Members in industry. The norms provide for the minimum
number of members required and the application procedure, rules for functioning,
administration and accounts of these CPE Study Circles.

Around 121 CPE Study Circle for Members in Industry have already been formed so
far by the CPABI.
I request the members who are in industry to come forward to form CPE study circle
in their organization/locality and register online at or send an email to

12. Invitation to be a Resource Person

CPABI organizes Industry Specific Programme for the members in industry of various
leading corporate of the country on diverse topics which are broadly relevant to the
industry like International Financial Reporting System (IFRS), Direct Tax Code, XBRL,
GST, Service Tax, Income-tax, Corporate Governance, Customs, Central Excise &
CENVAT, Transfer Pricing, Due Diligence, Preparation of Financial Statements, Tax
Audit and on the subjects related to chartered accountancy profession.

This would help in the sustenance and growth of the noble profession and to enable
more competitive edge to the profession.

The Members who are interested to be associated with the Committee for
Professional Accountants in Business & Industry as Resource Persons are requested
to send/e-mail their resume at It would be appreciated if the resume
including all details regarding qualification, membership no., experiences, areas of
specialization, contact address, etc., is sent at the earliest.

13. eNewsletter Corporate Communiqu

The Committee released eNewsletter namely Corporate Communiqu. The

eNewsletter is one such endeavor by the Committee for Professional Accountants in
Business & Industry to share recent developments with regards to initiatives that
have been taken by Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry.

14. ICAI Re-Connect

The Committee has launched ICAI reconnect with the aim to communicate the
privileges and other benefits of being members of the Institute so that the Chartered
Accountants who are not keeping the membership status active understands its
importance and renew it on continuous basis.

15. Nominations for ICAI Awards 2016 to be organized during January 2017
at Chennai

We are pleased to inform you that the Committee for Professional Accountants in
Business & Industry is organizing 10th ICAIs Corporate Forum during January 2017

in Chennai consisting of various high profile concurrent events including ICAI Awards

ICAI Awards 2016 have been instituted to honor the best amongst the best in

These ICAI Awards 2016 are instituted to acknowledge Chartered Accountants in

Industry who:

have demonstrated excellence in the way in which they conduct their

are exemplary role models in the industry.
have created value to their company's stakeholders on a sustainable
The awards shall be given in the various categories.

We request you to nominate members of the Institute whom you deem fit for grant
of any award of any of the categories.

For complete details, regarding all above events, you may kindly visit The complete announcement shall be updated shortly.

16. Constitution of State Task Forces for Members in Industry

The Committee intends to set up State Task Forces for Members in Industry to
achieve the mission and objectives of the Committee.

Terms of reference for State Task Force are:

I. To hold Placement Seminars.
II. To hold members in industry liaison meetings with various industries.
III. To co-ordinate with various branches regarding holding of committee
IV. To report back to the committee of special problems of members in
industry of different state.
V. To hold various programme for members in industry.
VI. To constitute and run industry specific study groups .
VII. To conduct counseling sessions to members who switch over from industry
to practice and vice-versa.
VIII. To discuss the various exposure drafts issued by the institute.

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IX. To have a dialogue with Chambers of Committee, Trade Associations and
discuss holding of Job Fairs etc.

Other salient features of the State Task Force would be:-

1. Maximum number of members in these Task Forces should be twenty only.
2. Each State Task Force might constitute and run a maximum of two industry
specific study groups (as given in 1 (vi) above) whose strength should not
exceed ten.
3. Industry specific study groups might focus on the following aspects: a)
Business Knowledge covering National and International outlook,
production, marketing, finance, HRD, General Management, b) Accounting
and Auditing issues, c) Direct and Indirect taxes etc.,
4. Heads of Branch of the Institute to coordinate the conduct of meetings and
submission of reports to the CPABI.

17. Invitation to participate in ICAI-Industry HR Meet

The Committee organizes various ICAI-Industry HR Meet to discuss certain critical

issues relating to the organization of Campus Placement Programme throughout the
country at various centres. We solicit the presence of senior officials from your
esteemed organization preferably one representative each from the HR Team,
Finance Team and the experts who are involved in the recruitment process on behalf
of your organization.

The discussion points in the above said meet are:

1. The various Placement Rules finalized by the Committee for Professional

Accountants in Business & Industry eliciting participants valuable suggestions
for further improving the forthcoming Campus Placement Programme of the
Institute for mutual advantage.
2. Develop cost effective strategies for Campus Placement Programmes for
mutual benefits.
3. Ways and means of association of ICAI with the Human Resource
Development endeavors of your organization especially Chartered
4. Over viewing the top industry tools for placement procedures.
5. Identifying other areas for cooperation between ICAI and your organization.
6. Your feedback/comments about the Past Placement Programmes targeting
the various specific segments of Chartered Accountants organized by the
Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry.

Please register online at

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18. General Publication for the benefits of Members in Industry and Invitation
to provide Articles for publishing in Business Magazines and Business

18 (a) The Committee would like to update its existing following publications:
1. Publication on Business Planning
2. Publication on Sustainabilty Reporting
3. Handbook for newly Qualified Chartered Accountants

The above publication are available at

We Invite members to come forward to provide your inputs on the above


18 (b) Invitation to provide Articles for publishing in Business Magazines and

Business Newspapers

We Invite members to provide Articles for publishing in Business Magazines and

Business Newspapers etc at

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ICAI Awards 2016
The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence,
regardless of his chosen field of endeavor


To acknowledge Chartered Accountants in industry who have demonstrated

excellence in their working.

To acknowledge Chartered Accountants in the Industry who are exemplary role


To acknowledge Chartered Accountants who have created value to their company's

stakeholders on a sustainable basis.

To acknowledge contribution of Chartered Accountants in activities of ICAI.

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Awards will be given in various categories. These will include the following:


CA. Business Leader CA. CFO Award

(President/Chairman/ (CFO/VP/GM/CRO/ Other CA. Professional Achiever
Managing Equivalent Position) (Managers in the early or middle
Director/Director/CEO/ COO/ stage of their career)
Other Equivalent Position)
Subcategories: Subcategories:

Subcategories: Public Sector Public Sector

Banking Sector Banking Sector
Corporate Government Department Government Department
Public Sector Insurance Sector Insurance Sector
CA Global Achiever Power Sector Power Sector
Financial Services Oil & Gas Sector Oil & Gas Sector
SME Manufacturing sector Manufacturing sector
Woman Infrastructure & Construction Infrastructure & Construction
Others Engineering & Capital Goods Engineering & Capital Goods
Government Department Information Technology Information Technology
Financial Sector Financial Sector
Service Sector Service Sector
Telecom Sector Telecom Sector
FMCG Sector FMCG Sector
Healthcare Sector Healthcare Sector
Media and Entertainment Media and Entertainment
NGO & Cooperative Sector NGO & Cooperative Sector
Agriculture Sector Agriculture Sector
Woman Woman
Others Others

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Awards will be given in various categories. These will include the following

I. CA Business Leader
This Category is for President/Chairman/Managing Director/Director/CEO/COO (or
individuals holding equivalent positions in their organization) in the following subcategories:

a. Corporate: All Large enterprises (including Manufacturing, Trading, and Other

Service Sector etc.) are covered under this category. Enterprise with annual turnover
in excess of Rs. 500 crores or more than 200 employees will be considered as a
Large Enterprise

b. Public Sector: This category is to acknowledge and recognize the work of Chartered
Accountants who has worked in public service.

c. CA Global Achiever- This category is to acknowledge and recognize the work of

Chartered Accountants who has worked outside India and/ or played a role for growth
of business outside India.

d. Financial Services: All Enterprises in Financial Sector (including NBFC's, Capital

Market etc.) are covered under this category.

e. SME: All Medium/Small enterprises (including Manufacturing, Trading, Other

Service Sector etc.) which are not covered in the category of Corporate above.

f. Woman: This category of award is to exclusively recognize woman in CA profession.

(This is an additional category for woman open for all the subcategories as given.)

g. Others: All enterprises in any area other than the above listed categories are covered
under this category (Section 25 companies, Educational Institutions, NGOs, and
Charitable Hospitals etc.)
h. Government Department: All members in public services are covered under this

This category is for professionals in Senior Management capacity. This includes positions
such as CFO's, Vice President, General Manager, Chief Risk Officers, and such other
equivalent positions.


This category is for Managers who have achieved excellence in their careers and are not
covered in the categories stated above in I and II above and it is intended to honor the
achievements of CAs in the early or middle part of their careers.

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Each of the Outstanding CA CFO and CA Professional Achiever awards will be given
separately in various sub-categories. These sub-categories will include the following:
a. Public Sector (including Government Organizations, Regulators etc.)
b. Banking Sector
c. Government Department
d. Insurance Sector
e. Power Sector
f. Oil & Gas Sector
g. Manufacturing sector (including Processing, Mining, Plantations, Oil and Gas
enterprises etc.).
h. Infrastructure and Construction (including Power Generation and Supply, Port Trusts,
Metro, Roads, Real Estates etc.)
i. Engineering and Capital Goods Sector
j. Information Technology
k. Financial Sector (including Banking, Financial Institutions, Insurance, NBFC's,
Mutual Funds etc.)
l. Service Sector
m. Telecom Sector
n. FMCG Sector
o. Healthcare Sector
p. Media and Entertainment Sector
q. NGO & Cooperative Sector
r. Agriculture Sector
s. Woman (This is an additional category for woman open for all the subcategories as
t. Others (Section 25 companies, Educational Institutions, NGO's, and Charitable
Hospitals etc.)


The Jury, consisting of proven eminent leaders, shall be formed for judging the awards. A
prominent CA firm shall be appointed to carry out the process audit. The Nomination
Committee will ensure that the entire process of awards maintains highest level of credibility
and professionalism. The Award process shall consist of the following three stages:

Stage 1: Inviting Nominations

A Nomination committee will be constituted to invite nominations directly through
applications by courier/ post or e-mail or through Internal/ Independent Research.

Applications can be made by:

1. The Chartered Accountant himself.
2. His/ Her Employer.
3. Any other member of ICAI.
4. Others, which the Nomination committee may deem fit.

Stage 2: Short Listing by the Nomination Committee

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The Nomination Committee will examine, review and evaluate the nominations received.
Short listing shall be based on the indicative evaluation parameters and the aggregate of
scores thereon. The decision regarding short listing by the committee would be final. The list
of top five nominations in each sub category selected by the Nomination Committee will be
sent to the Jury for their final selection.

Stage 3: Final Selection by the Jury*

The Jury will consider the criteria used for short listing by the Nomination Committee along
with other criteria as they deem fit. It may conduct personal interviews with the finalists, if
required. The Jury will determine the winner of each sub category based on these results.
The decision of the Jury will be final.

The Jury comprises eminent personalities viz. leading Businessmen, Industrialists,
representatives of National Trade Bodies, Regulators, Academicians, Heads of Universities,
Past Presidents of ICAI, Journalists, Politicians, Persons from Film Industry and such other

Evaluation Parameters:

The Nomination Committee will finalize the parameters for evaluation. An illustrative list of
parameters to be considered for each category is given below:

I. CA Business Leader Award

a. Leadership skill exhibited
b. Key strategies planned and executed
c. Creation of wealth for stake-holders
d. Contribution in reengineering and change Management
e. Innovations in business practices and processes
f. Quality and transparency through corporate governance
g. Follows high ethical business standards & transparency in operations
h. Social responsibilities regarding environment, safety, health and/or support to
charities etc
i. Track record of improved financial performance of the organization while in
j. Recognition, award(s) won & personal milestones

II. & III. CA CFO Award and CA Professional Achiever Award

k. Management of Financial Risk.
l. Role in managing acquisitions, mergers, takeovers etc.
m. Raising capital through innovative financial products and / or Corporate
n. Role in regulatory and legal compliances.
o. Implementation of best business and financial practices.
p. Strong relationship with stakeholders.
q. Positive impact on revenue and costs through innovations.
r. Handling of Corporate laws & reporting requirement.
s. Professional certification and training.
t. Recognition, award(s) won & personal milestones

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1) The nominations shall only be from the members in industry.

2) One award would be conferred in each sub categories

3) A member of Nomination Committee, Process auditors and the Jury can neither be a
nominee nor can they nominate any person.

4) Minimum period of service in employment should be 2 years.

5) A person who has won award in past in any category/ sub category cannot be
nominated again for the same category/ sub category for another 3 years.

6) A Jury member cannot be nominated for any of the categories of awards for next 2

7) Multiple nominations will be ignored.

8) Nomination Committee reserves its rights to reject nomination without providing

reasons thereof.

9) The last date for receipt of nominations by the Committee is 31st October, 2016.

10) Forms to be filled online ( only and print of the

submitted form along with signature and necessary documents to be sent to :

Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry Secretariat ,

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
Post Box Number 7100,
Indraprastha Marg,
NEW DELHI - 110 002.
P: 011 30110491/ 555/ 430/526

Kindly note the online submission of the form is mandatory.

(All particulars mentioned below should be sent in duplicate)

1. A duly filled-in nomination form.

2. Two passports sized colored photographs.

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3. A brief description of the nominees organization including description of the
products, services and overall strategic goals.

4. Copies of the company's latest annual report and organization chart.

5. Information on the various evaluation parameters as mentioned.

6. The financials of the company to be provided as of 31st March, 2016. The personal
milestone(s) achieved up to 30th September, 2016.

7. Details of membership of other professional/social bodies

8. Details of other roles eg. Directorship / member of audit committees of other

companies etc.

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Norms for CPE Study Circles for Members in Industry
Specific Norms for members in Industry on the formation
and functioning of CPE Study Circles within India

1.0 Context

1.1 These Guidelines are issued for the formation of Study Circles, which will
carry out functions as specified in this document in order to further the
objectives of the Statement on Continuing Professional Education 2003, which
is amended by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI) from time to time.

1.2 In view of the mandatory CPE credit hours requirements for members of the
Institute who are in Industry, as laid down by the Council of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India, it has been thought prudent to create
another level of Programme Organising Units (POUs) to facilitate the
members who are in Industry in complying with the said requirements.

2.0 Definition of a CPE Study Circle

2.1 A Study Circle is a forum of members of the Institute of Chartered

Accountants of India who reside/serve in a particular geographical locality
and who constitute themselves as such for the purpose of carrying out the
objectives which are given hereinafter.

2.2 The constitution, formation and functioning of a CPE Study Circle are subject
to the rules as given in these Norms.

3.0 Objectives of a CPE Study Circle

3.1 To help members to achieve the objectives envisaged in the Statement on

Continuing Professional Education

3.2 To provide CPE learning activities to the members of the Institute for
Members who are in Industry

3.3 To foster and develop professional fellowship, and exchange professional

knowledge amongst the members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of India residing/ serving in a particular locality.

4.0 Rules governing Constitution and Formation

4.1 Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry (CPABI) of the
ICAI is empowered to approve, supervise, support and regulate the
functioning of these CPE Study Circles

4.2 Subject to the provisos under Para 2.0 above, CPE Study Circles for members
in Industry may be formed by minimum 25 and maximum 150 members in

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4.3 CPABI is empowered to reduce the minimum number of members required to
form these study circles

4.4 Application for the formation of CPE Study Circles for members in Industry is
to be made to the Committee for Professional Accountants in Business &
Industry of ICAI following the rules given below:

(i) In prescribed format as laid down in the Annexure A to these

Norms through the concerned Regional Office of the ICAI within
whose geographical jurisdiction the proposed CPE Study Circle falls.
(ii) If CPABI wishes to reject the application, may deny permission for the
formation of a CPE Study Circle for members in Industry. Such refusal
of application will have to be recorded within 30 days of the receipt of
the application and intimated to the applicants.
(iii) The Continuing Professional Education Committee would provide the
user login ID and Password for logging in on the CPE Portal of ICAI
The approval for the programme and the grant of the CPE
hours would be through CPE portal only.

5.0 Rules for naming the CPE Study Circles

(i) The Study Circle so formed shall be called (name of the locality/industry etc.)
CPE Study Circle for Members in Industry of The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India (as the case may be).

(ii) The name of a CPE Study Circle should not be the same or similar to that of
an existing CPE Study Circle. Name of a CPE Study Circle proposed should
reflect its location/Industry only. Committee for Professional Accountants in
Business & Industry has the right to accept or to reject any name that has
been proposed by the applicants of a CPE Study Circle.

(iii) The name of the Study Circle so formed should not be on the name of any
Company/Organization and also should not reflect the names of the same.

6.0 Rules for naming the CPE Study Circles

6.1 The CPABI on approving the formation of the proposed CPE Study
Circle, would send the intimation to the CPEC to update its records and
register the newly formed CPE Study Circle on the CPE Portal.

6.2 Once the CPE Study Circle is registered on the CPE Portal, the study circle
may seek approval for its programmes through the CPE portal. The approval
of the programmes of the CPE Study Circles would be given on the CPE Portal
by CPE Committee and a copy of the said approval would also be forwarded

7.0 Rules for Functioning of CPE Study Circles

7.1 The CPE Study Circles shall not have their own rules and bye-laws and should
not be registered under any other Act.

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7.2 The CPE Study Circles shall not acquire any capital assets except one
computer, one printer and related accessories.

7.3 Study Circles shall work under the guidance, supervision and control of the
CPABI or any other organ of the Institute which it may develop for this

7.4 Study Circles are allowed to hold a maximum of 12 CPE hours of programmes
during a month. Within this limitation, they may conduct their learning
activities subject to a maximum of 6 CPE credit hours per day.

7.5 CPE Study Circles should only invite academicians and subject experts as
dignitaries for the inauguration / valedictory functions, if any for their CPE

7.6 The date, topic, venue and faculty for CPE Study Circle programmes have to
be routinely informed to the CPABI.

7.7 The Study Circles will also have to inform the CPABI about the participation
fees charged by them to participants who are not members of the Study

7.8 CPE Study Circles shall not use the logo of the Institute on their letterhead or
on any of their official stationery. Furthermore the official stationery of the
CPE Study Circles should only contain the name of the Convenor/Dy.
Convenor along with their postal address & other contact details like e-mail
id, phone nos. etc. for correspondence without mentioning the names of
organisations in which they serve. The names of the Past Conveners and
other office bearers should not be mentioned on the official stationery of the
CPE Study Circles. The design/style of the letterhead/envelopes should be as
per Annexure B to this Norms.

7.9 CPE Study Circles are not permitted to publish any newsletters of their own.

7.10 Administration

7.10.1 CPE Study Circles are recommended to elect every year a

Convenor and a Deputy Convenor to look after the day-to-day
affairs/activities of the CPE Study Circles as well as, maintaining
proper accounts of the CPE Study Circle. The Convenor and
Deputy Convenor of the CPE Study Circle for members in Industry
must be a member in Industry. A person can serve as Convenor/
Dy. Convenor of a CPE Study Circle for a maximum of three terms
of one year each.
7.10.2 Conveners and Deputy Conveners are not permitted to get their
visiting cards printed, which contain the details of their association
with their CPE Study Circle.
7.10.3 One member can become the Convenor or Deputy Convenor of
only one CPE Study Circle at a time.
7.10.4 The Conveners are responsible for conducting at least one
programme per month for the members of the CPE Study Circles

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to discuss various matters of topical interest, at such
predetermined place as may be convenient to members.
7.10.5 It is suggested that the conveners send copies of the notices
convening the programmes and report of such CPE learning
programmes including the membership number and names of the
members who had attended such programmes to the CPABI within
ten days of organizing such programmes. The Convenor is also
required to upload the programme details before organizing any
programme and thereafter uploading the attendance thereof on
the CPE Portal within 10 days of organizing a programme.
7.11 Accounts

7.11.1 CPE Study Circles are authorized to open Bank Accounts in the
names of the respective Study Circles and Conveners and Deputy
Conveners are authorized to operate the accounts jointly.
7.11.2 It is suggested that every CPE Study Circle submit an annual
statement of receipts and payments, income and expenditure and
Balance Sheet to the CPABI. The annual statement is to be
furnished within one month from the end of the fiscal year.
7.11.3 Conveners of CPE Study Circles are authorized to collect a
reasonable amount per member as annual membership fee to
defray the cost of holding learning activities and other incidental
7.11.4 The cost of learning activities would include rent for the venue for
organizing CPE programmes, refreshments/lunch/dinner for the
participants, traveling cost of faculties, memento to the faculties,
printing and postage for circulating the invitation for the
programme to the members and printing of the background
material only.
7.11.5 The responsibility for ensuring financial propriety in the financial
management of the Study Circle, for production of proper audited
accounts, whenever required by the CPABI or any other
authorized organ of the Institute shall be that of the Convenor and
Deputy Convenor.
7.11.6 The CPE study Circles are not entitled for any grant or financial
assistance from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
7.11.7 It should be the endeavour of the conveners to conduct the CPE
Programmes on cost competitive and self-financing basis.
7.11.8 Surplus funds of CPE Study Circles at the end of every financial
year should be immediately committed for subsidizing future
programmes to be conducted by CPE Study Circle. The surplus
funds at the end of each financial year must be utilized within one
year from the end of that financial year for the benefit of the
members. A report and the plan by the CPE Study Circle should be
submitted to the CPABI In case the amount remains unspent, the
same shall be transferred to the Chartered Accountant Benevolent
Fund of the ICAI through CPABI

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7.12 Joint Programmes

CPE Credits shall not be granted for programmes organized jointly by CPE
Study Circles with any non-Programme Organising Unit. However, two or
more Study Circles may jointly organize a programme or a Study Circle may
organize a joint programme with other Programme Organising Units.

7.13 Monitoring of Programmes conducted by CPE Study Circles

CPABI or any other organ designated/developed by the CPABI for this

purpose has the power of monitoring the programmes conducted by CPE
Study Circles. Such monitoring is to be done in terms of the Advisory issued
by the CPABI from time to time in these regards

7.14 Incidental and Related Matters

7.14.1 There should be no restriction whatsoever placed by the Study

Circles on any member of the Institute intending to become a
member of a particular Study Circle.
7.14.2 CPABI has the responsibility of publicizing the programmes
to be conducted by the Study Circles.
7.14.3 For the purpose of information to the general membership, the
Continuing Professional Education Committee will maintain a
Billboard in the CPE Portal of the Institute where Study Circles
may host such information, which they deem to be of general and
professional interest. The Continuing Professional Education
Committee shall monitor the content of the billboard.
7.14.4 Enrolment to the programmes, organized by a particular Study
Circle where CPE credit is desired should be open to the members
of that Study Circles as well as other members of the Institute
including those who are not members of that study circle.
Reasonable fees for such enrolment may be charged for enrolling
such non-Study Circle members for such a programme.
8.0 Dissolution of CPE Study Circles
8.1 The CPABI has the powers to derecognize a CPE Study Circle in the following
8.1.1 If the CPE Study Circle is not functioning in accordance with the
norms and other decision(s) of the CPABI Committee or the Central
Council of the Institute.
8.1.2 If the CPE Study Circle is found to be working against the
8.1.3 interest/policies of the Institute

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9.0 Residual Matters
9.1 In the event of lack of clarity in any matter in the formation of Study Circles
or their administration, application should be made to the CPABI, which is
entrusted with the responsibility for providing such clarification.
9.2 The Chairman of CPABI acting in consultation with the President of the
Institute shall have absolute discretion to decide and intervene in matters
concerning Programmes organized by a Study Circle, whether conducted by
itself or jointly with any other body as permitted under these Guidelines, and
also to
9.2.1 Prescribe such additional conditions in regard to the conduct,
monitoring, content, faculty etc. for any such programme and to
grant CPE credit hours to such program conditional upon compliance
with any such conditions as may be prescribed, and
9.2.2 Refuse CPE Credit Hours to any such programme if in their view the
grant of such CPE Credit hours is not in the overall interest of the
Institute, its Programme Organizing Units, the members or for some
other reason not in consonance with the policy or objectives of the
CPE Committee as laid down from time to time.
9.3 The CPABI, through its administrative arm, is authorized by the Council of the
Institute to intervene in any matter so as to either remove hardship or to
ensure compliance with the above norms.

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Annexure A

Format of Application for seeking approval of the CPABI for forming a Study
Circle by Members of ICAI who are in Industry

Date ___________

Committee for Professional Accountants in Business & Industry
[Set up by an Act of Parliament]
'ICAI Bhawan', PO Box No. 7100, Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi 110 002.

Through the Head of the Decentralized office of the ICAI under which the location
of the proposed Study Circle falls

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Formation of Study Circle for Members in Industry

We, on behalf of the members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

from..................(name of the locality), whose details are given below, desire to
form a Study Circle for Members otherwise than in practice under the name

We have read the Norms framed in this respect by the Institute and we shall abide by the

Mr. .. and Mr. ....................... have expressed

their consent to be the first convener and first deputy convener of the Study Circle . We shall
be pleased if the approval is granted at the earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,


(Deputy Convener)

Signatures* with Name and Membership Number, Name of the Organisation, Designation,
Address of Organisation, Email ID, Mobile No. and Landline No.

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Not less than twenty five members of the proposed Study Circle

*Signatures of the members to be verified by the concerned Regional office of

the ICAI.

Note: The details of each signatory members, (With Name, Membership Number, COP
Status (whether holding or not), Name of the Organization, Designation, Address of
Organization, Professional Address, Residential address, Email ID, & Mobile No.) may be
given in Columnar Sheet for all Members.

Annexure B

Suggested format of Letterhead of the CPE Study Circle for Members in Industry.

The name of the Convener

--------------------CPE Study Circle for Dy. Convener

Members in Industry of the ICAI

Postal address

e-mail id,

Phone nos.
Approval reference no. of CPABI of ICAI
Fax nos

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Norms for CPE Study Circles for
Members in Industry

CPE Calender 2016-17

Certification Programmes

Online Placement Portal

ICAI Job Portal


Regional Offices Website


ICAI Chapters Abroad

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